Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1914, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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. ...
HI 't
On your way home today get
1 8
Here is something that will ticlde
the palate of Peppermint lovers.
And it's double strength
-J-o-n-g 1-a-s-t-i-n-g lots of "Pep "I
It's double wrapped and sealed,
so it's always at its freshest
With each 5 cent package
is a United Profit - Sharing
Coupon good for valuable
You get double value and
the. whole family the cost
nothing 5 centsl
delight for
is a mere
United Coupons now come
sold everywhere.
Gives Ipsight Into the Way
.German Women View the
War Situation
also with i
-- - r
Many of the friends of Mrs. I K
Pago have expressed their desire, for
her to liuvo published the following
letter, which Hhe received Monday from
her ister, who lives in Hanover, Oer-
Lumny, ami which wan written Oct, 20:
lour first written letter rciicnun us
tciluy. Jt was on the way .seven weeks.
Your oilier, two mine a few usys ago,
written on later dates, so the first came
last. You see Ijy that that mail reaches
its destination very irregular. Yoir
wondered if 1 had written before. I
had not; friends Jelling mo it Would
only ho lost. Therefore, 1 thought best
to wait until I heard from (we of you
before 1 wrote or scut imperii. We lire
certainly being tried very, very haid '
now. How nuii ii iicnrtnme, worry unit
sorrow t )i i 8 war causes will never be
knuwu. Wa feel so surry for the people
of every country who live near the bor
der, leu' they nro the ones who suffoi
most. They arc obliucd to flee for snt
ety and leave all their belongings, be
it much or little of this world's goods,
behind them, 1 can not express to
you how siucorely-1 pity those who have
to leave the battlefield the injured,
the crippled there are. so many of them
and tu think (if the sutfering they
must endure! Yet, were they to net
vujl and could have their choico they
would cuter into U buttle today, tomor
row or at any time to help save their
country. They do uot mind sears,
wounds, tlie luss jit eye or limb, u shut-
cm! ,aw or shudder. To you or nie
tiieir checrlul unswi r would be, 'it' I
huve only beou of suina help to our.
vnterlaiid' (euiiutry). All around nr.
is the enemy; owor lifter power ha
declined war sguinsi us, ami yet it is
sitid those great pov.eis who ho readily
and jointly declared wur against
Vera t'ni7,, Mexico, Nov. 23.
The evacuation at Vers Cruz by
American troops was completed
late today. With the sailing of
the army transports, with the
Kansas in the lead, (arriinzaista
forces started entering the city,
preparatory to taking charge.
The transport Cbristobal
served as General Houston's
The t'hristobal, tho lust trans
port to leave, joined the rest of
the fleet outsido the harbor.
The last American soldier board
ed the transport at 1:30 o'clock.
Forty minutes later the constitu
tionalist army arrived at the
city hall and took charge.
The Markets
("heat S.OO
Wheat, per bushel tl.05fvl.l0
Bran, per ton $27.00
Shorts, per ton $29.00
Oats, per bushel 35(40c.
thittjm bark, per lb 4', j5c
Potatoes, per ewt 75c(o $l
Buter and Eggs.
Buttorfat, per lb 32e
Creamery butter, per lb 34c
Pt'Sa 3c cash
liens, per lb 0c
Roosters, per lb, ..... fic
Fryers 10c
Steers tfc
Cows, per cwt 4(tTie
Stock hogs, per lb. (tops) 5U.C
Hogs, at, per lb v)c
Kwes, per lb 3!,c
Spring liunbs, per lb 8c
Veal, first class 10c
Y. M. C. A. Winds tTp Both the Finan
cial and Membership Campaigns
Beds Won Over the Blue and J. F.
Read Got the Gold Watch.
Dry, per lb.
-J Suited country pelts, each
Lamb pelts, encb
,Ilay, timothy
Clover, per ton i
Ont nud vetch
The Y. -F. C. A. membership cam
paign v-ns wound up Saturday night
with a tntnl of K'8 new members for
the local association, .lohn r'urrur's
team triumphed over the Hicliardsoiis
ind, as a result will partake of u tur
key dinner at the expense of the lowers.
In the beys' contest, Charles Hoggins'
leds won out over the blues by n prod
margin. ,T. 1 Kend. with 17 iiiemherK
uml a total of 10,000 points, won the
gold watch, offered by T. B. Kny to the
individual member securing the grout
est number of points, ('lummy Hishop
won second prize ot n silver win 'h nt ,
c l l... n- li i ..:.i. i ,i 1
d.'iO points. Bishop also secured .17
reminds, bet Uotid cnllccted the most
inni.oy. The third pnzo of u gold
Mitch fob was won by John Fiai'.ii'.
Now tlu.t the ficcuciul eampnign uiul
the membership cuiiipaigii are both
ccii.ipli'ti'd, the officers of the local u:i
socitiTii'ii proi.ose to iiegin tue ueTiC(,
worn oi piovni'.; mill tlie nssicililiein
$ 8.00
San Francisco Mavltots.
Han Vruneiscn, Nov. 23,--Wheat, pel
ill.-Clnli, l.0."i(.i 1.117'a; bluestem,
W.0.ri72.10; Turkey red, tUd'Oft'-! 1
Hussion, l.t2ii,(.i l.!'3; fnrtyiold, .w
Barley, per pt.l. Feed, l,'Jil(a l.l!2Vj ;
shipjung uml browing, l.2"i(;i 1.B7 ',.
Kg!!--Kstrus, 4Uc; pullets, .'IOVjc;
California stornr; extras, 27c; storage
w'leeieii pullets, ,'te.
Butter Kxtiua, .'IMej piime firsts!
2Kc; fiista, "7c; htoikIs, L'lc.
Cheese California fnncv, lilc; firsts,,
seconds 10c, - I
V mo AO
Capital Monumental Works
Seattle MiMkets. ,
Scuttle. W-isli., .Nov. 1'ggn - i
Fresh riineh, 50c; fresh eastern, ;ltt(ir I
IliM': Orienlnls. !Kr. I
Butter l.iicnl cubes, Itic; bricks,
i'.V; Oregon cibes, ,'12(n Mile.
Cheese l.iniburger l!lc; Wisconsin
Swiss (domestic), 2lci Wnsliing,
7M(,i !Se. .
I Oiiipns li 'n, SOfi Me per doi n, !
ciiiitern Wiisiiingtiin. I(ii l!ic per. lb,;
: t'ulil'lrilill, 1(0 I .C,
l'olutiies lliiided No. 1, $ll(ii20 per
i.t n vubieble asset to the cilv in a
0 ! iiiinjier ol' unvv. Work will 1,., iilml.
had no intentions of dimg so. If they!,,,, Ul ,h(, ri.,tW utf,uui,v, Lenders'
had no such intentions how could ll t t-luli. nov )lible elancs will be nrgnn
those grout puivcra doclaro war in such ; j.,,,, ltll ,,,iv uicetings will
u short timer What have we done.' lp ,.., ,,,,,1,,,. , ,,',, ,.,,, ,,.;.,(
( an you or are you able lo answer thi ' b.hl.tl.ii1l lcegne will be ftnrted.
ipieslid.i? What have wo done to them 0 (,.,, n,in,llv ,,., .,,, ,, Knn
jury wuiil.cu war mi'i mue on nil,. , ,1,,..,. B1M...fct.r nim ;,(- , ,. II,,. ,.(..
will iiddress the ooen ineetiiicR nt thn'(lub, $I.Kl'
Y. M. C. A. The nssocialiiiu 1i;,s ut I Walln, j: 1 . 1 ." ' ..
its ilispesiil lniuiy well-k now n speakers Oa'.b No. I white feci, ls,. "ill; gray,
wh'i Will visit til cilv tills . .uiiii" . t2K.2.".
wilder. Cuce inch month a mixi-1 up- Hurley Brewing, i):!
en nieetli,,! will ), held. Tlie "loi.t"! Hugs-Host live, $7.
iii.euiigs li fin iiiki enr will I .' con- ' nnie mcimh, ifi.iiiui r. i.i: tilni'V cows
vantages of tho course, anil suy that
it .should become famous us soon iih the
greens lui; in better shape. On account partook
war, our Uainer only waited too long be
fore declaring war. Had we fought ill
mi ?arlier date it would no doubt have
been entirely different. Surely the
kaiser has shown himself to be n fried
ens liebender kaiser (pence loving em
peror). You lemeiiiber well when he
UiMiuie kaiser. We wem both yet ill
home in June, Isms. I am roiry we arc
nil v so far apart uml hope we will see
you us soon as all becomes ipiiet here.
"The kaiser, joined by nil of his
family, nttci'ilcd religious services, uml
of the ade.udmal (the Lord r
Portland Markets.
I'oilliiiid, (Ire., Nov, 2:1.--Wheat
bluestem, I.17; Walla
eed, 2.'
For the tirst time In the history ot
this city golf was played yesterday ut
tho links of the new country club mil
(ibout 30 Salem golf enthusiusts pound
ed the littlo white pellets over what is
pronounced to be one of the Icsl
courses ill the Northwest. That it ia n
course to try the metal of tho keenest
npcrt is attested by the fact llial
"bogie1' for the course is -II stiukor.
nd the best score van cousideiublj
more than 41 mid some of the golfor.
toolt as mnny us 100 strokes to rfm
pleto the nine-hole couise.
These "roiwids" will all lie lowered
materially when the greens are in bet
ter shape and the golfers leiiin the
peculiarities of the course more thor
I'ughly. The course is full of hills u ml
hollows ami offers the greatest, possible
test for the skill of the golfer. .Many
think, after playing the course, that
"bogie" nt 41 is too low, and thut 41
should bo par. l'ar is the number of
strokes that it will toko to complete
tho course if ouch stroke is absolutely
perfect. "Bogie" is the average of
the best players when they are plujlnj( The stock exchr.ni'o committee mm
their best gnine, and, needless to say I a minimum price nt w hich stuck. coiiifr
" bogie" is never "pur." be traded in. This minimum was wm
(ieorgo Kddy, the Kcglii-h golf pro-1 closing mice on July 31,', lcss'nny dir wj
fessioiial, who laid out the course, isldcud which had been doclnred since.
lnd in his prnises of the uutural ad ! that ntc.
suiiiioi) two days liidoru tlie mobiliuucb
ung (mobilization)', set a good e.auiple
to the milliins who were to go to the
battlefield, the whole army, ho advised
and wished them to do likewise nnd
prepare and be ready, each one in bis j ,,,. ,,,, i, ,m,,,ibeis of the Y. M
ofj the iliort' tijne in wjiic.h tho cifrsc
lias ucen lain out it lu.s ucen impnsi.1
bin to put tho greens in first-class
i-hnpc. mid as this work progresses tloi
scores of the players will be lowered
materially. The course is 3075 ynrds
long and is full of surprises nud disap
pointments. f
Mr. Kddy will be at tho course on
Thunl'sgiviiig day to explain tho iani
to the beginners and to render all us
sisti'iiPO possible to the new players.
Mr. Kddy has tiecu in the hospital 'vitu
the grippe, but did not have typhoid
fever, as was thought at first. The
country club grounds aro easily reach held. We must pray, pray
ed from the Oregon hleetne rtiilivu) need lots ol player,
stution ut l'in.er. A club house wilt he "We began rightly and hope it will
erected nt some future duto and it, Is huve a good ending, but It. Is terrible to
expected the country club grounds will know what bis of life ami property,
become one of tho most popular plinc: how much '.arrow and pain It brings in
of reeroatiun neur the cty. , to our peuceful homes ami not. to know
when there will be an end to it; It oil
seems so dreadful.
"We live close to a tiuppen verbid
ungs plat, (unloading wharf, or where
tue embarkation of troiips takes place).
Thousands upon thousands pussed our
homo during the first four weelts o
tinned, at vliirii s,ene o't:dde s.c',mt
ini'kes a chin t 'nlk to (lie various gym
'lasses. It is proposed to mile the
mi'itiiigs live and iiiteresliiif tc all
Member uml nil slereotyped 'y.'Uiodh
will be ( voided.
I'he Cnmmci'di.l- HnsVlbul! league
tvill I f made ii)if not nnoo 'iun six
icr less than lour tiuiuri. eti-j, icpre
fOiHing r.i me b.is-ness hi-iiso .il Ihe
I 'ly. 1 1 " si heilnle will 'a' sti.'led in
al l ut time weeks, All in-n.l , rs "f III
own religion. Millions oueyeii, anil
churches of nil denominations were
crowded to overllowiug from August 1.
The confession chub's in the CutluVic
churches were occupied day and uig'ut,
and I believe most every (lermau sol
dier wont to the front prepured to die
and icaily to meet his (led. In most all
churciies now lire speciul services being
pray; we
C . 1 ,t the uiiini.ger f the limn r
tc be selected V the bi'sln.vs house
which the teiim represenls nun In need
iv I b i V II 3. A. member, s the
conte!s grow In Interest li small lid
u.isslun (ee will be elnvd ant the
d.2i; Jie-t calves', ifrN; spring lambs,
Htiller City cnamery, .'II i
Kggs Selected local extras,
; I ens, 3(n i.ie ; binibus, 1 3c
loin 12c.
; geese,
We manufacture mon
uments from American
and foreign granites.
AVe have installed a
complete monument
manufacturing plant
and make everything in
our line right here in
Salem. You are invit
ed to call and inspect
our stock and plant.
Office and Factory
2210 South Commercial
Phone 689
fVri.,'..,'.l'v ' ,V
.'J' l
All territory along the Turku ttus
siun frontier us fur us the, Tchuruk
river was said to be In Turkish hands.
In Ihe southern part of thi region tho
Turkish capture of Ihe town of Artwin
whs reported.
In lust week's battle between Turks
Ihut and British oa the What til .Arab river,
It win sail 750 billons were killed and
several thoiHiiiiid wounded.
Xuilli I'uitlund, Friday, Nov. 20.
Ueceipls for the week huve-been: Cat
tle, 1203; inlves, 43; liogs,,ik7Hi; sheep,
."i I W.I.
Cattle This week inaiked a morn en
coiiiagiiiH outlook lor cattle that show-
Chicago, Nov. 21 The Chienfjo stock
exehunge re opened its doors lo lu.t.
Hiisiuess wus about uormul, and preilii
lions that heavy selling was sure t,.
follow proved groundless,
proceeds of the pme will tn ti a (uml ed piality. lop steers went at IfiM;
il provide fur i'lHvidu 1 rwlnls for very few slid below 7. Cows did not
'h whim rs and kr u huge l.uipot ul jsiiow ipiality except occasionally; good
1 the end of the sciisou, stuff bringing us high as $11.2.1.
i , - , Hugs Hog lecoiiits continued bolh
- Ill I t ...
nirnnn itr , lineiHl ill i linillliv anil SU'OIII III hnco.
fcVtKl LUVtK lT"l'H ' from M0 Monday to
AP lTTAnlAnllc'7S, Vtliy- Market claslng iii excel
Ul AUIUlVlUulLto l,,nt "H'; l"leo higher than at some
eastoin markets,
WILL BE INTERESTED IN TUB I Shoop Continued short receipts ami
njnnnn t-tt.m Hr.NBATTnu ..runM it0" llli,','" ' hiiiaclorlzeu the full
Berlin, by wireless via Salville, Nov,
2.1. hoports, hitherto unverified
Ihe Turks had reached Ihe Sue, canal,
were officinljy ciiul'iriued from Con
staiitiiiople this afternoon.
They reached Kl Kantiira, it was , , , ,
slated, afler blooly battle eight or 'I'he (olluge drove correspondent of
ten miles lo the eastward, as a climax l'.Bfiio llcgister describes a snow
in which ii vim. said il.n lirliish t led. ! white, cuiiary- that has upponrod wild
Umving many dead on Ihe field. .a lit"" flock ol tuut species in the
In their advance on lh Hussiua siibuibi of Cottage drove. The other
Trims Cnucusian city nf Baluiii, it win .Minis Hie said to bo "just as tiilorant
declared, the Ottoman Iroops were iunk-f il "as if there woio iiuthiiig wrong
ing oxi'elleiit progress, I with Its I'eiilhors,"
mis. Men, horses nud wagons of the
nhy were ulso deeii aled with boil-
and wreaths ut' flowers. They
a beautitul living picture, though
HtAhlicr were siugliiu vateiluuds-
lii!eratrlolie songs) while marchiuB I
aii.rTtiUng by. We could not ael(i buij)
I reei bitteily. Over two., million f ri h J
Iwillige (volunteers) uttered their sef,
I vii i", their lives, for our vuterlninl, li m)i
iii;i:.y more than Hull tiliuiber would slip
jionvuru in a very snuri tune miw wejar
they needed. I hev have ant drawn t
younger nor the older men, none u
15 years old. Brother Albert uml
I husband lire both lieu I 50 years
therefore will not have to go to
My sou, I. en, wlui is 21 ycnis old an
volunteer, Is being developed and lit
out I or a soldier 'now, nud will jmn
I regiment in about two weeks, to ill
go to Itussia ur I.' riinee, .Not. man
I ne younger t rei w lilige nre tu
only thuie nf good Hi?c and good m
1 mnnsliip. I en it i, or dure not t
of his going al all; it seems to men
all up whenever I think of It, and
think some parents huve from ol
?ix fighting at the trout. Some ti
acijiiriiutniH'CK have fallen; some ure
sick and badly ciipplcd ami many are
.fil'htiiig hinvclc ami well for our libel
vateiland (dear fntlierlaud), I'leave
piay fur my son, so he uiuv be at all
time. prepared to go lnuild It lie I lie
j I prd's 'will. Hh, Lord, thv will be,
"HaurTincr is more centinlly located,
ilium our homo town ill which we were
hum and reared. We du not henr the
guns and see the greatest sotleritig.
1 We are free here to live innl do as we
leas. Obrhausen, wher" oar old Iniiici
is, ill which von were ' burn, w hich
Hrother Albert slitl occupies, is closer.
In a horde i' tlie llciuisn border. They!
no doubt have seen and heard more, but
they nre nlu well pioleiied, an, I when'
I Inst I' lieind from tliem thev weie well '
1 " I'leiise send this h-tler to our broth, '
ers mid iitliir sisters In Iowa and No
braska, so I will be -pared In write so
much and so often, dive tloon all our!
love, and everyone ictnerntn'r we. need
vour pruver. Your sisler, 1
This leltcr wits sent fioni llnuiniver
October 21, find aiuved in s.il, -n No
vembr HI. Mi. I'aue was Ihhm in the
ti... i.;.. ...,.ii..
l, ,M,ltlB Mmw, . ,.,. ,1,.. ul,..,.., ,,lrt 1.
lecorated with llowers by loving I . , . ..,., w Hiitordavl
evening, .November 2H, by Itees k Klgin,
the local Maxwell denier by special ai
raiigements with the Maxwell Motor I
Cunilinv, inc., uf Hoiroit, Michigan.'
U'Oell S III 14 .-Il .,1 l.iimllu ...'.I u l.i.il, uu
AUTOMO. tll.oO; ewes, l.,Vi, nn, I nil uthcr lines ou
Ihe same price level.
I The following sales are represent!!-
It Pays to Be Sure
in Clothes
Look at a suit or overcoat as carefully as you can,
: you won't be able to tell much about the fabrics or
workmanship unless you're an expert. However, you
don't need to be an expert in order to get value if
you'll do one thing look for the label in
You'll find it at our store. In these clothes we sell
you can depend upon the fabrics and workmanship.
2.1 steers .'.'... 111.1 7.30
2'i steers 1 23 1 7.40
HI steers 2."i4 7.30
:w steers .". 1 1 l.i 7.2!i
X cows I2M (I.2A
13 cows .' 111 I (J. lo
in iowh , flVil (1.1
23 cows , 1071 5.K.1
1 loiii : i'4ii ,-i.rio
.1 I'J.'IO .,,2'.
, IHI ll.jii
001 (I.2S
v 207 ?..V,
ill 7.011 !
., - 1:07 7. 1..
. ' 127 7.10
t.. 1W ll.oO
, Ill H.2..
rs '...':...'.. i)o fi..-iii
OS ' -l.lOl
flltiPmfT' itinVf nriMni itlnrT:r1iTm i-iUt PjMtb iMgLa rMUllia !Qima&jJ 1
lH ! ' Saturday Evening, November 28th ; . j
f t'j i- ,i ,11 .m...i-jiii.iii-iip-.,..!, in, i rrr, j
i ...-Wfr''ii-V'"-vi'i'iBni''" ti,iw,nii.i , w-'-y--T--1T,-J
Prices $5.00 to$25.00
t Hie custom slates hrfve I u
Ver severe mellioils, flir thci
on of the f iu( nud mouth dis-
V prevalent lu Hie I nited
( I'seiil the disei.se has not been
' " ' ' , "'' '"" '"' Keiitiieky. In
c. ii. i i ; ' I ,i.; i lutes ne h severe methods of
Stop Fallinor Hair and Itching 1,Mlrn,,. ,,, ,, , t ..u..,, ,,,
Scalp Atjtlnce jshoiild ulleviute the situation to n ver.v
' There is one sure w'ay that lias never vm- m in I ti stein'i
failed to renmve duiidrulT at mice, uml ';!'' value . v.
(bat is to dissulve it, then yon ilestmy it ! V,;"",",1"1 U l ,"1"'" ,dl'l'" "" ("Hows,
entirely. To do Hill, just get ulmtit (nor I A" l"l"uenls ongliuiting west mid
tioneri n f nl-in. ciimmiiii liiinid iirvrm: south of Wyomlair uiuv move into Wy
from any drug store (this ii all ymi will! '''" "I""1 'eitilli iitum of the slate
need), apply It at night when retiring ; j vet-i-mnry or Hlate hheep Cooiitilsslon.
Mc tnnligli to moisten the sculp ami rub ; oilginnliuii In WyoniliiK may
it in gently with the linger tins,
By iimming, mint if nut all, n( your
tlundrult" will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve, and entirely destroy every liiiKle.
sign nnd trace of it. no matter lmw nunli ' disinfected
dandruff you may have. Tin, Portland I'niiiii Mterk Yards, lu
You will finil all lulling and iligginii prole-t slo. kincn, has slnrled to disin
nf the sialu will stop iiistaiilly and your ' lei t tlie entire yards nnd with Ihe
move out of Hie Mute without anv Wv
Hiiiiag r strict Ions, ,
Ore, run icstiictiiins tue as follows: I
All lice stick must mine lu cleaned'
ami ilii'lufc-tcd i ars. All stuck voids'
luir will be Mull v. lustrous. utnsy
and luok and feel a hundred
.liuisy, silky
and soft
times bctler.
If yi'ii value your hair, yuil ili'iuhl get
rid of d.iinlriill at once, for iintliinn
drstrnys the hair to ipiickly. It not only
starvei tlie hair and makes it fall out,
but it makes it Mtingy, si i sin.'ly, duM,
dry, brittle and liklm, giul cvciyboily
liulkei il.
itiov ei'tcnt of only disintected cars to
and I'ioiii the sleek yards there Is no !
thing Hint would Imliuit" Hint thes.v
Vi'id- will be i ll, ied to traffic. Holh t
(lie I Iveslm'k lixchange and the Mock!
Vmds roiiipiiuy urn fully iilhe lo Ihei
Mitaation and every precnirlion has
hen luken by Hicni lo insure the wet. j
em sloclinien of an unlnfecteil place loj
t finsncl business. -
"From Moltcii Steel
to Automobile"
We have secured the famous big fas
clnntinjj Motion Picture Exhibifion and
Kntcrtainmcnt of the Maxwell Motor Co.
Conceded by thousand to b'e the most
interesting and unique Motion Picture ever
A rapid-fire, live-wire, entertaining,
amusing, and instructive icries of Moving
Come and see in Animat ed Pictures how
the World's Greatest Popular Priced Cur
the New 1915 Maxwell $695 Automobile
is made.
TU. "Wc.nJ.r C.f" wild KloliU ll-ii.n.r 4 KlxlrU
LUhu out I in.
Tickets of admission upon application
Ferry n ml High Streets