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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1914)
GERMAN TROOPS BEAT Half of One Corps Captured Holfeg Positions Along the Belgian Frontier . Berlin, via The Hague, Nov. 18. Ger man troops nave decisively defeated two or more Russian eorps near Plock, Rtu sian Poland, it was officially announced here tonight. It was raid the German captured half of one Russian corps. "Important successes," the state ment added, "also have marked fierce fighting about the Argonne region. The progress about Flanders, however, has been alow." Btill on tha Offensive. Berlin, Nov. 16. In the western the ater of war the Germans held their po sitions everywhere today, the war of fice her announced. The allies' attacks south of Diimude, it was atated, had been repulsed. Less violence was said to marj the fighting long the Belgian coast, and in the Ar gonna region the kaiser s troops were reported to be still on the offensive. Weather conditions were referred to as very bad in the fighting zone, with (lent, now and piercing wind. ASSESSORS OBJECT TO DEVALUATIONS Claim They Are Much Lower Than Last Tea and Out of Proportion with Taxes en Property in General. Today 'a session of the state tax oom miseion is being taken up by the asses aora ef several of the counties of the Willamette Valley who are protesting againt the tentative ratios adopted by the commission and published as a basis for the apportionment of the viol ations of public service corporations for taxation throughout the sevnral coun ties of the state. Those who appeared before the commission this morning and voiced vigorom protests against the ratios adopted for their respective conn ties were: Henry C. Heed, of Jlult nomah county, & L. Fisher, of Linn C. W. Itlnkosloy, of Columbia, Hen F. West, of Marion For Linn county the ratio, as tenta tively adopted by the tax commission for the year 1014, wnB 57 per cent as against a 05 per cent ratio for llll.'l; for Marion comity this year's ratio is CO per cent as compared to 00 per cent a year ago; for Columbia county this year's ratio is 73 per cent as compared to 78 per cent last year and for Alult nomah county this year's ratio has been temporarily fixed at 57 per , cent as against 60 per, cent last .war All of the assessors represented that the ratios were muctt lower than those in force In their respective counties, from about 10 to 25 per cent and all are asking for an inoreaae. Assessor West for Marion county, maintains thnt the ratio of assessment as to real property valuations in Marion county are as high as that in force in any other county of the state, and much higher tlisn in soma of them, ami that to fix Marion county's ratio at W) por cent of tlio real v-nluntlQii of public service corporation properties would work an injustice, upon the other taxpayers of the county, Tax agents of aeverai of the railroads and othor public service corporations have appeared before the commission and protested against the high valua tion of their respective properties for taxation purposes and asked for either a reduction in their valuation or a re duction in cnuuty ratios, which would amount to the same thing ninl operate to a redaction of their taxes In either event. Home of the railroad agents submitted figures to show that rntior iindor which private properties are be ing assessed in the counties traversed , by their system of railroads ami de manded that the railroads be given the same consideration as other private property interests In the matter of valuations and assessments. ftwaiamirntii mtwaat Just Right" Shoes are made for men who want the best they can get for the mo ney invested. It is noticeable how many come back and ask for the flame make as the pair they have on. The Just Wright SHOE Comfort, style and quality in every shoe. Prices $4.00 lo $6.00. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE INPARAGRAPHS The Day's War Doings Gath ered From All Sides and Sources On the Yset ttie nflies and Germans atill fought today as hard as the weath er permitted. The trenches were waist deep in wa ter. Gune and equipment were mired ev erywhere. To make matters worse, the allies ngoin opened the sluices, flooding still more territory and drowning one whole German regimeat. The allies claimed to have driven the kaiser 'a forces everywhere from the Yser'a west bank. The Germans maintained that there had been no important changes in the positions. They added that their shoro guns had disabled the British warships Fal con, Brilliant and Kinaldc, off the Bel gian coast. Tho only news from the eastern the atre of war was from German sources and to the effect that the fighting thuu far had been indecisive. Fresh information was also Inching concerning the Russo-Turkish cam paign. It was said, however, that the khedivc of Kgypt had thrown in his lot with the sultan. Tho Ameer of Afghanistan was also reported about to declare war against Great Britain and Russia. Though the government did not nd mlt it, tl o public was taking for grant ed that the British dreadnniight Aud acious had been blown up off the nor them Irish coast, as reported. First Lord of the Admirulity Chur chill told the house of commons that he had no information that misfortune had befallen the British battleship Ca nopaB, thereby conveying tho first in formation that anyone was aimous con cerning it. The British public, much dissatisfied with the navy 's showing, was criticis ing the admirulity severely. Premier Asquith. told tho house of commons thut the war was costing Great Britcin $-1,500,000 to $5,'l00.00'i daily and was granted an additional wrtr credit of $1,250,000,000. Fifteen persons were reported killed at Oourtnii. Belgium, by bombs thrown by British aviators. The pope iesucd an encyclical appeal ii'g for peace. The Japanese battleship Hizcn and cruiser Ar.aina were reported on their way to tho Chilean coust to look for German warships. Tho Boer rebellion in Houtli Africa was believed to have been practically crushed. PRESENTS UNCLE SAM ' BILL FOR THE WORK Chief Deputy Stacks, of tho state for estry department, after numerous con ferences with the government forestry officials, states tiiat he has finally pre sented a bill to tho department of the Interior for tho government's sharo of tho expends entailed ia tho fighting of forost tires in the districts of I he state ill which tho Oregon & California tim ber lands are located, which will amount to approximately $1 1,000. This does not represent the O. & C. lands share of the total lussrs sustained and expenses incurred in patrolling prl-vately-owned timber binds anil fighting fires thereon, but, since tha govern ment fund was not nvnllnble until Aug ust I of last year, no assessments for costs or expenses could he levied against these lands prior to that date. The Oregon & California Railroad; company (.Southern l'ncifie) owns ap proximately 2,330,000 acres of timber land scattered along tho 'right of way through the western p.irl of Hie state, and is situated in about 11 counties. Tills land is now In litigation and the federal district court hns already de clared the railroad 'a title to the' land forfeited and tho case has been apieal- mm THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORQEOX, MONDAY, DEATH PEHALTY MAY Latest Returns Indicate Cap ital Punishment Has Been Abolished in Oregon According to figures published in a Portland paper of yesterday, which, however, are nnoffieial, the indications are that the bill providing for the abol ishment of the death penalty in this state has been adopted by a small ma jority with the returns from Malheur county not in. If this is the case, in the opinion of Attorney general Craw ford and other legal authorities, Lloyd H. Wilkina, sentenced to hang Decern ber 9 for tho murder of Lou Winters in Portland a yer ago, and John P. Pender, sentenced to hang on Novem ber 2S for the murder of Mrs. Daisy Wchrman and child at St. Johns last, year, will escape punishment altogeth er and will go scot free. Both of these men were indicted, tried and convicted under the old stat ute of murder in tho first degree and received their sentences to be elocntcd under the provisions of that statute. According to Attorney General Craw ford, if the constitutional amendmuni providing for the abolishment of the death penalty, were adopted by the people at the last election, it will be of effect ns of midnight of November 3, and, since the new law docs- not spe cifically prescribe a penalty for first degree murder and Wilkins mid Pender have ulreudy been in jeopardy for their alleged crimes, they cannot be re tried under the new lew, executed under the old law or re-sentenced under the new law, hence there will be nothing to do but to turn them loose. Vndcr the new amendment to the constitution, if it has been adopted, the death pennlty ia not bnly abolished iu cases or murder in the first dogreo, but likewise in the case of treason, as pro vided for in artirlo one of the consti tution, which will also he repealed by the new amendment. The neiv amend ment provides that no penalty in ex cess of life Imprisonment shall be in flicted in nny event but, as the consti tution provides, thnt all ex post facto laws are expressly prohibited, th amendment Is not retroactive in its ef fects and will not cover the enses of Wilkins imd render. Attornev Gener al Crawford also states that," in his opinion, since the new amendment pre scribes no penalty for murder in the first degree and that, until tho legisla ture meets and provides a specific mode of procedure under the new, amendment, anyone committing mur der between the time of the going into effect of the constitutional amendment and the act of the legislature fixing' a pennltv for first degree murder cannot bo indicted for a greater crimo than second iegree murder. Governor West would offer no com ment upon (he subject of the effect of the new amendment in the cases of Wilkins and Fender except to express wonderment upon tho travesties of jus tlce and the action if the people upon proposed legislation of this character. He cited the instance of the measure which was drafted hv him and put bo fore the pei pic at the (lection in 11112, which prohibited capital punishment only in cases of murder in the first do lire and did not alter the constitutional provision prescribing death for persons found guilty of treason against the state and limited the power of govor, nors to grant pardons and reprieves which was turned down by them, nnd now this constitutional amcndaiunt comes up. which wns not his bill nnd be liml nothing to do with it, nnd the peo ple supported It, and this bill not nnlv aholislics capital punishment in flrxt degree murder cases but also in eases of treason. There are six nities which hnv not suit in their official returns to tin secretary of state and until thee nc ull ill the exact Mains of any of thr measures voted upon at the last elec tion will not bo known. Earlier returns indicated that the bill had failed of enactment by a few hundred votes, and it was generally "' up ny ns supporters as lost. Ho the clmngo in tho ti tills came as a surprise, though a plensnnt one, to them. , Complete returns from all the coun ties except Malheur give the following vote on tho mensural For abolishment of death pennlty fH,f"4 'Against 08,070 i Majority for 2im I Incomplete returns from .Mnlhcur county Indicate that that eounty will give a f ivoruble majority to tho meas ure, increasing the majority bj which the measure was carried in the state. ed to the U. 8. Circuit court, and the government, pending the filial decision of the courts upon the question of title to the land appropriated a fund of $25, 000 to deftny that lauds' portion of the forest patrol and f ire-fightiag tax In this state, Aoout $."000 of this fund wus reserved to defray expenses in en forcement of the trespass laws sad about $'.'000 ia reserved to cover forest patrol wink in the spring, and the stale's claim will prulmbly be paid out of the balance. The Oregon & California lands rep resent little less than AO per ceut of all of the piivntely-owncd limber lauds along its right of way, but, although the (ompaiiy will nut y one half the amount of the assessment levied agninst uthcr private timber owners of Houtii cm Oregon, as more than 4 or 5 per cent of the loss was incurred prior to August I when the government money was available, but it has been a great help to some of tnc rivstc timber own ers who weru hit pretty haul, especial ly in Jackson, Josephine ami iKiuglas counties, I'nder onliiiarv clminntun.-oi. Mr. Sleeks says, a f25,Ouo appropria-' Hon would have been sufficient, but last year was an extiaoidiuarily serious ouo on acrouut of the prolonired , di'imuht and th consequent Increased loss hv fire. RAILROAD PROSPECTS AT SUBLEIITY According to special invitation of the Sublimity Commercial Club, a number of members of the Stayton Develop ment League and other citizens inter ested went to Sublimity Tuesday night of this week to attonl the regular monthly meeting of the Sublimity body. The talk was mainly on the line of how to induce the Willamette Southern, an electric line nowbuilding into Mt Angel, to come on south and pass through Sublimity an) Stayton. President W. H. Downing of the Sublimity Club stated that the grade was already as far as Mt. Angel, and that cars would be running that far by Christmas. . Every person in the house was called upon to give their views, and all were unanimous in thinking that some in ducement should be offered the new line to extend at least as far as Stay ton. . J. T. Hunt though1, that the officials of the company now building undoubt edly had some definite object in view and that while that object would not be departed from to any great extent, atill it would do no harm to send a committee to interview them. Prof. Gauntt of Stayton was of the opinion that the people could get al most anything they want if they only wanted it hard enough. Attorney Heitael of this city spoke at some length, and gave some good advice along the line of approaching the officials of a corporation. J. T. Kearns, the old wbeel-horse of the Stayton. to Anywhere Railroad, said that he immediately sat up and took notice when anyone said "Rail-1 road" in their sleep. He spoke with his usual fluency and gave a very sen sible talk on rights-of-way-and other details of the actual beginning of rail road. While It la quite possible that noth ing may come of the new prospect, vet it behooves us to not overlook any, bets along this line. I A good time was had by all present and before the meeting adjourned a committee was appointed to investigate the possibilities of the Willamette Southern. About a dozen were present from Stayton. Stayton Mail. . SR. ANNA SHAW ELECTED. Nashville, Teun., Nov. 10. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw Was re-elected president of the National Woman Suffrage as sociation here today. Mrs. Stanley Me Corniiek was elected "first - vice-president; Mrs. Desha Breukenridge second vice-president; Mrs. Katherinc Davis third vice-president ; Mis. (Men ('lark, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Susan Fitzgerald, recording secretary, and Mrs, Henry Itogcrs treusiirer. A contract for tho delivery of 1000 horses at Baker hns been signed by Hubert Jones. The horses are for thci use of tho trench army, and everything meeting the requirement, 15 hands high, will be accepted. They uro to be de livered Xoveinoer 23, U. NOVEMBEB 16, 1914. QUARANTINES STATE AGAINST THE EAST As announced in the Journal of Sat urday. Governor West this morning made public his quarantine proclama tion prohibiting the entrance into Ore gon of any animals frcm the thirteen eastern and middle western states un der federal quarantine as a protection against the introduction of the dread foot and mc-uth disease generally prev alent among the livestock of those states. The proclamation is issued upon the recommendation of the state livestock sanitary board and declares a state of quarantine against the entrance of any and all eattlc. sheep, other ruminants and swine coming frcm any of the thir teen states heretofore named and all other states where the malady is now or may hereafter become prevalent, and the transportation cf such aniniah between points in this state is prohib ited, unless inspection has first been mado and permission given by the pro per state or federal authorities. The quarantine does not apply to shipments of livestock from clean counties or units in those states, when such shipments are mode in disinfected cars unloaded en routo in disinfected yards, and are accompanied by a health certificate issued by a federal inspec tor. Tho quarantine also applies to such materials as hog cholera serum, vaccines and other biologies which are of nrimal origin, unless it bo shown to the satisfaction tf the state veteri narian that no infection exists at or near the territory whero the same is manufactured. All common enrriers engaged in the transportation of aaimals are request ed to sec that all stock cars und yards are thoroughly disinfected and that ail rules promulgated by the Oregon state livestock sanitary bonrd for the pur pose of preventing the spread of the font and mouth diseuse arc fully com plied with and carefully observed. OFFICIALS ARE ACCUSED. San FrMicisco, Nov. Id. Ida Dag ner, known also as Ida Niles, nppcarod today before Police Judge Crist and sworo to charges agninst Herbert W. Lewis, president of tho Children's Home Aid Society of I.os Angeles, ac cusing him of a statutory offense. A warrant was issued and a detective will leave for I.os Angeles tonight to bring Lewis here. Dr. Charles M. Morso wiib arraigned here today on a rhargo of performing n criminal npcrn'iou on Miss Dsgner. Ho plended not guilty and bail was fixed at $5,000 each, which ho was un able to supply. All ordinary financing n-enns having tailed to effect the proper lighting of tlardiner's streets the company oper ating the lighting plant hns announced a public ball, the proceeds of which will bo used for installing lamps in parts of the town that need them the Worst., ,4 t.. H X J V 11 E i V A J U -Li The Jacob Vogt Shoe Store which was closed up by the Is To Be CLOSED OUT Watch For Announcement In Tuesday's Journal S. Creditors' Company . Gettelman, Apr, Here Are Some Canned Goods Offerings - Which Should Interest You Peas....' ..10e can, $1.05 dozen; 1240 can, 1.35 dozen Beans..: 10c can, $1.05 dozen; 12Vic can, sjl.35 doticn Corn 8 l-3e can, 90e dozen; 15e can, $1.60 dozen Tomatoes 8 l-8c can, 00c dozen; Hie can, 1.35 dozen Asparagus 15c can, $1.05 dozen; 20c can, $2.20 dozen Peaches 25c can, $2.75 dozen pear9 , , 25e ean, $2.75 dozen Plums'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'......'. .......25c can, $2.75 dozen; 15c can, $1.60 dozen Pineapples 10c can, $1.05 dozen; 20c can, $2.20 dozen (Salmon 10c can, $1.05 dozen; 15o van,-$1.00 dozen Clams 10c caa, $1.05 dozen; 20c can, $2.20 dozen WESTACOTT-THIELSEN COMPANY (INCORPORATED) Successors to Thielsen Cash Grocery 151 NORTH HIGH STREET CITY NEWS He & 1 Two divorces were granted this morn ing in Judge Galloway's court. Maude A. Lucas received a divorce from Claude H. Lucas and the custody of an infant son, Robert Warren Lucas, Ethel B. Ramjdoll secured a divorce from Guy A. Ramsdoll ou the grounds of de sertion. They wore married in 1010 and the plaintiff was granted tho care und custody of their 3-year-old son, Charles Kami-dell. j Harry A. Morton, formerly manager iof tho Oregon Power compauy, at Al alia ny, has accepted a position as so i licitor for the gas department of the i P. li., L. & P. Co. of this city. Stanley i Barton, who has held this position since i the first of the year, has resigned to take up business for himself. Mr. Bar- ton is a well-known booster in this city and has been with the company for a number of years in various depart ments. Mr. Morton comes well recom ! mended from Albany, whero he nian jBged the O. P. Co. 's business for a mini ; ber of years. i Argument to dismiss the suit of Fred ( Dodd against Pearl Doild was being i heard in Judge Galloway's court this afternoon. The divorce suit was brought September 22 and tha plumtitf ordered to pay into court the sum of $50 within 30 days. His attorney is seeking to have the suit dismissed without the payment of this slm, holding that the defendant has already received a large sum from the plaintiff. MARRIED. DK HOUD-TOWNHEND At the resi deuce of Mr. and Mrs. George He Bord, Saturday afternoon, November 14, 1014, Miss Amy De Bord to Cecil Tovviisend, liev. J. Montcalm llrown, of the Jason Lee M. E. church, of ficiating. ' IP? L. A. Wostflcott ft Co. t TELEPHONE 630 -f PERSONALS P. L. Boydston, of Dallas, is a Su Icm visitor, W. 1. Xecdham, deputy sheriff, went to Donald today on business. Mrs. J. f. Eishwood,. of Bilverton, was a Salem visitor yesterday. W. K. Baker, of St. Paul, was in the city yesterday on a short visit. H. I. Price and wife, of Dnllas, were in Salem yesterday. Mr. Price is a merchant in Dallas, J. W. Justin, a well known Dallas at torney ,was in Salem yesterday on a business trip. Mrs M. E. Watson, of Eugcuc, stop ped oi f in Salem this afternoon for short visit in this city. L. 1'. Harrington, of Croswoll, indus trial licld worker for the state depart ment of education, is in tho city. J COST OFCAMPAIGN , According to the stntcnieut of c. po'ises filed with the secretary of slute this morning, by his campaign matin gcr. 0. C. I.citer, the total campaign fund subscribed for the promotion ut the candidacy of Williiun llanley, pru- (rr.iwuive nnmiilcc fur Cnitpil Stud's Men. ! ator, amounted to Mfl.fllWIe, and tin" j total amount cxiicndcd was $0,053.10 I This does not include the statement previously tiled hy individuals wn claimed to hiivc expended their own funds in tho furtherance of Sir. Man ley's candidacy. The principal sub scribers to the fund, according to the siaiemenT, were: nniyen vauev i.ann company. $15110; W. P. Davidson, $2.; 500; A! S. Monroe, $1250; John M. Whistler. 450; ('has. Altwlml, president of the Willamette Volley & Cascade Mountain Militr.ry Wagon Road Grunt company. $11100; M. V. and Ed llanley, $500, and William Mauley himselr. .t. ...... ...