Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 17, 1914, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal
NOVEMBER 17, 1914
e. .. . .
Daily, by Carrier, per yar 4-00 ""nth
Dri by Mall, per year 3 00 Per month .35c
W.eVly, ty 3Uai P" year 1-00 Six moath.... -00
raBLisnEP every evzkinq except btoday, baxem. oseoon
The Oaottal Journal eirrler boy r lnatructed to put the papon on the
jrch. U the carrier doei not do this, miJse. you, or neglecti getting the
iper to you on Mine, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa tola U the only
way we can determine whether or .not the carriers are following instructions,
raone Main 82.
Whatever we may think about John 0. Rockefeller
and the ways in which he acquired his immense wealth,
there are few who will not endorse the use which he is
making of a part of it in sending prompt and generous
succor to the Belgians.
It is easy to say that he is only doing what he ought
to do, and that he ought really to do a great deal more
both at home and abroad. This may be very true; but how
many of his carping critics do even a part of what they
could and should do?
At the best, or worst, Rockefeller has no monopoly on
giving in this great human cause. Every one is free to
compete with him in this to the full limit of one's gener
osity and means. For once, it cannot be said he is crowd
ing anybody out.
What concerns us just now is that Rockefeller is do
ing the right thing for once, anyhow, and in feeding the
'starving and clothing the naked sets an example that his
severest critics cannot do better than follow.
Nobody need worry about whether it is a "grandstand
play" for effect or the result of genuine sympathy and a
recognition of personal obligation. Nobody need take
Rockefeller's motives as his 'own in giving. Each may give
from his own motive.
With a population greater than the city of New York
suffering from hunger and exposure and hopelessness,
there cannot be too many helpers, nor too many motives.
Rockefeller's motive is probably no more mixed than
those of the rest of us when we perform a good action.
His "tainted" dollars will cany nothing but healing to his
beneficiaries. Standard Oil as an angel of mercy will not
be less efficacious than one with whiter wings.
- ,
Brete Harte in one of his poems describes the love af-
H ' n , i i i i m . . 1 i r
lairs oi a cnemist wno aeviseu a garment miiaiea wun
bvdroeen gas for his best girl so she could dance lightly.
The result was that, slipping from the arms of her part
ner, she sailed off into the skies, and the poet suggests
that it is well to remember the maxim this lesson may
teach that genius may lift its love out of its reach."
A pitiful story pomes from Seattle of Hannah Silver
berg, who is suing her husband for divorce. They were
playmates in Finland and later worked side by side in a
rubber factory at Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Naturally
they married. He was ambitious and she was, woman
like, loyal. He went to college while she toiled in the fac
tory to pay his expenses, and when her father died sent
him her little inheritance to pay his schooling. He be
came a doctor; she remained a toiling, working, loving,
self-sacnf icing woman. 1 hen came the end.
He wrote her a letter, not perhaps cruel from his view
point, Imtfrom hers bitter as death, cruel as the grave
After all her sacrifice, he wrote:
"It is necessary that a woman should be more enmpe
tent than simply to cook and keep house. That suits a
laborer very well, but an educated person craves for one
who can do more than that, such as being posted in up-to-date
life and in a general knowledge of higher ideals "
From this viewpoint, Silverberg was, in a sense, cor
rect, but how much more human it would have been to
have given her a chance to have helped her to come up
to his standard, even- as she had helped him. He threw
down the ladder by which he had climbed, and she, poor
woman, lifted her love out of her reach.
Truly, it is a cruel world.
The Tacoma Tribune thinks the creat financial nrob
. .... . V
oi the age is: 'How is a Mexican war
Down in Mexico this is well understood. In the. earlier
days they were financed by mining men who wanted
mining concessions from the government and hence tried
to make a government that would grant them. The min
ers are small fry these days, as Rockefeller and the Eng
lish oil trust have so far outbid them that they do not
count. If a few of these big fellows could be punished
for their unholy acts, there might be peace in Mexico.
The dispatches Monday tell of an English aviator
dropping a bomb into a small village and killing fourteen
of its people. What better is he than any other cold-blooded
assassin? It is bad enough for armed men to meet in
desperate battle and destroy each other, but the cowardly
assassins who from the skies drop deadly bombs into
peaceful villages should be hanged as soon as caught.
Ihere should be no hesitation in administering the pun
ishment when the offense is proven, and the nation,' no
matter which one, that permits this kind of warfare de
serves the condemnation and contempt of all humanity.
All the warring nations alike have been guilty of similar
outrages against civilization.
The sailors of the Russian ship Thomasina, who mu
tinied, beat the second mate, locked him and the chief
mate in the after cabin , and chased the. captain ashore,
were arrested by the harbor patrol at Portland Saturday
ana iccKea up. ihey will he returned to the vessel when
she gets ready to sail. A closely-kept diary ai events on
that ship after she gets outside the three-mile limit would.
no doubt, make interesting reading. How it would be
expressed in Russian is, of course, beyond our knowledge,
but in classical modern English a description of the affair
could perhaps be made in the brief sentence : "They won't
do a thing to them.
Vesuvius is reported in extra arrive ennir.inn. RVip
will have to do more than merely erupt to attract atten-
: dl- i i -j . i . ,i
uun juhi nuw. one snows ner juugmeni in selecting me
time for her last appearance, as her fireworks are so in
ferior to the samnles of hell the Euronean nations arp
erupting that they hardly attract even a newspaper no
The Tacoma Tribune suggests that one thing the poli
ticians of that state should remember on Thanksgiving
day is that the foot and mouth disease did not start until
after the election was over.
What She Gives to 'a Nation
X,,. j -sliall we bh.v tlmt women eonti ibutc
TifTfTipiiifJiii , only the bninlniiPH, the nursing, cheer
Dimglaa county, the homo of the ! "''"K the wounded ? No!
TlKinkHCivinn turkev. report, n hm-v 7 7'r""t ' .f'hter! ht
ernp of the juicy birds l:is vonr than i " "r of. '"' " "'"I'lration can a
v J woman bo who is enfeebled am brolu-n-
ilown by disenscs anil weaknesses pe.
(Miliar to her sox. Can she hope to lie
The hind show at Portland thin yoni n capable mother or nn efficient wife?
proved such an attraction that money i Tho uiiuhty tostorntivo power of Dr.
ciiuugh w:h received to pay all expen Pierce 'h Favorite Prescription speedily
sos tu.d it;) backers will have an deficit j causes all womanly troubles to ilisap
to make good. j pear compels '-the' oinnns to properly
pel form their,., natural fii notions, cor
It is now '.'lnimed that u Inrjre per nvt displacements, overcomes irregu-
cent of the names signed to the recent lnrlties. removes .pain and misery at
Portland recall petitions Here rank for rei'ain tim''" nMl1 l,li"s hch l"-,al,1
dories. The district uttornev has taken i ""i" st'n,h to nervous, irritable and
.1... ,..n,.r .. ,i ;n f.',. ... .1... I exhausted women.
. . 1 i It ia ..'ninlfifiil nti..t-!nt;n.t no...
'"' I'" ' 'I"""' I"'
Urand jury.
.fames llurton McCoy, who died lit
I. os Angeles Nov. 5, aKeil "it years, was
one of I. inn county's earliest pioneers.
He was born in Warren countv, Illi-
pnroil only from nature 's roots and
herbs with no alcohol to falsely stim
ulate nnd no narcotics to wreck the
nerves. It banishes pain, henddche,
linckni'he, low spirits, hot flashes, dra-uinir-ilnwn
ensntinn. worrv nnd nleen.
ions, mn vnme iu virion wmi ins pur , lessness surely nnd without loss of time
cuts in 1M4S. They settled in Linn coun
ty the following vear.
" t
The Oregon Mate Bar association
will meet in Portland Noeinber .17 IS
A new council of (lie Knights of Co
Iambus wns instituted lit Mt, Angel
Mundny. Many of the valley towns as
well ns Portland sent large delegation:,
Portland aending a special train,
The lloke Cannery fompnnj. of Med
ford, lias sold :i3.0IK runs of its first
output and claims to have made n
handsome profit. It is n eooperative
It. H. Newport, who lias the contract
for building the Columbin highway in
Hood Kiver county, has I12S men ni
worn, and with average weather e.
Why should nnv woman continue to
worry, to lend a miserable existence,
when certain help is nt. hnmU
What Dr. IVrfeVs Favorite Prescrip
tion hns done for thousands It will do
for you. It's )ot a secret remedy for
its ingredients ore printed on wrapper.
Oct It this very day1 at any mellcine
dealers in their liquid or tablet form.
In the meantime address Doctor Pierce,
Invalids Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y., and
simply write "Pear Doctor: Please
send me without charge further In
formation," and you will receive the
advice of a lhysician Specialist abso
lutely free; 111(1 page book on women's
diseases sent free.
I.ns Angeles. Cnl Nov. 1 7. Thin
ilv's municipal business will be di
pects to have the work completed in ,.,.,,,,. ,)V ,,ity lnr,IIIIf!or and 11 .lo
ut) days. . pertinent licnds, if the citizens approve
plans ngreeil upon today hy the otti
cials who are drafting n set of charter
amendments to bo voted on December
Mrs. Maithn ,T. Alford, of Harris
burg;, ng.'d tt:i, is the head of fho gen
orations. She is -the mother of If
children, Vi of whom nre living. There
nre til) grand children, 111" greet grand
children ntd four great greal grand
children. Klio crossed the plains with
her husband in 1W0 and located nith
him on a donation land claim near liar
rislmry. Her Itu-diund died ia
Oscar Lucas, nged Sll, wns struck
and killed by n Southern Pacific loco
motive near Harlow. He was uniiiar
The new plans also call lor n borough
system of government.
The Portland Flouring Mills Co. will
build a new warehouse nt Albany on
tho site of the one burned November .1.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
. Established 186S
Capital 5300,000.00
Transact a general banking; business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Lime Starvation
Causes Tuberculosis
Tin- Moillrnt Hrrurtl t York)
of Hrrniiltrr IK, Iimiw. rmilnltiM mm
art Icli tin 'I'd TrKlmnf of
Mionnrr TtilirrtMtlf.hilH, II unfit i tmm
Atimptlitn 1'hnl ih I Mr Ihum
of Hi lUrHe U l,tm HtnTvntlimi"
hy lr. John V. Itiinaif II, rkn nn1
" I'hf rniliiln nhli'h In ifvmiliir4
nn nrei'riMiiif th nrllt riVvvloiimrnt
nf 1iihtriiiioMlN In h mlult mmf
rnMlilrrril mm tin tit Mm Htnrvn(l
AimmH iMortinnlt tihnnwot
11 mi nnMn nirnr to h of uprvlnl
(hytilolottlrnl tninitrliinrr
.nt If hi amIIii nrr nl In rerun t
I'omlilnntton It In iliflloiilt nuiiM
thnl ih rrlU rnn iirunrlnlv Ihrm
for Intnl."
Y pit i'ri of wltlPNiiriMiil una rnn firm
Ui tit thtt Unllir tlmt thi mirtfim uf
KoUmiin'H AltPinllvt In vnv of ntiU
niniiurv tiilipn ulodlg O'oiuuiiintlon)
mul fii rth It1 tlirout it ml In -om-hliu
trmililm im lue lit Ui'H mnHnuie to
It n I'lintiwU of lltiu o combined with
olliur iimrptlicitig nn to be eanlly p
iroirlnliMl y tli rnlla.
mouhuphn huh tin m ham muoh to
"These floors T have to sweep and
swab,'' the janitor exclaimed; "it Is
Indeed n beastly job, of which I mn
ashamed. I was designed for better
things nnd higher, heaven knows; I
slioiil, be riddling
with the strings uf
lyres and things
like lliose, 1 can
not do such work
ith r.est, it ' nit
mv propei- sphere;
I 'm sick of It, nnd
I'll be hi wt if 1
slinll Inrry here."
Then mine tho
boss, who seemed
to be depressed 1
nnd sad nnd tired,
nnd to the jnnit r
snld ,h c, "Do
e h a e vonrself I
Von 're fired! Yon queer nie with your
dismal face, vour feet lire. lways cold;
a dozen fellows want the place that yon
so lightly hold.'' The innitoi- has time
to burn, rniiiuiiiiiiag with his soul; and
how he envies those who earn, each
week, their little roll! How well he'd
like to sweep and swab, nnd light the
fires nt dawn. In vain he rustles for
ii job nnd winter's coming on.
I Though we must do some work we hate,
lot s wield i willing hand, for he's the
wisest sort of skate who keeps his
r v . . v
The Many Troubles
caused by indigestion, such as headache, dizziness, lassitude. Bailor, skin
eruptions and Other SvmDtoms. thfire is a safe and snre remerlv. If tint attnnderl tn
in time, serious results will follow. Many a chronic disease mieht have been nrevented
by applying commonsense treatment at the first sign of discomfort. As a corrective,
Of The Digestive Organs
Beecham's Pills are a convenient, efficient remedy. They have for over sixty years been
ah effective f amijy medicine for such disorders. They assist the stomach in its functions,
regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys. They remove from your system
the poisonous matter which is the chief cause of your suffering, and by puri f ying the
blood, ensure healthy conditions. A rand eatnnlexion. a clear head, at.renorthened i
nerves and a vigorous aDDetite result. Do not nrocrastinatH. but nromntlv Jr&
ru...... K.-k
i 1 nVsysvH mW
' wmn tut
wtlh cwrv box.
12th and Chemeketa
Phone 2486
methods are employed
in our bakery. Our
flour is first sifted,
then mixed by machin
ery (not by hand). It
is then baked under the
most careful and sani
tary coriditipns, wrap
ped in waxed paper and
delivered in a sanitary
auto. Our salesman
who handles Pennant
Bread does not handle
horses. Surely you
could not buy cleaner
Insist on getting Pen
nant Bread from your
grocer. If he caifj; sup
ply you, phone 2486 and
we'll deliver.
Yours for quality,
Salem Bakery
C. A. ERTLE, Propr.
Of Course Ycu Want the Best Overcoat Yonr
Money Will Baythe Utmost ia Tailor
ing in Style in Quality
'11 -
The purchaae or an overcoat is an important
transaction partly because ol tLe amount in
volvcj, partly becaute o( the necessity of avoid
ing the muatiafaction that may be youra
nontlia afterwards ta a result o( a carel:
election of a ready made overcoat.
Kerney Meltons, Cliin
rhillnw. Over lMnil,
NoTeHy Twepds
Tbese are tLe fabrics tbat predominate in t!:o
aeaion'i lelection, altboutfk we have counties!
others to ahow you. No doubt you have i
E articular pattern or style in mind. It ia our
usineaa to take care of your wanta as you ex
press them. We are in a position to do to.
You Pick Hie Style mid Fiibrin
You Decide llie Price
Knoh 1 Uiiairamtoad Folly by
4 - A
Edward E. Strauss & Co.
,, .. The Big Merchant Tailors
, Chicago
. We want to make your buaineaa suit or overcoat, full dress or tuxedo, mas
kinuw or fan.-y veat to your measure for Thanli(tvn(f. We want you t
come in to-day to prove to your own aatiafaction that it ie to your awn in
terest to let us do so You are welcome any time if only to look over our
offerings. We will not urge you to buy unleaa j oa care to.
357 State Street
p'ur tn hnvo ) U'l K'i to
An It oontttlnn no oplnt, nnrontlrn
or lutlilt-rorinlnn: ilnmt, It In phT
tit try. Your tlnumint h lit nriler It
for ml or mi run Hdntl direct.
biitlwr fiphon, hut, till our clmnco r
riven, lot n do our work without h tonr,
for Hum tlio toiler thrive.
HKAI.E1) UIDK will lie rprolvt-il by
tin- uncliTsigiii'd. us uiliniiiistriitor o'
tho otuto of (1. I.. I'ukIi, iUh'oiis.mI
until Doc. 15th, Itl I I. for throo I'i'rtaiii
triii'ts a liiml lii'loiiiix to sniil ostulo
nnd lwnti'd noiir (.'hommvn .station 1
Morion County, Ori'con, Tho Noil Is AI
mid tho titlo icrfi'i-t. Two of snii! j
tm.-ts rontiiin nlioiit V m-ros null nnd'
tho othor hns 7.115 noros. Tonus of,
unit1, rush on dolivory of ilci'd. Tin"
rlijht is rcsorvi'd to njoi-t uny or ulli
bids. Cull on or address.
tlooijji. II lndi., Choiiinwu, Oropon.
London, Nov. HI. Dispntolioa ro
coiv'cil horo totiiuht from Kottordnn--.lid
n Zi'in'lill. Iindly diininuod, I'lifs
od Miiiislri.'ht yostordiiy. Tlio nirshi.,
it wns siiid, nns In an nlinost 'r!l'ul
iosition, and sovorul of tlio prow, slinll
on from tho cur, ivorc pliiiniiiu; to roios j
Othors rltint; to tho cur s odpa.
1 lit Zi'l'pi'lin, tho niHintrn sunt, li
nnlly rou'liod tho (lornuin frontli r nnd
was laiidod without sorloua niishnp to
Its prow,
For ;
This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con
test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital
Journal office. Not goad after November 21, 1914.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largest stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
133 Butt Stroet Snlajn, Oregon. Phona tUli tU
"A Shin In
tvary Droit"
t a am to4ay frm
yew kanrwm or atraM
ey ataalorv
Stout Nasty Dlaoharge, Clonra Stu'frd
Hood, Ilenli Inflamed Air PaasAgos
aud Toil Breach Froely.
Try "Kly's ('roam Unlm."
(lot a small bottlo anyway, just to
try It Apply a little In the nostrils
and Instantly your rl"KH'l noso and
stopped np air imssagos of the hoad
nil! open: you will -breath froolyj
diillnoss nnd lii'iidaiho disappear. Hy
morning! tlio I'litnrih, rold-iu hi-nd or
ratnrrhal sort' throat will bo pone, .
Knd stirh niiseiy inmi Oet the amnll
bottle of " Ely 'a Cream Unlm" at any
drum store. This svieet, franrnnt balm
dissolves by tlio heat of the nostrils;
pennttato nnd bonis the infljimmeil,
swollen nioinbrnne which lines the nosa,
head and throat; elrars the air pan.
suites: stops nasty dlsi'liarnes and a feel
iii( nf rlennslnii, soottiiiiK relinf cornea
limnedintely, .
I'nn't Iny await tooiiklit alnigiilino;
for bronth, with lmnd Ptnl'fe.l; nostrlla
rinsed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a oobl,. with Its running nosn, foul
mucous dropping Into the throat, and
raw nryness Is distressing tint truly
Put your faith just once In "Kly'i
Cream Iwilm'' and your rolil or catarrh
will surely dlsiippenr.