FuZ Leased Wire Dispatches Today's News Printed Today THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1914 PRICE TWO CENTS KrCoS pi. v m m m sKtti m il i. immmffl AH! LAUNCH FID Oil BY TURKS iisnn Boat Sent From Cruiser Ten v nessee Draws Fire of Turkish Batteries DETAILS OF INCIDENT ARE NOT YET KNOWN It Is Thought Harbor Is Mined and Shots Were to Keep Boat Safe Washington, Nov. IS. Official con firmation of a report that Trkish land batteries had fired on a steam launch from the United States cruiser Ten- nossoe, in the Gulf of Smyrna, was re ceived toilny at the navy department from Cnptnin Decker. Seeretury Dan iels Immediately cabled Captain Docker for further particulars, but insisted there wns no cause for alarm. The first report indicated the cruiser herself had been fired at, but a lntor! message wns interpreted as meaning that tho lnnd batteries opened fire on the cruiser's launch as it was en route from Vurla to Smyrna. Tho cruiser's launch carried tho American flag. flii me navy ieparrmenr Knows is i that h shot wns fired. The department will merely "mark time" pending the receipt of further advices. Secretary of tho Navy Daniels mid Acting Secre tary of State Lansing conferred over " tho incident for an hour and the latter attempted to get into communication with American Ambiiisndor Morgenthau at Constantinople. The launch, it was reported, was on its way to Smyrna to investigate re ports that Americans interests were mdnngered. Smyrna Closed Fort According to information given out by Secretary Daniels, Captain Decker's report merely said: "His boat" had been fired upon. It was generally be lieved this meant the cruiser's launch. "Information so far received con cerning the Incident is very indefinite," Daniels said. "All we know is that a shot was fired. Whether it was fired with hostile intent or as a warning to Captain Decker was not; explained. "Smyrna is a closed port (Tow and Is probably mined. The land forces may have fired the shot to prevent the launch or even possibly the Tennessee itself entering tho harbor and running upon a mine field. I hope this Is tho case. In any event, we cannot take steps until we have the officinl facts'." President Wilson whs noticeably anx ious over the Tennessee incident. He ordered nil reports concerning it to be sent to him immediately upon receipt. Government officiant expressed con fidence, however, the occurrence would nut result In the development of inter national complications. A Foolish Rumor. A report received here via Montreal thnt American Ambassador Morgenthau had demanded his passports wns char acterized ns "absurd'' both at the While House and at the state depart ment. It was said Morgenthau was most, friendly with tho I'orte, and that Turkish officials were constantly prais ing his work. Morgenthau, it was de clared, could not deuiaml passports of his own volition he could only act in such a matter nftcr he had been posi tively instructed by the president, who would not oven consider such action without consulting first with the senate. Acting Secretary of State Lansing ex plained hi; had t coinmuiiicuted with Constantinople for two days, due to in terruption of direct cable communica tion, and the fact that messages must pass through territory of Knropean bel ligerents. He said communication to sad from Asia Minor requires from 2 to five days. Lousing was making every effort this afternoon to reach George Horton, the 1'nited States consul at Hmvrnn. No direct word had been received from him for several days. Will Recall Cruisers. Ambassador Morgenthau reported Monday. He said everything wns tran quil at thnt time. It wns reported that the cruisers Tennessee and North Carolina will be recaueo immeuunniy ram r.urui.m waters In order to avoid the possibility of Bnother Mnme disaster. Horotary Daniels, however, would not discuss the report. He snid he would not discuss the status of the cruiser until he had received complete reports from Captain Decker. "We sent the two cruisers to Tur key," snid Daniels, "with funds to re lieve Americans there who were unable to get money. Since then they hve been kept there to assist in the relief of Americans In the Knropean war rone, wherever possible, Report Causes Anxiety. ". Captain Decker's declaration that Horton ua snxlniie regarding the safe ty of the American consulate at Hoivr nn wns causing mufli anxiety hern this eftrnnon. It was interpreted as indi cating thnt much nntlforelgt feeling MILITARY MAN WANTS RUSSIA IS GETTING MUCHJJiRGER ARMY SOREATTHE ALLIES: Chief of Staff, General Woth erspoon, Would Have An Army of 200,000 Washington, Nov. 18. America needs more 6oldiors. . This was the positive assertion in the annual report of General Wotlierspoou, chief of staff of the United (States army, published here today. Ooueral Wotherspcon maintains that not only is the United States unprepar ed to resist invasion by a first-class power, but also that we are in no posi tion to defend the Fnnnma canal, the Philippines, Hawaii or Alaska. He con tends that the probable value of our coast defenses is questionable. 800,000 Reserves. In his report, General Wotherspoon urged that the nation's standing army be increased from 105,000 men to 200, 000 and that in addition there be a mobile army of S0O,uO0 first-line troops and. 300,000 second-line troops. He de clared tne nation, with its present mili tary force, cannot nssemble rapidly enough sufficient strength to cope with an enemy, debarking on our shores. Dialriuution of the nation's forces on a wide front was advised by Gen eral Wotherspoon because a wido choice oi' landing places waB open to an enemy. The first line of the mobile force of 500,100, he said, would have thoroughly trained men, equipped with supplies and provisions for six mouths. These would b reinforced by a second line of 300,- 000 men drawn from organized militia and similarly provisioned. Forces Inadequate. General Wotherspoon hold that the troops now distributed among our for eign possessions, under present organ ization plans, were totally inadequate to meet the needs of outlying districts, and that an effective defense of the Philippines was "manifestly impossi ble'' with present forces. Likewise, he saiil. the l anama cannl could not be protected aganst 4,'oroign invasion by the present garrison or by proposed ad ditions thereto, unless the army was so squinped that these garrisons could be rapidly reinforced. Of Alaskn, General Wotherspoon snid. the garrison there of 500 men "verged on the ridiculous unless it could be re inforced at the very earliest stage of an impending conflict," by forces from the Slates. The same criticism, he said, npplied to Hawaii. Lakes German System. General Wotherspoon hinted that Ger many's system of training was the best meai.s of providing the mobile forces he rerotiinieiiilecl. in any scheme, he added, "to create such a force of mobile troops us contemplated ahove, we cannot do bet ter than follow the example of master minus in military oigauljitiou for na tional defense., The policies developed in this direction all include, among oth ers, the primary plan of using the standing army as a school fur training men, who, on graduation from thut school, would pnHH into the reserve force ami constitute the real national mill tary strength. " Mxperimice hus shown that two or threo years is the lowest possible limit of time in which the average man cuu be "(inverted into a disclipincd, trained and effective soldier." BRITISH STANDING TERRIBLE PRESSURE By F.d L. Keen, London, .Nov. 18. Tl.o British nere holding ciieir positions in the vicinity of Arras today ngiiinst tremendous pressure from strong Oerinnn infantry forces, supported by artillery. At one point they had driven the Ocrm-ins back BOO yards. The vuir office spoke of determined infantry attacks on two British dhl slons, both of which repulsed the ene my with heavy loss. Another division was uttuclicd by In fantry mid artillery simultaneously Inn defeated the foe heavily, notwithstand ing the murderous shelling of the III, tlsli trenches. Various new positions were being tn k"n, but they were only 'such as weal! er conditions dictated. Kcports from the front said the no tivity at the German rear indicated some important movement of troops. JOHN KEATINO DEAD. Portland. Ore.. Ni. 1ti -.Tnhn K,.,l- inr? hruthor nf I.nrrv K.mtlinr nf (!. Keating and Flood Amusement com- panYi j , well known theatrical ,nnn himself, died early toilny of npoplex) FEDERALS IN CLEVELAND. Cleveland. Ohio. Nov. IS. .Tnmes A. (lilinore, president of the Federal, leu gue, announced here today that the Federals would establish a club in Cleveland next senson. (xlsted. I t'niiffl'ial advices indicated that foreigners have been endangered In many parts of Asin Minor, but that so far Americana had been exempt, It wns believed possible, however, that, Inasmuch ns Horton has been raring for the Interests of I'.nglnn.l, France and Russia, ns well-- as those of the Cnlted States,, the natives may hove threatened him. MAY TURN ON TURKS Slav Leaders Openly Complain that Allies Do Not Drive Germans Back CZAR MAY ABANDON "ON TO BERLIN" PLAN Successes of Turks Will Com pel Greater Efforts Against Them on Russia's Part Copenhagen, Nov. 18. For the first time since the war began, there were indications at Petrograd today of dis satisfaction on the Russinns' part with their allies' handling of the Western European campaign. The slav leaders were reported to be compluining openly that although tha czar's forces have invaded both East Prussia and Qnlicia,, the Franco British army has not even succeeded in driving the Germans out of France. The Russian view wns said to be that it -was quite right to expect action by the Slavs on Germany's eastern frontier. as a diversion of the Teutonic pressure in the west, but that it was hardly fair to except the czar to continue acting lniietiuiteiy, in the meantime permitting tne Tunis to overrun the Caucasus, un less they accomplished something for tnemselves. It was admitted, too, that the Ger mans had resumed the offensive from the direction of Thorn and were ad vancing on Flock, in Russian Poland This was said to ba still further fretting the czar's-advisors, since it involved still further exertions by tha Russians in this Held of war at a time when they are extremely anxious to be busy elsewhere. Turkish victories along the Trans- Caucasian border were nrousing an in creasing demand, dispatches from the Slav capital said, for the annihilation of the Moslems and the prediction was made that unless the allies had sue ceeded in the meantime in expelling the Germans from France, the now year would see a practical abandonment of the Russian campaign against the kaiser and a concentration instead against the Ottomcn troops. Kngene banks show an Increase of J200,'Mn over those of last year. More than tL'50.000 is being expended in the erection of three buildings. Kngene is evidently overlooked by the depression that hit Portland. WILL II BUILD IN JIHSALI Trouble In Securing Site Causes Delay-School Levy Same as Last Year (Living decided thnt it will not be able to erect n new school building in South Salem this year, for various rea sons, among which Is tho Inability to procure a suitable site for the same un der conditions that would be satisfuc. tory to the hoard, the Salem school hoard Is making nn effort to devote the surplus of funds which will be derived from taxes for the coming year to the payment of the outstanding indebted ness of the district. With this end In view, the board of directors held a con ference at the Hotel Marion at noon yesterday with Attorney O. G, Hingham to get some Icgul advice upon the ques tion, The usual levy for school .purposes for the Nalcin school district for several years pnst has been 7.H mills, and tills levy, based upon ronner assessed val uations, usually produced about Hf,0l0. While the assessed valuations of prop erty for school purposes within the city will be considerably below those ot former years, the board will not In crease the levy lor this year. The ifsr,-.H)0 derived from taxes has been more than enough to pay the expenses of the school system of the district In the past and the board has been using the surplus In the erection of new school buildings, It hns been the desire of the board to liquidate some of the old debts of the district with this surplus this year, but as all of the outstanding debts con sist of Sll yenr bonds, which will not mature for some time to come, they sought legal advice as to their right to force these bonds In for pnyment. Since the bonds rannot he retired until the time is expired the board rannot call them in nor stop the interest which they bear, but ran only Invite the hold ers of the bonds to surrender them for payment, and this the board, in all prob ability, will do. YOUNO' INCENDIARIES Lo Angeles, Nov. 18. Nine boys of ages from 0 to 10 were held in the detontion home, here today, following their confession thnt they burned the Thirty - Fifth street school a week ago to "get even" with Principal Robert J. Emery. They also confessed to several small burg laries. The boys told the police that they had formed an organiza tion called "The Secrst Seven," the chief qualification for mem bership in which was a reputa tion for not "snitching" when other members got Into tronb'e. The police professed "to be lieve that the lads under arrest would be able to give informa tion regarding the recent de struction by fire of two other school buildings. sc it sfc sc sfc 3C aft ifc ift 3jC TAXIS 8 PER CENT It Is Expected It Will Be Ad vanced to 25 Per Cent Be fore End of War London, Nov. 18. England'! middle class gave a heavy groan today at the morning newspapers' announcement of a prospective doubling of tho income tax. News that the incroaso was neces sary was conveyed to the honso of com mons by Chancellor of the Kxehequor David Lloyd George last night, but it did not reach the public very generally until tonoy, That tho rate must he advanced was widely recognized. This wns not quite so bad, however, as the uetinite knowledge that the advance was coming at once. The tax reaches all Incomes exceeding the English equivalent of about (300, so thnt, although woiking)cliss incomes are relatively low in Enjjiund, only the pretty poor escape. Up to About $Mii0 annually there are some exemptions, but they are nut large. Un the new1 basis, to sum the matter up, the averngo man with what is known ns an "earned Income" exceed ing flOOO yearly will be mulcted np proximately one month's salary out of every twelve. Tnosa with incomes from invested capital will pay something like a tentii of their dividends to the government In the case of the very rich the levy win be still heavier. From the wealthy us well as from the middle class came naturally a sign ot pain at tne chancellor s announcement H is by the latter group, however, that the tax is most severely felt, the con tribution of flOO from un incoiuo, say, of $H!iMJ yearly being decidedly more serious mutter than ono of $1000 out of an annual revenue of $12,000. There have always been complaints mat many men of large Incomes, de rived from numoruus different sources, some of them perhaps abroad and nub ject to more or less juggling by clever bookkeeping methods, have escaped comparatively lightly, whereas those ot siniill means and especially wage Corn ells nave been cumpelled to pny the tux to the Inst cupper, Mircover, the intimation hns been given plainly by high officials of the government that the initial increase would not be the only by any means, and some predictions have even been made tliut the levy oa returns from in vested funds might ultimately reach 23 per cent. If It were generally felt Hint the burden would not have to be Carried long, it might not seem so heavy, but it was widely recalled today that when an Income tux was imposed during the Hoer war, strong assurances wero given thut It would be abolished soon after the struggle wns over, Instead of which it hus mounted steadily ever since, Such having been tiie case n a sequel to what was comjinrutlvolv a petty skirmish, is it likely, the question wns askeil, Hint the present generation will seo ony. lightening of the present londf And the answer was generally nn em phatio negative. , NATIONAL DEAL IS CFF. Chicago, Nov. IH.-Chnrlcs W. Mur phy, ex-president of the Chlengn No- tionnl league baseball club, returned hero toilay from Cincinnati, where h conferred with Charles P. Tnft, priori pul owner of the club. Murphy nn tiounccd that the deal by which tin club wns to be sold to Charles H Weeghmnn, owner of the Chlcngo fed orals, was off. The Weather Oregon: Fair to night and Thurs day; easterly Winds, irs (,oina ToTtV GIGANTIC BATTLE Germans Take Offensive In Poland and Meet With Fierce Resistance FORCES ON EACH SIDE SAID TO BE ENORMOUS Reinforcements Rushed and Number of Men in Fight Is Petrograd, Nov. 18. A gigantic bat tle was developing today in Russian Poland between the 'Slav and German forces. BETVEEH GERMANS AND RUSSIANS IS ON It was admitted that 'the GermanBUitate to work separately, or with one were on the offonsive, advancing along the Vistula and Wnrthe rivers. Fight ing was already in progress on the hanks of both streams. It Increased rapidly in violence as time passed. Opposing the Germans, the Russians were In enormous strength. Both sidos were pushing forward reinforcements, and all indications wero thnt it would not be long before the number of men engaged along tho wholo line would run into the millions. Is Oeneral Engagement. Petrograd, Nov. 18. Enormous Rus sian and German forces wore fighting today between the Wartho and Vistula rivers. It wos stated officially that tho encounter had reached tho proportions of a general engagement. No de cisive stage had been rouched., 1 1 " ' Austrian! Fight Hard, Amsterdam, Nov. 18.-BIoody fight ing between Russian and Austrian forces was reported today In tho north of the province of Bukovltia, southeast of Gullcia, The Russians were described as progressing steadily, while the Aus tria ng, stubbornly contesting their ad vance, retired before them. Rush Hordes to the Front. London, Nov, 18. Germans were pouring in enormous numbers today from the East Prussian town of Thorn across the Russian frontier and be tween the Vistula and Wnrthe rivers into the ar's Polish territory. Meninges received here this after noon from Petrograd indicated that th"y were endeavoring decisively to crush tho Russian offensive agaiaest Thorn and Posen. No attempt was made to deny tho terrific strength of their advance, It wns conceded that they had already regained approximately one t'nird of the ground they lost in Russian Poland by their recent retreat from Warsaw. Hand to Hand Fighting for , Three Days Leaves Allies " Victorious Paris, Nov. 18. Zouaves had finally succeeded today In clearing tho Ger mans from the patches of woods be tween Dlxmiide and Ypres, according to tho Dordcnux war offices usual 3 o'clock communication received here this afternoon. In these woods a series of terrible eu comiters has been in progress for the pnst three days. The Germans held them and as they furnished extromely convenient cover for tho kaiser's oper ations, It was highly Important to the allies to get them into their own hands. Most of Die fighting for them was at the point of the bayonet ami It was snid tn have resulted finally entirely In the allies' favor. There had been Isolated German In fun try attacks In various places, the communication sulil, but nicy were everywhere repulsed. The kaiser's artillery continued tho bombardment of llhelms. "Cannonading," ssid the official statement, "continues, from the const to the Lys. The bombardment Is fierc est east and south of Ypres and at Nluport. An attempted German ad vance south of Ypres nas been repulsed, "The allies' artillery has gained the advantage at several points about C'raonne. "Concerning conditions along the lines from Arras to the Olse and from Ithelms to the Argon no region there Is nothing to report, We continue to hold the we.tem part of Chauvoncoiirt, near Hslnt Mihlcl. "Muttnllons of the landwrlir In the nalnt Marie-Ani-Miues region hive lost is much as half of their first Hue strength. ' Anti-Trust Law May Cause Some Trouble in Forming the Association For tha purpose of formulating defi nite plans for the organization of the Pacific Hop Growers' association, dele gates from the growers' associations of California, Washington and Oregon are in session at the assembly rooms of the commercial club this afternoon and will probably hold meetings from time to time for several days or until the prop osition ia worked out satisfactorily to all three state organizations. No definite plan of business organi zation has boen fixed upon, but there are two fundamental propositions which the delegates will consider and adopt at an early stage of the proceedings, alter which the details of organization and business arrangement can be built up according to the plnn outlined in tho basic principles. The initial pur pose is for the growers to form a cor poration to handle the crops of the mombers for a period of years, but whether it will be formed with throe separate organizations, one in each central organization with branches in each state, is tho question to be de cided upon at this meeting. Shorman Law Comes In, Great care must be exercised by the growers in the formation of'this asso ciation to keep within the provisions of too anti-trust laws of the country and not lay themselves liable to attack and prosecution, and ultimato demorul ir.ution, under the Sherman anti-trust law. The anti-trust law rocoguizes the right of farmers and laborers to or ganize to promote their respective in terests and protect themselves against monopolistic and capitalistic interests, but thore is a very delicate line of d.s- tinction as botween a "gtfod trust and a trust organized in restraint ot trude, and this is the point which the uop growers will have, to bear in numl und Keep within the limits of tho luw. If tno threo suites wero to form sepa rate organizations and then consolidate .under one corporation for tho govern ment and control of tho business of all of tho stato associations, the element ot monopoly ana "restraint or undo" mig'it be construed to exist by the fed eral courts, if the organization should be attacked by hostile interests and the grower delegates have beenwarnod that this la just tho opening that the hop dealers aro laying for in the holies ol catching them napping and breaking up tno organization On this account every detail of the proposed plan of organization will have to bo gone over very thoroughly anil the convention be absolutely sure of its ground In overv respect, and thut they are safely within tne authority or the anti trust laws, be fore filial action Is tnkmi. Whatever is done at this meeting, however, will bo binding upon nil ot the threo state orgauizutions, alroaay formed and ready fur business, P. K. Hluluck, president of tiio Men docino County Hop Growers' associa tion, of Hopland, Cnl., and K. L. Cuu ninglium, of the Mcmlocina County as sociation, arrived early this morning, ami George Hewlett, vice president of tho Mendocino Countv association, of lloplund; President Blu- I'axton, of tne rsonomn i ounty association, of Hun ta Rosa, ami W. t,, M. Hunrdsloc, presi dent of iSacrameuto Valley association of Hacrnmento, arrived later in tho day, unit are in ntteiiiiiiucc ut the niectiim All of the California dulegates report that fully IW per cent of the growers in their respective districts havu signed up and nro enthusiastic for organiza tion, and like reports havo been re ceived from President George Kerr, ol the Washington association, who, with two other delegates, is expected to ar rive today. The Oregon delegation Is composed of President I,, II. McMnhiin, of Hnlein; Vice President C. A. McLaughlin, or Independence, who is represented ut today's meeting hv II. H. Fletcher, of Independence) Fred N, Htump, of Ha ver, seeretury, and J. L. Clark, ol Hprlugfield, Lane county; K. V. Paul, of Polk and Yamhill; C. (I, Cond, or Dnlliis; Marion Palmer, of Hilvertou, lud Mr, Kirkwood, of Amity, Yamhill county, All ol' the outside delegates report Increasing enthusiasm on the part of Iho growers In their respective district, and they predict all the way from 75 per cent to HO per cent of tiiu growers will Join the movement. The Oregon Hop Growers' association will hold a meeting In Salem Huturday of this week to adopt by laws and com plete the organization tentatively form ed two weeks ago, and It is expected thut all of the growers within a radius or several counties will In In attend nice, WILL OVER- SUBSCRIBE LOAN London, Nov, 18. Indications were today that ttie 1 1,7,10.1100, 00(1 war loin announced by Chancellor of the fcicheipwr David Lloyd George Tuesday would be over subscribed. A long line of people was waiting at the entrance when the Hank of Kngland opened, to put In their applications. The bonds are redeemable . March 1, llUl EXHIBIT EXCELLENT; LIST ISL0HG 01 Is Not Only Fine But Its Vari ety and Scope Is Surprise To All SAMPLES OF FLAX ARE GOOD AS THE BEST Beautiful Mill Work-Rugs, Paints, Pumps, Everything Even to Cigars - Tho "Made in Salem" exhibit is now in place in the windows of the Portland! Railwoy Light and Power comuany at the eornor of State and Commercial streets and is attracting hundreds of in quiries daily and many more atop to iook over ttie display while waiting Zat cars. ' Even if the display docs not add single customer to our list," said prominent exhibit todny, "it will set thn niinnla in til lnl iniT tlinf nrji Iabb 'all the comforts of home' right hors- in our midst mnde by Salem people and -whose payrolls benefit the city of Sttloin. Not evory citizen of this city realizes the wido and varied Industrie of this city and even though some of them may he on a small scnlo thov ara essentially "Salem Made" and should bo patronized by Salem people." , Space Ia Limited. Whllo the limited sparo available haa caused the promoter of tho exhibit. W. M. Hamilton, to cut down the exhibit to tho smullest possible spaco, the sam ples shown will give the spectators an idea of what is mado in this city. On exnioii rune arT,rnrn eonsioernuie 0-c . tention Is a table and four chaifs nnidrt nf burled Yackley wood from thn Philippine Islands by A. M, Hansen Id his mill at Mill and Church street. Tho Thonios H. Kay Woolen Mills have a large exhibit and the Angora Run factory nt 1230 Ferry street has a huge rug in black and white which cause considerable favornbe comment. The fact Hint the exhibit is limited has1' caused each of the oxhibitors to put up on display only the best products of th factory and though it does not admit of displaying all of the products of eac.a manufacturer it allows him to show some of his specialties. Flax Exhibit Fine. Some of tho peoiile of this state who doubt if flax can bo grown In commer cial quantities for a profit near Salem may have those doubts dispelled by looking over the flax exhibited by E. i. Hansett, who lives on Center street on fourth mile east of the city limits. Mr. Hansett Is a native Belgian and grevy flax In the old country, After comiDg; to Salem he started tho Industry in small way hern and erected a flax mill. His product is pronounced to be firnt class and his efforts mny be the mean nf inducing a number of his countrymen now fleeing from their war ridden liwid to settle near this city. The Hhnnd Contrlfugnl pump, manu factured by the Salem Iron works is ex hibited but the space does not permit of running the electric motor nttni-hed to show the working power of tho pump, Salem s candy factories, and packing houses have attractive exhibits as well ns many other Industries of Hie city. The fullnwlng Is n list of the ex hibitors! Exhibitors and Exhibit. Anderson Furnace Works, fumnron, Angora Hug Factory, rugs and soap; Hrvimt and Prunk, flour; T, M. Hnrr, plumbing; The Nrown Planing Mill, mill work; Denver Stale Puint Co., paint; California Oakery, bulling; Salem Cigar Factory, cigars; George Cameron ami Son, box factory R, (', Cross & Son, packers; Capital' Bakery, bakery; Com mercial Ciller Works, cider; Cherry CUf Flouring Mills, flour; Capital Citf Creamery Co., butter; C, M, Knpley, baking powder; Frame Shop, plettirn fniines; Foster & linker, coffee; W. (X Franklin, pntntn crisp; R, II. Fleming, hop baskets and fencing: O my Bel In Confectionery Co., raiidv; (llcisnn k Co., gloves; Gideon Stolr, 4 Co., abler anil pickles: I'. M, Gregory, apple butter; F. H." Gilbert, bakery; Hunt Urns, Co., cannery: K. .1. Ilnnsett, flax; A. M. Han. sen, mill work; Thomas II. Kay Wolleo Mills, blsiiknls ind rubes; I,. M. I.allun, Ironing hoards; John Msurer, tii) honks; Price Shoe Co., shoe nil; Ssleca Royal bakery, bakery; Hnlein Iron Works, pumps; The Spa, cnndyi Salem Cannery, cannery; Star Bottling Works, so. I a water; Hnlein Gas Works, coke and coal tar; C. K. Hpnubling Sash Door Factory, mill work; Salem Sewer Pipe Co.. sewer nine and tllet Snlem Tile A Mercantile Co., tllet Steusloff Bros., pnekers; T. H. Townsend Creamery, but ter W, W, Zlnn, randy. FIRST INSTALLMENT HOME. Onlvestnn, Texas, Nov. R The transport Han Marcos arrived here to dny from Vera Cms, Mexico, with a officers and 17 American troopers anil 59 horses, The transport will sail on the return trip to Vera Cm! tonight to assist In the American evacuation of the Mexican seaport.