Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1914, Page SIX, Image 6

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Round Trip. Fares Between Valley Points
Good Going Wednesday or Thursday
Return Any Time Until
Monday, November 30th
Between Between
Salem and Portland. $2.00 Salem and Harris
Salem and Junction burg ..$2.15
9ity ' V 'rl &2S Salem and Hillsboro $2.:I0
Sa era and Eugene. .$2.80 Salem d Q w
Salem and Tulsa. ., .$1.80 c. , . , ' rn
Salem and Wilson- Sa em and Tigard. ..$1.60
vjlle $1.20 Salem and Corvallis.$l.o5
Salem and Beaver- Salem and Albany. ..$1.10
ton $1.90 Salem and Tualatin. $1.50
To other points in proportion.
Through tickets sold East and North.
Evening Express, leaving Portland 6::(0 p. m.,
S. P. & S., runs through to CLATSOP BEACH
POINTS Wednesday, Nov. 25, for Thanksgiving vis
itors. Gearhard and Seaside Hotels will entertain.
Delightful weather at the ocean.
J. W. Ritchie, Agent,
Salem, Oregon.
Total Net Decreets In Deposits During
Year Only About. FouV Million Ool
lars, Siys Bnnk Superintendent.
Tlmt the emwlitimw "I the bunks lino'
trust cniiipanics of Oregon lire in n ,
healthy state, that cuiil'iileiire has been
restored since the outbreak of the III.-,
ropeun war h ml that mone, is Ihmii" .
souulit by nil lines of business iliiriui; 1
the past four aiiiatlir. or since the war
broke oat, is shown by the last report I
of the condition of the banks and trust
companies in this state, which bus been
issued by Htate Superintendent of
Hanks H.'d. Huigcnt. i.s of October ill,
111 14, ia response to the lust cull upon
the banks issued by Mccretary of the
Treasury McAdnn,
line nt tae mosr simsrynm .n.i'ironi
of the report is that, while the loans
tind discounts of nil banks show an in
crease of but 1,'.:iih,mi.I)5 for the cor
responding period hist year, the in
crease for the past four months, 01
alnce .Tunc Ml, lull, amounts to 4,
HI.XI.UI, which is nnt given la the
report- but is given out from Hie bank
ing depr-rtmciit to reflect the greul
Volume of business that hns been trans
acted by the financial institutions of
(he stute since the outbreak nt the r.n
fntienn war.
Also that tnere una neon .,
..... ,
no dispositioa on t lie part of Oregon
brinks to curtail credit expenses, ns
Secretary of the Treasury ilcAdo
gave nut sninc time npo couccniiiif.
bunks nf other states, in Hplto of the
fact that there bus been a decrease in
deposits, Amounting to .WO.IIPO dur
ing the pqst ynir.
In a statement issued in connection
with and explanatory of the report and
conditions of linniircs in generul
thruuehnut the stute Snperinten lent
t-lnrgent says:
"As everything now dates from (lie
beginning of the Kuropenn war, pom
pnrisinn between present conditions
and those existing lust prior to the
outbreak of hostilities are especially
and for this purpose I
havo iiseil figures rontaincii in the
Statement of Juno in my table.
"The net decrease la total deposits
for the year ia H,:i!i5,i:U.lH, while for
the, post four months it is only
7.'l,xr.U2, anil of this latter 11 mount
H,,K(.1.!IS4.77 wiis government deposits
withilrawn frnm tlie tintlonnl bnnks.
'. "The national banks have increiisod
their circulating notes since .lune !I0
to the extent of 2.0S5.R10. While the
savings and time deposits have in
creased fl.llW.n.'lli.Sn during tlie year,
only ipn,i;il.',rj of this amount is'eur
red during tho past four months.
"The total resources of all bnnks in
the state during the past year have
decreased 1,(II0,20.,1.K1. The state
banks show a decrease in resources
amounting to !f..lin.il7ll."ll, while the
nntlonnl bnnks show an increase of
tM,52.'M"'.!.Mi. This difference Is due to
tho recent consolidation of the Heenr
Ity Hnvlnus Trust compiny with the
First Nntlonnl Hunk of rortluud. Al
lowing for this, tho stute hunks only
show a loss of about .riiiO,nno, while
tlie national banks show 11 loss of
about tl OIMMMII."
l( ift ifc )t ift ift jft )t iff lt lc )fc isjl lf( ifc
The news of rooms to rent
xs changes constantly, so, if you He
don't find that which pleases
you la tho Journal Want Ads to-
ij dny, look for it tomorrow.
.... tw.. t 1
v.vn.n , , 1 . . . ,
flanind Nose and Head and Stops
Discharge Cures Dull
Try "Kly's ('renin Halni,"
Hot a small bottle iiuvwnv,
try it Apply a little in the nnstrils
ami Instantly your elngged nose and
stoppedup air imsssges of the head
will open; you will breathe freely, dull
ness and headache disappear. Ity morn
lug! the cslurrli, cold in head catarrhal
sore Hi i on t w ill lio gone.
Knd such misery nowl (let. the small
bottle nf "Kly's I 'ream Hnltu" n n,v
ding store. This aweet, fragrant bill in
That a iiKirtgugo eredit system slionl,)
'be uilopteil in Oregon, siniihir to tlnwn
in forrn in inanv iMiropcuii countries, is
t, ltt K .t.II)rt lnl t (;0Veriinr
mt )V .of, wtor Mncl'hersoii, of
t, ((i A. (' nail A. j. Starkweather,
tH, tw,.u roinaiittee nnineil bv tl.o
governor nader the provisions of an act . i
f the last legislature, to study rural t
,.reilt systeiim in fnreigii count riw
with 11 view of establishing such 11 sys-,
he.n in this state. Ciovernor West has
I since .nanieil .Messrs. MncTniei'Hon and
Htnrliv..nth..r rn,rtl.r uith h'i V iithi'K.
ineniliers of the next legislature and
I professors of the leading educational
institutions, to draft 11 bill to cover the
rocn1111111Mnl11tio.nl of Mr. Starkweather
and i'rof. Mucl'lierson for submission to
the next legislature.
"Tile American farmer would gain
tremendously la prosperity and effici-
..a,..,..;.. IK' tl.,-..iii,l,.i,t tlx, Hniitl,
and' 'the West,'" savs the report, "byisult, Indlvldunlly and nationally,
the establishment of credit system 1
which would make it pnxxihlo for him to j
equip his farm so as to make farming 1
profitable without having tho whole.,
proceeds from such operations gobbled ,
up bv interest rates,
"We believe that our present co-
1,1,1-i-nrive mw in tirciun ih 11 lotfeine-
, 7 , " 1 1
1 lllllliequiliu 10 Olll lllil-UH Mill 1 t'ruiiimuim
I that u new law be placed upon our I
statute books next session which will
embody the best features of the laws in '
I effect in Massachusetts, New York,
1 v iscousiu, unit 1 exits, which provnie ior
tlie iuvestiuatioa of co-operative unions
and orguni.atioiis."
The coinmitteo also points out the
necessity of a central educational body
to promote the move for better econom
ic conditions unioug fanners, and, in
this connection, the report says:
"The need for such an organistntion
is imperative for educational purposes
ns well as for tlie molding of our legis
lative policy in such a way as to pro
inotrt the welfare nf agriculture. We be
lieve that tlie existing fanners' orgnn
ligations of nil kinds should reeogni.e
this anil federate themselves into a new
organization which will be in a position
to make its influence felt in shaping
the policies which control the destiny
nf our state.''
Turkey, advancing in close forma
tion, made terrific, assault upon one of
the big plate windows in tho lobby of
the Hotel Marion this morning, but wns
reiiulsed after losing various and sundry
(nil feathers and a little hide.
The turk wns being transferred from
a wagon to a create in front nf the
Salem Fish and l'nultry Market on
South Commercial street, when he slip
ped out nf the hands of his captors and,
after getting his bearings, made it b
line lor the Marion. Mr. Turk did not
try to avoid Hie accident, lie simply
took chances of breaking Ms neck and
the window bv flying headlong Into Hie
..''.. " . . . - .
the breaking point Hut held intact "--'b- ... v, ..k.iivu,,.-
despite Hie weight ef a big gobbler uc,s 1 '',thi hollnesa and goodness,
coming against It lit a speed of thirty ; mercy nnd Justice, will thereby be
miles an hour. The turkey fell to the strengthened; and so nlso will be the
sidewalk and staggered nbout as though probability of his some day reaching
he had just had the axe In his neck. , pont ,v,(,r w, , wa.
He was titui v rounded up bv the per- ... . ,,. . ... , ,
tor, of the hotel ...id ruptn'rci! minus all ?,,M ,n 1 Wm of giving bis
his rear plumage, but plus n mighty sure "oil rt lls little all-to the lrd In con
bead. scorntlou-to be a faithful footstep fol
I lower of tho Redeemer.
........... ...... .....' 'r prwnt tnto of war.
,,,r.n.M 1 ,,,, lll'ltl ,1, l MUSIIIIS
pent rates and heals the Inflamed, swol-
i'u ineiii orn im u-u cii tuna tun .,u.i
head and throat;; clear the sir pss-!w"'
sags; stops nasty discharges and a feel-
log of cleansing, soothing relief cun.es
Don't lav awake to night struuulinir
ior incnin, nun neuu s.uuei.; nostrils
closed, hanking and blowing, Catarrh
or n cold, will, (lm ,li ....
niocus dropping into the throat! nm
raw dryness la distressing but trulv
I'ut your fnllh tnst once
la " Kly 'a
Cream Halm ' ' and your eobl or rutin ih
win suieiy iiisuppear,
1 111 I
1 1 y. i
Many Confused and Perplsxad
How "In Everything Give Thanks."
Knowladga Necessary Approaching
Throne of Grace Variant Praises and
Thanki to God Throughout tha
World The Solution of Our Perplex
ities The Bible the Only Guide The
Spirit of a Sound Mind Rare Hence
Majority of Thanksgiving Vain For
mality Unnoticed or Resented.
Nov. 82. - I'nstor
Russell, nt Frank
ford Theatre, bad
fur his text the
words, "In every,
thing give I bunks."
1 'riiessulonliius
Itcrlewlng brief
ly I be condition of
the world, tbe
speaker declnrod
Hint It must be a
dllllcult mnttcr for
the majority or people to determine
iiirruct ly the nature of the thanks they
would offer to God. Three hundred
and Hfty millions of humanity, our
blond relatives, are nt war, seeking to
destroy each other. Ninety million
Aiucikans, deeply Interested In them,
are invited by our Qonornble President
a nil the Governors of our several suites
to render thanks to tbe Almighty.
Truly, we have inuny onuses for
thank-NKlvlus to our Creator; life Itself
Is n blessing, n boon; our nation In
many respects Is the most favored on
Hie fane or (he earth, enriched by
Cod's bounty above all others, not
the least of our blessings- being our
civil and religious liberties,
Surely no otic of even nvcrago heart
und head has cause for other thnn
,.. thnnlcfiilnnaa In nnr fronton
0ur ieg liul.o fn fo M ,n
... .,. ... , , . ...
I'""-"' " "u
tilde are surely soured by discontent,
the fruitage of Ignorance, selfishness
and sin. How appropriate, then, that
each nud nil bow heart and head be
fore tbe Giver of every good mid perfect
gift! To whatever extent this course
be followed heartily, without hypoc
risy, undoubtedly s blessing will re-
custom Is a beautiful one.
There li a difference between thank.
giving nnd prayer. None have the
right or tbe privilege of nppronchlng
tu ThTOne of Heavenly Grace except
those who have come Into covenant re-,
latlonslilp with God. Tbe .lews came
into eovennnt rehitlonshln with (lorl
- - -
through their Law Covenant by Divine
arrangement through .Moses. The fol.
lowers of Jesus, who tieoeut the Divine
nrrangemeut of the Gospel Ago, are
privileged thus to come into relation
ship ltb the Creator through II in.
Ho Is our Advocate, who has opened
up for us a new md living way,
through the sncrltlco of His flesh. All
whom tbo Pother bus accepted through
lllm-nll whom the Father has begot
ten by His Holy Spirit nre 8crtptural
ly tertued sons of Uod, children of God,
heirs of God, Jolnt belrs with Jesus
Christ their '.ord.-l John 8:1; ltomans
These are invited to come to tbelr
father and to address Him thus: "Our
Ka ther who nrt In Heaven," and to
ask for the blessings which Ood has
provided for Ills children, according
to His Divine purpose nnd arrange
ments. Hut none other are permitted
to come to this Throne of Grace, be-
! cause not la covenant relationship wlHi
the Savior, because In God's arrange
ment "There Is none other name given
iu Heaven or amongst men, whereby
we may be saved" from our slue, or
be brought Into relationship with Uod.
Thus we see that only a limited num.
tier may enjoy the privilege of prayer
or expect answer to their prayers.
Cut, thank God, other may worship
and bow down I "Come, let n wor
ship and bow down: let us kneel be
fore the Lord our Maker." Many have
this privilege, nnd the exorcise of It Is
sure to bring n blessing.
Whoever ha
a thankful lo.nrf wM,,h ai ,l.,n,rbt
, 0rel.g wohtp to tbe Giver of
overy good gift, will surely reoelre a
follilV l,ll... m i.. n int...nl...
diving Thanka For tfie War.
j Very evidently the majority of mini'
iuv.no r.nn inere.n set lonu, to mans:
to the Church, whoso eye of under-
standing have been opened and who
nbl ,0 ' nd tho
lireadtha, the height nnd the depths,
f God's f.ovo In the Measnge of tllO
, (llblo. Bt Taul writes! "In everything
iriv .b,ikt"
Itlpo Christians have learned to give
thanks to God (or the ndversltle of
f-' Hi'lr own exiwlenccs. conrlne-
ed that nndor God' (uperrlslon the
direst of calnmltlc mny be overruled
for good to His people and for glory to
t tils nnmo. But only the advanced, tho
developed. Christian Is able to give
thank under circumstances of severe
trial and testings. Only those who
have great faith, built upon clear
knowledge of the Divine promises, can
realise- thoroughly that nil things are
working together for their good.
Similarly, In respect to tbe great Eu
ropean war now In progress. Its casual
ties, desolations and wounds, only tbe
wen-Instructed of God's people may
understand the Dlvino plans and ar
rangements so thoroughly as to be able
to give thanks In respect to the war
and able to exercise confident fnltb
that tbe outcome of It will mean bless
ings or instruction and preparation ror
future' blessings.
If tbe Scriptures did not foretell this
time of world-wide "distress or na
tions," we might not know that G.od
bud foreseen It and had made pro
vision for Its results before permitting
It. But the same Bible that foretells
the war tells of its results, saying,
"When tbe Judgments of the Lord tiro
abroad In the earth, the Inhabitants
of the world will learn righteousness."
(lsnlah 2tl:f).t If, then, the war Is
teaching tbe world lessons along the
lines of righteousness und Justice. It
lill be doing peiuian.cn t good. More
over, tne snme Ulblo tells tnnt the war
Is merely the outgrowth of human self
Isbness, Ignorance, superstition nnd
false doctrine, and assures us that al
though it will lend on to revolution,
anarchy and the utter wreck of the
present order of things tho present
clvillzntlou nevertheless, God Is pre
pared for the emergency. ",Mnn's ex
tremity will lie God's opportunity.'
Great Cause For Rejoicing.
The hour having come for Messiah to
take the reins of government, He will
stnnd forth In Power and Majesty nt
the proper moment, mid exclaim to tbe
raging elements of the restless huuian
sen. "IVncc! He still!" And there
will ben great culm. The lesson learn
ed In the Trouble will lie a lusting
one; nnd the blessed opportunities ot
.Messiah's Kingdom, which will be
built iihjii the ashes of present Instl
unions, will bring everlasting life iimt
cverliistlng Joy to nil the willing and
Those who see the war from this
viewpoint may Indeed In everything
give thanks; rejoicing that the reign
of Silt inn! Hen III will soon be ended!
rejoicing Hint God's Klt'gilom will soon
come, mill Ills will be done on earth,
even as In Heaven! rejoicing that soon
the knowleili;:' of the true character of
God will be universal! rejoicing that
then. In the light of Hint knowledge,
"every lirfeu shall bovy and every
tongue confess, to the glory of God"
rejoicing still further, thai any who
under nil those favorable conditions
will refuse to make n full surrender to
tho Lord, will be mercifully cut oft
from life In the Hocimd Den till
The Hope of the Resurrection.
The explanation of the sortuws of
the win Id Is given In the Bible, which
tells ns Hint sin lies nt Hie door, und
Unit the uictitnl, moral nnd physliul
blemishes which- cause humanity such
distress are Incidental to the penalty
pronuuiiced against slu; namely, dentil
"The soul Hint sluneth, It shall die."
When Father Adam was on trial rep
reseutiitlvely for his race, be sinned
und cume under the penult for eln
"Dylng. thou shall die." Therefore all
his children share by heredity his Im
perfections ti it I are likewise Imperfect
-sinners, u. St. I'sul explains, (Ho
minis fiM'J.i Thus, during sixty ion
Utiles, approximately twenty thousand
millions of Adam's children hnve been
"born In sin and ehapen In Iniquity,"
and have entered the world condemned
und dying, mentally, morally and phys
ically. Divine syiupnthy exercised toward
this race of sinner provided a Savior,
"who for the Joy set before Dim" sac
rificed Ills life for tho world. (John
8:11; Hebrews I'-M'.l "Jesus Christ by
the grace uf God tasted death for ev
ery num." (Hebrews 'J;0. Then, In
stead of setting up the promised King
doni to bless the world. Instead of sar.
lug the world, the Savior did some
thing else; nnd that which Hehns been
doing from the time of Ills resurrec
tion until now Is, as the Apostle ex
plains, a Mystery; (V.pboslons 8:3-8;
Colossliin iiati, , .J tl9 Mystery of
God"- the world doe not understand;
for He prefers to keep the matter from
them. But "the secret of (he Ixnd is
with them that fear II lm. nud Ho will
show I hem Ills Covenant."
This Mystery I that God hsa pur
posed that the blessing of the world
should be accomplished by our Savior
Id association with a select clnss gath
ered ont of the world and especially
I prepared In the School of Christ dur
ing the Gospel Age. During the cen
turles required for the finding of this
saintly class for whom the Lord bus
been searching with tlie mnguet of
Truth, various fnlse theories have
sprung up nnd found acceptance In tlie
world. One of these Is Hint God doe
not love the world nnd hns never pur
posed Its salvation; but that, on tho
contrary, He line predestinated nil ex
ecpt the saints to suffer eternal tor
tine, because He wished to have It so
Another of these fatso theories Is
that whilst God wished to save the
world, Ho is unable to do so, because
handicapped by human self-will nnd
by 8ntnn's aggressiveness. This the
ftry decln.es that God loves Hie world.
Including the heathen millions; that
Ho longs In have the Gospel taken to
them, but citnuot do so except through
human agency; nnd that Ho Is bn tiled
and disappointed because those who
profess (o be His people fall to raise
autllcient funds.
To rational minds these theories are
no longer satisfactory; hence many aro
turned to Infidelity, Hut leaving these
errors of the Dark Ago and going
back to the Scripture, wo And their
teachings consistent; namely, that as
soon as the Mystery ot God, the
Church. I finished, the Divine Messing
will proceed through Tbe Christ JesuB ;
tbo Head, and tbe Church tbo Body j
to tlft world. As it Is written, "In I
thy Seed shall all tbo families of the I
earth be blessed," The Mystery of j
, God Is that tho spiritual Seed of Abra- ,
ham J not the Lord Jesus only, but j
also His members the Church, Gulu- !
i thins 3:8. 1(1. 20. ; i
During Messiah's Itolgn of Hlgbt
i eousuess, nil nations will be Instructed, I
. enlightened, blessed. The merit of
; Christ will then be applied on behalf j
j of the billions who have gone down j
Into the prison-house of death Sbeol, i
'Hades, the grave. The Church will j
' constitute the First liesurrectlon. All I
sharing In It will attain life on the j
i spirit plane. Later, during tbe Mil-!
: letinium. tlie world will return from j
j the tomb, "every man In his own or- ;
, der." Tbe process of resurrection will j
. continue wltb them, in order that the
willing nnd obedient niuy rise gradual- j
; ly towards perfection on the human ,
1 plane nnd finally attain It. Meantime
j the earth will be rejuvenated und be- j
come the promised Paradise restored. '
"Give Thanks, For He Is Good."
i Looking down Into- tho future, the I
j Psalmist exclaims, In view of tbo I
Kingdom blessings promised the world, j
j "O give thanks unto tho Lord; for He I
I Is good! for His mercy endurcth for- j
ever!" it Is the mercy of God toward j
iis-toward nil who need His mercy
I and who desire It that constitutes tlie
ground for thanksgiving. It Is true
i that praise must come from thankful
hearts: uud that, to bo properly thank
fill, one must see more tbiiu Is now
visible to those who have not the eye
of faith and the-Dlvino revelation of :
things, to come. But these very op- j
purtuultles tbo Lord s consecrated ones
isissess. As It Is written, "Blessed are
your eyes, for they see; und your ears,
for they henr."
Not only so, but to the exient that
any sees and hears of the grace of God
ho has responsibility. To possess tho
knowledge of God and to disdain It Is !
to receive the grnee- of God In vain. !
God's people not only give thanks for
future blessings received now by faith, i
but additionally they appreciate bless,
lugs grunted them In tlie present life,
mid give thanks for these. The first
of these Is the knowledge of the good
ness of God In releasing us by faith
from slu nnd lis penalty, so Hint with
out waiting for actualities we can now
rejoice In the mercy which has JustI- j
lied us freely through tho blood of '
Christ Tha renllzi Hon both of the
rolling nwny of our sins and of our
forgiveness by tho Father calls for
gratitude. All other blessings rest j
upon this one, nnd nil thanksgiving ,
should properly Include (hunks for our 1
justification by faith. j
After our Justification we were In- j
ducted Into a still further grace, or :
privilege that of becoming members j
of the Body of Christ Through ac
ceptation of this privilege wo gnln tho ;
opportunity 'of rt change of nature j
from human to Divine, (2 Peter 1:4.) '
Our human nature Justified, cleansed.
made acceptable to God ns n sncrltlco
through tbe merit of Christ, will be re-
placed, by a spirit nature and glory, 1
honor and Immortality, Joint heirship I
wltb our txml und Head, If we faith
fully make our sacrifice, (ltomans
12:1.) What cause we havo for thanks- :
giving! What shall wo render unto 1
HI in for His benefits townrd us? 1
The heart that has come Into fnlth
union nnd communion with the Lord :
learns something more every day re- ;
specting the Heavenly Father's loving
care for His children; and each fresh
Item of knowledge Is n new well
spring of pleasure. "He satisfied! the j
longing soul." "Blessed nre they that
hunger and thirst after righteousness;
for they shnll be filled." "Surely good- ,
uess and mercy follow me nil the days
of my life." These are tho experiences !
of those ripe Christians culled upon by '
tbe Apostlo to give thanks unto Gud
In every matter and to know that this
is the will of God in respect to nil who
are members of the Body of Christ
Thanks Through Teara.
Let us not overlook the fact that our
text Indicates that we are to give
thanks for our sorrows, our trials, our
disappointments, us well as for our
Joys and our pleasures; for tbe word
everything Includes all things. Nor Is
this the only Scripture to this effect.
Tlie Apostle elsewhere urges the mem'
bora of Christ to rejoice In tribulation
-not been aae tribulation is n Joy-pro-
ditcer, but because tribulation works j
out additional patience, and patience ;
brings nddllloual experience, which In
ttiru brings larger hope, until we nre
not ashamed of our tribulations, bo
cause (hereby the love of God Is shed i
abroad In our hearts. Hum. B:3; 8:3S.
The basis of nil rejoicing ss respects
both tho future nnd the present Is
faith: First, that there Is a God; sec- 1
ond, that He has a noble character;
third, Hint His Wisdom, Justice, I.ovc
and Power are perfect nnd nre thor
oughly coordinated; fourth, that nil
these attributes aro enlisted In the sal
vation of the world; fifth, that this sal-,
ration begun to be worked ont by our
Lord nt Ills First Advent; sixth, Hint
It is still working out In the selection
of Ula Church: seventh, that shortly
It will begin to take practical shape
In the establishment of Christ's Mil
lennial Kingdom; eighth, that through
(Ills Kingdom a blessing shall extend
to every crentnrc of cur nice.
Then let every man to (ho extent of
his enlightenment appreciate and con
fess (ho Almighty Uod nnd give thanka
unto His name; for He Is food, nnd
Ills merry endurcth forever. Let those I
who have tasted of Ills grncv go on. '
that they may grow In grace, In knowl- 1
edge. In fnlth and In chnrncter llke
ness to our God. Let Ills saints, who
are addressed In our text, more nnd '
more appreciate their wonderful prlv- '
liege, tbelr high calling of God In
Christ Jestis to be heirs of God and
Jolnt-boIra with Jesus Christ our Lord.
Children Cry
Tlie Kind You Have Always
la use for over SO years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-good" are but
" Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothinjr Syrups. It is pleasant, it
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic
substance. Its afro 1' Is guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Feverish.icss. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diurrhwa. It regulates the Stomach and ISowels,
nssimibites tbo Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
'XUo Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
) Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
3 r-rj;r -i ri-rr i
Malm Horn, "Sower" Horn; IndttJ
is three times a duy fuvorite in
millions of homes why not yours?
Its purity is absolute its flavor
without an equal. Alwnys sold
In the log -cabin- shaped can.
Order of your grocer today.
The Towle Maple Products
Satea Haadquartar i
Paaplaa Caa Building , Chicai
St r.al, MtaM St Johmburr, Varuont
i ' 'rra'iTOiTO BCT-WiMi
ioSbuuw 'bho 'B 'H 'doMIS n.8H Pn pJJt 'iiOIXVIOOSSV
A3T1VA "sl'":l -M'li' 'li 'l!'l ou mi ii!
BJ.IO.10 JUdA 'Bill,,., Of -10J M3ll1.Hl(I ' 1 1 -0 r lll (H01lIx;. IIJ0l)M0
Jilajxo) 'r -n oi) ti( ,t.i!,jo buojiIyo tun o) Xjjuj u.w .i,ui
opuiu u.ioi 8Ui oiu sluiIxo m.ioil (1i:,ii. Xj,.a v ki-miiiojiI )uiiijimIuii
Ikoiu ,uo3jjo jo o.m) ok;ij,)a)B o) iu omt) hiiiiih o.) iu iw jnq 'niii.iij,t
.moiC o ojiikimi1 n oq ,(iio loo i.u nuu 'a,nl..i,u ,o 4,ooi u iiiiiiio.i
t xnq i.u;t "jnuj neq Xjoa jno jo ituon onnj) ku1 joj iunpodda puntf
-aid iq 0A 'uiii louj oi) ni,vi Hpuouj jiiu.i oi iioa jo j.i;iii i ki.u ui;l
una it ,.q j,tt p.iu 'Bo.unoii.il p.iu ,)).iuii0 nj.ipuo,w s, uoa.uf) 3iiiiij,i.iiioj .(
puii 5ii,iln 1 1 1 .xv aiio Ji)ii 'siJaoqu80T peiuiodtiAS ssaaoj 9N jiio jo
Xliq 0 JO t01IUJ U0I1D8P9J IIU6B3qJ JIIO JO Xoq llol pofllll.l -ql-in 'p,ilMM
j.iilml 'p,i).iiiil .(.iiitij-o li ll i 4 mui.ijJj ujoimio lioX joj j,d NVlWLKIJIll,)
oiqtuiK.ip ojora v i.i.iji iob ppioj no SVWIBIHHO HOI V3QI iiV
Journal Advertising Pays Big
This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con
test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital
Journal office. Not good after November 27, 1911.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largest stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
H. Stcinbock Junk Co.'
133 Btata Street Pal em, Oregon. l'hona Mala 114
Journal Want Ads Bring Results
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
has borno the signature oi
i and has been mauo tinner ins per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you 1m this.
Signature of
You'll say this
maple cake is great
Try the recipe below also
use Lor Cabin Syrup 011
your puddings and desserts
as well as with pancakes,
fried mush and its many
similar uses.
Sift 3 teaspoons bakinfr powder
into 3 cups of (lour and mix
thoroughly. Add ckrs well
benten, a desscrt-spoon butter,
'A cup Rwoot milk and 1 cup
lxir Cabin Syrup. Mix thor
oughly and then stir in 1 cup
of chopped raisin and 1 cup of
chopped walnuts. Bake in deep
uus iu a uioucratg oven.