erx THE SUiEM CAPITAT, JOtTRNAL. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY fOVTv" fi ion. BEFORE, AND AFTER WW tV ... I ItTt Sct om TmE CoOCH.W' 5pooM. MIKE.' i , L 1 I ' HOOKS'. oVW'l I9t' IfV -M& wrw VoltK evF.WIJ6. TELr.CItAM (Mfr VtftK "tRAlD Co ) Ail RlCiH fS fETEUtv&O MACEIAGE Drawn toy ourr sterrett INMJ r .'rti Cr- nt TO til II I A --- SPORT NEWS TTTTTTtTf AllirnnilM Tfl HI l , jteriluy afteriion, the Caliriniuns din- I HI r Wnfi U H AY ''"ml mm ot th,,ir abii,y ' ti,! UnLII Uiluln IU I Lnl I handling of the bull oil the fly. The spneroui wiiii tossed around like a basket ball ami the Junu; lateral and forward pusses wore handled with skill ami ease. " We have never been up against uny I thins of that kind," said Coach ' . , il H'ewurti 88 n! watched the rival team Weather Bad But learns uood at w,1'r"",ul vthin u Keen. We will want more than two t touchdowns ti lie mire of victory." I "We will win trom Oregon because I we are ploying modern football," mud jCouch Ula.e today. "The speed and use ul the forward pass will prove a revelutuioii to tho northern naiireita- -Piie Dope Is That It Is Any One's Game BASKETBALL LEAGUE HAS BEEN ORGANIZED Tiiomn. Wash.. Nov. 2(1. With weather conditions anything but favor- Hon able, tho football tennis from the University of Southern California and Oregon Agricultural ('ollcge are ready ( the big gnmo at the stadium here tins afternoon. Despite a steady cli'i.- 7.10 dlirillg 1110 UiurilHiK, jui-uicu""" generally plaeeil the probable attend-1 mice at not less than 2U,0II. The cu- With the cooperation of Chuiiiicoy tire receipts from the game are to be Hishop of the Woolen Mills store, donated to Hie tund for the alleviation : Theodore lioth, of the Itoth llrocor, of the Ilolgiuii war suli'erers. company, ,loe Albert, or. the Capital Dope on the name obtained through I Nutiiinnl hunk, W. 1. Stnley, of the u sludv of the makeup of the tennis. Capital business Cullegc, I'nul iliiuser unil their pnst pert' i. inn nces would Hnuser llius, and Writt Hlnpp of the seem to Indicnte victory for the Oro- Watt Shipp company, a Commercial gon team. Hut the fact that t .o ( uli- Itask.'thall league has been organized forninns lire past masters in the open 'in this city and will bcjin a (id name stylo of piny is causing Dr. Stewart, schedule in about three weeks. Three clinch for the Oregon team, no little names will be pluycil every Wednesday uneasiness. While Oregon has a fiut, ' evening at the Y. M. (J. A. after 8:15 heavy team, they are not the demons 1 ''"'I fniurdny eienings will be given Great Crowd Gathers to See Fight-Color Scheme Is Black and Tan with the passing style of game as are the soutlici ners. In their workout in the st.adiuiu.yes- WHILE THEY LAST APPLES NORTHERN SPT JONATHANS BALDWINS 75c per Box Hand sorted, wrapped and p.u-kod fre from norms. Try a box for Thanksgiving. Salem Fruit Union Corner Trade und High rhone 330 Sacrifice Sale of Real Estate Mut be sold this week. Four room house, 2 large lots, east front, fruit tree. Trice $500 terms. Look This Ul). Hood (1 room house, partly plastered, two lots, in a good location close, to chool. Trice f'fill. On easy terms. Well worth 1I!00, Act quick if you want a real bargain. 7','j Acres Improved. Hero Is una of the best buys In Hie valley, ( nine in and let us take you out In nun of Mir antes to sue the best 7',ii acres of laud, well Improved, wllli a gneil B room home, barn, well, and J'oung bearing orchard, berries. Trice' ''iO; terms. Owner going east, therefore; will sell at sncrlfico, Houses for Rent. Money to Loan I Your Auto Insured? Your Building or FuruUuwT If Not, Itwr WlUi BECHTEL & BYNON 347 STATE ST. At tlx Sam Old flic, over to practice for the teams The schedule has not yet been ar ranged nor the teams made up. Kach of the six firms will appoint a inaunger who will run the team. The members, of the teams must be monibciH of the V. M. C. A., but the manager need not be il member. A small admission fee will be charged tct make up a fund for iiidiv.dual inc. Mills for the winners and lor a bniiipiet at the end of the season. Considerable interest has been winked up in basketball in past seasons and it lis thought tiiat the Coiinnerciul l.cngrc will be the means of working out pluy jors for some first class teams lo rcpre jsent this city in games with other well known amateur teams of the valley. jSCHEDULEFOR" THE GYMNASIUM , The V. M. ('. A. has just completed, ills mini i u in schedule and nil uf the 5 dil'f.'h'iit classes organized I'm the coin ing .viiitci', Tlic following is the i plete schedule: Hoys, 1 1 to I I 1:00 ."nun Tuesdays jiiud r'ridiiys. j Mriident lr. --Con -.Vim Mondays and 'Tliiirsiluys, 1 So-nnrs - sum P::iii Tuesduvs and r'ei '.lavs. i llii.-iiicss ,liiuior--(l: li 7:i0 Tuesdays an. I 'I hurs.liiys. ll.:h School Seniiies - 7;:!il S:::n Mon i.liivs mid Thursdays. Hhsiiicss Men, A - .ViHi-.V:iO Men days Wednesdays and I'ei.lavs, Hii.iness Moii, I! .Vliil il': ."i Men day. Wc.lncs.l'iv and Triduys. j Scni,,,' .eadfi --JUKI S:iM Tuesdays and I', .In. lice l'ni.l .i:0H u, m. Sat , ui.l.iys. ! Hills II o 111 - 1:00 , Villi We. lues da. -i. i-i iies, A- 7:00 SitHI WclneMlavs. i l.adiee, II 10:110 1 1 :0tl a, m. Krulavs. luiiior At'iilctics - 10:00 I'JiOO a. 'in. Salu:.liiys. lliisiu'ess Men Hand Hall .VOii-el;!;, Tuesdays and Thursdays, mi, I I:. Id 7:. 10 Satnnlavs. , Co'iimercial League S;l"i 10:00 : Wed.ies.lnvs and Saliinlnvs. I, idles- Swininiing Classes -1:00 .V;10, 7;iio .i:O.I, 11:00 l'J:ml Wednesdays ami 1'iidivs. Los Angeles, Cnl., Nov. 20. Karly in dications today were that Tom Mc(,'a rey's historic Vernon arena would be jammed from the ring to the top tier of gallery seats this afternoon when Sam Langfqnl and Harry Wills meet to but tle over the 20-rnunil route. Hundreds of outoftown reservations had been taken up nnd practically every reserved seat had been sold. The gal lery was to be thrown open at noon, and long before that hour long lines had formed before the doors. Dnrktown cit izens were much in evidence In the gal lery lines and it wns assured early that all the color of the slay was not to be confined to tho ring. Lnngfoni had been made a slight fa vorite in the betting, due probably to his past performances and to tho fact that Los Angeles fans have never seen Wills in nction. l.nngford 's evidently poor condition when ho met Tom Me Million here three weeks ngo hud influ enced many bettors, however, and there wns considerable Wills money in sight. Wills wns iilirunod early today. From his Vernon training quarters he took a short walk with his manager into the country. Later he breakfasted heart ily. During the uioruiug he visited the scene of the battle, dunce, about the ring and announced that he never felt better. I.nuuford, as wns his wont, slumbered until the sun wns high, nfter which he partook of a hearty breakfast nt .Tacli Doyle's camp. Then, nccompnui ed by Manager Joe Woodman and n few faith fill black retainers, he stepped into an uiitnmnblle and rolled toward Los An gcles. Tassiug the Vermin fight shed, he spied Wills and his party emerging. Hoth fighters waved a friendly hand and grinned. Langford expected to enter the riiii) ntiiliout 100 pounds, and Wills ta 210. Hoth claimed to be in excellent condition. That is just what a Jour nal Want Ad is a farm get ter. It will not only pet you a farm, but will get yo one in the best of locations and at a price nnd on terms that you can meet with ease. WILLAMETTE STUDENTS OF LAW IN DEBATE The law students of the Willamette1 t'niversily law sclunl have sliirtcl in debute and ointorv, and Dean L. II. i Vim Winkle is baching the contest this, season, in con junction with Walter I Keyes, a member of the faculty. Henry Sav.ign, n former debater of tne college I of liberay arts, has signified his iiiten-. tion of entering In the law contests.! I vim M, Hiiniel, who won his bur "V" in debate two years ago, will be en tered 111 the oratorical civitest. It Is expected that the Willamette la school debate will agaiu meet the Oro l,ou law i. heol In debate. THE SAN FRANCISCO SCRAP Snu Keaucisco, Nov. 'Jll. Hoth Sailor K.I Teteoslii'.v and Hilly Murray were down to weight early today for their -0 round boot here this ul'ternooii at tho 1 'u v i 1 in ii rink here. The weight require ments culled for lilil pounds nt lll:ilO o'clock this morning. Hut It fighters were cnulident uf victory. " I urn satisfied, ' sai.l Murriiv, "that 1 will stop Telroskey if he will stand up nil. I fight. If I get away with him, nnd 1 am certuin Hint I will, I will issue n challenge to ,lii Clabbv, who is be ing talked about as Hie greatest middle weight In the world, I boxed him n draw once, nnd I think I can detent him if I get him in a l ine again. '' Tclrusuey grinned when told of Mur ray 's statement. '1 have been against inure good fighters," said To truskey, "than Mur ray ocr saw. Murray will be lucky if he is on his feet at the end of ten rounds, He's n dub and 1 will show him up this afternoon, ' ' WILLAMETTE FRESHMEN ARE BEATEN BY SOPHS In a game cliariicteiUc.l by fluke pn-scs ami iudis.'i'iiiiiuute gouging ami fouling, the fieshiiien of Willamette I'niveisity came out the losers by the score of (I to 0 Tuesday afternoon against the sohponiores. No first squad men were allowed to participate lu the class affray. "Tools" Hooth, field general on the first squad, coached Hie sophomores for the game. He was sup ported by Karl Tlegol, regular varsity end. The freshmen worked under the guidance of several upper class men, In cluding Meiwyu Taget, varsity guard, The lineup: Freshmen Sophomores Treble (', Oregg FOOTBALL IS CLEAN COLLEGESPORT-NIT By Hal Sheridan. (Written for the United Press.) New York, Nov. 20. Two sport writers were talking over recently tin merits of football and baseball as en tertainment projects. Ono was u fana tic in favor of baseball. Ago and the compiling of many box scores hud not withered or staled his infinite lovo for the diumond game, The other was equally warm in tell ing of his liking for football. Sitting in a press box with a November breeze held r,o terrors for him. They were on their way to a town not fur from New York to "cover" n big football gumc for their papers. Said the football lover: "What I like about football is thnt it is a good clean game. When von go to a game between two college teamn yoit do not feel that commercialism en ters into the contest." The baseball man said nothing, bu! smiled one of those quiet little smiles which speak of much wisdom. They mt down in a crowded corner of the day coach. Around them a host of humanity seemed to fill every square foot of sitting nnd standing room. Presently newsboy came thro igh the train. The football writer bought three ev ening papers; five cents each for pn pers ordinarily selling at a cent. Then came the enndy butcher with burs of milk chocolate "Here you are. Get them while they're fresh. Twenty cents each." Kegulnr price, ten cents. At the college town they had dinner at a boarding house. Knch man paid seventy-five cents for stuff that ho would not pay ten cents for on Nassau Btreet. These were just a few samples: Coffee with a distinct and emphatic taste of chicory sold for ten cents a cup. Snudwii lies were ten nnd fifteen cents each, the price varying with the customer's status financially indicated by a fur-lined overcoat or the ordinary kind. The scribes looked good for ten cents, it must be confessed, and the sandwiches were found to be almost to tally devoid of meat. In every corner of the town prices had been boosted sky-high, "Oct it while the going is good," seemed to be ths slognn of these sim ple college, townspeople. And they get it! If this is not commercialism, make the best of it! MUSTEROLE--QUICK RELIEFjJO BLISTER It Soothes and Believes Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting Bombardier Wells. the Englisi. heavyweight champion, aod Frank Me rlin, who was beaten some time ago by Jack Johnson In a twenty-round bout in Paris, will box for sweet char ity at tho Alhnmbra Music Hall, Lon don, on December 3. - Half of the profits will be given to the Belgian Hdief Fund and the other half will be divided 75 per cent and 25 per cent between the winner and loser of the bout. In order to swell the proceeds as much as possible the boxers have an nounced their intention of giving pub- MTSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard. It does all the work of the old-fashioucd mustard plaster does it hotter and does not blibter. You do not have to bother with a cloth. You simply rub it on and usually the pnin is gone. Doctors uud nurses use MUSTEROLK and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relied! it gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lum bago Tains and Aches of tho Hack or Joints, Spraius, fiore Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggists in 25c and 50c jars, and a special large hospital size for $3.50. Be sure vou get the genuine MUH TEHOLE. Refuse imitations get what you ask for. Thf Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. lie exhibitions nt their training qunr tors, to which an admission fee will be charged. As an impoitant event in a worthy cnuse the bout nnd the preliminary training should be highly praised and it is hoped, a great success. As a box ing match, however, it should be some what of a fizale. But it would be unkind, perhaps, to knock. SALEM BOYS WILL ATTEND M'MINNVLLLE MEETING About 25 members of the boys' de partment of the Malem V. M, 0. A., in charge of Edward Tollman, Jr., secre tary of tho boys ' department, and Phy. sical Director Gingrich will attend the older boys' conference to) be held at McMiuuvillo Friday, Saturday and Sun day of this week. Ono crowd Trill leave Snletn Friday afternoon and the other will leave Saturday morning for the Yamhill city. Several hundred boys from all over the state will bo in at tendance and beside the regular busi ness to be transacted a basketball tour nament will be staged. The boys who have already sigaeol for tiie trip are: Claud Steuslrrtf, Ralph Hu rroughs, Franklin Miller, Wil liam Smith, from the Presbyterian church; Orris Fry, from the Congrega tional church; Earl Brunk and Charles Hayes, from the Christian church; lr v i ii Huberts and Bernie Anderson, from the Jason Lee Memorial church; Reed Rowland, Herbert Darby, Harold Cook, Louis Griffith, Philip Elliot, Harold Clark, Clifford Stuart, and Josephine Parker, from the Y. M. C. A.; Ivan Schomaker, from the High School club. About six more boys will also make the trip. ABKANSAS FOREST niS. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 20. Tcle griuns from Cummins, Ark., today said the state penal farm there was sur rrnn led by forest fires. Commissioner Murad stated however, that the 1,500 prisoners on the farm had for several days been clearing away the timber in its vicinity and he thought there was no danger. . 'ICS I'uwe ... Ruoi'k .. ., Fukiii Iliivnor... Fletcher.. Troctor... I. ens Herd Miller .... 0. ... ... tl. .. T .. T... F. . ... . K. .. .. I' ll.., ... HH . ... II H . t,Hl.. . Cotton ... licet! . Cblingl Leiulng! Shistler . Hugley .. Adams .. Hnrucs . Chapter . Hilletto riegel Wins ata Tenuis The tenuis tournament at Willamette Vniversity was brought lo a close Tues day when Furl Flcgcl, ft junior In the college of libernl arts, was presented with the winner's tuuriininent purchased by the student, Hegiiining Mon day, November 90, n girls' tennis tour nament will be staged. Conch O. C, Thoii'psou will act nt official umpire, Get this for what ails you! JUST about as soon as you get next and try Prince Albert tobacco you'll wise right up that it was made for your taste I And that's no idle dream I v 7) i Covmihi im, K. J. Ki'rnuiiii M sty m m mm mm Hit 'hi mum & Line up in the row with other men; then you'll sure enough wake up to some pipe and cigarette makin's facts! It 's this way: Costs you a dime for a tidy red tin of P. j. that'll prove in jig time that you never did cet such flavor and fragrance, whether you hit a jimmy pipe or roll up a delightful makin's cigarette. Pi Puts the half-Nelson on all pipe and clcurrttn rrrnnrliivQ hnmusA it can't Uitn tongues and can't parch throats. And you prove our say-so I P. A. is made by a patented process that cuts out the bite and the parch. This patented process is controlled exclusively by us. Remember that when you hear some of that "as good as P. A." stuff! the national joy smoke Right oft the bat you'll get mighty happy II you'll go to Prlnc Albert like you'r on th trail o( boat bet. For you never will get honest and true tobacco satisfaction till you get chummy with Prince Albert tha national joy tmokat SoM tvtrywhmn tn'toppf rWlaf. I't tidy rd tin; 10ct alto in pound and half-pound humidon. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO Wintton-Salem, N. C IwiiiiiMi.tEKVwasaa stunjaw. I 4