BIX THE 8ALFM CAPIT1AI. JOPBNAL. SA1EM, OREGON SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1914. . . HOW RUMOR STARTED. London, Oct; M. (lly mail to New Vork. jHumors that roBt numbers of Kosniuii were crossing Kuc,Inui on their way front Archn.iKCi to France I'arly in tho war, print" to have p,rown out of aa irror by a tele graph operator. lie oniitteil the word "cues" iu a message lrom Wretch deni es to a l.ondni buyer. The nicBnije, as received, said, "Kitty thnmnu.l Kiissinus ar riving tonight." STATE OWNED PLANT SAVES ON PRINTNIG A. Winter, minister. (Sunday school, IU State Capital, Salem, Or., Nov. 20, a. in.; preaching, H a. in., "Hive J!)I4. To the I'ublic: Owing to the Thanks Always"; K. J,. of ('. K. uieet eoiifusioii which exists in the mind of Ug. l)-.:w p. in., Prof. A. ii. Sclnnalle, the public in reference to the cost of , ai(, r, topic, "The .lovous l,iic"; ser SState printing, the following statement , 7;;(( .,. K,,ti j--t, "Topic." thin! , has heen prepared with a view of show ing just what has been expended during tlie past two biennial pcriodH: Statement. Cost of Printing I!)I1-1!I2. Printing, ruling, binding, paper, etc. (1'rinting fund) $KI2,2li2.."i7 I'rintiiig anil binding Su preme Court reports 12,(100.00 Printing paid for by depnrt- meiits (apirnximate) 25, III". Ill Total 140,000.00 IIIU-IHU Printing, ruling, binding, paper, etc. (I'rintiiiK fund) H4,2!I1I.2S 1'rintiiiK ""'I binding Su preme Court reports 7,42..00 1 " i i ii t i ii K to be paid for by department (approximate) !l 1 ,273.72 Tutu) l2:t.0oo.oo. Although the demands upon the State Printing Department are jncrensiug from year to year, it will be seen that the expenditures for printing during the llMII -IIM4 biennial period will be 17 000.00 less tli u ii for !H-1!H2. ilie oi eApeimminii ."i . .. present biennial period is due to the1 .resent system of Stain mint-1 ing.- I he records show a saving of over :i(l,(HMl.(M)(l to have bee,, made ,lur- ing the past year as n result of the cliaaue. In other words, hud tho old system remained in effect, the ex liciidituro for this biennial period would have been at least $:tn,IIOI.0(l in excess of tho uinonnt set forth in the above, t!Thc Mate Printing Hoard will have on hnml in the (leneial Fund at the first' ,.e .., , ,.,.,ii,;,r nvnp (mo oil' This money is being paid to the print- ing department by the different depart-.j" ,...i. ..f Kinte i'iikI tlie amount is in-! eluded in the above IIMII-IHI I cost table, Owing to nil oversight ia drafting tlm law an nuthnritv was given tho Hoard to use these funds and it was therefore driven to ask the Kuiergi'iicy Hoard f or j authority. While it appears, therefore, on thu face of the record that, there , will be a it-ficienc.v to meet on January 1, it must hn remembered that there will he iinipio minis on niino io hub , evening seruion, i :.iu p. in., suli(.. , deficiency, and that its existence is diu."(loiying in the f loss." sin 1 V to the lack of authority on tho part of tlie Hoard to wipe it ,ut Q(mimn MothodUt churcll ,v if'w1 ' ' Thirt .1. and Center streets, A. .1. nW" v of ! ZtlZ'rv of Htnte Wh'' I Bnmlny school nt III Tims I. Ki' v Ata e Tr, asu "er '". I""'"" "'" "j 1 ' I'.pworth League at (l: t.i and seriunii at NURSES IN THE WAR. j ' ''' '" What the Women are Doing- Tirst Congregational Church. Coiner of l.ilierfy and Center, Perrv The wniiien of the lied Cross are I're.lcrick, minister. Bible nursing, cheering and comfort ing tlio at HI a. in.; morning worship nt wounded or dying.' The women of in ,,Ylork, subject, "Thy Will He Hurope not only wrap bandages mid . )(llh, ,isH i,Kl. wi NiK in scrape lint, but they tend the tniiiis,, ,,,.,; ,vih ,. senium the contialto ing com, curry nuruens un,. ,io work or the men now minor nuns. Kvery male fighter, however liraway nnd heroic, was born of woman 1 Ihcj high cniirage and liur.iilinnd Hint nre; 11 nation's strength are inherited frouij the mother. j Young mothers who preserve the cliniins uf face mnl figure In spite of an increasing family anil the care of growing children are always to Im envied. Dr. Pierce s ravorite. Pre- scription gives the strength and health , upon which happy motherhood depends. 1 practically docs away with the pains ; of maternity. It enables the mother to nourish the Infant life depending on : . . .. ,, .. ,... i,.,,,.!,,,,-, ,,t her .and enjoy the ''' V M'l'i wntchiag the developinent of n perfectly healthy child. Thousands of women who nre now Messed with robust health cannot un derstand why thonsn ids of other women continue to worry and suffer from ail ments peculiar to women when they can - .-!.'.:.... It. l!nri' ooiain ior 11 lumen nun "',,,.:, .(, i,., ,u Vnvorlln Prescrli.tlon. which will surely 11 ami ipiickly banish all pain, distress ami misorv nail restore the womanly func tions to perfect health. OREGON INDUSTRIES Fourteen prune drying nail pncking t plants in the state during the year closing September JO. !IH t, gave em-1 ploymeiit to nil ugg'gnte of tIMH pen-1 ,.le an averuge of ,M iIiivh during the 1 Irnlt season anil pai.i 0111 111 anilines 1 sad wnges n total of lO'.aSO. These pliinls. which represented n conibincil ' physical valuntioa of 4-1 4:t..n, evapor -i ated and packed a totul of :i2,3Kl!,4W pounds of prunes during the year. which, at an average of five cents per, pound, was vnlue.l nt 1,0II.1!!I. Twelve street pnvlng plants, which fipernted an nvorngo of lil'J days nnd J laid 1,0:10.500 yards (if pavement, guvci employment, to a total of 411 people I and paid out ill WBffes ami siilariesl (1100,511, RIDGEFIELD FARMER MURDERED IN HOME Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 21, The an thorltica were unable today to assign a motive for the shooting nud killing (if Otto I.ndke, a highly respected farmer, turn mo paiimu wo noiug , Ii a wife n their home near llidgetiehl. last night by nn iiuiiicntil'lcd nnsi.ssin.. Tho nssnssia fired once with a shot -j gun, through 11 window In front nf which l.udke and his wife wore seat-l e.l. l.udke was instantly killed nnd a few scutteriiiR pellets struck Sirs,, l.udke ill the tare. 1 1. 11, Ike hub the father of eight child-j re 11. , : .V.-"-Li iurm isiiuyt' nm im n riiA via J X--y II11LT I1U ULLUUIIIUU W. C. T. U. If.'V. .1. I). Cook will preach at the Mump Memorial hall Sunday at 4 p. in. Von ure invited. Mrs. Olive KukIiiihI Ktirijlit. grad uate lawyer, wiy speak at the W. ('. T. I'. hull Tuei-day afternoon at 2:11), ex plaining the propuied change in the eitv government.. I'rea 8 superintendent W. I . T. l United Evangelical Church. North Cottage street, near ( enter, A. of a scries of " Life i'riuciplcs Thiit. Are VVittn Wlnle, dood singing; special music; public cordially invited. Auburn Sunday school, 2:110 p. in., Mr. O. I'Mugg, superintendent; preucliine, by pastoi, :j::!H p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services are held ut 410 Che keta ; street lit II a. in. llinl H p. in., sub ject j lof liible lesson, "Soul and iindy"; Sun 1 day school at l:l-" a. m. Weilnesrlny i evening, testimmiial meeting, at H 'o'clock. The rending riiom of this church is tinted in the Hubbard bund ling, suite itOII, and is open every day, exci'j.l Sundays and holidays, from ' 1 1 ; 1.5 a. in. All arc welcome to mil services and iin ited to visit our rending room. I Jaaon Lee Memorial Giuirch. At the corner of Jefferson and North ' Winter, J. .Montcalm llrown, pastor, Sunday school at 10 a. m., superinten- ! dent. ('. M. Huberts; prenching service j , . ,., A ,.. ,ittn,.oC the Anti- s,,looll league. Ill this Kl'iviee thcrlu ulnml.ip.1 h ll cnlllrl I , . .,.. .. ... .... , I ,(,r ,.,,;,. r nti u ,.ut,lilil, r u ;,,,.,, . , . , . .. . M. An.le.snn. Kiiwnrth Id'Hgue .levo- . tional meeting niul soeinl service pro gram at (i:l."i; preaching service at Special inusic by the clioir. Miniigers specially welcomed. JIM TrnhytotiBn Church, ?. "H the pastor, will speak in tlicMnoi ning at II o clock, on 'Pull's Letter to the Itonuins, " anil tl evening on (letting U'isitnu." These are each the third in a scries of sermons. Mrs. (Jnllowny will, sing at services. First Christian Church, Corner High an. I Center. Hiblc school :).") a. in., Dr. II. K. Mpley, director; worship ami sermon, II a. in., subject, "Christ Before Pilnte"; C, IC, llilid p. in., Mrs. Curtis, of Dallas, will spouk ! i" ..'rhv will He Done." Kv 'I'll ing wr,,j., Kf 7 .-( ,, th(, N(,',.,, '.'i ' sulijci-1, N hat .1 B. S. A. The liitcriiationn. liible students of Salem will liuld their regular weekly study ill l.'l'i Court street, upstairs, Sun day, at III a. m. All Bible students welcome. No cu'iectinn. Lone O.Vr. Mission. Sunday school at :;io and preiu hing ut J:. Id p. in. There will be 11 meeting every night next week commencing Monday, at 7::ln. A baud of preachers ""i coii.iucr ine serv ces. opposite Kair (Hounds grocery store. All wet- First Methodist Episcopal Church. State nn. I Church streets, Richard N. Avisn'1, minister. Sabbath schol, 11:45 .Messrs. iM iiran.ia mid Uill.ev, su- morning sermon, II 0 clock, subject, "Tlm Heavenly Vis ion"; class meetings, I'.'tlKI p. m.i ut J p. m. Kev. A. .1. Wyule will sneak at -'the (11.1 People's Home; Kpworth I League, (l::ill p. 111.; evening senium, ,T:M(I p, in., "A Thanksgiving Message," I - Luthoron Church. .;, state and Kighteeath streets, (I.I Koeljer, pnstor. Sun, Inv school nt dillll; 1 pren-hing rervlce nt Illi.'lO; evening ser-, vice in Knglisl, ut 7:11(1 p. ,. ' Unitarian Church ('rner of I'hcineketn and Coltuge streets, lii.huid P. Tischer, minister, Hundnv school at 10 a. in. Advanced study cluss nt Id 11. in, Service at 11 o'clock. Kev. Tischer will preach n ., Tli.lllkiL.iviier Mermon. " The Salem Mission ('enter nnd 0unimercii, streets. Iiev. W. N. Melnturff, 1). P., pastor. A great ; revival is no going on nn,l ninny lire being saved. The power of (lod is present to Heal the body nnd ninny niiijeen celiturlei we am convinced that i.eing 11, an, ''i ny prayer. 1 ne itev. Mini Belles is prencliitig eveiy night. He is doing some wonderful prenching. To morrow tliere will lie preaching lit II and T:M. If you want to be in such a meeting ns vour mother wus saved in, mw, it, , t,m,rrmv Commons Mission. 'Jtl State street. At 3 o'clock tomor row ut'ternoon, Kev. II. K, Peiiibertou will .peak at the Snlein I'liainions. At 7 : -tit o'clock Iiev. A. .1. l.ucns wll be the ipcnlter. (Imd Song services nud special singing, All welcome. Strictly inter Ichomiuutiotiul. GDfJIllinUDdl ' QLl UiiLni IIIJIIL ltliAUilL i Messiah's Mediatorial Dominion of Earth Thousand Years, HEAVEN AND EARTH TO FLEE Scriptures Filled With Symbolisms. Due Time to Appreciate Many of Theee Symbols Earth's History Thus Revealed Deeply Ingrained Selfish ness of Humanity a BlightMankind Cannot Remove This Condition. Small and Great to Be Judged The Books to Be Opened Book of Lifo. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. S.-Pns-tor Itussell preach ed today to n deep ly Interested nil dlence. His text was, "1 saw a (treat White Throne, nnd Hlni that eat upoiv It, from whose, fine the earth nud the heaven lied uway; ii nd tliere was no place found for CASIOK tfllSSrlLI in''1" (iiev acit.i lie said In part: Klu mad oral cowards of our race Vrtim curly Infancy fear and apprehen slon. especially In respect to things fu tore, have been Impressed upon us realize our Imperfection, find know t,t our Ood Is perfect, that perfection "PProvo. anil linn some una or punmn- incut for sin must be expected. The Adversary. Hiking advantage of our forefathers, misrepresented" the Al mighty, and has used our fears to allinato us from Him and to distort His Message to us In the Blblo. St Paul assures us that this Is Satan's general procedure; that he puts light for darkness and darkness for light Thus It comes Hint our text, which Is really one of the most beautiful nnd comforting lu tho Bible when under stood, has to many become a Insh In the hands of their fears. It Is needless to say that our text Is one of the symbolisms of a Book II I led with symbols. (Julded by thu Holy Spirit, God's people will In due time understand these symbols. For ninny of them tho duo time Is already here. The Throne Is Messiah's, nnd repro- (puts Ills Mediatorial Dominion of enrtb for n thousand years. Its white ness symbolizes the purity, the justice, of His Kingdom of Righteousness un der (ho whole heavens. The heavens nnd the earth which will lice away I from the presence of (ho great Immnn uel will nut be the heavens of God's Throno. uor the earth which Ue has Riven to tho children of men. The heavens nnd the enrili which will Heel away, nnd for which no plnce will be found, nre. tlm symbolic ones. In Bible symbology tho enrtb repro sents established civilization; the sen represents the restless, dlssatislled-j masses of Immunity; the mouutalns i represent human governments, king-1 douis, which eonstltuto the backbone of J present social Institutions; and the j heavens, spiritual Inlluencos Kcelesl-; nstlclsm. Churchlnnlty. Thus Inter-1 preted. our text declares that when Messiah shall nssuuie control of tho world, when Ue shall alt upon Ilia Throne, when Ho shall exercise ruler ship amongst men, tho result will be that tho social system of today, as well as the present day occlcslnstlctsm, will "flee nway," will pass out of existence - no place will bo found for them. Satan Now the Princs. 801110 rnnn tuny be Inclined to ask, Una not Christ been the great Ilulcr of the world fur these past nineteen cen turies? And whatever may bo suld of the four thousand yenra before the coming of Christ may It not bo claimed that lie has been reigning ever since ",""l,l""uu 10 "' ""a 01 i Ml 1.1.-1 I We answer that lf thla be true, If the Redeemer of men has been relgulug Ri the King of earth for these nineteen centuries, there should be something lu the Blblo io to But we find nothing. On tho contrary, wo hearken to tha Mnstcr'e own words telling us that Satan la tho Trlnco of this Age. (John 14:30.) Again Ho anyg, "My Kingdom la not of tills world"': "I Will como ,., rp(.olva voll como again nnd recolva you unto My self." (John 18:3(1; 14:3.) Again Ho tells tia that Ho "went Into a fur conn try" to receive the titlo to Ilia King dom, thence to return to tnko posses sion of It (Matthew .1:33; 23:14); and that at His Second Coming Ho will be the great King of Glory. In Matthew 24:31, Ho declares the samo thing "When the Bun of Man shall como In Ills glory, nud nil (he holy angels with Him, then shall Ue sit upon the Throne of Ills glory." On the other hand, as we scan the : pngea of history during tho pnat olght- Messiah has not been the King of the world. To think of llm as tticli, with (ho omnipotent power which wo I credit to Him. would be to chnrgo Ulm ' with responsibility for bloody and cruel 1 persecutions, for warn, famines and . pestllcncoa, 811 rely no rlgbt-mlndcd j penion after matnrt eonshloraUon ca0 ,,..,.., "-'V, , .', ' " "'" i glorlona MiertnM Helgn of Klghteotii- th',,W",711,0f Wh0' earth, the uplifting of tho whole wee, tho enlightenment of every "Wture,, and tho bringing of all possible Into ao-1 F J ( ; cord with God, Is la the past We vast agree that It Is In the fnture; ami that, when established, Its effeet upon the Institution of Hie present political, social. Bmini-ln I. rollckuis vi lli be suc h that theywlll flee uway. No place will evermore Ikj found for them From tills KtanilHilnt alone Is there hope for Immunity Today we are llv lug at the very cllmnx of eivlllrjitlon Vet today we behold more clearly than ever before, that the deeply-Ingrained selfishness of Immunity U n bliKhl upon all the lilesslns of imr day. Tha Curse of 8elfishness. ' I do not need to do more tliuu to re mind you that selllshuess Is to be found In every one of us; and that n sonililiuicH of rlchU'ousiioss Is Insisted upon by us all aud adhered to.'vlolntors of which are styled criminals.. Never j p,.0p,.r vl(.,v of the situation, and real Iheless It seems Impossible to legislate , Zt. the fallacy of their counsels, the Im eipiity. Jiisth e, The kc'ii Intellects of ! possibility of averting the great men llnd opiiortunltles for circumvent ing the laws and fur committing theft, murder and sin In the fine of the law n il hum likelihood of being punished. me lllustnite this thought: We h:ive heard of the famines in India and of the expenditure of millions of pounds sterling by the Hrltlsh govern tneut for Irrigation purposes to com pensnte for Irregularities In the rain fall Uiuloubtedly the famines nre to some extent due to scarcity of water. Nevertheless one of the ablest of engi neers Informs the world that In fifty venrstliere tins not been such n senre Ity ns should h ive mused the famines The 'famines of India, which have cost the lives of millions, are to be ac credited to greed - selfishness which has nourished tinder the shadow of the law. Wealthy milling concerns pur chase rice from the natives and grind It Into Hour. By agreement amongst themselves they do not compete, but press the murker price or rice lower and lower until the poor natives, im able to make a profit, decline to plant, care for mid harvest the crop. As a result there Is futnliiK. The poor nit lives suffer: but the n ngers of the mllllllL- nronerrtes imv .,CL- ,11.1, 1.., His of from tii'ty to one hundred and fifty tier cent on Invested capital. As an llliisiiallon of the exorbitant profits I will relate a case; Two young nu n whose accumulated savings amounted to thirty thousand rupees iibout two lliousiind pounds, or ten thousand (Inlliit's-lnvcsled the money In rlre-nillllng The II rH year their prollts were eighty thousand rupees nbout live thousand pounds, or twenty llvu thousand dollars. They were not In the combine to depress the price of rice, but they prolltcd by what the combine accomplished. Such Inequities uf our present social order arc beyond the reach and correction uf the com parntlvuly few men of ability not (II rectly or Indirectly Interested In them I The White Throns Judgment. Neither Jehovah nor Ills great ttep resenliillve. Messiah, can lu any sense - or decree bo 11 baity to injustice, or ill equity. The fact that Injustice lias ; been permit ted. nud that Inequity has been the rule for centuries, Is to be nc ' counted for by the other fact that dur lug nil this period Hie world has been under the reign of Sin nnd Death, nud not tinder the relgu of Itlghteousness and Life It has been under the reign of Satan, "the Prince uf this world" and of fhe darkness of scUshness nnd evil nil uf which his name represents, -and not under the dominion of Most slab, the Bepreaentntlve of JchnvnhV nud HJk righteousness, not under the KJng of U lory, the antllyplcnl David nud Solomon, the timltyplcnl Aaron Hlni Melchledek - The New IMspetisntlon which Mes stall's KliiL'doui will usher In Is pic fined In our, text. It will be the do uiinlon that will be world-wide pure, holy, righteous. Just, truthful, God like -a great White Throne. No wonder we tend that the symbolical heavens and earth, representing tho old order or things-social and eccleshisllcnl wlll nil vanish away! But let no one think for a moment that eccleslasilenl princes, financial princes nud political princes will volun tarlly iickuowlcdge that tho hour has come for n full surrender to Messiah nnd to all the principles of Ills aliso Into righteousness. On tlie cuntmry these privileged members of our rnce will more and more bo drawn together for mutual protection for the preser vutlou ef tlie special privileges which i hnve cotno Into lltelr possession, Kvim 1 ,ln,Millu1. nr ii,A Q,.,..,.i 1 Pmh.. , nr,..,.M of fuin,,.nt Wo nre lu the very time when the Lord through the Prophet David calls the great ones of tlie earth to recog nl 7.0 tho true situation of our wonder fill dny that It nicuhs that the Day of Messiah lint arrived, nnd that He should be acknowledged and His prln ciplcB of righteousness obeyed. The cull Is, "Salute tha Son, O yo kings ol the ear tli, while ye are In tho way with Ulm, before Ilia anger be klu died nnd ye, perish by the way." (Psalm 2:10-12.) Hut no! The prophecy declares that we aro In tho day when tho people, the masses, will hnve foul Ish Imui-luntloiis-wlien they will think that by their own strength the; can Inaugurate a relgu of righteousness along llm lines uf Socialism or by nn archy, Tho peoplo must team that their help Is In the ton), and not In their own frail arm. They must ecu the force jf the statement, "Blessed nre all they that put tbalr trust lu Messiah." Tho Lord Is about to cstnh llsh tho great White Throne of abso lute Justice In the world. On tho other hand, the money kings, the earthly rulers aud the ecclesiastical princes lire taking counsel together to day for the preservation of the pres ent Inrqiiltlc of the world, by which , ,hpy nr protllgi Tho tMfA that In this they are banding them- , , niK, nc.M). ro'i-tcd King. Messiah.. For over a -.,, , h.. k, .,nW. ' d , m ' ' ' jo restrain It The potentate of earth j pen-eire the rising thta "of hnmnn In- 1 Icllltjence nnd of demands for eijual i rights. They perceive that unless some thing lie done to counteract this pen- eral movement, the-Kial privileges of the prlylloccil olmts will dlsapiieur . j Kven now they are raking etiniiset . losclher how the iestralnfa which llie '. I people are putting upon them ma; be broken and a ruln of nutocrncy po- lltlnil, firm nci:il mid rellglnuH be re 1 Inaiigiirnted n relsn such as prevailed eenturles-iiKo, but now upon a ilj;lier i plane, i-ontrolled by lirichter wits, , I holding under restraint more Intelli gent musses. f "Be Instructed, Ye Judges!" Would tliut the cultured and Influon tlal princes of earth could take the changes which are upon us by reason !of the time having come for Messiah to i take unto Himself His great power and i reign! Hearken to the 1iyl's words j through the Prophet: "He wise, now. I j therefore. O ye kings! Be Instructed. , ye Judges of the earth: Serve the 1 Lord with fear nud rejoice with trem bllng. Do homage to the Son." Psalm I 2:10-12. I Could the wise of earth realize the j situation nnd fully submit themselves to the. Divine requirement of absolute Justice and truth, what n blessing it would be to the world! If these princes would turn their attention from the 1 I grasping of power nud wealth to the (enlightenment and uplifting of thepeo j pie. they would become ministers, serv ants, of the New Dispensation, which would be ushered In with rejoicing. But the rrd Informs us that this will not he the case; and Hint us n result Mcs- ; j slab's Kingdom will be Inaugurated by "n Time of Trouble such us'wns not since tliere was a nntlon." Dan. 12:1. The Psalmist tells us the same God will have In derision the puny efforts of the worldly-wise and grout to estnh , I nsn nulocrany again. He will apeak- to them In Ills wrath the lesson which I hey refuse to hear by loving exhortn- , thin. The new King and Ills' Kingdom will be established In the earth; and the declaration Is that amidst such Di vine displeasure He shall "break them in pieces llko n potter's vessel." Psalm 2:4 0; Itevelatlon '.':;7. , Small and Qrtat to Bo Judgtd. (Jod Is no. respecter of persons. Hence, before Ills Judgment Throne piinlshmeuts will be meted out to tlici, little, ns well as to the great, when j found to be violators of the principles i of Justice. Would that I could impress j this thought upon many of the lower 1 classes who ure crying out against the In high places while praotls- ' lug slmllnr Injustices themselves. Let ; It be remembered that the great White Throne speaks blessings, Divine fnvor , and uplifting to nil who love righteous, ness nnd hnte Iniquity the b in u 11 and ; the great. .. , If in the piist a certain retributive Jiirl lee hag seemed to proceed along na tional Hues, blessing the nations which lake the more righteous course, nud ' frowning upon those which tiike the more evil course, this will no longer be the case In the nut distant future The : testing Imposed by Messiah's King- j dom will bo along Individual lines. He who eats the sour grape of sin will find his teeth on edge, nnd his alone Jus- j lice will then be laid lo the Hue mid righteousness to tlie plummet. All the 'refuges of lies" by which mankind In i high pluces have sought to deceive tlictnselvos and others will ho awept nwny. Tho hidden things of darkness will be brought to light, nnd tho glorl- j nus things of light will everywhere be I Ultimately "every knee shall bow nnd every tongue coufoss," to the enthroned Messiah. "The Books Will Bs Opsned." The Master an Id, "My Word ahull Judge jou In tho Lnst Dny." Happy has It been for comparatively few who have heard the Master's Word In this present life, who have Judged them selves thereby and have submitted themselves lo Ills righteous precepts! These blessed ones vcll share with Messiah the glories of Ills Spirit mil Ktnplie. Invisible to men. But during the Thnusnud-Yeitr Judgment Dny of the world 12 Tcter 3:7. 81 the enuie words "wonderful words of life" to thnau who will obey, but words of death to those who will refuse to obey will he the standards of Justice for all. Tho books to be opened to nil will Include not only the words of the Mas; ter and of the Apostles In the New Testament, but also the Divine Mes sage through the Pmphels of Israel. According to those standards whoever would buvo lifo everlasting must Con form his living and his thinking. At tho end of Messiah's llelgn the ap proval will bo delivered over to tht Pal her as perfect human beings, but the disapproved will be destroyed In tho Becond Dcnlh.-2 Peter 2:12; Jude 12; Acta 8:23. Another book of lift will be opened another beside that which Is now opened, which Is styled "I lie Lamb's Book of Life." and In which ore writ ten the tiiiiuca of the faithful follow era of Jesus In the present time The hew book of lifo will be for those who will be on trial during Messluh'a llelgn. lly tho clone of the Millennium It will Include tho names of all of Adam's raco found worthy of everlasting life. Tho Judgment of the Church In tlie present time la uot according to works the perfection of which would be Im possible under present coiiiIIIIshs. Hence the Church'e Judgment Is no cording to faith nnd the obedience of fa lib. But the world's judgment will be according to works; for knowledge will then be so great that faith will no longer be at s premium. The great Me diator will accept Imperfect works ac cording to the nblllty of tho people; but as they rise out of degradation mom will be expected until they reach perfection. Then perfect works will be Ico, Hired. Els IH1 ALIOHUL 3 PKIt C.V.NT ANcgctaUcRtparaiionrorAs similaiiiigihcIuodantlRctiiila iing Uic Siotnachs ukIUcntcIs of 1' nM . Promotes DigestiMk nM ness and Ifest.Conlalns nciuw Opitnu.Marphine nor Mineral WOT NARC OTIC. Rnf&tit Srcd JlxJimm Jfytftnm- DuurUnolrSiit If'mnStfi' CtiirifM Stiver pmtuytm tlimr. AnerfccrRemedv forConslliia- tion.SourStonuth.Dlarrtea mt Facsimile Signniure of j tun Centaur Compass; NEW YORK. ! Exact Copy of Wrapper. S1.1; "iL!:.'.!l!!HJigsaJX" Everybody Admires a 'ilnsraoflolKlI' FysXo. IWu hcnnMaMMN, f.. ViiBuMu.mCoTOU.i. rRMi.r.uopKiNSV 37 DM If .torn, - UmUu.' Li f, M.'gWfMSmm ... - ' Oouraud's Oriental Cream cures Skin Plsenses nnd rellevss Sunburn. Removes Tan, Vimplrs, lilaekheails, Sloth Patches, Rush. Freckles and Vulirar Redness. Yellow nnd Muddy Skin. Alvlug a' delicately clear nnd rellned complexion which every woman desires. m No. 11 For sale by JJrUKKists and Fancy Goods Dealers.. W Ferd. T. Hopkini, Prop, 37 SISTER: Read qy Free Offer! urproiieo spims, meiancnoiy, desire to cry fear of something evil about to happen, creeping feeling slono tht spine, palpitation, ; hot flishee, weariness, sallow complexion with dark circles under the eyes, pain Irs . the left breast, or a general feeling that life Is not woith living, 1 1 INVITE YOU TO SEND TODAY FOR MY FREE TEN DAYS' TREATMENT : and learn how these aliments can be easily and surely conquered nt homo without the 1I1, niters and expenso of nn operation. When you are cured, and able to en ley llie omiln, you can pass the good word along to some other sufferer. My home trout, ment Is for young or old, To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain how to overcome , trei n sickness (chlorosis), Irregulnrltles, headaches, aud lassitude In youmt womon , nd rcsloro them to plumpness and health. Tell me If you are worried ubout yodr daughter. Remember, it costs you nothing to give my home treatment a ten iuvs' , lilal, and does not Interfere with dully work. If health la worth asklna for. then 1 accept my itenerous offer nnd write for the free treatment. Including- my lllns ri.tu 1C' W,mf,n ' 0w" A.dT T' l 1 wl" "" al1 " Plain wrappers p i s " paid To save time, you can cut out (his offer, mark your fnellniis, und ro urn lo me. Send today, ns you may not ace this offer again. Address, 2 WS.M. SUMMERS Box H, SOUTH BEND, IND. DiamondSqueegee Automobile .A PERFECT NON-SKID TIRE AT THE RIGHT PRICE. In Stock by LOT L. PEARCE & SON For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria In Use For Over Thirty Years THC aiNTMfH COMPANY, i.fW VOSK CITY. iihiiTtl ill iWf lnSSlrSMi.4Mi2 tl Beautiful Complexion' .Always Bears the fir Signature DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream ! OR MAGICAL BEAUTIF1ER Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite ' for Fashionable Women. A dally necessity for the Indies' toilet whether.' ut homo or while triiveliiiK. It protects the sldn from Injurious effort of tho elements, hives a wonderfully ef fective beauty to tho complexion, it Is a perfect non-Kreusy Toilet Cream and pos itively will not cnuso or encourage tho growth of hulr which all luilbn should jtimrd nKulUHL when selecting a toilet pre paration. When (lunclnir.'buwlliiK or oth er exertions heut the skin, it prevents a greusy appeurnnoe. Gouraud's Oriental Cream hns been hfirhly recommended by physic-inns, act resses, nluKern nnd women of fashion for over half a century and cannot be sttr pussed when preparing for dully or even- llur lllllre. Great Jones Street, New Vork. I am a woman. I know a woman's trials. I know hor need of sympathy ond help. If you, my elslur, are unhappy of 111 heulth, If you feel unlit fur household duties, social pleasures, or dully employment, writo and tell 1110 Just how you sudor, and ask for my free ten days' trial of u home treatment sulle.l to your needs. Men cannot understand women's sufferings. What wo women know from ex perience, we know better than any nun. I want to toll you how to cure yourself at home ut a cost of about 12 cents a week. If you suffer from women's peculiar ailment causing- pnln In the head, back, or bowels, feel ing of weight snd dragging. down sensation, fulling or displacement of pelvic organs, cautlnrs kidney and bladder weakness or constlpatlort and piles, painful or Irregular periods, catarrhal conditions and discharges, extreme nervousness. Tires A. -A, 4