TO3 SALEM 0. VITAL JOURNAL, SAT.VJvi, OR'dCiON, VBTOAY, DECEMBER 18. 1914. FIVE. t ti;imcCJ ..wry .; v I WE MUST RAISE MONEY TO PAY BILLS Necessity is a hard taskmaster. It is necessary that we promptly meet our big annual bills falling due on January 1 st. By doing so we are able to maintain buying relations with the biggest and best manufacturers in the country which permit our purchases of high quality Jewelry at far less than the average small jewelry concern pays. This buying ability is the reason we are always able to offer better goods at lower prices than our competitors. BUT WE MUST PAY UP PROMPTLY To raise the large sum to meet this obligation on the first of the year we offer our entire stock of high class Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, etc., at the most astonishing price re ductions ever known in Salem. This is your Christmas gift buying opportunity. Take it. Get the best Jewelry at rock bottom cost prices. Priced At Reductions As Low As 50 per cent Silver Plated Tableware 25 to 50 per cent off $15.00 Sheffield Tray for. . . $8.00 $15.00 White Metal Silver Plated Meat Platter for $8.00 $25.00 White Metal Silver Plated Meat Platter for $13.00 $14.0,0 White Metal Silver Plated Double Vegetable Dish. . .$7.00 Cut Glass Reduced All of Our Beautiful Cut Glass Reduced 1-2 to 1-3 Beautiful Cuff Links 1-4 to mm Your Christmas Buying 1-3 OFF Toiletware Brushes, Combs Mirrors and Manicure Pieces 10 to 20 Per Cent Off on all STERLING Solid Silver Ware Heavy Silver Plated Dessert Spoon; $5.00 value for; .. .$2.50 Heavy Silver Plated Table Spoons; $6.00 value for $3.00 John G. Ban brand 2(i-piece Knives, Forks and Spoons Set; $20.00 value for $10.00 a W it' .VJV rf, (!I 4 W VW m' Mi .1 - J.' Toilet Sets 1-3 Off 25 per cent off on Field Glasses and High Power Binoculars. 10 to 25 per cent off on Watches. One-fourth to one-half off on Pins, Chains, Lavaliers, Bracelets, Lockets and Rings. 4! m fi'.ri ''' i High Class Watch Fobs 1-4 to 1-2 Off UMBRELLAS The best made in all best shades i Elegant Gifts 1-4 to 1-3 Off Bracelet Watches 10 to 25 per cent OFF Ring Reductions Hs 1-4 xr off SALE OPENS AT 8 A. OPEN EVENINGS State and Liberty Sts. Salem, Oregon Barfs Jewelry Store "The House of Reliability" WHAT TO BUY FOR YM'AS.1 ft m You select Booka Ptirspj Brnntl Dank Bot Bitilnn WbIIcIh Bras Ink Wolla Stationary Address Books Paper Knives Fountain Pons Traveling BctH Christinas Cards Hand BK Leather Lap Tablet! Game These are but a fow of tin many articles we have on display, The Commercial Book Store 163 Commercial Street COMB SAGE TEA IN HAIR TO DARKEN IT Orandnia kept her locks dnrk, glossy and tlilrk with a simple mixture of Bg Tea and Bulpbur. The (ilil time mixture nf Huge Tni mi. I Sulphur fur ilurhiMiitiK u 1 " . streaked ii n. I faded Imir in (jinnd mother's treatment, Ii nil folks lira n KM in lining it to keep tlii'ir hiiir a (iniid, even I'nliir. HilrTi Is ipiitn sen sible, ii p nri I v n k in sti nifn mien a youthful iippcninuco Is nf tl groat, cut ndvanturrc, Nowadays, t Ii 1 1 1 1 n!i no iliin't have tlic troublesome tusk nf jfuthorinn; I fit suite hi. 'I tin' muy lit home, .Ml drtiK stores i'll lln reudyto-usn inn. net eiillod "Wvotl''s Saii mill Sul phur. lluir Homcdv" for nlmiit Till cents n lniltli. It is very impulur lio nunc nnlmily ciin ilim'iiviT It Inn Ih'imi iil'lilii'd. Simply nuiifti'ti ymir ruinli nr fi soft liniitli with it mill ilitiw this thrmi(li ymir Imir, tiihinif u in' smiill slniii'l lit ii tiiiii'i I iv illuming tin1 urity luiii' l i 1 1 1 ii l k, I. nt nliut thn liidli'S Willi Wvi'tli's Hn ir" mill Hulpliur is tluit, lii'niili-s tii'iiiitifnlly iliii'hi'tiltii; thn Ii ii i r ii II nr a fVtv iiplli'iitlniis, it nl"0 pruiliircH thut suft liiHtrt' mid np pi'iiriini'P of iiIiiiiiiIiiim'p whi-li 1h si nt tiiM'tii'j lii'sidi'S. pri'Vtsts iliuidnil'l',, iti'hin( s.'iilp ii ml rlliiiK hiiir, l..i.l H("i'iit, ,1, ('. I'crry, li i-n tin thimty 'hup tiii'H In 'IimIi1 tin1 luir ul' yt-t ii'i'. A most popu lar and effect- ive remedy for breaking up a COLD. Satisfaction Guaranteed Perry's Drug Store GERVAIS LOCAL NEWS 'I'hi' Miimiiis liinl ii la i si- KHthi'liiiK 'I'lniiMlny whi'ii llu'y instiilli'il nt't'ivi'i'H mi I i;hmi ;i liijj li'cil. Lut I'iciTC. past ununl iiiHMti'i", wiii. pri'scnt. Mr. ami Mrs. I''. T. 'ulsl'urtli, Mrs. .1. V.. and I'. II. Cutst'iirlh Sum II. Uiowii, Misses Zt'llil and JOilna Arm tmiiir. Miss Minnin Xililcr and Mrs. II. I). Mars wcru Salem visitors Tuu day. The iliivrliirs nf thn (li'rvnis pnlilio si'hinils otTer a reward nt! $10 fur in formation that will lead to the. arrest and ennvietinn of (he guilty person or I ( persons who persist in hrcalwnn hn-ks mid eoniaiiifni other niisileineiinors in mid iilmnt tlie selinol linihlin);. This building is for palilie si-hool purpo-ies only mi l anyone who there nn is linlile to prosecution. The llonic Ainiiscineiit ('iinipany will present H plnv entitled Deep I'nrplc nt :iie iM'ivnis Ciiv Hull New 'cHr 'h Kvet Ucrenilicr :il, I'M I. This company is eoiiiposeil oL' local talent and they hnvn niven several plays lit' ii! ill the past year that have always drawn (jond houses mid from what we know of this play it will lie eipinlly as nttractivc. Thorn will lie a Mop (Irowers MeetinK at ticrvnis atnrilav at I o'clocli p, in. The Oregon Hop l.rowers Assncilii ion is I'oiineil. There is no liinifor nny tpios lion of success, it is now only n ipies 1 is ii of pen tune wild join and it look like HO per cent. (Srowors urn urned mil to eniitiuet their hops for next joar as at least the.v have n sound business like association to handle their oinp and secure them a fair profit, tlrowors urn also iirucil til write thn i (jiini. tion n ii.l I'nlilicily ilcpaitmont at Shell !n lor liieiatoro mid blanks and t attoiiiUhe ineotintf. Weekly Star, ! FUNERAL OF W.W.PRATT Tlic fn nl service of Warruii Wil- limn i'rntt was held at the I'nniirea- I tioiial chiinh In this oily Siitni.lay iifterniton, comliicted by t!ev. S. VI. V'i.t. iinslor of the ' hrislinn church 'lit MolHlla. Mr. I'lntl wilh oilier rein-litc-i !ic.t lil' nine miles oast of ' Hul, I. in. I niol was hiuhly respooloil t In istian (!oiillciiiau. I 'on III eaoio sud i denlv nflor a short illness, lie was almit I - yours e:' nee. Me loaves two . and throe sisters livinu oast of town. Hubbard Knterpriso. j M y may I heap lit twelve per I omit, or ilenr at three; it depends very llnrnely upon the purpose for which it is borrowed, mid upon what it can nun, For Safety ft MSI; . l" . ',. 'If YOUR TREE f ft' Mis. John Win htiiimi, for ninnv cuis II lliulllv ri" led li'-idont, of the N ly 'iilrlc died at her lionie ill. .ml iitinii W'eduesilay, (''iiuoiul serN ices Hill be held III the .ion .llllirll lit 'J o'l'lork l''i iduv al'lei noon. Mis. Win hl. iiiaa was Iiiiiii in (eiioiiuy', ntcd 72 it'srs, II ii mi n I h h mi I L"J dins, The tiiiolly have sympathy of the ciillrn community In their herein omeiit, lluliliiii'l Kutoipilse. '' "" TV VI Thu hoa-icwife will appiv ciatc an Electric Iron Electric IVrcolator Electric Chafing Dish Electric Hair-dryer Electric Vibrator Combination Toaster inoiauce is the mother of suspicion, hate, bacli-liltiiiu, lies, slamlor, mid the. whole hnmd of ovIL iiiuiiiiiurs that keep people iipmt. The town pump lit Slum's now well di'liveis L'S'iii (T'lllmis au hour. Agent; for WYstinghonso Cuaranleed Lamps. We take care of our customers. Welch Electric Co. 261 North Cmmncrrial !.