Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 27, 1914, Page FOUR, Image 4

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.,., (..otai, JOURNAL, fl M.TIM. OREOOV T"Tnv tt"T.-'t TiR 27. 1914.
Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal
NOVEMBER 27, 1914
Jlaily, by Carrier, per year
Daily, by Wail, per year ..
Weekly, oy Mail, per year
.$(.00 Per month 45c
. 3.00 Per month 35
. 1.00 Six months 50c
Tbs Capital Journal carrier boys srs instructed to put ths paperi on tot
men. If the carrier does not do tlili, misses you, or neglects getting the
per to you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, ai this is the only
ay we can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions.
ron Main 82.
Whether the United States predominates in other lines
may be open for argument, but when it. comes to murder
there is no question about our leading the world. A com
parison with the murder rates in other countries, not
counting the murders committed under the name of war,
shows London has one murder, or a trifle less, each year
for every 100,000 population. Paris has 3.5 and Berlin 2.
In New York the number is 7, in San Francisco 1:.M and
in New Orleans 24.5. Charleston reports 150 as her yearly
quota, Savanah 48 and Memphis holds the record with 68
for each 100,000 population yearly. Another feature about
those gruesome statistics is rather surprising, too; and
that is that 81 cut of 100 murders are committed by native
born Americans. The reason for this is the false senti
mentality with which we view murderers, and the laxity
of punishment. It is not the abolishment 'of the death pen
alty that causes murder to be so common, but the absence
of any punishment. It is not the severity of the punish
ment that deters criminals, but ts certainty. Imprison
ment for life is punishment enough if it necessarily fol
lowed the crime, but between sentimental jurors and per
verted public sentiment about one in ten of the murderers
in this country are punished at all. The "unwritten law"
and all that kind of tommy-rot is back of our excelling all
other countries in the way of murder. .
Some highly optimistical folks think the time is ripe
for nations not mixed up in the European war to take
some steps toward bringing about peace. If this could be
accomplished, it of course should be done, but instead of
peace being in sight, or the countries ready for it, just the
other condition prevails. -
Dispatches a day or so ago. telling of Portugal giving)
her war minister the right to declare war against Ger- j
many at any time, shows the feeling there, and yesterday i
a story came from Servia that some fifteen Russian regi-!
ments had arrived at Radnivatz, Servia, to assist in her j
defense. This indicates that Roumania has allowed the !
Russians to violate her neutrality and that she has made j
a bargain with Russia, under which she will join the allies !
in return for a generous slice of Austria, when the war is
over and the carving of that country begins. j
If Roumania gets in, it is almost a certainty that the '
other Balkan states will also throw their aid to the allies.
This will force Italy to take part, and against Germany
and Austria, as she also wants a slice of Austrian terri-,
Over and above all, this action by Roumania and Por
tugal indicates the ideas of those states as to who will
win, as they are not anxious to get in on the losing side.
The Krupp gun factory is the most prosperous com
pany in Germany. Since the war started it has declared
a dividend of 12 per cent and increased its capital stock
to four times what it was. War may be what Sherman
said it was, but it has a more roseate coloring from the
viewpoint of the Krupps and that class.
It is just as well that there is no Thanksgiving day in
Europe, for it would bother most folks there to discover
something to be thankful for. This, by the way, should
make them thankful that they have no Thanksgiving day.
The "Shop Now" campaign initiated by the Consum
ers' league of Ohio has a two-fold motive. Early Christ
mas shopping always gives the purchaser an advantage.
This year, business conditions imperatively require early
This is a moment of the greatest dislocation of Ameri
can industry by the European war. This is the period
when merchants long for customers and manufacturers
yearn for orders, and when employes dread dismissal.
Shopping now will not only enable purchasers to select
with care and calmness, to remember everyone, and in
every way get completest satisfaction in the Christmas
buying. It will also give to all the consciousness that they
are diminishing the area of charity by keeping people at
work at a time of the most urgent need for employment.
There is economy, not extravagance, in buying as early
is possible. Since the supply of Christmas things, which
has come largely from Germany, Belgium and France, is
entirely cut off, prices must rapidly rise as the stocks on
hand in this country become exhausted.
"It's the early bird that gets the worm," and it's the
early buyer that get's the bargain, particularly this year.
Richard Croker, the Tammany brave who wed yester
day, is far from gallant, and from his remarks is evident
ly of the opinion he is doing a bad thing in getting mar
ried. To a newspaper man, who wanted a story about it
the bis chief said: "When a man does a good thing, the
newspapers never mention it When he doea a bad thine
they hound him for years. I will not discuss it." It would
soenf that the Tammany sachem thinks the newspapers
are already "hounding" him, and that he thinks he is do
ing a bad thing.
Looking at the Tacoma papers' advertising columns
convinces one that if no one else struck oil at lenino the
newspapers certainly did. The papers are filled with ad
vertisements of oil stocks. It is with the oil companies a
case of "strike while the iron's hot" or the oil fresh. Each
advertisement solemnly asserts the stocks will be doubled
in a few days, which suggests that it would be a shame to
rob the owners of that 100 per cent profit since they have
held on so long and faithfully.
Governor Blease of South Carolina made 75 prisoners
in the state prison of his state happy and gave them real
grounds for giving thanks by pardoning them. It is stated
lie has pardoned 1110 in the past four years and that there
are now only about 100 in the South Carolina state prison.
How some of the Portland papers would enjoy getting out
an issue in Charleston and expressing an opinion on the
pardoning power generally.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SG3
Transact a general banking; business
. Safety Deposit Boxes
Tiic Mucleay fish hatchery on Rogue
rivi'r, only a mill' (nun its moiitli, will
Ihj operated thin year liv Prank vVlio-;l-
er, who had chaw erf this w)ik Inst
year. Ilo )irh just arrived ut the hatch
ery with l,00l),0iill hinook eggs, taker ;
on Ilie upper waters of tin1 Willmnoltc. I
I'lii' Ashland broom factory hu pur
chased nil tilt1 broom cane in southern
Oitgcu, nnil has stock enough for Soon
do.cu brooms. Throe grades are made,
which sell for L'.i, ml and 10 rents.
Mayor Simpson tins been put forward
us the republican candidate for con
gress from thin district at the election
hi llllll. He is tho mayor ot North
tt w
Ellis Miller, of the lfogue Rivtir dis
trict, near Minsh field, killed three
mountain lions in 0110 day, rocentlv.
It in claimed wheat would be worth
5 to G cents a bushel mnre tltun it is,
if it was nut for the advance in freight
rates. Aa it is, the benefit of tho high
prices go hugely to tho shipowners
rather than tho farmer,
Wild geese looking for sniid for their
eraws, have gathered in inch flocks on
tho rsevuda, Culiloruiu Jc kastorn rail
roud running out of Lnkevicw, us to
Interfere with the running trf trains,
wiiieb havo to be slowed down to keep
from running over them.
Tho V. M. ('. A. campaign yielded
HulMl, which will permit the paying of
all debts except a $1.1,000 mortgage,
which lias a year yet to run.
I''. ('. Owen, of Hood River valley,
who lives near the luiso itf Hald Hutto,
when his dogs struck n lienr trail, fob
limed with his gnu and found they
Imd treed three, all of which lie killed.
One of tiiem weighed too pounds.
Hurry Locks, II veins old, being ill
Portl.iud aud wanting to be with his
mother, who was in Kiigene, walked
to Oregon City, liobncd it from there
to Junction City, uml walked to Kiigene
fru u there. He walked .10 miles on
the trip and was two days making it.
Ho uud nothing to eat in Hint time.
(i.'urge T. I'rnther, who luis u ranch
ill Hood Uivcr, near Summit, sent his
friends a crate of ripe iitspherries, pick
ed fresh from his plants, for their
Thanksgiving dinners,
'II,,. II,, ,, ,.!,, 1 1 . 1 ,,,,,,. il, .,i
III.) I'ltn.lilln f.,ttnti- 1i.ii i... ..;,,... I
und that it be located ut llerniisteu.
The Mcdford Huso m.iittv liuu i.itn-
pleted its it ti ii il li I distribution ot ros. ,
tutting to school children, 'luenfyj
thousand were given out, ' !
Rosa V. Fish, representing the l.n-'
die (if the Orand Army of the lie
public, of Kiigene, lias nmde applica
tion to be nlloned to present the new
high school nt Kugenc with nn Aincri-i-;i
ii flag when the building is finished
Umatilla county's property v.ilim
tiou. which last year was upprortiiiKito
ly if.lil.omuioii, i's more thnn $17.0110,,
001) this year. Thin Is exclusive ut
public service corporation propoitv.
The Dust Orcgoubtii makes note thai
the increase is not arbitrary, but l
due to Increased valuations niude bi
owners themselves.
Coos Buy Harbor: At the Inst meet
ing of the '.ihrury association the sub
ject of ridding the city of rats was
discused. lints nre particularly bin'
at the city dumping grounds Atten
tion was culled to the fact that, tin"
being a seaport town, there wns nlwiiys
danger ol the starting of plague Huns
milled bv the rats.
Marching On
if ""'"!!
V.-SA? I
The world Is glowing better us it
Jogs along its nay, though virtue
seems, at sensons, to be baling little
liny; the wicked one may coupler nnd
be chesty for a day.
. '"r HiltM is march
ing on. The people
oft nre bunkoed by
t.te 1'nker's rigmar
oles, but they hand
the Might a puck-
n,r., -l..... .1..... ..n.l.
" "
er ut the polls, but
I-they trim 't be l'ool-5-1
.J vd forever they'll
' awoken, bless their
souls! and Right
goes marching on.
The world is grow
ing better, though
the pessimists mo-
claim every city is a MuJom und the
government a shame; we aro wise to
all the knockers urd despise their
dreary game, and Right is murching
ou. Oh, the Right will never falter
till its journeying is done; every year
u little closer to the goal that must be
won, every day a' little nearer to the
palace in the sun,. the Right is march
ing on. It must cross the hills of Ha
tred, it must breast dark Krrrir'i flood,
and the wicked will pursue it with a
lusting for its blood, but the outcome
still is certain, and the wicked's name
is Mud, nnd Right goes mnrchisg 'on.
It will always come forth smiling-from
the shadows of despair, it will live
through every nmbush, it will baffle
every snnre, It is mighty and undaunted.
all the time ami everywhere, nnd still
goes marching an,
Berlin, by wireless to London, Nov.
i 27. The oflicial report of Captain Von
M idler, of the (lerinnn eruiser blinden,
which, alter doing immense damage to
the allies slnppiiiK in the Pacific ami
Indian oceans, was finally sunk on Co
cos isluad shore by the Australian wur
ship Svdnev, wns received hero today.
The Linden, snid the captain, culled
jut Cocos island, ill the Indian ocean,
'to cut the Hritish cubic. This, he stut
' ed, had been nccoieplislied when the
Sydney appeared and attacked the Uer
1 mini warship,
The Linden wns declared to have re-
i plied effectively for n time, but its
gutis were soon silenced by the Austrn
linn's heavier artillery. Von Xluller
s-ild he then tried to blow up the hyd
n ov with a torpedo but fuiled.
ilo surrendered ut length to avoid
, useless loss of lite.
The wonderful film, "From Molten
Mteel to Automobile," which will be
presented nt the Urund Theatre on
Saturday evening, November 2s, and
free tickets for .vhich may be obtain-
ed from local .Maxwell dealers, Rees
Llgin, at 500 Ferry etreet, had received
the approval of men nroaiineat in ni
erican public life, as is seen from the '
following article which apjienred in 1
the Washington Fust on June 1.1. H 1 1 -4 -"A
lnrge uud distinguished audience i
of representative men in the business,
official und social world of Washing
ton saw in the assembly room of the
Washington Chamber of Commerce last
night the first presentation of the "(),
000 moving picture, 'From Molten
Hteel to Automobile,' which gives a
thrilling and complete film history of
every step in the building of a modern
"Tho picture was presented under
the management of C'hurles F. Redden,
general sales malinger of the -Maxwell
.Motor Company, lae."
Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 27. Governor
George W. 1'. Hunt had reached no de
cision regarding the fate of 11 mur
derers who aro condemned to die nt the
Florence penitentiary December 111.
While he hus definitely abandoned his
proposed object lesson of hanging the
11 siinultnneoualy, it became apparent
today that his bund may be lorced.
The men had been reprieved until le
cenibrr 1ft, nnd, according to unoffi
cial legal opinion they must tiic on
that date unless tho governor extends
the reprieves.
Warden Sims, of the Florence prison,
reaffirmed today his intention of re
signing if he is instructed to hang the
11 men on one gallows. He refused
sternly to permit any one to seek the
opinion ou the proposed hanging bee
of the II punitive principals.
A flood of petitions "and pleas
against the proposed wholesrie execu
tions continued to puur in on the gov
ernor today.
Poitland, Ore., Nov. 27. That Fred
Tronsou, whrt shot nnd killed Miss Kin
ma I'lricii recently becnuse she would
not marry him, is a victim of arrested
development hnving the brain of tl
child and not knowing tin" difference
between right and wrong will be the
plen of his attorneys when he is placed
on trial, it was announced today. At
torney Daniel Powers, representing
TroiHiin, stated he witild ask that ex
pert alienists examine the young man
whe i the rase is called
Fven il 1 iii-lt ev doesn't tut much Ice
unless it Is well dressed,
Mr. Brown Tells Ills Experience
The following brief account of nn
interview with n Salem lnnn several
years ago, and Its seiiuol, will be reud
with keen interest by every citi.on.
P. W. Ilrown, farmer, l:lll Stnte St.,
Salem, says; "Three years of mill
wriuht work in a damp atmosphere dis
ordered bv kidnevs. 1 often had lame
ness and soreness m-rnsa the small of
niv back. When hnving an attack, 1
heard of Dona's Kidnev Pills and got
n snpplv, Thev removed the backache
nnd soreness, together with other s.vnii
tonis of kidney trouble, All I said
recommending Dean's Kidney Pill
when I nubliclv endorsed them" before
holds good. 1 use them occasionally
when I have sviniitoms of kidney emu
plaint nn, I 1 never l'nil to get quick re
lief. Another of the fnmilv has also
used Dunn's Kidnev Pills for kidnev
weakness nnd has hud the best of re
Price rule, at all dealers. Don t
simply sk for n kidney remedy gel
Dean's Kidney Pills -the same Hint
Mr. Itrown luid, Feler-Milburii Co.,
Plops., Huffiilo, N, R.
lice's to Hie two great American
birds! May you ulivnys havo the tur
Hey on your Thanksgiving table um!
the eagle in your pocket. ,
The Simplest and Quickest Way
is lo Dissolve It.
The only sure way to tret rid of dand
ruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it
entirely. To do this, get about four
ounces ot ordinary uquid arvon ; apply it
at night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gently
with the finger tips.
Do this tonight, and hy morning most
it not all of your dandruff will be gone,
and three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely destroy,
every single sign nnd trace of it, no mat
ter how much dandruff you may have.
lou will tind. too, that all itclimrr and
digging of the scalp wilt stop at once,
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel
a hundred times better.
If you want to preserve your hair, do
try nil means get rid of damlrult, for
nothing destroys the hair more quickly.
it not only starves the hair and makes it
fall out, but it makes it stringy, straaulv.
dull, dry, brittle nnd lifeless, and every
one notices it. You can get liquid arvon
at any tirttg store. 11 is inexpensive auu
never fuils to do the work.
Sacrifice Sale of
Real Estate
Must be sold this week. Four room
house, 2 Inrgo lots, east front, fruit
ti'ees. Price ifaooj terms.
Look Tlili Up.
Good 0 room house, partly plastered
two lota, In good location close to
school. Price f m(i, tin ensy terms
Well worth tVidO. Act quick if you
want a real nargniii.
IV, Acres Improved.
Hon la one ot tho best buvi In the
valley. Coma in nnd let us tnko you
out In one of ur mitos to se Hie
best 7ta terns of laud, well Improved
with S good 0 room house, barn, well
snd young bearing orchard, berries,
Prlre 2,(!50; terms. Owner going east,
Uieiefora will tell at sacrifice.
Houses for Rent;
Money to Loan
It Your Anto Insured?
Tour Building or Fttrnllnrs?
If Not, Insr. With
947 IT ATS ST.
At th Rams Old Plsrt.
For Your Comfort
For your health's sake to get rid of
the headaches, low spirits, and suffer
ings caused by indigestion or bilious
ness, you should take promptly the
one remedy specially adapted
to relieve these troubles.
Experience, the safest of
guides proves that
Beecham's Pills de
serve their un-
I K ."vMlufHIsw V "BsWl
- r m
U ft a Ism i
IUU rnr
equaled and
As well I I ill world-wide
as for com- . f H., fame.
fort's sake, you
should seek relief
from indigestion and
biliousness for your safe
ty's sake., Modern author
ities agree that most serious
sicknesses begin in disor
ders of the digestive organs,
and Beecham's Pills are
universally recognized as
the best corrective. Gentle,
their action is tonic,
cleansing, effective
and reliable.
81 Y
m m
r TT
r i .
Suh of any
Medicine in the World
Directions of
Special Value
to Women
with Every Box
For Indigestion.
and Bilion
At all Druggists, 10c,, 25c.
What is a Label Worth?
Many, muny things made hero represent much better vnlue for lite mnnov
than cna be ubttiined In competing brands.
Many of us did not renlize this fuct until lately until we begun invtmtignt
lug the merits of Oregon products.
Aro you asking to seo the "homo products " brnnd, or nre vou satisfied to
continue pnyiug more for something else just because it is nn Eastern or a for
eign label! Oregon manufacturers and jobbers are willing and anxious that you
compare their gtods with those made elsewhere. Remember them when buying,
and especially remember the following concerns whose subscriptions make this
campaign possible.
Ames, Harris, Neville Co.,
Portland, Oregon,
The United Mates National Bank,
75 Third St., Portland, Or,
Modern Confectionery Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Uolilea Itod .Milling Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Anil l'ure Pork (Sausage,
Union llent Cumpnay.
F. F. Ilnrndon & Hon,
Portland, Or.
Portland Hnllivny. Light ft Power Co. Hom. 0,,, Kus.
Pacific mates Fire Insnrnnce Co.,
Chum, of Com. Uldg., J'urt In
,1. V . ctlgllsl! LO,,
105 I'niuii uvo. N., Tort In lid, Or,
n. hugel & Son,
105 Washington St., Tertland, Or.
F. A. Taylor Co.,
1110 Tenth Ht., Portland, Or.
Brewing Co., Portland.
Hess Mfg. Co.,
512 Williams ave., Portland, Or.
R. M. Wade ft Co.,
312 Hawthorne ave., Portland, Or.
Portland Knitting Co., '
iM Third Ht., Portland, Or.
Charles f'oopey ft Sons,
504 KoyaHUdg., Portland, Or.
Pleasing Ornnito Co.,
L'di Third, Portland, uud Sulnm, Or.
i OimM Insurance Company
j I'ortlnnd Hubbcr .dills,
I .'WH ImisI Ninth SI., Portland, Or.
i UTE,"
Pacific Specialty Co.,
I y.'iS K. Morrison St., Portland, Or.
X mi. 11 1 . . .
me tti-ii-iuimwi muier, lecturer ana author
of Boise, Idaho
will appear at the Christian Chuvch
Sunday, Nov, 29, at 3 o'clock
in connection with the concert given under the aus
pices of the Evanirelical church.
A Journal ad Will Sell It For You