THREE WIS WWWI) WHWBWWW WR WH Ml WRWWaJWIW WJ W W'l WW WW 'l WPWWf "WW WW WWmWWJ1WWWWWWWWWWWWWBWf lw AWtf IMNMb ttfWflMMttWMaBnJUKaW MMIMiMHlWfcMlH BilWllMfeWdlArilillM MHHHlWiktM Ml Ml iMW WMMiiAMMiMWWWM WMMMMWWiAliHHWl flu ) MS JIWMklMIIHAMftlMMM WW AnMMrilttMflWiAlMillMAaUiWlAM aWait WW WW ww ww wwwww aw null m m mm im WW WW WWJUftdW WW MM MM WW - tktl m ww WW WW ww wm mm mt mm wi We, Brick Bros., have bought the Men's and Boys' Clothing Establishment of the late Oscar Johnson, known as the Plymouth . THE BAIJEM OAHT AI. JOTOKAL. SALEM; OREQOW, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1914. WELCOME II U II IS 11 si n ii n ti ii ii i n i! tl II II a - n n ii ii ii ii ii u ii ii n ti ii n ii u is ii ii ii ii ii ti U ft n ii n ii si M ii ii ii ta n ii ti ti H ti H ii ii ii ii ii M Come to our store and let us welcome you and get acquainted. We want to meet every man and boy in Salem and vicinity who may become a trader at our store. We will do a fair and square busi ness. We are here to stay and run a clean, up-to-date business. When we have anything to say and advertise the fact, you may believe every word of it, and we will endeavor in every act to merit the confidence of the buying public. fJ TI? "PlHfcl irV We wil1 carry a eneral line Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings, from the best quality to the VJ KJ aV IT VSJLilVs 1 cheapest, so no matter what the size of your purse may be when vou are readv to purchase, vour wants ran be satisfied. Since the late Oscar Johnson's management, the stock has not been kept up to full capacity. But we assure you that from now . . ,r.n., J"'" w M H 13 I ' ' f f I 11 r .. I ii ' J ' .W) ti si u n . ra ta : 11 M u ISADORE BRICK on it will be complete in every detail. CUT THIS OUT TIiih Certificate, whea properly indorsed by Brick Brothers, will he good e up to and including .Murcn J, is;u. for 86.00 in trade any time up NOTICE Vpon purchasing a suit at our store during the week of November 15 to and including November 2:1, to the amount of 10 or over, and presenting tins cer tificate, properly signed and addressed, the holder may select $5.00 in merchan dise Immediately or may retain Certificate and at uny timo prior to March i may select the merchandise, which consists of Hats, Shoes, Overalls, Caps, Boys Clot hug, Mnckinaws, Kainconts, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, in fact anything in our store. Signed Address BRICK BROTHERS Formerly Oscar Johnson's Plymouth Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem FREE SPECIAL FREE ii ta FREE Just to get acquainted with you and 'to meet you, we will give you absolutely tree We will endorse the certificate and vou can buv with it at once or any time before MARCH 1, 1915, any article just the same SI as you can buy with money. It We give this $5.00 inducement simply to advertise our store. We can do so for the very good reason that we bought this stocK lor buc on the dollar, making this offer possible. GREETINGS $5.00 IN MERCHANDISE v GET-ACQUAINTED INDUCEMENT We want to get ac quainted with all buyers of men's and boys' merchandise who patronize Salem. Even though you may have no immediate with every Suit, Overcoat or Raincoat purchased on or before needs, come in and get acquainted. Make our store your head November 23. Just cut out this certificate and write your name quarters. Use our telephone No. :i55 when you come to town, and address PLAINLY on it.. Come and buy a SUIT, OVER- We will carefully take any message for you. We will also have COAT or RAINCOAT before the 2:5rd. a desk for your use. We will make you feel right at home when ever you enter our store. ROS. CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS TO MEN & BOYS FORMERLY OSCAR JOHNSON'S "PLYMOUTH", Kl 11 I! Si 11 tl I! tl It tl il S3 t I TTZ mm ! M II m I WSI Social and Personal Notes By Mollie Runcorn Mis. Charles .eist, Mrs. E. A. Thomp son', Mrs. P. U Krn.ier, Mrs. C. 8. Kich nrdson, Mrs. (leorge Hrassfiold, Mrs. Krcd Urassfield, Mrs. Victoria llohler, Mrs.'F. h. I'urvino and Mis. O. A. Dav idson. About 130 were, present at the danc ing party given hy the Kilts' lodge, in tiieir hall Thursday evening. Kings and floral decorations, carried out in the Salem's contribution for the big 'elans, as a Herman dancing class, under lougs eo.ors, pur le am vane, mane CiiiUtmal shin which sails for Eu-'the direction of Marry Mills, as a tier- a rac ive setting tor ho dancers, rone on th Mnd of this month, ,an instructor, furnished one of the The 1-Jks' orchestra furnished the nm 2 Mibc al and enthusiastically made. ! most pleasing numbers on the progrem, r. This ftas the lirst aftn.r of the The effort oriuinated locally by Hev. which elose.l with n yell contest I . " , ' , " " "r,K and Mrs. J, ('. Hpcncer, of the Leslie ' twecu the two schools. Kef rcsntnents M. E. church, spread rapidly until in- vera served by members of the domes terest was general all over the city, tic scienco class in the gymnasium, und hod It been suggested earlier the Previous to the football game, Halem .hlmm-nt. which was coniiilcted today, ' studjnts escorted the visitors on tours would have equalled any jiont by cities of inspection, to the various stute iiist i .in.iinr mWi, ihrmifflioiit the United 1 tutions uud Idaccs of interest about the of similar size throughout the United ; tutions uud plai Htntos. l'coplo from all parts or wuiem ituj. responded promptly, ami one nuiguuor this year, anil ushered in the regular monthly dances, which are. featured by tins lodge each season. The young men's und young women's classes of the Jason I.eo Memorial M. 10, church will meet ill their church parlors tonight and give a basket so cial, A short program will he given, hood iiathercd In afternoon sessions for Miss K, H. Maurer, who is in cliarge , un.l all young people or tne city ore ni ovcrul davs. fashioning clothing and of the Immigration bureau at Angel j vited to be present. All young women MAJORITIES LARGE IN STATE RETURNS Chamberlain Has About 23,000 Lead and Wlthycombe Is Ahead. 25,000 f'oiuplete returns from every county in the stute show Unit Dr. .lame's Withvcoinbe, Kopiiblican, was elected (lovernor of Oregon bv a plurndltv of 23,040 over Dr. C. .1. Hniith, Democrat, ami that licorge r.. I hamhcrlnin, Dcinociot, was elected United Htates Senator by a plurality of approximate ly S.,MM voles over H. A. llooth, Republican.' J hese f mures nrp. official from 24 counties, but. unofficial, although com plete, from the remaining countios. Treasurer. Thomas H. Kav, Hen 12(1.117 1). Paget, Dem 7lt,2N( II, Woop, Soc 1S,I)71 (lor.ens of urtlcles of wearing apparel. Mr. Hpencer states that the articles received were of the best quality, ond that both he und Mrs. H nencer feel very grateful to nil those who' have as sisted them in making tills mo.l worthy i ovemeut a success ill Hulvm. Mrs. (Dr.) K. K. Fisher will enter tain the members of the Grant school J urent-Teucheis' association lit her home toniuht. Although a sociul hour Island. Cal.. just returned from Wash ington, I), t:., and is visiting nt the home of her sister, Mrs. Ii, V. Hongs, of ."m"H South Nineteenth street. Miss Maurer will deliver an nddress at Al bany next Sunday on her way to Han Frumiseo. Miss Maurer Is with the Deaconess Home In the latter city. Miss Ilessio Foster, of Portland, was the week end guest of Mrs. Mildred Kolwrtson llrooks, coining up Friday will be enjoyed the meeting is called urteruoon. Ulie Is one or tne most pop principally' to discuss business of Im- jUlur teachers in the public schools of Jiortunce to tho association. Meeting . Portland, and was formerly an instruct will bo called at 7:.'W o'clock. or In the Lincoln school, and haa many 1 friends here. . In celebration of tho seventh birth-1 ilnv of her beautiful little daughter, llev. Cuil F, Klllott will speak In the Iiilinson entertained ciianel (Waller hall) of Willamette mil- a group of sniall folk Huturdav at her versify tonight on the "Poetry of l'hll protty suburban homo. The rooms weroinnthropy." The lecture will begin at gay with floral decorations., where the o cioca aim is iree io ine puiinc n.rri...l nf Invnnlli. names were enloV- Poellcul selections will be read to il I'd. Mrs. Cl'vde Johnson and Mrs. Jo ! lustrato the subject, ami it will be made aeph Peery assisted Mrs. Johnson In j especially Interesting throughout, t.tnriuitiiiir Hia fiillnwlntr! Louise Her- ft i-in. ViruiniR Dorcas. Pauline Newberry, Members of the Purent-Tenrhers' as- t,iiilli,K .liihiiftim. M lneta I'eerv. Jose-Isocialion of the Grant school were fur l.hme llross, Maiiuiug llrnsa. Knunetlr' nlshcd a ilellghlful evening s inversion ' ' n I 1.1.1. 1-.. ... I MV. I ..nil.. I U'bIxIi NEW MAPS COMPLETED BY STATE FORESTER 1 The Big One Is 10 by 10 Foot and 1 Drawn on a Scale of Three Miles to the Inch Shows All the Boundaries, ' , Roads and Tracts in the State, i I Htuto Forester F. A. Elliott, hns re- ceived ami has mounted upon tho wiilli of his office tho latest and most nc-iT curnte, If not the largest, map of the T Hlato of (Iregon in tho State. It was compiled by Theodore Itowland, one of! the best engineers und draughtsmen In I tho state, under the direction of Mr.! Klllott iiml is one of tho (Irst, if not nm umy iiiHji in exisience ivuicii sllous aro leipiestcd to bring baskets. Among tho season's elaborate and brilliant affairs in Portland last week was the debut reception nt which Mrs, Themas U. lluilcy presented her charm lug and clever daughter, Miss Gene vieve, Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of Portland's smart set thronged tho Halley residence. Although the fair debutanto has really "been out" for ono season, sho has never hud a formal debut until Saturday, She is a renin ik ubly clever artist, nnd has but recently returned from a ecn months' trip to Carmel, Oil., thn colony of artists, where she studied with William M. Chase, a will-knmvn New York artist, who was summering there. Miss Iliuley is the daughter of tho lute Judge Tliemns O, lliiiiey, and tho great-granddaughter of Hon, John 1J. Hnlley, one of Oregon' first pioneers. Among the assistants nt this affair were Mrs, George K. I'humberliiln and Miss Carrie Chamberlain. ft w The marriage of Miss Pearl Vender, youngest, danjiiter of Mr, and Mrs, An drew Vercler, to John Dennett, came us Jtoliottson, rrlitny, wnen Mrs, i.ueiiu J. nsisn a surprise lo ner ineniis. hid cent- entertained with an old fashioned I moiiy was quietly performed yesterday M V. I, I.iint? of Ilnv Cltv. and quilting party, hverythlng from tne afternoon at the r irsi i nrisnun ciiureii her Inugliter, Mrs, Mnbel I.nnts I'ettys, uf Port land, were w eek end guests oi Kays plurality Justice Supreme Court. 4,s:ii Henry J. Henn, Hen, llenrv L. Hensnn, Hep ('. J.'llrlght, Prohl T. II. Crawford, Dem Wm, Gnllowny, Dem Lawrence T. Harris, Hep Addison G. Ilotchkis, Soc Thomas A, Mcllridc, Hep Charles 11. Often, Soc William M, Knmanv, Dem David lloblnson, Soc W. T. Slater, Dem Attorney General. Georue M. Hrown, Hep J, K, llosnier, Soc John A. .left rev Dem. VMinani i . liont, I'ro" iiuaint costumes of the uuests to re freshments of sweet elder and dough- hnlem friends.. This was Mrs. Lnntx's nuts added a suggestion In keeping with the occasion, Olil lai-liHiueil.gninc were revived ami pastimes almost forgotten were participated In, The gnrdens surrounding the hos tesses' residence are quite noted for their beauty, nnd splendid floral speci mens were used profusely in i.rnnmeiit iug the rooms. Dahlias and rlirysnn themums in tne rich tones of gold ami (.browns were most attractive in the liv ing room and a large Imwl of gulden first visit to Salem for some time, and during her stay sho was claimed for informal afternoons and dinners by many of her friends. About eight hundied and fifty stn dentil of Halem high and Kugcne high ehools participated in the jolly-up giv en at the high school building Satur day evening, following the brief but interesting program, which opened with talk by Frederick Deekubsch, presi dent of the student body. A response was mad by the president of the Ku gcne student body. Principal Nelson and Principal Hugg, of the two schools, followed with a few remarks, and Miss iai7omigc, Hev. F. T. Pinter officiat ing. Tho young couple will make their lioni" on North Twenty tlilrd street. Mrs. Dennett Is a talented young violin Iste ami a sister of Mrs. Thomiis Hob mull (Viola Vercler), of Han Francisco. PERSONALS Donald lllake, son of Wm. Illnkc, Is r(t..nvi-inir hli-elv finin mi attack of centred marguerites were much admired tvl,hnd fVer, and Is able to be around as n table centerpiece in the dining-, a(l(i)li He hs been lck for six week. room. a. Lnpton, mannger of the dvcr- Those who were bidden as guests ylfUllt department of Mevers store, were! Mrs. J. N. Shantr., Mis. K. spent Sniidnv In Albanv, visiting nt the r isncr, .urn. .p. it. oDmin, .i rs. r.Mnrn hnni-1 of relatives. , it .1 I .1.1. . .a I lnvv h llnvtil Trnfttitf- l rft Hnil-Ml jieien iiouue (ichmiiipu wnn ei ....... ... . .......... In. in which she was accominitiied by Salver, Mrs. .1. Stnlililef icld, Mrs in Miss Tiuth Kchults at the piano. Girls of Miss Mirriam'i physical culture Tndo, V, Mcllwaine, Mr. M. Dal tiinnre, Mrs. Lee Marh, Mrs, S. Yates, There Is one thing a man never falls to find when ho looks fur it, and that ,..U1,44H ....HH,4n!i 41,117 111,4:12 7o,.r)i:i IDi.imi 111,2117 1111,818 111,81(1 fsr,l 75 :ni,ii:) MILL CITY WOMAN KILLS HER HUSBAND Albany, Dr., Nov. 1(1, ( liiim lug that sho shot in self de fense, .Mrs, Frank drier Is under orient today facing a probiible charge of first decree murder as the result of the death of her husband. Crier was shot through the abdomen with a 22 cnlibro rifle Saturday and died Sunday. Following the shooting Mrs. drier took rnfugo in tho houso 011 the farm nenr Mill City where the shooting occurred, and, armed with the gun re fused to submit to arrest, The house was watched by Mill City officers who feared to attempt her capture because of her known ability to shoot ac curately. Late Saturday night, however, she eluded their vigil linen and surrendered to the Albany sheriff, Mrs. drier had reeenly filed suit for divorce, jc ' 111 i 11 i in u 111 cost to the grower .and to finance tho member of the orunni.a- tion, through a central orgiiuiMition, to 'bo composed of trustees to bo named by ench stute association. It will bo I necessary to incorporate the cent ral, or parent liody, and provide it with sulfi- tho COUIltV lilies llllNllllllitlV neeiirnl,, and tip'to-duto. It Is drawn upon tho scalo of two Inches to the township, or three miles' to tho inch, ami is nbout 10 by 10 fectl sipmro. It is known ns a "roads ami trails" map nnd shows every roail nnd 1 1 it II throughout tho forested sections of thn state. This map, nnd another which Is drawn upon the scale of one and oiiehalf inches to tho township and will lie known as the "nocket niap" showing tho roads and trails of the for- esls, was produced at an approximate Tnp tiriirC liril I UAtS' cost of 1(1,000, the lithographing- work HE INNES WILL NOW nniiiit ujMiu miit 1111 HI npproxiiiiHi lll .fi.hOO. The lillioirriiphii' nlates. how. t'ver, are the property of the slate und 1 I reproductions of the two maps may be . . procured from the Statu Forester, ns Ik ilill """" " nr" I"''ii,,mIi Bt "bout ifLTi in 1 i-il f"r "ln "'' n'lult !.') ' , each for the "pocket map." Mr. Klliott Is a I no daily expecting to I BE SENT TO GEORGIA Drown 'a iiliirnlitv Biipennteiiaent rutiuc instruction, A. II, Hurtou, ipog,-prohl. J. A. Churchill, Hcp.-Dein. r lorn I., l oremnii, Soc, Churchill's plurality State Engineer, John II. Lewis, Hep. Deurt 1 Labor commissioner. O, P. Hnff, Hep. Dein 1(11 Snnfield Mncdonald, Prog. San Anionic, Tenia, Nov. (l--Clinrg-eil with thn liireeuy nf 10110 from Mis. l-itoise Nelms Dennis, Victor Ju nes and Mis, J lines, of Oregon, arrest d nenr Kltircm. several weeks litro. Iin- AK1t7i r,,,",'iv '" Uo H. forestry deport- u,,,,,,,.,.! hem today that thev would 'on'.' ";,'"t, nt 'i"hi"gtuii, a map in colors! nilt r,.,yt ,,xtrndition to Atluiitn, (in,, "iiimuiK iiiit 111111111111 Him uuiiiMiiiricn ui thn natloiiiil forests In the state which will be upon (lie same scale nnd the ) same sire as tho smaller edition of the K,. ..... roads and trails nm p. This map is ''' 1 printed In colors to show the status of . 1 tlio timbered area within tho forest ' riiscrvitu. (Ircell will rnnriiiutiil I . . ... u rifi.oio ...l:iH,747 ... 2.1,4 is live ient cnpitaliMitioii to haiidlo every bale of hops produced on tho Pacific coast, if necessary, and to finance the weaker gruwer over pencils of depression, llnefly slated, these plans are: 1 1 11 11 1. To iiruani.o sepamte stutn iiigauiMitiuiis, us has been done, and a ut 111 1 ecipoiiltinn mid to Issue stocn to the growers. This plan conteinplnt. 1 the nlisoliite purchuso of the hops ut the. market price or at a price wnich will alluw the grower a reasonable profit over the cost or production, and to din- 11 there is no market lor the bulancn to destroy them and ta puy the grower a fair price for the same. Flan 2. No stuck to bo issued; or giini.atlnu to be funned us In I'luu I, but to conduct the business of the cor poration upon funds to be raised through membership fees, the amount of lee to be fixed by the board of triiR teej, and the (rowers to deal through a corporation commission basis. I'laa .'1. S111110 as plu u 2, but tho cor poration has the right lo buy the grow ers' hops at (lie market price, return ing him a dividend fro 111 the profits nt' the Mile of the hops, less a small com mission to defray the expenses of ear I'VilM on the business. All Will Have a Voice, As vet the Orcu.011 association I1111 formulated no specific, plans of ulti mate consolidation, and it is hot known whether the Wuslii union association has; but the Oregon association lui snuiii substantial business men a law yer and a banker and practical mil experienced growers upon Its delegation ' ri ti I will ho thoroughly competent lo look alter the Interests of the Oregon growers. 1 nder the plans uhove out,- when) tliey will go to trial, . InccM und his wife were overlnved , , ;giowcr. 1 imi-r urn iiiiiiis Hiiuvo oui.- lit the prospect of leaving the 'jail here, jn0l, ,)m,ril, M(.K jtl where thev have been held ill Conner tlon with the disappearance nf Mrs. proportion to tho number of bales ho produces each year, and every member 2"i,4IMI August Nikuln, Soc 2l,(i Dennla and her sister, Miss llcntrice ,)f r)(,Mjw,ti0 d corporation lint Xjitlftftk A It II Ill Itt llfilllP lltftlllllftftt.. J iii-riiin, J smhiu'- ui miiim-i I'M"""" I nt t.ini vn Hit ill t hrt I i-n nan.-1 11 11 .f thn R,I - -...l ...:i'.. ..ill I.- .1: : l' V" . ' . ' " ., st.1ndl.1g tl.nberi yellow the burned1 ". ""... .... ul 1110 "'g'"""tl". wheluor WI . 1 ...I. .. 1.1 1 because the district attorney here says 1... ,.. . , hM ... k .r-.,,. the burned over aiea not restoekiKI ' "," "'.'""n ''"i" I'lT ."."'l'" n,""!" I ,"'r,'', This feature of the organ- urple the logged over area restock 11 ' 1 -in . I'm u 1 ingl blue nnd logged over area not re- Huff's plurality ....1 J(I,.1N4, bI,.m nm ,r7w the brush mid ip ti ,Rk". M'd.(C '"n T I ,-,,,,J rocky land. Copie, of these maps will Frank .1. Miller, Hcp,DenPrng. 1 ,1 1,1 M, fm my f K1it non ' Ic'irala 2I,I1 ln a M ,y nn.v, nl lt r, .,t stain. ate tno iieiicr tnnt .mis. uennis, i,,,,!,,,, 1. ,iaiu..,l to nvoid the in.l. and her sister are dead. Miller's majority 1.1l,il72 James T, ( iiilinock wns elected su perintendent water division No. I and George T. Cochran of district No. 2. Neither had opposition, The foregoing figures do not Include the complete vote from Polk county on the offices nf Attorney-General, Super intendent Publlr Instruction, l-'.iiglneer, Labor Commissioner and Hnilrnnd 0111 nilssloner. All other counties are com pletn on all offices. copv, Mr, Klllott furnished the forestry de partment nt Wnslii.iKton with the state map as a fuundatlon upon which to Indicate I lie location and boundaries of the forest reserves, The roads and trulls nuP will be vnliinlile to tourists, hunters, timbermen and nil who have COAST HOP GROWERS TO MEET IN SALEM WEDNESDAY NEXT (Continued from page one.) bility of the extensive grower dominat ing or gaining cnutrnl of tho business end nf the iissneul ion to further his own scll'i di interests and to liee.o the small glower out. lug 11 v nil menus." Three Flan Are Suggested. Tltrnn scratntn idinm nf inn occasion to travel through tho furostcd ' f, il, nnl nuanelnilnn have I, con ten- ; reulous of the state and the forest P tmivclv worked nut bv the California 1. . ..... . 'I m ai .i-iu- r'-w--ft - will be nf great value to limber men. NEW YOitK EXCMANOE OIENH speculators, etc. COUBT ADJOURNS. associations, which launched tne move meiit, but all nf them contemplate the forming of a stale organisation to be separate mid distinct from each other 0 far ns local conditions nro con 1'nile.l ccriiid, but nil to unite and transact W'sshliiutnii. Nov, Kl. The New Yntk, Nov. 10. The New Vmk, States supreme court completed rending , nil business, such as the liuudling and cotton cxihnnge reopened here lit 10 Its ilrclslous nt 12:411 0 'clock this alter-1 selling of the product, collei lion and n. m. today, It wns the first business 'noon and took II recess until November i illssemlnntinii of Information, puichnse is trouble. I Idonc on the exchange since July 'JO. 20. nnd distribution ot supplies at the Supple at Sixty Ag and ripe experience mean hap. plneea and usefulncM when mntl and bodily power are preserved by keeping rich Mood la the yeln. Nirurt'l ran aourWhnwnt In SnH't KmvlitoA cnslts He blotiti vrajirul Id kedy and sllfvUtfts rhfttunsiic tftrxbixtos. lit ell-food Impsit nnU) 10 kola tul) and bills. ' It Is SJlhSwita-ff Atvhnt,