TWO THE SALEM CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1914, h TH, to rx . M ostein & breenbaum Big eduction Sale 246 commercial st. II HainxM .. 1 1.1 I n - . vuig purcnasea trie uiamben & McQine lept. store at Albany at a very low figure, it is almost compulsory for us to unload here to receive our Albany stock, 30 we will give you bargains. Come and see for yourself . Sale for few days only E iwm iu receive our Ainanv stnrk m wft wi oivovnn harna ns r v, 8-pound Ladles' Children'. Lart8 Ladles' Bracers Best Torchon Bleached 9-4 Men's Men's " Larg. Black Cotton New Unlon Eucfc rin8 Bleared Union Suits Cotton Wool Hose w wm, 4 and 8 Sheeting Good Blankets ' Batt Rubbers Suits Towels wut values riannel laches Wide Sale Good panU Winter .Weight 58x76 Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Pric4 Yard Price Quality Bargain ?1 Goodnight gc 45c 50c 25c 5c 45c 19c 8 l-2c 5c 20c 25c $1.25 85c 89c 1 1 1 1 , ! je ; - r . ' Ml n ii ii ii ii y n ii m u ri ii !! II II n ii ii ii n ii 13 M U n ii ri u M M IS II tl 11 11 11 11 tl II 11 II ii n ii 11 tf ii n 63 11 Rain Coats at Reduced Prices Girls' Rain Capes now $1.00 Girls' $2.00 Rain Coats with Caps, now $1.50 Boys' Slicker Capes now $1.00 Boys' Crack-proof Slickers, now $1.63 Men's $2.50 Slip-ons, now $1.90 Men's $4.50 Kenyon Coats, now $3.75 Men's $7.50 Rain Coats, now. $6.00 Men's $11.50 Rain Coats, now . .$9.00 AH Slicker Oil Clothing at REDUCED PRICES Reduced Prices on Everything in the Store Blankets, Comforters, Dress Goods, Muslins, Outing Flannels, Etc.; Clothing, Shoes and Millinery Underwear at Reduced Prices Children's Fleeced Underwear 20c Ladies' Fleeced Underwear 20c Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear 39c Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear. 39c Men's Wool Underwear 85c Ladies' Wool Underwear. $1.25, $1.00, 80c Children's Union Suits 23c Girls' Union Suits 45c Boys' Heavy Union Suits 45c Ladies' Fine White Union Suits 45c Men's Heavy Unio 1 Suits 85c El t 11 11 13 II v ti rs ri 11 11 11 ii ti 11 E3 RI C:3 ES ' HI 11 II u HI U El IV u Hi ti til It w rr 61 11 U a Et i II HI til El Ml u y u El M EC MEN'S DRESS SHOES Pair $1.85 50c FINE MERCERIZED TABLECLOTH Yard 35c MEN'S GOOD SUITS On Our Bargain Table $5.00 MEN'S GOOD WARM OVERCOATS $9.00 Values Reduced to $5.75 VELVETS BLACK OR COLORS HIGH GRADE Good S1.00 Values Yard 70c BOYS' UNION SUITS WINTER WEIGHTS Only 45 c LADIES' .65c OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS 42c Lace Curtains 75c A PAIR, NOW 40c $1.00 A PAIR, NOW 75c $1.25 A PAIR, NOW 90c $1.50 A PAIR, NOW $1.00 $2.00 A PAIR, NOW ,.$1.50 This is the Make Room Sale. Prices Re duced Throughout the Store. We cannot mention all the bargains. Come and see. Mens' and Boys' Clothing AT REDUCED PRICES MEN'S SUITS, A BARGAIN AT $5.00 MEN'S SUITS AT $750 MEN'S SUITS AT "j?875 BOYS' $2.75 SUITS, NOW : $2.00 BOYS' $3.50 SUITS, NOW . $2.75 EI II If E si U M n U a Kl ;:::SJ rtt bkis t i doom, but if Aim. Isdulo hnd I with CANADIANS KILL AMERICANS her husband tlio vessel would have been spared, im Captain Von SI tiller mj.ii roil ! Captain Yon Mailer of the Cruiser Emdcn Given High Praise by Auslrians ith I bouts, containing duck haulers, were nppronckiiig tho 1 iiiiniliiin shore today alter Smith was shot nud' tnstittit tv llnfl'alo. N. V.. IV,-. 2.S. Fired mo uiyucrvnic, wnoso cnntuin wan 11 - on ny unnililin n n in sov- , cnmpnnioa ny Inn wife. j 1 Cuptnin Tulloch, of the steamship : 1 Tymcrio, nucitlior of Mm Linden ' vie:- ' lim, hu id rclntivn lo li i h oxpi-ricncc: i "The wifo nml 1 woro put into tlio , petty ofl'lrcm' nimn it ml a (inard was I plnecd over im, Wi wcro treated very i well. i I "Tim UeriniitiB uiuitmul ulwtif tle i.k. i : virions, apparently living on what they i iook irora uio nnipa tney eaptuve betori' i linking tlii'in. Sydney, Australia, Nov. 21. (By1 " Wo worn allowed no light at night, mm I to Hun Kriineimo.) Cnptiiiu Von but tho offieem gnv nit n pack of Mullor, of tho now defunet (lermnn enrilH to tiaiiiKe ourselves with (luring cruiser Kmden, undoubtedly is tho most daylight. A young lieutenant al.o jiopulur Tnutun in Anstruliii. j loaned us books to rend. Vor luneheon Auntrnliunii lire, of eourso, very gliid w wero allowed whiskev and soda, that tho Kmden has been destroyed und j "Dim sailor, who, 1 Judge, hud been particularly proud that it was deniol-,ln tho United Htntes, for he spoke with inhrrf by thn eoinmonwenlth 's rruiser a nnstil twang, said In good Knglish: Hydnoy. Tho stories told of Captain ; ' (lentleinea, what will yon have for Von Holler's considerato treatment of break fust this morning? All we have the crowi of Uritish ships he sunk got is panenkes and hnin'." roused a lively sentiment of spoils-1 Captain Tulloeh ndded that n nuiulier manship townrd him, however, and of tho en w seemed nrettv tiir.,1 ,,f l, thoro wan linnpro reioieiiiL' at the news 1 rovinir life thev were len'.liiur t,n,,. i ... . - hi'".'"'' nun inn 111 c K or mod. CITY NEWS :k Tho city fire department responded to an alarm at 11:25 this morning, turn ed in from Mrs. White's residenee lit Twentieth ami Mnt-imi. The eim nf killed, and Charles Dorseh was the alnrm was a flue fire, but no dam lutallv wounileil, Hoth men were 'hl'o was done. . o A Watt Shipp Bttvngo bicycle has residents of Hnft'nlo, llelails of tho shooting arc laeking, but u recent order pro hibiting the transportation of tiro arms into Canada was be lieved to have been the cause of the clash. The firing occurred in Canadian waters. The sol diers opened fire, it was said, without ashing any ipiestious. tMiiith and llorsch engaged two boats from Mut. Ilrothors hero (his morning saying they were going duck hunting. Hot'h were warned at the time, it was said, against taking firearms into Cauiida. : ) ) e k - ; ' been brought to tho police station for ,idontifienlion by the owner. Tho wheel il.wun picked up at tho S. 1'. baggage loom, where it had been left for sev- rent to w nth of I mo 1. M. r. A. of this city, went to whitoson. about tour miles south .Me.Minnvillo on the 1'. 10. & K eupy the 1 nion pulpit t that place (luring (he Sunday services. Mr. Coinp ton -poke on ihe "relation of tho1 chunh to young men and women,'' to U well filled house. I NEW TODAY iR6 of Gertie ! r I of .Mai ion, i I nHlit to this j One cent per word each Inter tion. Copy for advertisement! un der this heading should be Id by 'i p, 111. of Ilia aurvivnl Captain Isdale, of the steamship !i bera, ono of thn merchant men sent to tho bottom by tho Kuideii, said, when landed at Colombo, that the cruiser's officers vividly reulired thn probable shortness of their era ft ' tether. Asked what they would do when fi nally overhauled by a Hiitish warship, one or uieui replied to Captain Jsilulet , A No, Late Yesterday install officers::::: ,, , of Ihe Cnmbridgo eilv home perisued in .' i , " , , , , ,' joint Installation .u" finleiu Lodge fire which destroyed the institution. I : 'V,,, 1 ' t'L" 4 nail l'ueitie Lodge No, 00, A. F. , . lm '' "I"1"' The & i. M.. 4YUM held Kiitimliiv iiiulit i,l Ai 1tA'.li Tl i:..:..i - l Wn .ill run liU .1 .n '.I... M......1. m , " .7 . . .. - '. I""" .' " 1 ,"" -i I...V. V ii i,',u ..'..ipie. v.eorge n. ltur- reporied nil null Mriti-h not lit Alcxan- L v , ,,,.K,h,;.Mf ,, , . 1 "' .' K "d master, was the in- .bin, Lgvpt, in which M Arabs were The fcmden did fight gnllantlV, how-(Stalling officer, and Tom H, Wilson, killed. fiver, and in the enrlv singes of the .grand marshal. The following ol'fi, ers fight put the Hydney s range finding were inslnlled: At Trov, N. Y.-Omnd Muster r- pparntua out of action. Later the Bnlem Lodge, No. 4-W. M .1. T. thur .Mix inthiir, of tho (l.nnd lincnum Hydney fire completely smothered it, .Welsh; S. V ('has. MeCurteri .1. W., "lent Knights Templars of tin- Cnitod reeking it) ateering gear, funnels and kl' A. Melntyrej treusurer, H. H. Last; stales, died of apinlexv. f oremnst mast, one after another. (secretary, H. Z. Culver; M. 1),, A, Y I ' Captain Imlaln related that when Ida t-Marena; J. 1)., ,1. I'. King; S. H., W. (l At Wnshington.-Ani.onu ienf naa Mp waa captured ho was nsked by the Winslow j .1. II. F. Kitck: tiler. N. I'. made of (he eni;iii;enient of Miss dene- .ltasmusseu, vieve Clark, Speaker ( lark 'a daughter, I, 1. 1. mo i,ouge io. on w, ,., I.. on '''"lor .lames M , 1 tiomson, of the Niles; H, W., II nl V. llolain; ,1. W., v Orleans Hem. W. II. Daacy; treasurer. Lot I.. IVnr....'- ' ' m - oral days. It has blue mud gtmrds and jjj , .mi- i.iiio sii.'iiii lire. I O- The Potter Lumber company was grunted a judgment today by Judge (lalioway in the enite ngninst A. O. Sell ers and W. W. Walker. Tho court awarded the judgment against Mr. Sell ,ers firr 12ii.!Ml with 140 attorney's fees. A lien upon a house of the de fendant was ordered foreclosed. Mr. Walker was held to own the land upon which the house in now situated. Katie Selfer ha been granted di vorce from Anton Seifer by Judge (Jul loway In an order issued today. Anton Seifer was convicted of attempted as sault with Intent to commit rape in July, 1111,1, and begnn nn indeterminate sentence in the pen. lie was released since the parties have plaintiff was held to be the owner in fee simple of IT.fiO acres of land near (lervnis. Kmden'i boarding officer If there' u ore Novelty Photo Studio Just Opened 123 N, Oom'l, bet. Capital and V. & Nat'l Bunks Bpeclal Advertising Offer. Any person presenting this ad vertisement togelher with onlv OH cents will be entitled to one dewen 1'ostiil Card photographs. Thi offer is good until January 7, only. Ko do nut let this op', pertunity pass by without, Bet ting at Irnst one doren pictures at less than hnlf price. Cut this ad out now and conic in enrlv. The first fill persons accepting this' offer will each receive n beautiful hand colored portrait of themselves. Francis Hend ricks, artist ami photographer, .secretary, Lrnest II. Choate; K i Kv DIiPPrDTC I CP IC F, Hlchardson; .1. ) James M,,(ijj ftUl I CKI O Ltll 10 VtKY hard to pull canst; ri, t,, unwt T. I.uddea; ,1. S., .Dennis A. Saunders; tiler, llenrv Scho maker, ' The Installation wns followed by u lanrpict, and the nerasinii was an'uii usually enjoyable one. The Portland, Eugene and Eastern (ines will nmintnin two owl enrs on nil (if the lines in this city on New Yrnrs eve, according to the announcement of Supt. T. L. Hillingsley this morning. A 11 cars will leave State and Commer cial streets for the suburbs at 12 o'clock nud the Inst cars will leave State and Commercial at 12:30. This ,will give those desiring a ride down town even n Inter service. BOOKS BY JOHN MUIR pal stockholder of the club, was sched uled to meet olonel Jacob Huppert and Captnia T. I., Huston, the prospec tive liliicliiiserM nl i,n l.,,ln.' 1,... ... John Mulr the eminent nsturnlisi fur as is thev did not meet. Who recently died, is a subject of in - Colonel Ituppert 'said that Fnrrell erest to all nature loveis, and especial , would telephone at 1 1 ::tO o'clock und v lo those Jia the I'ncit'ic coa-t. Ills conMileto arinngeinent. for the ineotinn best -kmiwa books mo "Our .National ! At 12:45 'clock no word hud been re isrhs and Tho Muunlnlns of ( all- cohod from Farrell nod i'.,l....l i... l-:!;.Vl-' I , V:'k ''!" ' ,n t cure whether the W. E. Moses, formerly principal of the Hi'chmouil school in this city, is in Salem today from Madras, a small town in the new Jefferson county, ere nted at (he Inst election in Lantern i Oregon, Mr. Mows in of the New York, Dec. 2S. Tho New York ! Madras schools. He says he left a tern American League club still remained '.pcrnturo of 12 doirreos below r.ern in unsold today. Frank Fnrrell. uriuci. Mndias ea December 24 nnd widvimies The healing of the case of Gertie ! .Miller, the 14 vein- oi l girl who was arrested luol brou; city Siituiilav iifteruoon bv Sheriff Ksch whs set for this afternoon but as Judge llushey is occiipied with the N'orthcutt case, I of Turner, it is not likely her case will be disposed of t h i h ; I H V fir wood for sale, afternoon. The girl lives with her! W-2. father on a small tract of land near ! J uiu iu (lie market for II II If i Mil j tyfi second hand goods. J. N, Shantz, 5th. I'hono 5(l.1-V. nml .Market, streets. W A.N I i.1) Young man to travel. Must have good references. :i.T per week nn. I ruilrouil fare. Small amount of money required. Address, eare Capital Journal. . PHONE MAIN II. l'KLSII cow for sile. 2JM! Mill. 1'h ouo 2o02- A.N elderly Inly would like position ns liomehccper or in fiimily, Wish home nioio than wages, Call 1MZ snutli Ccinmercial strict. Marion and has refuse! to go to school FI'KXIS II I!) 4-rooni modern bungiilow. nud her father is said to be unable to I I'hone 32-F J2, control her. The girl's mother Is dead. A.N'TKU Wnrk by a tnnrricd niuo witu four children; resident of Salem. Is hiunly with tools, or about tho house. Will work verv cheap for tin winter. Address ,1. W ('., .loiirnal. luvenilc officer llattie charge of the case. Jackson has ANOTHER OREGON PIONEER PASSES FOR SALK Fro-h Jersey South ( omuierciiil. lOtiO COAT 31 KAT for sole; first class only, l'hano 2100 M. l'OU SAI.U nt auction, on Heccmber JO, ut 2 p. in., ono bit and store build in. located corner of Cnpitol nml Market streets. For information cull nt -l,"i(l Slate street. Williiini Henry Weed, nn Oregon pin- ; neer of lfco2, nud at one time chief I engineer of the Portland volunteer fire' department, died Saturday night nt ' 11:110 o'clock at the homo of his! daughter, Mrs. F. A. Jackson, 4:i:i Ka.-it Sixteenth street, Ninth I'ortland. Fu- nernl services were held today at 1:110 o ciook trout tlio residence an.l tmrial was nt Clrccnwood cemetery. l!ev. W. H. Kliot. of the Church of Our Father, officiated. Mr. Weed hud suffered front painlv- sis intermittently for the last six years, and the Inst attack, which came on last summer while he was nt Long lleacli, proved fatal. Mr. Weed was born nt Iiichinoiid. O.. February 2", lS.'KI, and was u member of the party of pioneers, now promi- nt in Oregon history, who crossed the plains in K'i.'I. In 1MIS and IMW Mr. Weed wss chief engineer of the I'ortland volunteer fire department Knd he was one of the enrlv members of the l'loneers ' society. IIOIhl'.'KKhTINtl rooms, ui.'i Holleviio. I'lione ollti li. FIIKSH Jersey cow, heifer calf, milks ;)2 lbs. per (lay; cheap. 1117 Market. I'HI'Nl.Vd time js jiP1.Pi jf vou nlvr wurk that you want done eithoi pruning or grafting by an exper ienced party, who will guarantee re ."ur oruers wn.i the t np- ry company. I'lione "'. ilal City Nur esiing chapter written bv him, These .ooks are to he had t the l'ublle. iiiirnrv, meeting wns held or not. l'robnblv no woman ever tinted a Jmaa tor being In love with her, but m HUH H U nml,,. .. 1 . Xl., . .... ....ii i . . ' " " "i"'" " "'"n lie- .......,., ,,,., m.,,.r nn ot cause lie wns indifferent were it nut for Ills obituary notice. 'charms. to her tho ruin of the valley. The grand Jury for tho January is- iou of the circuit court convened nt it ',.i.'..k .1.;. ... ... ......i i.. . ...mi. mi. in K I., i-uii.iMM'r Hi tlltllllllir Mt I'llUII. Ilm 1.II.-.I tin.... I.... ....!. I by the district attorney for their in vestigation. It will finish its session this week for the next term of the cir cuit court, which begins January 4. The members of the grand jury ere: Lee Tate, Stavtou; T. L Horreri, Tur ner; Frunk Harrctt, Hubbard; Allru mimics, (inrdner: J. K. Wnltmnn, How- NO ONE KNOWS WHY HE EXPLODED THE BOMB Snn Francisco, Dec. 2S. The eight persons injured yesterday when Louis. ,f. Vnvrn exploded a bomb nt the feet f Swnml Tnguiintitn in the crowded Hindu temple here, were reported this afternoon to be doing nicely. All will recover. Various theories were ndvnnced to day to cTtplnin the act which resulted in Vnvrn's death und the iniurv to eight others. While some of the dis ciples of the mystic cult declared that Vuvra had been driven mini through his inability to master the teachings of his Oriental c.ilt, there were others who advanced a different theory. The hitter contended that Tiigunatitn had boon Identified with it movement to HILLY Fxpert window cleaner. I'lione j KKWIN'O MACIIINLS Now la your 24 S. j time to buy a sewing machine. We uic giving ,mns sales, (iood sewing iii:ichincs 3 up; diop liead machines ns good ns new, $12.30. Singer of fice, tip) Stato street. M'MIIKK- 1 large sie 'Jud giowlh fir wood, ifl per cord. Maple, ifl-jO. I'lione 2210. WA.NTF.P Klderly wrman to assist in housewoik for home iu smull fiimily, i Inquire I'iionc loS.'-J, SCHCHHAN home cheap (iLj acres,' close in, well Imprieed, for 2(l.)0; j ie ms. nei nici v nviton. DO IT NOW I'lione 4..2 for fire and! auto Insurance. Heditel i llynon,! 317 Mate street. I CASH renter wants farm for one vein, and then buy if sutisfactory, 'with 20 to :)0 acres under cultivation, close tit Salem; sandy noil preferred; fair buildings; some orchard; running wa ter or good well. Let us hear from vou iiiimedinlcly. Jacob Co., 207 llubbmd building, Salem, Ore. I'liom. ANY kind roof repairing nentlv done. All work guarantied. I'lione' all or ders to :iii v. FUlt SALK (lit THAHL-Whoat land In Cnnada, Washington, and Fustern th-egrm. Square 1'cnl llcnlty t . Special New Korean City Restaurant Spanish Cltickon, Hot Tamales, ChlB Con Canio, Chop Baey Noodlef 420 Ferry Street FIHl-:, FIHF, FIIIK Is your property iiifntvdi' If not, delays are danger ous. Insure witit Hechtel & llvnon for real good protection, l'hone 4."i2. When In SALEM. OREOOW. n.n .a STTIlLHAKKIt riin.l.ter, in first-class I DIITU II ft T T I con.lition, lute model, tor sale lit bar- i UliIVIH IlvMEL giiiik. Auto Kxehango Csrnge, Ktl ' BtrlcUy Modem South Twelfth, l'hone 770. I Fro Prtvat Bathtt. HAiliU 70C. 11.00. 1.50 Plia IAT. SNAI' ,1 acres just nnti,e citv limits Tll only ltotal In tha bnslni i..w.. nn car line; must be sold before Jan- Nearest to all Depot, Theatres and vspiuil UlUKUUgS. US-.V I 011 account of settlenioi.l nf, cst'ite. l'hone 1WI4. A Home Away from Home, T. O. BLICIH, Prop. Both rhouci Free Auto But, ell; A. H, ( ollmth, Salem, und L. ll.Jstnrt a revolution in India against ltii llrnssmnn, MeKee. tisit rule and that Vavra was the hire- o j ling of an nnti rcvolutionnry orgnnin- !. II. Compton, general aocretary o ,tion. OIK KrN'DSt.lAI'T der Pentsche; Lento wild gatselligst geweuscht. Wir sprcchrn Oeutsih. Sua Francis co Life Insurance Co., II. U Willson, district ntanacer. A. Ilulilemin. l. cnl ngent, 141 North High street I TAI"T TO TESTIFY, ,. . . " u.Mimgton, Dee. 2S. Fx I'residi.iit o.Ht ,n and let n,o write ycr fire H.-Tnft will testify S-itu dnV M.-iiraace in. gcod old lino compnny. before the sen-ito l'hilippiue" eoinmitte U w,l thn, know Just whnt It; on the I'hilippino independence bill will cost yen. o surprise assess-! Dean C. Wor-Liter. to. ,,-er g, ver.o.r of mcnts John II. Scott, otcr Ihe Chi-, the isluuds. will ,,r bc.Wc ,1 T.". .n ut iintfl - ' . . . v , .... : nuttiH. ncM Wednesday.