Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1914, Page TWO, Image 2

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.......... ....fcfcji.4fc iill1"1'"111'"'111!!!
THE festival of Christmas holds also attached to the archways, separ
the stage, so to speak, and, with Uting the various rooms. Greenery
New Years and its attendant banked tho fireplace, tilled available
merry making close approaching, there! plates and completely concealed the
will be no occasion to talk of anything' base of the gayly lighted Christmas
else for some time to come. Generally, tree in tlie library, wincn was open
of her more intimate friends Monday
afternoon, entertaining with several
tubli's of cards, with a luncheon later.
Friends here will be pleased to learn
of the engagement ot Miss Shirley Dor-
at this time of the year there is a lull i later :n the afternoon, waen the honor I S(.Vi htor of Mrs. S. J. Dorsey, to
in social affairs, when time and at'
teution are given over to yuletide pre
parations, so no one is disappointed
in tho laxity of social activity of the
past two weeks. Almost everyone has
responded to charitable calls of some
kind, the (Social Service Center, Parent
Teachers Associations, and sale of Ucd
Crosa acals all presenting worthy op
portunities. Some affairs of an in
formal nature have interspersed those
for philanthropy, and have been suf
ficient in number to add a festive
diversion to tho nioro serious occupa
tions. Kvery needy family in tho city,
will, on Christmas day, and earlier,
where necessary bo given gifts of
clothing, foodstuffs with douations of
toys for the children. The unfortunate
peoplo in every city in America will
be romombored on that day by those
more fortunate and a universal prayer
be made to bring about the time when
nowhere on earth will sorrow and suf
fering b known and also thnt the New
(Year will usher in a change of condi
tions, loading np to an era of "peace
n earth, good will toward men.
guc-sts was ushered in, finning her at-1 (a,,a Sexton, of Panama. Miss Dor-!
tractively-ionccaled iniseelluiioutis git's s,.y is a graduate of the Monmouth nor
arranged ubout the tiee. A pleasant lmi m.mat ,fr the, j.ast four years
session oer tho tuu cups followed, I n, a government petition of school
Mrs. .luinos 13. Godfrey, of Portland; j BUpeivisoi' in Panama. .Her engage
Mrs. Klizabeth Head, Mrs. C. 1. llisliop i ,,,, ia the culmination of a romance
unci Mrs. D. W. Matthews presiding 1 w.:h (, tilere, jr, Scxtou being
An event of leading sociul interest,
which is scheduled for the hididny sea
son, is the innsionlo to be given by
Mrs. Ooorgo J. Pcarco, Mrs. William It.
at the samivars. Tuo circle's colors
were clovorly displayed, pu.ted plants
a ci' il engineer employed ill the canal
zone. M iks Dorsey will return to ouicm
with blossoms of bli.o, yelkov and red, Pariy j the summer, her marriage to
with weir jjiiago lornung tnu center-. tu(0 ,,ai.0 shortly afterwards.
The hostesses were assisted by Mrs
I'nul ilauser, Mrs. G. II. Burnett and!
Miss Hazel bishop, rorty tivo guests
Past-holiday events, happily antici
pated, are the diamatic productions to
lie itnged at one of "the down town
were present, tho following coimibut- tn(..,tw ,,y ProfC!MKr Wallace Mac
mg gilts: Murray, of Willamette university, as
Mrs. Wi limn V. Johnson. Mis. PI I- . . . V , ........
Mrs. William V. Johnson, Mrs. Klli
son, Mrs. Andrew 1.. Jonuson, -Mis.
.lames K. Uodt'roy, .Mrs. Llizubetli
Head; Mrs. Miilu:i U Myers, Mrs. Ida
li. iNiles, Mrs.
Mrs, Henry H.
David W.
sisted by students. He has been deliv
ering a series of lectures on the mod
ern drama at Katon hall (Wiring tho
l;..h t.a.ra l.n .tlo.,.1,,,1 hv
Matthews, ' i ..,n .,t,io. T-'o
' lhiel-,i, ' ; ,, ,1,..,i ,. !,. tr,
sou, Miss Moollcr, Mrs .1. A. 1 einar, i, ;t t,0 vaii(ma bt of tho drania
l- """i; 'i", I',, ;. ' ' K"w'h bv giving actual produc
M.s.r KShater, Mis. I'mil II Ilauser, (i0)1, Tl(( fir't (Uama , ,)() 9taged
Mrs. Minnie Mcl,auley, Mrs. David A. win Jj1(v u,.,,,.,.-,, "Xruveling
wrignr, Mrs. w. A mitueriuru, -urs. Mll ,, , ,nirala ., ;.. MisH
Beryl Holt will ussuine the role of
Only Four Shopping Days To
Select Your Christmas Gifts
g .
You hear on all sides the expression: "How reasonable the Christmas things are at Shipley's!" The WHY
is that this store has put forth every effort to secure good, sensible holiday gifts, and have marked them .
at our usual moderate prices. Do not think it is necessary to be ready to buy when you come in'; you will
be most welcome just to enjoy a peep through our display aisles.
You will be interested in such lines as Merite Jewelry, Parisian Ivory, Kurd's Stationery, Dennison's.
Christmas Novelties, Tucks Board Books, Volland's Cards and Booklets; Colgate's Soaps, Perfumes and
Toilet Waters; Roger Gallet Soaps and Pertumes, Leather Bags, Leather Jr'urses, nowaras brusnes, aia
eudre Kid Gloves, Kayser's Silk Gloves and Hosiery, Phoenix Guaranteed Hosiery, Reiser's Neckwear,
Richardson's Linens, Women's and Children's Handkerchiefs, Carter's Knit Underwear, Modart Corsets,
Warner's Corsets, Maish Comfortables, Kimonas, Bath Robes, Infants' and Children's Wear, Umbrellas,
Novelty Ribbons.
tho Mother; Miss Evelyn Reigelman
thnt of the Child, Professor MacMur
ray upneuriiiir as the Stranger. The
second pro. I in-1 i m will be thnt uf "The!
reinlile Meek," ny Kennedy, a play
crucifiintiou. I'rotes-i
Murray will fill the role of the i
Captain, Miss Arlie Walker the Sol-
her, with -Miss hvudiue Harrison us1
Charles 1'. bishop, Mrs. Hubert Cliaiin
cey Bishop, Mias Bishop, Mrs. L. I,'.
avanaugh, Mrs. Waiter M. Smith, Mrs.
Charles Ivgiu, Mrs. . Vuss, Mis. John
I. Smnge, Mrs. N. W. Chirk, Mrs. June
Hlnniliife Miss l'eaico and Miss Steu-1 A. i hndwick, Miss I hadwiek, Mrs.
sloff, which will take place Weilues-1 James T. Cliinnock, Mrs. W. ( n i It on , j , with the .
day, December III), at 2 o'clock, in Smith, Mrs. A. K. Dinsmore, Miss Kdit.iL01. U1. jurray w
the Masonic temple. neimiger, mm. ma m. imncucs, irs.
jl'muit J. .Miller, .Mrs. Belle Nilcs
Mrs. William C. Kniehtou wus in , Mrs. O. P. Hot f, Mrs. George
rortlnnd tho greater pnit of the week,!1'-. I':i',,"'" Mr; '"''"" I ', Professor MiicMurrnv's lecture Mon
Where she was entertained as house ;M" , M!'-A; J:-,llinB,,fi ! dnv night was on " Hosinersholni," by
guest of the linger II. Sinnotts und J - M. Kruuk, iliiis Gussio .Mies, i A tt,.iidaiice was present
other friends. A smart bridge, over Ml'"- ' ' UKJ and Mihs luge. jani lh(1 sl,,,,,.t wa9 treated in a most
which Mi's. Siuuult presided, marked i instructive and enjoyable manner,
her stay on Monday afternoon, other! The engagement of Miss funnel Sul-
matrons contributing ceveinl ill lairs for I livuii, of Portland, announced Wcdnes-1 y sj, Hnwcn and Mis. F. S.
lier rdca iuio later. Mrs. Knighton was (lay in of much interest here, where she ' Stewart were hostesses for the Daks
also "a guest ut the huge Kiiiinn recep- bus many friend among music luvcrn, ,.i,K. .u,, which met lit the home
tion on Tuesday, jliuvhig appeared heru several times iii!nf t',, f,inner Moudiiv evening, Mr.
" fiiiemu"t musical events, her lust U- aI), irf, j,n , McNarv were addi-
Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Hush entertain- j pearnnco being at Miss Sheltuu 's recital ; t ion:i I guests and pii.es were won by
ed their Auction bridge dub Tnnrsduy ; in June. yhs. Arthur Lovelace and 10. 0. Scicku.
vening with Mr, ninl Mrs. Melvin Tho following description of the nu-
l'limpton and Miss llael Kennedy as : nouncemcnt party appeared in the s.. , iin n.y ,l)s Um 0
gu(ts. Itieh scores were made by Mrs. . -in eolnn.iis of lhursduy s (Iregoniau: ,n, , ;,,,,. f ,;, jomlllv xi,ht
thauncey llishop and John II. McNary. ( onipliinenting Mrs. 1 nomas ( on-1 ,,., , ,,,,, (k, ,,, f,',,, tlll,ir
- 'inn, Kiiineiiy icaiuc, wuu nils ( nine
Mrs. W. Council liver relurned t'ritulto nake her homo ill this cily, .Miss
l'ortlaud Thursday, wlieie she had been 'funnel Siillivun was hostess for il
aince Friday of hist week the house , bridge ten yesterday afternoon, at the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. fliuilcs Tillou Siiuu time nnniiiiicing her engagement
Knmm, who, with Mis. Jacob Kamm.ito Hubert J. Power, a promoter uf lies
Hr., gave a large reception on Tuesday ' ton, Mass.
afternoon, which wits one of Hie most I no lirnle-eiect is a very clever
Dolls, Toys and Games, Hundreds of Gift Ideas to Choose From
next diiiicing pinty,
Tlie following item from tho (.'orval
lis (laette Times is a pleasing compli
ment, to Salem's gifted vxoi-nlist.
"Mrs. llullie I'arrisli Hindus, Sa
lem's noted soldi -1, lias been invited to
i..:n:.... l.. I,...tl I ....;.. ,, l.,n-i il,n ,liuiil , f l,i,r ,ii, snrr ut Hie llliniiai cuueen hi vj. ..
when the three brides of the Kninmluf the few harpists on the cast, She to .if given sometime in .lununry. Jhe
hms, Mrs. Jacob (In.v Kamui (Hor-i studied ut St. Mary 'a convent in this , invitalioa to appear as soloist at t ils
enco Itonnell), Mrs. Walker W. Kinnmitv and Inter under Professor Klein, !''V'ul. is con-i.lei,.,l (pnte an honor by
(Louiso ltoberts) mid Mrs, Philip i of Leipzig. V'a: the past two jears she " vocalists and has been bestow
Schuyler Kumni (Muiie Hul.eili.) were ! lias been nppeuring in a concert tour.1''1 "I'on a worthy subject,
formerly introduced to Poilluiid's smaiilof the northwest mid has won iiiany!
Bt.t ' laurels In musical circles. She is a' Among pioininent .Masons, out-of-
ilau:;hler of Mrs. l'Mnrence Sullivnn, sis- town residents, who were represented
Miss (Ireta Phillips nil led Hi m- A- ulllvan uu.l 1(. A. Sullivan, at the annual ' home-coming " of Wed-
k i.. i... i..c , ti...' Ilornev of this mtv. formerlv us- iies.l.iv evening, were: lion. (.. H.
f.n.nn.. 1,-i.h t.'n.ir. in P,il,l' last ' t"t city attorney. ' iMon.cs, of Portland; J. W. Voung, uf
niahC Hl.n will r in 1 1. ..net ..f I "Mr. Power is tho son of Put Power, Wul.lport; W. II. rolgcr
1'rien.lu for K.veiul ilnvs I ell-.; now u en pi In I ih( ut the Hub city
German Silver Mesh Hemstitched Chiffon 2:5- and 24-inch Jointed Women's Novelty Neck
Bags; regular prices Scarfs; plain and novel- n. rSn0?08 1 u2
$6.fo and ?7.50. . ty makes; all at- Bisque Dolls- Cuff to Nov elty
Knitted Square Shawls .Odds and ends in Jew- Character Dolls; some Parker's Games; good
and Scarfs- mussed elry comprising Chains', are neatly dressed; reg- assortment; regular 25c
from display; regular Purses, Cuff Pins, Hat ular prices, $1.50 and and :'.5c, special 19c;
prices '50c to 75c. Pins, etc. $1.75. regular 50c and G5c
Crocheted and Knitted Women's and Misses; Women's Messaline Silk Novelty Ribbons, in
Worsted Shawls, Fasci- Narrow Hemstitched Petticoats; black and widths from :l inches to
nators and Hug-me- Linen Handkerchiefs, coi0rS; regular prices G inches; priced special
tights; regular prices with initial corners: , and 4 93 at
nSW&$LVM ""riciAi.25c ' SPECIAL $2.48 2i)c, 39c, otic A YARD
Open Evenings
Until Xmas
Open Evenings
Until Xmas
j. ti.
il. roiger, or c-m eriou;
of Woo. Ilium. Absent
The home of Mrs. L. K. Page, on
I. Mini'
New Vurk City niul ' I lavis Kirett, ol lloise, Idaho; (.laude
in ne:.hew of M. T. Mcdinlli. luoiiiiiient 'members sending letters were: Hev.
wheat merchant ol .
lit una nf IKm iHcrfiMf inl I llm-i lurw lit' the '
i. , " 1 1.. T......I i... r.
wnn, nnru Ml. K' , l,. ,.. ,l f ll,.,,.,-.l
11..1 ,. , weeii-rim li'"
""'Jl ..i..: v;i,-.,rt,.
for the allies in Hie Kurniienn lloul Hiver; .. .M. I'arvin, i-oriiniiii; o. ,
Mr. Power is a ura.luale of th" I', l.'obey, Oaliliind, till.; J. M. Olni-
... i. : ,i. i. ..I.... v.... l.'...,..lo..... 11 II
.. ,, ,. , ., . i H i. I'li-m-iii linn i.nsi im u.-iir im i.k. nuii-..-.' ,, ..., .
Miss Mine Tliompsoii will be the, Holidays in Monmouth, the guest ol
..,.,l, I i.n.st of MlfS Hel.lll AH- 11. T sister, .ill's nri". "
......... ....... t 1 1.. I,..
'Th wedding
nioeit at au iiiformul pre-iiuptial af
fair, honoring Miss iirnce ilellinger,
I tor in the Lincoln m-IicoI.
Mr, and Mrs. Ames ass, will leave
tic s Merest anil enthusiasm was ilisplnveii.
'X' Ai laiigciiieui.) were made for I'lirnishiu;.'
l pil'ts uf candies, etc., to the clid.lren
s:iil their closing o.creisos yesterday
H ul'l.'i iiii.il, mi.) a commit tee appointed
tend, MeMiuaville, and Weward Hew- j Miss nuincne oii, . ' ..vt k for iVrtlniid where thev will K . to ascertain the needs of tho poor of
lirido-clcct of (Jt'oiTf H, Scnllov, ft
bminrrtfi man nl' Nortnpnrt, 1 .
ir..i. mi.. i ..tf t , i lUMI .HV
11 mil. i (il miri isf run i pimrn in iiiriu
li ml viiiitinft moinlnirM ut' tlm Kititnn
titur cin'Jc, of whii'h S HoHiiior in
th'm winliT, tin tint
triiixtnirily locfttctt
"The 1i idif o inrtv wus a rliunuinu In-MiHil'tilly ilivm-Htnl
liil't'iur. X ifiM'stH huiiiir skit fur tho Kruno, mistlrlno an. I
I M j .... !.. 1.. tl... i ltiir nut it I'lilnl' f it Hill r (if II !('( tl till
"iouib..r, brought their needlework, M M. , o,(1 , ',, ,,. ; v'ii... Two tables were airniiue.l forllirst
ileliuiitf ill entj.rliiiiiinent. lonui-iiiii lioi iilt
.. . .. , ., ' , . ,, . niiirrm
Hriuiiisi .ur ii.cir pieiis.ni. iioiii.K nit-
hours. Aa uniipie eontest. also offered
n iittraetive diversion, Hie favor lie
ing a win Med to Mrs, Hollo Nilcs llrowu.
Mrs. I'iiuI Harold Ilauser gave two
readings, Mrs. W. Carlton Hmith beau
tifully interpreting "Love's Years Are
llravo and lioug." Mrs. Hello Niles
whs il MiHs t'onsi.liiie."
' I'it," the highest scores being inn.
Hie tioi-Hiem tvirt. of thii eit.v. All
the Anient , i;.(,n(,,L wiii eloso attention, to tho
was the tk given by Mrs. ( huiles II. riekotf,
'Oregon - relative to her work as truant officer
by V il- among the motherless children o( tho
at the , .itv. The meiuhers of this organization
with Oregon I'll re-its, .Mr. an. I Airs. 11. i. i on.-.., '"y' ' - , r-tuie nospnai msi .-auiiuay ai u-riioou, , tf iicgmning their work consistently
it floweis enr-iS7 Knst Kightei nth stieet .mi tn, nev. 01 ..us. i.ai.coo. . "... ..... - ncior,. u large representative or tno mi it will no doulit. lie instrumental In
'(' 11'"' I '"' ' n . .. . .... . ! .11 .1... I. . A u ..it ,1 ilt.iltl.! I t i t i .t..!.. j .. . ... . fi-L:' . . ... ..
1 1 Dr. .Mount officiating. .Alter .uiuiun.t unm ..... . .... enni mourners iiuu men- menus, nus potteilng chil.lhood eou.inions as wen
tie eoiiule will he at uoiiie to;incir siay win ..- inn...... ...... -., event was tneroiiguiy enioysuie and ; m st nir in ullcviatinit the eondttioim
e 1 frien Is at M5 Marien street, this city. : pleiisnnt illtairs. I most, instructive as well, The next: f h iiwdy of the eity.
et ui s. ... 'i.ii'i r .in oe in.- ici i-oii-, .
Art,' whi.h will be given by Mrs,
meinner .,. me lui,-., ' lust night, where today she became the remain a wees, niegne-ts 01 trieu.is. (hiri,
. ,11. ,. . , i,. 1 11 v,i., ,.iiii,.iii!iii.,l the 1 bride of . . V. Knriss, head of the Ore- I Woman's Club calcn.lar, v
will be e ent .1 , J. . N h. b n 1 italm lit Wl,pplv eompauy, of Ku- Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Woclrttl , ot ; 1 iMllBllt,,, ltvtun on .,
a bridegrooiu-tMlie ' ' ' h .ne 1011 Ih ofl J' ! The ceremony wa-! Los Angeles, Cal anived lust night e , , ., .hih . lMWl,mi ,,
, , ,. c.y on ; J'; , ' 'w 1 ? ,r"e'l at the home of the bride's the guests of the W i lium 1. l ab- lUtm VMr. m ,be chapel
1 . ir'.; I,.,,' ' ..I , r T.,- ., .'..areits, Mr. and Mrs. I). C 1'owell. cod. 's, Mr. Woodruff being 1 brother , ytlU, np;,,,,' ,t Snturda.v aft
The wives of the ruitroad couunission-
Itronvn played a piano nccomiuiniuieut ' coin scnool with a piott.lv planned Jin
for her and Hurry Mills guve much nor Tuesday evening, enterlaining for
pleasure by artistically rendered piano ' her laughter, Miss Amelia, who is a
vnrritions or Hie "Lust Hose ot Muni-1 .upll at that place, Christmas novel
ber," by Moore, and " Ueineinbrnnce," j ties ami greenery, used in decorating,
by Maurice Telmn. I lent 'I beautiful touch to the handsome
Klakornto deeovnlions innilic.l the y ippitinted rooms. Tho same colors
event as on of the prettiest given dur-! were noted on the table, the center
ing tho pre holiday season, Scarlet piece, espeelnlly nltrnctiie, being a
poinsetta blossoms, bug stemmed and : Inrgo receptlelo filled with Oregon's
of toe largest variety, furnished lovely ,1 hoi 'est fruits, tluesls circling the
floral ornamentation to the drawing' boar I weie Miss L'niiua K 1 inner, Miss
tooin, whero o,tinntitles of Christmas , Mrmine llushnoll, Miss I'Iuib Hluiw and
greens were combined most effectively. Miss Aiken.
Orout clusters ot holly enueealed the 1
f'hanteliumi in each rmui and were j Mis. K, A. Moore asknl In a nnniber
I... l.... I.- 1.-.. I., .1.,,, .1...I Mi-u I '
1..- . '.' '.. '. .. ,.' . .... .1 en. ......I.. ,...- .t .inr,i....iul..,l evotrssioii of wel
. Miss Huzel Kennody I.,, today t.tt";'T'TT"'': V "J t," . 1 t " ZZ , nZ V W, waV r."ccp.io given by the, Alice If. Dodd, J.nn.ry nin.h.
her home In iHii.'ouver. Mi sh und ; ; " ,,. i.i.l.l.... to ... Miles, in cclcbrution ot his fouith meiuhers of the Central Congregational,
win remain 1111111 nncr tue noiioiivs. '..";- " - ..... ..... ,, ,., ..i,r,.v. T....l,.v even nc to 1 he r new v
n. 1. ill lor i-t...... wii.'.i. I'ovris .veil" i.rin.iuv. ills 111. .1.-1. ...... .... - r- . ...
11111 1
"' " - I - - ..... ,, ,,. ,. I .1, U Xl.i.lMlI. .IIS. ..... '....,... . I' I.n.l ......
Mis .li.l.n . ,.t..v..ilv ..1..1.I0V...I to rei.resent the sen-1 ' '"'. " ' '." '.?." ."".'i'"-"' ' " "
Much originality was displayed
Mis. William 1'. Ilnbcnck coiupllnieul-
e.l ccial nf tho instructors of tho Lin-
'I'he supper and Clilistiiias sale con
ducted by the ladies of the Leslie.
Methodist church, was held Wednesday
afternoon and evening in their church
,1 lor fourteen at the prettily up- Miles, and M is. Miles, Mr., nssiste.i ny 1 iipp.u. mi ens,... '""'':,''"' " ,' "'" . ""' " ' ' ' " ,.:;,.,,
' !'!'.. I1'1"''" being ; Mrs. tieirge II. I.muett, entertammg ; a, , s . "V ,' " - ,, "V" K,.' "V"" Z ' : ! ' ! . ' T o lie sooner. 11108111 11
ked bv linud painted pliice-cards. for his pleasure, t linstinas (iccoraiious -,- ............. " '"". . , .1 . cr . 4,,,,,.,
hosier was assisted in serving by artistically tiuusfmnied the looms into , ma colors developed will. . ..i s pott 1 L caniiug. fhe ti. ers were elected and charge ot th affair were M s. A,, 0 1
s. Shiuuer, Mrs. Leondine Kckcrlen a bower, holly and mistletoe with lev p m is, '"'" V, ' u,r , h ,7 i., V, 1. i .; 1 "1 V 1 'v V ' tc ... . .. , k
, ,, . ,1 , v , ,., 1, . ..J ,..,1 ,! , , ,.,.,.,. miner ; 1 hristiiius bells, 111 charge of .Miss lows: Mrs. trunk J. Miller, president; John S dpi Mrs. John Ivoorninu, lak-
Miss llortense Nadon. toons ot .e. aa I gu . . 1 u ( ...,. ,..,. Mr8, ,; .,ment, Mis-Im,,. Thoinas K. Ciiinphell. vice i.resi- ff enti, . eliarue of the supper. Mis'.
These present were
Mrs. II. Lewis, Mr
I in vi.lscn
K.I. Oiiinu, Mrs. S. Page, Mrs. K. K'. k
erlen, Mrs. T. K. Cu.npbell, Mis. T. K.
I'd .1, Mrs. (leo. Patterson, Mrs. i'nul
in inianoinir the euterlainincnt pro
griiin. Tho fifteen little fu'k freliced
and romped through the nieniest of
Mainu.'h, Mis. Caul .under, Alts. J. li.j juvenile games an. I diversions, 1110 .11
N'li.lun, as members of the club, und max of tin' ufteriioon occurring when
Mrs. I'erii.o and Mrs. Muiiuy as guests I nil circled the luncheon table, ecu
of honor. tore.! with a miniature ( hristmus tree.
I llliy CUI.CS, lOl.UCU IIS ...nous iitiutin..
M. A. Mdntvie, William antis and , lent; Mrs. Klnicr T. Hii'solc. secrelury
Mr. I'aruell. Tlie first regulur meeting of tho club
Members of the congregalion, and; wns held with Mrs. K. T. Hussdlle
their friends from various putts of the j Thursday, afternoon, December J. The
cite, tilled the e.liiico 10 overnwiiig, next meeting win ne nei( Willi Airs,
Beautiful Hand Dressed Dolls at $1 to $2.30.
Ask us about the Doll House in our window
to lie given away Christmas Kvc.
Mr. and Mis. Joseph I'eeiy were
genuinely suipiise.l when thev return
ed to their home Monday evening to
find their rooms gayly decked with
Christmas greens and novelties, and
covers laid lor themselves and a unm
ber of sail' invited dinner guests, Tho
av irte.l about the heard on i nths ol
tho red and green paper, and each place
was marked by cunning Kewpie doll
and place-cards, and small recepticles
filled with confections as fnvurs. AH
of tho guests were accompanied bv
Iheir mothers, the invitational list to
occasiou hinored Mrs. I'eeiy 's birthday this chnrimng little .nrty including r.d
uu.l was plunno.il and en joyed by the mini. I Carlton, Arthur Hoesehen, Mary
following elo-e friends and their eliil- Kliabeth Knbel, Minion Shaw, Kre.l-ill-en:
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Halloway, -1 i-k Kdiunnd-on, Henrietta Hls.iop,
Mr. and Mis. Jesse Campbell, Mr. and , Haloid IVwetherer, Clifford Pringlesoii,
Mrs. Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. ( hnrles I Ow en. lolyn 1'iiiigles.in, llcny Ulue, Cur
Knonlnud, i'nliur Knowluinl, electa lis Cross, Jr.; Jaiieth Kennedy and
I'ee. v uu.l .lime s I. .. mm. I Cimipbell, ! Ruth Kennedy.
mi. I wero received by Hie reception
committee composed of Mrs. Imy .
Nugent, Miss Violet. Corey, Miss Alice
shindler, Miss Until Van I'litten, Miss
IVorl Kvie Miss Lniira Yuiitis, Miss
llil.lur Stenstruni, Mrs. Clurenco llocli
Tliomas K. Campbell befnro the boli
lays, in her new home on Court and
Fourteenth streets. Holh Mrs. Cuinp
bell and Mrs. Miller will ho hostesses at
this meeting and will tin vo the men of
the commission as their honorary guests.
hill. Mrs. I'rnnk i'lirrington, Mrs. T. .I.j Members nf this club are Mrs. Prank
I. Miller, Mis. Thomas K. Campbell
Mis. Kinil T. Husselle, Mrs, C.eurge I'ar-
"ons Christie, Mrs. TL II. Corey, Mrs.
C, .1. Orcene, Mis. K, W. Davis, Mrs.
LeKoy Leedy,
Margaret Ross Kalil)
Woodcock, Joscidi ls.lun.ller, ran
Moot, (lay Nugent and Van fatten.
A pregiam of addresses ind enter
tiiinntent numbers wus given, K II.
Loch hart welcomiug the new pastnrl Kllou Morelan.l, Mrs,
and his wife in behalf of the eity;a, Mr. Carl Smith.
Uev. T. l'ot ler, in behalf ot the I ... Im-.
Ministerial I'nlou. and William rlem n,r Mothers I lull, of Highland, one
log substituting lor John llayne, speak-1 f the most recently formed orgiin i.n-'
Ing in behalf of the I'iist. Congrogn-j tinns, met. Thursday afternoon nl their
tional church. Mr. Stover's response, school building. A standard Minimum
was particularly happy, and the im-i picture which the club has purchased
pression carried away by these wliOjW,s awanlet to Miss Ciirrau's room,
' nellld llllll was oiosi runn'. ....... i.,'i i ior i.iiiik I'll' uhkosi ii'preseoiauon
Mi,.s Page and A.l.iun N. Page.; The man inge of Mrs. Anna Hughes Mis Marguerite Viewer deltgliteiP of parents a the session. The oivaer
fi.im Cue Page much, Luke Lnbish, ,u j.;m r'.ltuon.l Martin wus quietly with two vocal numbers, as did also,,;p v ill change each month, accord
came in this week In renin in over the: ,,niuize. at the t'liitnrinu church Mis Phvll's Kellogg. Professor . (g to nttciiilaii.'O al. these sessions,
weekend toe guest nf their mother,! -,, es.lnv at high noon Kev. Mr, ' Walh unve two excellently interpreted , About filly were present, and much in-1
Mrs, L, K. Pane. i Tischer oflicinting. Oulv n' few Inti-, vocal sclcllons. and Mis. P. T. Porter. 1
' ' Imiitefri Is were present. The bride: contributed pleasingly with readings ,
Invilalioiis to the wedding ..f Miss ; , well know n woman, who has served Uefreslnnei.ts were served tat' r in
Lois Wilson uu.l I'liucis K. Neer,i ,,0 eapn.itv of tinined nuic with jibe Sunday heel mom. M is. ( . Mm
which necuis in Salem, Thiirs.luv, De so mm ill of Sai 's foicinost fitiuilies. Patten. Mis. John S.liiniler, Mrs. .les-
eem.ier '.'I, lime ica.lied t orvollis she is formerlv of Manchester, Lug- ie Phillips uu.l Ml". 'Ulmndge. being
fi lends. I'olh Miss Wilson mid Mr.! laud. Mr. Martin is II retired farmer the c.enii.iltce in charge, I hey were
Noer we,,, incml.ci.i of Hie June ; fonoerlv of the Waldo Hill" secllon. j isi-tcd bv Miss l.ul.v Welch. Miss
gindiiating class of O. A. C, popular ' Thev have tnkcii up their lesi.len. at . I hri-tv Jones. Miss Mary ralmadee,
nuiiiug their college mates, um there J I Mhi South High street. Ncighboilioo.l Mi-s Hul.lii Peter-on, ,M .ss (nii.e ell
lire many liicnds hero who will be fi lends called unannounced at their bom. Joseph S, Inii.ller, uu.l Ivlclini I
inteieste.l in the approaching imp-1 hoinn Thursdity e ening, to extend their Anderson.
tiiil,'. Mr. Ne.'r is now emploved in best wishes and coniirnliilatious.
Pa:i.lenii, t ill., his hoeie eity. and the1 Alleging that t'i complaint as filed
yiniig people will iiial.e their home In; Mr, nit I M n. Kmil T. Hus"ile re- in t:ie circuit .mill lor Marion coontv
Ciiliforniii.- t'orillis Ca.ette Times. luioe.l hniue thi. week from Por'lnnd. in the cii-e of cl.ailes De Lena, el a'.,
' ' : where thev were entertained bv the IHni i-l T. W. Dnvies, .Iocs not
Miss Alia .lines is In Portland, where lieniee II. 'Thomases. tnets sufficient In
she w ill rei.'.iiin over Christmas tin'! ... ' ,,e
guest of relatives and friends j Mi Julia hci'iiu will spend the
ina entire eliarue of the supper
Helen Ingrey eonducted tho candy
Mrs. Muiy Long was hostess for the
Senior Ouil.l of the Presbvterlnu
church Monday afternoon at the reg
ular monthly session, The organization
whs well represented, and the discussion
of "The Chill in our midst", much
en loved. Mis. L. Arthur is president.
Mrs.- Michcls.m, of Fourteenth nml
l-'errv streets, opened her homo for her
W. A. K. Social club yesterday afler
noon, enlertninlng additionally Mrs, L
C. Iliolhertou and Mrs. H. C. bhnw.
Beaver StatePrinters
Society and Commercial
rhoue 1512.
Rcomi 13, Fatten Block J
constitute a caiHe
, I lieu nun"'"! bi n. H'(' ib'feitditt t
! I'c'l .1 d ni' iM r this moMing,
For Last Minute Gifts
We arc offering marty dainty articles in Decorative
Needier ork and Japanese Novelties .
The Needlecraft Shop
'.23 State Street
Thono !V25