Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1914, Image 4

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    vrv '.ipu paptwat, .rrwrRUT, at,T!m nwmov WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1914
Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal
NOVEMBER 25, 1914
Daily, by Carrier;, pet ysar
Drily, by Wail, per yai . ,
Wsekly, oy Mail,, par ysar
... 3.00
... 1.00
Per month......
Fur month......
Bis mouths-,...,
TSe Capital Journal earrlor hoys are Instructed to put the papers on the
torch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the
Cr to you, on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is tht only
way we em determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions.
Phone Main 82.
It is a pathetic and suggestive story that comes from.
rasauena to the etiect that the once popular humorist,
who has just died, became a professional funny man
through thinking up cheering stories to tell to his inva
lid wife.
A peculiar source of humor, it seems at first thought.
But so was Lincoln s early opportunities a peculiar
source of his masterful intellect; so was Poe's narrow and
unhappy life a peculiar source of his beautiful thoughts
and his far-roaming imaginings: so was- Darwin's nhvsi
cal deficiency a peculiar source of his marvelous scientific
It is said by many philosophers that men develope ac
cording to the obstacles they- have to encounter-r-over
come. This is not unqualifiedly true, else the Esquimo
would be the super-man. But so tar as mental and moral
qualities are concerned, there is much truth in it.
Bob Burdette had ceased to be famous long before he
died, but middle-aged people and older ones remember him
well as, lor years, one of the country's greatest humorists.
He has added nothing to the world's store of science, of
the classics, or the high arts. But he generously scatter
ed bright smiles and lightened with laughter the hearts of
. Ohio has a Law on its statute books that is making the ROMANCE TO THEM '
newspaper men smile. Someone who had it in for "the. irnr DEf TTIINr HFRF
Ivino- newspapers" had a bill introduced in the legislature' " inL IVLAI' inimj nl&
providing for the punishment of newspapers publishing:
false statements. Before the bill became a law the news-!B JKydo"dJ;eXw.i
lanor men suep'ested a change or addition, which was ac- the work thut is involved in the
cepted, and the law went into effect providing for the JrXCK
punishment of ''any newspaper or any person" from ad- constitution, but with us it is tin- roai
vertiser to campaign manager who prevaricates in print; fX'a LCno.
The first person to be punished under the law was a male foort e. o. r-erry, of the Department
ffopsro who had told a talse story to a newspaper reporter. h. ;,, ;h' Y , Uv
As most of the mis'-statements made in newspapers are to 8ecroa.-y of state oicott, in wit.
he to false or misleading information., .the newspaper ZiX'TZ ZtSC ZZ
fraternity' are enjoying the law that was initiated for the puiHo schools of the nution's mo
their punishment. ; "'It"',,,,, in tw m, whore the i-niti-
utive and referendum are practically-
One class of imports has been seriously affected by the CT'VVZ
war. At Ellis Island, New York,, which has a capacity for wonderful that the people t orouon
handling 5,000 immigrants a day, the arrivals are only ZZXr0
nbont 150, and these are not from the warring eountnes, intently interesting and win i
either. It is harder for a citizen of one of those countries . KS
to get out oi his own country than it is to get into someimark is taken for or ted timt t-rt
other. They are needed at home to stop bullets, fill the
trenches and keep the incinerators working full time.
Great Britain announces thirty-six censors have beer
fired. This may be truer but it is evident she still has a
t'ull crew on the job or someone is working double shifts.
Nothing gets by the gang unless it is favorable to the al
lies. In justice it should be added, however, that the Rus
sian and German and all the other censor do their w-.H.
in the same way and each reports a victory for his side.4
no matter who wins.
Carranza following. in the footsteps of so many of hi
predecessors in Mexico,, has taken the first step toward
his lourney to Spain. It shows wisdom on his part to es
tablish his capital at a seaport, where the getting away
is good and can be done quickly on short noticeor none.
Just one- month until Christmas, and just time enough,
to get your generous donation to the Belgian war victims
bv that time. Surely no better gift can be made at the
I coming Christmas than that which relieves the misery of
Perry does not look forward to the
adoption of equul Huffr-.iiro in the stiifr
of New York, nt leant for some time
to come.
Round Trip Fares Between Valley Points
Good Going Wednesday or Thursday
Return Any Time Until
Monday, November 30th
Take a tablespoonful of Salts if Back
hurts or Bladder bothers Meat
forms uric acid.
Yesterday it was snowing in Berlin with the thermom-
A hearty,, wholesome laugh, like the ripple started by both old and young in the devastated war zone of Europe.
the dropping ot a pebble m a pool, ever spreads in a wider,
wider circle.
Like the particle of leaven, it lightens the whole loaf.
Like the sunbeam,, it casts a glow of warmth and light
that never goes out of the world.
The sunbeam, may bury itself away in the- tough fiber
of the oak, but it dances forth again in the glow and heat
of the genial fire. It hides itself in the heart of the grape,
hut it laughs again upon us in the sparkle of the wine. It
falls on desert sands and seems to die there; but not so;
its warmth is wafted by the winds to far-off fertile lands
and shields them from lhe frosts of night.
Jirst so, the hearty,, wholesome laugh, born of a genial
soul, ripples, leavens, sparkles on through the world as a
gladness forever.
It is said there is not such thing as a new joke. Well,
there are no dead ones, either. Maybe there are no new
laughs, but only echoes of the music of Eden.
We are- a nation of meat enters and
our blood is filled with uric acid, says
a well known authority, who warns us
to be constantly oo guard against Kid
ney trouble.
The kidneys do beir utmost to free
the blood of this irritating neid, but
become weak from the overwork; fid
get sluggish; the uliminutivc tissues
clog and thus tho asto is retained in
the blood to poison the entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel
liko lumps of lead, and you have
stinging pains in the back or the urine j
is cloudy, run or sediment, or tne
bladder is irritable, obliging you to
seek relief durinir the niirht: when
' vou have severe headaches, acid stom
ach or rheumatism in bad weather, get
from your pharmacist about four
onuses of Jnd Snlts; take a tablespoon
ful tn a glass of water before break
fast eneh morning and in n few days
your kidneys will net fine. This fa
mous salts is made trom too ncia or
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
Salem and Portland. $2.00
Salem and Junction
- City $2.H0
Salem and Eugene. .$2.80
Salem and Tulsa $1.80
Salem and Wilson-
ville $1.20
Salem and Beaver
ton $1.90
Salem and Harris
burg $2.l
Salem and' Hillsbovo $2U)Q
Salem and Orenco. . . $2.15
Salem and Tigard. . .$1.60
Salem and CorvaUisv$1.55
Salem and Albany.. 1.10
Salem and Tualatin. $150
To other points in proportion.
Through tickets sold East and North.
Evening Express, leaving Portland 6::)0 p. m.r
S. P. & S., runs through to CLATSOP BEACH
POINTS Wednesday, Nov. 25, for Thanksgiving vis
itors. Gearhard and Seaside1 Hotels will entertain.
Delightful weather at the ocean.
J. W. Ritchie, Agent,
Salem, Oregon.
Gary, Indiana, has just issued a statement about im
proved conditions that is unanswerable. It opened its
mill lnat vtraaXr orvrl nnr mnrp than R 000 mpri at wnvW Tht
, . i ci i.v i. l j n n . .llithia, and has been used for genera-
veriest pessimist ean pick no flaw in that kind of editorial tions to flush and stimulate clogged
'tuff kidneys, to neutralize tho acids in urine
u It in nu witm-r mum u "i 11111,1111,11,
thus ending urinary and bladder disor
ders? T...1 O..I.- !.. ! ....!. .a ......
eter below zeroi What it is at the front does not matter iniure; makes a delightful' effervescent
munh ou n faitr Wiirri'ona Ho nnr nminr when nna la -fi'noi-i lithitt-water drink, and nobody cua
'"""'i "J " 5 make a mistake by tnki
Capital Monumental Works I
We manufacture mon
uments from American
and foreign granites..
We have installed a
complete monument
manufacturing plant
and make everything in
our line right here in
Salem. You are invit
ed to eall and inspect
our stock and plant.
Office and Factory ,
2210 South Commercial
Phone 689
1 -.'-J"tJ)'u.,?J
t r... i:..:..,. :.. ..!.... 1 i r
e.enueth oung, young ,n vehng ; I '
M'le,,,-.,.,, was un-ested at linker t . , fc , M,e bank; I've coal in the
Nion.lay .m statu.ory charge le , .1 'Infers heaped there; my
:ieened bv the woman s husbuml or ... ', . ' ' '
taking Mis. Hiiro, from Jltahu . KbM, wto, Isabellar, haMy to wear. N:
due huinlied ami fifty teachers of
Shermnn anil Wasco eonnlies began a
three days' joint institute at The Dulles
Monday.' .state (Superintendent Church
ill made the principal' address.
Does Salem intend' to turn deaf ears to the appeal of
the war victims for aid? It would seem so front the. apa
thy so far shown.. We do not believe Salem people are less
kind hearted or charitable than other people, indeed they
have proven their big-heartedness on many occasions, and
the apparent neglect to aid the famine-stricken of Bel
gium and other countries ia not due to lack of sympathy
or niggardliness, but to the fact that no one has taken the
lead in the matter ami made it convenient to give. The
churches, Commercial club or some other organization
should take hold of the matter and establish a depot
whore donations of food, money or clothing could be re
ceived. There will be no lack of givers when once this is
done. Who will assume the responsibility and provide
the means through which Salem can contribute her quota
ct the suffering, homeless and hopeless victims of red
Imnded war. It should bo remembered that "he who gives
miickly gives twice." Women and children, the old and
the young, millions of them, have notliing between them
and death but tho charity and goodness of their fellow
men. Hundreds here in Salem are anxious- to do some
thing to bettor the condition of these wretched nennlp
jmd there will be a prompt and generous response once n ; ELEVATOR VICTIMS
r'T'w - 4
i V j , ) - i
lire bothering me,
and so I am grate
ful ns mortal ean
be. But every such
blessing is comruoii,
though Kin ml; it '
little distressing wo
know in this In mi:
the kind angels
guard us and see
wo huve food, and
soothe and reward
us with nil thuf is
g od. With calm
iiess stupendous
and nerve riiute r,
few, we take what they scad us, a
wiiiuhu u were due. Our roubles are
lunking we've lots ef them near;
A suit hau been begun at Astoria to'
enjoin the city from enforcing uu or-;
iliiuinre requiring all stdies to remnin
cloned lifter U o'clock at night und
on iSuuilavs,
(ieoigo H. 1,'lurk, old time stage driv
er, laro Healer, ami nii iouiid spun, u
piiinecr of linker county and (id years
old,' was hiinie.l In death ill iiis cabin
in llalfer City Monday morning. He
l,,i. I ,i Imliif itf tmiUiiiur (.iiriirfirtiiH in
bed. mid it is thought the blaze llml:"'''" ,1" H r thanking one day
cost iiim his life was started h-mii fire ,h" y'"r. Ot grub we ve n eratcfiil.
from these. Istored salely away; we'll show we are
grateful on Thanksgiving Dav. Oui
II scorns unite certain a recount will mcmlow laid raises n liarest suldi.no;
be lnn.l m' the voles cast for sheriff ill;"1' 11 I'"' ."I1 ur praises seine da:
Mallaouuil untv in the recent elec-iwll,, "' 'e time. We folks who nie
lion, the vote showing lluilbiii-t hu.l 1,v,I".r 1,1 fatness and ease should spend
beaten Word by 171. I""1' Tlienlisgiving this veer on nnr
' knees; whole nations are starving
('. ('. Chnpninn estimates tiie visitors1 "'hero wnr dugs are loose, while we are
from the enst tu the I'nnainn expusi-: a-eurving the turkey or goose. The pa
tiou next venr at l.HOO.Olltl, mid that;!"'r .i'"1' "l'm if for news of the fr.iy:
fiom l."i to' SO mir cent will coruo via if gn tefol, why limit oor thanks to
by taking a little oc
casionally to keep the kidneys olenn
and active;
one dav ,'
lir.rr'i'M, 111 l,
il,in ,,...n.r s.rn
place is provided where their contributions will be re
ceived. "He that giveth to the poor lendeth unto the Lord."
These victims of war are in the direst poverty, and it is up ' ,t"!ion'i
to us to say whether we are willimr to make a loan as 1,1 Miwience iu tim preparaiiou of
r.biive suggested, and to the one there named.
Help! Do you need it?
i.o Angci ui., Nov. in. xineteen1 Then advertise for it in the
1'nivei-sitv of Koiilhern California law'y , .,r , . .
s may have their first practical JUUIflUl want, iUlS.
Judge Gnmt B. Dimick running for mayor of Ore
iron City. As a candidate for office, Dimick just runs rnd
runs andruns.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Eiifablishrd 1SG8
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Boxes
their own damages suits against the
owners of the Ta.io building, where
they were Injured yesterday in an ele
vator accident, provided they decide to
take such action. j
Alleged overloading of the elevator
into which the III stii.lents Instructor
Kemper Campbell and levator Oper
ator Honrge I'lnnk were crowded, was
believed today to be responsible for the
accident. An elevating cable snapped
mid the cage dropped do feet Into the
At various hospitals it was said that
nil tint Injured will recover, though two
were pi enounced yesterday to be fatal
ly hurt. l-ory occupant of the elevator
was Injaieil. i
Portland. Ore., Nov. 2.". After Mag
erlng for 21 hours with a bullet fnev
it 22 cnliore revolver embedded In hi
brnln, Arthur Hart, aged U, died vest
erday nfternooit. lie was shot while
he nnd Iail Kaac. a playmate, v.erc
examining the revolver.
Some clildrf n catch one ailment
her another, hive ol Ji after colds,
while ether chilJreo are lolJom tick
If your children are pale or frnllr
If thejr catfh colde easily, lack am.
billon or are backward in school,
which is rich In the food elemmti
to create food blood to strertirthcrt
their bodies and bralns-SCOH'S
FMULSION i fr from al-
.,hnl nw kflltil furniina-ilrliura.
(C'upltnl Journal Hpecinl Service.)
Among, those from Brush Collcy
who attended the 1'. of O.-O. A. I
football game Saturday were Sir. ami
Mrs. Fred Kwing, Archie Kwing, Wikje
wartz, Frank Wiuslow. Asa Hniith and
Carl Beckett. While in C'orvnllis tin;
were the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. N. i
Ruber of that city.
Miss .Margaret (larrison" and Miss Al
moin J. Fuller attended the Polk coun
ty teachers' institute at Dallus laet
The Hrush College Helpers had their
regular meeting nt the homo of Mrs.
C. A. Park last week. After a slioit
time spent in study, light refreshments
were served. It was decided that tlu
club buy new curtains for tho schoo1
Sir. C W. Beckett made u business
visit to Dallas Thursday.
Sirs. CV W. Beckett entertained the
members of the Sweet Prior club tit her
lioni.i Wednesday, November IS.
Mrs. Beckett's mother,. Mrs. I). O
dams, was a guest of the club and
was elected to become u member.
' After a delightful time siicnt in dif
ferent kinds of needlework, light re
freshments were served by the hostess
'ussisted by SI in. D. O. Palmer, of Sa
lem. All the members were presen:,
and everyone reported u splendid time
tin Friday evening, November 2u
Mrs. C. A. Park gave a shower for .Miss
Katie Kroa. whose engagement to All
Frank Schniirpier, of .Tunis, Oregon, hau
just been announced. It came ns n de
lightful surprise to the Itiide-eleet, who
received many pretty and useful gilts
About fifty guests were present, and a
very enjoyable lime was had.
d. Dnrby and family visited nt K.
Ming's Him, lav.
This- district will hold a rond meet
ing at. Victor Point Saturday, Novem
ber 211, for the purpose of voting on
another special tux.
The shooting mutch given by b.
Kren Satunliiy, November 21, was 0
great, success,
The new rond running past Jacob
Poerflor's place wim opened last week.
The mail carrier travels some now.
F. Ooerfler sold a- grade Jersey con
fer l'd.
Whenever vou feel n cold coming on,
think of the full name, T.A.KATI VK
BliilMO Qri.N'l.VK. Unit for signature
of 15. W. Urove on box. 2.Tc.
Th young people of llueun Vista
have organized a liaiul and mo pine-tii-iug
regularly. Mirt of the mem
bers lire sluilentji of the Poena Vists
high school. The director of tan
bands nt Independence and. Monmouth
has been nisting In the work. It is
expected that 'with n few weeks of
pin'tice the company will appear In
a concert before the people of that
section of Pelk county.
Canada is CallingV&u
her ffidiWheat Lands
She extends to Americans a henrty invitation to etrir on
her FREE Homwrtead lundiof lBOacri each or tecum
aome of th low priced lands ifl Manitoba SualuUthewaa
Thlt- year wheat la biflhar but Canadtae, land juat m
cheap, aothe opportunity it more attractive thnn ever. Canada'
wants you to help to lead the world byttlllng aarroof Her
aoil land aimilar to that which durinff manr yam Bmat
w averaRca iu w id uuiacn ui wncm to inc alio. miw
'y what yon can maka with wheat aroond' $1 buahali
CTa. mwA aA stiau o at Wnnrlorful VtrliU alftA nt Ontfl.
Barley and Flax. Mixed fnrtnintf it fully as profltable
(O- aua unnwur aw"e
k rn CArrrrrinr- ttili-vnr arnrina nrmmrto mt mertmmpa nrrtma
kito BTalrti Military attvlo.introinpi.ilunr rnCaiuadabatttMrMii
gltit ipmml ft- f rm lutvor to rplawe th inany touhb nx n who hitri
flumrixl for wrttto. rtimnt ll bilthfl aiTtit- awrwa-W;
. full amy farilltioR axnslannt, kooU rhnotn nrl chHTf4ti fowiiv
l . Wnr. Writi! fur litrrutiirr mnA (inartimilani u to nMiuopd railwuf
PzW) MU U UutwrlaUimlvoC lwtBSHttoBt OtUw CiuMdH as t
5 t If n.fHUA fMM l.f m.A BAI
3fl s,rMts' .Botane Wash"
a1 . 1i.S.tWfL!"WJ
j s , rjr s 1
m m iv. r . im ... ...
This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con
test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital
Journal office. Not good after November 28, 1914.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largest stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
838 Stat Street, Salem, Oregon, l'hons Uaia lit
Mora Than SUi.OOO Expanded 111 Pro
ducing Big Film Feature;
ami hiuiily eilucatioiinl. Thorn is no
tiiiiiioloiiy: wily vivitl action, lifo, spar
kle, nniumtiou, heart luteresti. Amon((
other tiling tile piitiire fascinatiiiKly
islioiv how the famous -Maxwell "M"
auto noliile in irn.le. Tho ouormons
pnpnlaritv of this rill- ionium this iihuna
of the enterrtiintncat particularly inter-
Sensation pucccciTh seiisnlloii in
'rroiu .Molten Steel to Autumoliile, "
the woiiilermi film fenture cxlnliitioa
proiluceil hy the Maxwell Motor com-
pnny, Inc., irf Detroit, Mich, nml to lie1
een here at the (iinml tlienlcr Itv pc
i'inl arrnuuement. Free tickets mnv lie' i
elilniiicl by applying to Itees 4 Kluin,
rlu local Maxwell ilealcr. Do not fail
to .virnoss this uniipie exhibition of
ainiiziiiK motion pictures. Yon will tiiel
the oi'iiuioii to lie thrilling, interi-.iitijt it
Avoid the proili)jnlitt 0 Mle-
ncss by, msklug tho" Journal
Want Ails keep you employed
every minute of the limit.