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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1914)
THT3 TM.T3M CAPITT. .TOTTRV4T, HM.BM OUBQON TCE3PAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914. Editorial Page of The Daily ' Capital Journal TUESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1914 TIOAILY mkm JOURNAL - Mil j-inx in" PUBLISHED BY CAPITAL JOURNAL PRINTING CO., Inc. SABLES H. FISHER EDITOB AND MANAGES Daily, by Carrier, per year $S.OO Per month 45c Daily, by Mail, per year 3.00 Per month 35c Weekly, ty Mail, per year 1.00 Biz months 50c nXBLISHED EVERT EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON SUBSCRIPTION BATES: FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to pot the papers on the forch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting tlit yaper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the onlj way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions, rhone Main 82. SOME TRADE, AND SOME MONEY. In spite of the lachrymony of standpat papers the country continues to live, prosper and grow. The foreign trade is rolling up again as a snowball grows from being rolled when the snow is wet. The federal commerce de partment shows that during October we exported $200, 000,000 worth of goods. If that rate is maintained, and it gives promise of even far exceeding it, it will come with in $06,000,000 of equalling the banner year, 191:5, and it will exceed any other year by $200,000,000. The situa tion is indeed encouraging, and if the exports reach above the 191:? showing and to the figures anticipated, we will have a year's trade balance against the world of a billion dollars. Surely there is nothing gloomy in the outlook, with a billion dollars due us in the year as the balance of trade in our favor. Speaking of a billion dollars, it may safely be stated the mind cannot grasp it any more than it can infinity. The only difference between a million and a billion is the difference between the letters "b" and "m." Let us put a billion dollars in something tangible. One billion dollars in gold would weigh 1,000 tons. It would make a solid block of gold ten feet square and thirty feet Jong. If some of your ancestors, remote ones, had left you an income of a dollar a minute for every minute of the years, at the beginning of the Christian era, you would not have gotten your billion dollars until about the middle of July in the year 1902. Some money, isn't it? IF TOO FAT, SMILE. , Next Monday the European war will have been going on exactly four months, as August first is the date when Germany declared Avar on Russia. In that time the Ger man loss alone is estimated at 1,250,000 killed, wounded and missing, with 500,000 on the sick list. The loss cf the allies is, no doubt," as great. This would make the total losses in killed, wounded and missing in four months 2, 500,000, and the total sick 1,000,000. The actual cost of the war is variously estimated at from $25;000,000 to $50. 300,000 a day. At the lower estimate, the cost to date, not counting the destruction of property and the loss occas ioned by the destruction of commerce, would be $:',050. 000,000, and at the higher estimate just double that sum. The loss of commerce, the destruction of property and the ?et-back civilization has received are beyond all computa tion or expression in mere figures. At the lower figures nd rating, the interest that will have to be paid on the debt being created, at four per cent, the nations are cre ating an interest debt of $1,000,000 a year every day thf var continues. si "Don't worry because you're fat," says Marie Dressier, actress, whose weight, like her age, is beyond telling. "No matter how stout you are, heaven alone is to blame. You can't help yourself, so make the best of it. Whenever you think you are too stout, smile awhile; and while you smile, others smile, and soon there'll be miles and miles of smiles." Miss Dressier says she has tried out 28 different plans to reduce her weight, and all were failures. Why cannot people be content to remain fat and hearty? Fat people have advantages not to be despised. Over in Sweden a tax is levied on fat people in order that they may not enjoy superior blessings without some com-, pensation to the less fortunate portion of the community. It is strange how large a part of humanity are never satisfied with what they have, but must be eternally wor rying and fretting and striving and starving to get some thing or other that somebody else is just as dissatisfied with. Half the people in the world wish they had more fat the other half wish they had loss. Lots of people devote :i lot of their time to stewing and fretting because they are not more fat or more lean. It sems to be a universal quality of human nature to want for things we have not and to be something other than what we are. The mule standing with its head over the fence, with oars drooping and mouth drooling for the grass in the next held, which is really not a whit better than that in his own field, is a good type of the host of human beings who are always pining for things which are different i com what they have. The extent of the country and different wants of its widely separated sections is aptly illustrated by the lon eared rabbit. Here in Oregon farmers are demanding the legislature give a bounty for the destruction of rabbits, for they are a costly pest. In New Jersey, however, thev are seen from an entirelv different viewpoint. "There it is an offense to kill a rabbit out of season, the punishment for which is $100 fine or ninety days in jail. If New Jer sey really wants rabbits as badly as her'laws indicate she does, there seems to be good grounds for a trade agree ment with this state. As a starter, it may be stated she -an have all the jackrabbits she can kill in this state, and the closed season will be kept open the vear round for her nimrods hungry for the velvet-footed wind-splitters of the eastern Oregon sage flats and bunch-grass hills. In the first three months after the war started this country was given contracts for more than $1)00,000,000 worth of foodstuffs, war materials, horses and other things. Daily this long list is being added to until practi cally every industry feels the effects of the increased bus iness. With the end of the war probably yet a long way off, it means that this country will be kept working over- rime to supply tne demands caused bv the war. Prosper ity built on other folks misfortunes is perhaps not the most desirable kind, but as it is prosperity, the country will accept it for what it is worth without scanning tn'n closely the causes of it. Then, too, if we did not do this work and furnish these things for the war-stricken., they would have to go without, as we are the onlv people that can deliver the goods. Now comes Dr. Louis R. Wolzmiller, physical director of the New York West Side Y. M. C. A., and says "over indulgence in meat will keep more than one man out of heaven, lie says eating meat "makes men irritable, high-strung and quarrelsome." This being the case, how does the learned doctor explain why Americans who are the greatest moat eaters in the world are at peace with Unit world, while those nations that only see meat once a month are butchering each other instead of the other not edible animals I All Women Should Know as Thousands Do Nature's Best Aid to Greater Strength Better Health Clearer Complexions Brighter Spirits Directions of Special Value fa Women with Eutry Box that they can obtain reliable relief in times of unnatural suffering relief from headache, back ache, lassitude, low spirits, extreme nervous ness and irritability, as well as help to restore their vigor, good looks, and cheerfulness. The experience of thousands of women, proves that are always reliable, safe, sure and speedy in the relief of disordered conditions of the organs of digestion constipation, biliousness. If you will try a few doses and secure freedom from the impurities which cause distress, you will know you have found the best regulator of bodily function.-? and the very help you need for body, brain and nerves. Beechani's Pills, by toning the stomach, stimulating the liver, regulating the kidneys and bowels, prove they are Nature's best aid to greater strength, better health, clearer complexions, and brighter spirits. At A'.l Dragziits, roc, 35c. 'The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World" y1 L' ''''' tiriv-Ailfi;ii;ri;'M lVrttV'll&ilViUiiniVVinwh.'-''i 'AWiiV'1-:--IJJJrr It is now up to the Mexicans to show whprW thev nan keen the lives of foreigners in their rnnntrv sppiicb Tf CI - J. J. thev can. there will be no excuse for np-nin inrpvferino- in their affairs. If they cannot, it may mean that at lastthe unitea states win nave to take some steps to compel this. Vera Cruz is now in the hands of the Carranzistas, but it looks as thoueh Villa will soon place the nvpsirlpnf- pWori by the convention in full charge of the capital, and soon aiter mat or tne entire country, villa has issued orders that any soldier caught pillaging or doing any unsoldierlv acts win oe court-martialea and shot. THE ROUND-UP Edward K irkpatrick, n pnt'tiineiit nud noli luncher of I'mutiHa I'ouuty, win shot by an Indian in tin' home of .1. YV. Ilodd, hi brothci-iit-lnw, who lives in tho i'miitillu reservation. The bullet ontt'ied his icy. lie will recover. GiT'ium county this year produced I sun nun i.iwiw.iu ..r .i...u, .....1 ..i,,.t ,Sj per cent of this has been sold, leav ing auuiii -.,,im, uusm-is in growers hands. (il'itwcl'K lire now holilinir this for ijil..") n bushel. Til nnufiint (It'nifmi it iu it v i ia. tunil prices next yenr will be from 211 to '.!" 'ems, umi peniups even turner. The explosion of 11 ("nnoliiip heating stove caused 11 fire which destroyed the iinr-ni, ui h inline miiMiing ill wit'fl(t,ii I'ity Sunday morning. , Joseph ltiichtel, pioneer of 1S52, nnd line nl I'ortland 'a enrlier day live wires, celebrated his 84th birthday lit Port- Ih ml Smuluv. Beeinninff Saturday next, the D.nilv Pnnitnl .Trmmoi will eive its readers a new sfm-v nf oenor'al infovoo "The Secret of the Lonesome Cove," bv Samuel Hopkins nuanis. n is a uetective story out oi the ordinary, and, while full of thrills to hold the rpndpv's nrfpnHnn 5f w v vviiviuu, xt O1J0U possesses literary merit. A full page installment will be pnnieu eacn oaturuay, and it will he completed in about seven weeks, so that the missed. From London comes the report that airships have really accomplished something outside of scouting work. The story is that three British aeroplanes flew 120 miles' over German soil and dropped bombs on the Zeppelin fac tory at Freidericshshafen, which did extremely heavy damage to it. Two of the three aviators got back safelv. but one was winged and captured. Four months ago yesterday Austria sent her ultima tum to Servia demanding reparation for the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his morganatic wife. She did not get it, but started something she would no doubt give much if she had left undone or could undo. Evidently the administration is not superstitious or it would not have selected the date, November 2:5, for the evacuating oi v era Lruz. However, it. tiinv nrn nn nn w . a'"j v v uii ill r ..m uuii. lwi u- AMi.Miqu lillllllll lUrWrilT iXlSSeSSlOTl Of the 1:11 vessels recently placed under American reg istry during the month of October, more than 100 were built in American ship yards. This indicates there is some thing more than cost of construction that has driven the American merchantman off tho seas. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SCS Capital $300,000.00 Transact a general banking business Safety Deposit Boxes . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Appreciation "Oh, theje pancnlies nie sublime," brightly crien .lusiuli Fiddle; "mother in the olden time, thonifht she ei nld wield n uriddlei she win nlwnys ettnif pniisc. mid dcicrved it, 1 tmtintnin; bir she, in her pnlmy days cnnhln 't tnncli vou, Mil nth J-inc tilt, the kintx npuii his throne for such fodder snn'ly nehes: you nre in ti elnss uluno tvhell it relies to uiiddle cukes." Then open his shln Inu dome he ndir.sls his lid nnd gees, Hid bis wife re mains M liiine, ninkini; pies nnd thiiiL't line tU'Xe, ? V.i She is ntpw int.' liiaclntis prunes, In hei eye n nnppy renr. nnd Her heart is sin iiiR tunes such us niseis like to heur u er ninl o er she still repents nil the kindly words he snid, ns she fhes fur ther treats, pumpkin pie nnd (ringer nrenu, vi neti tne evening t griming giny, tenoning the set of sun, "Thi, hns been u perfect dnv." mu mum she her Inhors dune. IVrfeet nearly nil the days of our loved ones wi ll mi(;ht be, u nn wunis nt Honest prnisu we were ircnorntui niul tree. WHY MEN SWIIAB. iiciTKiii Menu rnngii.irn, writing I sterv in the IVcember Woman's t'einpunieii. suvs of ene of her char acters; "He's mnn, ami can't crv, so he lin to sav Unnin ' Thi re is hardly nvthiug less In tereslmg to girl than being kissed oy iimuner girl. Mrs. C. F. Smith, of JLniues, is in the i hospital nt linker with a fractured skull as the result of an unexplained auto acciiL-iit JSundny night. Miss Toney, who wus driving the ear, is also iu the hospital badly bruised. The latter says tiiey were lidiug slow and the car turn ed turtle, she docs not know why. The steel fur the span of the bridge over Yamhill river nt McMinnville is ' on the ground, and a rush order for completion has been issued. it The Kast Oregoulun quotes authori-j ties as believing city taxes in 'entile-1 ton as well as Ninntilla county taxes will be lower next year. Pendleton's levy may be a mill lower. ing hearings before the grand jury. litis is uy tilling iiincv wuin, unit mo needlework turned out by these prison ers is as good ts that done by any ' The Kugene Register pronounces the 1 I city's new water supply both pure and pnlntnble. It is obtained from wells recently completed in a forma- i tion that insures purity nt source, aj well as abundance. : Kl'inuith Falls Herald: A new way to while away time in the county jail has been put to use by L, O. 1'iimford and Al Meader, two men who are await- woman. A petition is being circulated at Ba ker promaiiix a vote at the November, IIHti, election to raise salaries of mayor and city coiuissioneis from $L-')i)l) and litlil respectively, to $i-IUO and $1)400. This is to reveise the great slash iu salaries nuido at the recent election, freni $'-"i00 and $2000. r'.ipils of the Dilley, schools, aided by their parents, have erected a play shed 20x100, where they will be able to enjoy outdoor games all winter. The children knit a small amount of cash, ami with this ns a basis tmceeeded in getting business men and citizentt near by to put up muterial ami labor to a total value of nliwit $i00. . ... - A in it ti nnmed J. Headman, who has only one arm, is employed as a grave digger at the Waltdii-on-Thames ceme tery, Kugland. Aud ninny a man lends a hand only when it is empty. WHEN A MART MMi comisHT, wis. iy rxi mw tomc ammo raiaitut mtw vou humid ctu. u Nun ( IOHM HERB- ) THE- DEceHBEC , ANt ) t HAVEMT A I THlWG. TO WEAK. ) THERE IT I tiOES AGAIN ) MONEy MONEV -7- l MONeylll r Been pNyiNG. (XbtLF THE. FVUTIEC Ai.irt . a ivy . . A mU' wr-i j w Play - I AM II ( s HAVEWV MAO A SET OF Funay .SINCE WHO KNOWT WHEM ITS ABOUT TIME I GOT MV.aiCHTS-L THERE IT I I I LIKE. A VZ&SURV I OK SOMETHING., - l - ' Voute .savins Op Foe a ? vS5Aee!!l!