fii frft (! flm' ft (i i? ft " Full Leased Wire Dispatcher. Today s News Printed Today THIRTY-SEVE mi YEAR nniininnun unnnr I oMtlHBtll; SUFFERING INTENSE ASaiftf ...... Trenches Are Flooded Oyer Their Tops and Great Num bers Drown ELECTRIC CURRENT TURNED OFF WIRES Little Groups Huddled On Islets and Helpless Killed by Artillery Fire FT", t- Paris, Nov. 17. Conditions iu the flooded districts of the fighting1 zone in northwestern Belgium wero fright ful today almoBt beyond belief. From Dlximule to the coast rte Our man trenches were flooded above thoir tops. Great numbers of the kaiser's troops were drowned. Numerous small ftomiunnds were marooned on small islets of high land, where tho allies' artillery wiped them out, while they buddlvii together powerless to resist. In other places, where the Germans bud the better of the fightiug, tho al lies' troops stood knee deep , iu icy water, holding their positions iu the face of a terrific fire. Both sides had cut off the electric current from the barbed wire entangle ments, owing to the danger of electro cuting their own men. In this Bren no Important movement either of trnops or of guns was pos sible. Between' Arnientieres and LaBiisse there wns again ferocious fighting. The (Sermons hud also resumed their attack on Kheims nnd their shells wero fulling in the toiww . . .. Fighting in BUzzard. London, Nov., J7. Following the re pulse of a fierce German attack near Vpres, Monday, the allies were on the offensive In the Vpres region today,! messages from tho front stated. A veritable blizzard was reported in ; progress but It was said fighting went ! on, nevertheless. j The Daily Mail's Dunkirk correspond-I ent estimated that the Germans lost' 100,000 men in the past four davs Strug-' glo in Belgium. Here Are a Few of the Larger Sums Spent in Aid of Meas ures and Candidates Orlou I!. Goodwin, trustee of the com mittee of one hundred, of Portland, ox pen led $10,0Uli.,r,M in the recent election P" Himpuigii to assist in making Oregon dry. Governor-elect Withycombe, ac cording to his statement, of campaign expenses filed with tiie s clary ot slate yesterday, expended a total of Milium in the furtherance of his candi dacy for gubernatorial honors und Fred erick Jlolllstor, democratic candidate for congressman iu this district against I'ongrosMiinn llnwlcy, paid out $011.40 on nisown account. Lester W. Hum phreys, assistant treasurer of the demo cratic state cental committee, paid out a total of $(111:1.72, and Floyd llilyen, treasurer of the same organisation, ex pended $0(i:i7.7S on behalf of the deni ocralic candidates oh the state ticket. M. ,1. Walto, secretary of the Smith campaign committee, expended Ah'.'I.O" in the Interests of Dr. C. .1. Smith's can didacy for the governorship; A. S. Meti s's nett, of The Dalles, spent $."imj In be half of Judge William Galloway In the race for the supreme court bench, anil 1-nur.i .1. Tweedy expended $100 in the "id of the candidacy of I'. H. Sonutoi 'hn nherlaln for re election. The Coos county democratic eentinl committee expended KHl7.fS In behalf of the ran-dida-y of Frederick .llollister for con gressman! W, M. Davis spent $12.1 In support of the Initiative measure to ex tend the terms of county officers, nnd :tH(.07 in S'lvl, sting the lion partisan judiciary bill. 8. A. Karnes, treusurer of the Kastern Oregon stnte normal school campaign committee, expended '-'(.sli.;!.1; In tiie effort to re-establish the normal tchool at Weston, and the Oregon Society for Dental (education spent (II 111. ,14 in opposing "I'ainless" Parker's dental Mil. CIIRISTI AM A, Norway, Nov. 17. That the German cruiser Berlin hd in ternrd nt Trondhjcm was officially an nounced today. Knrlior In the day the llrrlin was reported o.t Trondhjem, sup posedly convoying a flotilla of destroy ers, which were believed to have estab lished a' base in Norwegian waters. What mishap befell the cruiser to com pel it to interne was not known. ) One Case" at Spokane Washington, Nov. 17. The department of agriculture an- nounced today it undoubtedly loon would quarantine the state of Washington. It was said that a ease of foot and mouth disonso had been discovered at Spokane. COUNCIL COMES THE CITY BUDGET Every Department and a Total Reduction Is Made of $16,902.20 A budget calling for $173,915.80 for the expenses of the city of Salem for the ensuing year was made tip last night in the city council meeting. Every single item with tho exception of the bonded indebtedness and fixed expenses was cut te the bone where possible. One ortwo were raised above the amount asked by the chairman of the sommittees handling thoso depart ments. A cut of $120(10 was madj in the police budget. Councilman Voa Eschen asked for $0000 to run that de partment but tho council reduced it to $4,200 which will provido for four policemen and allow $000 of this sum for extras in the summer time. The fire and wator committee asked for $13,780 for salaries of firemen and maintuinaneo for the department but this sum was cut to $12,S,)f which will provido for a reduction In tho sulniies of the paiil firemen and a certain num ber of cull men. Last year the fiio de partment received $14,1)00 in the budget, The City Hydrants. An item of $4HO0 for wnter supply for fire hydrants aroused considerable discussion ns this would onlv provide for 100 hydrants at $2.50 per month, which price was fixed ns just an 1 rea sonable by the order of the railroad commission. The city holds a contract with the water company which ecu tract was one of tho stipulations when the franchise vis granted to tho water company, stating that. $l.h2 per hydrant shall bo the maximum chiugo. Tho city attorney was constrai lod to hold that the powers of tho railroad commission did not extend to tho franchise provisions of the water com pnny and that the commission could not order the revoculiin of a contract be tween the city and tho water company. In this event the city would be justified in holding tho wuler company to tho original contract price regardless of the order of the commission affecting tin wnter users of this city. Will Furnish Work. The item of $4,H00 was finally passed in a lump sum without stating the num ber of hvdrnnts or the price for each. The sum of $3000 was allowed for engineering and surveying ns against $4,."i0 for Inst year and a number of sninller nppropriutions were reduced as well as a few elminiiuited from Inst year's budget. The sum of $1000 wns Kouht for maintenance, of'piihllc build ln;;s and ns $000 of this sum nlouc was to be used for insurance it was voted to place $1,300 in this fund so that the roof of the city hall might be painted nnd repaired. The sum of $f()00 was set aside to provide for new sewers and Councilman Sniithwick spoke In favor of Increasing this sum to just as much ns the city could stand because he said that the present indications were thnt the city would have to provide charity for some of the people of this city before spring nuvwny, and if the city hud work In ilo it could give some of the deserviii( Idle men work to do. Ac cordingly it was voted to Incrensc this sum to $7000 with the provision that all new sewers Installed should be done by the city and not by contract nnd that it should be done hv ilil v labor. Reduction Is $10,902.20. This Item completed the budget for next venr and made a grand total of $l".1,IH0.mi, Kxclusive ot the sewer fund the budget of the general fund for this venr wns a decrease of $l(llO2.20 over 'Inst year's budget of $117,239,00 for the general fund and the street fund nlsn shows n decrease of $79110 over last year's budget. The policy of tho coun cil wns to retrench on nil city expenses and even after the committee iia 1 cut their individual budgets to th' tpiuk the council lopped off a total of $.1087 more but ndded $2U.'iO to some of the Items which were considered to be necesssrv. The budget In full for 191 5 follows; General Fund. ltecorder's Salary $1.2000.00 Clerk hire '. 1,700.00 Treasurer's salary 1,000.00 City Attorney 1,1100.00 Stenographer, eltr attorney 300.00 Marshall's salary 1,500.00 Salaries police department 4,2(10.00 Kxpenso, city Jail 000.00 Salaries, firemen und main tenance fire department 12,R3!5.00 Health officer 600.00 Incidental expenses, health officer 1500.00 Public parks 2,000.00 Lighting - I8.m0.00 (Engineering and surveying 3,000,00 Bond redemption 3.S02.00 Public library, maintenance, 'operating and betterments.... 11,300.00 Kloetinn 1,500.00 Maintenance of public build- tnir t, 500.00 Public printing .. 1,500.00 MEXICAN SITUATION Li RAPDLY PEACE IS III SIGHT Carranza and Gutierrez Agree and Their Generals Stand by Them EX-PRESIDENT WILL LOCATE IN SAVANNAH Villa Expected to Leave Soon Evacuation of Vera Cruz Begins Monday (By John Edwin Nevin.) Washington, Nov. 17. Satisfied that peace in Mexico - is very near, govern ment officials here were considering to day the best means of aiding in the restoration of the republic to normal conditions. Reports that Provisional President Carranza was inclined to hedge on his promise to quit 'were dis credited in official circles here. The United States will not ask Mou ieo to pay any indemnity or to pay tho expenses of the American occupation of Vera Cruz. "The United States will not mako any claims on Mexico," said a high government official. "Such action now would be equivalent to asking a bank rupt who had failed for 100 per cent to pay his creditors in full on the pen alty of going to jail. "What wo wnnt to do is to rostoro the republic and- we will try to aid it to secure the necessary cash. Because of "the European war Mexico must de pend Oft the United States and South American countries for tho money." It waB expected here that Carranza would leave for Savannah, Ga., within n fortnight for a lengthy stay. The prediction was freely made hero that ho would lenve before the evacuation of Vera Cruz starts next Monday. General Francisco Villa also was expected to come to Washington to see Secretary Bnnn and others. Secretary Bryan could not explain why Carranza hns nut quit yet but was certnin he would lonvo Mexico soon. Administration officiuls worn confident that only unforeseen complications can upset the peace program now. Conditions Agreed On. Washington, Nov. 17. Diplomatic. Agent John R. Silliman wired Secretary of State Itrvan today that Provisional President Carrana of Mexico had agreed to eliminate himself under cer tnin conditions and that General Gutier rez had agreed to these conditions. The dispatch was based on information Silli man had gleaned from M"xicnn news papers. The conditions named oy Car rnnra were not stated. SiHiiuun wired that Mexican news papers said General Ohreiron and Gen eral Gonzales hnd accepted the negotia tions between Cnrrnnza and Gutierrez. The state department was nimble to confirm reports that General Villa will retire but Secretary Bryan snid he un derstood the conditions of Cnvraii",a 's retirement provided that Villa quit also. General Tiliss telegraphed tho war department that fighting at long range continued nt Naco, Sonora, but that the casualties were sninll. NINE TEAMS TIED FOR FIRST PLACE New York,' Nov. 17. At 8 n. m. to day nine teams were tied for first place in the six day bicycle race in progress at Madison Square Garden. Each had made UNO miles and 7 laps. The Cameron-Kaiser, Bedell-BodoH, IiyanWohlrnli, Thoinnsllnnlev and Mitten-Anderson teams were a tap behind; the Piercy-Cavannugli and tho Dupuy Sears teams were three laps behind. The Kopsltyllanseu team was seven laps be hind. Fuel, city hall 000.00 Incidental expenses of city 1,500.00 Salary, police matron '. 000.00 Salary, police matron I. E. depot 120.00 Installation ami niointeiianco fire hydrants 500.00 Water supply fire hydrants, per month 4,HO0.0O Interest and installment of city bonds other than sew ers .... 12,002.50 Maintenance of band 2,000.00 Deputy henlth officer 000.00 Redemption of sinking fund loen 10,157,30 Sub total $100,3.10.80 Street Fund. Salary Street Commissioner.... 1,080.00 Mnterinls and labor, street de partment 15,000.00 Construction and maintenance city bridges 4,000.00 Sub total forwarded $20,040.00 Sp octal Bewer Funds. Installments $2i,0ii0, Interest 2,500 $40,500.00 New sewers 7,000.00 $53,500.00 Orand total ..... $173,910.80 SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1914 Death Penalty jAboKs Wished Portland, Or., Nov. 17. Com- plete unofficial returns . from every county in the state today indicated that th voters -on November 3 abolished capital punishment in the stnte of Ore- . gon by a majority of 90. If the unofficial figures are borne out by the official count, two condemned murderers in the state penitentiary at Salem, will escape the noose. COMPLETES BUDGET Agrees On Sums Necessary for Conducting the State s Institutions The state board of! control, after nearly a woek's intermittent sittings in consideration of the estimates of the superintendents nf the ninA atnto institutions in and near Salem for funds for the ensuing two-year period, finally concluded its labors yesterday and the combined total of appropria tions for all of the institutions which it will recommend to the coming legis lature will be $1,703,510.03, as compar ed to the appropriations of two years aifO When the letHfllntnrn nm,rnr.nolnH $1,065,501.61 for these same institu UIIIIS. . The largest items In the bmlnn m the approaching legislature are the re commendations for approprii'.tirns for ncu.uiu maintenance or tne state in sane asvlum. main biitlitlnir n.-!,!. estimated at $012,000, as compared to ?in,in iwo years ago; $175,5('0 for tho eastern Oreron brnmO, r,f tl, i. sane asylum for 1K15-10, as compared io im,:uu iwo yenrs ago, a reduction of $1 1,040, and (ilSO.OOO fnr the peni tentiary for the ensuing biennium, as compared to $147,000 two venro .,. The increase in the ms'ntenance fundi for tho insnno asylum nnd the peni tentiary were due to the rnpidlv in creasing population of these institu tions and were considered absolutely iiecesHiirv. Recommended Additions. In the case of the tuberculosis hos pital the cede nlrendv nrnv!.1 nn ... nual appropriation of $25,000 for the siippon or mis institution nnd the bourd recommends na additional $8 per annum on account of the growth of the sanitarium, and in the case of tli soldiers' home an annual appropria tion of $12,000 la tm:.l.l i, il, .!.. and the board recommends" an addi tional jia.000 for the bienniiim. The total appropriations for nil institutions as will bo recommended by the board of control, as compared to the appro priations of two years ngo. follow: Bienniiim l!)ir.lQm Oregon state hospital 77.(,7K r.. w. mare nuspitui 315.050 Penitentiary 1H8.300 Feeble-minded institution ... .Willis Reform selimtl ... nuinic Tuberculosis hospital MO0i1 mum scnooi -i7,iS! Deaf-mute school 5H 77ii Girls' reformatory sn kTH Soldiers' home 37 34!' Total $1,703,51' Blennlum loi.i.taii Oregon state hospital $ tl4.333 h. 4). state hospital 2S4 H'2:) Penitentiary 203.500 Feeble-minded institution ... 202.244 Reform school 7:;,45' Tuberculosis hospital S.'t.OOt Blind school 37,2,1,: Deaf mute school 7iyi50 Girls' reformatory flu mm Soldiers' hemo 67.00C Total $1,035 .W2 The total Hnnrimriutiiinii na ilhiu-n above Indudo the iininiints to be recom mended for repairs, improvements, ad ditions and betterments for the several Institutions. GALVESTON HAS BIO FIRE. Oalveston. Texns. Nov. 17. Nine hundred ami fifty thou- siin.i bushels of wheat and the Southern Pacific ' grain elc- vntor wero destroyed by fire this afternoon. The loss was -stlmated at nioio than $1,500,- 000. The fire was controlled at a Into hour this afternoon, The origin of the conflagration was $i not known. The Weather Fair tonight and Wednesday; east erly winds. r T'i A- B-rf) 11 OFFICE CLAIMS Ti BIG VICTORIES OVER THE RUSSIANS Germans Say Victories So Im portant Western War Zone Was Forgotten give way n Czar Loses Half An Armv CorpsGermans and Aus trian Take Of ensive Berlin, by wireless via Sayville, Nov. 17. Victories so important that the public nearly forgot the situation in tho western zone ware announced hore by the war office today over the Russians on the eastern frontier. Whether or not the Slav advonce hod been definitely checked was not known certainly but there was no auestion that the confusion into which the czar's forces had been thrown and tho posi tions they had been compelled to accept had enormously increased their dif ficulties. The Gormaa situation, on the contrary, was all that could bo desired strategically. In tho most Important of the east ern engagements tho Russians, pushing toward tho frontier, had been driven back until tho Vistula divided the op posing armies. From the vicinity of Solilan they had been hurled back upon the ton of Plock, in Kusslan Poland. The army defeated by General Von Hindenberg on the East Prussian fron tier, had retreated to Kutno. The czar's losses iu the Intest en counters were said at least to exceed a full army corps, prisoners being in cluded. . . ' Tn Servia, operating independently, the Austrinns were reported to have enptured the towas of Veljcvo and Obrenovac. Interest lagged In the western cam paign partly for the reason that tho sevora weathor had Interferred with fighting to such nn extent as to make any important changes on cither sido practically Impossible. The English Version. London, Nov.-17. Though latest ac counts from the eastern field of war indicated that hostilities wero rapidly developing at many points along the line from tho Baltic to the Carpathians, not much fresh news was available to day. Nothing had been heard from Ttorlin through any of the various channels by means of which German advices reach here nnd if the Petrograd war office had furnished information to the cor responding department in Loudon the latter was withholding it. Unofficial reports, however, were to 'the effect that fighting was in progress from the vicinity of Thorn, in Knst Prussia, to the neighborhood of Plock, in Russian Poland. To the general sur- firiso, too, it was learned that Cracow tad already been invested and was burning. The decisive engagement In the east, however, was looked for along the lino from Thorn, through Posen, to Hreslnii. At all these strongly defended points the Germans wero said to have concen trated powerful forces to meet the ad vancing Russians. The beginning of a conflict between the opposing onnies was expected In the very near futuro and experts said If the Russians won, it would be fair to expect a speedy end ing of the wnr. They think very likely however that the battle would lust many days. KUJED BY LOVER Emma Ulrich, Aged 21, Is Shot to Death as She Reached Door of Her Home Portland, Ore., Nov. 17. Known tc have been madly infatuated with the girl who hnd spurned his advances on many occasions, Fred Trnunson, n young elevator ncrntor, is being sought by the police today In connec tion with the shouting and killing of Miss Krema V I rich, 21, a pretty stenug rnpher, at her home In South Portltin-1 last night. Five shots were fired at Miss 1'lrlch, the last taking effect In the back of her head ss sn, wildly fleeing, open ed the kitchen door of her home, she fell dead In the presence of her mo ther, Mrs. Cnrl Smith, and her little brother and sister. The police declare the description given by several persons who saw the man lurking In the vicinity of Misi Ulrich 's home Just before the shooting Inst night, fits Triunson exactly, PRICE TWO ivui utubo vi vuaic Amsterdam, Nov. 17. A grave two yards wide and four miles long is one reminder of the fighting thus far in Galicia, it is stated in a letter from a Galician priest published here today by the Nieuw Rotter damsche Courant. In this grave, said the writer, Austriuns were buried in three layers to the number of about 40,000. Norway and Sweden Feel Ef fects of War as Badly as the Warring Countries Stockholm, Oct. 21. (By mall to New York.) Industrial conditions through out Scandiaavia are deplorable as a re sult of the European war. In a senso, they are perhaps worse than in the countries actually engnged in fighting for In them there is nt least employment on the battle fields. There is hardly an industry which has not been paralyzed by the conflict, and the country is filled with the in voluntarily idle. Tho winter seems certain to be a terrible one. Earlier in the war there was unquos tionably considerable trading in contra band, with Germany, but this has boon practically,, if not quite stopped by the severity of tho British blockade. In deed, there is little shipping of any sort, owing to the dangers of North sea navi gation. Both in Sweden nnd Norway nnd especially in Denmark there is also the graviest anxiety lest the Scandinvian countries bo drawn into tho wnr. This danger is probably not groat In the case of Sweden and Norway, but Dca mark, adjoining Oermnny as It does, undoubtedly would be gravely Im periled if a situation should arise call ing for control of tho kaiser of the straits connecting the. Baltic and North seas. The Germans might also deem a strip of Swedish and perhaps evea of the Norwegian const essential to thoir purposes in such nn event, but thero Is small likelihood of nnv such general in vasion of either country as has occurred in Belgium's ease and may occur in thoso of Holland and Denmark, Sympathies Divided, Swedish and Norwegian sympathies are mixed In tho pending struggle. Both countries are pro-Enelish, but Norway, to some extent, and Sweden very much, fears Russia, Great Britain's ally. Some Scandinavian Incline to tho vlow that the danger of Russian aggres sion in tho north would bo lessoned if the czar should secure the warm water port of Constantinople. Others, how ever, point out that a Mediterranean outlet would not be the snmo thing, by any menus, as one on the open ocean, and that even the possession of Con stantinople would make no differences of the Slavs' anxiety for a port, or may bo all the ports, on tho western coast of the Scnndinnvlnn peninsula, nn ambition which nnturally could only bo fulfilled by oc piisitlon like thoso of the eastern coast of all the interven ing territory. Besides, it hns been suggested, oven though the Turks should lose Constan tinople, the other allies may not permit Russia to take it. Denmark, nf course, above all fears Germany nnd hopes unqualifiedly for an Anglo Krniico-Russlun victory. t must not be supposed, however, that open expression Is given to these par tisan views. Not only are the Scandi navian governments scrupulous in their observation of neutrality but the peo ple, ns individuals, ore generally so conscious of the dangers their countries would Incur by taking sides In the pending struggle that the war Is hardly even talked about publicly, and tho newspapers continue to confine them selves to the strictly official accounts of developments, with pratically not a word of editorial comment. SPECIAL RATES TO BIG FOOT BALL GAME Already the football funs of the city are beginning to prepare excuses for uttending the big annual f out hull gtimn between the University of Oregon and O. A. C., to be played at Corvnllis nex. .Saturday. The Southern Pacific will run an excursion trnin from Portland, which will take on till of tho passen gers from this city If there Is not a sufficient number to justify a speeitd from here. If the Mulem Mioplo take the Portland excursion trains, tiny will pay a fare nf one and one-third for the round trip, or $1.50. If, how ever, enough signify their intention ot going to justify a special train, or 125, thev run make the round trip for $1.10. K. B. Houston, the H. P. agent, said this morning he wns endeavoring to sell enough tickets among high school and university students and townspen pie to get a sK'iiul train out of Sa lem, but so far this Is not settled. The Hnlem high school and the Cnrvjllis high school tennis will piny a lirclliu Inary gimo to the main event. Mrs. t.nurn E. Caress hns been nom inated for the city council nt Orenoo. CENTS iaFff SI EAST IS OPTIMISTIC OVER THE OPENING OF REGIONAL BANKS The Incentive for Banks to Hoard in Times of Pressure " IsNowRemoYed 5WEEPING BUSINESS REVIVAL PREDICTED New York Press Says "Coun try Is Getting Ready for Boom that Is Now Here" New York. Knir IT TI,. yesterday nf flip iavmiiiimi', j ... n-. k. ...... n iiti, fu el reserve banks drow forth optimistio .. . cuuuriui expressions on me D'aslnes uuuuuK louuy in .now xoru'i leading' mornincr newsnanors All wnrit am,i that a revival of business was on its way. " Everything." nit tha N.. V..L. Tribune, "points to a sweeping rovivnl ui ,.-.ii-nB roiiiirienee. ine ueaaiocic in trate and industry following the nutbrenk nt the wir in nf lnof K.I.A. ... ..... n V IBfll 1-IUnVU, Two powerful und steadying Influences !. t . .. uno uiiium exenunge reopening ana the inaiifiiration nf thn naw ,itni servo banking system) have been ap. fuicu io uusiness. encouraging those. nu,r lillVB IlllirHCU 11100 SII1CC AtlgUBt "More sunHlilne ivnu fWrlln, n.,.ui. ness yesterday," said tho New York Press, "tlllin the country hnn knnifi, for months. The country is getting ready for a boom; in fact, it's already ill-re. Under the c.nntinn. ''ft,,. l!-r.nn,..; Fourth of July,'! the New York Wirld said: . '"Instead of the nreilint.l lrin... ey, nn easier money market accom-, imuii-s this great cnange. instead of the Predicted distltrhnnnn nt hi,B;At confidence, we have general reports of strengthened confidence. What was to have been followed by a period of doubtful waiting is being followed by every cvldenco of new hopo and cour age uioug me wnoic uno." New York llernl.l- "rw ,!,:.,, banking assets available as a basis for currency issues, the incentive to hoard ing in times of pressure has boon re moved nnd the banks of the country are In a position to extend greater credit facilities than ever before to the business community." Is a Great Success. Washington, Nov, 17. " Wonderful, simply wonderful," was the way Sec retary of tho Treasury MoAdoo'refor red today to tho first day's operations of the government's rcgionnl reserve, banks. Ho snid it wculd require at least n week to dctomlae the necesj sary routine changes but added indi cations already were that tho system wns far more efficient than had' been, untieipi.ted. Secretary Willis nf the reserve board nsked each bank Jpvnjteport on tha first day's re-disi'oiiiit business. Thoss already nvnilublo iudicutod that busi ness was brisk everywhere. It was es timated Hint within n week the sys tem will augment the cash in tin hanks ot the country nt least $150, ooo.iioo. The federal reserve board. It wns ex pected, will deposit" in the brunch banks the treasury's surplus enslt ami ut least part of the government funds now held by national Ininks. It nil do. ponds on whether the report of th first few weeks of operation in -Urates tho reserve banks ii"od morn cash for re-discount business. Surh action woubi furnish the reserve bunks with $110. 000,000 from the tnnsury department and $01,000.1100 from notional banks. FIGHT SETTLES DOWN TOJANNONADING (By I'nitcd Press stuff correspondent.) Purls, Nov, 17. Fighting along the line from Nionpnrt, through Dixmodo, to Ypres had settled today Into a fierco artillery duel at long range, ac cording to the official conimiinicntioa received here this afternoon from the Bordeaux war office, Infantry nnd cnvulry operations, si well ns thn handling of tha lighter guns nnd moid firers, it was under stood, had lieen rendered practically impossible owing to the bog-like condi tion of the country, nnd tho only avail able weapons were the big cannon for which scml-perirniiont emplacements had been provided, Along the Aisne and In the Argonne region, however, it wns snid thero wss increasing activity, The Germans were said to have attempted a crossing of the Alsne nesr Valley, The blowing; up of a lino of German trenches by Krench mines In tho Argonne district wns described in the official state ment. Bnker Is to mnke a whirlwind cam palgn to lift a 'i:"i.000 debt from tha Y. M. C. A. for their building at that . place.