Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1914, Image 6

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Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal
NOVEMBER 23, 1914
the daily aitm journal
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. B OO
. 1.00
.Her ..month. .
Pur month,,
Hix uiontlia.
Tn Capital Journal carrier boyi are Instructed to put the paper, on tot
orch. If tin carrier doaa not do tbU,,,iulae you, or neglect getting toe
taper te you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only
ay we can determine whether or not the -Mttiera axe following instructions,
fhone Main 82.
It is lucky for the warring kings that God is omnipo
tent and orani-present. That enables very army to claim
Him on its side in battle.
Napoleon, the greatest cf all soldiers, said that God
was on the side of the heaviest battalions. And it does
seem to work out that way.
The latest to enlist God in his cause is the Sultan, who
gravely announces that "with the help of the Almighty,"
the Turkish army has invaded Egypt.
'At the very outset of the war, the Kaiser made it clear
to his own people that God, .was carrying the Prussian
banners. "Forward with God" was his battle-cry.
At about the same time the president of Prance was
assuring his army and his people that the Almighty was
with their colors and their cause
The British officials in their prbnunciamentoes also
commandeered tne Kuler ot the Universe into their ranks.
The Czar has no less boldly proclaimed that God is in
the saddle with the Cossacks.
Perhaps it is possible for some' people to believe that
killinry Christians in Turkey and knouting Jews in Russia
have in no way alienated the Jehovah's desire to see both
Cossack and Turk rule the world. JJjjt it & infinitely more
probable that none of these warring rulers has a monop
oly of God as an ally.
This conflict of claims strikingly emphasizes the fact
that the trinity of king, cannon and a .partisan God has
outlived its usefulness. If civilization ijs,U go forward,
if it is indeed better than savagery, the God we worship
must be other and worthier than one of Ijlood and devas
tation. '
The parts attributed to the loving Faiher of us all,
in this great war, must give fiendish, delight to the devil.
Rain, sunshine, soil and labor during the' present year
have brought forth in the United States crops worth ten
billions of dollars. Even a state of business depression
does not prevent this country from piling up wealth.
Statistics of average prices show this year's wheat and
corn crops are the most Valuable ever grown.
Sir George I'aish, the eminent British economist,
speaks correctly when he says that North America js j-ne
only continent in the world that is accumulating wealth.
Financial stress has for a long time oppressed Mexico
and all the countries of Souts America, war is devouring
all the wealth which' Europe is able to create and many
more millions each day which must be borrowed. Japan,
not yet recovered from her war with Jlussia, is again
pouring out her frugal means in another WAI'.
In sharp contrast with these, the Unjted,.$taJ;es is not
only at peace, but is going ahead converting its natural
advantages into new wealth. .
We are today the only people on ettvth who have
money to invest in securities other than thowj forced upon
the public by war. , ,..
We. are ihe only people who have new capital to pour
into the channels of trade. ,
We are the only people who nnv.udding more to thbir
bank account, instead of draining the. b.-jnk accumulations
of the past.
- Ordinarily Europe is the dominant irjvesting Section
of the world. Today North A meriea is the only important
section that is earning more money than it spends.
There is every possibility and prospect that this e$iifi
try is entering upon a period of expansion unparalleled
by any of the magnificent developments of Ll;p past, and
that the advantage gained will permanently remain,
Word conies from Portland that the council will order
the dogs freed of their muzzles. If when this is done the
authorities would also take the guns off men, there would
be fewer crimes and decidedly less murdering. The law
against procuring pistols is drastic enough, but it does not
prevent the criminal class procuring them and only dis
arms the law abiding. It looks like national proliilulion
would be the big issue soon; why not make i,t forbid tjie
manufacture of pistols and small arms as well us liquors?
Have you read the new charter? If you have not, read .
it, discuss it and understand it before you go to the polls , XHE ROUND-UP :
to vote on it. If you find anything you think needs chang-
ing, make a note of it and tell it in the Capital Journal's , , . . j
m-f" t-, ,, mi , . i. j.- i. Oregon t.itv taxpayers this veur will1
Open Forum." That is what that department is for to lmy a s:,.7 ,'ii iCVy. ihe total ;
give everyone a chance to express an opinion on any and 'oum ot ciackamas tint,v tax tor
all subjects of a public character. If you find any weak $:,r2'uu0 UB ""v'1"' ""s
spots in it, point them out. If the charter is adopted, it is ...
to be our new rule of action, and it is well to know whata 2J3toci
we are handing ourselves before we hand it. j luj- ,
Mrs. John ('liupiunn, of La OrutnL1,
Curious how things work around and end where they .erinudy hurt last week when the
begun, isn't it? Americans just now are sending cotton
to the hospitals of Europe so the wounded can be taken ;.u. Joan barker, who was ruling with
care of and cured, so they can go back on the'firing line h"' l"lJ lier.u"!:le .""'t,,re''
and get wounded again or wound someone else, so we can 1 Luke county has just completed
send more cotton to assist them inrecovering, so they can 'JZlTit '.? Z
go back on the firing line and be wounded or wound some- i'ite Highway and coat io,uw.
one else, bo we can send more cotton, so-this is as good ; KugeBC $:m on ,ul,ull,,
a place to stop as perhaps any other. t copper wire for its power plant. The
' Kurupcau war cutting oil' foreign niai-
, , kets tor- copper, caused the big rouuc-
The latest and newest move in the war zone is to load.tiou in priee. .'
barges with coal oil and set them on fire on the waste of
waters caused by the flooding of Belgium's lowlands. The
idea is that the barges burning would pour their contents
on the waters where they would spread a great sheet of
flame on top of the flood. While it might cause the death
of many it would give others a chance to get warm once
more before they die. It would be a genuine combining of
"fire and flood" mentioned so often in news stories.
The news from the seat of war has at last become very
lucid. We can readily see that the allies are steadily gain
ing ground on the western front and that the Germans
are advancing and pushing them back in the same terri
tory, In the eastern field the Russians are gaining great
victories and the Germans are also successful all along the
line. If you don't believe this, just read the cablegrams
for yourself.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18C3
Transact a general banking Lysine.
Safety Deposit lloxca
Villa has evidently learned something from the Euro
pean war. He has heard the German slogan: "Onto
Paris;" the Russian war cry, "On to Berlin;" the Austrian
watchword, "On to Belgrade," and so has finally got "on
to" something himself. It is "On to Mexico City" with
him, and what is rather strange about it is that he is the
only one liable to see the job he is "on to" succeed.
Burning the dead in the presence of the troops and at
the same time permitting the knowledge to gain publicity
that all prisoners are well fed and cared for, is not calcu
lated to stir the martial spirit, but rather to increase the
desire tq surrender on the part of the poor devil who has
starved and frozen for weeks.
they, '
the poc
glory lex
poem up
1 ! 1 1 . i. 1 A T T i 1
. . (iiivinu ueen eieiaeu senator irom i tan
.-.AVt may well be doubted whether a Mor-
o'a v hv hnvinrr hia nrrrrmrrorn wfi
looks very much as though she or
"Vjck- knocking the underpinning from
- .Vwse he who wrote "The path of
!ve had been required to fix his
v: - path of glory" led to the mcin-
) W&'e coii
be able to
cept its preside?
ing, with, in mai
The report of tl
were released in 19
department was $5)2
stocking up on game
The concensus of jopiiY
is the place for the new b
the opinion of the'pngineeK
auie ice in me i mar decision v.
rom Mexico, Villa will soon
( Vtd his followers are flee-
v.nvs :',071 game birds
expended by that
make the cost of
Vat Court street
of cost and
wut consider-
Columbia couutv will receivo more
tli mi ifljiiUU from a special road tux
levied m 11)1-'. Several big loguniu
couiiuuies resisted payment and curried
a test case to the supreme court, which
held the levy was legal, and. they nuisi
Portland's city license collector suv
iiuny silicon will not renew license
und tuut by .1 u I v 1, nil, i at Icu't
will have quit, of these probablv
lopping out at tiie first of tliu year.
fcT.i .,.x.-v.....3
1(1 kMAr-'
he thankful for is
a Bank Account and
he Time io accu.nulate.iC
Eastern Oregon will prubuldy peti
tion the legislature to place a boiiiitv
oil jack rubbit.i.
The Coipiiile ifiver t'o operatiH.i ( au
miry, near Uundnn, pinked this veur
liOOO climes of sulinon. A i-uusiUi ulik'
portion of the puck wus iliitiook.,
which came into the. river this yeur for
the liist time. Their cnniii wns d:i"
to the hatchery, which several years ne,'.
began hutching chinooks.
The Ijiirusiile briiiye at Cortland
taxed to eupueity mid still another
bridge will probably have to be ar
ranged for.
The Oregon Agricultural college re
ports the average yield of its fhrk of
Lens as -L'D for the year. The record.
;ju:i eg;s, made by au O, A. '. lieu last
car, still stands.
Hilver I-ake will go dry January I,
1111.1, instead of a year later. A. N.j
Met 'all, who runs the only miloon in the
place, haa notitied tiie council he will
not renew his license which expires with
the venr, and no line else lias applied.
Delinipietit taxes rt Dnuglim county
lor the year IHl:t aminint to .tlilM.'J.'i'.'.tH.
Of this auiouiit $SM),7ti:i,2H is due from
lands of the Oregon & California rail
rond and If.'l"ili2.7(l troni the Smthcr-n
tJregon conipnny. neillier of which will
pay until the litigutiou over that luud.i
is settled.
Jra. Isabella Stillwell, a pioneer of
Coos enmity, died nt Muriitiehl lust
wwk of paralysis. Hhe was bora in
ISJIl, crossed the plains with her par
ents in INt-t, mid married near Carlton,
Ynmhill county. Hlie leaves seven chil
dren, il4 grand children, 44 great grand
children and three great greut grand-
childien Ha ill all. v
Twenty sections of land currying de
posits of n I mil stone, potassium nitrate
mid siilitim iiitrute have been located in
Malheur county. The mineral section,
apparently, extends into Nevuda.
There is no excuse for those who
have reached the years of discretion, to
deny themselves a Dank account.
The adage "Save for a Rainy Day" is
no more forceful than to "Save for a
Sunny Day" and we advise you to save
for a Sunny. Day. To save and succeed
are synonymous and we should all be
thankful that we have the health to earn
and the time to save that we may better
enjoy life. Begin with $1.
of Salem, Oregon
Dead Days
v. .'ik
"To him that hath will be it3- :Vd States
Steel corporation has received $C;initionp
from the warring nations of Eui-c. , -gV
The Mexican situation may b 'su'V 7 v
mortal words: "Uit again, on again' flV .o7j
flV 1
.... 1 Tnciwiui, WikIi.,
he eiHifessed bi.
To 8voral Citiiionii.
Salem, Ore., Nov. lill, lul I,
journal: i ne letter ot wevoriu I mucus w i 1 Hit tn Dav
" l'l""' l ertv t iiv II. n r.,-l.s
be made up of lour ipiestious and .nine ,,.,;,,,, ,... .-
the niiirder of Hurry
aged R
oilier matter, mil 1 urn asked to uusuer
too four qiHV4tioiiM ctaiceriiing the pro
posed new bridge at Xnlrin. To tliein I
wiiuld say, the ipiestions kJmj show tliut
yon have considered the matter care
fully, Two public ncetings have been
held in reference to tbw matter and )"
liae failed to be present and iuihc'
them tietiiu, but preferred to con
sider these matters alone and now de
sire i lie same mutter set fiirtli iu the
uewspiipciK. Vou say you are citi.ens,
tnxpaveis-iHid vitnllj iiiteietiug in tic
bridge. ,lf t)ns is true, why do you con
ceul vour nuniesf As you have cetisid
ered tnese (uctions and new believe
voiirselves fully advi'i'd rom eruiiig this
niatter, 1 will ropiest vuu to anmr
Iheie four iiiestioii!i in your own wnv.
IW doing tlii ymi will exdiiin to, u
how you would raise the money to lf.
nip nritige mill now vou wonut
l ' Vi
1 V
Hi ii lull
On tlio stnnd OiivIk rpi, i V
eoiifessimi, hi, h w n tu f I '
tluit, while bunliiriing the .'.
tii v .l.tr.i 1m .. .....-;...l i... i
cer and In the ensuing struggle K
wrested the revolver from Moii'lJ,
erv s iiiiiki nun sunt liuu deud. V
relloHliig the jury's liiscliurge i
2tl limir.-i of deliberation, Forenini
Hutler is ipioted a Haying:,
"The verdict iniule me sick. 1
tor eoiinction; but there wns a strong
prejinMce iigninst the police by several
;uirs. v.tii.'b made conviction inipot
sible." 1
I'I'cre were six women o the jury.
The world went well when I wns
young; no gosHip had an evil tongue,
but people went from shuck to shack,
to praise n maa behind his buck. Ve
liiid the reiga tiu-
broken, then, of
pence on earth, good
will to men. The
world grows better,
I inn told; it mar be
so I 'in growing old,
an J e v e.r y t h i n g
Unit 's d e a d looks
flue; I want no mod
ern thiii'M in mine.
What tules worn
told, what songs
were sung, In those
brave davs when I
was vou n ill T hen
uiniits plied the pen
inspired, anil noble liiinls sat up ami
lyred; but not the books they're print
ing now, adapted to the lowest brow.
W hat sort of music do we knuwf A rag
time strain by Jungle Joe. To dig
up music that will last, vou have to
,iike around the past; to find a book
)i t isn t rot, yen liiok to Tliackernv
I S'ott. There'a untiling now of
g will Hi, thnt I can see, iu all the
'i, I'eiliups the ol I world's not to
IttlllllllK I'm Mlllll-C nt' tin, l,l,1
i, In tire ulicil tliev eritw obi unit
Vi,i'l henrts and feet are ciild.
let it go at thutt iimbttious
' nf t be but.
tribute hp tvt ! If you will do this biidin.
nd give yuur inline
w ill, tell yen all I
i and uddrevscs I
kuow nbout thif
W. M. HVI1 EV.
1 v 1 1
l . V . r
. I V -vi
' i
A . 1' V 1
VA" v''
most V"f' ' ' .' .
or clii!',A
UiH'. V , .
;uivt;BT mediom.
w Telia Why Ncws-
m for Minufac.
V lyprtlslng.
V-.i .'' of the Hoyul
" addressing
mi orKniiin
csciitntivcs ol
tteir reguliu
'l.'tel Mui-ti-V
'.Vr hud
ruilts tin
'V merit.
to lid
'g his
Low Round Trip Fares
For Thanksgiving' Day, November 2il, low round
trip rales will be Bold between all points in Oregon
en the Southern l'acifie, Main Line and Brunches,
Nov. !!3 and 2(1. Final return limit Nov, 30.
Round Trip Fares
Between Hnlem and Portland Ji2.00
Between Knlein and Junction City (i:M)
Between Siilem and Kiigene . SO
Corresponding low fares between all other points.
Superior Train Service
Full purtictilurs us to truin service, specific fures,
etc., from uenrest ngeut of the.
John M. Scott, Goneral rau'suor Ageut, Portland, Oregon
This coupon may be exchanged for.votcs in the con
test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital
Journal office. Not good after November 27, 1914.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largest stock of Sacks and
i ruit Jars.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
im tto Btrodt. SoJ.in, Or. ihoM M, Mt
the following to sny regarding news,
puper advertising:
"I am roiivinccd that the .lorlv
newseippr offers to n geneml adver
tiser of an article of liume consump
tion the lies! medium and tlin one of
grentest known value. It affords the
best menus u accomplish the most es
sential Ihii'g in iidvertising.-wliicli is
the estiildisliiiient of n periiianent aien
tal impression in the minds of a lurge
nuiiiber of linlividnaU,
"The newspaper is the U.t and
surest medium for milking this kind ij
facts to the minds of render who nrfl
! consumers, never permitting them to
"The miigniiiie, if he gets one, miy
be tckeii up In a leisure h.iur. If i Uim
one, but the nevisxir is a iipermity.
"Ve linve, then, in the neospapcr
the itimliuni vvhirh renelies the greut.wt
mnvtier, in. p huving the gretet lia
man interest appeal end one that liwl
ureatist Hil:i liability to varying rondi
Us. .It comes nearer t tin u any gh:'
-ilass of ji);Htntion to having known
advertising vnluci."
- -if-'