TWO THB CAPITA! JOTONAL, SALEM, ORGEON, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1914. Morris Makes the rices ta addition to tin extremely low price I give beautiful premium tor tach 15.00 worth of ticket. 14T GOODS ABE ALL EXTBA STANDARD no cheap goods and nr price arc right. Bert Hum, lb ioc Nice Breakfast Bacon, lb. . 20c Pick Kick Hani, lb. '. 17c Beaaoninf Bacon, lb. 17c No. B Lard ...75c No. 10 Lard ...11.45 Medium Cottolen . 65c Largs Cottolene ;:..$1.60 No. S Oompopnd 65o No. 10 Compound .11.23 10 bar good Soap 20c 5 pkg. Corn Starch .25c 1 gal. lize Choice Peache....85 1 gat dca Choice Pears ....33c 1 gaL iz Choice Pumpklna....2Sc 1 gaL size Choice Bquanh .2Sc 4 pkg, Seeded Eaislnl 25c 5 flaw MUS 25c 3 came Extra Corn .. 25c 3 cans Extra Qttal. Tomatoes 25c 2 cans Sauer Kraut 25c 2 cans Choice Peas 25c 3 cans String Beans 25c 2 pkgs. Arm & Hammer Soda 15c 25c K. C. Baking Powder 20c 1 can Nice Minced Clams 10c 3 cans Extr Choice Oystors 25c 2 cans Pride of Columbia Etver Salmon .". 25c Alaska Pink Salmon, can..!..... 10c Extra Choice Coffee, lb 30c 2 lbs. Brick Codfish 25c y, gallon Syrup 25c 1 gallon Syrup 50c a gallon Karo White Syrup. .35c 1 gallon Karo White Syrup... ,65c Mb, box Macaroni 30c 10-lb, size Corn Meal 36c Large site Golden Bod Oat..30c Large size Golden Bod Wheat 30c 3 pkgs. Post Toaatlos 20c 4 Kriukle Corn Flakes 20o Large bottle Vinegar lOo 5 gaL Kerosene (bring your can) 65c Extra fine Uncolored Japan Tea, lb 40c 8 cans Clearbrook Peaches....60o 2 cans Clearbrook Apricots....26o No. B Keg Pickles 83c No. B Best Cream Boiled Oat '. 2Bo 4 lbs. Broken Rice 25a 3 lbs. Head Klce ' 25c 8 lbs. Choice Dried Peaches....26o 4 lb. Fancy White Beans 25c 0 lbs, Pluk Beans - 25c Pride of Waldo Hills Flour, sack l,35 The Dalles Patent, sack... .11. 70 Young America Cheese, lb 20o Beat Tillamook Cream Cheese, lb 20c 1 gaL Best Cider Vinegar 25c 18 lbs, Ouious 25o 100 lbs. Onion 11.20 Potatoes, per bushel 80o Potatoes, per bushel 70c Beuesiber each 15.00 worth of ticket get a beautiful premium, Parcel Post Order A Specialty Fre Delivery Anywhere In Sa lem and reasonable dlatance In country. FUONB 1467 Comer Morris At, and Fair grounds load ! Expect Naval Battle ' London, Nov. 7. That the German Baltic squadron wan' about to engage the Russian fleet was asserted unofficially in a message received here to- day from Copenhagen. The czar's ships were described as steaming to the southeastward from Helaingfors to meet tbe Germans. EXAMINATION WILL BE DECEMBER 16-19 State School Superintendent J. A. Churchill is sending out instructions to toe county school superintendents or tbe several eounties of the state to gov ern tbe examinations for state teachers' certificates, which wil be held at the county seat of each eounty on December Hi, 17, lit and 1 of this year. Tbe examinations will begin at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, December 16, and will continue until Saturday, December 19 nt 4 o'clock p. m., and the subjects upon which the examinations will be held during the four days of work will be Riven in the following order: vWednesday forenoon Writing, TJ. 8. history, physiology. Wednesday afternoon Physical geog raphy, reading, composition, methods in reading, methods in arithmetic. Thursday afternoon Arithmetic, his tory of education, psychology, methods in geography. ' Thursday afternoon Grammar, geog raphy, American literature, physics, methods in language, thesis for primary certificate. Friday afternon Theory and prac tice, ' orthography, English literature, chemistry, Friday afternoon School law, geol ogy, algebra, civil government. Haturday forenoon Geometry, bot any. ' Hatnrdny afternoon General history, book keeping. Only Sure Corn Cure Ever Known "Gets It" the New Way, 2 Drops Do It To eniluro the. pains and tortures caused by a little thing like a corn is ridiculous, simply because it is unneces sary. The new-plan corn cure, "GETS- U.o "GETS4T for Corn and You Wo't " Hollor" Whti Yon Put on Y bow. IT," is the first one ever known to remove corns without fail, without puin nnd without trouble. This is why It is the biggest-selling corn cure in existence today, It is now used by mil lions, because it does nway with sticky tape, with plasters und cottoa rings that shift their position nnd press down onto the corn, with snlvus that "raw up" tho toe, with "harnesses" that cuuso pressure and puiu, with knives, nuors and files, clewing nnd pulling at u corn, "GKTS1T" is applied In two sec onds. Two drops applied with the glass rod do the work, l'nin goes, tho corn shrivels, vanishes. Accept no substi tute. Try it on any com, wart, cnllus or bunion tonight. "OKTW-1T" is sold by druggists everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent diiect by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. GALE ON ATLANTIC COAST ABATING New York, Nov. 17. There was a slight abatement today in the sixty mile gale which has swept the north Atlantic, coast for tho last few days. A number of sailing ships, however, wore still unreported and special look outs were established along the const. The steamship Eureka struck Smith's reef, off the Connecticut const some time during the night snd will be n total loss.. Captain Mills, his wife and crew were saved. FUN EE All TO BE PUBLIC I London, Nov, 17: Announcement was made t'tnv thnt the late Meld I Marshal Lord itobcrts' funeral would be public nnd that the service would i be held at Ha. I'nul'a cathedral, 1Z is 7UL A gentleman is a human bein of the male persuasion, with all the qualities of a snore enough man, only them qualities is gentled a little to smooth out the rough ness. VELVET is a ."gentleman" tobacco.1 1 3i ' i..'V',V VELVET, Tlia Smoothest SmoltlnS Tobacco, lia all the pipe- qualities of Kentucky LUsHty Lrntt "gtn- tied" by fcjfeinjf. E 10 Governor West Will Keep Hands Off 'Withycombe Has Made No Selections The state printer and state printing plant muddle, at least o far as Gov ernor West is concerned, has passed out of the governor's hands and, if any changes in the office or the system is inaugurated it will be done by the state board of printing under the regime of Governor-elect Withycombe. This would seem to operate to the elim ination of State Printer H. A. Harris, whose chief hope in being able to re tain his position rested in Governor West, and bis successor will be chosen by Governor-elect Withycombe, Secre tary of State Olcott and Treasurer Kay. Governor West has also advised Governor-elect Withycombe that he will keep his hands off the selection of a successor to Superintendent Will 8. Hale of the stute reform school and, if the matter should eome up before the board of control before Dr. Withycombe is inaugurated, Governor West told him that he wmit.l rouf 4iia vn4a t,nn M. successor 'a recommendation and advice. These concessions were made voluntar ily and magnanimously upon the -part of Governor West because, owing to the lateness of the day, he did not wish to insist upon anytnina; that would crin -ae: ' ...... . (fiu me en iciency or iiisturt) toe har mony of the incoming administration. lVWUnn.V. !. t . v ILIlJlulllUt, IB 111 Knlem todav, "resting up and greeting his friends" as he puts it, nnd paid a visit to Secretary of State Olcott nnd Governor West and other state officials this morning. He has made arrange ments to open temporary offices in the capitol building so as to get in touch with the run of the duties that will devolve upon him- as governor and Governor West lias extended him every courtesy of his department. Dr. Wlthy eotiibe will probably open offices in the state house later during the present month. Dr. Withycombe would discuss, only in a general way, his selections to fill the vacancies which will occur during his Incumbency but stated that lie had made .no selections, even as to his pri vate secretary, the most Important of all of the pntrnnaue which will come to him for distribution from his admin istrative point of view, nnd said thnt he had not made any decisions regard ing the stnte printer or anv other of tk m I I'uprj.i;. I , p llt'l'IMIIlllll-IIIS Illl.UOUgll nc ii us h iimiTirmic or applications ror nil of rlio positions which he will be called upon to fill and many more. ROUTINE BUSINESS KEPT COUNCIL BUSY While the 1015 budget was tho prin cipal subject for discussion at the reg ular meeting of-the council lust night some routine business was also trans- I acted. Hie committee on finance to , which the claim of Lilly G. llnll for I damages of KM) against the eitv was referred reported thai, tho woman had no legnl claim against the city but that there was no doubt hut that she had suffered considerable Inconvenience but the committee recommended, that the claim be denied on legal grounds. At torney Carey Martin, who is handling the case for the woman was present and was given the floor for a few minutes. He stated that he would sue the city if the matter were not settled as ho con sidered that his client had a valid claim and the matter was re rcforred to the committee. The street committee reported that, the signs asked for by the people of Norlh Salem had been erected nt the street Intersections, a favorable report on the petition for n fire hydrnnt at tho intersection of Rural avenue and 12th street was ndoptel and the petl and will have the tenchers attoniliiir tinn for a fire hydrant at the Intersec tion of Highland nnd Laurel avenue was referred to the fire nnd water com- The I'. n. L. 4 1. company was given nn extension of time until April 1 to remove their poles carrying their hii'h voltnite line. John A. Corson called the attention of the council to the condi tion of the street nt. the Intersection of Liberty and Kearney streets nnd the matter was referred to the street com mittee. H. S. Kouthwtck was appointed special police nt tho opera house to serve without pay or firearms. The bids for a cement sidewalk nlonir the frontline of lots llVll and 12 In block "il. Nub Hill addition, were opened. W. Armstrong hid l.lfl, H. Winger -,n .!,.,, ninitiiM. mi u ur V....L H'i ri I A.. I... !.. 1V1 '1 i linn ti".i.hf nun i n-r n-ii-ituii villi. A bill for an ordinance chnnging the nnme of Hl"h street to ltroadwsy was referred. The report of K. C. Hushiiell stntlne that tWe was still due for the ledechimr of the steel bridge I.MUi! was read and the city's share of l ,303. N4 was ordered paid. 2Z THE USE OF BISURATED MAGNESIA FOR STOZUCH TROUBLES In theM dsifa rtt lmnot nnivoraat in. digestion, dyspepsia and other stomach trouble, the recent announcement by a great specialise mat. pure nisoratea mfl.ffnesi& im nn almmt InfulliMa m. trouble, will eome as welcome sur- prion ie iu suiierers. a teaspooniuj in a little water immediately after eating Or Whenever rutin io felt TjenrrulWoa the excess acid, and instantly stops ine lermemation ana pom. loose who nnA histiratitH mairnaiiD fr,lnl. - - ...... . , AVI fr week or two usually find that the rrouDie nas entirely disappeared, and normal digestion is completely restored, mittee. GEEMAX FLEET ACTIVE. Copenhagen, Nov. 17. The Oernisn cruiser Berlin was reportod off Trond hjem, Norway, today. Submarines were also said to have been seen in the vi cinity of the Lofoden islands. It was believed here, that a flotilla of them was being convoyed by the Berlin to attack British warships in Norwegian waters. The man who goes to law may rest assured that his lawyer will get jus tice. Don't Merely "Stop" a Cough Hop the Thlasr ka( Causes It suad tk Couch will Slop Itself A cough Is really one of our best lrwnds. It wnrns us that there is in- J.......I u, vii-i.1 iii-fcuiii iii iiunjfer- pus place. 1'lierefore, when yon get a uiiu cuukii nun i proceed w nose yourself with a lot of drugs that merely "ston" tho Onil.,1, lainnii.n. h I... .1 l. ......p.. ,r,rvt, j , urmu-iiifiu vniT throat nerves. Treat the cause heal the iniiameu nicnioranes. Hera is a h"mc niade remedy that gets right at the cause i.u m iihikv nn uuniuiiuu ruiign vanisn more quickly than you ever thought pos- 0IUIK. Put 24 ounces of Pinet (!i0 cents worth) in a pint bottle aud fill the bottle with plain granulnted sugar syrup. This gives you a full pint of the most Ideasant and effective cough remedy ymi ever Used, at a cost of only 54 cents. ' No bother to prepare. Full directions with l'inex. It, heals the .Inflamed membranes n gently and promptly that you wonder1 how it does it. Also loosens a dry, hoarse i.'!iVai:iMiii i.iiu mull llll! lOl'lllHTIon 01 iMiiiKin in me rnroat anil nmnrinai tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough. Pinex is a highly concentrated com- guaiarol, and is famous the world over for its healing effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment, ask your ii.iuKim inr - ounces of nnex, and ...... .. ...., ,. i.ii,iiii rini-, n iiiiitrniii() of absolute sat isfaetipn, or money prompt- ,V " '"'. K"e" wiin uun preparation. The Pinex Co., J. Wayne, Ind. v (. OPEN FORUM TUENEB MAN WANTS TO KNOW. Editor Capital Journal: Will vou please let 'em know through your pa per, how it is that Salem can compel the voters of the city to register. We have a charter that was copied from tie old Salem, charter, which provides that "No person shall be eligible to vote in the city that would not be eligible under the state law." Now, we have a register which wo have used up to last year, but one of our council asked tbe attorney general about it and ne vaics tnoy could not keep the citizen from voting, whether they weie regis tered or not, and so at our laul electiou about one-half of the citisens of Turner voted without being registered cither in the city or county, or being sworn ia I took it up with the attorney general myself, afterwards, and he gave me to understand that it was all O. K. Now, does the city of Salem have a special ordinance requiring city regis tration or is it enforced under the state law, and if enforced under the state law, how could the attorney general say that the city of Tumor could be exempt from that law, and from the provisions of the city charter. 11. JU HAUL, J. of P. for Turner Precinct. (Section 3H1S of the Oregon code ex cepts towns of under 2000 population from the general registration Iuwb. The procedure in such towns is vostcd in the council, and if the ward boundaries correspond to the county precinct lines, sometimes the' precincts registers arc used. In some of these Binaller cities, however, registration for city elections is entirely disregarded, tho members of the election boards being the sole nidges of the right, of a citizen to cast his ballot.) HOP GROWERS ON THE WAY TO SALEM President L., II. McMulinu, of the Oregon yiop (-rowers' association, re ceived word this morning that tho Cal ifornia delegation of hop growers, which will confer with like delegations of Oregon nnd Vowbington growers in this city tumnrrow for theiiurpose of organizing the Pacific Const Hop Growers' association, are on their way from California und will be on hand for tomorrow's meeting. Mr. McMa Iinn says that the tii-state convention will convene at the Commercial club assembly rooms about 11 o'clock to morrow morning and the convention will probably remain in session for several days. The next meeting of thif Oregon Hop Growers' nssncintiun will l.e held in the Commercial club ronnis Saturday morning and President Me Mohan urgiS every hop grower in the stnte, who eun p.issihly make arrange mcnts to do so, to be on hand to meet the delegates fnm Wnshiiigtdii and The Jacob Vogt Shoe Store which was closed up by the DaDr JlJsmlJL jit,.,ii JLJL iLL Is To Be CLOSED OUT Watch For Full Page Announcement in Tomorrow's Journal S. Creditors1 Company -E. Gettelman, Apr, 1 tfip '!'!";' it JliiL ALCOHOL 3 PER VKST. AVvgelaWeRenarallonlbr SimilalurtltKFof3riil!lc(iiila. ting iJte Stomadis aruLBossclsof Promotes DitfwtlonJChterfii- ncssandResironlalnsnclilsT Opium.Marpiune norMuuraL NOT NARCOTIC. Wtffesf- JtKMteSOt- fcnnfecl Remedy forConsfli Hon . Sour Stoirt,DUrrtM(i Worins:onvulsioiis.tcverisit ness and Loss OF sleek tacSintte Signature ft Exact Copy of Wrapper. r - - i i MMnwiinr-rriT-rn I California nnd participate in tho delib erations in connection with the. form ing of the const association. It is ex pected there will be about n thousand growers in attendance at the Saturday meeting, upon which occasion the con stitution and by-laws of the Oregon or ganization will bo submitted for adop tion. CRACOW IS BURNING AS INHABITANTS FLEE Venice, Nov. 17. Deports that Cra cow, invested by Kussiuns, is biirniuK in tilltces were contirined on ence h'lit authority today. Tho inhabitants were I said to be t'leeine in terror. A message froim Trieste stated that mm NEW YORK. . - For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria A ItTTO TTC9 Bears the f of In Use For Over Thirty Years THC CINTSUS OMMNV. hSW VOSR OITV. ' the Russians began operations ngaintl the city Saturday. Crucovv is the metropolis of nestern Gnliciuand is situated near the Austro- I German frontier. ! The Russians were declared to be ut : tacking its defenses with tremendous I violence, I Apparently this Slav force hud en- terMl (inliciu from the northward' 'crossing the frontier from Hussion Pj I land. Another of the czar's army, moving through (inliciu from the eustwurd, w j reported to have reached Tarnow. Con I sidering the state, of the roads, it wuk said to be progressing with rcmnrknbli speed. The dollar spent bucking the tiger will never keep the wolf from the 1 door., , III' III IK IDC 21 3C