Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 19, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
fil J01MM
nrriTint! nnnurnn I
rtllllUK mm :
California Hopmen Send An
Agent To Big Convention
i of Brcwerymen
FT:" ' i 1
That there is a (rowing sentiment
among the hop growers of the Pacific
const states to regulute the supply of
' hops to meet the demands of the mar
ket, by reducing the acreage hy at least
20 per cent, and that there is a strong
movement on foot in induce American
brewers to use America n hops in the
manufacture of beer in preference to
foreign hops, is the statement of George
Hewlett, vice president of the Meudo
ciuo County Hop Growers' association,
who in a delegate from that organiza
tion, in attendance t the tri-Htute con
vention here for the purpose of form
ing the Pacific (.'oast Hop Growers'
In the fm-e of a shortago of crops,
or inability to harvest crops in some
of -he European countries on account
of the wnr, and the fun o. the surplus
of supply in the United Hates, statistics
show that the American brewers are
purchasing foreign hops to the exclusion
of the American product. The growors
feel that there is no legitimate occasion
tor the present de.uoruli7.at.on of the! ,,,( tubt3' funeral' cortege moved
market on the coast and are raising aift.mI1 thc charU Cross railroad station
vigorous protest to the brewing inter-1 lu st. VmWt taXMnl, Great number.
wml'Ztri', t, - iot t!xih" ' te throng.
, Will Appeal to Brewers. ,.rivate fum,m, wrvil,e8 ,,ri,vous.
Jl .r. ! TT10"'- t0 '"'"'My '"i A" ', a-
TZ. .. " ' Ay,T,'?? I,r.- h1' '" which i I''" "oborts family
t U7 . L ."'V -7 ,f i aU,otm home. From Ascot tne body was brought
Z,Z iv .'' "'IV"1 ""? by Jim trail, to London and from
sentat ve back to New Orleans to at- thB 8tHtloll lt WM drawll to , cathti.
tend the annual convention ol the i-.a- drll (lrlll)tfl, iu the Ullion ou tho
tion.1 Hrewers' assoc.ation, wh.ch con- ' a,i gull ,MTiage which b'or0 tBe
doavor to I 'M "fr ',b,y' l corpse I the lute iicld marshal's .on,
den or to induce the brewing interests ia vU.tim ot- ..
of the country to patronize homo in
dustries in preference to the foreign
The representative which tho Califor
nia growers sent back to the brewers'
convention is neither a hop grower nor
it m 'rcl.nnt, but Is a practical and in
fluential business man, who is thor
oughly conversant with conditions as
they exist and capable of presenting the
ruse of the hop growers in tiie most con
vincing light. Mr. Hewlett says that
he finds this sentiment is strongly re
flected by the hup growers of Oregon
und Wuslnngton and he believes that i
the movement is gaining such strength
throughout tiie country that the con
sumers of hops will eventually be com
pelled to bow In deference to the de
mands of the American producers,
May Reduce Production.
"The sentiment nn.ong hop growers
is stronglv in favor of reducing thel1"'"' UI'l'rll'K "oni the king, the kmgjfor an unscrupulous grower to uclrauu
acreage In hops throuuhout the Pacific I uf ll-'lKi'. W ar Minister Lord Kitch- the corporation, the bank or his follow
const for tho coining season," said Mr.
Hewlett, in siuMiki.w nf it,.. ifni;,,
' Conservative growers point out that
the nroiiibitinn movement M,ml,t
tho United States is making rapid r,'vimi''t t1'" stiriups,
strides with a coincipie.it curtailment The profession passed St. James park,
of the consumption of beer. In tho face ; when.e nil artillery salute was fired,
of this movement with the prevailing ! through Northumberland avenue, along
low prices, which are In most cases be- . Victoria embankment and up Ludgnte
low the cost of production, tho Incklhill to the cathedral.
of e iiiriigeme.it received by brewers I The funeral was attended by King
and the present dillicultv in getting
unliable labor for the growing and liar
vesting of their crops, growers are rec
ommending tiiat at leust SO per cent
of the IIM'i hop crop be not picked,
Hrewers seem to prefer loruign hops
which, In the opinion of growers, should
not be used in the brewing of beer to'Cil until 2, when the doors were re
the exclusion of American hops. Ilrew-1 opened nud the body lay In state. Later
era usini foreian lion. ... ml,,. .nn
r... - :..i.i v... .
m it.ii iiiwu uu- imt-rii fi 11 iiirilKT H 11 II
hop grower to fight their prohibition
unities ror tuem, tint mot of the ( all
I'ornia hop growers have already com
menced to resent the uncompromising
nttilude (if brewers anil they frankly
Hint" that It is a matter of Indifference
to them whether or not California on
any other state Is voted 'dry.'
Should Kltmltiate Sixculattoo.
"It is submitted that the brewers
are not looking at the situation which
confronts the.n in n broud guaged and
lihc'iil minded manner. Hop growing Is
n special industry and the hazardous
and speculative elements Involved iu
the murket nf hops should, If puwalble,
be elliuinnted. In any event no brewer
should expect to hoy hops from the
grower except at a fairly remunerative
"With very little of the Belgian hop
' crop picked and none of It svsilable for
expovts with the French hop crop prac
tically destroyed! with the Geimun hop
crop heing rapidly slisorbed In Germany
at the low rices prevailing there; with ling a royal welcome for the visiting
consuming but not producing countries, I brethren.
mich a Canada, Japan, Cape of Good '
Hope, Australia and oth"r countries, re-, land in the face of practically no carry
quiring at least Ao.iiOO bales of hops, j over stock in America and a small crop,
nnd considering the large exports of! growers have much reason to complain
contracted hops already sent to Kag- about the prevailing prices."
Philadelphia, Nov. 19. Dele
gates to the American Federa
tion of Labor convention here
today boosted the salary of
President Samuel Gompers from
$5000 annually to $7500. Gomp
ers protested, but a resolution' to
this effect was unanimously
The convention also went on
record today as favoring gov
ernment seizure and operation
of Colorado coal mines until the
operators aceopt President Wil
son's truce offer.
' Tho delegates were consider
ing dozens of resolutions for so
cial welfare projects. Indorse
ments of a resolution urging
that the -Nowlands act for ar
bitration of labor disputes be
made compulsory was denied.
London and All England Pays
Tribute to the Grand Old
London, . Nov. 'IP. Thousands stood
uncovered in tho streets in a cold driz-
Jin m.lnv' fin latn ICI..I.I M.....I...I
The pullbearers Included five field
inarshuls, five generals and two admir
The field marshals wero Lords Kitch
ener, Methuen and Grenten, Sir Evolvn
Wood und Sir William Nicholson; -the
generals were Sir James Hills-John, Sir
Koberl . Hiddulpn, Sir Alfred Uazless,
Sir Arthur Kgerton and Sir Archibald
Hunter, and the suitors were Admirals i
Hereford und Seymour
The procession consisted of a field
marshal ' full escort, of approximately
sono men, representing all branches of
the service, including Canadian and In
dian troops, all in khaki; marching
with revet sod arms to tho sound ol
dirges played by several military bands
On the casket were the dead soldier's
plumed hut, his Bword. medals and deco-
rations and several wreaths, nninnu
... . . .
i ''!" .l1"' V1'1"'"'1" J"flr anJ I'rcncli. ;
I "''hind the gun curiiuge on which thel
t "",klH "I"1''! wa"
led Lord Huberts '
'livoritc Horse, with its owners boots
t'eorge and nil the cabinet members in
person ami by representatives of I'resl
dent I'uincuie of France, the czur, the
mikado ami the king of Itclgium,
Services begun at noon. At their con-
lusion uitillery trumpeters sounded the
Int post, Then the cathediul was clos
I it Is to be Interred in r rrvnt nen'r those'
i.wiii .inniMi b umi iuv iui.e Ul
Wellington's remains repose.
l)allas, Ore., Nov. 111. Saturday
night Is to be a red letter duv in the
hirtory of Mnrinion lodge. No. VII .
Knights of Pvtliius, of this city, At
that time, the hordes from all over the
state will gather here to take a trip
across the burning sands,
The Portland Temple, Dramatic Or
der Knights of Khorassan, the great
side degree pf the Knights of Pvlhins
order, is coming to Dnllas, to put on
the work of this order, From Salem.
Albiny, Corvallis, Kugene, Carlton
and North Vn.nhill many tyros may
come, A monster parade Is heing ar
ranged, and the ceremonies will be fol
lowed by a hanouet. Dallas is prepar
.Sessions of Tri-State Conven
tion Are Spirited and
That the hop growers of Washington,
California and Oregon will unite in the
organization of the Pacific Coast Hop
Growers' association as a result of the
convention of delegates from the asso
ciations representing each stato is a
fore 'one conclusion, and either ono of
two plans of organization will bo adopt
ed: A separate association for each
state to be controlled and managed by
the growers of each state, with a prob
able capital stock of frlOO.OOO, or one
organization to represent all three
states, with a capital stock of about
2.000.000. The delegates from Wash
inirton. President Ker, of the North
Yakima association, and two others, ar
rived this' morning and are in attend
ance at the meeting today.
The Financial Bud.
One very important, phase of the
plans of orgunir.nl ion which was dis
cussed both at yesterday's informal
meeting of the Oregon and California
growers und at an adjourned meeting
which was held at the Hotel Marion
last night, was the financial end ot
the movement. It is proposed to have
tho growers' corporation borrow thc
monev from the local banks nnd to
loan it to the farmers, that is, those
who nre in need of it to cultivate and
harvest their crops, nud to take the
growers' note in security, and the cor
noration will reserve tiie right to hy
pothecate such notes. In this respect,
it is understood, as the growers of hops
hnve credit ratings with banks as well
as any other class of business men,
these- notes will be classified nnd real
ized upon to the best advantage.
Banker Indorses It.
At lust niuht's informal meeting i
representative of one of Salem's banks
was in attcdauce, and at tho request
of the delegates, went over the financial
phases of the proposed organization in
detail, nud pronounced too plun pertect
lv bankable and legitimate in every re
spect. Furthermore, he stated that be
fl,t tertuiu that the bank which he rep
I resented would be only too glad to co
o neiaie wii.ii ine cor loriiuuii in ine n"
ancing of the weaker growers. The
bank, as well as the corporation and its
memoership as a wnulo, will be fully
protected iu that, it is understood, the
grower contracts to sell his hups to the
corporation, which has the right to
hypothecate the hops, and this contract
applies us a lien upon tho laud and
', not the hous. hence it will be impossible
' . . 1 ' ......
. Lw Not lit Way.
'The delegates present have also re
ceived svnopsis ot the Clayton bill, bet
ter known us the "trade commission
act," which was enucted by congress
on October hi of this year, which oper
ates as an amendment or modification
of the Sherman anti-trust act in that
It exempts the farmer anil the hihorc
from the operation of the anti trust law
so long as he keeps within legitimate
grounds and dues not try to establish
monopoly or trust in restraint of trade,
tuder tins net tho president will uii
point a district comissioner who wil
inspect the method of operation of ev
cry corporation which comes within the
jurisiiiction of tuc net, and all sue
corporal ions must stand or fall by his
r,'l'olt recommendation,
vm u to aimi
Urgos All to Attend.
The tri stute delegations are composed
of boti practical and experienced hop
growe.s and business men, nnd every
one of them is ultra-conservative In his
tiews ss to how such a corporation
should be conducted to keep within tho
limit of the Inw, and every detail of
the proponed organization will he gone
I into thoroughly so as to be certain of
: their ground before arriving at a defi
'. uitc decision.
I Saturday morning there will be a
I meeting uf the nop groweis of Oregon
at the rommercinl club assembly room,
when a complete set of by laws will be
submitted for amendment, rejection or
approval, and it is expected that the
meeting will be attended hv growers
from every hop growing section of the
state, President L, 11. Mc.Mahan Is
noxious that as full n representation of
Oregon growers be mnde as possible,
Bad he urges every grower that can
possibly get away to come to this meet
New York, Nov. 10. At 10 a. m. to
day the leaders in the six day bicycle
race In progress al Madison Square Gar
den had covered 1,0:17 miles and u
laps. This was seven miles ahead of
the former record,
Pasadena, Cal., Nov. ,19. Dr.
Robert J. Burdctte, the humor
ist, died at i o'clock this after
noon after an illness of several
mouths. His disease was hard
ening of the arteries and he had
beeu in partly conscions condi
tion for ten davs.
Food Supply Abundant and
France Prepared to Con
tinue War Indefinitely
Tho following is the first storv re.
ceivod from the fighting lines in tho
western field of the European war from
nu.ia.n rninp tsniis, fans represcnta
n. e oi iae unitea ,-ress, who was
named by the French government SB
the only American correspondent, per
mitted to visit the front with tho
nuiitnry attaches of the neutral na
(By WUUam Philip Bims, copyrighed.
uy mo u im no. rrtns copy,
righted in England.)
At the French Armv Front, via Pnrls
Nov. 19. Franco is prepared for war
to the bitter end. Everything shows
umr. tne repuuuc is renctv.
vvnnt i nave seen ami heard o vns
me tne impression that tho nation faces
long wnr and is unafraid.
After talking with officers nnd men
at the front for severnl days, I am
confident that tho allies' general sit
untion is excellent. Optimism is evi
dent everywhere. One thing that im
pressed mo most, was tho absolute pre
paredness of the government and of tho
forces in the field.
Behind tho Scenes.
Since quitting Paris, the correspond-
ems aim military arrachns of oiglit
neutral counties have been permitted
neninu tne scenes.
Designated as Ac rieu's press repre
sentative, I hnvo, been permitted to
visit fields and to enter linea from
which civilians heretofore have been
I visited and inspected a re-victunlinir
stntion which feeds 350.000 soldiers.
Tho system Is perfectly organised. The
stntion is more liko a model of perma
nent works than a temporary machine.
Orent sheds are filled to their roofs
with food staples. There are flour,
wheat nad wine. . Side tracks are crowd
ed with cars waiting to be unloaded.
Oenernl Joffre stands forth as the
guardian of France's men.
The French officers nre confident
they will outlast Oennany from the
standpoint of men, despite their coun
try's smn Her poimlutiou.
Haw a aet or cooks.
T believe this is becauso Joffre is
masterfully conserving his troops. In
tho fighting to dute hi., losses have
been infinitely inferior to Oermnny's.
Tho bearing of the French troops is
admirnble. 1 have not seen a single
disgruntioit solilier.
In the lust four days I inspected sev
ernl military hospitals and talked with
the wounded, hven the most seriously
wounded smiled and said they wero im
patient to return to tho front.
At the supplv station I was permit.
ted to examine the commandant's
books, showing stutlstical figures. It
was evident from them that France was
prepared perfectly in this direction for
a protracted war.
The counties represented by cor
respondents nnd uttnehes on this trip
are Italy, Spain, Deniiinrlc, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland, Holland nnd tho
United States,
Merlin via The Hague, Nov. 10. A
defeat by the Teutonic allies of a Hub
idnn euviilrv force at (Irnbow, Oallcia.
with the capture of .'10110 of the llus
slims, was cliilnied hero today on the
strength of uu official statement from
"Conditions nre Improving," said
tho statement, "na a result of the op
erations of the Oermiin and Austrian
troops, In the Carpathians we occupy
strong positions, The Hussion advance
litis been unimportant."
In u continuation of the operations
against Helgrnde, It was said that sev
eral Servian guns and quantities of
supplies had been captured.
If a man knows more than his wife,
it is up to him to keep her in ignorance
of the fact.
lt Isn't alay ssfe to judge news
papers, cigars and women 1) their
The Weather
Oregoni Cloudy
tonight and Frl
day, probably rain
west portion;
warmer tonight,
southerly winds,
too So j
Russians Trying to Win Vic
tory Compelling Germans
to Leave Poland
Germans Try to Deliver
Crushing Blow to Relieve
Pressure in Prussia
Petrograd, Nov. 19. The Russians in
East Prussia were trying today to win
such a victory over the Oormans as to
compel the latter to abaadott their of
fonsive in Bussian Polund. Tho Oor
mans, in turn, plainly were endeavor
ing to relieve tho pressure on their lines
in East Prussia by striking a crushing
blow against the defonders of the
C7.ar's territory.
The war office here ascrtod that the
blavs had taken the German entrench
moots in the Mazurinn Lake region. A
desperate battle still raged along tho
line from Uumuinnen to Angerburg, al
so in East Prussia. Tho battle about
Soldau also continued with no decisive
result in sight. The Russians wore con
fident that victory in this engagement
would enable them to rush matters in
East Prussia so rapidly as to compel
tho kaiser's speedy withdrawal from
Russian soil in order to protect him
lt was admitted that the Oormans
were pushing in enormous numbers
from Thorn, between the Vistula and
Wart.he rivers, into itussian Poland
The Russians in this region had. fallen
back to tho ruura river and it was ox
pected that the ma iu clash would occur
along this line. Already desperate
fighting was in progress, with trumend
ous losses on both sides,
A Oermau advance from Knlisz was
also in progress, though it was not
keeping pace with the iiaiscr s p 'ogress
farther north.
Just An "Affair"
Petrograd, Nov. 19., An "affair" In
which a series of explosions wero seen
on tho Turkish cruiser Sultan Sellm tho
Grim, formerly tho German cruiser
Goeben, was reported to tho navy Btaff
this afternoon, The message convey
ing the information was delayed. It
referred to whatever engagement pre
ceded the explosions merely as an
Aurora, III., Nov, 19. Miss Jennie
Miller, the richest woman ill Aurora,
was dying today of a fractured skull.
She was found unconscious lust night.
king behind some shrubbery in the
yard of the First Methodist church
with her skull badly crushed by a blow
from a steel pipewrench.
Miss Miller Is a dnuuhtcr of former
Mnvnr Holmes Miller.
Efforts to arouse the Injured womnn
failed except, once ut I o'clock this
morning, when sue mumbled two mini
hers, lt was believed she was trying to
give an address,
Phvsicians say they do not believe
robbery was the motive for the attack,
as three gold rings were found on her
fingers, Her lips wero bitten uliuost
in two,
The church vnrd lies near a lonely
graveyard, where Theresa Hollander
was clubbed to death Inst February
Mrs, Harry Hull said she saw a sin.ill
man, about 40 years old, loitering about
the churchyard Ml minutes before .Miss
Miller was found.
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. III. Luis Mn
rone, a Mexican, probably will be charg
ed with the murder of Marshal Luther
l oiilson, of Hiirbank, as the result of
a confession he is alleged to have made
to the police.
.M i rone, with Juan and 1.. l.splnna,
was arrested hv a posse the day after
the murder, under gruelling question
ing .1 on n Ksplnnr.n Is said to. have de
clared that Mnrnno shot I oulmn aft
the officer had tried to drive them from
Itiirbnnk. Mnrnue, the officers said
finally admitted his guilt.
Los Angeles, Cal,, Nov, 111. John O
Wendell, 7.1, of New York, knowii as
"Hie nerm.t of Broadway," lav ser
iously ill here today as the result of
a pats lytic attack on his private ear
while journeying from New York to his
winter home at Venice, Cal. Physicians
sabl that he had hut a slight chance to
recover. Next to the Astor estate, wen
dell is said to be the heaviest landhold
er in New York,
Western l.'idon linemen expect to
hnve the telegraph line along thr
Willamette Pacific railroad completed
from Eugene to Mapleton by Novem
ber 20.
Carranza Leader Surrenders
Army-Villa Will Make
Dash to Mexico City
El Paso, Texas, Nov. 19. Villi Btas.
commanded by General Aguirre Bena-
vdes, were in control today of Guana
juato, capital of the state of that
name, according to advices received
hero. They occupied the city last
night. There was no fighting, the Car
ransistas retreating to the east as the
Villistas approached.
General Villa had desigaated Irapn
nto today as a concentration point and
was mobilizing his troops for an early
dash to Moxico City. Villa went to
Leon last night for u conference with
Jenerul Gutierrez, who hod gone there
from Aguas Calientes. Gutierrez will
return to Aguas Calientes today.
Carranzistas, it was reported today,
were mobilizing east of Irapuato in
formidable numbers to resist the Vil
lista advnnce. Vanguards of the two
forces have not yet mot, but Villista
loaders say they do not expect to en
counter serious opposition.
General Elizoudo, a Carraniista
loader surrendered his entire command
of 2000 men at Leon to the Villistas,
saying tho Carninzistus did not desire
to engage in warfare
General Obregon has proclaimed him
self chief of the Oarrnnsista forces in
Mexico City. General Villa said Obre
gon wants to dominate Mexico,
General Villa today barred ull Am
erican newspaper men from his district.
Carranza Is Blamed.
Washington. Nov. 10. Government
officials here expected word todnv of
serious fighting in Mexico. Advices
from American Coiisulur Agent Silli
man Bnid a strong forco of Villistas
was moving sgninst Ouoretaro, where
a mrgo ooay or inrrnnzistns, com
inanded by General Gonzulcs, v as en.
Currunza's vacillating policy wiik be
lieved hy Wnshisgtnn I ffiriuls to have
caused a renewal' of the conflict. Af
ter agreeing to trnnsfer the govern
ment to Oenernl Gutierrez, Cnrrsiixn
changed his mind, explaining that he
is willing to quit but intended trans
ferring authority to someono of his
own selection. Gutierrez then ordered
Oenernl Villa to advance on Mexico
City immediately. It was expeetei:
here the fighting would bo short and
lecistve, and officials be cved the Vil.
listns will win.
The United St'ites. it was announced.
will maintain a neutral attitude.
Many of flic Amercnn tronns at
Vera Cruz already are oa transports
there and the others will board the ves
sels soon. The transports were extinct
to anil Mo ml 11 v,
Customs collected la Vera Cruz hv
1ener.il Funston have been deposited
ut tho American siih-tiensiiry pending
1 ii" decision as to who slum ru I ra
no. .tmiorni runston wilt turn over
the city to the officials in ehario at
tho time of American occupation.
Wild nnd conflicting reports were re
ceived here from Mexico today. One
was tunc ueuernl ilia hart imprisoned
Gutierrez and Hie delegates to the
guns Calientes convention, hnlilitiii
I hem "us 11 mutter of military neces
sity," Confirmation was "lucking,
however, and the report was generally
nscreiineu py Washington officials.
No Longer Capital,
Vern Cruz, Mex Nov, 10,- For the
first time since the di.vs of Maximil
ian, .Mexico City censed today to b the
hendcpiarters of federal power of the
Mnxicnn republic, The lirovlsionnl
government has been moved to Orlr.nbn
by General C'uri'an.ii nud General Ohre-
gun wns In control of Mexico City,
1 consider anything but an nrmed
force less at this time In settling
problems, " General Obregon Is quoted
as snyliig. "The army of the North
west, which I command, Is prepared to
lefend the principle for which Mexl-
ciins have fought for four yours,"
London, Nov. 111. News nf Lilian 's
bombardment hy warships of the Gor
man ilnltlc squadron wns accepted here
toduy as accounting for tho departure
Tuesday from llelsingfors of the Rus
sian nuvsl forces In Finnish wafers,
apparently with a view to attacking;
the enemy.
Of uu actual meeting between the
two fleets 110 reports had been re
ceived, however, and It was assumed
Hint the German vessels had withdrawn
from Libnu before the Russian ships
arrived there, If, indeed, that was their
Very definite Information concern
ing the damage done by the German
bu.ubaidment of the Russlau port was
unavailable, Petrograd dispatches say
ing merely that several buildings worn
set on fire. The same advices slated
that the German squadron consisted of
two cruisers, ten torpedo boats aad
"several other steamships,"
The story that a German cruiser was
mink by a mine during the bombard
ment rested only on the authority of the
Daily Mull, which did not profess to
have official confirmation of the re
port but old It had It frum a reliable
French Suffer Appalling Loss
When Mines in Captured
Town Were Exploded
Unconfirmed Report Germans
Had Quit Lille and Allies
Occupied It
Paris, Nov. 19 The allies were mak
ing a determined attempt today to cut
the kaiser's communication lines north
of Arras.
In this fighting the British were tak
ing the leading part. Their aim wns
to swing their line to tie eastward,
with Arras as their pivot, forcing the
Germans buck.
An unconfirmed rumor was current
that tho Teutonic forces had evacuat
ed Lille and that the allies had occu
pied it.
Tho fighting was exceedingly san
quinnry. The ennnonnding was vory violent
between Nieuport and Ypres, but no
notable changes had occurred in the
lines in this region.
The French suffered appalling loBsei
Vi'cdnesdny at C'huivancourt, near St.
Mihiul, following their capture of tha
western part of the village. The Ger
mans, who had held it previously, had
mined it and as soon as they had evac
uated It and the French wero in posses
sion, these mines were exploded with
deadly effect.
How Town Was Taken. ' ,
Paris, Nov. 19, How Hchoorbaufco,
Uelgium, wus taken from the Germans
by a Frniico-British night attack was
described In advices received from the
front today.
Except by two roods the town was
surrounded by wuter, as a result of
the flooding of the country by the Rol
glnns. Hy ono of these roads tho Bri
tish approached In armored automo
biles. From the opposite direction the
French crossed the flood on rafts.
Tho Germans, attucked simultaneous
ly at front and rear, fled by tho open
Situation Unchanged.
Paris, Nov. 19. "The Germans at
tacked our first, lino of trenches at
TracyLe-Vul Tuesday," announced
tho Pordeni'X war office in its official
(Oinmuiiicntlon received here toduy,
"but u vigorous counter attack by an
Algerian contingent repuiBeo tnem
"The artillery fire In the north ia
imrticiiliirly violent from the sea to the
Itiver I.ys.
"Our positions In the Argonnes nr
miiinlulncd, Otherwise there is noth
ing to report,"
An Artillery Duel.
Purls, Nov. 10. The Germans wora
directing 0 tremendous bombardment
toduy aipiinst the ullies' linos in the
extreme north of tho western Euro
pean war zone.
Their infantry assaults had beea
temporarily abandoned, either becaus
they considered them hopeless unless
they .mild silt reed In breaking the al
lies' front by shelling their trenches,
ir on ncconnt of weather conditions,
which continued terrible.
To the German artillery fire the al
lies' eiitmon were replying hotly and a
furious duel of big gnus raged,
Uepeeted Teutonic nttempts to re
capture Tntroy-Lc-Vnl were repulsed.
Wind Steps Aviators.
London, Nov. 10. Aviators nt tho
front In the western Kuropenu fighting
Minn were idle toduy on account Ot
high wind, ruin and snow,
The luck of their services mnde tha
troops realize lis perhaps not many
hail done since the war's outbreak, how
valuable were the airmen's services.
Without the Information thev hav
hitherto furnished, the artillerymen
found it difficult to get positions aud
ranges, und their marksmanship wus
correspondingly uncertain and Inaccu
rate, Moth sides were using every Imagin
able stiateglc trick for the slightest
The special train from Portland to
Corvallis Haturday, on account of thsj
football game between U, of O. and
O. A. C will leave Kalem at 10:00 and
returning leave Corvallis at 5:.10. Th
round trip fare from Hnlem Is 11.50.
Tickets will be good '!" on Hpeclnl
Train, Saturday morning; November 111,
and for return on Hpecial or any reg
ulur train until Monday,
November 83.