Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 28, 1914, Image 4

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    Editorial P
f "The Capital Journal"
Editor mill Manager
Dec. 2S, inn.
age o
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sop. nril Tress.
yr(iS('KH'TU). RATES
Daily by Carrier, per year 5.00 Per month
Daily by mail, per year ;i.UU IVr montli :..r
Weekly, by Hail, per your 1.00 fix months i(o
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the!
north. It the carrier does not do tliis, misses you, or neglects getting the ;
jiaper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can dotormine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
"Thon Main 82.
Trade of the United States in 191:) with the 20 Latin
American republics, both in sales and purchases, exceed
ed in volume that of any other single country, according
to John Barrett, director general of the Pan-American
Union. It was the first year, he says, the United States
has achieved this, but it is only the beginning of establish
ed supremacy.
, Reports from leading men in various lines of business
all over this country, received by a large commercial house
in New York, are more than comfortably reassuring. Op
timism is the tone everywhere.
The best volume of business, both in quantity of orders
and amount in dollars and cents per order has been com
ing from the agricultural district west of the Mississippi.
This section seems to be prosperous far beyond the aver-;
age, due, no doubt, to the very good crops in the past two j
or three years.
From Massachusetts comes a report from the presi-i
dent of a rubber shoe company : "The capacity of our fac
tory is 6000 pairs of rubbers a day, but by working many
of our departments night and day we are now turning out
9000 pairs a day, as compared with G000 pairs a day in i
December, -191:5. Our actual shipments from January 1,!
1914, to November 1, 1914, are :!8 per cent ahead of the
.same period in 191:5." 1
The secretary-director of the Greater Des Moines:
Committee says: "The great prosperity of Iowa and the;
continued increase of business among our jobbers and
manufacturers convinces them that the business future is;
bright." ;
In the hundreds of letters received by the New York,
house in answer to its inquiries, not a single discordant
note comes from anywhere.
The fellow who has hard times ahead of him is Old,
Pessimism. '
There was a gathering in Washington recently of
twenty representatives of governments on the western
continent, all except Canada and Mexico being represent
ed. This gathering was for the purpose of taking steps
to protect the rights of neutrals. As a beginning, the
broad doctrine was laid down that "the rights of a bellig
erent ended where the rights of a neutral began." The
old idea that because one nation was at war with another
it could interfere with the business of the balance of the
world was declared obsolete. It is a notice that warring
nations must refrain from wrongs on sea and land which
interfere with the business and affairs of peaceful coun
tries. In other words, it is maintained that because a na
tion goes to war that is not sufficient excuse for it turn
ing pirate and preying on the commerce of its neighbors.
It is reported that Nikola Tesla has invented some
thing that will stop war. This is the discovery recently
noted, that ammunition can be exploded at a distance.
If this discovery is what has been claimed foe it, it will
surely put an end to the present style of "civilized war
fare." When all an enemy's ammunition can be exploded
at a distance of twenty or more miles, the only way to con
tinue fighting will be for the armies to provide themselves
with war clubs and go to it. It is sincerely hoped the dis
covery may prove all that is claimed for it and more.
Judging from the estimates for the cost of carrying it
on, the Oregon Agricultural College is growing rapidly.
In 1911-12 it cost $649,05:5.78, and for extension service
.$5,000. For the years 1913-14 the cost was $803,164.82,
with extension cost of $87,290. The estimates for this
year are $954,54:5, with extension cost $194,106. The total
for this period is $1,148,649.
A lady who admits she is twenty-six years old says the
lion oariip ami n Kivnch army hii irt-on who wns enptiiroil
(Imil. fl tnnTl's hare-faced flatten. She IS Called a CVniC. witli the black beard ami ilrk nnifu-m.
Woiiivleil Froneli prisonein In Cier innv are hero neon linoil up before the ehie.f Oermau surgeon of the Aoten-
The hitter was pe mitieil to mspscet the freneh pnson-
1 1 i- 1 IT .1 ,1 4-
men. aie nmil CiedlUieb 10 pied&tJ. ll X gni iJieicmis wm. Ti,ia pmetiee is f'ollowe.l in nil ti e Ceiinaii military hosi.itals. In the picture the French aureeon is the ono
and if she pretends to believe it, he thinks her a fool. "j
On top of this she alleges all men are flatterers, or worse, j
in talking to women and hence mournfully asks: "What:
can a poor girl do?" ' ' I
at Coining Session.
With the Oregonian's editorial staff so profoundly in-; Election of sdiing for speakor First
Cm-moil fia in i Vip nporls nf MlP arniv thp tiaw. finnnfes and SleP Toward Reapportionment Bill
foreign affairs, it is too bad that they cannot be transfer-:
ted to Washington and placed in charge of the nation's;
affairs. Then all would be lovely and the national goose i
would honk high. j
One of the paradoxical things in Eastern Oregon is
that skating on Hot Lake is reported good. However,
those Eastern Oregon fellows do all kinds of stunts not ;
known on this side of the range.
Four years of war cost this country $4,000,000,000, and ;
this not counting the cost to the South. Forty years after
the war we had more than a million names on the pension
roll, which reached its highest cost last year with $174,-'
171,660 paid out. The cost of the European war is esti
mated at $20,000,000,000 a year, and if it continues for,
three years, as Lord Kitchener intimated it might, there
would be the studendous debt of $60,000,000,000 for Eu
rope to pay. The interest on this alone, even at four per
cent, would be $2,400,000,000 yearly.
Of course Europe cannot pay pensions, as this country'
has done, even if it desired to do so. The struggle to meet ,
the interest alone without reducing the principal will be
a terrible one that will tax the patriotism and resources,
of all the nations to their limit. The debt of $60,000,000,
000 is more than four times all the gold taken from the
mines since civilization began, It represents the entire
farm production of the United States, cattle and other
livestock included, for ten years. Even with the war last
ing but a year, it would represent the entire production of
our farms for four years, and when the destruction of!
property and the loss by destroyed industries' and com
merce are taken into consideration, it would represent;
that production for five years. With one year's war and
the cost as estimated, $20,000,000,000, it would mean that
it would take :!2,000 tons of gold to pay the bill, and with
interest at four per cent it would require 12S0 tons yearly,
to meet it. i
Postoffice department officials estimate that 100,000,
000 parcels were delivered during the Christmas rush.
This is about right, as that would mean one for each per
son in the United States.
''The tolnl popiilutinn of the
st'ile, neeorilinir to the commer
cial club's figures, is 7!I."i,."iS. Mnlt
iiecnnh county, tle'n, has a little
mjie than nno-tlrnl the popula
tion of XJromm within its honiors.
" Tinier the present system
willi a total of tm members in the
lc'jihliittno Mnltriciidnh county
liimlil have .'JO senators ami repre
sentatives. ' ' I'm tliuul Or, inn.
A bill to reilistrict the state fur reii
reso'itntioii in the legislature "probably
By William F. Ktrli.
"Some cent that wan in hero to have
his nails diil was paying the other day
that. Monte Carlo is closed oil aceouut
of the war," remarked tlio Manicure
"It's been closed some time,'1 ro-
for a new legislative procedure that,
will cripple fjintjf methods in the future.
Tin' tiaht between Kntiti and Helline.
has hcconie a tieJit between Portland
fi ltd tiie counties outside of l'ortlnnd.
The Oreuonian steadily maintains that
its candidate, Kellinu, is certain of
election, and Mr. Knton says it -has
even refused him its columns to state
his enso. Mr. Katun is nhrionlimr to thi
countvv press and the country loislu- P'ltHt tne lU'a.l ismncr. I used to ttiinlc
tors tii stand back of him. Present tll!,t " ''"V 1 v-oiibl ro over there
chances of election are even between ! l'l','1,l it. but now there ain't much
him and t-iolliim, he maintain. I likelihood of it ever opi-mug again. 1
As for l!li:t, when the Portland ma-! 1,f1(1 this war is going to chance
chine ran over evorvthintr, "it was the' tM'"Va V"ilv realize now."
must extriivauaiit s'osio OreKon ever, 11 ,.v0," ,'1"1'l 1I,(-V the wheel any
had," savs Mr. I'.aton " u appvopr!. "".'V'. ,"t' t.1'"" l'.1" ,,lin,h"T?'
lions totaled .Wlli.mJ. lint lor the ; 8""1, h" T.y, ' I .Ion 't think
opposition ,,' the countrv members fliey! ",v" 1,0 J1,0"'""0
,, j,,,v, ,,,,, , i "ill red was liking about the war tho
uiiii t have readied 10,0iH ,1) lit. ' , .. ,, j. , j
" other night, lie thinks somo or going
URIEVED FOR WIFE. ! ov,'r "ni1 "f'erii'K l" services, the way
i IiOnl llryon offered his services to
Sun Francis,,. Doe. 2(1. (iriof over ! 0r"",p- K11 fl,,h,'r n Krrnt lft"l1-
the dentil recentlv of his wife whb said
proposed at the forthcoming today b) friends to have been respon-
ftiid that iliiln't )iihI(0 mv brother fonl
, DDiio loo hrnvp ami manly but tho old
, jjont nin 't huinorinu Wilfrod much thes-n
...,-,.,-11.. nt' ti... ....i.
D. tiohlsinith. His bodv was found to-' " ...
the news of how the Multnomah c.mty' dnv. Ivimr beside an urn containim- cu"ln 8 u .,,"lV,V,.w"" ' 0 n' lr"
exp,.,ts to attain , ns . ontrol ; hc aslies of Mrs. (loklsn.ith. bv a ' ' ' .S,.. . .rrV.""?
fulure 1,-islatures. The above quo ! friend, (ioldsmith committed suicide bv
""'" "'',' vMi-m , m,,, llllUUlUg gS,
j .shows what the machine would like to "
will be
goniaii story, which thus gently break
Multifield report
taken a new start mar there, tho min
ors finding their principal pay in plati
num, taken from the old woi kedover
mines. The pay is said to be gmil.
I For yours we clump teetotal cranks
I'1"1'''1' 1 "K """l have 1,'iod to slay the Demon Hum. and
from our agitated ranks all sorts ot
sli ricks and prayers have cimio. Kuch
weapons as were at eoniiuand we have
employed, as host
Albany is to have a meat paeking
plant wi'h a capacity fur handling Illloil
hugs a year. I.uler olncr livestock will
be worked up.
Mrs. Mary lluuk died at the home of
her sun at Pleasant H'ulgo, lo miles
south of The Hallos, Christmas day.
She was mini than lull years old, hav
ing been born in August, l,sl I.
V L ; y.
we knew, ami every
eoraer of tho laud
has hoard our earn
est howdy-ilo. We
gain a little every
year, small tri
umphs follow every
slump; a village
there, a county
here, cuts out the
boo.e and hits the
pump. Hut, oh, it
is a weary task,
An esteemed cniiteinnorn rv romiirks
The single city uf Portland now sends that almost every father of a fiimilv
lib men to the itato legislature. It has ,. understand at this time of the vea'r
12 members of the house and six mem-; why Santa (.'Inns' whiskers are white
hers of the senate. In addition, it has as "Wl,n ns iin,
the Multnomnh - (Tackamas - Columbin i
joint place in the senate, which two I Deposits (if high grade kaolin have
inemliers not on" ly represent Port land , been found near Ashland. Kxperts pro-! uf foi-tion
inn iiouiv uiwa.vs uciuaiiy live in j-ori- , luniuee u ui ine ery iiuesi. ipiaury,
hind. !
If under the pri.,iosod redist rioting i
the ' ' ill intieo ' ' In M n It iwm.iii li nlv
Calliorine May Somaster (,'ross, a do
noer of S,",'J, died lloceinbor HI at
lliew iismIIo. She was born in (iilliain
county, Mi-souri, Christnins day, INIIX. while Itnrlev
She was the mot her of II children, six still poisons Youth, and murders Ag'
ot whom survive her, 1 here are "u Hut in tins country ol the free, we cun
graudchildion an,
is removed by giving Portland 'M legis-1
la tors instead of -0, or ouetliird the i
entire membership of house and senate,!
the additional III will have to come off :
the up-state membership.
l'"u.- example, if nil counties wore to
be rodueeil to the same basis of repre
sentation as that given Multnomah as j
iter present basis in the Orogoniaa V :
Inhlo. uiv letiisliilors iil,t .n.
t ' ""C ' ."(
I'OMOIll Ml, I'll,,, tlllil I. ill,, .,1,11 II t i.iu in.
this toiling onward , t(,, of) 114 , ,,.,.(, 1, y, ',ore
singe uy stage, substance is the deft Portland areu
"We have '.'77,1X:1 population and
only u legislatiirs. 'I tus is one for
with jug nad flask.
great grandchil- nut burn the bno.lng ken, or lock the, every :i,s.-.il of pomlat ion. Marion;
Captain R. W. Collins, of tho U. S. Coast Artillery
corps, in his report to Adjutant General Finzer, shows
that he is himself an example of the danger of militarism.
He asserts that those who do not believe in bigger armies
and preparing for war are undesirables, and intimates
they should be run out of the country. It is inferred from
the tone of his remarks that he would like the job of doing
the running. The doughty captain overlooks the fact that
in this great land there are men of all beliefs and the same
division of opinions. His rabidncss shows that he is of the
most dangerous class of these, for he would deprive (lie
citizens of having or expressing an opinion about military
affairs, and probably about any others unless they did
their thinking with the captain's thinker.
ls,"i;l, "I'ncle" Hume and "Aunt
.laae Voalch have passed nearly 01
years in or near Cottage drove. T'liurs
duy was their (iOth wedding anniver
sary, Ho is Ml ami Mrs. Voati h s:i. A
reception was given them in the Pres
byterian church Tuesday, nud another
lit Die homo of their sou, (. O, Veatch,
TIiui'mIiiv. U lu'V have seven elnldi
hun::, all hut one I it the ottage lirove (d Honzol
county has 4(1,1) III people for seven legis
lators, ami I. inn county 'J"i,lW. and five
legislators, averaging 0,70:2 and "i,HI"
door nod lose the key the Hoast most j
linger in its den. until the l.nw. that's
lossiug th, plains ti.other In hub and lame, can be persuaded of the
truth, and urged to Kill the thing ot respectively per legislator.
shame that buttons on the tuition 'h "If, now, Marion and l.ini untie"
youth. F.alightoned ltussin knows thomro brmght down to the Multnomah
way, grout ltussin, with her tyrant ' basis of representation, I hat of one for
('.iir; he twists his wrist, mid in Bleach l:l,s."i!l, their combined populations
day, the lid is pieced on every bar. i w ill give them six logislutors, or five
The wish is treason, much I fear, and less than they have at present.''
I am shaking In my shoes 1 wish wo, "Multnomah county legislators noint
''" hud a despot here, just Uiiik enough to i out that Multmciiaii county is diserinii
ve l.:n il. i ti ...i ' ........ i i... .i '.. . i . .. .
liMll-H 1,,1111-1 ,v wit, jiri'SOIIT II si lie 1 1 u g
W. ,1, Tinner, who lived abnit live
'miles northwest ot Pilot Itock, wns
found dead at his well Thursday. Dentil
wns iiiusod by putalvsis,
(.a (liaiido ropoils a snowfall of sev
eral inches, which begun Christum
night. It Is thought this will relieve
t',ie water famine hum which Unit city
hus be
iilm,i . Aiuir tWrlm
the enterprising citir.ons of Haines mill
vicinity will land the terminus of the
line nt Hint point."
The mutter of building a
across the Willamette river nt
plan," reads the Orogoninn storv.
In l!H:l, the Portland machine named,
the president of the senate, lie wns a'
Portland lawyer. The Portland machine,
tunned the sponsor of the house, lie'
wns Portland lawyer. The Portland!
iiuiohiue limned the chairman of the
somite ways and menus i ominitlee. He
was a Portland dentist. The Portland
machine named the chuirmau of ways
and means eominittee in the house, lie,:
I LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Estrolishcd 18G3
Transact a general banking: business
Safety Deposit Boxes
iiiieiiug .or scM-iai neons. mriI i ,eld tin null t can be learned too. was a Portion, lei. And of n.( t
, " what the legislature will do about the other important senate and house
( orvalbs is wise and tests every changing the boiindui y line between I committees, the chairmen were named
load o asphalt placed In its sheet pay. , ,,, ,, ,,, ,,,,,(,, , ,, ,mjnt,bv , lti t In it.l ma. hine, nad in each
nig. Kesult, got.l pavement. where the channel, it Is alleged, has case the holder was a lWtliiiulor or an
A most popu
lar and effect
ive remedy for
breaking up a
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Pharmacy I
rirTTi'i'iih J
t iresoiit debts in Knglaud need not be
; paid. It wouldn't make no difference
to my brother if he lived over there, as
he is the original niorntarium kid aay
! way, but Min e lie heard about issuing
j Hint declamation he ain't had even the
faintest, notion of settling for nothing,
land Units' why father don't look nt,
him these days with tender aad undying
shining out or his dear old
I eyes.
j "I wouldn't blame the poor people
: over there for not paying what they
1 owe during these terrible times. The
win' will leave tho.m without a coat
anyway, so I don't suppose moratoriums
are necessary, (iee, deorge, it seeina
terrible to think nbout folks hating
each other in these civilized times."
"Times nin't so eivili.ed, it seems to
me," said the Head Harbor. "Polka
wns just beginning to think we was
civilized when along cornea thii fierce
big disturbance, and all iho civilization
nad kindness men hnve talked ahout i.
thrown Into the discard and forgotten.
! This war may not take very long, but
it will take a long, long time to get
j over the effects of it."
"Wilfred says he hates to talk about
I it because lie is a poet and it makes him
I sad, I always thought oth'i' peoplu
j could be sad too. but he snyj drenmera
I see so many things in tho t Jturo that
I other people eoaaot.see. The old geat
said ho wished he could 101 far enough,
into the future (0 know wh'n brother
would get something to do, and wha
Wilfred started to read rv poem that he
had wrote about -the Hreatnesa pnd
(irandeur of (I lory the old gout told him
to take it out on tho 1'ii" escape and
road it to the old clothes innn that, was
hollering down 111 tho court. All 1 re
member was
"The greatness and gr.niib'iir of glory
Are most in our minds today;
And many a wonderful story
Will come from the wnr, I daresay."
"1 wish he could take a little run
over there and get a job with wim ((
thorn powers,'' said the Head llarber.
"Men are getting shot thore for losa
than writing that kind of poetry."
1 In nfter years a girl with auburn
1 tresses becomes n led-hended woman.
.... , . ,. if hanged until the line is marked by a
lln hipl,t clinch ,,t '.""'!" '. slough, Instead of tho river,
,,,ii n , , i , u -,-s uy,,, M,u in- it-mull.
Money eiucigii has been subscribed thill,
with that coining from liisiininco, pro ,
vides 7li(H) for the purpose.
The total of sttunp sales for IDI4
snys the Hudget, "will nearly reach I
IP.ili"), which is the amount of bnsi-
linker Herald: The Kagle Valley "ess reipiired to place Astoria among
News of Kieliland says two bonding ,ln' first class offices,"
companies liave signified their willing
aess to flout the bonds for n railroad
to Kagle Valley us soon us J'.;iH),lll)(l of
the stock Is taken by Maker county
people. The News adds this throat":
"Now let the ('omuierclal club of lin
ker got busy, or if they don't hustle for thin exercise,
The singing of t'hristmns carols In
the streets is an innovation enjoyed
by the people of The Dalles this your,
inaiiKs in ,irs. iiinron r. Williams,
outsider who had boon pulled into the
One of those men has ngaia been
set aside this y,ar to become president
of the senate, for know, gentle reader,
that the Portland uiachine is not uvor
looking control of Hie 1111.1 legislature.
Per speaker of the house the Portland
delegation has united on Hen Helling,
the Poitland clothing merchant.
Helling 's only oppuient is Allen II.
Katun, representative from l.nae u, uni
ty since I )". Mr. Pnton's platform
calls lor a reduction or ''. tier rent.
who trained a band of some (10 singer ! and more If possible, in the expense of
running hie legislative session. It calls
This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con
, test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capita
Journal office. Not good after January 1, 1915.