four. THE SALEM CAPIT L JOURNAL. ' SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 19U Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal SATURDAY DECEMBER 19, 1914 THE DAIIY Sm JOURNAL PUBUSUED Bl CAPITAL JOURNAL PRINTING CO., Inc. BHARLE3 H. FISHEE EDITOR AND MANAOE5 Daily, by Currier, per year iOaily, by Mail, per year .. Weekly, ty Mail, per year ...$i.00 ... 3.00 ... 1.00 Per month l'er month Six months.... . as . ...50i Dr. Mayo, the world-renowned surgeon, talking re entry on the subject of cancer, says it is not contagious; that no one knows what causes it; that one man of every thirteen may expect to die of it, and one woman of every s . . 1 t i 1 T 1 1 even, uri top ot tnis ne says tne disease is easuy curaoie Prosperty Coming !'ro!-jMrity W 'In!, t li niiiishine states tit r it v: hit nl 1 1 urns, t hut m:iil I rnk-Mi in hme Jinrl that, the onlv remedv is the surgeon s bine, will shortly puss away. "Tin knife. His advice is to go at once to your physician as "tlook ,ure is JIti PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, BALEM, 02EG0I; SUBSCRIPTION HATES: FfJLL LEASED WIRE TELEOEAI'H REPORT The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papora on the orch. If the carrier does not do this, nilssoi you, or neglects getting th( paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the onlj way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions I'hone Main 82. GET IN TUNE FOR CHRISTMAS. A melancholy disposition is a nuisance, at any time ol vear. The grouchy man is merely endured and the sorrowful man is only pitied, while the morose man is detested. The worst nuisance in the world to himself and others is the man who is constantly complaining and nursing hi? woes. His woes may be mostly imaginary at first, but they become real in time from the mind's dwelling upon them. Rome foolish women seem to think a sort of semi- invalidism is genteel. They keep on hand a supply of lit tie ailments that they put on or off as occasion suggests. These are the chief topics ot their conversation, and tne moral malaria exhales poisonous vapors that chill and de press all who come within the atmosphere. The readiest cure for such invalids lies in laughing. If they can find nothing else to laugh at, let them laugh at themselves.' Let them get out of the miasmic shadows into the sunshine of content. Most of us take ourselves too seriously. Our very sol omity over little troubles is very funny if we only look at it riant. who can recall the little vexations and petty woes 01 yesterday, and remember the worry that was wasted over them, without laughing? The petty woes of today will to morrow appear as trivial as those of yesterday do today. The time to laugh over them is now. Laugh, and they will flee at once. We can't all laugh always, but we can laugh a good deal if we try. We can train ourselves to look on the bright side of things. The physiological benefits of cheerfulness are too ap parent to be doubted. The mental, moral and spiritual benefits, though not so clearly seen, are just as great. The hearty laugh that comes of wholesome merriment is the sunshine of life that drives the creeping gloom sha dows from the face and routs skulking cares from the heart. Nothing costs so little and at the same time counts so much for happiness and health as habitual cheerfulness, It is the best medicine, the best tonic, the best stimulant in the world. This is a good time to try it out. oon as you discover any sign of irritation about warts, tumors, moles or injuries -which do not heal promptly. It is from such causes most cancers start, hence the ad: viee. Now that the railroads have been granted that five V.'V per cent increase in rates, tney snouid make good on tneir ' $ art ot the contract, lhey have been saying that such action on the part of the commission was all that was necessary to start business going and bring an unparal leled wave of prosperity to the country now it's their move. ip ' f V5 8 The bootlegging, blind pig way of furnishing water in South Salem is not much for style, but it is sure appreciat ed by the residents of that Extra Dry but not Mumm section. Someone yesterday morning, when he first saw the water wagon (this one) remarked it was "the car of Juggernaut, one s success in getting water depending on whether he had a jug or not. A dispatch says : "England cannot see how the United XI A field 's whiskers shine, and twinkling are his eyes. For gratitude il e v o u t we'll soon have am- ?$1 P' eaiice; we'll see tue woruing out or our new tariff laws. We '11 oil be bpie-liug thanks, our bosoms full of thrills; our Vs3 patent duplex bunks ...:n i I .. ti i li i neui an iiiiiiiiiu ills. Our blessed in come tax will soon relieyc the poor, anil heap ou rieh men 's backs as liiiu-h ns they'll endure. The gloomy days are done the sunshine sharps derlare; our place is in the sun, und we'll be happy there. When griefs are nlso rans, and we arc for tune's pets, we'll bless kind Woodrow's plans and Uedfield's whiskerettes. For men are growing tired of living ou fresh air, of furnaces nnfired, and cup boards grimly bare. It's Had to see the nosts of hungry unemployed, wlio are convinced no ghosts will walk to. fill the void. The plunks we elinno so hard are scarce as dragon's teeth; it's sad lo see the bard compelled to eat his wreath, ifo then, for better days! We'll ereor them with a irrin. and we'll States can longer ignore the violation of the rules of war h flw . '"h whi'" ""'' "r( usnere I in: i by Germany." What would England have the United States do? Supposed she recognized the fact that Ger many was violating the rules of war, would England ex pect this country to stop her? Nothing doing. So long as people appeal to congress for "pork barrel" impropriations, congress cannot he blamed for trying to supply the pork. A "pork barrel" appropriation may be defined as one in which the money is not to be spent in the neighborhood of the persons calling it "pork barrel." FOE "THAT MAN'S" XMAS Hero's the Answer to a Very Puzzling Question CHRISTMAS AT THE OLD HOME. As Christmas approaches, what heart that is not cal loused with creed and selfishness does not ache with longing for the old home of childhood days? At this mystical season, if at no other, memories o( childhood become smiling angels that beckon us back through the years. Idle sentiment? Not at all. All over our land Christmas brings back to the old borne the children and the children's children, once more to set our lips to the spring of love that is pure and unde .filed. ! Whether we turn back to it from successes and joys, or from failures and sorrows, the old home is ever a sanc tuary of virtues and the sweetest earthly interpretation ef heaven. The king of finance and the prodigal once more be come brothers, at the old home, and learn that the thing's which seem so important to us in this world are, after all, only a thin veneer. Whether we be wise or ignorant, rich or poor, great or little, the old home offers us satisfaction and inspiration to be found nowhere else m the world. If Christmas had no other meaning than just this that it turns us back to the old home, that nursery of the infinite, ami to the loves and dreams and longings' and re solves of youth, the day would still be the happiest and most helpful day in all the year. Considering the weather, it might be proper to let up on the discussion of the country's unnroparedncss for war and size up how it is prepared for winter. The former may be a possibility, but the latter is an evident fact. THE ROUND-UP Mrs. M. .1. Malhews, M veins of ate. i, i,'r n... i i has relumed to I'bigeno her former , ., ' ,, ' , , '.'' Inline, from her homestead nei;r Fossil. i tl,l! 8t"r,'s "le throned by the Oi-eumi, having proved up afler com- " lasi iniaute rush "'; when you 've often pleliuy the full term of residence must j rucked your brains for an idea that will solve the ipiestion of what to give, hus band, father llrolher Tom or .lack; when you've looked buck on former trials, due to your having; picked the wrong tie or n misfit shirt or socks that were too small did it ever occur to you that you inijiht settle the matter quickly anil satisfactorily without l"s' in;; any beauty sleep by giving him a glass humidor of I'rinco Albert, tile national joy smoke? It's a neat looking ervstul ulass recep tacle, holding a pound of the best liked tobacco made. Whenever the supply is exhausted it mny readily be replenished, and the humidor keeps the tobacco moist fresh and fragrant, all the time. You will find it in all stores whore tobacco is sold, and you needn't hesi tnie to walk right in and iisk for it. The clerk won't bite and the tobacco can't, oil her. The bite has been taken oul of P. A. by a wonderful patented process. Think of the pleasure i will give "liim" and tho possible annoy ance it will iinvp you. It's a gift that will not be slipped to the .inuilor or the office boy like a tie that doesn't slrike "his'' fancy. And furthermore, when "lie" is thinking of a gift for a business asso ciate or ncipinintance or n male relative, i belli him oul of the difficulty by sag- of w 1 1 it-li ski1 spent alone. Medl'iinl Mail-Tribune: .Judge Well ington donates to the I'oniiiierciul Club nit interesting exhibit of' a woodpecker mIo, an In im h section of a yellon iiae tree, literally filled with holes and in each hole two to Ihreo acorns. Trilmle to the Haines spiril, in linker Herald. "Haines had a blow ia the loss of its opera house and other build ings but all who know the pluck of that- cilv are sure that lue llaiucs litis tie "ill merely make the disaster a; stepping stone to gieater things." ! t' n Pendleton Fast Oiegoniau: (Hen Ibishee and Mr, and .Mrs. Fred Heck will leave in the morning for Starkey Prairie, where they will spend the win ter Happing coyotes. They will take along "l!eter," a pet eo.ote, which they purchased. Vrom the sale of pelts nmi I ho bounty they believo lhey can make their expedition profitable. , That (here fa n bright promise of nn udwinccd movement in mining in linker and (irant counties with the coming of IIM.'i is the hopeful opinion of the Unl. er lieiuucrnt, which luiilier savs XMAS SUGGESTIONS Perfume in fancy packages Colgate's Toilet Sets Fountain Pons Guaranteed Fancy Mirrors, Leather Card Cases Leather Pocket Books Leather Coin Purses Cut Prices Prevail. Frank S. DRUGGIST Phone 2217 BiS State St. ' THE ONLY SHOCK YOU'LL EVER GET WHEN YOU BUY FROM US, WILL BE THE PLEASANT SENSATION YOU WILL FEEL, THAT YOU ARE GETTING THE RIGHT STUFF AT AN HONEST PRICE. WE WANT TO FIGURE WITH YOU ON LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES IN FACT ANYTHING AT ALL IN THE BUILDING LINE. WE KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, WHAT IT IS WORTH, AND YOU WILL GET A SQUARE DEAL FROM US EVERY TIME. Spaulding Logging Company Front and Ferry Phone 1830 GOOD For FOR 25 VOTES Address This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital Journal office. Not good after December 26, 1914. San Francisco, Dee. 19. found dcud here yesterday in the of fire of Dr. .1. .F. Leek, a dentist, in say, that a criminal operation had been onlay she was K"'"E to seo a dontiat, performed, was identified today as , but railed to mention tho dentists The woman 'Mrs. F.llou A. Bruce, the wife of on mime, llriice admitted that his wifo iron worker. . was to become a mother. Keginnld Bruce, the husband, told circumstances indicating, the police yhe polico that his wife told him vest- SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL. r TaBiPiwnTWWMiWitiiiiii 'ii MiiigifflOrrrwra'wffliHBHvnm A mineral exhibit from these enmities gosling a crvstal abiss humidor ot lit the I'anania-racific exposition would' I'rinco Albert. As a man's gift it can be hi thing to start Hie ball rolling. ' not be duplicated in acceptability by All that is necessary is to show eapiial anything else at so nominal a it's the wealth in mineral that here uhounds ; found nt the nearest shop that sells and uioncv will do the rest, i tobacco. WIIAT TO BUY FOR XMAS, Us KelpYou Select Books Purses Brass Desk Sets Brass Ink Wells Stationery Address Books Traveling Sots Christmas Cards Hand Bags These are but a few of the many articles Bibles Paper Knives Leather Lap Tablets we have on display. Wallets Fountain Pens Games . The Commercial Book Store 163 Commercial Street LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SG8 Capital $500,000.00 Transact a general banking business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT e rXK S ?S y tm&S?$r $&g& &&r JtPS, Jgg3A Make the holiday joys lasting ones by buying substantial, comfort-giving, money saving presents from among our selected slock of fine footwear. Our stock has never been larger and our prices have never been lower. It is seldom that you can buy goods like these at such reductions in the holiday season, but you can do it here and now. We have a beautiful assortment of fine gift slippers and dainty shoes for all. Mo ther, Sister, Sweetheart or Wife will be happy and satisfied if you choose their gifts here. Buy him a useful Christmas gift. You sssfc can easily out one nere from among a number of good things that he will like. Merry Christmas To All In announcing this Special Christmas Sale, I wish to extend to the public my most appreciative thanks for their valued pat ronage during the year 1911. The past twelve months have brought me a marked increase in business, thus again proving that my policy of giving the buyer abso lutely honest value at a genuinely reason able price is winning increasing public es teem and confidence. A. C. DeVOE 344 STATE For example, there's the fine Neckwear that we carry all in newest styles and nt prices you'll like. Then again, there's collars of the best and latest fashion. They're always accept able. ' And don't forget the famous NOTA SEME HOSIERY for Men and Women they wear better, look better and are bet ter than any others for the money. Your Christmas shopping trip is a fail ure without a visit to this store.