THREE The Firs teoroaniza THE SALEM CAPIT AL J0U8MAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1914. t Move 0fa Use MACKINAWS "All $ 7.50 Mackinaws cut to. : . . ; .$5,95 All $ ,8.50 Mackinaws cut to '. ; . . '. . . .'. . . $6.95 All $10.00 Mackinaws cut to .$7.95 All $12.00 Mackinaws cut to. . . . , . . .". . $9.45 YOUR CHOICE OF ANY "TOGGERY" $3.00 HAT $2.15 All $4.00 Hats cut to .$2.65 All $5.00 Hats cut to $3.95 GENUINE 50c "PRESIDENT" SUSPENDERS 29c SELECT ANY PAIR OF FLORSHEIM SHOES AND DEDUCT ONE DOLLAR FROM THE REGULAR PRICE. $3.00 UNION SUITS CUT TO $2,45 Off This Store Must bcthcscllingjout of the present enor mous stock; all gopds bearing the "Tog gery" label must be sold at once. Satur day's big selling made but a small im pression on this big assortment. Such high class clothing, hats and furnishings arc seldom offered at the prices for which we are closing out this stock. All reduction in prices are guaranteed absolutely genuine, and any purchase that may prove to be unsatisfactory upon home ex amination, will be as cheerfully exchanged as if the regular price had been in force. 15c Hose Cut to 9c 10c White Handker chiefs 3c Lot 50c Ties Cut to 29c Ladies' $3 Auto Gauntlets Cut to $1.98 MEN'S SUITS ; OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S SUITS ARE GROUP ED FOR THIS GREAT SALE INTO FIVE LOTS. Lot 1 Men's $15.00 Suits cut to ............$ 9.95 Lot 2 Men's $15.00 to $18.00 Suits cut to ..$12.95 Lot 3 Men's $18.00 to $20.00 Suits cut to $14.95 Lot 4 Men's $25.00 Suits cut to. .............. . ; .$18.95 Lot 5 Men's $30.00 to $35.00 Suits cut to . . ..$21.95 $2.00 AND $1.50 SHORT GLOVES CUT TO $1.15 $5.00, $1.00 AND $3.50 FRENCH FLANNEL SHIRTS CUT TO $2.95 $3.00 BROWN STIFF HATS CUT TO 50c $1.50 FANCY SHIRTS CUT TO $1.15 $2.50 and $2.00 Shirts cut to. $1.39 $1.25 Shirts cut to $ .83 Don't Delay! HAMM Drop : Barg OND and get Your Share of the great ains we are offering 167 N. Commercial St. THE "TOGGERY" O M TUT tftt OMPANY 167 N. Commercial St. Social and Personal Notes By Mollie Runcorn as a surprise to ninny here. Thd briiln iiuH been a popular clerk nt tlio Hpa nnd her .liiiHlinnil ia with the Under wood Typewriter company, of Portland, where they will mnlio their home, i - At the regular meeting of the Thauith iiml Work club Inst Thursday . afternoon, at the resilience of Mrs. .Mary Newton, on North Cottngo street, la mournm of current event wus in- 'A genuine treat In the mimical line meeting of their order. Theme present lauguintod, with Mrs. W. F. Fargo as awuits tiionc who nttond tho sacred enn-i were: Mm. M. 0. Pcttys, Mrs. 11. A. 1 loader, A vote of thanks was taken tata, "Faith Triunpiiunt, " or "The (irunt, Mrs. Krnest Anderson, Mrs. Wal-: for the street committee's prompt sc. Healing of Naaman, which will be giv- tor Persons, Mrs. Hlusser, .Mrs, C. I., tiiiu in regard to furnishing street sign vn Wednesday and Thursday evenings I'nrmenter, Mrs. Hchott, Mrs. liuiiii, posts for the northern part of the city. in the First Christian church, miner me direction of Dr. 11. ('. Kpley. Final re hearsal was held Inst night, when the characters donned full ilress and went further than that he lemenilierod noth ing. He does not remember having drnwn his money from the bunk, but his father discovered this fact uron In vestigation. Neither docs he remember what be come of the money, his only rceollec- directly to Halnm nnd the son will bo; Negroes In Dnkor having rinsed 70i tion being very faint regarding tho1 discharged today nnd go back homo1 toward building a church, have secured ..... - . ... .... . i... -i i ........ i options on several sites in tho resldi-mui inning or a lew minus wun sirnngcrs. w,tn his Hither. 1 .. , ,. , , . He knows nothing of how lie came to - (district,, winch they .ay they will bo In Astoria. Upon beinir notified of, Tho woman who tells it oil seldom, " sell or trade" for another site. They his whereabouts his father canioj claims to know It all. I will probably get n site froe. Miss Hanoi Price. A Inrge number enjoyed the program gfven in tlio lodge rooms tho same night on the ocension of tho rcinilur social! through the complete cantata, with the 'night. Following is the program given: orchestra accompaniment. Everything was glvon exactly as it will bo present ed publicly later. Colored electric lights will alternate, in knleidnscop ef fect, malting each setting of unusual beauty. Tho musical scores are excep tionally attractive, anil the leading I'arts and choruses are handled by many of Salem ' best-nown vocalists. The affair is given ns a choir benefit, and promises to be entirely successful, I'inam ially as well as artistically. At the meeting of tho Halcm Wo man 'a Club Saturday atternoon in the uubllc library, a motion was mndo to ltecitatlon Mildred Huun Vocal solo Inez Dciinison Duet violin and piano Until Feck and (luy Alvin Vocal duet Tho Misses Hays Instrumental Mr, Isiicrwoml Vocnl solo Alice linker, Reading Ivnn Martin Duet Violin and I'lano Joy Tinner and Marian Kininons Vocal solo i Hubert Cnnk A biiuipict was served later, rounding out flu enjoyable evening. ft w ft In her latest letter to relatives In Salem Mrs, Tliomns lloluinn (Viola make application to tho state board for! Vercler) states that she and her hos tile next Htnte Federation meeting to band may return shortly, Iloth nave be held here in lit i .. Although the de vision will rest between a number of cities, Halcm women are optimistic and it. is veiiernllv considered not unlikely that Hulein will be the onn designated. No set time Is given for the meeting of this board, the date being optional with tho slate president, Mrs. Harah Ann F.v Inns, lleioliitions of tho Federation dolegatea were read, completing tho pro ram. (.'lassos of art and ilinina aro 1. ...... ..1....I.,.. .1... I-,..,. I.. 1.1 i.-vit I'lnjiiip, w u .Bif... mwi' im m . ..II II Han Francisco ami liavo been away fori""1 "erniu. Hume time. Their home coming would i occa-dun much pleasure in musical clr cles, where they weie both very popu lar. . jot PERSONALS Gail 8. Hill, prosecuting attorney for 1,1 n n county, is in Nulcm on business of a legnl nntiiro. Oovernorelect .lames Wlthycombe Is a visitor at the state cnpitol and shak ing hniuls with friends and political suii;iorters. He Is stopping at the Mar ion hotel. ('has, A. Murphy, engineer lit the eastern Oregon branch insane asylum, ut Pendleton, and Mrs. Murphy arc In the city for a brief vsit with friends and iclatlvea. Mis. T. K. Barnard and son of fn le.m aro In the elt.y visiting Mr. Bar nard, who is engaged on the interior work of tho new federal building. Al- MtM4MMMM4ft 1 "FAITH "FATHER FINDS SON A li 111 Alii 1 1 i 4 A TTTTtTTT t Y T V V tt TT T f f f f T T T f TT TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T"'JT The Dick Tom home was ablaro with many lights Inst night, the occasion be ing a reception In honor of Mrs. Cyn- t;iin hmilun nf Mnlcitl. who hisiilicted meeting in regular weekly sessions, tiie,t)0 v,,Bt(dnv. A short program next meeting of general Importnnce be-1 w. ,-llllprV,, Mrs. .). H. 1( nn sang an Ing December 12, when William (.. In- oll, ,'M,iinucd song which received much ley, stnte gnme warden, will lecture on nl 111H0 M rs. Diinlnp made a mnt birds. Tho club has nnined a roHtr ,.l,(,t-1t nill witV address. The clos- rommlttec, but no definite line ot wora . u ith y0 has been taken up, the members await ing die plans of the Social Hervicc Cen ter. Mrs. I., E. tlcaii and sons, John and Alexander, of Kugene, were entertained as week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. . 1'. Huff. The residents of the Richmond school district will meet In their school build ing tonight to perfect the organaation if a parent-teachers' association. The meeting will open at 7:30 o'clock, and II members are requested to be )ires ent. The meeting last week was mere ly a social gathering to learn tho posi tion of the school patrons concerning auch an undertaking. itr, Bylvla Hchaupp, 1I1 Market itreet, entertained tho women of the Hoysl Neighbors Thursday afternoon at her home. The time was spent Infor mally, and a late luncheon served by the hostess, assisted hy her dsiiRhter, Miss Fern Hchaupp, following which all made up a party attending the opes heartily siini' by the crowd. Mrs. Diin lnp leaves today for Kugene, where she will inspect their enips tonight. Dur ing her stay In this city she has been the guet nf Mrs. Prudence Chipiuan. Corvullis Itcpublicau. Mrs, llnllio Parrlsh Hinges hns been asked by the members of the F.Iks' lodge of Albany to sing at their annual memorial services, which will take place December fl. Mrs. Ilingr selections will be "Ave Marie," by Millard: "), Drv Those Tears," and "Only Trust ing." Miss lleatrlee riholtnn will be ber piano accompanist, and Mrs. Hinges will also have tiie assistance of a vio The marriage nf Miss Lena Waldes- IN ASYLUM HERE After being In mental darkness for more than seven weeks and an Inmate! of the Oregon limine asylum for tho: grenter part of that time, Henry Urlcsliach, Jr., son of a wealthy and prominent stockman of Montana, has regained his memory to the extent of . knowing who ho ia and that he took a few drinks with some strangers but hoi does not remember of having drawn! 2,.ru0 from the imperial bank of Cal gary, Canada, about two months ngo, nor what happened to him. It is pre sumed that ho was drugged and robbeil of the money shortly after drawing It and while in a bewildered state of mind. His faflier, Henry (Irlesbnch, Nr., of Fort Denton, Montana, l In the city and will Hike his son home this afternoon. About two months ago young Orles back drew 2,i0 from the Calgary bank nf Canada and disappeared and his whereabouts were unknown until about seven weeks ago when ho was found on the bank of the river at Astoria, nearly dend, and with his body Ivlng half submerged In the water pel to Harold Johns ot Portland ws j Wh(,n he wn, rf.i,.fiited his mind was quieuv o Vine a celebrated lest night at 8 at the II. (1. Carl residence. Hev. Hen. Welgle, pastor nf the Her man Methodist church, performed the ceremony. Although formerly attend lug si lino! together nnd being friends for manv years, their marriage came found to lie a blnnk and he Imagined that he was being pursued by devils. He was committed to the Insane asylum and did not begin to recover his senses until about two weeks ago when he was able to tell Huperlntendent Kleiner the name and address of his father but TRIUMP. Or "Healing of Naaman" HANT SACRED CANTATA IN COSTUME ELECTRIC EFFECTS "The sweetest music I ever listened to. I can't ex press my feelings." Lady visitor at dress rehearsal last night. Heart-reaching melody. First depicting the sorrow ful hopelessness of a leper, then the triumphant shouts of a healed man, rejoicing in the restoration of perfect health. Tickets at the book stores. 100 reserved seats, 50c. General admission, 25c; children 15c. Xt WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 7:30 Christian Church I