Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 16, 1914, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Men's and Young Men's
Overcoats Up to $25.00
Special Clearance$7.S0each
We have a fun- Overcoats left that
we must dispose of every one a
worthy ecmt, and ut this low price no
man should be without one. Good fab
rics well tailored. You men or young
men of 17 years or over should see
these offerings if you're interested in
an Overcoat.
Come and take your pick
Splendid Assortment of Men's Haber
dashery and Boys Clothing
Extra effort is being placed on the procuring of very
best togs for men, young men and youths. Since dispos
ing of our Men's Clothing Department, a great many
people have the impression that we no longer have a
Men's Department, but we have. We're showing excel
lent assortments of Men's Shirts, Hats, Underwear, Neck
wear and all the other little wear wants. Special attention
given to the outfitting of boys.
Appealing Prices that Spell Economy for Careful Shoppers
Women's $2.50 Union Special Sale of Pretty A Comb and Brush Sale
Suits Special, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednes., $1.69
A splendid silk and
wool mixed Union Suit
for women splendid fit
ting, serviceable garment,
no sleeves, ankle length
A worthy garment that
sells ' in the regular way
at $2.50. Special attrac
tion for three days, com
mencing Monday
SECTION for this week
A sale of desirable Coatings that
will appeal to levers of good-grudo
fabrics. Read these over:
56 IN., SPECIAL, $2.10 A YARD
An inspection of these piece goods
hurguina will reveal the unusual
values that are offered. The ainst
popular colcrings are represented in
the assortments.
Dress Ginghams Our
Grade Special for
of Special Importance
Monday, Tuesday and
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Women's
Wednesday, 9c Per Yard 25c Cemb and 50c Hair
Boys' $1.65 Jersey Sweat- ATTRACTIVE SPECIALS
ers-SPec.al for Monday, neckweaTTqr
Tuesday, Wednes., $1.19 M O N D A Y, TUESDAY
Splendid fabric for wo
men's wrappers, house
dresses, aprons or child
ren's wear plain colors,
checks and plaid effects in
light, medium and dark
colors 27 inches wide
and a most unusual value
9c A YARD .
Brush, Sale, Both for 59c
Here's an offering that should
appeal to all who need such articles
or splendid for an inexpensive
gift. A good hard-rubber Comb,
fine and coarse teeth regular 25c
grade, in black or shell. The Brushes
arc very worthy white bristles, ce
mented and pinioned into solid
wood backs of several different,
styles in ebony and rosewood fin
ishes. 75c for the two regularly.
Buy tho boy a Sweater juBt the
garment for out of doors splendid
for s-'liocl or general wenr. May bo
hod in criimon, Oxford gray or
nnvy blue. A well made, serviceable
Sweater tint will plenso any boy
and prevent tho contraction of dan
gerous colds. A good $1.(15 grade,
special for three days
$1.19 EACH ,
Our No. 717 Wednesday Surprise Sales for Nov. 18
Wednesday Surprise Sale of Pure, Wednesday Surprise A Sale of Wo-
Sanitary Wool Batts, Ex. Spe., $1.98 men's Black Petticoats Extra Spe-
A good wool padded Comfort is a cial for This Sale at Only 98c Each
most desirable covering and would Thege Petticoats are well made in
make a splendid gift article. Here's d st les of extra quality cotton
a sale of wool batts for next Wednes- faffeta 'and sateens-several prettv
clay that should appeal strongly to ruffle gt j and a most important
women-made from Oregon grown feature is the adjustable top, with
fleece wool in one big sheet, weight which most of them are fittefi This
two pounds-a most unusual value is a splendid offering and will no
at this low price. Sale on second doubt create special interest among
"00r' Salem women. Sale takes place in
$1.98 EACH . ready-to-wear section. 98c EACH
Sale starts at 8:.!0. No phone or- Sale starts at 8:.!0. No phone or
ders. Sec window display. ders taken. See window display.
Popular 65c Roman Stripe
Ribbons, Special, Yard, 38c
Three-day Sale of Women's
Dainty Neckwear Fancy
Lace Collars at Half Price
An unusually splendid opportunity to
supply Neckwear needs or for holiday
giving. These luce collars in a ariety
of styles and patterns. You '11 be well
pleased with the assortment. Regular
ly priced at easy stiiges from $1.00 to
$3.50 and up to fS.00.
Motiduy, Tuesday and Wednesday
A Three-day Sale of Wo
men's White Kid Gloves
Usual $1.50 Grade, Extra
Special at $1.19 Per Pair
Hero is a very unusual offering of
desirable white I'ritlnnd Cape (ilovos.
A splendid, well nude hand covering,
and cut usual $1.50 quality. Extra
special for Monduy, Tuesday mid
$1.19 A PAIR
Over 34 Years of Successful
Merchandising in Salem
Mail and Telephone Orders Receive
Prompt and Careful Attention
Telephone, Main 11 and 241
were taken. There was a good repre
sentation of all of the Indues and so
cieties of Salem, interested and en
gaged in charitable work, in attendance,
.,...1 n .AinnnOoa in Irut't n constitution
and by-laws to be submitted at a meet
ing to be held next Saturday evening,
at 7:30 o'clock, was selected, and is
composed of the following: Paul Wal
lace; 0. M. Klliott, -Mrs. Nora Ander
son, R. A. Harris, J. H. Albert, Mrs.
P. A. Elliott, Judge W. M. Bushey, Max
Burcn and Robert 8. Gill.
Special meeting of Salem
lodge No. 4, A. K. & A. M.,
this evening. Work in the F.
(.' degree. Visiting brethreu
vulcoine. ;
Tho war department today asked for
a report of the typhoid vaccinations
made on 20 members of the local militia
company as the last application was ad
ministered last Wednesday. Captain
Oohliiar said that he was pleased to re
port that not in a stngic instance was
any bad effects felt from the treat
ment which was administered by Drs.
Steeves and Cashatt. The vaccine was
administered ill three doses about 10
days apart.
I At uie regular ouuuuy yiauucB
of the rillo team of Company M of this
ioity, Corporal Mitchell made the high
(score of 144 out of a possible loO., The
'team score was 524 out of a possible
hOO for tne tour members ot the team.
Private Plunk scored 1,11 on all ranges,
Private Haggles 129 and First Lieuten
ant Necr 120.. Corporal Mitchell made
HI) out of a possible 50 on the 200-yard
range anil 48 out ot a possible o0 in
10 shots on the 000 yard range.
Judge William Galloway returned
Saturday night from Portland and open-
led court today, ne had been hearing
;a number of jury cases that were set
for .lodge Clecton's court in Portland.
On account of the recent decision of
the supreme court relative to the pow
ers of .lodge ('leeton, it has beea neces
sary for .lodge Calloway to hear cases
in Portland. Judge (Jallownv heard all
-of the eases in which witnesses were
: subpoenaed but there are still 80 cases
pending in Judge (.'leeton 's court, which
'will be ready for trial in the near fu
ture. Judge Calloway will hold court in
ithis city during this week.
COOD family cow, $00. 1417 Market.
GOAT MEAT First class only. Phono
A NO.-l drv fir, delivered, H per cord.
Phone ll-F-14.
FOK SALE Cheap, thoroughbred fox
terrier puppies. Phono !I2-F-;.
LOST Gold nugget pin ("V" shnpo.)
Howard if left at Journal Mjlice.
TWO vacant lots to trade lor a house
and lot. Phone 1576 W.
OLD PAPEIiS for carpets; 10 centi
per hundred. Journal office. A.
FOR SALE Young fresh cow, with
calf. 609 North Twenty-first.
FOR RENT 4-room modern house, 230
South Fourteenth atrect.
WANTED By experienced dressmaker,
sewing by tiic day. Phono 80-F-2.
The "Made in Salem" exhibit is be
ing placed in the windows of the Port
land Railway, LighJ & Power company
ami the early offerings indicate tho
room will be crowded for space. Already
several of the exhibits are in place but
the main part of the exhibit will not
bo placed until tomorrow or next day.
On account of the limited space, no me
chanical displays will be conducted.
MILES At the residence of her son,
D. C. Miles, at l!''I Court street, at
10 o'clock p. m. Sundnv, November
l.-i, BUI, Elizabeth "B. Mills.
The funeral services will be held at
tiie Friend 'a church tomorrow nt 2:110
p. in. The body will be shipped to
Newberg on the 7 o'clock train Wednes
day for interment in the Newberg
THE HOME of "Hot" Chicken
Tanmlcs is Fred's Night Lunch.
FOR SALE Dry second-growth fir
wood, 4 per cord. Phone 22)0.
FOR SALE Inlanders roadster auto.
Address O. P. Given, Tumei, Ore.
FOR RENT Two well furnished roonut
for housekeeping. Inquire at 401 N.
tho soap works, cheap. 1230 Forrv.
Phone 083. '
FOK HALE Dressed goats, ift 1 each.
Phone ll.'iti-W. 40!) North Nineteenth
st reel.
FOR SALE Our lino large Jersey-Dui-liaui
cow, six years old, heavy milker,
with calf week old. 351 North Slut.
FOR RENT Small three -room cot
tage in suburbs. Address Rebecca;
B. Anderson, 087 N, Front street..
per month. Gentleman preferred.
581 North Church street.
LOST One elk's tooth; green in color.
Liberal reward for return to ''.ill
State street, Suleni, Oregon.
FARM FOR RENT Good 5-room bun
galow and ten ncrcs of improved
land at Albany, $15 per mouth. In
quire at 330 North High, Mrs. Hook
lidge, Salem.
FOR SALE Or trade for good cow, a
surrey, nearly new; undercut, canopy
top, holds four. Call Center Street
'HOME COMFORT" range, only used
short time. A bargain foi cash.
"Collector," P, O. Ilox 41.1, Salem,
blood liul'f Orpington roosters; before """!
Thanlisuiving. Mis. A. W. Cox, Sa
lem Heights, lit. 4, Box III.
I AH Around Town I
Ed J, Canatsey lina purchnsed the
property lit Win Center street, formerly
owned by Dr. Shaw. Mr. Canatsey owiih
ii home in Kuelcwood but will move to
tho Center sticct property ill the near
future. The consideration was if 1500.
Dr. Mondolsolin, specialist in fitting
glasses correctly. U. 8. bank bldg.
Marriage licenses were issued Satur
day afternoon to Cecil A. Tonnseuil and
Amy Do Bind, and John Bennett and
Pearl Vender, nil of Salem, and Cbii'
ciicc A. Johnson, of Macleny, ami Until
Mabel White, of this citv.
A:(Mcs polished and mounted
nor it Keene, 38(1 Slule street.
The population at tue insane Asylum
this iiinniiiig was loUH, which is tiie
high water mark since two years ago,
when 325 patients were sent to the east
I'm Oregon branch iikvIihii. The condi-
1 1 ions are again crowded nt the Institu
tion ami it will be necessary for the
next legislature to provide prompt and
effective relief.
ot ul, ngniiixct lion ry Kirk wood nud
others bo sold at miction and the pro
ceeds of the sale be divided among the
litigants. The laud in question com
prises 118 acres in Vninhill county,
nod on account of the number of heirs,
any other adjustment was impractica
ble, as there were nine plaintiffs and
15 defendants in the suit,
Dr. Stone's Itch Ointment cures the
itch. Prieo
Captain Max Ochlhar, of Company M
i a' this city, today received an invita
(toil to attend the dedication exercises
of the Roseburg armory to be held
Thanksgiving day, November 2(1. Tins
! Roseburg armory was completed this
i summer and will become the some of the
I Fourth company, Const Artillery corps,
). X. tl. An elaborate program has
been ai ranged, to be followed by a mili
itary ball. Governor West will be one of
the principal speakers.
To the dtUoiiB in and around Balem:
It is wilh profound giatltude that I
I thank you for your faithful work an. I
'loyal support at tiie recent election.
Only time and faithful administration
iof the duties of the office to which
'you have elected mo can prove my sin
jcere and hearty appreciation i( you
lull, legnrdlcss of party or creed. Mil
dred Robertson Brooks.
Our Best
are not written THEY
ARE WORN. Ask uny of
our many satisfied patrons
and be convinced. Then
come hero for eyeglass com
fort. Miss A. McCulIoch
Homo Wet-Wash Laundry Under
new mnniiKcmcnt ; nil work guaranteed;
wash days, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed-,
uesdn.vs and Fridays, Phono 2171.;
Family washing, 50 cents. i
Tin cowboy evangollst, 8. O. Bettes,
has made HI' I miles with horse mid bug. (
uy, 132 on foot, 2.1(10 on the trains for
statu wide prohibition ill Washington,
Oregou and I aliloinia In six months.
I He starts on 2.i,UU0 mile trip lor nil
, tioii-wide prohibition next .Mav, lie
'will be wilh the Suleni Mission every I
night this week,
To the votorn who have not registered
this year lit the city hull: You Willi
iinvo till Saturday, 5 o'clock p, in., No
vember 21st, to legister for the ensuing!
election held December 7th in the var '
Ions winds of the city. Do not put off,
registering, but register now.
Tomorrow la the lust day to secure
season tickets to the Students' Lvceuni
Course, i
The county count of Tollo and Mar
ion counties will meet at 10 o'clock
Wednesday to consider the mutter of
the steel bridge across the river here,
according to Coiintv Jmlee Bushev, w.io
I nude the arrangements w ith Judue
Teal nf Polk county this morning. The
courts will have the estimates, plans
an ull other data prepared by the state
highway commissioner and the inntler1
will be considered to Its smallest de
tail. rins fur sets at Mothers at one half
the. price charged elsewhere. j
An order was burned by Judge Oallo
way, In department No, 2 of the eie
209-210 Hubbard BUd. Phone 109
rive Parts
A Keystone Comedy The run
niest One Yet
The Show That Qleaae The People
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thuradajr
Riyal Arcanum will meet tonight at
iH;.'IO at .Moose Hull, Visiting members
t welcome.
A "Publlo Mooting" will he hold by
the Men's Liberal Club, Wednesday
evening at S o'clock in tho I'liitnriau
church, corner of Cheineketu and Cut-
i lage streets. 1 ' Commission llovern
mciit'' will be the topic, for discussion.
, Max tiehlhar, county clerk, and Dr,
J. S. Smith will be tho speakers in
! favor of Commission (ioveriiuieut.
(ieneinl discussion, livery one inter
ested lu the welfare of Suleni is In
vited to. be presunt.
You can nave about 20 por cont on
Kioceiies ut B. D. Paschiiig & Sons.
Phone H!l.
Qoorge Brown, wns wns the victim
of an assault by John SchultK near
Ncwiierg some time ago, has been taken
to a hospital la Portland for treatment,
according to advices received at the
soeriff's office from Champoeg, where
Brown has been nt his hoiue. Accord
ing to the report, Brown was not re
covering us rapidly as expected, and
most of the time was in u stupor. When
aroused he immediately relapsed and
it was feared thnt his mind was af
fected ns he was not entirely ratiuniil
nt limes.
1 Reduce your grocery bill by buying
lit null) puces, 1 1. 1 1. Fiischlng & Sous.
The funeral service) over the remains
of Levi It. Iiarrls, who died nt the linn
lly home six miles east of the city Fri
day evening, aged i!i years, were con
ducted nt the farm home at 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, by Iter, Horn
sidmch, pastor nf the Kvnngclicnl asso
ciation of this city, and Interment was
had in the Macleay cemetery. Deceased
was i lie son of Mr. and Mrs. D, A. Har
ris. Tli rmi uli a misunderstanding of the
jiiamo, as It was received over the tele
phone Saturday morning, the name was
given as llerrcn in the .Tuiiinnl of that
Do not be misled. You do not pay
one cent more for glasses fitted by Dr. I
Mendelsohn than you pay elsewhere. I
You get the benefit of his more than
Ml years' experience us a doctor of op
tics. His examinations lire complete in
every detail, anil he uses neither drops
nor drugs, as they ure dangerous.
Thousands of satisfied patients ill Mar
ion and Polk counties testify to his
ability. Dr. M. P. M lelsulin, Doctor
nf Optics, 2 1 11-2 1 1 V. S. Bunk building,
Salem, Oregon.
Charles Enditott, of Eugene, who Is
well Known in this vicinity us a hop
buy.'r, mid who bus been held ill Kiigene
on it charge ot giving checks with no
funds ill the bunk, has been releuscd
from custody and the case settled out
of court. Sheriff Ksch put in a claim
for the prisoner with Sheriff l'aiker, of
Lane county, but Saturday afternoon he
received Information from Kndlcott's
nttorneys that all claims against the
uinn in Marion county would be settled
if the charges were not pressed, Cot
zinn Bios., in this city, were the coin
pluinniits against Kndicntt, hut as the
claims will bo sntislied the prisoner
will not be brought to Salem for trial.
! Hear five entertainments for the
price of two. Secuie n season ticket
to the Students' Lyceum Course tumor
row nt the (Irund opera house.
j The Salem Rod & Oim club went to
Wheathind yesterday in their official
I 'bus to attend the turkey shoot to be
held at that place. While the Salem
. shooters dnt not tiring buck all of the
-Wheatland turkey III sittht, they secur
ed enough to fill several Tliauksgiviuu
matters. Mark Siddnll and S, ' Cul
ver were the most successful miirksmcn
of the visitors. Tho Wheatland shoot
ers will attend tsie shoot next Sunday nt
the i lull grounds of the Salem Mod li
(Inn club. Those who made the trip in
tiie 'bus were: Mark Siddnll, S. Z. Cul
ver, liny Hawthorn, Linn Punish, Hub
ert Nicholson, Jeff (Iwinn, W. K. An
derson, (leorge Chnilugtoii, Mr, Con
; verse, J, P. Mctllll and Claud Burrows.
1 Stratford quartette tomorrow night
lit the (irund opera house,
' At a called meeting, held at the pub-
lie Hiiniry room Saturday afternoon,
under the auspices of the Snleiu Social
Service Center, pri liininary steps to
wnrd permanent orgnnirntionnf nl I of
tiie social, fraternal and regllions or
ganization of the city Into n central
body to provide relief for the needy
and employment for the worthy un
employed during tho fuming winter,
Charles Stevenson
Violet Horner
One of tiie moot beautiful pic
tnrea ever shown in Salem,
Sterling Comedy -A
Riot ,
In Feng and dance a two hour
Show for
(Come to the Matinee if possible)
"Homo of the Big Featuro"
1 WiLL teach caiidy-nialiing to ladies
or gentlemen, prices ami terms veiv
reiisnnalile. lurpiiie lit O. K, liooiu
ing House, Itoom 1.
'WE HAVE grain and vetch hay for
I sale at the ranch or delivered whuio
re.piireil. tlcorge Swegle, t!nnb:u
- itoad.
WANTED By lady wilh two children,
woik in store or offlco. Must liavo
work soon. Address J. D., cure Jour
nal. AtiE.N'TS Sell guaranteed hosiery; V0
per cent profit; make If 1 0 daily. Or
ders repeat rcgiilnrly; best agent's
seller in existence, interniitioiiiil
Mills, West Philadelphia, I'll
EOU It EXT One five-room modern
bungalow and one four-room bonne
with city water. 0. W. Lafler, -100
Hubbard building.
FOI! SALE HO acres, near Eugene, of
gulden land; good buildings. On Pn
cifie highway, Terms to suit at fl
per cent. J. It. linker, Junction City,
WANTED Second hand American or j
McCuskcy rogistei; also lidding inn-'",
chine. List your surplus offiie erpiip
un lit with me, ns I have fre.pieut in
ipiiries for vuiious uiticles. I'niil M.
FOK SALE Complete garage repair
shop equipment belonging to late .
Robert Miilzke, Ht at o street, between
Commercial and Front. All mnchlncs
tools, etc., mw and latest design.
Address E. F. Brown, Independence,
Foil THADE-A good brick liusinens
block in Eugene, Ore.; good income
property. Will trade for good farm
In.iil in the Willamette valley. Will
pay you to look this up. Addrena
P. O. Box 201, Eugene, Ore,
A gos.-.lpy rupiunn is bad enough, but
when n gossipy niun enters tho gun
; it ' us for the tnll timber.
The enmpnny of n hclovu good fel
low Is very agreeable, but us u rule II.
is not snfe to lend him money,
An eminent New York divine thinks
It Is n return to modesty that Is lei
selling the use of low-necked gnwuu,
but nniybe it's moles,
Dfisitlvely and perninnpiitly removed
or no pay. With new harmless herb ap
plication we painlessly lift the cancer
out In nbonf two weeks time. I
Addtess Mnxiiiilllou Weber, Bon 2:13,!
North Yakima, Washington,
When in SALEM, OREOON, atop nt
Btrletly Modern
Free and Private Bath.
RATES 75c, 11.00, 1.00 PER DAY.
The only hotel in the business district
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres aril
Capitol Buildings.
A Horn Away from Horn.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones Froo Auto Bus.
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Spanish Chicken, Hot Tamalos, Chili
Con Carne, Chop Busy Noodles
. 420 Ferry Utreet