Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 18, 1914, Page TEN, Image 10

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SALEM'S BIG TOYLAND-on the Second Floor
iiiCa M F YERS
Salem s Great Christmas Store Offers Hundreds
of Desirable Gift Suggestions
Christmas is rapidly approaching only a few more buying days re
main and the last of them will be of such tremendous activity that this
great organization will be taxed to its utmost capacity. We take this
opportunity to urge everyone to consider this condition and make full
use of the advantages the present week affords for satisfactory and
comfortable Christmas shopping.
Shop Mornings if Possible
Jit 9
Meyers Merchan
dise Bonds
offer a most satisfactory
way to settle the perplex
ing question, "What to
give?" We issue them in
any amount desired, and
they are redeemable at
any time.
Toys, Dolls. Games at
special reduced prices.
Slippers Make Most Desirable Christmas Gifts
Here are some offerings that should appeal to those
who would make their money go further. Desirable
footwear at special attractive prices.
Women's Felt Juli- Women's Felt Com- Traveling Slippers- Men's Tan and Blk. Children's Felt Boys' Tan Leather
etts In brown, fy Slippers-In blue, Men's and Ladies' Leather House Slip- h0USc Slippers In sizef 21-05"
grey and black, rib- red, purple, grey Tan Leather Tra- pers A splendid Regular $1.75 vals.
bon or fur trim- an(j taupe fancy veling Slippers with assortment to select blue and red, van- at
'j1' sif ribbon trimmed, case, all sizes. Reg- from. ous styles. . $12
gift would be ap- values UP to ?2'00 ula1' $m valucs at S3-00 values$2.49 Sizes 4 to 11, values Children's Red Top
predated. Extra lt $2.29 $2.50 values $2.09 up to $1.25. .. 73c "eg 5 "Reg-
SI)c'cial $1.19 A splendid gift sug. $2.00 values$ 1 .74 Sizes 11 to 2, vals. ular $1.75 values at
85 Cents Great values, these, gestion. " $1.50 values$ 1.19 up to $1.50. .. 83c $1.39
Few Gift Sugges-
tions for Women
That Would
Surely Please
Fur Sew $ 8.80 and up
Suits J10.00 and up
Waists $ .08 and up
Sweators $ 4.B0 and up
Hug-me-tltoa $ 1.25 and up
Petticoat 1.20 and up
ahnwls $ 2.00 and up
Klmonas I 1.25 and up
Coals V 4.08 and up
Bath Roues I 2.08 and up
Party Gowns $12.00 and up
Street Drosses f 7.50 and up
Middy Blouses I 1.20 and up
Silk Hose $. 79 ajid up
Handkerchiefs $ 05 and up
Parisian Ivory Sots . I 2.7r and up
Fancy Hair Pins $ .50 and up
Manicure 8ots $ 2.50 and up
Tin Cushions I .35 and up
Toilet Sots t 2.00 and up
Perfumes $ .10 and up
Hand Bags $ 1.00 and up
Umlirollas .50 and up
Music Bolls $ .50 and up
Table Linens S .U0 and up
Napkins I 2.50 and up
Olovea, Kid f 1.25 and up
Coat Hnngors .05 and up
Bilk Scarfs I 1.25 and up
Boudoir Caps .75 and up
Fans 9 .35 and up
Women's Shoes $ 2.50 and up
Party Bllppors I 3.00 and up
Home Slippers 9 100 and up
Cut Qlaas, China, Brnssware, Bas
ket, Indian Robon, TravoUtiff Bags,
Suit Cases, Droits Pattoms, Waist
Pattorns, Ribbon Noveltios,
Some Unusually Attractive Offerings in Our Men's Department
(This week.)
Here you will find scores of practical and desirable gifts for
men at a distinct saving. A visit to this section will aid you in de
ciding "what to give."
Special Sale Men's Beautiful $1.50 Neck'
ties Pre-Christmas Offering, 98c Each
A big assortment of high-grade Knur-in-hands, open
ond style fine quality silUs in brocaded and, novelty
stripes newest colors anil similes. These lire t' widely
ndvertised " Wenro-Tie" ro-in-stitchod bold HicnV
slinpo and weiir longer tliuu ordinary ties. Hold every
where nt 1.50.
iSpeciiil price this week,
98c each
Hee window display (Court street).
Your choice of nil our In run showing of hnadronw House ('outs greys, blue, tun, brown
anil f-i 1 k broi'iided couts in pluid und self fabric trimmings.
Hero lire the prices for the week
Mon's $5.00 House Coats, special $4.00 Men' $7.50-$8.00 House Coats, $5.85
Mon's $0.00 $0.50 House Coats, $5.00 Men's $10.00 House Coats, spccii$7.50
Mon's $12!oO House Coats, special.' $9.50
Be sure to see this assortment and get nu early selection.
MEN'S Oregon City-made HATH ROBES
Regular $10.00 Garments, special at...$ 7.50
Regular $12.00 Garments, special at...$ 9.00
Regular $15.00 Garments, special at.. .$12.85
The House of Quality
Practical and
for Men
Arm Bands $ .05 and up
Auto Gloves $ 1.00 and up
Bath Robes $ 4 00 and up
Bridge Sets S2.50 and up
Caps $ .23 and up
Card Cases $ 1.00 and up
Coat Hangers $ .10 and up
Collar Bags $ 1.00 and up
Cuff Links $ .50 and up
Driving Gloves $ 1.00 and up
Dress Scarfs .50 and up
Qlovos $ .25 and up
HandVerchiofs $ .10 and up
Hats $ 3.00 and up
Hat Brushes $ 1.00 and up
House Coats $ 4.00 and up
Hose Supporters $ ,25 and up
Lounging Robes $ 6.00 and up
Mufflers $ .50 and up
Neckties I .25 and up
Night Shirts $ .85 and up
Poker SetB $ 2.50 and up
Purses $ .10 and up
Shirts $ .50 and up
Sox $ .It" and up
Suspenders $ .25 and up
Sweaters 9 3.00 and up
Tie Folds $ 2.00 and up
Toilet Sots 812.00 and up
Writing Sots $3.50 to $4.00
Houso Slippers $ 1.50 and up
Men's Shoes $ 3.50 and up
Smoking SotB $ 2.00 and up
Suit Cssob, Hand Bags, Indian
Robes, Trunks, Automobile Kits, Au
tomobile Lamps, Auto HoriiD.
Cart Gabrielson was elected presi
dent. F.ouis .McKinney vice-presi Tent,
ami Trod Slade secretary-treasurer lust
..;... tit !, mcetiuc of enthusiastic
I 1 rt...i -kti..eU t th Siilem
UU.n!t mil "
V. M. '. A. when about a do.eu young
men of the city gathered in response to
the rail of the mat and (.'love. In ad
dition a constitutional committee ivas
appointed to draw up a governing in
strument. It is expected the meeting
will he held twice a week. On Recount
of the resignation of Mr. Mul'fcy, of
the Insurance Commission, who was to
I have given instruction in noxmg nun
I fencing, this work will devolve upon
i Secretnrv Compton. Mr. Frnnski who
I will instruct in wrestling, was present
j last night and bewail the work,
' When the Grahamona was ready to
start on her journey down the river
j this morning, n path had to be broken
j through thej.-e to the open river. Tins
' morning the entire slough down as far
I us Mate street was frozen over, the
i ice being from two to three inches
I thick. From earlv morning the water
I company kept a launch plying Lot ween
I the foot of Trade street and the jslnnd
laud it had to make trips every ! min
utes, to keep tne cniinnei open. ....
other parts of the slough which hlive
not been disturbed the ice is probably
three inches thick. Last night was the
i .,i.i.,.,i nt Hi., winter, the mercury reg-
I ;,,..;,, 1ft devrees above zero. The
j lowest previously was 22 degrees.
I t nrAr n accommodate the flower-
! Im iiiir Christmas shoppers, Carl Huef,
i who keeps a " flowerv" on Liberty
! street lias been compelled to seek nd
i ditionn! qunrturs. Tomorrow he will
r,,. on n branch in the store-room
I formerly occupied by Huberts' grocery,
1 where he will display flowera during
Christmas week.
The Price Shoe Co. has Btarted a
great slipper war, selling Wippers for
less than half what some of the kinds
formerly sold for. Don't fail to see
In regard to the shooting that took
place near Staytcn on the Sublimity
loud Sunday evening when three shots
were lired "presumably Rt the two
daughters of 0. V. -Meyers, Sheriff
William Kseh uid this morning no fur
ther information had been received by
him. The shots, which were from a
j.22-'.i liber rifle, were fired about !
'o'clock while the two girls, Alta, aged
.iii.I iloldie, aged ll, were before the
'door of their home. One bullet found
n mark in the door-casing, a second
'whizr.nl past them and lodged in the
Ibarn, while the third came close to
j their heads. The younger girl carried
a lantern. Sheriff Ksch lias been un
able to learn the identity of tho per
!son tiring the shots. He started to
Inoili investigating the case as soon as
I he returned Inst night from a trip serv
ling civil papers.
Why pay standard insurance rates to
'mutual companies when it costs no
I nitre to pin. e anie in a company thai
has many millions of nsets to guar
antee the payment of their losses. It
I w ill pay you to see Homer II. Smith,
the insurance man, ." .Mel 'ornaik bldg.
i I'honi; till.
i Installation of o'ficors for Mult
nomah ( hapter No. I, lloyal Arch
. Masons, was held in the Masonic Tem
ple Wednesday night when the follow
: iug officers were installed for the en
suing veur: Kxct'lhmt high priest Al
fred K. Mirciis;-Liug, tiny I'. Hichnnl
loa: scribe, lilenn ('. Niles; captain of
the host, tieorge fl. Hrnwn; principal
I sojourner lieoige I'cttiugcll; royal arch
I captain, Walter ('. Winsluw; muster of
j the third vail, '. V. Harrickj master
I of the second vail, Kinest Anderson;
master of the firt vail. W. W. Monro;
lien surer, V. II. llnncy; secretiiry llus
l sell H. Tlrooks, tiud sentinel, ITenry
I SchoniuUer, Lot I.. I'ierce pasl grand
'high priest, presidel as installing of
I ficer, assisted by CI rami Mnrshall
Thomas It. Wilson.
"Development of the Short Story in
; America." This is the subject of the
ilectiiir by Mi-s Maiv II. Perkins at the
, public library tonight, Miss I'erkins
'comes t'roiu the Knglish deiartniciit of
itiie I'niversity of lliegou, and the lec
ture pi'iiiuiscs to be ery inleresting.
The lectine is at ft o'clock and is free.
.Mrs. y A. Klliott, president of the
'NiiIcmi Woman's club, will int ro-luec the
pea ker.
; Actually one-third price reduction at
the St.vle Simp now. Masonic Temple.
; jj )c :) :; !):!: ; y,
HOOF cleaning. Phone If.
1'OU SAI.K l'ies!i cow. 1417 Market.
1)K V fir wood for sale. I'hone 2-")02-W-2.
'I'HNISII KM 4-room modern bungalow.
I'hone :i2-F-32.
LEAVE orders for mistletoe. Phono
207-K, or 74tl.
GOAT MKAT for sale; first-class only.
i'hone ziuu -vi.
WAN'I'KM 14,000 men to read war
news at Fred's Night l.umh.
I'L'RK-HRKD White Wyandotte cock
erels for sale. 155 North 21st at.
FOU BALK Dressed gouts, 1 .00 ouch.
Phone I15U-W. Call Hi-Hi Mill.
FOU 1IKNT Housekeeping apartinentu,
very reasonable. -)5 N. Coiuinereiul.
GOAT meat for sale. Capital Soap
Works, 1230 Ferry street. Phono UW.
ST AH WOOD CO. All kinds or dry
wood; prompt delivery. Phono 420.
100 ACliKS of Idaho land under irri
gation that I wiH trade far Salem
property. I'hone S0-F-14v
WIIKN you want good oak wood and
full measure cull James iiulah, phom;
Farmers 52-F-l I.
WAXTF.D Horses in exchange for
town lots or new bungalow, i'hone
WVJ-K. I'" Comstock.
FOK KKNT 7-riiiii plastered lions.-,
good well, chicken house, bain, fruit.
K, I.. Comstock, phone 22S2-H.
FANCY WOK K mid tutting at. greatly
reduced prices nt Capital Necdlo
Shop, first door west of Y. M. C. A.
FOH HAI.E Cood cow, giving rich
milk. Am leaving town; will suit
cheap. 2015 N. Comincrcial.
BILtiY L'xpcrt window cleaner, l'hoe"
C1I1MSTMAS ets for the children
purebred I. olden Seabriyht ;i'"'
brown leghorn bantams. I'taoiM
DON'T forget big sale household goo.lt
Tui'sday, December 22, I :'M p. in., nt
(li ner ' Capitol and Union sts. K
Diicigan, owner.
Lecture by
Public Library Auditorium
Friday Eveulns, 8 o'clock.
i i ic ij i ;: if i)( ;
All Around Town
Dr. Meudelsonn, specltillst In fitting
glassiw cuneclly. U. S. bank bhlg.
2.c Coffee
;illc Coffee
.'I'm Coffee
lUc C'nlfce
Lie Coffee ........
No delivery,
,.11'e per pound
.21c per pound
. 2Pe per pound
..3le per pound
. MSc 'cr pound
No charge,
The above lire offered to
scipmint vol with the quality
o our coffee.
151 North High Street.
Phout B;lO.
Joiin Morndley was adjudged insauo
Ibis nioiiiiiiK und coiniiiitlnieiit papers
were iiiade mil. lb. O. II, Miles, city
physician, made the cMtiuiniitiun, and
Chi"f Slicdeck was the conipliiimiul.
Hamilton's watches are sold at Pont
erov ' jcweliy store.
The "House Electrical" is typical
of A iieiiniii nd aiicemeiit. Stint yours
this Christum time. Salem Kleclric
Co., Masonic Temple. Phone I200,
Mr. Brown, a salmon flsJior of Oregon
Cily, scut his salmon fishing oii( u
this city Inst night on the Criihoiuoiiii
fur A duck hunting trip up Hie Wil
bimette river. The boat Is nbuut 20
feet long nud Is of Hie type used In
nuking siiIiiioii mi the Willamette
river. It is tint biittomcd lias an eu
glue in the bon, sod a buggy top
i!KiCl tixed oer Die seat for slieller.'
There's a fascination in tablo cook
eiv .mil il keeps you out of the kitchen,
Salem Klicliic Co,, Masonic Temple.
Plnr.ie I2IIU.
! Buy your girl n diamond at Tomeroy's
jew ell y store.
I Asking for information which may
'lend to finding Hie address of her cous
in, Mr. Ony or (luvlord Clarke. Nellie
Clarke .lohnson (Mrs. C. U. C. .lolin
son!, of Mannssas, irginiii, writes to
'Sccrctnry of Stole Olcott and stutes
t li it t she und her brothers me ery mix
i in n to get into cmumunirntion with
' tin' lost cousin, whom they have not
seen" nor heard from ill yenis. She be-
lieves that he lives somewhere in Ore
gon and Is engaged in the cattle busi
ness. I The potato growers of Marion and
Polk Counties, who belong to the potato
growers' association are icipiested to
meet lit the assembly rooms of (lie com-
iiieicuil club nt 2 o'clock toiiinrrow
1 llfternooll lo get the benefit of nd
dress by Prof. II. 11. Miller, ilciin of
the school of ciimuierce, of the Oregon
agricultural college upon Die subject
of the maiketiug of the potato, cost of
production stnich miinufiictiiie and
i other allied mihicct of special interest
to 1'i'tiilo growers.
Dollar watchos at Stone's Drug Store.
The Gorman bombardment had no
el feci nu the prices at Foiiieroy 's jew
elry ftore,
I With the tiling of the petition for
nomination of John It. Callahan of
Tillamook City, with the secretary of,
state lu-t evening, there are now three
ciiiuliiliit ut for the office of district
. altoiney for Tillamook county to suc
ceed M. .1. tleisonl In Hie event he Is
recalled fioin the office at the special
election to be hebr for th purpose on
December 2N, The other two who have
'previously filed are .1. II. Hoyne of
I Tillamook, ami ,1. Victor A. Faracll, of
Wheeler. !
Underwear, laces, corsets, etc., one- j
I third price, The Style Shop, Masonic j
Price went to Portland and bought
j from three wholesale houses the largest!
t shipment of slippers ever brought, to
Salem nt one time, over 1100 pairs. If
' you do not get your pair It will bo be
cause you hmq itot got Ho cents, ,
I It was announced this morning by
t apliiiii Max llehlhar, enmmnnding M
company, of the Oiegou Nstional
xlus.ds, that tli regular quaiteily In-'
spee'iiin of (he company would be held
in the arnioiy December 20, the lat
Tuesday in lull, A. tiiis time the men
will appear In dress uniform according
to a g nil order issued by the bend-
ipiartcrs nt Portland. This date is set
lor the mllcy companies, Tho Port
In inl companies will be inspected Weil
nesihiy, Deecinlier ilo.
Prices cut one-third at the Stylo Shop.
Mn nunc Temple,
The Trlco Shoe Co. aro trying to cor
ner tiie slipper iiHirl.et. Cot more slip
pers than all the rest of tho town put
Uic'ltcr. Piice them any place in
town till,,, Inil I' Hun ninoiint ninl gel. n
pair nt 1'iico's.
John Moradley, tho Mexican who has
been held several days at the police
station pending Investigation us to his
sanity, ami who win turned loose yes
terday lifleineou nud, nccoidlug tu the
night sergeant's report turned up hale
ami hearty nl the station about eight
o'clock lust evening for shelter. While
he wits Bwny he picked up some smok
ing tobacco, cigarette papers, and a
liuiy's handling. He also got s Mil-cent
shin at a barber shop on Twelfth
street. Chief Shedeck determined this
morning to have him sent to the nylum
its moll ns possible, as he believed that
was the place for him.
When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modorn
Pros and Private Baths.
RATES 75c, $1.00. $1.50 PER DAY.
The only hotel in the business district,
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home,
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones Freo Auto Bui.
SKWINll MACHINES Now is your
t;., 1,, l.iiv it seuiiin' machine,. Wo
lire giving Xuins sules. Hood sowing
m-ichinos i:l up; dmp iicad inueliiio i
as good as new, I2.50. Singer of
fice, 010 State sticct.
OIK KPN' MS" ,1A1'T dcr Deutsche-,
i.eute wird gal'aclligst gcweiischt.
Wir sprechen Dents, h. San Francis
co Life liisiiimieo Co., H. L. Willson,
district manager. A. liable i, 1"
cal agent, 141 North High street.
HOIisK blankets at, cost., Kvery mini
sh-uld iilmiket his horses, especiall
during the oll weather. You will
find n large stuck of high gnnlo
lilankets nt cost, nriees ut Sale"!
H i hi; Kxi haiige P.urn, 551 Ferry si.
Clearwater Hros, props.
ti.eil ami vexed of getting unexpect
ed nsM'ssineiits on your paid-up fir''
insiiraiico policies and wnut to eluingo
cninpiinies, piione or call on W. A,
l.iston, 44 Court street, lie has it
stirpilsfl for ou.
.there is the rubber plant that papa hu:
to lug into the house when mamma
thinks it Is going to freeze,
"JP 'Si'
A Dainty Christmas
Make a Christmas offer
ing of an Automatic Eye
glass Holder which prevents
glasses from slipping and
They are sightly in ap
pearance, work automati
cally and are not expensive.
Let us supply you.
208-20!) Uubhard Bldg.
rhone 109
I otl'ce
I 'of fee
I 'of tee
No delivery.
per pound
per pound
pec pound
per pound
v per pound
The above are
aciUiiiiit yoi with
it unr eotl'ee.
oil e
i c.l to
1M North High 8'rcet,
Phone 830.
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Spanish Chicken, Hot Tanmlos, Chili
Con Came, Chop Bucy Noodle
420 Ferry Street
I IS Ik ,f ) )), I
if ; ik ix if )i k ijt ! ii
Now Open and Ready to do All
Kinds of
City Steam & Pry Cleaning riant
1165 State Bt- Phone 1744