sis. THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER ?C 1011 1S1: k Great : Mastic Stoni (OnffTTIfMi till. r (TenilS SlarOfeiS.) CHATTER t rtin wrrrmiY or via -,i-(rrrrri rw.un,. ON the aide of rugged umuntaiu A bltrk velvet ho. ruwneil KnUila lay ttrewn ill about Ilia ledges Tu a lay nun i.ltU rubMu would hueo explained aothtngi lu uiluer tl would inatnnlly bar espljlued lb aalura at the Treseatly burly roan emerged fiuu. the hol siitinliug. Be yad the lump of quart lu bit bond. Al ways t lltlli, but never quite enough gold U make It wort while. It might ruu ten pi twelve lbs ton But vthrit capitalist would inrl himself lu encu dribble? Hie proa Rector flung Hie quarts savagely upon Hie ccnmiilatlug rubble and leaned dlslieartenedly ao-alust th log support to Hie entrant- of lie nilna. I'livry buua lu bla body ached and very nerve rcspourlrd. Hia grub atake waa fa dieludling, himI In another four duyt ha snuld have to blka anm tbtrty-two miles li Ilia nearest luwn fur eupples. Done! He had (mill $;'0O, every ona of (hem earned nt lha rluk of bla uei k, foe tbla iuoiuabla hula In tba ground II Oiled and lit bla plm and tell ta dream lug what ba would do whan ha at nick It rich. By and by tba d run ma faded and tba bitter ralltlee ratumad. IJ ruaa lamely and rar Jully picked hla way down to tba Irishman's chanty, Tba two of them ebared their noon aenlt ao pleasant day. " How'e aha coralo'? " " Kama old itory," answin-iid Tralnnr, erst---tills strong man of rba Qcllpsa circus. "Wall, Weill It'a prgflll' uwoy that brlnga (1 r"t lump t'day lliat doii'l look ao pad I should any that aha'II ma fifteen lb' on. I guess tbam wlld-cattra are fn' chapa yl a t inak th' real spondulli wliMeri an' iilflrki as' ehtldar." ' Traluor ahniggad and mnnnhed bla elle at etcon and after aa bout or ao relumed to Ma digging!. Id Tralnnr"a Ufa thera had been but trlllng monotonies.. Ha bad bean a Bailor In lb Botitb area, a lumberjack In the north, a oner iiincher, a lirernao on a North Atlantic liner, lie hnd come from a pour but i"rul)lt illiU family. Hla futbar nor hla grandfather sad ever ttepped over tba atitn bnundary Jtnaa; but In bltn tliera was a reversion to Ibo type of plutteor wlio bad established tba Vralnnr family when Ohio was a wlhli-rnsaa He ('uiilil not aeltla dnwu ba tonal bit en the iihv rnnllutially, and rhn at length ba jilnid llm I'lii'ita ba found that roaming on iiM'l.iin Ufa luiiih to bla (nnt-y, There ha hod lint Mlinl Krane, known an tba haod bills jfiir lltboirapba were fur lieynnd tba raarh f thli clii'ua) aa Mlrnl I.a ITmnoa, world mnvni'd light ropa walker. ItemarkabU aa l uilgbt "Pin, theaa two lorad each otliai fondly, and ona day the luat to wander dli'd u tba tuan'a ban rt and ha wanted a roof gvnr hla bead, children about hie knaa, and ini'iiey In hla puraa. Wlian tha opportunity to k'" huDtlof for gold came, ha lealtatcd not u luatant Xa bad bean hamnjartng away tt tha grin unyielding roika for alglit mootha, making iinly aiich trlpa to town aa war necemary fu food, ferbapa the nibble aitractail rep r.manied a thouaand dullafa, porhapa taaa. Ha rn dlarou raged. (na day ba etaggerad out Into tha brilliant aunelilnt. A lump af qnarta waa olutoted Muhilj In hl hand. When ba grrw acuiva luiiiad to tha datillng light ha turned tha atona o'r and war, bla hanrt beating aa It bad nivrr lufora. Thar ware relna In It, broad Soke of lt gold, gold, gold I Ha etood there literal mlnutea, enthralled, wllh a Jumble rf 4. pma reTOlrUg around In bla bralu. Thau be let out a yell that oould ba heard acroaa Ilia valb'y. Down tha ri)lMe ha daubml,. rlek lug hla nark 1 dnaen tlinaa. "DnuiiTanl Donovan!" ba orlad. I'll old Irleti prnapat'tor rama out ot hi bnle. blinking. "I've gut III I'M got It M i'nniivan auatubad tba quarta from tha hand uf hie f 1 lend. - Holy N'lrgU, ye're itru.:k Itt If H'l all like that, jre'er t rich man. Man, man, there'a a hundred dollara U that lump alone 1" Tialnnt cnllapeitd on 1 pile of worthleaa rubble and laid hla head on hla anna. Ha bed dune It, all In three few roontln Ha wia rlrh, rluh. And all his dieaiua wera going to rnma true I Tha Itlahinan gated down at bltn ruefully but pblloaopbli.'ally. " Ao' ma tbat'a bean pronpei'lln' tweuiy yi'ura an' ain't bit oiy pile yet 1 Well, (lod bteaa ye, oian. I'm glad ya got It. An' ootf lio'e go take look." I. tke all men who attddenly atumhle upon 1. eli gin fortune, Ttatuur Itiatantly began to plnn hew to protect It. Ha had Hume bank altiunaya draw np papan leaelug the rulue In hla wife, la oaea of her death to M ohtt.l. In hei buabani It wna atiblly unilerstond lliat the bruther-tn law, H'eena, aboold timer be able to tuurb It TUena weetein bunk at lumen were almple and boneat uien Hut no dream of oura aver hecoma rounded ant; lil we reallnta la but a ioor fiaumiMit. ItHfnie ha had time to write to hla wife, 'Jialnor wee killed by a premature eipluiluo. lie wee burled onder I In rulibla bit own lieii'la bad turn from the mountain's aide: and Hut klmllt D' Oiirie. ataited out to Hnd Ibe 10 Hii rlri'tia. 'I ie raiaien wna at that ti ne '.'(in intla 1,1 Ibe eolith, about to lurn In for the wltiler. Itu I linnovBU found It. tly mistake be ambled Into the men's d.eaatng tent. A ynunji men iii ihra-d durk ayea and a alnleter twlit to din rurner of hla llpa, laid hi) hand on Douu eeu'e eheiililer. "'d ?nii get In barer Why, I walked la," laid Douomn amiably, " Soipuie yon walk out aaraln?" " Keep "r hair u. bub I'm here 00 bnel m I'm luuklo' fur Mlrnl I.a rnn. 'a Ib'y call her ouUlde. Kbe emlks tigm rupe " " Well, I'm her brother What do you want wllh ln-rV" "So je'er 'rnilniir'e nrotber In law? " 't'ruinui'? " aald the young man, a rt"a llf utlng hla eyes " l).i you come from bi n'" " Yes. Au' my nicseiina t to bis wife.'' " Ou. That's bis kid there." " V don't say ao! Well, kiuj 0' looks Ilka blm." " Ilere'a my alstar now." Ootiorau aaw a aliglit wuuiun, of pretty figure and rouiely fealiirni. Sbe rame tlirgugb the flap which aeparated ibo womeu'a dresv ln tent from the men'a. tllie luokeii a bit tired and careworn. The old miner, bating bad but little to do with women folk, naa not able to dlscrtu, mul.-r the richly yellow glare of Ibe lamps, the alt of distinction which marked Mluil Tniltior as dtirerunl from her kind. The Keeuo family bud cuuie from good stock, but bad fulleu in evil daya. Sbe ran Inilaully to tha l:uby. . " I lure's a mail from John, Mlrnl," said tha brother carelessly. The young woman milled oeer 10 DonoTata and began ahaklng bla bauds. Hon waa hat man? Had he struck It rid? Did ba want her to quit and go to him? Dunoran begun to swallow wllh dlfflault How kb-i be going to tell her? He wanted to run away. Ha could now riadlli understand why TraTunc bad always tulked of Mlml, Mlrnl, Mlml, until bis (Vltle rata bad tired of the name. She waa a good wife and a good mother, fur all that she was a circus per former. And hero he una, aiming 10 brush heart 1 Still, there was a bit of rynldiu In bis makeup. The new fortune might coa aole her. But It did not. On Ilia contrary, when, half . an hour after learning of the denih of Ibe nutn aha loved, aha mounted lha wire, a vr.ll-o aelzed her, ahe lost her and fell, and by tl.a time Die uiin bad laid away the big tup tha was dead. For the flrat lima In hla wandering, rnllle Ufa Frank Keeoe fell his throat contract and . an unhidden molatura fill hla eyes After n faahlon ne had Ineeil hla clean minded, loyal little atslar. And now aha waa gone, leaving blm Willi a baby on his hands, more adept In dealing from Ibo but loin of the deck from the top. " How much la tba mine worth?" ha aakad when tba simple funeral waa oser. "Lord kuowa," said Donovan " bnt lf th" biggest atrlko In twenty yeara. But It'a goin' f ba tied up till this little chicle's 18. Don't ys worry, though. Th' lawyara'Il aes to It that ya git enongh f talis cat 0' tl child, eddlcata It, an' all that, " What'a th name of tttt mtnaT " 8am aa th' klddfVa ZudorsV Tha two separated, never to meet again. Tha years paesed. Kerns dubblod In al) Banner of ahady trades and finally drifted Intn a lucrative bualnaaa. It waa not only tha easiest but tha aafast way to at tract riH slid plork thaw. Ha set up aa a Hindu ray itlo, a Bwaml. Ho told fortunea, did crystal luting, resur rected aoula, audita a by product ployed If tectlre Willi mora or loss sucoeea. Ha rar-tly pruttlced tbla latter game eicapt among hla favored gulls. It was a simple matter to ln- gtrnct loina of bla confederates to mh certain of III) clients 1 It waa equally a simple mattet to recover tha stolen objects -for a suitable raward. Kneue avnnlunlly hecarua known to. tl.a cult aa Ilaiaam All, and under that nanta hla fume grow. Tba ohecka from tba Zjidora were no applied wholly to lha welfare of hla niece. The child grew. Har education began. Bhs gave protnlae of great beauty, even la tLe lank and gawky ago. Her and often found, himself vaguely apeoulallog ovai her tutur. There waa In hla mind thought, oabuloua but Insistent, and aa often aa be repelled It as often It returned. It waa not a happy thought. Husaam All bad begun to lovs gold, tha bright, ahlnlng metal 1 nut la tba abatract but In (ha concrete, To touch It with bla Angers wsa transport! no symphony of Baoh'a was halt ao Hue aa tha cblnkd.lok of tha aolna, tha eagle and lha double eagle, aa they fell upon eauh other, slipping ftum hla htndt. From her fifteenth blrilday up to ber eighteenth Zudorn noted a aublla nhuuga In the manner uf ber uncle. He became coldly aloof, raraly touched ber affectionately, waa moody and taciturn. Feuilllti as tha was wllh all lha paraphernalia of tha ayttln, lbs still retained unbounded faith In her ancle's powers. Indeed, ba was a bypnotlat ot ua tieual power utid waa roughly alllled lo tba deuce ut inrdlclnea. Zudora had practiced the former art uutll tlx was tlinoet as profi cient as her master. It never occurred to kei Hint ber nncle'a 111,-ann of eilstenoe wera un etliliel and geuerally those ot cheat Fa tuous aciressra and aoclely women vlsltsd him, aud not a few notable bankera and flusnclers cams to him for advlca. Out tba general pub lic held 1 1 ansa in All lu tolerant contempt and Ilia police with ao little etieplclon. The Inner slitlne of tbla equivocal tempi was dreped with black velvet, and ther were ' secret diHira about wbluh even Zudora knew noihlng There Waa Ih Inevitable dale, and ber.ire Ibis huge crystal globe In which Har ts m All aew ibe past and th future ta re vealed by Lie victim. It was eaay to draw tha put ami It waa not dlAloull ta draw tha future The future In tills toba was aearly always what t tie victim wished. Hence th popularity of Hassan All, Ut at tke Kollps circus, faker and card' sharp, atlaf af a band ot most .-level and Idgsnloiu) srlialialA And i:.t.-r waoilcred lu nnd out uf thli I nl. tiltoua mar at a wild bue tiiihl liiiie II. inn over a pi-stlleutinl e-VHiiip. iiiiluiicliril ml unknuwiug. A the oilier crew slrung.-i in IIushuiu All tt.i evil tbiiugl.t previously refct n-d lirberame lli.ire iiml loioe lnelnlrr-t. .iiilors unlet die. W ile, 1 ,e flli'rj tlllK iltr itll III! tl ) fur the lint tlttie be Mils geni.iiiil.v liiiriitieil He was ber unite, b-r ui.ilbei bail l-eiu b!. sl.ler. the girl wn bis lleslt ami til I (tol the cuiil.rti1 , re el, rreuce of en evil dcslro gieilimlly leeee-ne the'Fin i,f il Tu-Ih.i In I In -.Hum All's 111I11-J th're rruiiilui'il no nIui-iIs of eiimiiuncl imi, tinly a ilrntie to eci-iii.ilitlali (lie deed wllhuut in any inuoner dire, tltig sii4iU:lon toward him. - 80 to this ooe object be now turned the brilliant powers of Ills Htiriiimiully evil oilud .Zudura must die. Iul how ? Is a few iJhvs she would le IS On thai dey s!ie wuulil liecouie rnuittinusly rich He an ua t rid hlu.telf of ber before sl.e bed time tc appreciate eiluit the power of money meant rtq mm 11' ' r ! 'h si 0 4 n --v5 i A" irv.H t 1 y " I'jSt i 5 3 1 7 I AT S , i ?s . . iad .-:i. ... ji 'ri 4 uf $ ' vf V 'J V i i, 1 ' YES I KILLED MlMI XA V1,V b IT ANOTHEItj V-, ' "J Bnt bow? Ta wrist en oris, onnnlni aaannei that would make It Impoaslbla for the law lo tre.s tbs ssed to htna? And tber waa an other ousts, :1s rising slowly but surely and formidably near the horlson. Ixiva. Youth and the necessity of Invn, Ibena menaced the plana of Bateau III Ha had tolerated tble keen eyed, clean lived young lawyer, John Storm, because be had In a way relieved bltn of lb trial nf finding entertainment fol fVidora. The time had cuoie for Storm to b aeut about bit liutlneNS Ona night, while ht was dreaming over the past, otrvellug over the etranga crust ot cynicism wl.lch overlay hla sense of moral obligation, Haaaaiu saw hla way Zudora was Interested lu detective work aud bad ofteil begged to ht allowed to use her po .vcrs of log ical deduction. Zudora should play ths de tective to ber heart's content, and it aba met With Bow terrible accident who would b tha wlaer? Twenty millions In gold I Hit hands opened tad shut spasmodically. Indistinctly ha beard a rustle of petticoats lis opened hla eyes to And hla uleca at 1.1a feet. " Coda, don't you know what day this IsT ahe liked. " Why, Il la Wednttday' " Hart yon (orgottea that thii ta my algbO tenth birthday?" " Eighteenth birthday? (lood hetvtoa, ao It la, ao II It I" Ha laid hit hand opon har dark heed, but ha did not look down Into ths youthful and beautiful faca raised toward hli own. Hi fingers uncuniclnuiily crept Into the girl's hair, t trifle too atrougly for an affootlonttt geeture. " What la ItT ths ttked, drawing her htad twsy quickly. " A touch of theumatltm In my arm," he said Intuitively, "Toil know It (Ivea n a twinge once In so often. Bo you are 18 yea is ld?" " And yon ttld that on thli day I wat t com luto fortuos." "That la Uu. How much do yon tllnk It ur "0, perhaps fifty Ihnuiand dollar," Ha laughed. Than ht got tip and begta ta walk tha loot. Bh watched hlia onrlonaly. He wa plainly agitated about tomethUig. After twhllt kt putted before hee, "lilt . . lost T the aVd. " No, my chill It la th terrlblt ruapontl blllty which la about to rest upon your young shoulder that nake mi ssd. Tomorrow saoralng rout lawyer will Inform you that ml lis (r fi 1 t ' r-.t?t V X if En: r. 1 yon are one ef the richest heiresses lo America." l.'ocle, don't mnke fun of me!" reproach fully. " 1 am telling yon tba truth. To date Zudora baa turned out something like twenty millions ' Il was the eitpress e-fll of your father to bsvs Ibis kefit quiet so thtit you would oot be bothered with fortune hunters. Girl, you will marry a duke or a prima Von will b-conie a famous bcuuty Itut my advlcj li this: that until niy gUHrdia-jshlp censee you will be 2J iben jou will any nolhltn to any one shout this fortune. It would make life unbearable for na bulb " " I'll gladly agree lo ibst." eh said eagerly. Whenever you reqtllre- a large sum nf money yon will write the attorneys and the? will aend It Think nf the uuturiety, the busy reporters, the broken down noblpa. Indigenous aoclely folk I" She laughed at ll.s picture. Be waa right i- l T m 1-f 1 1 1 V ft ti -'lb f V 1 , Si v i V7$f.' ! i - !$ If she desired peace ann rnnifi-ri ' wi'l keep this fortune away from the pnlilln eje " Zudota, there Is nrie pleesiiul tency you oinsl beneafottb put entirely out uf four oilnd." " And what la that?" "Tblt fancy for John Hlnrm. For all that yen have Inbeilied Hilt vast sum af mousy, you are atlll under my guardianship fur three yeara." What Zudora wnuhl bav( replied to (hla bait vuiled ilomand will never be known, Tha bell rang, aud shortly after that John Stonn himself wat nsbered Into th room llessam All uoildrd culilly, bin tha girl sprang to greet her lover. 'I lis young mau aiuiled down at her. He made uo effort to bids Ills sdoratloit In hla eyaa. " Uow'a th rati) going?" ah asked. " Pretty well. I think I thall win out agalott Ulemalth." " Ha Latet yon." " No doubt ot it He'd Ilka nothing ballet than to slick knlfa In my hack." Haaaain All's tyaa oarrowsd. Aa Idea had come to hltn. " Mr, Keena," tald Storm audilnly, I know I hiv my way to make, but I can assort yon that, I can glv Zudora all lb malarial oomforta aha haa known." loo ... " " Tail I want Zudor for my wife." It la Impossible," replied riaasHm All. " Impossible 1" echoed lb two young people. Absolutely," wllh growing coldness, "In tha first plara, I am Zudnrn'i guardian until aba la ill I therefore I do not propose lhat aha shall throw l.arself (way on an ordinary law y.r." "Sir," aald Storm, "I lo not quite like the tons yon use." "Indeed I Young man, t an not anly h'l guardian but I am alao bar Seen, and blool uncial and I do not propose that aha ahall bungle hat future by a marriage to you." Not a word shout th millions Zudora thought hard for moment, and concluded It might ba wis to say nothing to ber lover until aht had fortune under Iter band. " What If I promise nevtr to marry any on alaa?" tht mid. aaaam All sb rugged. "Com, com! ht tntlbl. I'nt 11 you boib get over Ibis foolish Idea, I Diiat request lhat Mr. Storm oaata calling ber, " Vry wsll, sir," aald Storm angrily " But I warn yun that I ahall see Zudora outald 1 jfte at tht tl kind inoug'j ta permit nit HAROLD Oond evening I " Stnrrr. sent Zudora a ,rea- eurlng s;u:!e es be left the room. L'eriuio'.y he would oot have smiled had be seen fl.isinui All's mind at that inouieat. " What In the world have yon agalnet John?" cried Zudorn bewllderedly. " I do not propose to see you aupport a fortune hunter," iftther lamely. "Thai's uiiusense." she de. lareo. with spirit. ". Juhu telle Ibe truth when he says he is able -to Inke cme of me." "Still. I tot nlil It; and legaily tt II ray right." " Itui I leva Itltn. I wuulil oot trade hlin for Ibe gcenieei piluca In t.'liriatendoni. And if 1 cannot marry blai, I'll mairy no nue." " Weil, well," Beld Hessuui All, aiipar sully relenting; "if you lake audi a atund I'll compromise." Sl.e gated 11 1 bias eegerly "Solve my nest twetity cases end you can tnstry blui ; foil In any alngle case and you must renounce hint." Zudora agreed Instuully, even Joyously. Fur a long lime bIib bed bceu veircd with the de alro 10 piny tlio detective 1 aud ber uncle hnd often admitted Hint ber powers uf logical de duction wero remarkable lu a woman who, pblloenphera claimed, was without the faculty of auslulned reasoning. "Is It really a bargain?" with all the con fidence ot youth. " It is If jon'rs willing to risk the do 11 gets for th sake ot a mau like Storui, why, tlte choice la youis." Tlieu he left ber. Tliers vrnt little love lost between Storm and I'irorrllb They had clashed a doarn lltnea during the puat year; and one ur Iwlc they hal almost coma to btowa. On Ibe last day they came together In the courtroom, Just before ibe uoon receee. Blenreith threw dis cretion to the winds olid hurled a low epliliel at bis ileal, who avtlftly tetallulrd by sti ik ing the Oarmau across th face with the brief ht held In his hand. A tretnendoua confuBlnn ensued and from ber teat In the gallery Zudura viewed ths tcn with alarm. This man Blenreith w-ia an n I li let la bully. He bad heeu In America but a law yen re and be Itlll held to tho (he man view regarding a blow In the faco. He hastily scribbled a note which be ehoved to ward Storm The latter reed It, thrugged sod nodded tfflrmutlvely. All might have Bono well hut fur tile fact lhat an enterpris ing reporter found the dlsrnrded nolo nnd ituiile n greut scnop foi bla paper. Ltlenrelth Iiml clinllcnued tflorm to a duel and the hitter hsd bully naieeil, despite the fact ihul bo knew uolliiug of awords and wna a very lu dllTereul pUlol allot And ll.iisnin All fnund a wny to dUpose of John Sim 111 And Ziirloru tliontbl site btiil fotirul n way to save lil in She found blm la llie cello r, brnvsly trying lu n luillVeys linj't It would bnvo bci-n luuj;liulile uiuler en; ntloT circutusliincc He was tint to bs suet veil, however Auri wliea she llirratnied blm ulih the police, lis laughed Lie know the poll.-i of nlil , they would refusi, 1,1 titke the bQiiIi eerlouely !li:tui lull! down bla revolver 11 ml look e tit ink of witter. Then- be picket) up llbi 1'Avulvei end lu-giin pegging ewsy t'n observed, she tliui;t;ed tlio ilrlnUug niiler. 'I bent m.nhl he no 1I11.-I 'il.l'l A:nn bIi plemleil, Imi Hloini wna linn ue pre . lauded In ttflu up, n ri I deported, weeping. The nem morning Jin nrcllli wut futiml :lea'l -In bis llliritry, slrtingli-d , srul John Stmiu, In a dured .nn llllon. dlsherrlrd wne a 1 1 s-nt -il on the street, tiurned wllh nun ilrr Hussatii AH, In lilt .-np.ictiv uf In vetllgalor. accompanied by Zudotti. ciilcii-.i with Ilia police the nene of the 1 1 111- Well, my tblld," mill lie, "beie Is voitr firat cnaa. let ut see If yuua-en luiulle It" Zudorn, bnvtug a double inn-olive, isn mir to tha dead man On tim flour she found a acarf pin, anme email change, end elie uolicil that bit collar bung by lb rem bttltuu. Sits , birrledly wreiped these three articles In her handkerchief The pecullni green spoil ru Hill cul'ar had aroused her curluslly. She wet very unhappy The drug alio hnd given ber lover lied unt put blm lo sleep; It hsd merely tent blio eiuilerlug shell I iht itreett throughout lha night, In blank atule of oilud lit would nut be able (0 account for bit time, toil tht might plead lu vuln that she had given him a Bleeping potion to keep bltn In hit bunts until all choice to fight flleurellb waa guua. , Several dnys passed. Hlnrra nop.d lo bis ' cell. Truth to tell, be wnen'l sure Hint ' li hadn't killed bit enemy From Hie moment Zudota left blm until ha found blnitrlf in Jalt, ba oould tmtmber nothtng. Wbeu sh tnld hltu what eh bid done, be milled and forg,v her. "But you've got m Into a trolly plrklt, Uttlt glrli and you'll have la set me out of IL" "I will." Th murks on lb r-o'Vsv w-e pencil Oitrlil tnd they bothered her Oflu ah (lung tht collar vabamently from 'oer, but sha always went back to IL One det she found some thing 00 th Hour In Ih library. At that moment eh attached no elgnlflcanc to Hi Bud, Zlgrag pemil lines en tha collar, How had thay rain thtr? Ilefnr t'n crime? That wbI not quit pivealhla. Th Herman bad heeu ai-inpiilnnaly neat In hit atlle. 8h Invsrlsbly sought what was known aa the mystic ronm when confronted hy any aarlout problem No tonnd tver tsfhod thtre A green parrut swung ou a parch. He wel eery aid aud wat dsubllaaa lk rtpuailor; of nitty a ttrang aert. One h muttsredl " l.i-t a get liiuil" Zudora thought tbla ratbei odd and began qulztting tha old bird. Dot he 1 ef inert to speak further.' - Near lie data etood a mecninlcal iff all constructed eometblug after th manner of a plntvlieel. It tonslsted of two tube of glue viltlcli revnlTod In opposite Jlrectloos, 81 led wllh a brilliant dliruslng violet light Thl little invention was Hassaiu All's own. Today Zudora tried II on the ' greea parrut, but tbs whirling lights siniply luuililed the til id oft bis perch. 3bo picked him up eud revived hitn aud Boon forgot all about him in thee renewed inttreat in th "spotted collar Idly ahe Imitated tho rosrkl with lha etnb'of pencil. . . Ao4 then, se If tbo whole world bed suddenly lighted up, Zuilnra at'last understood how Btriireltn had come to bla dcnib. Wneu the irksl began It looked very badly for John Storm Tha eltetvailoti with th decedent In court was reviewed, th daeliia; challenge, their pre, loos enmity. Ibe twelve . unaccouutnbla lioura. lu the balcouy Haa eaui All aud Ibe uisn Rums na-'hd th proceedings wllti sutuellilng oiui than os null Interest. When the jury busily reciv!v1 Ilia Ju.lje's lustiuetlous, every one conceded thin Johu Storm was a lost oian; nofnloei could snv him frmn Hi chair. .Suddenly, up Ilia aisle toward tba Judge desk came a veiled woman. " Stop 1" ahe crh-rt ; " it waa I I P Then sha fslulud. The I'ulga. tht attor neys, the repnrtr-re, tbs spectator, sll roa In their amareinent. A women I Aftas Ik tableau came confusion and chao. Th Judca signed lo rh Jury to return ta thalf chillis Storm, despite th deputy tberlffn, ruabaol bis way to tba womau'a aide and swiftly raised the veil, "Zudota?" Ha firmed reeolufaly to tha Juilgo. " Ymir houor, thero la eotxia mla tnko. Thl young wotuau haa bad uofalnf to do wllh tb death of Itlaureltb. It I utterly linpuealble; " "That reins Ins to be seen, Mr. Storm. Return to the docket, If yon pleuaal " " lltit she la Innocent! " . " Deputies! " called tha Jndg etarnly. Til was sorry for Sturm but caty wst duty, none tbo lese. The court was evoutnally oleared. fitom waa tnlieu back to bis cell. Uassam All and norm went away together. Immediately Zudora sought th odlce of the district ah torney, whom the found haranguing with the counsel for the defense. "If I can runvliu-a yott two gentlemen, will thnl he aiinicleiit? " she asked. " Il tvlll," nlllruinl the dlslilct attorney, " I'ml ohy cnu'l you glie 11a tha Ulsn'l uatnt nuvv?" he uskril pcliilsuilr, Ther waa not Hie sMuhest doiihl In bit mliul that John Stniiii Iiml coniinlireil Ilia crliu. Dlatrlcl atliitueys nil over this inuad bind bav th fiii ully of secli.g every men guilty ontll h Is proved Innocent, hcb Is quit lha cuutrary In Hie Id lei ,.f I list li. ,f " Tu lell his liaine now would apofl vrf thing," ileilaieil uiloia "1 hava no evi iletico ut this ino'iicut Ibnt wmihl hut.t In law, but I'll giinruntee to pltuo 11 In yimr bsud before inollilglit. Vuu two will coiti eerrelty to my linitse end I will seciel you lienlurj .kollis curtains, Slid I here yon will hesr lb evtdeti. e ftorri Hie iiinu's own llpe." "Very nell," iwld the illHil.t stfni-uey. " Hut I nnru you Hint any kln'l of oilcutaJ niutiituery will out pass ea avi.lenca." Znd Iliisbcd n Utile She knew Ihsl Ih gi-ncnl piihllc held hot unrle. s in COIilenipl They would never inlW.e ehet a vi iiinlei fully clctei limn It was "Ho ynu see Hits peucH?" shs astn-il . I li Its I ( I it k a Hub " Il It Ih nue. Il s git-eti lloleMii e i,.i( a l on.tnon evctyilny pen' il I he ?. .a I held litis stub in hit liHil'l white slisiilng nientelth NVhy, 110119 uf us snsll know uoe Irtt he can bo minis lo tell " Al It o'clock h man entered tii oiysit roiiin lln loulieil piiuled. " Von irlshi d to see tne?" he said 10 Zudnr. "Yes Tlease alt dow-i, Mi lltms" Above, unl i known lo either, the deep Hoed lace of llas'iitii All appealed In bis blind ha held a revolier tilth a Mailtn sllen-er. Aa bus been tald, Hie mystic riniu f -ssesseil a doen secrel elite FrnUi litis iiipel one It was llssam All's bthll tu ttke stuck of ble victims before meeting Iheni persouajly. II wulled Zud-us bean to ssk iilinlese questl.iu. I'nriit eyed her restlessly Suddenly sb tpruug the dap She he-Id up Ibe pencil "This Is yours. I saw you milks with It. II fell to the Hour where I 101:1, tl It I' Is Ih tame pencil lhat marked His cul'.at of Hleu rijlh in bis death Blriiggles" Hurna Juniped In bis feet Zudura did like wise, thron ing 'on the power which sat tha god Hypnns lu mution tlurns tried to look away, but could not Si.djeuly lie screamed and began to grovel, "Tee I killed bltn I But another ..." lit stepped, rl.cVsil, nuidt a spring for th violet light, end received Ih full charge ot electricity There wit a ttrrlflo rlatli, and lluini stittulilnl and fell at Zmlora'i fset Tha alturnsii ri shed In from behind the curtain. Hut Rums wa d"nd ' Hnatam Ml althdisw bla hud. like cobra lhat had i-onclnd'd not tn etrlt" Ha had lost I tool who, perhupt, hnd known too much, lint li t ilguHlcnnt fact remained that J. .ha Storm was atlll In his way And Zudora hnd won her first caa. to aa coNTiNuan.Jj