Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 25, 1914, Image 4

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    f "The Capital Journal
Editorial Pag
Kilitor and Manager
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Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Her. Bad Tresis.
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The Capital Journal carrier Doys are instructed to p"nt the papers on tut
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vaiier to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can determine whethor or not the carriers are following instructions.
Vhono Main 82. -
There seems to be quite a difference of opinion as to
what contraband of war means. With some, the idea pre
vails that it is unlawful to sell to any combatant anything
that is contraband of war. Such is not the case. One na
,ion or its citizens may sell to another anything it pleases,
md can. The manufacturers of this country can sell to
my of the warring nations arms and ammunition, aero
ilanes and submarines or anything else. To refuse to sell
uch supplies to any government might be classed as a
iolation of neutrality. If, however, the supplies are cap
tured by the enemy of the country to which they are sold,
.hat is the end of it. Speaking of contraband, it was dur
ing the Civil war when the question of what to do with
the. negro was uppermost, that Ben Butler saddled the
name '"contraband" on the negro by saying the way to
settle the question was to declare the negro "contraband
f war," and confiscate him.
Tii cmivumft hnliiU'v of Christianity has become the
Mr Wjitsnn iVii nnpf lanvpnte nf F.rnrlnnrl fpplq awful.
holiday of all creeds end races. Even unbelief yields to;y sorrv f01. America, or, to be exact, the United'statesJ
custom what it denies to dogma. , i because it did not rush to England's aid and assist her in j
Over all the earth today, in spite of war, the spirit ol , conquering Germany. He mournfully points out that this '
r.Vii-icrmn fills trip hpfll't.S of more DeOPle than are ever at Imimrvv hfV "daturVirar " will hnvp tn wnrra alnnw "u'irVi.i
nnv ntViPf tinip moved hv anv other sinrie emotion
Christmas is no longer the exclusive custom of the
church; it has been appropriated as the festival of all hu
'flanity. ,
This universality ot celebration 01 me nay originaii?
)ut the crown divine thou mightst have worn." We are
rlad he is sorry, but sorry he has nothing to be glad about.
However, this country is a republic and does not take
kindly to crowns, anyway. Besides, a crown that would
:ost perhaps half a rrv.ion American lives is too high
. l mi. ; j. iii- i
set apart by those holding a particular religious belief is; priced. This country is not looking for crowns, or crosses
a unique and profound phenomenon. j aither. She is long on the latter now, with Henry Cabot
Not stopping to think of its religious significance, I Lodge and Son-in-law Gardner, Merrysmack Hobson.
millions appropriate the essential gospel of Christianity; ee(j Smoot, the Mexican troubles and our own Teddy
pvoclamed at the nativity, and millions who respect the;V)e,r. These are crosses heavy enough for any country t'r
theological status of Christ taught by his churches cek'-; bear. Any more would be a real "double cross."
brate the spirit of the day that saw His birth. ;
The shock to our every sense because nations are lock-; Boston has decided to send 8,000 tons of foodstuffs to
cd in deadly conflict on this day only proves and empha-;the Belgians. If beans cut any considerable figure in the
sizes how deep the spirit of the day is set in our souls, shipments, then indeed is Boston generous. Then can the
It is sad that there should be war on Christinas; but it is , Belgians sing: "We have her dearest, we have her near
well that Christmas comes in the midst of war. !est, her only one."
For above the roar of shot, above the curses, the cries,
of the wounded, and the moans of the dying, there speaks: dispatch says Petrograd is practically ' without
today a "still, small voice" to every soul, and it whispers drinking water because ice has blocked the stream sup-i
plying it. With nothing but ice, in spite of the czar s pro- i
hibition of vodka, the Russians will be again driven to j
hard drink. I
Through the black smoke -of battle, there shines today
a steady star, and it promises hope.
Above the selfish ambitions, the nearness scnemings, ;
the jealousies, the hates, the miscalled patriotism and
false bravery of the world war there broods today a spirit
of brotherhood that will not be wholly unfelt or wholly,
cast aside.
There is no other day in the year that means so much.
To the young it brings glee, to the aged calm, and to,
all cheer and good feeling.
It is a day that in its spirit and all its traditions is (lis-;
tinct and apart from all other days, the one day in which:
affection and charity rise above the selfish passions of
life, the day in which the sentiments-instilled by Christ
come closest to the surface of human nature.
Humanity is strangely ignorant of its simplest emo
tions. In a vague way we realize that real pleasure comes
Hobson has apparently got over his scare about the!
yellow peril" and is training tor a fight to a finish with
lie old "Demon Rum."
Tin' wnlor system nt Hand. hi will
pass mill. 'i' iiniiii.'ii:il control mi .Inn
miry I. tlio city council lin vi ntr no
copied I ln lii.l nl tlio lliiiiiluii V liter
company for the water In. ads author
ized I iv tin' voters nt tin' municipal
The Old Man
.'tinii in .run.'.
('mill. hi filnlio! Tlio liiiaiiiL' (if iiiniv
only from a consciousness ot doing right, but we are apt "'"". "" "Hiuiu timm. ,
to look on this precept as not practical in everyday af- JHE lZVPZ
fairs. There is no l'ule of conduct more practical. Charity "' record. ti valuation .c
gives real pleasure any day in the year. So does the right f'f ' iN
exorcise of any other emotion and impulse.
This is a good dav to make the experiment. The world' ,V:'!""I;',"'TI ','!",'" ''"K;K'!n
. . i, . .1 . I'm n -Ill "' "10 Alotll.'dl.st clllllcll lit ( ll.lllllll'
i:3 full of want that a little self-sacrifice may considerably recently mot nt ti einm-i, .,,i i
ameliorate. There is many an Old Scrooge who nevori""" ' ;"'k almost finished the
,. , i . n tii it 'l pxi'avntiiijr for a 'idxriO liiinomout,
(liscovered the best use lor a uob Lratclut. wi. completed, win furnish
If we all do on this day, if on no other, what the spirit "i""'0 for Sl""ll,.v H',,"1 '" 'k'''
of Christ and the laws of human nature prompt in the
matter of charity, wo might learn that even poverty is i.n cmmi!. dWrv.-r: Tin- i:iu now
.iHiuu rouiinues in prnirross, regardless
.of oolil ii ml ini'li'ini'iit weather, A lit
, tlo liml wontlior, tlioiiuli, iii'vor nfl'i'otK
-.r , nv . .. ,., ,. an Klk in liny nf liin un.lortitliinirs.
The New ork limes, in its literary section, says .ist t.. .i,.iy w,.,uii,.r i,. ov,.ry form,
"there arc two schools of war poets." Very true. One y'jj.l,'1, " ",r"w ''n'" r",""''
school makes the reader feel like committing rod-handed "" ' ' " '"r " '
! I 'in slnli' an, ol.l, mv I:, 'ai l is i'ul.1
nliis, I must n.linit it! Whon -1 1 i I . i 1 1 n
I wlioiii it r c i ii ! 1 mv i'iioji, I wHi that
I tlioy would iiiit it. Their eliildbh (loo
iijioni'!4 to iiio a
tiling .list ini'tlv liur-.'
rid, they mill siu-li
noise, mill .ii tlio
boys I speak in
iHiinuane torrid. 1 'vo
rea.'Iii'.l that stayo
of palsied njie wliere
I 11 in sour iiinl sin ly; (
lliese li.s of mine
former whine, I'm
kii'Mu Inle a a .1
early. 1 think the
folks should hour my
jokes, my ancient
ioko iiim! iiunutuu; i
I think all hands
I'ouiin mils oliev nn. I do it
1 know I selfish (irow,
inud.lv; I crv, "(lee
Ll ii.
vat wholly a curse.
A linuo walnut tree Hint orew
the yard of T. (I. Hendricks at Iho'
eornor of. Ninth nvoniio ami Clinriiel-1
ton Htreet, I'Miiiene, lias lieou out ilownj
and ilomite.l liy Mr. Il.-inlii.ks to the!
liih si houl maiiniil tiiiininj; depart-i
moot. The linnlvr In the tree is world
alioiil .tun, there lioinc; aliont "(Mill feet
of it. - i
murder with the poet as the subject, and the other cre
ates a strong desire to assassinate the editors who spring
the "bloody bubbles" on their readers already in the last
throes from trying to pronounce the names of those Slav
towns. The poets of both schools should be sent to the
front and kept there during the war unless sooner ac
counted for.
. Hop"!'! of iititnl.le musical event in
,. : Maisliliel.l liecnl: The first urn nil
One ot the war correspondents, in describing oomii-symphony ,.,nc,.,i uiv,.n i,y i,.n,iinu
lions in the trenches, among other things mentioned that
every soldier had two sets of suspender buttons. There
is where he has the laugh on the civilian, especially if the
latter is married.
j should mv
riiiiiiiuir. Alas,
in V fui'llllies not
wlnz! My I'ointoit ih the tiling you all
! should study! " An ojien door niakes me
so sore, mid T (jet up and slum it, ami,
to my shame I then ex.-lnini some
words that rhyme with ".linn it!" A
file tiuyie.l low fills mo. with woe, I
: snorl like Alexander, till women flee fo
I eomfort. me and unntho m V senile dan-!
dor. And thus old n'c nrliiKH emjity
rune and teuiper cross ami mulish, and
peevish jiout iin.l luontal Ruiit anil pan
siou false mid foolish. My folks I tiro
with useless ire, iind lioro tliom to dis
liiii'tioa; o mv sad kin my ca-liin lu'
should In-iiii! Iiire satisfaction.
ftwrlrM. 1114 lT
Viisliin(,Mon, Doe. "!, Christmas day
found the eapital a nearly deserted
fit y. Willi eoaurosn elose.l and it H
ineiiiliorH hack home, and with Rovera-
mi, ,,l il.in.i rtitti.t.t hI.oI down Die ntlv
i.M.-,.,i nun n uood sum resulted nt tho tm,, ,m miiiwoutod air of quiet.
K.v iitlic, It is. Iiopeil another ooni ert i.. r ,i, vriim,.,it offichils w..i
musiciiiin ol Marshlield last I'Venlne;
at the l.eniniiski tliealie under the
anspii-es ot Iho (Iwls, was lilicnilly put
To the thoughtful the vote on prohibition in congress
foretells what is to come.
of the same
the winter.
nature nill lie ejveii diiriii);
developed in a tiial ut lliiueue,
It does not matter 'much what . " ull'iTi Z.Hl'",
the result of that vote was, for the main thing is tlfat pro- the defendant had received mui worth
hibition has been made a national issue and will be a ma- tXlZ'
terial one in every election until it finally wins, for sooner fr hi mid ins f.-imiiv's use, nu.i
or later that will be the result.
I lie dil i i. t iittoiiiev fi mi i a'.l it out that
(lie l.imilv ol II had diaak 117 luirrols
or V:'l liolll.' ol' l.eer in einht inoiilhs
- if Ihov .lunik II.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
EstaMislicd 18GS
Capita', ' $500,000.00
Transact a jrcneral bnnkini? business
Safely Deposit Doxca
The Appeal savs if I hero Is one
tiling Hilvettoo needs aliovo all otheis
it veins l is n fruit caiiiieiv, nnil Ik
nnmiincoK that a protect for a on
oper.ilivo d:int will soon he jnit lieforo
tin' tvople,
iMiuene, Or.. Oee, 'J I.-Iluritlnrs early
ledav dv nniiiil.'d Ihe safe of the Ku
none lee Stoinije oouipaav and es
caiio.l with nlioiit i:!0 In oiish, and a
Ui'ld watch. Oilier jenelry vnlneil ill
sever.il liundied dullais was overlooked.
, - f
i m
, I s. I
Christ Born Hnew
Cora H. Matson Ooleon
Cspirlght, 1414, bf flmtrican fn HUti9o
m?m man d i;taw,
Hnd lips say boly grace.
Cbc bato that a Star of Beth
lehem shed
Gnctrcles her young face.
bougbts of world quests
those wee feet may pursue,
Set heart to' beating wild,
for Christ unto the earth is
born anew
Cditb each new little child.
The tiulli i;lve nl.le innny a jolt,
diiiiui; quietly at home, or were taking
a week end visit out of the oily.
For the far western aiemliors nf coup-ess,
who oould not well make tin":
trip In their home cities, there were a'
iiiimher of social iriitherinN today in I
private homos and hotels.
For the iinfoilunnte meniliers of the
community, charity oinniati.ins .lis
trilmtod liaskets of Christmas food, in
cludinu real lurkey, craalioiiy sauce1
and so on.
In the cafes, the usual fliristiaas hos
pitality iionuine southern en 1100;
and. nppleuick - were lirouuht in hum'
honls. Hut the cnl'os, like the city, had
the spiiit of the season -ponce.
1 I
W'a-liinytoa, Pec. 1M.---A detailed ie-(
port of the violation of the iieiitrullty
of the I'nnama canal rune ley sis Miit-
isa colliers a, In two Hiitish merchant-,
men reached the navy department to
day. The repoit coM'icd only the in-'
ci. louts occurriiiir liotween llocoialior 0 :
and lieceinl.er III. Tint Itritish ships
In 011 ht 'Jil.OiUI tons of coal, apparent ly
I'or Hiili-h waisliips, off the oat
const of I'liaama,
: .V