Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 26, 1914, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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tHWMMt Ml MM MM , v
eyers Annual $10.00 Sale
Of Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments
A monster clearance of stylish Suits, Coats and Dresses in the most popular models and fabrics. We must clear
the department so as to make ready for Spring stocks. We're selling them now at this clearance price so that our
patrons will have plenty of opportunity to wear them before warm weather time comes. You'll gets lots of good
out of these garments. They're new this season stylish and are shown in the most wanted colors and fabrics.
Don't fail to see the assortments if you want a Suit, Coat or Dress.
Values Up to $45, Your Choice, $10
See window display.
FRESH cow for sule. '-'- Mill.
DRY fir wood for sale. Phone 2302-W-2.
ITHXISHED -l-room modern bungalow.
Phone 32-F-32.
I'HK SALE Fresh Jersey tow, IUM
South Commercial.
GOAT MEAT for sale; first-class only.
Phone 2100 M.
Ml ' .
ft; .M
M J' l( '
Special Sale of Furs
Special Prices On All Lines
Every Department makes Special
offerings of Merchandise at
! SPECIAL hot chicken families ut Fred's
Night Lunch.
; IKirsEKKEl'IMI looms, li.Vi ltdlcvuv.
Phono .Wti-lt.
tiOAT M EAT R)K 8AI.B DeHwntl
to any part of town. Phone 157U-W.
I FOR SALE Two cows, fresh, $4.") and
$00. 05U .North Twenty-first street.
i'HESll Jersey im, hi'ilVi' cult', tnill.s,
J ;I2 llis. per liny; cheap. 1 117 Market.
: EOR HALE Fifteen head of small
, stock (touts; $1.30 ouch if taken soon.
Phone 1070-W.
NICK fni.it rooms on lower floor, wnl
real cheap; liath. J inpiiio SMI .North
Seventeenth street.
FOU SALE oli TltAHE Wheat luml iu
Canada, Washington, mul Eastern
tire gi. S.jini it- Dcnl Realty Co.
jFOli KENT New modern tive-roum
j Immiii low. Not for sali' after rented,
ifl.' per month. Call 7!lii North llth.
NICE dry old growth tir wood fur
$l..")0 per cord. J also havo dry oak.
John 11. Srott, over- the Chicago
AN elderly lady would liko position
as housekeeper or iu family. Wish
home more llinn wanes. Cull -1:17
South c(i nmeicini street.
KUH SALE :i acre home in .M i r 1 1 i 1 1 1 -
side, driving horse, .10 pair llonm'
I pigeon:', balance of place to rent. T.
II. Illun.lell, ;iHi Leslie street, phono
All Around Town
-M-M M-f-M
,stnto roads, l(ilO,:!70.07; for University at the S. P. depot, by Officer Woolery
'of Oregon, .tli.VIM.0H; for Oregon Affi'i-, Wednesday night, lias lieen turned over;
cultural college, $lll,nU2.10, According to Superintendent Hale of tho Oregon
to the uliovo budget, received at the State Training School. The boy claims
office of the county clerk this morn- he wuh making his way to Portland,
ing, Marion county will contribute 4.4 where he hoped to enlist in the navy,
per cent of the total taxes of the state llis home is in Roscburg, He was re-
Dr. Mendelsonnj specialist In fitting
glassos correctly. U. 8. bank bldg.
The Men's Club can use four men
with camping outfit, two to cut wood,
Nile for fir and l.ltl for oak. The other
two to do day work nt l"c per hour.
Anyone that can handle this place call
400 Ferry street.
A Christmas present much appre
ciated was given to Mrs. (limit Corby
yesterday. It was tho beautiful olio
hundred piece dinner set given away in
a purchase contest by II. ('. Marvin,
Special mooting of Salem
odgo No. 4 mid I'acilic lulge
No. fill this evening. Work.
oint installation of ofliccrs bv
'ho pust gnind master, (loo. 11.
Iliirnetl. Visiting brethren wel-
The floor in the lower corridor of
the county court house iH being torn, up
this morning, to be replaced. The work
in being done by day labor under the
supervision of the county court. The
old floor has been In place since the
court house was built, according to the
official historian and if tho new floor
wears well, n new court house will be
needed bfforo another floor is laid,
Dr. Stone's chilblain romcdy, 2nc,
guaranteed. ,
MIbs Peterson, of tho Toa Tavern,!
basement lit' I', H. bank building, will
fill orders nt any time and in liny quan
tity for cakes, pies, salads, desserts, etc.
Free delivery if desired.
A now oyster house and abort ordor
restaurant is o bo opened nt lU.'l Slate!
street, opposite Piiees shoe store, by I
II. A. Smart and A. Kittei man, botii
well known residents of this city.
Considerable time and expense will be
devoted to remodeling tho place nail it1
is Intended to mako it. unusually Invlt-i
ing. Tho dnto of opening has not been'
announced but will probably be about
the first of tho new yenr. 1
do to Dr. Stone's for trussos.
Sorios No. 10 of the Mutual Savings
& Loan association will be opened Jan
uary 'J, 1U1.", Subscriptions for shares
in the association are now being receiv
ed at the office of the secretary ut -7o
Slate street. Phone 10. A. A. Lee,
J. B. Orior an executor of the will of
M. M. Powell deceased, has filed u suit
, in Hie circuit court against J. T. Ken l us
and others. It is alleged ia the com
plaint that a note from the plniulil'fs
to Mr. Pow ell for the sum of till) was
given and that no part of this note has
; been paid. The laiutiff seeks tho
I original sum and interest with pi'i as
' attorneys fees iu the action.
j Try Scott's 15-ccnt meals.
Dollar watches at Stone's drug store.
A suit hag been filed In tho circuit
I court of this county by (leorge W,
i Murphy against Kiln 'Wright and others.
I It. is allege. I in the complaint that Ella
Wright and W. A. Wright, now de
ceased, signed a note tor $11100 from
Mr. Murphy which was secured by a
mortgage on certain real eslate. The
plaintiff iislm for the sum of 1 000 with
H per cent interest and 4"XH.'I as taxes
with $l"i0 at attorney's fees.
Dr, Utter, dontlst, phone 600, Salem
Hank of Commerce building.
The regular Sunday school orchestra
has been augmented to 10 pieces for
the i nneerl Sunday alteraoou nt the
Christian church.
The forenoon session of Judge Onllo.
way's court was taken up with the di
vorce case of Katharvnc Couper ngaiust.
(leorge II. Couper. This case was con
tinued imli't'i nil i'I.v unless the plaintiff
can produce witnesses lo prove that a
marriage existed between the parties In
the suit. A Nt it t e in en t is offered as an
exhibit in the case signed by a Hev.
Holinger of Pallas, Wilnosses this
morning testified f hut there never was
a minister of this inline iu Pallas nud
unless the nuirriage is proven the judge
considers that no divorce Is necessary.
Norma N. Lcffingwoll, onibaltnor, nnd
lade nssislanl with Cottage, l'uderlnk
lug 1 arlors. 1'hmio 7-4. J
The county of Marlon will contribute
iM.'lK.ll.'l.fi.'i to the state of Oregon lis its
share of the stale taxes next year. This
sunt is divided up as follows; For gen
eral purposes, iJOT.It" for Mon
mouth Normiil school, fl,hT!."l; for
this year,
Instrumental nnd vocal solos, duets,
quartets, etc., at Christian church Sun
day afternoon, December II p. m.
leased from tho state school last July
after serving a .fifteen months' term
iu Hint institution.
At the regular annual meeting of
Do Moluy commnnilcry No. 5, Knights
Templar, last evening, election of offi
cers to serve during the ensuing yenr
as follow's: (leorge H. Hurnett, emi
nent commander; Harry K. Clay, gen
eral alissimo; Milton L. Meyers, cap
tain general; (ilea C. Niles, senior
Havter, Dallas, junior
i u . .i.ii
U'itli ii IiI'iisim t'lfiu iir Htniul ciintii i (li ntr '
, . , . ... . .. . and F. A. 1 aer, recorder. F. Jt. Du
ll brass uirdenier with a po i setta in . . .' , , ...
..... , , . 1 , , vis, present eminent commander, will
, it. AM of tho c crks received presents .-in i . n p
,. i .i e i serve until the regular installation of
trom each other ot aa appropriate mi-, . . fP
tare. On account of his ability to trn-,"10 "uv s,t " ",llurs-
The deputies and clerks of the coun
ty clerk's office prepared a Christmas
surprise for County Clerk lielilhur
Thursday evening in the shape of a
complete Christmas lice. The tree and
the presents were kept locked up in
Judge Kelly's chambcra until the grand ,)",.',
opening. -i r. ueiimur won piesciiieu
vol in three distinct directions nt once
Deputy V. (1. Hover received a toy man '
with wire spring legs, dancing feet nnd
II roving disposition.
Sea program in today's Journal in ro
gnnl to concert Sunday nfternoon. Mo
admission charge; silver offering. i
Funeral services over the remains of
the lute Sibis (I. Smith, pioneer of Ore
gon, and father of County School Su
perintendent W. Jf. Smith, who died
at the family home near Marion on
Christinas eve, were held under the
auspices of the Christian Science
. church, nnd interment wus had in the
i Odd Fellows' eenieterv. Mr. Frank
An old-time family Christinas reunion ' j.-it,t, first render of the First Church
is being celebrated todav at the home ,,c c,,ist isVHMitlut nf till eilv rend
of Secretary H. II. (loodin, of the statu ,,, Norvi,,os, Besides the immedinto
hoiirii oi control, waicli is heing pnrtid- r.iut;v..H ( ti1H ,Mcnsed. the services
pated in by n large number of relatives.
Among those who are the guests of Mr.
anil Mrs. (loodin upon this festal oc
casion are; Miss Lena (ioodin, a
daughter of Portland; Mr. ami Mrs.
'Lewis Oll'ield, of Los Angeles. Cal.;
Mr. mid Mrs. S. C. Keaaell, and family,
of Portland; nnd Jackie lluber, a
nephew of Mrs. Cuoilin, of I'oi'tland.
Mrs. Olilfield is a sister nf Mr. (loodin
and Mrs. Kennell, a sister of Mrs.
(loodin. Two big. fat turkeys have been
provided by the host lor the
feed'' as well as all of the other
were attended by a large concourse of
friends of the deceased and family.
A family reunion was held at the
home of F. F. Shedeck, the father of
Frank Shedeck, chief of police, at 10-H
South Twefth street, yesterday. All
of the members of the family were
present and a few intimate friends
were invited iu to purtnke of the
Christmas dinner which was served.
big 'The members of the family present
con- were; Mr. and .Mrsr r. 1'. Shedeck,
diluents which go to make up n first Louis Shedeck nnd family, of Portland,
class Xmns dinner. M. W, Shedeck, Frank II. fcihederk and
o i family, Rudolph Shedeck and -Miss Em-
The Frnn'o Shop and Olftory wishes
to thank its innii.v friends for their in
terest nud co-operntioiis dining the past
year. This interest has made it possible
til enter upon u new year of endeavor
toward greater originality. "Made in
Salem" will be the inaiii object fur
which to strive. Merry Chiisluuis to all.
The employes of the Portland, Eu
gene nnd Eastern Hailnay lines in this
Shodock, of this city.
i Two auto loads of Salem shooters
went to St. Paul Wednesday to take
part, in a trap shooting tournament
' held under the auspices of (he St. Paul
shotgun experts. W. II. Dalryinple won
the high average prize with a score of
, Hill birds out of 171 shot at. Kenneth
Drown, also of Salem, was second with
I an average of 04 per cent. A. it.
Deniiisnn, another local sportsman, did
not nrrive until lute but tied Dalryinple
on one of the extra events when each I
broke 41 straight without, a miss. They!
divided the prize iu this event. Mr.,
Dnlrymplo made a run of J JO straight:
without a miss which will probably i
stand as high record for some time to!
come. All ot tlte Salem shooters who
attended the tournament report a fine
time and cordial treatment from the
St. Paul sportsmen.
The fire department was called out
shortly after J o'elirk by what proved
to he a "Foraker" fire, n false alarm.
As a result of the protest of the
executive committee of the Portland
typographical union to the state print
ing hoard against its action in naming
V. M. Plimpton as temporary state
printer to fill the position during tho
coming session of the legislature, it is
probable that the board will reconsid
er its former action when, upon the
suggestion of the board, the priiiting
fraternity present a list of eligiblcs for
the position from which the board may
select a suitable candidate for the ap
pointment between now und the first
of the year, when the law prescribes
tho selection of n state printer shall
be made. The protest, was minle, as
was predicted in the Journnl, on consti
tutionnl grounds that Mr. Plimpton
has not hud "10 yenra actual experi
ence in the art and science of print
ing" and is not qualified ?i fill the
position, and the action taken by the
typographical union is intended to
I nice the hands ot the board to make
the appointment of some practical j
printer. J
, I v '
I j
San Erancisco, Dec, 211. Verne Fow-:
ler, suspected of murdering William
Kassett here on Die evening of Decern-1
ber PH, continued to maintain silence
at the city jail today, Acting on the
advice of his nltorney Fowler refused
flatly to nnswer the questions put to
him by Captain of Detcslives shea.
The police said they expected to place
some charge against Powder before
Monday, when he will ask for his releas0.
on a writ of habeas corpus. A charge of
violating the stale poison law probably,
will be lodged against the suspect. j
1 ii-., i ' .
Senate H.C. LODGE 1
Washington, Dec, 2:1. Senator Henry
Cnb.it Lodge, of Massachusetts, ar
ranged to call on President Wilson on
Moii lav. December 7, with reference to
the hiitioual defenses, Senntor Lodge
claims the 1'iiited Stales is not nt. nil
prepaid for war in inse it weie t'orced
upon her, and he will lend the tight fur
an inquiry upon the tloor of the opper
FOlt SALE nt auction, on December ill),
at - p. m., one bit and store build
in,' located coiner of Capitol and
Market streets. For information call
at -i'iO State street.
CoMi: in and let me write your fiio
insurance ill n good old line compary.
You will then know just what it
will cost yon. No surprise asses-i-
. moats. John 11. Scott, overMhe Chi
cago store.
WANTED At once, agents to sell oni
of the best book propositions erf
offered. Price uiiv ."ale. Appeals to
everybody. A hustler can make big
money. all Monday illl S. Commei.
rial street.
LOST Silver mesh purse continuing
small leather purse, Mumped first
National Hunk, McM innville, Ore.
About in money and gold necklaco
with Ciiiueo pendant. Kinder plou-io
phone Slli-W.
time to liny a sewing machine. Wo
are giving Xinas sales, (lood tewing
machines up; drop hond nmohinen
ns good ns new, $12.50, Singer of
fice, 010 stuto street.
DIE Kl'NDSt ilAKT der Doutsel.M
Lento wird giifaelligst goweiisoht.
Wir sprechen Deutscli, San Francis
co Life Insurance Co., II, L, Willson,
district manager. A. lluldeinan, h
cal agent, 141 North High street.
I'ltl'NINO time is here, If you have
wnrk that you want done cither
pruning or grafting by an exper
ienced party, who will guaruiilee re
sults, leave your orders witii the Cap
ital city Nursery company. Phono 7o.
THE Vi'Alt in Europe makes it uecci
saiv to seiutini.e our fire insiirniico
pn'icios very closely for your own
protection. Yon can get your fire
ifvuuiwe at. W. A. Listou's office
ia any of tho five American compan
ion No assessments. You take no
chances. -IM Court.
cilv presented Superintendent T
Hilliugsley with n fine manicure set for'
a Christmas present. City Superintend
cut O, J. Peach received a gold seal j
ring from the stil'ctcnr men.
Majors came in third with 7 per cent.
Torre Haute,' 1 ml.. Dec. 20.- Mayor
Don Roberts, Circuit Judge Uedinond,
Sheriff Shea and Citv Judge Smith sur-'
rendered today to federal authorities ;
here on indictments charging ennspir- i
ncy to corrupt mi election. More than
10(1 indictments on similar charges were I
returned mid 00 arrests already have i
been made.
New' York. Dec. 20. Marshall Field,
21 years old, heir of Chicago's late
merchant kiiig ubtaiucd a license here
todav to many Miss Evelyn Marshall,
2'i. Field gave his lesi.leiice as South
auip'oti, England, lie recent ly iuhci.
ited ,i urn unity nf his fathers eslate.
1 4 t t k c jc )k s
I ft
i Extra copies of Saturday's H
$ edition of the Cnpitiil Journal
will be iiuilled from this office
$ :o and address, postage paid,
for ) cents, The supply, Imw-
i ever, will lo United. )(
i) : ) !) 5 i ; (( i(( r(
Where there's a will theie's a chance
far lawsuit.
1 The Stoic That Saves You Money
Save one-fourth of your fuel bill.
This automatic damper is guaranteed
to do this or money cheerfully re
funded. Price, only
Our man will call at your house
within the next few days to show you
the merits of this article. This is a case where a
$2.00 investment makes you $20.00 per year.
Your Credit f jgfVj. Stores in
is Good HOME'FURlSIfERS Oregon and
Here RCJlMlGl5T Washington
The House of Quality nnd Service,
Otto Schollberg, foreman of the cab-1
inet making department of the Drown
planing mill, is reported today to be
recovering nicely from his operntion lit
the Salem sanitarium, performed last
Friday, Mr. Srhellherg lias been idling.
lor some lime pri'vimm ill uie iipeni- m
Hon and his friends have hopes of his, I Q (.AffCCt LClGCt"
pcrniiincnt recovery. i
ive Vision
Our work is our pride and
Mr, nnd Mrs. T. Douglas Hawlcy and
daughter, Miss Esther, of Woodburn,
spent the Christmas day at the home of 1
Mrs. llawlev's father, John U reminds, r.. i.ni;.iKl Cl,
at 1M.V, Madison street. Mr. Ilawley YOU HCOd reliable lilaSSCS,
has resigned Ills position ns principal . . , .
of the Woodburn school ami goes to , aCCUl'ately Ilttetl.
Pilot Hock nfter the holidays, whore j
he has accepted the position as prion- j
pal of the schools, j
County school superintendents of all ; yoU are guaranteed good,
of the counties In the state with the '
exception of those from Harney, Slier- COriSClCntioUS WOl'k and aC-
ninn, Pmatilla mid Wheeler counties, j
are in Salem today grading the papers (jui'UtC 1'eSllltS.
of the recent teachers' examination'
held throughout the state. Thev are I
holding session in one of the rooms of!
the third floor of the state house nnd
it is expected that it will require about
a week to complete the rating of all!
of the papers. j
Max Wallace, the 17 year old boy
.who was taken off a night freight train j
Miss A. McCulloch
208 200 Hubbard Building
Fhone 100
Extraordinay Show
Tomorrow, continuing three days
Special two-reel Keystone comedy.
Three other special selected pictures.
10c No raise in prices. 10c
The Show That Pleases the Feople.
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Spanish Chicken, Hot Tamalcs, OhlU
Con Came, Chop Busy Noodles
420 Ferry Ktreot
Do not forget "ZUDORA" next Wednesday and
London, !ee, iM, p1(, KnKfdnn ac
count that the tieriunns iiiive been ic
piil'dl in the tighiiug on the H'.urit
river, in Poland, was regarded here thin
afternoon as having boon confirmed bv
the Hcrlin statement that the kaiser's
triiips had cia-cl their attacks in that
regi ni.
The Siav had pievinusly admitted
that Ihe tiermiias cro-snl the liver, but
it wis conjectured that they were ub
si ipc'iitlv beaten there.
T.ondou, Pec. 2rt. That the Vienna
cmit physicians l'eur the emperor of
.Austria Is on the verge nf a breakdown
was slated in a dispatch received hcr.i
this atteriioon from Home, Sw iterluud.
Tho luissiige added thnt private Infor
' unt inn hnd reached llerne to the effect
that his majesty was deeply d"prescil
by the Austrian forces' lecent severe
reverse in Scrvin.
i Perhaps a green Christmas niny not
i make n fat ginyeyaid, but a white
Christmas iiuikca a lenu roul bill,