Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 18, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
hi m hh.hu
Victorious Army Changed in
a Day to Staggering Dis
organized Mass
Austrian Outrages. Drove the
Servians to Fury and
Caused the Disaster
(By William O. Shepherd)
London, Dm. IS. The route of tlie
Austriun retreat from Servia was u
path of horror.
I was with the Hapsburg forces dur
ing their precipitate retirement.
The toiiiI they travelled whs marked '
by the bodies of deod mul ij viui; sol
diers by the wrecks of wagons nn, I bv
the still worse wrecks of men driven
liisnne by their sufferings,
I bum- the Austrian aruiv transformed
almost in n day from a body of con
querors into a staggering, disorganized
muss, its ret rent was a rout.
After spending weeks in France and
Udgium, after observing the German
troops in the field and ufter watching
the i'iuJi t iiik nt l'rzemsvl, it was in
Sorvin that I beheld the most horrible
Denies of the war.
1 arrived in Servia following ninnv
liB ith the . Austrian armv in
(iiiliria, where 1 had witnessed the sol
diers' lieroii- attacks and defense in
the campaign nguiirst the Russian.
The Servian t-niiipa iii was different.
Austriaus lulmuian.
Perhaps the' Austiians long smolder
ing hatred of the Servians, coupled
with tlieir belief that Servian plotters
arranged and executed Anhduke
Francis Ferdinand's nssassinatioa, was
responsible for this difference.
Austrian outrages in Servia have
been worse than those charged oguiast
the Germans in Belgium.
For 40 miles from the frontier the
country is deserted and as silent ns
the tomb. 'Hundreds of residents of
Servian towns have been executed.
November 13 the Austiians took the
correspondents then with tlieir army
into Hervin to show them how the
enemy's lines were being driven back.
We travelled 150 miles into the
northwestern corner of the- country.
Eighteen towns which we passed were
utterly deserted. In everv one I saw
one or two walls marked by the bullets
fired at the execution of inhabitants.
Austrian and Hungarian officers
itemed thru women had been executed
but admitted thnt such a fate had be
fallen hundreds of men.
Hanged Prisoners.
One Hungarian officer showed me n
nix foot pole which he said he used in
Ilia shillings. He explained that he set
Tins pole upright, fustened a ropo to
the upper end, forced his Servian vic
tim to sit in a chnir, adjust the free
end of the rope nbout the man's neck
and then knocked the chair from under
"He was usually dead" commented
the officer, "In eight or ten minutes."
I saw . sipinre miles of Servian
trenches of perfect pattern in which
the bodies of Servians were rotting.
They- bad been denied eviui decent
The. Austiians promised with great
inhibition to take us into Belgrade
November 25. Hut their plans were
suddenly changed.
We were hurried out of Servia In
wagons. There was no explanation,
After leaving the wagons we were
loaded onto n train nml taken to Hud
npest. There huge wagon trains filled
the roads. In them were iiindiireii and
wounded. '
And then we discovered the Servians
were advancing.
Blizzard Adda to Horror.
We bad been taking part l'i a re
treatIn an utter rout.
i lie country was iielng swept by n
terrific blizzard the day we left
Servia. The rnnds were In aa un
speakable condition, The hardship) of
travel were fearful.
It was as if llclgiuin shoirM arise nml
slenly and drive out the Ccrmnn.
The statement that many soldiers
went iusnue Is no exaggeration.
In one case an Austrian lieutenant,
l. ing wounded by the roadside, saw
the mnjnr of his own regiment riding
by and called to him whereupon the
major turned nml shot him in the leg.
lie was stark mad.
Afler my ninnv weeks of association
with Austrian officers nnd newspaper
men, I was astonished at the condition
1 found In Servia.
The alarm I sensed among Ibe resi
dents of lluifnpcst was noticeable nlo
In Vicuna.
The city nn thronged with h u:n !es
refugees from Gnlieln.
When 1 left Vienna I )inilier I. coal
was being doled nut to the eitl'cns In
fifteen pound lols, which the recipient
carried homo on the shoulders or if
i I' ll, in Inxiiiibs or their carriages.
The Austrian criticise the Herman i
loon ilessly, dc, luring that tho latter
are not helping them. In turn, tin-
Raid Lunch Counters and
Markets and Continue, Riot
in the Jail
Seattle, Wash., Dee. 18. Armed with
dangerous bulls which they mado out
of glass and plaster soaked iu water,
40 unemployed men continued in the
city jail up to an early hour morning,
u state of riot that some 200 members
of the army of the unemployed had be
gun early last night, i
The mob assembled at Washington
street, dragging at its head a wugnn
bearing signs reading :"We want food.
There are 1200 unemployed in Seattle.
Whnt are you going to do about it "
From Washington street, tho mob
turned into Second avenue, the princi
pal business street of Seattle. They
marched in quick step, and, following
the directions of their leaders, they
rushed into the New l'ork lunch, in the
basement of the New Vork building,
and helped themselves to all the food
in sight, including that which has been
spread on the tables for the customers.
They then jia railed downtown streets
and finally descended upon the West
Ink. i market, seizing everything edible
in sight.
Hurry calls were responded to by
the police nnd IS men were nrresteil
ut ,he New Vork lunch and "2 at the
At police headquarters, the prisoners
offered 1. W. W. literature tu the of
ficers. I'l.ieed iu three large cells, they bloke
all the windows, kicked the plaster off
the walls, smashed electric globes nml
left the jail corridor iu darkness. There
were buckets of water in the cells with
which the men mixed plaster nail
broken glass into hard balls. When a
jailer appeared in the corridor he was
bum ban led with these dangerous mis
This continued until an early hour
Ibis morning, when (he men were fin
ally subdued.
San Diego Cul Dec. IS. The groat
American Hawaiian steamship Isthmian
went n-horo Inst night on San Clements
island, till miles off Sail Diego, accord
ing to reports received early today at
the I'oiut l.onm wireless station here.
According to the latest reports from
the Isthmian, she succeeded in getting
off at high tide and is now bound for
San Diego in a disabled condition, with
"0 feet of water in her hold.
Soon afler report of the accident
reni hod here the United Stntes torpedo
tiont ilestrovers Hull, J'errv and Hon
kins left going to the assistance of the
vessel, ami the cruiser West Virginia
got up steam preparatory to leaving,
Secretary Mooros of the promotion
department of the Salem comniercinl
club announced this afternoon that the
" Buyut-lluine campaign will be In
nuguriitcd in earnest immediately after
the holidays. At that time there will
be a conference of the business men nud
the linurd of governors for the purpose
of outlining plans. The new board will
meet next Monday and organise for
the year,
ICE skating'is
Skaters of Salem are tailing every
lenst opportunity to use the crust of
ice 'hat has formed on still waters of
little lakes iu the vicinity. Ice has
fru'.en thick enough for skating on
I ton .n m lake, north of the city; on
the south slough, nt the grovel pit near
the trap grounds, and on Clear lake,
which is a short diitance from where
the S. 1'. trucks cross the Portland
Ilau-ea Urns, were busy sharpening
skates yesteidny besides selling a lot
of new pairs. Last night n crowd of
yiiung enthusiasts' took to the ice fields
for the evhiliarating sport. So far,
uo accidents hnve been reported, nor
hns anyone gone through to see how
thick the crust is.
Hungarians are bitter against Hi' Aus
Irliins whom Ihey accuse of foiciug
the Hungarians to bear the brunt of
I the Servians' chnrges.
I Major Foul ami Vnptaln McTnlyre of
the United Slates army were wilh the
Austrian forces during the rodent
from Sen in.
I Tnk lo, Dec. IK. The cnplure Hi
' bv British warship of the Coco
j Islam! schooner A,shn, with 40
1 H members of the destroyed (lor-
t man cruiser F.iiidea's crew on
i it Ixdi nl was reported here loda.v,
I The 40 men were on shore on
' l oco Island when the Austral-
I ! laa cruler Sydney destroyed
t the Kindon, and, seizing a
j sell, inner, supposedly the Ayshn
i escaped,
i It was reported yesterday
Hint Ihey had subsequently
captured a collier, mounted two lit
I i Maxim and were again prey-
ijt lag on Hiiiisli shipping. The
I ijt tnry current today made no
i lit reference to the collier.
Nothing to Justify Belief that
the Czar Has Been Beaten
Situation at Cracow Not As
suring, But Germans Have
Advanced at Lodz
(By J. W. T. Mason, former London
correspondent for United Press.)
New York, Dee. 18. iierlin 's suddenly-developed
enthusiasm over the mili
tary situation in 1'oland comes today
as a surprise.
The Gerninn war office announced be
foro the buttle of Lodz was fought, thnt
they believed the danger of a Russian
invasion of tho fatherland was past.
The Lodz engagement was a German
victory, to be sure but it was fought
12 duys ago. Nothing has occurred
since to warrant the conclusion that
one of the greatest campaigns in the
world's history has ended in the kais
er's favor.
As a matter of fact, while the Ger
mnus apparently hnve advanced a doz
en miles or so east of Ijodz, their move
ment against Warsaw from tho north
has been beaten back. East Prussia is
nsain threatened.
In short so long ns present condi
tions continue, despite the Derlin war
office's statement, Clennnny most cer
tainly is not safo against a Slav
However, the situation about Cra
cow is not so satisfactory aa to allow
the (ieriuaus to assume as a foregone
conclusion the development of a ltus
aian offensive in Silesia from that
direction. Cracow is Silesia's doorway
and only a few days ago the (!ciiuaii
war office was commenting on the
desperate fighting In its vicinity.
Trialu Not Over. '
The first theory to suggest itself, iu
explanation of Herlin's exuberance, is
that the (iermnns are becoming over
confident concern rag their eastern
This is not very likely, ' however.
German niilitnry men aro too scientific
ally trained nnd Field Marshal Von
Hiudcnburg is too much of a genius as
a soldier to have furnished grounds
for the present oxtrnvagaut demonstra
tion nt the kaiser s capital.
The facts themselves fail to justify
a. belief that the czar has been beaten
True, it is Improbable that the Slavs
will ever succeed in getting fur across
the (leiinan frontier, but it is by no
means certain that they will nut so do.
And even the fact that the such a
thing is improbable hardly warrants
the deduction that the Germans' trials
nre over in the east.
Yet, so widespread and unexpected Is
the Teutonic rejoicing that there must
be some reason for It,
l'lobablv this reason Is strictly mili-
tar) n part of Germany's iill-inclusivc
That Is to anv its basis seems to be
a desire to impress the world with the
Idea that the general tide of the con
flict '"Bt turning definitely in
the kaiser's favor and tiro presumption
is that this impi mn is deemed im
portant hist now to offset the effect
of the dlsnsler Austrian arms have suf
fered in Servia.
The Austrian' defeat hy the .Serv
ians, ruining with such dramatic, sud
denness, niiiliinhtrdlv deeply Impressed,
not only tho other Hnlkaii countries, but!
also Turkey.
llerlln's freely expressed nnger
ngaint Austrin was plainly provoked
by the difficulties which Servlu's
recovery hnvo added to Germany 'a
diplomatic maneuvering nt Conslanti
nnjile. The Turks will now hnve more rea
son (Iran ever to fear the formation of
a llalkan league against themselves, and
will be correspondingly unwilling to
send ninny troops from their cnpilnl
to fight the Kiisslaiis. At (he same
time, Servia 's easy victory constitute
a potent argument for inducing the
other Halknn state to join the war on
the allies' side, in older to profit by
1 the struggle lit Austria s expense.
I The German government unquostion
I ably hopes to eonnterbalance these two
: leinlerieies by tanking both Turkey and
' the smaller llalkan cations belinve
I Servia 's success of small irupoi luiiee
I compared w ith some great conquest the
Gennnns have mnde.
Albany. Ore, Dec. 18 After
dclibetating 10 hours, a jury at
12:l,"i til' uinruiug returned a
verdict of not guilty in the case
of Mis. Viiila drier, charged
with murder I'm shutting and
killing her husband.
Mis. tiller's plea wn self,
Commission Permits Railroad
to Raise Rates 5 Per Cent
On Most Alj Freight
Washington, Dee. 18. The
interstate commerce commis
sion granted today the appli
cation of 125 eastern railroads
for a flat increase of five per
cent iu rates except on coal,
3oke, iron ore aad "lake and
rail" joint shipments. The in
creased revenues will amount to
$30,000,000 a yenf to the rail
roads. All the commissioners favor
ed the increase except Commis
sioner Cleuents.
"The findings in our original
report," today's anaoiiiiceuient
said, "are modified in the light
of a changed siruntiim as dis
closed." Washington Dec. 18. Increases in
rates on cement, atarch, brick, tile clay
and piaster denied in the former ap
plication, was granted today under cer
tain limitations.
"Joint rates'", continued the report
"betweeu official classification terri
tory (the east) and aoutheastern terri
tory, the BOuthwest and points east of
the Missouri river may be increased to
au amount not exceeding five per cent
of the division of the ruto accruing to
the carriers iu the official classification
territory. If the increase involves a
change iu relationship under the long
and short haul rule between Inter
mediate point and more distant points
outside of official classification terri
tory, relief from the fourth section of
the act must first be secured by reg
ulur application.
"The European conflict doubtless
will create an unusual demand on the
wrold's loan fund of free capital and
may be expected to check the flow of
foreign investment funds to American
railroads. Whatever eoasequenocs of the
wur may prove to be, we must recognize
the fact that it exists tho fact that it
is a calamity without precedent and
the fact that, by it, the commerce of
the world has iieea disarranged and
thrown into confusion."
" Whilo we differ" continued tho re
port "regarding the relative Im
portance that mav be attached to the
various considerations presented, we
agree iu conclusion by virtue of condi
tions obtaining nt present that it Is
necessary that the carriers' revenues
be supplemented by Increases through
out official classification territory."
The report says the net operating
revenues of the ronds are the lowest
siace If 08. It reviews the testimony
at length nud adds:
"We do not doubt thnt tho financial
problems of the carriers nre made more
ncute by reason of the war, aad If we
are to set rate;' affording reasonable
renruniiralioi; we must give consider
ntion to the Increased hire of capitnl
as well as other increased costs.
The oriiiinnl report, besides approv
ing rate increases, suggested ten sources
of additional revenue, Tho present re
port recognizes the existence of a new
situation since July 20. Today's re
nort said the commission denied in
crease in rail lake and Inke-rnil rates
because the rail carriers, ns owners of
lake lines already have Increaseii
rates. The report said that twice
recently the rates on bituminous coal
ha I been increased five cents per ton,
and "it would seem now to be as high
ns inny fairly be allowed."
Tho commission's report scored the
unln, n, Is fur ii isretiresentiug conditions
previous tu application for Increased
rates, The report said the representa
tions of tho carriers In 11110 Hint, with
out increases, their credit must vanis.i,
"pinvoil strangely nt variance with
their subseiinence experience In bor
rowing hundreds of millions of dol
lars." Commission Harlan wrote the decis
ion. Commissioner Clements, the only
dissenting member, vol 1 the view of
Louis II, Hiiimleis Hint the advance wns
simplv "a wnr tax for the exclusive
benefit of the railrimls," Clements
said he doubted the legality of the In
creaie, adding:
"The rumors now nre suffering
more from the want of freight to carry
than for higher rates. It would not
seem to be out of lino with ordinary
prudence and conservatism, prevailing
in other lines of industry, if the car
riers had undertaken tn meet Ibis ap
parently temporary situation ns have
The Weather
Oregon! Gener
ally fair tonight
nnd Satniilny; tint
much change Iu
t e in p o r a t ii i e ;
ensteilv winds.
I , , .
T .(cutout
l MWtJ
:! i'01'
Say Offensive Is Maintained
and Many of German De
fenses Captured
British Claim to Have Driven
Germans Back Two Miles
by Fierce Rush
raris, Dec. 18. Continued successes
by the allies in Belgium and northern
France were reported to the public in
today's communication from the war
The Frnnco-Anglo-Bclgian offensive
was being vigorously maintained, it
was stated, and many Gorman defenses
were being raptured.
In the vicinity cif iilangy tho first
line of the kaiser's trenches were said
to have been taken along a front of
more than tivc-eights of a mile.
"We continued our progress in Bel
gium December 17," said the state
ment, "repulsing tho enemy's counter
"We captured soveral trenches about
Lnbnsse and in the Arras region, about
Saint Laurent.
"About Hlangy we took trenches of
the German first line cm a front exceed
ing a kilometer.
"Our heavy artillery held its ad
vantage about Tracy, Le Val and in
the Aisue anil Champagne districts.
"The Germain blow up one of their
trenches lu the Argonncs, north of Four
Do i'aris.
"Their attacks against Saint If u pert
were repulsed.
"There is nothing to report concern
ing developments east of the Mcuso nnd
in tho Vosges."
British Gain Two Miles.
Paris, Dee. 18. At tho very point
where the Germans were massed for
un itffensivo movement, the British had
delivered a blow today which resulted
jn advancing their line some two miles.
'Ihis was northeast of Arras.
The gains they had accomplished did
not satisfy the British troops, however.
They were rushing fresh men to the
lighting front and continuing their at
tacks with great determination. At
latest accounts they were clearing tho
Germans from a small wool in which
n stiiid had been attempted.
The extent of the allies' dnily ad
vances is increasing steadily.
A Gorman unofficial statement vir
tually admitted the British troops had
gained in the Anns district, remark
ing that a possibility existed of larger
activities in tho western war r.onc.
Tin German Claim.
Berlin, by wireless to London, Dec
18. highteon hundred French luivc
been killed and 2200 captured by the
Germans, the wnr office hero nil
iiounceil this afternoon, In a fight be
tween Lnllasse and Arms, on both sides
nf tho Hivcr Sointne.
Washington, Dee, 17. I'lesident Wil
son today assumed charge of tim Mex
ican situation. This nl'tcrnoon ho spent
several hours In conference with .Sec
retary of War Garrison. American
Consul Canada at Vera, Cruz, Mexico,
cabled that he had conferred again
with Cnriauzistn officials regarding
the situation nt Naco, Siniora.
Queer diameters drop into the Men's
Club nt 400 Trade street, the resort for
I homeless and unemployed men Hint was
I opened Wednesday morning by George
I Itodgers nail It. C, Clnrl'. It has been
I shown thnt. inniiy unemployed nieii are
I eager tn work and take hold of small
'jobs with avidity when they are to be
I found. The following is the case or
Hig Joe:
Big Joe drifted Into the Men's Club
nt Hill Ferry street yesterday morning
and showed Overseer ( lark how he had
tnken up four nnt'dies in his belt since
winter set in. He hnd been sleeping
ill n chicken house and longed for ti
eliance to get at a real meal nnd a
change of straw. Joe was put Iu work
splitting woo, In the basement and
hnd to be called off at dinner time.
After the meal he tackled the windows
with such vigor Hint the overseer, who
is a good judge of men, viewed him
dubiously. Ho says that mail who
hitches in that way don't usually Inst,
Finally a call came la for n man to
wash windows for a lady. Joe wns sent
nud in an hour came back grinning with
two shining dimes In his hand, " Here,
Mr. Clark," he said, "one is for von
to pny for my dinner'' and he divided
up lis pot, ,lne is on hand aviiilnldn for
any job rial the overseer think Joe
will make good Several men have been
giieu jobs durinh the day,
England Takes Stock of Cas
ualties Resulting from Re
cent German Raid
London, Doe, 18. Besides the British
killed on land by : the bombardment
from the German cruisers which raided
tho east coast earlier this week, it was
learned today that five sailors were
slain on board the British destroyers
engaged with the Germans before "the
latter retired.
Tho war and navy offices hero
agreed that the total number of dead
as a result of the raid might reach 125.
Of civilians who lost their lives there
were 80 accounted for. A number of
the woumled wore also sure to dio it
was said.
There was Btill some difference of
opinion as to how many German ships
took part iu the bombardment. Tho
admirality declared there were "at
least six." TrawlerB reaching Hull
from North sea cruises, however, re
ported sighting nine.
Mine sweepers were engnged today
in removing the mines which visitors
scnttered between Newcastle and Flam
borough Head.
Kefugees who fled from Hartlepool,
Scarborough and Whitby while the
bombardment was in progress were re
turning to their homos.
British officialdom was declaring it
could not understand how Americans
nud other neutrals could longer ignore
the violations of the laws of civilized
warfare of which the Germans wero
London Dec. 18. Prortlamutlon of
a British protectorate over Kgypt wns
generally believed hero today to be
preliminary to the country's annexa
tion. The unidentified steamship sunk by
a mine Thursday between Flnniborough
Head and Newcastle proved today to
have been tho Vaareu, a Norwegian
nruft. Tho information (was jgaiuekl
from four nuinjbors 0f 5ts crew who
wero saved. " ' "
Louis Martin Shoots Game
Warden Hubbard Near
Ashland Yesterday
Ashland, Ore., Dec. 18. Wanted for
shooting nnd killing Grime Wnrden A.
S. Hubbard, in tho F.Ik Creek district
near hero late yesterday, Loris Martin,
alleged professional deer slayer, sur
rendered to Sheriff Singler today.
Hubburd, accompanied by Constable
Irwin, went into the mountiiins to servo
a search warrant on Martin, who was
suspected of poaching.
Iluliliard unit Irwin were ruling
liorsebnck near Martin's cabin when
they saw Martin emerge from tho
woods. Hublmrd dismounted and start
ed toward Martin. Murtia shouted
that if ho took another step In his di
rection he would shoot, Hubbard dis
regarded the threat. Martin grabbed
n rifle aad fired, the bullet striking
Hubbard near the heart, causing in
stant death. Martin litis the reputri
tinn of being a dead shot, and absolute
ly fearless.
. Sacraniento, Cal., Dec. 18. Henry
I'riiiiln, who said his homo was in
'Portland, Oregon, died today In the
Yolo county hospital at Woodbind from
iinllet wounds inflicted, it is alleged,
by Walter Woods, who is la Jim here,
The shooting occurred at a laborers'
camp lie n r llnvis. Fred Nelson nud
Charles Lang also nre held as accessor
ies. Woods claims self defense,
JL , sir 4 ls V si si sJ 1 Jj 1 fjf !
Iierlin, bv wireless to London,
! Dec. IK. The smiling by the
I kaiser's cruisers of two llritish
destroyers during Ino recent
German naval raid on the Fug-
li'di east roast was officially
I claimed here ttnluy.
I After uppioiichiiig the Frig- K
'ish cinst," sniil tho govern-
I .lent 's statement, "our cruisers
were litlin lied unsuccessfully
nv four llritish torpedo boats.
"(Hie was destroyed and mi-
other disappeared, badly iliini-
j nie,. "
" Flsowhcre another British
destroyer wns sunk,
I "Wo silenced lluitlcpool
' batteries and destroyed the ga
win lis. Several explosions were
' heard. Three large flics were
' observable In the town from (nr
I ships.
"We received a few hits
I from the coast batteries bill suf-
fercd little damage."
Dressed Beef 74 Cents a Hun
dred, and Flour from $1.49
to $1.50 Higher
Union Meat Company Gets
Lions Share but Local
Companies Some
Indisputable evidence of tbe high
cost of living, or rather the increased
high cost, is reflected in the bids for
tho supplies of monts, flour, sugar,
etc., for the sovornl state institution
by the state board of Control yester
day afternoon, which practically
amounts to the awnrd of contract for,
in every instance, "where quality and
price aro equal preference Is to be giv
en Oregon producers and merchants"
in keeping with the spirit of home in
dustry patronage, the award will be
mnde to the lowest bidder.
Nearly everything in the list of sup
plies for the six months' period fol
lowing January 1 is higher than last
year, from 20 por cent up, with tho
notable exception of sugar, which, al
though (10 cents per hundred higher
than the prico paid for the last six
months, is 20 cents per hundred lower
than the ruling market prion today,
O. K, Fletcher, of Portland, will prob
ably supply the sugar at $4.1)5 per
hundred pounds.
A comparison of the bids offered,
with the prices thnt the several commo
dities were purchased for the Inst si
months' period shows that fresh beef
is 74 cents per hundred higher; soft
wheat flour 1.40 per hundred higher,
aad hard wheat flour S1.51 higher; su
gar HO coats per hundred higher; fish
is practically the same; and fresh mut
ton, smoked bacon and ham, pure laid,
tallow nnd cut meats are all higher in
proportion. One notable feature In
the competition is that the Union
Meat company, of Portland, will secur
the lion's share of the fresh and cured
merit contracts this time, having under
bid in every Instance tho Onrstcna
Packing company, of Tncomn, which
has been the successful bidder for
Borne Local Awards.
' K. C. Cross & Son, of Hnlom, c.nrrlcd
off the award for 8,000 pounds of
smoked bacon, hnving bid 15.48 per
hundred against Steusloff Bros., the
'next lowest, who bid tlfi.HB; Cross A
Son also secured the awnrd for 2,20ft
' pounds of cut meats for delivery at
the blind school, nt 15Va cents per
I pound, nnd Steusloff Bros, the award
for 400 pounds of cut meats for the
industrial school for girls, at ID cents
per pound. The local firms submitted
bids in nearly all of tho other classes,
of meat supplies but were underbid by
the Portland competitors. I). A. White
; & Son, of Sulein, entered Into the bid
ding for grains, chicken feed, etc., nnd
they secured tho contracts for supply
ing' .125 bushels of wheat, nt $1.25; 170
bushels of, oats, at fil cents, and 200
hmdiola of barley, nt 72 cents, in which
they had no competition. They tied
Albera Bros., of Portland, for tho
cracked con ntrnet, at 1.75 per hun
dred, but were hiirh In every other in
stance with the exception of the dried
beef pulp contract, ill which they bid
1.011 per hundred,
I The full list of bids, the contract for
I w hich will probably be awurded to tho
lowest bidder Iu each Instance, follows!
( Meats.
Fresh beef 100,000 lb.; CurstonS)
j Packing company, Tncomn, Wash., 11
cents per pound ; Cross t Hons, Salem,
11.21 cents per pound j Union Meat Co.,
I'orllnnd, 10.111 cents per pound.
Fresh mutton 12,0110 pound. Curs
tens I'ncking Co., Tncomn, IB! cents
pound; Steusloff Bros., Snlcin, 10.112
cents pound; Union Meat Co., 11.21
cents pound.
Smoked bacon 8,000 pounds. Ar
mour & Co., Portland, 17c pound; Cars
tens Packing Co., HI'v'S Cross & Sons,
Hi.-IMc; Sleusloff Bros., 15. Hoc; Swift
k Co., Portland, IUV; Union Meat
Co., nunc
Smoked hums 8,000 pound. Ar
mour & Co., 17'ic; Cnrstens Packing
Co., UHic; Cross it Sons, M.UHc; Steus
loff JW., 111.10c; Swift & Co., l'VtJ
Union Meat Co., 14.110c,
i Pure bird 5.5110 pounds. Armour A
Co., 1 2 '.' ; Cnrstens ft Co., lie; Cross
ft Son, 12c; Ciubihy Packing Co., Port
land, 12 ','n' I Swift ft Co., lie; Union
, Mfiit Co., 10.85c.
I Tallow 10,0110 pound. Cnrstens)
' Packing Co., 8'ViC and ll'iej Cross A
'Sons, 15.44c Steusloff Itro,, 5.4lte;
Swift ft Co., 11.70c and 4.70c.
Cut incut 2,200 pounds, delivered
'nt blind school. Cross ft Sons, 15'iiC;
Steusloff Bros., 10 rents.
Cut meat 100 pounds, delivered at
! girls' industrial school, Cross ft Sons,
' (Continued on Pn'o Two.)