THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OEECOJJ, -SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19. IBl-i FIVE. HOLIDAY FARES Following usual custom the Southern Pacific will liuve in effect from all points, JIuin Line anil Branches Special Christmas and New Year Holiday Round Trip Fares SALE DATES IN OREGON Tickets between all points in Oregon w ill be sold Decem ber 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 and 31, 1914, and January 1, 1915; also between all C. & E., P. R. & N., P. E. & K. and S. F. C. & W. points. Final return limit January 4, I'.IIS. SALE DATES TO CALIFORNIA December 21 to 25, and December 28 to January 1, inclu sive, from nil points in Oregon to any point in California; also to Klamath Falls via Weed. Final return limit Jan ary 4, 1915. SUPERIOR TRAIN SERVICE Cull on our nearest Agont for full particulars, fares to . specific points, reservations, train schedules, etc. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passengor Agent, Portland, Oro. I AMER1CANRED CROSS : LITTLE BOBBIE'S PA By "William F. Kirk M ' The teechrr akeil uft'-yestei'day t! I all jo hoinn rite after dkool ami rite a poem about Pwce. The world in 1 getting Weery of war, our teeeher sid,' , and tiie nioar our thoughts turn to I'eeee the happier we shall be. I Well, Bubliie, ed Pa to me wen T' tuuM hi m and Ma what, the teeeherl wanted T suppose you went me to rite your poem for you. , . No, I toald I'n, T want to rite it myself, lieekihii the teeeher sed to1 y that we shod ask for no help in , riteing these poems, and that the one wioli Houmle'l the nest wwl pt 0 prize if we could promise her that we rote it ourself. 1 was thinking 1 wild like to gU that prize T sed. ; ladeeil, sed Pa, and what maiks von you cud win a prize if ' Buffalo Hill' and the business men of Cody, Wyomiit where he lives, have agreed this year, as they did last, that exerv piece of mail whieh eoes out of the town dining the uionth of think that December s-houlil bear a lied Cross vim did riteim vnrselft Inistnias .Seal. ;' f PVI,r knew 'of von winning inn- Last year led by l'.uffalo Hill, they poetrv prizes, Ma sed to Pa. You purchased .."lOII seals a record which must' not teech our Mitel' son to bo will probably o unbeaten in this ,eccetfnl, anyhow she se.d. If you country for the Krentest. use of seals rot,. poem f01. ,im vou wild lent iike per capita. Cody has a population of to have him siiv that it is his, wild about 1,2(111, and the seals purchased1 you? mean that they used nearly twenty ' T wndilent say flint it was initio per capita. ..niivway, T toald Ma, beekaus I douat Is your town tomi; to sell live or Hiink it wild be lis cnoil as one wich ten for each inhabitant 1 not? If not wliv WOMAN ON THE BATTLE FIELD What She Gives to a Nation. THREE KINGS MEET. Ktcrkhnlm, Jlec. Ill, There continued to be tne liveliest i;peciilat ion uero today eoneein intf the natiii'i! itt the confer ence begun Kriduy ami still in progress at, -Milium between Kings Onstnv, Haakon and Christian of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Kxcept that the inectiug was for the purpose of discuss ing problems which have arisen ill councctiitn with the Kuropcun war, no eTpliuintinii was given by King (Instav when he sent invitations to his I'elloiv ntnii arelis to talk with him. and the deliberations of the royal trio have been kept strictly secret thus far except from their for eign ministers and the secre taries who attended the sei-sion. It was peisistently reported, however, that u combination of the three countries wns likely to bo arranged and an announce ment whs eagerly awaited. j,1. ROBBERS HELD UP PORTLAND SALOON Po'llnmi, Ore, Dor. U Shut thruiitfh tiu nlit Inn; by one of a pair of lioliiit iiH'ii during the rubbery of the Not) Hill siloon, Dii'l; Dt'iij-jpsw, the pro prietor, is in 11 sorbin-, foiiilitiuu today. The two nii'ti entered the saloon lust night, uinl ordered (ho eight or ten patrons ami proprietor to elevate their liainls. When Dengei-s' hands went up hii -.mis Hut.'hinu a huge knife with uhivii lie been milking Hatidwbhes. Fearing lesiHlance, one of the robbers fired itntnediatelv and hongess drop- i. The holdup men then lined up th" patrons with their faros ti the wall, looted the till, ran front the mm loon uinl ilisuppeared in the narkness after fir ing Hoverul shots to diseounige pursuit. Shall we say that women rontrilnile only the bandages the nursing, olieer ing niul roniforting the wounded Nu! They eontributo the fighters! what sort or ucip niul inspiration ran a woman be who is enfeebled and broken-y0 1 ran rite myself. If Pa wants to rite n poem f sed, he can HN- one and I will rite .one and you can see fori wurself wicli one. vou think is the best, I sed to Ma. So Pn got sunt pniper and a pencil' nod I did the saint an I T got my poeni) finished the first, but I let Pa reed' his fiisf. It took Pa two (2) hours toj rite hi" poem nd he ought to have did1 it (jitirtior. This is the way his poem went: Eternal Peece, fc ae ft ! K Avoid the prodigality of idle ness by making the Journ&l Want Ails keep you employed every ni inula of the time. , rnal peer e., eternal pence, Such ns thay snintimes had in flreoee I wish that peeee was here again Por finite a loner time to reemain. W'nr is a thing T do not like Whare men eeeh other with bullets do strike And if T only had my soy The war wud stop and stop right away I know of warfare and its toers, T have been niarrie I twenty years, And that is why this war shod coano And bring to us eternal peece. Well, sed Pa to Ma, T suppose it must pritty neer brake your hart not to be able to find fault with this sterling litlol poem. I have nothing to say, sed Mnt un til I hear Hohbie's poein. If I like yours better, f will, say so. So I road my poem: Peeee is a butiful thing And to me it doesnt seem right Thai to pleoso a 'Am 01' a King A lot of brave men shod fite. That is a very short poem, Bobbie, i Ma, but T think it is better than the one vure father rote. Then Pa toar up his poem and sed he was going to the club. (I'opyjduht P.i 1 4, Itrooks Venture Syn- Doctor Pierce Invalids' llotol. Huffalo, . m N. V. and simply write "Dear Doctor: tttpkT.VS FOUR DOLLARS EACH. down by diseases and weaknesses pe culiar to her sex. Can she hope to be a cnpablo mother or an efficient wife.' The mighty restorative power of Dr. Pierce's Kavorite Prescription speedily causes all womanly troubles to disap pearcompels the organs to properly perform their natural functions, cor rects displacements, overcomes irreg-i ula cities removes pain and misery at certain times and brings hack health and strength to nervous irritable and exhausted women. Jt is a wonderful precript itui pre pared only from nature's roots ami herbs with no alcohol to falsely slim ulnto and no niirentics to wreck the nerves. Il banishes pain, headache, 1 backache low spirits hot flashes, drnjj-ging-down sensation worry and sleep lessness surely and without loss of time. Why should any woman continue to worry, to lend a miserable existence, when certain help is at hand.' What Dr. Pierce's I Favorite Pre scription has done for thousands it will do for yon. .It's not a .secret rem edy for its ingredients are printed tin wrapper, (iet it this very day at any medicine dealer in either liquid or taldet form. In the meantime address ii EVEKJNGSNi v UNTIL XMAS ,5 I'llOXK MAIN 355. Stetson Rats Plymouth Shirts Crawford Shoes G. fe M. Underwear Shawknit Half-hose Standard Underwear Alfred Benjamin Clothing BRICK BROTHERS ! I'lease neud me witliimt iduirge fnrtlier , information " and "nn will reeoive Hie Hdviee of a I'liyMrimi Speeinlist nlisir Air. Iennett, vlione riincli In near Crowiev stution, will sliin nliont Kin Intelv tree; Kill iiti'e Imoli on wAinen s tnrK.'VM to tile 1'f.i'tlaiwl tnarltet enrly iliem-ett eiit free.. jiiext week. I.nst yenr lie wold a lilte milliner ot imiievH tiint iirniiniit 11 1 ill nn !ieertie of $1 eaeh. llnllus Ob werver. A noft iinHwer iH nil ever-present help in time of trouble. Yoarrocer Tf For j "Ong cotA?rW Makes . M ellli i? ,a1 .1 Whiter Lighter Better ALLEN & LEWIS Distributors PORTLAND, - OREGON CLOTHIERS AND HABERDASHERS For Men and Boys Formorlr Oscar Johnson's Plymouth TO TIIE PUBLIC. Salem, Ore., December 18, 1911. FRIENDS: The Yuletide season is on and we wish to extend our sin cerest greetings to the people of Salem and vicinity. First of all, because we are neighbors; second, because we desire to carry forth the Yuletide season's cheer whenever we have an opportunity to do so; and third, because we are really grateful to the general public for the satisfactory support they have given our establishment since we purchased the Oscar Johnson stock. ' 1 rt5 Usually when new-comers come to the city the public are not prone to patronize them, not having the feeling of confidence and security in the new folks. However, we have not found it so. Our store has received its share of the business to date. It may be because we come from Portland and being well known there.' No matter, whatever the reason for our immediate, success, we are thankful and appreciative, and will alwaysendeavor to merit this feeling, by giving the people 100 cents on the dollar in worth for every dollar they spend with us. We will always carry a complete line of the best CLOTH ING, SHOES, SHIRTS, HATS, UNDERWEAR; in fact, everything for the MAN AND BOY. With the very best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year, we remain, Sincerely yours, BRICK BROTHERS. Our Christmas Gift to Yoii Ending Christmas Day With every suit costing $10.00 or over, purchased be tween now and Christmas day, we will give absolutely FREE! 3 FREE! in merchandise 'REMEMBER, there are no restrictions to this offer. It is purely a CHRISTMAS CI FT to those who will pat ronizu us Christmas week. BE SURE AND CUT THIS COUPON OUT COUPON This I'eililinile, ttlirn piopeily eml'ii Neil liy llilili Mi-nlliem, "ill lie komiI for itH.HO In Initio nny time lip In uinl ini'lniliiiK Mnivh I, 111 15, NOTICE I'poli piiii'linxiiio, ii Kit i t lit our :toro ilnnou Hii week to the nnioiint of 4111.00 nr over, linil present inn lliix Ceilificiite, propeily ni(iieil mill mlilrexiieil, tlio lioliler y neleel MM in iiii'iyliniiillro Imiiieilinloly, or limy letnin rertificntii niul lit nny lime prior to .Mnreli limy olert tin' men luiioline, whii li eonixl of llnlH, Hlioen, Oveiiilln, f'lipM, Hoyn' Colliin, Miieliiiiim-t, llnln ('ontn, t'lnlenumr, lloniety, N'eektveiir, III fuel, nnylliin(( In our uliirn. Hih iii-it , , , All.llOHH BRICK BROTHERS Formerly drear JuhiiKon's riyiuimlh CORNER STATU AND LIBERTY STREETS, 8AL11M iShop H 38 STATU STBIiliT TAILOEED CLOTHEB ros MEN HUM 'inn son