Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1914, Page THREE, Image 3

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Social and Personal Notes
By Mollie Runcorn
THOSE in receipt of invitations for 1 230 Wilson street,
the "Tea Musical" to be given byi
Mrs. Kichnrd Oirtwright and Mrs. I Miss Regina Long, English teacher
w. Carlton Smith, Friday afternoon, atut tue high school, entertained a group
the Hotel Marion, consider themselves of students with a chafing dixb supper
especially fortunate. Several hundred, at her home lust night. Those present
have ueen bidden to this affair, liiclud-1 were: -Miss long, Airs, long, Lolita
ing many out-of-town us well as local Hodgers, Edna Uilbort, Alice Skiff,
music lovers. It is the only large for-; Ruth Calbeck, Edith Fnirchild, Sena
mill event planned for the week, and is ' Hchcliey, Grace Furrer, Kuth Petit,
being looked forward to as one of the Mnry Hofstettler, Tresa Finney, Mu
most delightful and charming of the' rid Steevos, Helen Hunt, Marjorie
season's offerings in a social way. I Kay, H Spaulding, Charles Hug-
Wlnl j not a new idea in entertaining, i lungs, Edward Clark, Harold Aspin
CWIJ W? Wl WW f W ifM 1 Pf '
No Change in Position and 11
Leader Has Less Than
1,000 Votes to Good
only a few similar affairs have been
given in Salem, and they were consid
ered brilliant successes. While afford
ing the same social privileges as" the
afternoon tea; the events are made
doubly attractive to there who really
enjoy good music.
Mr. John Shipp and wife delightfully
entertained a number of friends at their
home, 2")5 Superior street, Friday even
ing. The hours were spcut in playing
progressive 5(10, after which refresh
ments were served.
Those present were: Mr. Louis Bech
tel and wife, Mr. J. F. Davis ami wife,
Mr. C. ,T. Olmstead, wife and daughter,
Miss Hazel; Mr. George Winched and
wife, Mr. Tom Davics and wife, Mr.
harles Henderson and wife, Mr. J. W.
Cox and wifn, Mrs. Pariueuter, Mrs.
Sellers and Mrs. Schellberg.
At the regular meeting of the Chan
tanuua reading circle Friday afternoon
an unusually interesting program was
given The class which usually holds
its sessions in the lecture roinn of the
city library met at the home of one of
its members, Mrs. W. W. Fisher. "Roll
tail was responded to by giving cur
le.it events, Mrs. F. Von Ksihen pre
siding as leader. The "Historical Val
ue it the Legends of King Arthur," by
Tennyson, was discussed by Mrs. E. C.
' Minton, Mrs. B. F, Salmon giving a
detailed history of the United States
uuiing Tennysons' life. England's his
tct;y during the same period was told
by Mrs. Anna Walker, both papers fur
nishing much interesting information.
A gir.uine literary treat was offored by
jure, i.arrie i impel m an original paper
on Tennyson's "In Memoriain," trail
ed as a record, a tributo and a con
fession of faith. It was a beautiful
word painting, crowded with exquisite
thoughts, mid presenting a new and in
tensely absorbing side of this poetic
Jt was decided that one meeting each
month would bo held at Mrs. Fisher's
home, Members present were: Mis.
F. Von Eschen, Mtb. E. T. Porter, Mrs.
F. C. Frost, Mrs. (Dr.) E. E, Fisher,
Mrs. Carrie ('Impel, Mis. II. C. Kpley,
Mrs. Hubert Davidson, Mrs. Frank
AVells, Mrs. H. F. halinon, Mrs. E. Hor
ton, Mrs. E. ('. Minton, Mrs. W. W.
.Kosebraugh,, Mrs. Lottie !. ' Dorcas,
Mrs. Anna Walker, with Mrs. Jasper
as guesi.
Miss Grace Mollencop and Hartley
riouwstcr were the recipients of a picas
nut mi prise Friday evening, given at
the J. r. Mollencop home m North
Twenty-first street, planned by a large
number of their friends, who were for
the greater part high Bchool students.
The self-invited guests furnished the
refreshments and arranged an enjoy
able evening's entertainment. Those
who" participated wore: Misses Hoiilnh
Suininerliii, I nun Siiiniiierlin, Athol
Humiiierlin, Eiilalie Lindsay, Kuth Hose
liraugh, Eva Prince, Josie Koornian,
Kuth Wells, Hiebu Heath, Messrs Mil
ton Koorniiin, John Alnrr, Hubeit Seam
ster, Teddie In in, Earl Dime, Laurence
I'urviue, George Heck and Edward
I'hei nettin.
A special Thanksgiving dunce is the
ottering of the Salem Dancing Acad
emy for that date, which is to be given
in Moose hall.
wall, Kenneth Aspiuwall, Edward
Robinson, Glen Paruess, Frank John
son, Will Smith ami James Gardener.
The first erf a series of receptions to
the town's people, given by the faculty
rl Willamette university, was held in
Lausanne hall last night and was one
of the largest and most successful
events given for some time at this in
stitution. Mis. Claud Sludc, of Silverton, is n
guest at the John J. Hobcrts home.
Announcements are being received by
friends hero of the birth of a boh to
Mi and Mrs. Tliciuns James Mountain,
of Walla Walla, on November
Mrs, Mountain was formerly Miss fto
bah Gans, a well known instructor in
the Salem schools.
Miss Alice Judd is in Astoria, where
she will remain for a week or 10 days
the guest of relatives and friends. She
will also spend a few days in Seaside
bcfoie her return.
Miss Cora Smith, of Monmouth, is
S ending the week in the city, visiting
friends and relatives.
Voting has been heavy in the Capital m
Journal s exposition contest since .'ast jj
Friday. Something like 80,000 votes M
were counted when the ballot box was III
opened today, six of the candidates
having had substantial gains. n
Nd.withstanding the heavy poll ot JJ
votos there were no changes in the; El
TpHERE'S one day in the year, at least,
that calls for good clothes, and that
day is Thanksgiving.
relative standings of the leading candi
dates. Pearl Zinn is still leading, Mrs.
Hibblcr second and Ruth Fugate third,
all being close together in their totals.
Margaret White is fourth, Violet Cory
fifth and Honskn Swart sixth.
The trip to the great exposition with
its wealth of world-wide wonders, will
be tiie event of a lifetime tor the
fortunate winner, and the Capital
Journal guarantees that no expense will
lie sinred in making a pleasant one.
First class railroad fare, the best of I
hotel accommodation, and facilities for;
seeug tho great fair at its best will be
provided free of all charge by this
"All the world loves a lover." And
this is more true ot stage lovers than
ot any other kind, Tne love element is
always the most appealing part ot the
plot, and nine people out ut every ten,
us tuey watch u pmy, unconsciously pui
themselves in the places oL the hero or
the heroine.
Aow, Lieutenant Denton in ' ' Ari
zona, " thu great military drama, which
the Moose will produce here by lueul-
talent on November 30 and December I, I
is "sunn hero." lie is also some lJ-'! le "ellum
er. Jn fact, the part in which Mr. Stove; , ,,,,'
llendersuu is to appear Monday .-M"
and Tuesday has long ueen recogi.i.cd I Ho , Joh-ZZ
as the uesv "loiuuimc lead" ou lho.,
American stage. Augustus Thomas j InX d Z
conception ot ine hero-lover in "Ail-!,, H i,h
iona is so lnr ahead ot uuythnig thui i J "
uiiy oilier present duy author bus evoi i t,i r..,
paper. Jt will uo a prize well worth i
working for. I jj
The plan adopted by this paper for ! ti
giving the trip does not require the eon- j
testaut toacll anything. The only thing. M
necessary to secure votes being to pa- j II
tronize some of Salem's most populai j J
stores. Tho advertisements of these' am
flr,,.u.u ...... ; ..,.!. i,;,i.v. r'n, ,:,.,! 1
Journal, lueso firms have agreed to
give a sales check or receipt to every
purchaser for cash or for monthly bills
paid until January 1, HHa. The sales jjfl
checks or receipts from these firms may ;
be exchanged lor votes at this office I J
ono vote for overy 5 cents of your pur- W
chase. j
The names and standing of the cnn-
didatcs follow:
Pearl Ziun l!5,7(l! S3
Mrs. Grace Eoff Hibbler 1H4.843,
Kuth Fngnto 1S4,8o4 II
Margaret White 05,475 J
Violet Cory 52,335 sa
lienska Swart 38,908 S3
Violet M. Darker 0,544 II
Marie Bolinger 5,702 M
Arline Ohm 3,773 ; $
Genevieve Fraser 1,930 It
Luanna Brown l,0i 3 r,
adds something to your reason for giving thanks. Such genuine bargains in high-class furnishings, hats, PI
shoes and clothing arc not frequently to be had and especially at this time of the year. Remember, this lf
Of the "Toggery" Stock
reorganization sale must of necessity be short, sharp, forceful, money-getting and stock-reducing.
2.00 and 1.50 Shirts cut to S1.15
3.00 Union Suits, " Coopers". . .$2.35
1.25 Union Suits 95c
3.00 Pajamas $1.95
50c President Suspenders 29c
Don't Delay
"A word to the wise ('wise' must mean thrifty
in this case) is sufficient,"
All 3.00 Hats cut to $2.15
All i.00 Huts cut to $2.65
All 45.00 Huts cut to $3.95
Lot $1.50 Caps cut to 89c
Lot 1.50 Cloth Huts cut to.. r.... 89c
"The Toggery"
BSZS3SZu2U.isMial astMdaiailiiitidMiMMMU
wiituu that we must hurk buck Hi lio
meo to 1 1 ii it an adequate parallel. And
even then Denton is vastly more hu
man, and thereloro more interesting,
tliuii Shanespcaro 's lovesick swain.
Vou can luugli with Denton when he
makes love to llonita (Miss Aline
lliompsoti) because he does it like a
regular human being. Ju one ot the
tniuuj.is comedy scenes of the play Ho
nita lidicules Denton's protestations ol
love, saying that every lieutenant talks
that way, ami that every girl who lives
near an army post has a gown trimmed
with soldier buttons.
"Well, what ot tliutf" asks Denton.
"Every button a vow,' says llouita.
"if every vow of miiio tor yui took
u button," replies Denton, "I'd have
to report in pajamas.
All. lleiideisuu 's performance of Den
ton in "Arizona1' is a treat you will
not roon forget. It is pretty generally
conceded that ho is tho cleverest ju
venile actur Salem has produced tur
a good many yeurs. Tbut he is tne
handsomest young uiun that could have
been selected for the part goes without
suyii.g, end If Stevo doesn't becomo u
matinee idol over night it will be a mur
(!:.. ui:iun i qai
Marguerite OBtrandor . 1,644 H
Beth Ryan 1,580 M
1090 j
....... tuoa
. 1010
'?0??'Knlein Social Service Center of Sulem,il' elected; provided, However, that thoj
....... 1000 . absence of a member troiii. thre consecii
1000 y:, '
, 1000
1 67 Commercial Street i
Sec, 1, The lnanagcinent of the society
shall be vested in a board of directors,
which shall consist ol : (a) Twelve un
Article 7. Amendments. Amend
ments and alterations to this cnustitii
tion may bo made at liny meeting of
jiiuiil members of the society, who shall the society, by a majority of all votes
Hazel Coolcy
Mildred Cooper
Maude McLaughlin
Hcrnice Sauter
Vivian nargrove ....
Grace Tnylor '.
Magdalena Tuffll ..
Mary Quyer
Alma Hall
Vera Martin
be elected bv ballot anil hold office for cast.
.L..: 1...11
Proposed model of constitution of the June .""r or iiui.i w eir ",, r, ,
Snn Francisco, Nov. 24. Tho ship
yards of fleorge Neass hero were liar-
I tinlly destroye.l by firo early today.
There Is The loss was estimated at 100,000.
Pendleton Knst Oreuouinn:
u fM'itlifiliillfV 41, n! 41A V. i 1 1 ...nil, nf I 5 ...... V !....!..- it..
. . ii i: .u.. I....... I ....1 I imw.-u.j...... .....fc ... ..... i '.'. ill v iv-nnn. n iiit-j iri' un lier OL inr
Article 1. The name of this society "ecu gs ul uu., "ill(J t.itv u.,oa wl)il.h tlle ,.itv . . .,,,,. , . .
shall be the Salem Social Service Ccn- '' J' 1" urmimvc v0nJ t , UUMr, vm ))ff t.()1)v(,lp(1 ,i - -
ter, mid its field erf work shall be con- '".V ' resignation.. ,t iH , u,(Mlt;on to w,t launches and yachts., lor years he lia
fined to social service. Sec. 2. (a) The otlicers of tlu'i trees and seed tho hill to lawn, tlius ; designed mid built nil tho vessels used
Ariiclc 11. Purpose und object Sec. ( hoard shall consist ot a presnient, tust muliing it a beauty spot. in intcrcolleginto contests on the coust.
1. T.is society is organized tor tno vice iuesiiiciit, sccouii vice-presiiient,
The low mass ceremony was used bv
, '..' A. -Moore, t tho mnrnnge ofpri0 tu everyone who has seen
ii ss nose uicaey ,0 Aiitiiony Warzetha, worK out j,, relieursals.
wnicn linn pince at ft. .loscpn s church
this nioriiing at II o'clock. The couple
was attended by Miss Gertrude War
zetha of Tacomn and'Kdwnrd Wuruiu
ski of Mt Angel as best man. .
The church wns prettily decorated, n
prolusion of yellow and white chrysan
themums ami ferns gracing the altars.
The wedding march from Lohengrin
was played by Miss Leona Weidmer nt
the pipe organ ns the bridal party ap
proached, tho little ring bearer, ' Mil
dred Suing, frockeil In light blue and
enrrying the ring In a large white
chrysanthemum coining first. Small
Margaret ilcllinger, uf Portland, and
Winifred Albright
botn being entirely in white. ..The bride
was preceded by her maid, who wore
SentB for buth Monday's and Tues
day's performances of "Arizona will
go un sale at the box office of the
(hand bpern house Saturday morning,
November 2N, at o'clock. The prices
nil 50 and 75 cents no higher.
becoming gown of white silk with wide
pink girdle, and ennied na urtnl'ul of
shell pink cninutious an. I asparagus
fern. A large white picture lint com
pleted her costume.
The bride's gown was -fashioned of
slilmnieiy white silk, made In the new
tunic tyl and ehtboratcd nlth lace.
Her lung tulle veil was sccuicd with
orange blossoms, and she carried nil nrm
boiquet of white carnations,
Lohengrin ' bridal rlimus wns ren
dered softly by Miss Wledincr during
tiie rcremniry, she also playing the nc
coinp.initnent for the vocalists. Miss
Marie Campbell, who iing "Life's
Head" during the earlier part of the
mass, filled the church with liipild liar
ninny. Mrs. P. X. Albright rendered
Maze's "Ave Marie" nt the offertnrv
and Miss Catherine Campbell beautiful
ly interpreted "Star of the Sea," by
MacDoigall. Mendelssohn 's wedding
ntnh was played ns the recessional.
A wedding brcnkfnst fiiMowed the
ceremony at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. (leoige Dickey,
on North Kourth street. Alter a trip
to southern Oregon the young couple
trill be at home In Snlcm.
M,'. nnd .Mrs. John Shipp delightfully
Velnia Hoover), whose marringe occur
red in Portland Inst week, are expected
home tomorrow from their hniievmnon,
spent In Seattle, Tacnma and uortheru
eities. After December 15 they will
receive their friends at their uew home,
"Mister, could yon help mo to get a
place to sleep and' a bite to eat I" snid
a hobo beggar last night to Officer
lack Phillips before ' ho snw tho of
ficer's star.
"Sure" said the officer and he led
the mini, who nave his name as William I
wore flower girls, Cameron, away to the police station i
where he wns given board and room'
fur five days by Judge Klgiu this
Lotta Pcnn 750
8ilvia Miller
Gladys Gray .. 750
fnriA RvniiH 7r,n
The following is a i'ist of the firms ' followiiiR
whose sales checks or receipts may be
exchanged for votes at the Capital Jour
nal office:
Stockton 'a
The Toggery
Salem EIcAtric Co.
Salem Cigar Factory-1
Imperial Furniture Company.
Salem Laundry Co.
Wiley It. Allen Co.
The Globe Theatre.
Tho Iioyal llakery (bread wrappers)
A. C. Dcvoe Shoes
The Spa
Ilauser ilros.
Trover & Welgol, Photographers
Yokohama Crockery & Tea Co.
Vick Hros. Garage
Snlem Fish and Poultrv Market
Independent Meat Market
C. M. Roberts Grocery
Poisal and Shaw Grocery
C. M. Epplcy Grocery.
Tho Highland Grocery
Heildnway's Cash Grocery
J. L, Uusick & Son Grocery
Dr. Mark Skiff Dental Office
J. E. Hockett, Piano Tuner
Salem Ice Co.
iiiiriMse of uud'ertakiiiL' directly or in-1 treasurer and secretary. They shull
liiniicinir others to undertake the re-1 perform the duties usually pertaining
mov.il ot any preventable causes of mis-, to their offices, AM shall be members
J'ci-v und dependency. "f the board mid shall be elected by
Sec. 2. Its activities will include the! ballot at the first meeting of the bmrd
(al It will serve as a center i after the annual meeting ot the so-
for bringing into ui.isn the work ofjeioty. They shall (oiitinun in of tics
nil agencies; (b) It will provide ser-j until their successors are chosen, (b)
vice for the investigation and working The officers of the board shull also
out of social problems; (e) It will serve be the officers of the society, together
ns agent for the org'uiizntion of mate-'with such additional vice presidents us
rial relief frum individuals and societies; luuy be elected by the buinl. .Such
nnd inuv hold ami distribute any special i vice-presidents shall continue in of rice
'lends given to it for such purpura; (d) I until the annual meeting of tho society
It will from time to time inaugurate succeeding their election,
such other forms of service as may seem Sec. 3, The board shall have power
to it necessary; (e) Jt will in tho at- to till vacancies occurring in its own
tempt to remove preventable causes of , body.
lependency, create special comittees or
lep.ntnrents to assume certain respon
sibilities or may assist in tne orgnuiza
jtioa or reorganization of other social
agencies, or may carry on any necessary
Sec. 4. (a) There shall be a regular
meeting of the board on the second Sat
urday of each mouth excepting July
ami August. Special meetings may be
culled by tho president, or by written
Lime Trcaimcnt
in Tuberculosis
In the Mil? in, iiiij. ihmhi. ui i na
.iMirnnl ol Ihe Anirrlnm Mrillml An.
HiM-lNllim miiirfirnl till ftlNtcinriit
I'uncernlnK ciililuni lllnirl ninllca
thin In the lrrntnint of iHilniotinrjr
luhcrciiloMlN U'onHumiitlun 1 1
t nrir the Nli-ttintle eonflnilril
Hntl iiei-HlMtmt rriilme of cnh-him
NMlmllMtlon. un i.Ii-niim MnN lurrn
lilimlH-r of IiIh itMtlentN Improve, us.
ilri-Kff mi riitilittloN r nnrlhil ron
NollilnthiN In the Itinif, which thru re
Nolvlnic nonlil fliirnr to eontrlhnt
to the wnIIIiik nil Nnd rloslNH nf fhr
IrsltiHN. - llNnil In hNNil with IhlN
course nf etrufii, the Npnttim elrnr
II M of tiilirrcl hncllll, which Bmillr
illsneiirNr, Nnil the iiNtlrNtn nrr illn.
rhnrut-il nlth hrnlril ttnlnionnrr tu
I'lhlciil incitlcnl Jnurnnls seldom
Hpriik so pusltlvely uliout a remcilhti
nueht, yet this testimony rninclilis
Willi Hint from ninny ccinsuinit Ives
whn liiiv Rrcurrtl like resultH
thinuali the use of Kikiuiiu s Altuni
tlve. Mince enlclum Is a conMitiif nt of
this rcninlv fur pulmonary tuLercu
lsls notl ullirO tiirxiil iiiid nrnm lilal
an"iTtliins, Its Iftiliiiv puwrr may In
some mrnoui-e t.r nl 1 1 Hull eil to tbe
manner In wtilili this olMorut Is so
couil'liird wllh other Inareillents us
tn he CH-.llv iisslnillnte I l.y Hie nvi-r.
sue person nnd it iloen nut Irritate
III.- SllMIHH tl.
I':ckuuiii's AlUmtlve ennialns no
niilnics, iiiiriiities or linhit-rurinlnit
iliuuNv so It Is snfe to try. If your
dniKKist Is out of It, ask him to
OMlei. or sehtt fllrerl tn
I'.vkniNi I.NbitNlirr. I'hllNilrliihla.
aimple, llomr-Mnite Itemrd,
Inniirnalve hut I neqiiNlrd
S.m Diego, (.'nl., Nov. 24. Hcciiuse ot
the difficulty of determining whether a
J wonrin was justified in devrtiug her
; husband because she wns afraid of nit
Itlesnakes, which she believe! to abound
near her husband's resilience in lui-
periul valley, Judge Guy continued until
this afternoon the application of Mrs.
Nellie M. Scott for a divorce from ( has. , mine homes than any other remedy
It, Scott.
I Although Mrs. Hcott filed the suit,
I she was not in emit, ami the trial pro-
led on a cross complaint filed by iicr
The original complaint charged Scott
j with desertion. Ho also alleged that
.his wife deserted him, stating that he
moved from San Diego to Imperial nnd
established n home there, to which she
refused to come. Numerous letters were
introduced. In aicnp nf which Mrs. Scott
pulilic ugitaiion or propngn miu u I'V request of any five members, tin at
ticipitc in the same; (t) It will dis-U, fiv0 ()- , .,lflvimlll 1M1,,0 in
seiuinate iiiiorination-iegai,iing wrjting specifying the business to be
agencies or methods of conducting them. , .mult fonvr,, (,) At llny mvrXUK
Aincie i. .Meiiiiii-i.inp .--i. .. '"- of the board six members shall consti
oeiety shall be composed of the follow-1 lu)(, a ,.11(ll.mlli
inn persons: (a) Annual members. (Any I H r. Ti, ' i,,lr,i ,., ,,,1,.,,. ,
person who shall contribute not less ,nur n,,r f )UHil,(,hS iu meetings
mini to to ine sm-i.-ij ...,,,.,., V"; and suitable regululions lor Ihe eon
Members of coinittces nnd nny volim-j o(. Mml(, ,miy ,r,(.M till), , tm(,
teer Iilenuiy visitors so long us inc.-(1,,,r or IM,.n, ,.), icgulutions.
may continue in actual work. Scv. (I. The board shall make such 1
A.ticle 4. The lli.ird of Directors. ,V.WH ,1H it mv ,0 ueeesmry gov i
-. - - - - erniTig Hie nrtiun of the society, audi
may also ulter or suspend sucu by-laws.)
Article 5. Contributions ami Funds, j
Sec, I. Contributions tu the funds of
the society shall lie paid lo the general1
secretary, who shall transmit them tul
the treasurer, (The fiscal year of the'
socl.'ty shall begin on the second Sat-
urday of November in eacn yiar.)
H ., ') Tim Ireiiunier ..,r, 1 '
ilu0Mt,v n,)POr(s , ,, ,,m,i , .!
The nroinpt and positive results given reports to the society, nl the an-,
Ii v this pleasant tasting, home-made "mil meet ing.
cough syrup hus cauwd It to be used ini Hec. 3. All ilisliursemeuts frotu funds'
't of t'.iifl Hfieietv mIiIiII lie iiuiilii bv i,iir.
Ends Dry, Hoarse
Painlul Coughs
gives nliunst instant relief and will usual-1 vouchers duly i,i,r,'c,l l.y!
iv overcome tne average cougu in ., ... - 11 '
jj(JVirfl( the i xccutive connttce.
(let 2'4 ounces l'incx (50 cents worth) j Sec. 4. The books of thin society
1MIIII uiiv iiiiik ne'e i IMilll lb IIIUI u (illii. snail nc lllliliieil II II nil II 1 1 V HUM SHUN III
lmttleahd till the liottle with plain griinu-li,pPM to thc'inspcctiiin of ll nl meni-
Inted sugar svruti. I his makes it full ,i ... ,, ,;,,,
pint-a inmilv sii.plv-of the most ef-1 "' "!' '.. u . .
I,.ii, e..,,..l, rm....,lv .. . ui ..( m.lv r.i Article (I. Meetings of the Society.
cents or less. Von couldn't buv as much ( Nee. I. An niinuul i ting of the so-j
rcnilv-imiile cough medicine (or $2, AO, elety shall be held on the si ml Hut-
Kasily prepared nnil never upoils. 1 ull ; urd.iv. In November of each year, at
directions with I'incx
Hie promptness, certainty and ease
snid she iinderstod thout Imperial was with which this 1'lncx Syrup ovcvcoincs
... 1 h I.M.I iimi.tli tlinat or lli ii a I n1, 1 I m ulir
nifesteil witn riittlesnnkes, and that i. r ' i. .. ii.. i . i!.:
o.tl. .k .i:n l. i:.. .1. reiniii KHiiii-. il iipm mv nn.-w-iii-. ii iiiy,
buarsn or t old cnueh and heals nnd
soothes n puinfiil enuih In n linn v. With
she would rather din than live Ihere,
such place ns the bitud shall designate.;
The boiii'd may also cull n special meet !
ing at any time, i
Sec, 2, Any annuel U5 uieiiibers of;
the society shull have the power to re-j
pure i nt presiiieut in can a special
AUTO KIliS TWO. : a p,.rsi.tent l.s.se conuh It stops the for- , M.ti h Wli,,n ,, ,M, , fv
Santa Ann. ( a .. Nov. 24. fleorHO W . Hint ion nf iihlegm In (lie throat and hron- ..... . ' ' . '?
I'nttlson of Iis Anireles nnd (. M.1 chiiil tula's.
Lnvelndv nf Snnln Aim re lrml fnilnv.! hncknig
the result of an automobile accident
between Newport lleach and Santa
Ann late yesterday.
Ihe men occupied a
tlni. rndliiu ihe iiiiMnviiio liusiness to lie lirnngiit lorwnnl
und the president shall thereupon call!
Pinex t a hlidilv concentrated cnin-ia meclini within 10 days, (n) fteen I
Wiiind of genuine Norviav dne exlrnct, memlieis shall consfitute a iniuruin. (b)
with 1'uttlson at the wheel. When a
heavier car attemple,) to pass them.
Pnttisun opened his throttle and tried
tn hold the rosd, His car leaped a
ditch and overturned.
Pattlsnn was killed instantly and
Lovelndy died an hour later.
rich in giininciil and l famous the woriil At nnv h hl ,,,iIK My Kll,.,
over mi- us so em in cuis-i. ii iiiiiiii-niii-i, i , , ,
light roadster,' whooping tough, bronchial iisthum and ' ."""V '" w '
winter einigiis, - v " ''ia.
To avoid dlanpnoltiNiicnt In msklng! Sec. 3. The board shall submit lo
this, llfk vour druggist for ounces the nnniilil meeting a repirt of the con-
of Pinex," and don't accept anytlilng',till nf tlt , WII.,.V. shall also sub-
tt:;J ZX'r!Z 'X ;;". ,h" '"'"'""i'""'"-
with thia preparation. ' The I'incx Co.,:11'"' ' ih ""''''''V " "'"'"
I t. Wayne, lud. ami expenditures dining the pint year.
Coming to
Grand Theatre
Saturday Evening
Nov. 28
WW live'," ','.- -W'aL'-"' ..
The biggest and
most fascinating
Moving Pictures
ever shown.
mm KM IV' I
...... i i
"From Molten Steel
to Automobile"
Produced and presented
by the Maxwell Motor
Every picture of thrill
ing interest
Many sensational; all
highly educational
Tickets of Admission
free upon application.
Rees & Elgin
Terry and lllijh Streets