Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
rnn r nnnrn ttmnn
r Hr K PrflNWAKV Rep
VII bWIIUI kill! III I II I 1 .
Plan to Organize Two New
Army Corps Causes Suspic
ion and Opposition
Budget Now Shows Deficit of
$13,090,000 -Japan in .
Bad Shape Financially
Tokio, IV'. 1!. Suspicious Hint the
Okiima caliinct plans to send Japanese
troops to Europu, tlio an ti-nl ntiriist ra
ti"" party in pri rli miu-it t here was de
veloping a powerful opposition todav to
the government's plan for the creation
)f two new army corps.
To the cabinet's naval program no
objection was rnUoil lint its request for
:iso,iHH) allowance ns nn initial iu
Htiillmnnt of a $7,000,0(10 appropriation
in the interests of military expansion
was subjected to jhe fiercest attacks.
Not only, it was argued, was there no
excuse for sacrificing Japanese lives in
the European eoni'lict, lint the $7,0uO.
OUH asked for would lie a drop in the
bucket in such n campaign and .lapnn
is in no fin.'ini'iul condition, asserted
the plan's opponents tu bear any
further drain.
Incidentally, it was pointed out that
the budget already shows a $ I :',nOO,Oiit)
deficit, which cabinet members have
explained, however, will be offset by
economics in various government de
partments mid the postponement of
various contemplated public, works.
The administration has never bv the
way, ndmltted that it phins sending
soldiers to the Occident, though it hnsj
roiientcilv bee,, i-m,.,rt,l l,r .,..,.;.
repeatedly heen reported that negotia
rions to thnr end were in progress.
To Return Kiao Chau.
Premier Okumn was said to be so
determined on getting tho money he
seeks for military purposes that he will
dissolve the loner house of parliament
if it is refused.
Much trouble wns nlso predicted
over the Japanese troops' recent con
quests in China for the Germans.
The cnbinet has announced it in
tention of returning Kiao Chun to the
i:bin"se and handing over to the
V.ritifh such
of the Tientsin Nankin
railroad ns lies within the former (lor
in nn sphere of influence. Its oppon
ents don't object to the surrender of
Kino I linn but want Japan to keep
the rniliond.
Diplomatic information from Pokin
indicates that the Chinese nro not anx
ious to resume possession of Kino Chnu
limn U ci iiivuiriu vuiiiriiuun ii nttn .
been readied between Japan and Cor-
until n settlement concerning it has
mniiv, The lntter countrv told the oiiiiks Hint they failed to bnlanee bv
I'hiu'ese Ihov would be hold 'responsible! ' "'-O on Neptembor 30, 1014, but
for the territory's loss to the kaiser ;tncy Ro on to sny that the "balance In
because they permitted tho mikado to the till was not verified by us on this
violate their neutrality to take It. (date." In commenting upon this item
Accordingly, It is feared nt Pokifi tlint ( in the report of the findings for Mn
Japan may demand compensation nndjHun county, the examining experts
Hint Ocrniniiy may insist on indeinni- said:
fication too. Further complications "On this exhibit (the book balance
were threatening to develop from the with funds In the bank nnd In the till)
effect the llritish ore mulling for ii funds entitled to the nbove balance nf
Chinese concession to build a rnllrond : :S7,84:i..1ll will be found. This exhibit
from I'hinihou, Manchuria, to Turnora, : ui,0 !,., t!tt the cush on band nnd
Mongolia, Such n line would aei ions y , in iho ,)nnk nmnun), , , mj .
handicap the .Inpnnosoowuod south xi lmvinf, ,,., 1)r So'ptoiiibo'r'tO
ManchurKin system. 101-1, of if.1 10.0.S. The cash hi tho tili
T!ini) D1TACITDC nn" "nt vorifi,,J l.v us on this date."
UlLm I LlAoUIU. , I-nK-r on in tho report upon the trees-
ATIJCDC UADDiMCCC '"'-v 1'M" rlmi-nt the experts state that,
UlllLUJ tlArriilLM "owing to the method of handling the
. jcnsh, it is not improbable that errors
The minimi banquet of the Meyers might be made nt liny time," which In-
store, which lias "ceil looKou lorworn
to with much pleasure and anticipa
tion by those interested, has been post-1
pulled, due to a plan outlined nn.l t'l-(
lowed by tho sales force,
At R inceting of tin) employees this
week, n plan was formulated whereby
tho uiuouut used to finance the annual
1 . 1 1... .1 l 1...
mini 11101 torn nv me mi, iiiiuruii-Mi ut
exiieiuiea xo mil aim nriug vnriHiinns
r.heer to miinv worthy
fiimihes and
children who lire In need of help. mm he snowed them where to
The entire force has united in turn- . find their mistakes In making up the
ing their pleasure of n few hours over 'i,i on his books. Ho mnkos n triul
to those who would utherwise have a bnlnnee to the county clerk and to the
ol rless Christinastide. ' .insurance department ef the state nt
The management heartily endorsed the end of every month nnd, if there
the plan when it was presented nnd was liny shortngo iu his nccounts, it
they Immediately turned over n gen-1 would sundy show up In those bnlnnces,
iiio'us amount to a rouimittee chosen explains. The experts rendered a
from ninong tho employees, nnd It will:'1'" ot' 1,520 for their services in this
be used iu providing' warm cluthlns. '"unty, which the county court held up
foodstuffs nnd things to unike the l'"n the advice of Insurance Comiuis
children happy. sinner Ferguson on the ground that. It
it is a ivorl'liy cause, The employees "hniild hnve. gone through his depart
uod inniingcniei'it are to no commended '"r ""illt before presentation to
on tlodr stand in such n splendid move- the county for payment,
ment, nnd It is In be Imped that others' portion of the report oonideteil
will follow the example and try to '""'I '' public this morning treats
make thi 11 Joyous Christmas fur cv- "r the conditions as they were f.ihnd
ery one, in the records of the officers of linker.
i Clackamas, llcnton, Crook nnd (lillium
IN HANDS OF JURY. i.cminties. In which the most flagrant
' discrepancies nail Irregularities that
New York, Dee. 10.- Tho case nf are reported Upon nro tile nllcircd cure-
Williuin Clenry. on trial nt New York
city for the murder of K.ugcne New-
in n ii,
his sen In law
was given to the
jury tit o clock this ntterneoii.
q-iiik verdict m evpected.
ort They Have Found
$13,372.62 Shortages
Reports Uncensored
Making sweeping charges of iueom
potency, negligence, laxity, careless
ness and inefficiency in the methods of
keeping the records nnd accounts of
some of the, departments of several of
the counties in the str.te, nnd claiming
that discrepnacies or "apparent short
ages" have been discovered in the ac
counts of four treasurers, one sheriff,
pno county .iudge and the former see.
rotary of the state bofird of barber ex
aminers aggregating n total of $1.1,
1172.02, ' State Insurance Commissioner
Ferguson this morning gave out n por
tion of the final report of the depart
ment of accountancy upon the result of
the work of the corps of experts in the
audit of the books nnd accounts of the
."U counties under the supervision of
ChicfAccountunt John Y. Richardson.
"We cannot blame them much for
kicking when the true conditions of the
records and financial affairs of their
county officials are made public," said
Commissioner Ferguson, in giving out
the report this morning nnd comment
ing upon the published reports of n
fight being made on the accountancy
department by the county judges, com
missioners and other county officinls,
"supplemented by other persons who
nro interested in county contracts."
said Mr. Ferguson, and continued:
"A scrutiny of the report of the ac
countants from recent examinations
made will easily show whv this fight
is being made. The state tax is low
and conservative ns compnred to coun
ty taxes. Oreat extravagance and neg
ligence is manifested in the majority
of the counties of the stnte."
The alleged "apparent shortages"
claimed to have been found by the ox
pert accountants are enumerated ns
follows: '
Treasurer of Wheeler county $ 71fiB.20
Treasurer of Raker county.. 1,22.1.011
Trensurer of Marlon eoun'tv, 1100(1
County Judge of Wallowa
ei,,: ..c'Y,', "." '
lim" OOUIlty.
HO. 10
i Treasurer of Josephine county
Total cnuntv ..
Secretary barbers'
board. . . 1,453,44
Total Jin,ri72.fl2
The work of the exiiorra covered tt,n
fiscal year ending September 30, 1!UI.
Since the examinations were niado, the
report states, "we nre udvised that the
trensurer of Wheeler countv Im .mid
7.000 of his shortage nnd a' settlement
lllus boon mii.li. ii-ill. tl.n -
trv nf ,., i,.,i1(,.ui i,,,...., ... ...
' - ""mil, Mini mi!
former judge of Wallowa countv is
now in the pentiontlnry."
In looking up tho nll'eged shortngo In
the nccounts of Trensurer J. (. Moore,
of Marion county, ns reported by the
exports, of which Mr. Moore claims
that he hud no knowledge whatsoever,
it was found that In hnlanrl no tin tlm
. n -
J""1! "".hand in the tronsury nnd in
, " '"'" mm ino nppnrcnt shortage
shown in the report might have been
made in crediting certain funds re
ceived to the wrong account.
Mr. Moure, when asked about the
mutter this morning, stilted that ho
was not niniro that the exports hml
found any discrepancies in his roocnda
ivhii'li U-,i,-it 11, . I., l,!u 1
- . m-uii nun uir
n-i, " n ,iion vuhk whs inur
"'"i " u mill over i,;ill(l to the
'less nnd negligent luuiilier in which the
records are kept, or rather failed to be
kept, mid the lux aad cureless methods
oi iran-eciing i lie nusiness il n I ins
,1'ir-ing the funds by the county courts
ol transecting the business nnd dis
Allies Today Occupied Ground
East of Arras for the
First Time
Claim to Have Made a Mile
Yardage in Game at La
Basse Today
Paris. Doc. 10. The Cormnns wore
bombarding liheims again today.
It was contended here that they
were doing so solely in revenge for a
French attack in which Prince Auguste
Wilhelm, ono of the kaiser's sous, was
wounded recently.
Tips attack followed n report liy nn
aviator who had boon spying on the
kaiser's forces that preparations seem
ed to be in progress for some important
ceremony, that bands wore playing and
that troops wore in readiness for a re
view. His account gave rise to the
conjecture that the prince, who was
known to be nt the front, intended to
inspect the Teutonic forces, so in re
sponse to the nviutor's suggestion con
cerning the range, a shell was fired
which struck an niitoinobilo described
here ns occupied by nn "important
The nirninn's version was that this
individual was the prince and lie re
ported that the latter wus wounded on
tho hand and ono log.
That night the (lermnns resumed tho
bombardment, nnd have continued it
ever since, despite tho fact, according
to the French, flint there are no longer
any troops ia Rheims.
Moving from northeast of Arras, the
French nnd British forces held posi
tions today which represented the most
important gains they luive niado since
the buttle of the Aisne.
It was the first time in two months
that they have occupied ground east
of Arras.
Fighting was reported oa the out
skirts of St. Laurent and Blnngy, indi
cating an advance by the allies of two
and a half miles.
Important progress was reported al
so in tho Arinoutieres region.
Gained a Mile.
Purls, Dee. Ill, A gain of another
mile by the allies south of I.aHnsse
and udvancos in the Dixmudo nnd
Ypres regions were announced this aft
ernoon by tho wnr office's daily state
ment posted here.
According to n resolution minuted bv
the slate bonril of control this morning
there will be nn. change in the nil-
ininisl ration at the Industrial school
fur boys, at lenst for the present and
Superintendent. Will S, Hale will con
tinue to hold his office as head of that
tiistiiutiou Unlet imtelv.
Some time ngo the board slales that
IIS II I'ltullll llf III! ill l-ilu inn I w,. 41...
linllnl nrrlvml nf tlm i.iin,. Ii,u!,m ih..t
change in the ninnugenient of the ro-lfion('J' oml I1"' ri't' lf npportloniiionl
form school was noerssnrv and It win' I'" I" county is ,im:i!i!),HM!7
insistently ruuiored that Charles A.K1'")"'
Murphy, present, engineer of the East- '' lie total area of Marion county Is
era Oregon branch insane asvlum, was: 701, 1110 acres, ihe forest, reserve urea
slated for the job as the majority of'is 217,584 acres, and Marion county's
the board was said to be Iu his favor,
Since arriving at the former conclu
sion, the liouvd savs in siibsliinco in to-
lay s resolution, another investigation
has neon made wit li the result that tliejjjoes to those counties which hnve the
former conditions have been improved
lo such extent unit there no longer ox
isls liny need of n change of nliiilulslia
! i'i '..i .i... i... i i 1....1.1...1
1 ........ - . . ' .
i ,M ... nun' Id renin ill 11 h siioci in tend-
out indefinitely.
Walla Wnlla, Wii"h Dec. 10.
Ilelioved to hnve been the old
est person ju tint northwest, Mrs.
Snriili Todd Is dead here today
at the ago nf Ini.
Mis. Todd ciiino to Walla
Will In from Knneno, Oregon,
nine months nun and entered
the Northwest. I hiistiuu homo.
Considering her ago Mrs.
Todd was reiuni knldy m tive nnd
She wn an Inveterate tobacco
user, smoking n pipe continu
ally. ))!!) IS
and other officinls of tho respective
counties. As to the nllcged shortage
nlntinixl In luive litinll full ii 1 1 III llu. Iic-
1 counts of the treasurer of linker conn-
te il,,. r t ,v "Cmm Hi , ,11
i t'ious of the rcc'onls It Is plainly evl-
;,enl that the treiisiircre's office excels
; dent that the 1 reiisurere 's of f ice excels
in Inefficiency and Incompetency."
Ventura, Cnl., Dec. 19 While
making a landing here today,
the Pacific Coast Steamship
company's steamer Coos Bay
collided with its wharf nud pli
ed up iu shallow water amid
the ruins of the pier. Her skip
per declared that tho ship will
bo a total loss. No ono, it was
believed, was injured in tho
The accident occurred while
the Coos liny was being drawn
to her berth. Her stem cablo
parted causing the ship to crash
into the wharf, crushing her
amidships and permitting the
water to rush into her hold.
Tho greater pnrt of the out
er end of the wliarf wus torn
away. Piles and caissons wore
snapped, and mingled with the
wreckage of the ship, which
(piickly settled.
Sj( C 3(C ?C 3C 3c sjc c ?c Jc 9C
Thuffs Deliberately Murder
William Fassett and Rob
the Body
Snn Francisco, Dec, 1(1, Tim first
tangible evidence which mny Identify
the slayers of William Fassett here last
night in the home of Oenrge P. Neal
was found today by Detective Krneho
ill the park "panhandle." In follow
ing the route taken by the three flee
ing thugs, Detective Krncke found n
hat, a glove nnd n piece of cord identi
cal wilh that with which one of their
victims, Mrs. S, S, Neal, was bound to
a chair.
The hat, n brown fedora, bore the
initials " V. V. W. " It was purchased
at the Bertillon Rtoro iu Onkhind. The
glove bore no special marks of Identifi
cation, but as the cord wns stuffed into
it, the police think it belonged to one
of the throe burglars,
For 110 years Fassett had lived wilh
the Neal family nnd his murder wns
witnessed by Neal nnd his wife, by
Nonl's mother, Mrs, S. S. Neal, nnd by
two grand children, .limn Plunkelt, 10,
and Neal Plunked, 12,
The throe burglnrs gained entrance
to the Neal homo while the family was
attending n moving picture show near
by. Mrs. 8. S. Neal was the first to
roach homo. She was seized and bound
to a chuir. and a towel placed n round
her mouth ns a gng. An hour Inter the
other members of the family returned
homo, nnd Fassett was shot down after
he had entered the room where Mm.
Xeul sat tied to the chair. The burglars
secured 1U.!i0 from Mrs. 8. H. Neal, and
Iheu took away Fussett's pnekotbook
nfter they had shot him down, The
murder nnd robbery occurred nt 8
o'clock last night.
Secretary of State Olcott this morn
,lng completed the nppoi'tioiimcut of the
state's share of the receipts for the
sale of timber, grazing privileges, etc.,
,in the national forest reserves in the
stnte for the fisrnl year ending Juno
.'10, 1014, naioiinting to till, (100.50,
among the several counties nf the stnte
for the benefit of tho school and road
funds of such counties. The nppor
tionnient Is made upon tho basis of the
forest reserve acreage In the several
counties III which the forest rsorvc ox-
ist ill proportion to which the ncieiige
!.hcurs to the total amount to be nppor
share of tho forest reserve fund Is
,Sii0.32. The total forest reserve men
of the stale Is 15,580,11.14 ncres and the
irreator bull: of the forest reserve f 1
largest acreage of fores! reserves with'
in their borders, Grant, coiinly receiv
ing the largest iiiiioiiut, ikll, 1 10. Ill east
(of tho Cascade mountains, and l.ano
county, which receives 0,l!l!l.fi2, the
largest of liny countv West of the Cos-
cade range.
Amsterdam, Dec. 10. A Hussion nr
mored train, which wus Inking f I
nnd ammunition to the czar's troops Iu
the Carpathians, has 1 u blown lip
and completely destiiiyed, iiceoiiting to
advices received here lodnv,
The Weather
M- J500Tr7
v Fo ME. J
NrtA',7 y
Oregon: (lencr
ull.v fair tonight
except siiiiwei's
near coaLt; Sun
day fair; ninth
easterly winds.
- v
QcJ P-'-,, J
ft L ICR
Hungarian Premier Declares
Hungarian Troops Will Be
Recalled If Needed
Francis Joseph Could Not Call
Bluff and Dared Not Ac
cept Resignation
(By Ed L. Keen.)
Louden, Dec. 10. At different points
along their fronts both the (lormans
nnd liussiniis hud hml successes in the
enstern war theater, if official reports
by Field Marshal Von llindenbuig and
(hand Duke Nicholus nre worth any
thing. This, in fact, appeared today to bo
the nclual situation.
Conditiiins in tho south undoubtedly
favor the liermans. Their advance ou
Warsaw from tho niirth unquestionably
had been crushed but south of the Vis
tula it seemed clear that their march on
the Polish metropolis was still in prog
ress. From Petrogrnd it was ndniitted that
the cicistnnt urrivnf of Austrian rein
I'orcomeiits in aid of this oporutiou had
compelled cerium modifications in Slav
arrangements iu this region. It wus
even ndiuittcil that a Sluv retirement
might become necessary in view of the
pressuio the Teutons wore bringing to
bear against tho czar's southern front.
Serious friction was reported here
between the Austriuns and Hungarians,
owing tu tho latter 's contention that
their country wns being sacrificed to
the Russians Iu order that (lorinany
might bo saved from a Slav invasion.
it wns known that Count Tiszn, the
Hungarian premier, had gone so far
as to declare in parliament that tjio
Hungarian troops would be recalled
from other fighting zones to defend
their nnii homes unless tho Vienna gen
eral staff took steps to keep the Ifus
sinus out.
(Ireatly enraged nt this defiance, it
wns Mild that lOinporor Francis Joseph
summoned Tiszn beloro him, whereup
on the count presented his resignation,
which the emperor dared not nccopt.
Just why adjacent towns should hnve
been allowed to usurp the benefits de
rived from being a good shipping point,
does not appear on the surface, but
lliibbanl is coming into her own us a
shipping pri nt. Previous to June 11 of
this year comparatively few cars of
livcs ock went to outside points via
the llulilinid yards, but s o that date,
llno-.i-li tlm efforts of .1. M. Mishlor,
up to December 11 tiieic wore 15H2 hogs
shipped fioiu here, representing u mon
ey value of 122,000. iu addition to
these some sheep nud cattle have nlso
boon shipped. Iliildiiird has been on
tilled tuthis business nil along because
the nt ii ft has been raised in this inline
diulo vicinity, Just a matter of having
an eve to llubburd's Interests, that's
nil. The above shipments were iniide
to the 1'ninu Ment company at Port
land. llulilinid Kiitcrprise.
J Vancouver, Wash,, 'Dec, III Declared
by the authorities to have confessed,
! Kilnnrd dull, n Kiissinu, Is under or
i rest today chnigcd wilh firing the shot
through a window- that killed Olto
,l.udle, n fariner, near liidgeficld re
! eently,
j (hill was taken into custody by
; Sheriff Cresap nnd Detective Archie
j Leonard, nnd nfte'r n gruelling cross-
ci ri in i tin I i n u Is snid to have admitted
killing l.udlie, but Would not make
known the motive.
I .ml In was killed while seated with
his family In the "home ol Alexandci
Alvin, a neighbor.
It is snld that (lull lunl l.inllic had
I ii on unfriendly terms.
( :)i i st ; i
Washington, Dec. 1(1. The
lllleislnte coiiiinerce couiliiis"loli
iinuoniicoil todnv that the cust
om inilioads which wee (limit
ed yesterday n five per cent In-eien-e
in freight inlcs, would
file new tariffs Immediately,
Intimates of Ihe revenue
nut oil as a result of the com
iiilssion's ileclion vary from
S.'U.IIIIII.OOO lo If llll,IIIHI,iO0,
The coinnilsliiners refii-e to
cnmiiictit on their li'tiou.
C; i(i i( i(i V ; k i (l (
General Scott to Meet Yillista
Commander Tomorrow
May Solve Problem
Washington, Doc. 10. General Hugh
L. Scott, chief of stuff, of the United
Stutes army, will roach Nnco, Ariz., to
dny, and government officials hero
wore hopeful that the Mexican situ
ation there would improve. A confer
ence between Oonorni Scott and Gen
eral Mnytorenn has beeu arrnigod for
tomorrow, nnd it was expected that the
Villista commander will ngrce to with
draw his troops from the border,
Tho next big battle in Mexico wns
expected to occur below Torreon, where
20,000 Carranzislna ttwnit a Villista at
tack. Some Firing Today.
Nuco, Aric, Dec. 10. General Hugh
L. Scott, chief of staff of tho United
States army and General Maytorena,
Villista leuder nt Nuco, Sonora, aro ex
pected to confer tomorrow regarding
the notion of the Villa troops in firing
into Nuco, Arizona. No official word
of the probable meeting has been given
out, but it was reported on good au
thority that the men will moot on the
border sonic time tomorrow. Upon tho
conference, it is believed, depends
largely the course to be taken by the
American troops thifct have been sent
hero to protect tho border.
Several flurries of firing occurred
during the night, and several more
bullots. fell on the American side. Ono
struck the United States immigration
office. All seemed to have come from
the Muytoreiiu camp.
There was. much activity today among
the Dili forces, which hold the Mexican
town. It wns believed here Hint the
Mexicans were preparing for their
usual week end skirmish, practically all
the serious fiuhting sinco the belligor-
onts have been on the border having
occurred ou Saturday or Sunday.
Claiming that, notwithstanding the
bid of 0. K. Fletcher, of Portland, wus
two cents lower on the hundred pounds
thnn wns his company's bid, which
would amount to but iflSlO on the en
tire contract of 77,000 pounds of sugar
advertised for tho several stuto insti
tutions, becuuso Mr. Flctchar represent
ed a California concern nnd wus mere
ly an Oregon agent for tho purposo of
putting iu tho bid, Churlcs L. Dick,
local manager for the Muson ldirmnn
Co,, of Portland, protested the nwnrd
of the sugar contract to Air. Fletcher
and asked that the board favor the
Portland institution,
After making the Investigation, the
board found that Mr. Fletcher has boon
a resident of Portland ever sinco he
wns seven years old, that ho is engaged
in the brokerage business, claimed to
hnve purchased the sugar and submit
ted the bid on his own account nnd de
cided that the board would follow out
its policy of giving state contracts to
the lowest bidder, but would givo
"preference to Oregon goods und Ore
gon institutions, (piality and price be
ing equal,"
It was pointed out that sugar is not
n product of Oregon, Unit nil of the
firms which handle it iu Oregon do so
on a commission or percentage of prof
it basis and Unit, it could not nl'ford
to discriminate us between agencies un
less it bo indi.Hputiilily shown that ail
agency hud been but temporarily es
tablished from outside influence In or
der to sell their goods in competition
with Oregon merchants mid mainline
tillers. While $1.1 would not bo con
sidered a very material difference, in
the present instance, oven if tho Ma
no ii - -1 : Ii i in ii i protest was well foundcil
and the lnuird did not feel that it
was it would be a dangerous prece
dent to establish and would lead to no
end of trouble iu future if the board
were to Ignore the lowest bidder and
pass the contract up to a higher one.
Mr. Fletcher's bid was LPS per hun
dred pounds and Masiiu-l-ilirniiiu's lll.
Il" per owl.
Ou Monday evening. December SI,
M-i. F. Ifnguicr, of Portland, will bn iu
ithis city und desires to meet lis maiiy
'of our ritieus ns possible who nre in
jtorestod III the establishment of n co
operative cannery here, lie has had a
.great deal of ovpei-ience u this parti
cular line and thoroughly iindorntuiida
I the Inoiiness, If there is one thing
tSilvort"ii needs nbove all others, il,
seems to Hie writer II Is a fruit can
' nery. The benefits to be derived are
'i n ii ii in i'iii tl nnd wo can 111 afford to
ho longer without It. Let us nil come
'out and listen to this man. The meet
; Ing will be held in the office of the
Jlulilis Ileal I, slate Co., Monday even
jiug of next week. Silvertoii Appeal,
Petrogrnd. Dee. Ill,--The war office
Issued tills afternoon a denial Iu mis
wer to (lernian claim nf n victory in
tho eastern war rone. It culled ntten
tioa to the fact that the (leiinaii nil
muiiiccinciit gave no details,
Hungarians Angry at Austria
for Permitting Russians to
Invade Her
This Weakened Forces There
and Was the Cause of De
feat by Servians
By J. W. T. Mason
(Former Londoo correspondent for the
United Pross.)
New York, Dec. 19. The dnngoroua
temper created in Hungary by tho Vi
enna general staff's failure to prevent
tho Russians from crossing the Carpa
thians into Hungarian territory was re
venling itself today as tho reul cause ot
Austria's detent in Herviu.
Apparently revolutionary outbreaks
havo been occurring, not only ia Hun
garian towns but in the Hungarian par
liament. Count Tiszn, the premier, is- quoted
ns having threatened, in very thinly
veiled terms, that Hungary would se
cede from Austria and continue the
wnr in accordance with its own inter
ests unless better protected in future.
This utterance appears to have
frightened the Austriuns so badly that
they withdrew large bodies of troops
from Servia to drive the Slavs back
across tlm Carpathians, with the result
that tho Servians Bpeodily succeeded in
expelling their invaders' weakened
araiy from their country,
Ciar Bared Sarrla.
Thus, by throwing strong detneh
meets across tho Carpathian range,
from Onlicia into Hungary, the czar
did, indeed, manngo to save the Hus
sions' Slav protege from what promis
ed for a time to bo complete destruc
tion. To accomplish this the Russians
probably penetrated far into Hungary.
Cossack raiders nro reported to huve
ridden within 110 miles of Iludnpest. It
is doubtful if they reully approuched
so near to tho Hungarian capital, but
that the government there was grow
ing nlnrinod concerning the safety of
the city is evident.
An attempt Is now being made in
Vienna to throw the Illume for the
i Austriuns' Servian defeat upon Oon-
oral Potiorek, who had chnrgo of op
orations ill tlint field. It ia suid that
ho expressed ability to spare three
army corps for use ngninst tho Hus
'slims, and consequently is hold respon
sible for the disaster ho himself mot
It is Impossible to sny what pressure
was brought to boar on Potiorek to In
duce him to release half his forces, but
the Hungarian situation, ns it is now
becoming known, suggests that he had
no choice In tho mutter.
Explains Kaiser's More.
This Is one of the mysteries which
Hungary's revolutionary temper clours
The siiiiio thing accounts, in some
measure, for the (iormiin' success in
Poland. Sorvin's cry to Petrogrnd for
help undoubtedly was iinswored ut the
espouse of Warsaw's defense. To send
troops across the Carpathians, the czar
j lunl to weaken his forces in central
i Poland.
This gave Field Marshal Von Hill-
deubuig his opportunity, and while the
Hussions were developing their Hun
garian threat to relieve the Servians,
the (lermnns were making astonishing
progress with their movement against
Tu this way the close relationship
between the Polish, Hungarian trad
Servian campaigns is iniidii clear.
Snn Aiitonio, Texas, Dec. 1(1.
cablegram n ived al. the Mexican
consulate hero tndny from Vera Cms
suid that the Villista garrison ut Sun
I .n in potosi Ii ii 1 revolted und siirren
deied to (lenernl (loii.nlcs, tho Cur
rnnzista coiumiiiider,
Tho dispatch suid that (Icnoral Sum
uel Do I. ns Santos, commander of ths
Villista gui'iisou, hud sworn allegiiuico
to (lenernl Cni'iiinzii. Tho report that
Ciirrnn.a had ordered the execution of
,il number of former federal officers
and soldiers, taken prisoners while.
fighting the constitutionalists; ulso was
Washington, Dec, lit.--(lenernl Illiss
wired tho war department today that
lie hml heard that (lenernl Maytorena
Ii ii 1 ordered his troops not to fire any
more shots unless they were attacked
by Currniizistii". No ment inn wns made
in the dispatch of bullets falling oa
America n soil yesterday, us reported
iu Naco, Ariz., dispatches,