EIGHT THE SALEM CAPITA!. JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 25, 191 i. COUNTY COURT HOLDS All Around Town I Dr. Mendebjonn, specialist In fitting' newspaper fraternity enmo in for a glasses correctly. V. 8. bank bldg. pleasant surprise in the rsfii t at ion of O i a fine box of cigars for those who A license for a Christmas wedding' "imbibeil," an. I lor those who did not wns issued by the eoiinty clerk Tester-j there wan some other nirnirinte u'li't, day to Norman DeWayne Calking, of jail of which, it is needless to way, wan Springfield, and Norn Donalson, of j-tll-1 lil" appreciated. Tlie force in the of verton. 1 fice of .Secretary of Slate Olcott .allowed to break olf work aU o clock L. M. Boggs 4 Co. sell Butter." 1'hone 311. I" Hazelwood'" 1,10 rt''"io yesterday. ! Vide Bros. -Auto company presented ! each one of the 12 employes with a j cost of 41523.11 though Mr. Berridgc Why pay standard insurance rats to noose fr hristmns dinner" last niuht. was present to press his eluim. Jlr. mutual companies when it costs no Mr. Vick round a shortage in turkeys Berridco says he is being made the Some Doubt As to States Right Miss Fugate Leads by 13,301 to Make Bills which County I Ballots Only Two More Must Pay Weeks of Contest No action was taken by the enmity court yesterday in the matter of the claim of Arthur Bcrridca & Co. for ex- pcrting the bonks of this county at a The lighcst vote in a number of weeks wus shown this morning when the regular semi-weekly count of bal lots was made in the Capital Journal's 1 'milium exposition contest. Miss Hulli Fugate, by a vote of 111,212, passed more to place same in a company that in the citv, but made the best of thc'gont" because the county courts of 'from second to first place, and Mis. hit mfinv millinnu of natintu .... .... ' unn ! i! - n.. T UlpFii-u Vff 14 1 1,1.1.. .1 I I.....1. ... four counties resent the actions of In surance Commissioner rerguson. He tlruce Eoff Hibbler dropped back to second, Miss 1'earl Zinn remaining third. The only other change in the standing of contestants was that of Violet M. Barker, who now has 8,51."l. ons ninny minions or assets to gunrun- occasion tee the payment of their losses. It o will pay you to see Homer II. Smith. ! There were no sleepers last night at snvs his accountants did all of the work the insurance man, 5 McCornack bldg. .the city jail for the first time si I according to the schedule of items pro- Phone 90. , the bad weather began this fall. There ' pared by -Mr. Ferguson and that his o is usniilly from five or six to I'i sleep- men had no choice in the matter but I a gain of Will, Special meeting of Salem , er" Bt 'ft " the transients j to follow the instructions of the state The light vote of this morning is n lodge No. 4 und Pacific lodge : appeared to be celebrating I 'hristmus department. Then when the work took result of the over-reaching influence No. CO, A. F. & A. .f., tomor-ipve elsewhere. I longer than lias been the custom in the of the Christmus holiday deniunds on ow, .Saturday, evening. Work 0 i past tho county courts object to pay- time and attention and is by no means ,f i,,aii.lli,ii,. ,.f i.ffw..r hv The Y. M. C. A. suspended work to- ine the bill incurred bv the state. 1 indicative of lack of interest in the Past Urand Master fleorce 11. i ''"y lor ,nc Christmas holiday and no The county courts are striking at Mr. struggle for the Journal prize. On the " I ..In.,.... ........ I. ..1.1 LI..-... t. , . . . . . " . .. t .,. i l ... ,. . .. ... , n , Visiting brethren welcome. :." .-ju. minium ; terguson, lie says, out lie is neirig Jut, inner iiunu n. is merely me ion iicrore Hurnett. was in charge and (leneral Secretary No complaints Instituting suits have ""l'''' "i Physical Director (ling been filed ill the office the countv i r" '' Mt"-V"'1 nt lu"" t0 '"jy ('l'""t clerk since December 17. All of the "'" '"'key cases on hand were filisi and entered 0 on the books on this date bv Deputy! N-. Cooley, who was arrested for Clerk IT. 0. Hover who snvs that his uc- '"'ggmg on the streets last night, was tion was probably a hoodoo ami in the presented w ith a (hristmns piesent in future he will leave one or two cases1'1"' ;V.iaI" ot " liberty this morniiig torn uf iiccnniititKr in nil nf tlin ennntlps vm-h lny itH u Hort f ii ni'Mt riiir to in-!"' l,oIi ,'wl"'t h' Ju,K'' K,K'' 'oolc,y nf tho tut ami ooiinidt'Talilo Uw'k . J :..ul.-...l uri'l...... u. I. .i e . ..... worK was necessary to tiring tne audits to date. He says lie is the innocent bystander who is being hit by the verbal bombs flying between county courts and the insurance commissioner and his pocket bunk is being molt rented hern use of tin becnuso he lias paid his accountants I the storm, nnd as but two w eeks more and is also paying interest on borrow-: remain until the tinnl canvass ot votes, ed money whiie his bill is being held it is certain that from now on they up. .Mr. Herridge says that the bilb i will come in avalanches and that the are undoubtedly higher this year thun ; figures of the lending cundidates w ill ever before and that they will be injitrow ny leaps and bounds, the future because Mr. rerguson, in en delivering to introduce a uniform sys duce the attorneys to lay in some filing!""1""1 l'fi'er llerwig fir the price of ii mini oii uiii!., i;ul iic nit'i a ineni ticket to the Comuicns Mission for a old pio- ' ln'istuias dinner toduy and the jmfce of piieu-' !'mlli!,,''l ,lim o go and eat his dinner. The fire department responded to an fees. "Uncle" John H. Lewis, an necr of this citv, is lying ill monia at his home on Leslie street, in Tins city, tne nuacn nnviuuT come upon . , . . i him lust Sunday, and his condition is ' "'" ",r " " . 1 lll)""t , unpopular law regarded as serious by his relatives, all , ", mhi.i. '" - of whom, with the exception of his Kitchen of a residence on kill, Slavation daughter,' Mrs. .lames Wills,,,,, and J," l." Army wTli hoM i,s Christ"!,' three for at S o clock alter Hie ises mo held on the court house lawn. Captain I.orcnzeii t l-mtnrtu iltl.f ltn 1,'iu Dnnnl fc')-.ll in While Uie Christmas spirit was in evl-' uornor wesi yesieruay anornoon usl,ful pr,..,ents in the shape of clothing, entsi "IT"""'" " ' ' -iiiihi, i i iiiiiiiiii,! shoes and wearing apparel. V gmuddnti'ghtcr; Mrs. Stanley Morgan, " quenelied I the poor" oniBht who arc in ihicago, are at Ins bed-' b? ."' rliomit-ul up .aratiis before any Mimj(. , bide. ser.ous damage resulted. court house law ilence in most of the state departinc yesterday it was very strongly so in the department of education, where ev ery member of the force was remember ed in srrne substantial form by State School Superintendent Churchill mid his assistants, F. K. Carlton nnd Frank K. Welles, and even the members of the .. .... ............i u ..... " ... a member ot the state bonr.l ot higher; Haines cash store closed its doors last curricula to su himself, his term' njejit after the Christinas shopping was having expired, and Mrs. Josephine :,.,. m ,. ii,,, ,,.,. i,,,i.i ,,,, u i,v iH, llirsrh, of I'oi'tlaiiil, a member of the' n,,. ,.. i..ci ...i , ti,... be exclianced for votes nt this office The trip to the great exposition with its wealth of world-wide wonders, will bo the event of a lifetime for the foitmiate winner, nnd the Capital Journal guarantees that no expense will he spared in mukingsu pleusuut one. First class railroad fare, the best ot hotel accommodation, and facilities lor sceng the great fair at its best will be prcwded free of all charge by this paper. It will be a prize well worth working for. Tho plan adopted by this paper for giving the trip does not require the con testant to sell anything. The only thing necessary to secure votes being to pa tronize sonic of Salem's most popular stores. Tho advertisements of those firms is run in each. Friday's Capital Journal. These firms have agreed to givo a sales check or receipt to every purchaser for cash or for monthly bills paid until January 1, 11115. The sales hecks or receipts from these firms may slime board to sticeced Dr of Piirtlniid, resigned, I. If. Wilson,! t the' Salvation Army for their Christ I""0 votu lor evorJ' 5 ,,ents of 'uur I"lr mas tree. ACCIDENTALLY HANGED. Tho basketball suits for the Commer cial Itnsketbiill league nrrived lust night and the league games will begin next eilncsiinv. I lie colors of the j Hishops ure green and white; Watt Shipps, purple mid gold; Capital Na tional Hank, Columbia blue; Capital I Business college, maroon mid black; Iluuser Bros., cuidiiuil nnd white; Koth llll'oeerv Ci, iti'iimm itn.t liltu.l. The Methodist Episcopal Church Pa-'f 4 i rii nil Forks, N. 1)., Dec. 2.1. While preparing to piny Santa Clans here to day, Waiter Hjeilie, 13 years old. be came entangled in some rope and was choked to death. hase. The names and standing of the can didates follow: Itulh Kiignlo Mrs. (irnce Koff Hibbler Peiirl inn A Dainty Chrastmas Suggestion Make a Christmas offer ing of an Automatic Eye glass Holder which prevents glasses from slipping and breaking. They are sightly in ap pearance, work automati cally and are not expensive. Let us supply you. MISS A. McCULLOCH, OPTOMETRIST 208-200 Hubbard Bldg. rhone 109 eitic Sweil'!! Mission conference cele- T bvatel their earlv Christinas services,1 or Hie "Julottu," nt t.ieir church on Fifteenth und .Mill streets, nt ,v:in this morning. This celebration is an old Scandinavian ciistun uud was eclebrnt- T ed today for the first time in this citv, I Rev. John Ovnl preached the sermon, I he church was specially decorated for T I III .1. CIISIOII Cloorge A. Pitchard, formerly of Al bany, but lor several years a copy reader on the llre.ioiiiiin. hh, I til ...... time, seerul years ago, a repurter on X no i n 1 1 n I .inuriiiii, is in the city, luiv. ing just returned fr ( i rent Falls, .Moii'aiia, where he has just proved up on a homestead, and has come back to get Into the newspaper "game" for n time, lie intends going buck on the copy desk of the Oregoninn nt. the first t oppit, (unity, but will prulmbly fill in during the legislature unon n local mi I per. Over loo baskets each containing a complete I hrislniiis dinner were gten out bv the Salvation Army hue yester day to n ly families, AM of Hie cases' had been investigated before hand bv I the officers an I where the families j were found deserving they w ere pre- J WE WISH you A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year And thank yon for your liberal patronage during the past year ami shall endeavor to merit your trade the coining year by the same high class sen ice we have, given in the pn-t. Frank S. Ward DRUGGIST Phone 2217 .518 State St. Violet Cory Margaret WUita IteiisKa Swart Violet M. Barker Mario Bolinger Arlinc Ohm Genecieve Frascr Lununa Brown Celia Wilson Marguerite Ostramler .. Both Hynn Myrtle llerdlein ustis Davis Lola Do Long Orace Craig Heruice Snuter Hazel Johnson Hoatrice Crawford Mnblo Hrassfield ...v Mario Schwab vera George Hazel Cooley Mildred Cooper Maude McLaughlin Vivian j.nrgruve Grace Taylor Magdulena Tuffli 907 Mary Guver 800 Alma Hall 7M Vera Martin 700 Lotta Penn 750 Silvia Miller a 750 Gladys Gray VoO Mario Evans 750 h:mx" 7!Ki,:iini ;i!,si.'i 1)4,0(18 !lll,07.") 49,;i(i5 .-V'l.M r, 702l 3,7711 i,ii:m 1,(173 1,017 1,644 1,500 1350 1315 1090 1080 1075 1075 1005 1047 1010 1000 1000 1000 loooi 1000 1000 I WISHING YOU ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS ! FROM THE BOTTOM I OF MY SOUL ' i ---0. . Price 1 fa -''uWLLi'y J'1 R II m I 1 1 THE SIGN OF i !: GOOD SHOES .'I xmmtif ii Va ! V ; ' NEW TODAY IpKY fir wood for sale. 1'houe ij02- ' I OAK fence f osts for sale. 1!. F. tVhuctt, ; 1'hone S-F-i iFI'KXISHKll 4-rooin modern bungalow. I 1'hone 32-F-32." IlKAVK orders for mistletoe, rboao I 207-R, or 740. FdK SALK Fresh Jersey cow. 1000 South i oiminreiul. GOAT MEAT for sale; first-class otly. J Thone 2100 -M. N KV IDEA- electric uuilter iustalled at 345 Bush street. 'sFKClAL hot chicken taninlcs at Fred's ! Night Lunch. jHOAT -MEAT FOR SALE Delivered i to any pint of tow n. 1'hone 1570-V, 'FOR KENT Furnished four-room bun ! gnlow. 1'hone 3S-F-32. ' FOR SALE Two eows, fresh, 45 and $U0. 050 North Twenty-first street. l'OT.T(ir.S ."0 cents pir bushel; uho S. inland jiony. 1'lioi.e l'500-J-3. FOR SALE All hinds of wood. D. .'. yjery, route 3. Phone 79-F-ll. COMMANDERY CELEBRATES, 4t44t444444l4HH4444444444Ut444U4t4tl.iiit44i44iiiiiiiiiiiAiA.. i TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTMfTtftftt4ttttnH4t4t44t4444444444444 Tt A SALEMJNTERV1EW Mr. Brown Tells His Experience. The following brief account of nni j interview with a Siilom man several; years ago. nnd its seipicl, will bo readj th keen interest by every citizen 1 V. Brown, fanner, 130!) State St., Salem, snvs 'Three venrs of mill- if WE EXTEND TO OUR PATRONS Our high appreciation of tho business they have given us during the YEAR 1914, ami now at the close we further express our wish that the CHRISTMAS JOYS may attend them in large measure. .Wright work in a damp alinospliere dis ordered by kidneys, I olten hail lame I ness iiiol soreness across the sninll of niy back. When having an attack, Ij heard of Dunn's Kidney Bills and got i n supply. They removed the backache and soreness, together wtlb other syinp- toins of kidney trouble. All I snld recommending Bonn's Kidney Bills) when I publicly eiidorsco them before,: holds good. I use them occasionally when I have symptoms of kidney com plniut mid I never fail to get ipiick re-; lief. A mi, her of the fiiuiily lias also1 used 1 loan's Kidney Fills for lildney weakness and has hud the best of re sulls." I Biiee .-ill,-, at. nil dealers. Pon't simply nsk for a kidney remedy get ; Bonn's Kidney Fills tiie same that Mr. Brow 11 hud. Foster-Millinrn Co., Drops., Buffalo, X. U. PORTLAND WOMAN SHOOTS HERSELF iK'Mulny Cortitiuuitlny No. 5 Knihti Ti'inil;ir Im'I'I llinr minimi ( 'lirit urns , I'Xeri'Ui's thiK moriiiiifcT nt it;M(l in tlicir Imlm riioniH. The nicctiiiy: whs open to, llu1 pulilic ii ii I wtin iHtcinlctl hy n uooil ; t'ruwd of Sir Kninlits imkI t lit' i v l'riiinN. Tho Hi'i viiM'H were sinilt nin impressive' iiml in keeping with the spirit of th'1 'hristiitiis tide. The following (ousts weru responded to hy prominent members of the Inde: , "To the (irmid 1 'oiiiiminder, KniLihls TeinphirM of Oremni," J'nst (liuud Coin-, miiiider (iemie II. Muinett. i "To All KniLilits TeinphiiK wherever, dispersed," Sir Kniiiht Thomas H, Kay. "To All Knights Templar who have sheil their Idood in delVn-e of liherty mid Christianity," response hy the ( 'otiinuindery. ' "To the (irand Muster Mn.son of ()ieon.M Past (Irand Muster Henry 11. Thiehon. j "To the (irnml llih Priest of tho Uqu An'h Chapter of Unon, iiitnd Hih Priest Lot I. Pierc " In ineniory of the dead i'!i'tion dnriiitf tlie year resj onsi by the eommaudeiy. Is Mlem'e. pohlen ? Then no i4 u tn-rh t'r fip;ht in nld. CALL TAX rHONE 700 Office Bligli Hotel SALEM TAXICAB CO. KXl'FIUF.M hU MSHWAIjllKK Wants work. Address J. W. C, Jour- j mil. ! I.UST Mnnll purso contniniiiy rosiuy j nnd small change. Leave al Juarua I office. FdK n. I. F. Fifteen head "f sn.ull I stock gouts; l.ji) each if taken s.sjn. f 1'hone lo'j-V. 100 ACRKS of Idaho lnud under irri ! gutiuii that 1 will trade fur Salem property. 1'hone SO-F-14. j WAXTKU Horses in exchange for i town Jots or new bungalow. I'hone lsiMi. E. 1.. Coinstoek. F"l! I'KXT Triiim plastered house, J good well, chicken house, barn, fruit. K. 1.. i onisteck, phone 2US--H. ! FOli HA LB Oood cow, giving rich I milk. An leaving town; will sc.!', i cheap. Jolj N. i. ommcrcinl, jxiCK dry old growth fir wood fir j .-t."id per cord. I ulso have dry oaK t .1 oil n H. si-ott, over the 1 lii.'i.go ! store. l-Xlli Kl-.NT .Modern four-room fur 1 nished ker.se; new; electric ligkis, bntli nnd toilet; one block from Fpji ley 's store. I t.oiie 1510 J. ,A elderly l.mly would like position as i,onekeoper or in fiiuiily. Wi-li i ho'iie nio'-o lhan ivages. Call M7 South ' "i iiiiicreiui street. WAXTKP reemployed women to n il 1 beautiful art ;;i''t book. No capital. I Knrn env nonoy. Sample mailed j free. K. Iloter ii Sous, Salem, (ire. I FDK SAI.K ;,t auction, on December M, ti - .. in., one b,i nnd store build- j in, locate. 1 corner of Capitol nnd Market streets. For information cull lit. i.'O Stat,, street. ( OMi: in and let ice write your fire, inoirai in a good old line company. i You will then know just, what 't ! will eo-T you. Xo suririe asiss ! moot, .lohii 11. Scott, over the ''hi j ell:iO stoie. ! j I'll I X I Nil time is here, . If v on hnv . won that you want done- cilluu' pruning or graftingby on exper ienced party, nho will guarantee re sults, leavo your orders with th Ca.dliil ' it y Nursery Company. j l .ionc ,.i. "I,m"" ; I'b'I NIXii time is here. If you hnvi : wir.k tlii.t von want done cither pinning or grafting by nn exper ienced party, who will gunruntcn ro suits, leave yo.ir orders with tho Cap ital city Nursery Company. Phono 7o. SKWIXii MA' lilXKS Now is your time to boy a sewing machine. Wo are giving Xinus sales, tloo.l stwiiiif-in-ieiiiiies i.'l up; diop iien.l machini t ns c.oo.1 as new, $ 1 Singer of fice, i'i') Stele street. D1I-: KI XIiSi ilAl T dor OcutsclieT I. cute wird galnelligst gewenscht. Vir sprechen I'eutseh. San Finniis co Life Jnsurance Co., H. L, Willson, di-lriet malinger. A. llnldcman, 1 cnl agent, 1 11 North High street. Fast of this 1011," home iFURNISnFRS iCOR. COURT & HIGH S75. tltt4tttttttttUtiUtttntiuiimt4iHi4nmii.ii1. I'o.ihiud, Hie., lVc. 'J."). A the re sult of a trivial ipmrrel with her hus band, Mis. I .inn 1 1 ii il Ih. '.'J, n bride of a Vcnr and mother of n 10 weeks' old Infiint, is den. I t ulny with a bullet hole through her heiiit. The woman left a note "iivinc- she hs.1 "hot herself. When In SALEM, OREGON, stop it ! BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Fr and Private Baths. HATES 7rc 11.00, 1.60 PER DAT.! Th only hotel In the buslncsi district. Nearest to all Depot, Theatres and Capitol Bulldinps. A Home Away from Horn. T. O. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones Free Auto Bui. , WE DESIRE TO EXPRESS OUR Grateful Appreciation of the liberal patronage accorded us by OUR CUSTOMERS during the year closing and extend to them our best Christmas Greetings Spaufding LoggingCompany FRONT AND FERRY STREETS TELEPHONE ISM THK Vi'AK in r.i.rope makes it n.-rcr-cary to 'lutir.i.o vonr t'ire insii aie 'J piViciev very closely- for yoi.r own protection. Yut can get your fii'i in-uiuiici. at W. A. Listoii's viffii-o in any of tlio five Aiiiericnu . onipnii iiM. Xo t.H..e.si., nts. 'on tnl.e ic) . hanei , -4-. ( ijurt. t if :y :e t if :;s jc :t i'i EXTRA COPIES OF SATURDAY'S EDITION Kxtra copies of Saturday's idition of the i ii p it u I .hernial will be muili.l from this office :o nnd address, postage paid, fer ') cents. The supply, how ever, will fce limited, ill Special New Korean City Restaurant 8panlsh Chicken, Hot Taninlcs, Chill Con Came, Chop Buoy Noodle 420 Torry Street :;,) if Now Open and Heady to do AU Kinds of STEAM AND DRY CLEANING AND TRESSINO l Hv i: LATE8T SCIENTIFIC AND SANITARY METHODS City Steam k Dry Cleaning Plant 1105 Stato 8t- Phone 1714 ' h :i