t ? ? Y H ? T I am 43- aKinsrowden Y Has been made in Salem for the past ten years. To the many housekeepers who have used it, it needs no commendation. Recently the capacity of the factory has been increased by one-third, and by f r 1 1 i i i ni inr niJArni i i -r-ir- niiiti nMnnrn ' januciry nrsi win aiso oe proaucing a rune rnurnAic dakhmu ruWDtK that will retail at the popular price of 25c per pound, and will contain NO ALUM IN ANY FORM. .Eppley s Pure Cre ilar Ira are X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y r 13 : y y y I All Grocers Sell Eppley's Perfection Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder And Guarantee it to be Entirely Satisfactory Salem Needs Industries This one needs your encouragement. In return it offers you the best to be had for the money anywhere. Thousands of pounds of baking powder are yearly brought into Salem and sold to Salem people who do not know that there is a better article freshly made every day right here in the city. . EPPLEY'S PERFECTION PURE CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER perfect AKIN6 POWDER put up'In class jars PTS OITC 'jGAL' Boost Your Own City Every time a can of Eppley's Baking Powder comes into your home you are boosting your own city and thereby your own inter ests. The greater the consumption of home products the greater the local prosperity. Tell your grocer that you are loyal to your town and that you insist on Eppley's. EPPLEY'S PURE PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER Ask Yom Gtfoces iot Eppley's Salem-Made Baking Powdei Pr 1800 STATE STREET We Wainift Your That's why we cany a stock of goods that can satisfy your demands in every detail. We can supply you with every material necessary in the building of your house, whether it be lumber, door and window frames, bricks, lime, plaster, cemsnt, building paper, roofing paper, window glass, nails, locks and building hardware, paints, varnishes and oil or any other essential in the const 3: ion of a building, and in each case we have sp'.ecfc ed the best the market affords. "HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES" is our motto. Lumber Our immense stack of IuiiiIht e:m ply :my v;irietv of demands from h planking to flooring for. the parlor. V" stock is carefully selected and we i" priiie (Mir m'Iyi to comply 'Alii 1 :ui'. w 1 . r w 1 1 1 -1 mi his, liuiiida I fa m a ii: I If You Want Paint We carry Iiay State House Paint, Floor I'nint, Torch Paint, Heaver Varnish, Gliden Varnish, Jap-a-lac and Hygienic Kalsoinine. We ask special attention to the "Heaver Wall Coii," a inade-in-Orogon wall coating that will stand repeated washing and is moisture proof. Our stock also includes all shades of dry paints. Supplied in any quantity. PAINT BRUSHES We hae a v '"oleic stock of paint brushes of all kirn's and sr'o i'-"luding Adams and other well-known makes. If You Want Builder's Hardware We can !iv, l:s of all kinds, in.'h ding' a gieat variety of ratteirs, and ::t pri es thf.;. are ?rr to pir.ve satisfai Very. Our .-fi'-k f pluin and iiTiViienlnl butts is also 1. (.. oiiiitlete a;vl-- ;e an fill your deinaml for a large variety of patterns and finishes. We can also supply all other needs in the building harduaie line, whether it l:e nails, screws a:id belts, carpenter tools or what not. Tlico ivt.ods cannot be excelled. We invito your inspection. A Few Business Getters ! le. no fing The goods listed below are offered at cost prices not because of inferiority, but because we have Mime broken lots we desire to dispose of. roo ng :tpor in ai I Ci i n Barn Door Track and Hangers We hi vi 11 ni;ill stock rf l.nin ilnor triu'ks mill li.intiMN which wo will sell at cost. We m.iko this of for to reduce our stock In this liniv Call mill Investigate. Carp enter's Tool and Equipment We m a very romploto stock f enrpen- tcrs' t. .il? which wo nro closlim ut. Tlio lot lnc ml well known hr.imls hat are iimoiiK In iiost ohtnlnnlilo, Picks, Shovels and Spades Wo hav n liroken line of theno tooln whlcl' wc are dlsposlim of nt extremely low prices. Supply your wants In this line while they list at cost prices. Arden Plaster Plaster your new hi. me with Arden plaster. This plaster ' the best seller 011 '.: Market hearse it ' capable of taking more sand than any o icr plaster, and at the same time is moie durable. Standard Portland Cement Standard Portland cement is common ly accepted as the best cement obtainable on the coast. Let us give you prices be fore you place your next order. Fencing Our stock includes square and split posts, as well as woven wire fencing in regular heights. Our ie ' c lumber slinb. ate amoiv. to. '.. ; i!. 1 in t h t valley . allow ing it i'i keep a l.ir;;e por tion of 0111 lumber slock liiuh iiiul di llic .mi- round. The Capital Lumber Company Phone 436 349 South Twelfth Wc delier orders any place in the city on short notice. A phone message will supply your wants Tell us what you need: we do the rest. V f t f f t t T f ? t t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t y t y y y y y f y X y y ? y y y y y y y f f y V t y y y y y y y ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ? ? ? ? ? y y y y y y y