Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 17, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Thanksgiving Sale Of
Our Table Linens are imported from Germany,
Scotland and Ireland, and the quality will please the
most exacting housewife. We have d, big new ship
ment on sale at following prices: ,
$2.25 DAMASK $1.87 YARD
$1.75 DAMASK. $1.54 YARD
$1.65 DAMASK $1.39 YARD
$1.50 DAMASK '. $1.29 YARD
$1.25 DAMASK $1.09 YARD
65c-60c MERCERIZED. ...... ... . : ... ,49c YARD
NAPKINS TO MATCH better Linens-20$ LESS
$1.35 Values-This Week 98c
Tho Tri-County Medical society litis
put the following invitation to the
ipmbcra of the association:
The next meeting of tho l'olk-Yam-
ill-Marion Medical society will occur
Tuesday evening, November 17th, at 8
o'clock, at the Oregon stutn hospital
lor tho insane.
Tho program for the evening will bo
Wany women loan for children, but beauts of
oinr curslile physical derHnarment arc depuvad
Of til Jt areatcst of oil happiness.
The women tvhow name follow were rfntorcd
to nor "il bestlri bv Lydia K. I'inkham'f VKota
ble Compound. Write and ask tliem about it.
"I took your Coin
pound and have a fine,
strong baby. " Mri.
John Mitcheix, Mai
ena, K. Y.
'Lydla E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound is a
wonderful medicine for
expectant miilliors. "
Mrs. A. M. Myers, Gor
donville, Mo.
" I highly recommend
Lydia E. Plnkham'i Veg
etable Compound before
child-birth, it has done so
much for mu,"-Mra. E.
M. Doerr, U. R, 1, Con
ahohocken, Pa,
"I took Lydia E. rink
ham'i Vegetable Com
pound to build np my
system and have the
dearest baby girl In the
world." Mr. Mofb
BLAKELEY, Imperial, Pa.
"I prala the Com
pound whenever I hnvo
a chance. It did so much
for ma befora my little)
girl wbj born." Mrs,
rinl n.Oocrr
E. W. Sander, Ruwlea
bnrg, W. Va.
"I look your Com
pound before baby wn
born and feel I owe my
TlM.lS, Winter Haven,
mi,' um"
On sale at prices
ranging from
$4.50 To
The regular, prices
of these coats range
in value from $7.50
to $22.50.
Forty Coats at
higher prices, but
-all are greatly re
duced in price.
These Coats are
1914's Fall and
Winter styles.
a let-lure ly Dr. I!. (.'. Coffey, of Port
Innil, on "Chronic Constipation Con
sidered From the Knihrynlogic, Anutu
unci I ami hxpertiuentnl Hta mtuj nt N.
Thin is the Mutter lin-ture as delivered
hv Dr. Coffey before tlio College til'
Physicians ill ltiia(lt-liliia, ami ia pro- l'tohiliitioii secured a majority of up
fusely illustrated. . Ipioxintatcly ifll.ooo in the went slute-
Th'is should merit a full meeting of !"''' election,
the society,-and nil physicians In thisj. Piiictienlly complete returns from cr
community are cordially invited to hp I ''.' 'otinty in the state ifivn total ot
present. 1 1 14 , 1 1 Hi in favor of the aineiiilineut mid
The busine ssiou will consider the 1 1".!"1" against it. Thia in a favonole
application for n hership of Dr. M. I lnnjority of ;t.V". A few outlying pre-
rinillcy of Malum, a graduate, of the
! University Medical college of Kuniis"1egon cunntiea may not lie Included iu 1
City, Mo., in iHllfl,
Yours vory truly,
... . ., , .. ,. , ,. .!
school who paren a res do outside of
tho.liBtu.-t, mi it can be siiown that
i heir parents rii.innt alford to pay the
tuitiiMi fees, and the . uses are worthy ,
win imvn iu uiy me reguiur ruitinn
-.-. ur n.K. si noil I iiiMiru.-tiou, aeeor.l-
tig to a ruling ol tl.o school board nt
j The mutter was presented to l.te
board by Hupnriutenilent Klliult, whul
called their attention to tho euro of a .
git r, ntteiiding high schmil and whose I
parents reside outside of the city, had1
npplicil to him for fieo tuition on the
ground that she was not living with
or parents; that shn wns residing iu
the lily with a relative, and that her1
parents do not support her,
It Wna explained that in the cane In
point tho parents of the student lived
upon a farm and that her city relative
also owned property in tha country, iuhI
that tho girl appeared unusually well
dressed at school. Jt looked like a
clear ease of the parents being well
libit) to pay the tuition fee hut that
the story of non-support, dependency1
mid rceiilini with a cilv relntive wan
hiif A i,tM In n.i.n,.., ,.Bvn... nf 1..J
tegular tuition.
ruperiiifeniletit Klliott stnlcd thnt
three or fun. .ni.es of a similar nature :
hnd been disi'liuieil In tho hiuh si hool
jrifently where children whose parents i
lived in the country or outside of ie
school district limits were stilting in
town and claiming it their residence I
in order that the parent may escape!
'payment of the tuition fees, when they'
were perfectly sine fo do so, llccnuC
the present form of eutranco ranK j
which only require that, the residence i
of the pupils be given and not that nt
the parents, it is a comparatively ensyj
matter tn work such a senrme upon the I
school authorities, and, In all prnhabll !
33 1-3 to 50 Per
Cent Less
The splendid tailoring in our suits is our
special pride. The fabrics are the most
popular and the "quality -certainly speaks
for itself if you are a judge of quality; if
you are not, remember this store has been
styled "The Reliable Store" by our custom
ers and not by us. Our styles are smart
and the very latest.
reduced prices:
$1.75 Woolen Separate Gar
ments, either Vests, 'Pants or
Tights, now r'.
$1.50 Woolen Separate Gar
ments, special
$1.25 Woolen Separate Gar
ments, special ;
j WILL REACH 36,000
cmcis in some canal ami r.iisteiii ur-
these totals, ami if they give the same
vote in lavor of prohibition as given iu
the other rural ilihtrids the majority i
diiulitlvKs will reuih KtlMMt. ;
The vote on (lie amendment to utiolish i jng r,.,,.,wd forrie.' Mimtrr'r'isli War
eapilnl punii-lmient is elose, and iloulit- ,),. R. K. Clsntmi in his old position,
less will ii'cpiire the ufiinnl euitvnss tu with Theodore Opsund, who hns hern!
Atliintii, (in., Nov. 17. Miss Anna
n . i,-.'......... m ........i
ln,rilWnt of th(I Nllliimll, Woman's
rhii.tinn T min e Uului. today to
1),1,ll(,l Mr, ., H,V,.11H r ,-.ort.
i,, M (ai ia.
tv a rw ,Mnu,,(, ,1IM, wi ))c niUn,t.
,,,, , b)iow , Mrllrt ,. th() .,,,
ns well as Hint of the cnild applying for
high school tuition,
- '
nil niaintH miss
A Distinctive
Turkish Blend
ft) I
Clanton Ii Back aa Master nh War
den and fliiley la Again Bute Game
Warden Offices May Be Again
Moved to Portland.
The Ktnte Fish and flnmo Commis
sion, whic h in holding its biennial sets-
HMM j Portland, decided nt yester
dny's meeting to reorganise the fish
011(1 K,u"e departments of thtt slnlo
under the nriginnl systi-m it ml in so ilo-
serving as muster fish wnr.lt n during
the pnst year or more, us his chief nn
si stunt.
i"!, H. Kvnns. who hns been stnte
gume wnrden under tho reorganization
of two years ngo, wus retired upon his
refusi.l to tender his resigu-itinu, un.l
YVillinm I Kinley, former stnte g:ime
wnrden, who hns been serving lis slute
liiidiilst under the r.-orgiiniz.iiliun
m-lieme of two years ego, linn been re
instated in the position of giitnc wnr
den. The offices of the" Htiite Klfh mid
Onme Coin mission hnve been m-iiii-tnlned
nt the enpltnl building since the
shnkcup and ri-urgnnlr.utiuii of fwo
years ncn, and under the new condition
of affairs It is unite, orububle flint
iltL,!'..''!; '"J':.n. lmlk !" '""'""'MONB CAUSE OF BAD
where they formerly were, in the Venn
building, where Mr. Clanton, who hns
been neting ns stnte superintendent of
.l.lH l.M.l....l..M . 1 -..
and Stnte Illub-gist Flnlcy letnincd
their offices, '
j The reorgnnisatlnn of the eonimls
i slun, tn go buck to the original form,
jhes been commented upon as a direct
'"lap nt fliivcrnur West, who was given
j credit for the shnhoun rif two years
ngn, lint Ouvernor Vcf, when si-en this
jmnrnlng, said that he knew nothing
, about it erenpf what he hnd seen Iu the
papers and would offer no en-nmenf j
, lint his atfltude Indleiifi d thnt he cered
nothh g about It.
l.os Angeles, Cal., Nov. 17. Private
dete livea emploved by (he s. hool su
lhoritie were aiding the police today
,1m their search for a school bov who
isiistnins such prnfouiid dislike for lii
boo!u that ha sts fire to school build
ilngs. ThriH rlioolh.uises have been
burned to the ground here within s
few weeks, and a fourth bally dam
aged. The schmil officials uiinnimnusly
I believe that a desperatn small buy is
1 lespuusilile for the fires.
' Dallas, Ore., Nov. 17. Pis-
trict Judge Webster Holmec has
)t - today refused, an injunction in
k the case of the Dallas saloonmen
to prevent the rutting Into cf- !
feet of the local option election. 1
whioo was carried by the dry. j
The three Dallas saloons will
elate December 31. j
Interest in Contest Growing
Intense as Vote Grows
Bigger and Closer
The race between the candidates in 1
tho Capital Journals exposition eon-
test is becoming very close. Jlrs. llib
bier is still lending today, but Huth i'u
Ralc is only 45 votes behind her, and
Pearl Zinn is a close third. A large
number of votes has been polled since
the count was made last Friday, and
a number of other candidates inaile de
cided gains. Violet Cory hns received
over 10,000 votes since Friday and is
now in filth place.
The trip to the great exposition with
its wealth of world-wido woudcrs, will
be tiio event of a lifetime for the
fortunate wnuer, and the Capital
Journal guarantees that no expense will
he spared in jinking ti it plcusnnt one.
First clnss railroad tare, tho best of
hotel accommodation, and fiimilities for
sccng tho great fa ir at its best will be
provded free ot all charge by th
paper, ft will bo a prize well worth
working for.
The plan adopted by this paper fur
giving the trip docs not require the con
testant to sell anything. The only thin" i
necessary to secure votes being to p:i-i
troni.e some of Salem's most popular'
.stores. The advertisements of these'
j firms is run in each Friday's Capital
Journal. These firms have agreed to j
give a sales check or receipt to every
'purchaser for cash or for monthly bills
paid until January 1, ldl.'i. The snles
: checks or receipts l'rom these firms inny
be exchanged for voles at this office
one vote for every 5 cents of your pur
chase. The nnmcs and standing of the can
didates follow:
I Mrs. (iince F.off llibbler loil.Ootl
i Ruth Fugato l."i(i,0ll
;l'rarl Zinn Ml.'JO.'i
Margaret. White rill, lot!
Keiirti.a Swart :t"i,27!l
Vinlel Cory -III.SIII
Violet M. Darker H.ntl
Mario Bolinger 5,702
Arlinc Ohm 11,773
idcnocicve Kraaer l,fc'0
Luannn Brown 1,073
! folia Wilson 1,0-17
, Marguerite Ostrauder - 1,044
Beth Rvan 1,500
i Myrtle llerdlein 1350
i Enatia Davis 1315
! Lula Mo Long 10110
iOrace Craig 1080
iHa.ol Johnson . 1075
I Beatrice Crawford 1000
I Mable Brassficld 1047
! Mario Schwab 1010
I vera llcorge 1000
Hazel Coolcy 1000
Mildred Cooper 1000
I Maude McLaughlin - 1000
flornu'e. banter 1000
Vivian uargrovo 1000
draco Taylor 1000 j
juaguaicoa luini vui
Mary Ouycr 800
Alma Bull - 750
Vera Martin 750
I.otta l'enn .... 750
Silvia Miller 750
Gladys Gray .... V50
Maria Kvain 750
Tha following la a list of tho firms
whoso salca checks or receipts niny be
exchanaed for votes at the Capital jour
nal office:
Stockton '
The Topgery
Halem Klcctrlc Co.
tfaloin Cigar Factory
Imperial Ftirnituie Company,
Hnlcni Laundry I o,
Wiley B. Allen Co.
The Globe Theatre.
The Royal Bakery (bread wrappers)
A. 1!. Dcvoe Mioea
Tha Hpa
Maimer ilros.
Trover & Weigel, Photugriiphnrt
Viikohiiina Crockery k Ten Co.
Viek Bros. Garago
Hnleni Fish and I'nullrv Market
Indi pcndent .Meat Market
C. M. Roberts Grocery
Polsiil and Hhnw Grocery
C. M. Fd'pley Grom-ry,
The Highland Grocery
lleddanny 'a Cush Grocery
J. Ii. Busick k Hon Grocery
Dr. Mark hkiff Denial Offlea
J. E. Ilnrkctt, I'iauo Tunor
Kalorn Ice Co.
"Look lit a section of the skin in-
ili-r the nili r(iseii"niid you will rind
, "'. iy coHinefie, Ke.,eilly
l"."'". Vl" "'M""'' '',') T"-
Hubert Muckenrie. ' The -ikia, smcdh
us it looks lo the linked eye, under the
glass exhibits a lacewntk of tiny Imliu-,
mouths of myriads of little glands, lo
keep the skin hc-iltliv, lliene hides inns'
be iii..ilitrui'ti-d, thnt the perspiration
nnd natural oil can have free outlet.
Should the gluiuls be blin ked up ivitli
Irhtnling gritty partliles, a cnni.noo
result of using ponders mid l' -en ins.
Nature retaliates by causing sullo
uess, roughiiess. blotches or pinuiles,
-'As a substitute tor nil comm-lks I
recommend ordinury inereolii'd i.nx.
It not only does what Ihe vnrlous f-ici-preparations
are siipp.ml lu hcciiin
plish, hut Its fiecnliar iilie.irli.-nt action
frees the pores from the ilailv a-cuin i
Intion of Impurities, tilso nbsurblng th.
dcvitiili.rd particles of surface skin
This produces a natural, h.-ullliv, voutli
fill complexion. One ounce of thin wax,
to be hnd nt tiny drug store, usii-illy
suflbes to retlivcuute the poorest
complexion. It Is put on niclilly like
cold r renin and wnxhed ot f iihii iiings. '
Family Physician.
" iotsge : .
Thi Certificate, when properly endorsed by Brick Brothers, will
be good for $5.00 in trade any t mo np to and including March I, ll'lj.
Upon purchasing a suit at our storo durirg the week of Nov. Ii
to and inelmling Nov. 23, to the amount of 10 or over, and prewnt
ing this Certificate, properly signed and addressed, the holder may
select $5.00 in merchandise in, mediately or may retain Certificate
and at any time prior to -March may select the merchandise, which
consists of Hats, Shoes.. Overalls, Capa, Boys' Clothing, Ifackinaws,
Raincoats, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, in fact anything in our
Higncd .
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem
Here is an opportunity for wo
men of taste to buy a set of high
grade furs at smaller prices than
they can be had for elsewhere.
Elegant in. design and in desirable
variety. Buy now while you can.
Positively not a set carried over.
D. H. MOSHER, The Tailor
: i
I The Markets '
l J
Wheat prices shaded off from half a I
cent ti a cent Monday in Chicago and
nl t the siinia In 1'oitland. This wast
caused by reports of a large increase
over tnc estimates of visible supply.
This was expected, but the overplus wiis
not expected to be so largo as it has
proven, ami which is now in excess of
"."".'"" uusncis. jnui it will still
further increaso is conceded. Reports
from Argentine of extra good crop con
. I it ion m and larger ucreagu also had u
tendency to weaken prices. That they
will be materially reduced, however is
not expected.
nop trading In tho Yakima section
has left less than one-third rrf the crop
ii hand and this is rapidly vanishing.
A lion t I. Hill hales wern sold there ves-
terdiiy at from 7 to 10 ccflts. Trading
in this statu was fairly active. Two
carloads wero sold at Bunks for 7'ii
cents, (several uther sales wero re
ported at from 7 to 0 eenls and one
lot of 110 bales were sold at 4 ' j cents
at Vancouver.
Poultry is in imod suiiuly and tur
key morn plentiful than usual. Vcue-
tubli s are in good supply and egg's still
at lop prices.
liny, timothy .l2.im
Clover, per ton 8.00
tlnfs I vetch S.M
( heat H.IIO
Wheat, per bushel I.O.'idi 1.10
linn, per ton t2T.RO
Shorts, per ton L'll.OOl
Oats, per bushel
.S.'ifrl Hie
Chiltiui bark, per lb
'" 7-i,.f.i'i
I'ntliloes, per cwt
Butor and Eggs,
llulterfut, per lb
I reamcry butter, per lb
liens, per lb
Iltinsters, per lb
Cows, per cwt
Ntock hogs, per lb, (tops)
Nogs, at, per lb
Kwes, per lb ,
Hpilng lambs, per lb
Veal, first clnss
Hrv, per lb
Halted count ry pelts, each ...
I.ainli pelts, each
ilOc cash
,. e
,. lie, !
...I Of)!
(jiijn tUn
Kan raneiaen, Nov. 17. Wheal, per
ell., Club I.IIVofJ; lllui-Hleill tfU.ll.u.fi
2.IOj Turkey Hed 2f.i ; Ked llus.
sinn a I .ta ' jfVi 1 .0.1 j Fully Fold 2iif
Hnrley, fier ell., feed I.Stif.i !.!!' ii
shipping and brewing 1.2."irn l,27'!i.
Kggs, extras fiOcj pullets .'I7ej Call
fuiiiia storage, extras 27c,
Putter, extras illUc) prime firsts 2sc;
flrafs 20ci seconds 21c.
heese, California fancy Irtej firsts
12 'a.-; secondf J(V,
MMM,.- ,.
.P) I
Heattle, Nov. Kl.-Kggs, fresh ranch
30c; fresh eastern Wo doe ; Orientals lirln.
Butter, local cubes Hie: bricks 35c:
Oregon cubes XXn .3,'le.
Cheese, limbiirger 10e; Wisconsin l!c;
Hiss (domestic) a4-; Washingt.m
Onions, green 20(2.'( per dot;
eastern Washington Hii'l'c per pound:
California Kolc.
rutatoes, graded No. 1, a-ICi s18 per
Portland Markets.
Portland, Ore., Nov, 17. Wlii-Hl
Club, l.li!j bluestcm, I..T,.
tints No. 1 white feed, if-; gray,
Hailcy llrewing, tL'.'j feed, if- I.U.I.
Hogs llest live, 7..Wj prime ste.-is,
7."iH fancy cows, (Kl.-J.l- best calves,
Tf.iN; npiiiig lambs, iiil."in,
I lul I or 'if y icreamf if ,' II I Vie.
Kggs - Hclecfcd local extras, .'IU,M
liens, llej broilera, I lie; geese, Oe.
The Order of Muta put on a iM w
Hunt at the lend shuw In Portland Hal
unlay night III the way of a Chinese,
baby show. The piirents tulked Chinc ic,
but the "exhibits," nil old ( no.igh t
talk anything but the origlnel Vulapi.li
v.r Ksper-jntu, gurgled 1,'nited HI ulna
ni' Hii like any olh"r unlive,
t Onlekl T.no.en. nn flmii.1,. t..l
I Co,,, ln Throat or Chest.
.Inst a lillle Mt'HTF.IIOI K iiibbed
on your sore, tight chest before you go
lo bed will loimcn np congestion noil
brenk up most severe colds and coiieliN.
Ml'NTUKOI.H Is a clean white oint
incut mide with oil of inn-t'inl, Ki.e
ply rub it An, Nn idaster neccmny
I (letter than nun-turd plaster and do.ii
Tnt blister.
''"'"'I Thousands who use M I'S'I'I ' Kl l .t 1
Ill ...II - l.., ..!.., t li r u
a,. ."
Htilf Neck, Asthinn, Neuralgia, lleuil
uehe, Congestion. Plcuriry, Ithi-ii.eii-tism,
l.ti'iibago. Puies and Aches of the
1 llnck or .loiiils, Hpralns, Hole Musi lea
i "ruises, Chilblains, Fiosted Feet mill
! - ouis in oiicn nreveiiis rneiirnoiiia .
at, your iiruggisr s, in ;:, ami ooc
tirs, anil a Hpecinl large hospilnl sine
for 2..TI.
He sine you get (he genuine MIIH
TI HOI.i;, Heliiae Imitntiona - g.-f liat
vou usk for The .Mnslerolc ''oinpany,
Cleveland, Ohio.