Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 14, 1914, Image 7

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, "$ K Pi i
1 ""J?"
. .
Restored To Health by Lydia
EL Pinkham's Vegeta- '
ble Compound.
Montpelier, Vt "Wo have great!
faith in your remedies. 1 was very ir-1
1 regular and wn
tired and sleepy all
the time, would have j
coM chills, and myi
hand and feet would
bloat My stomach,
bothered me, I had
pain in my chle and '
a bad headache most !
rvf th tima T.vrt! !
E. Pinlthnm'a Vcr-
table Compound has
done me lots of food
and I now feel fine.. I am regular, my
stomach is better and my pains have all
left me. You can use ny name if you
like. I am proud of what your reme
dies have done for me." Mrs. MARY
Gauthieo, 21 Ridge St, Montpelicr.Vt
An Honest Dependable Medicine
It must bo admitted by every fair
minded, Intelligent person, that a medi
cine could not live and grow in popularity
for nearly forty years, and to-day hold
a record for thousands upon thousands
of actual cures, as has Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, without
possessing great virtuo and actual
worth. Such medicines must be looked
upon and termed both -standard and
dependable by every tbinkiDg person.
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydlu E. Pinklmm's Vegeta
ble Compound, will liclpyou, write
to Lydia E-PinkhiuitlUcrilcineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Massif or il
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and anxweretl by a woman,
and held in strict cmf' '"mci.
. etMMlvtf
All Around Town
The Markets
Dr. Mendslsohn, specialist in fitting!
glasses correctly. . 0. o. bank bldg.
H. L. Clark, democratic candidate for
I iu oxiice oi cvumy recoruer, expended
i $15 to turther his election, according
A license was issued todaj for the! to his expeiue-secoont tiled today with
marriage of William M. Munkers aud : the county clerk. A. M. Clough, ie-
miss, vera Myrtle muck, Dotn ol west I publican candidate, contributed $13 to
James F. Clark, of this city, who re
ceived a 20-day sentence to the county
jail lor selling liquor in dry territory,
was released from custody tiay. Clark
secure his election.
Kosher, the tailor, is selling furs,
not to make a profit, but to give his
i customers something a little bit better
, than they can get elsewhere at about
charge but was aujswed to pay a finei"8'1 ,.ae P"""" rg'ng.
there are but lew sets left. 344 State
street. ,
was tried in police court on the same
charge but was
by Judge Elgin.
Agatea polished and mounted.
ner Keene, 886 State street.
I James D. Aboott, chairman of the
Aifred Bell, a farmer residing near ; ways and means committee of Aie last
West Stayton, took out his first pa-1 session of the lioiif-e of representatives,
pers today at the county clerk ' office
and declared his intention to become an
American citizen. Mr. Beal was born
in England, but lias lived in Canada or
the United Btates since he was six
months old.
and Senator T. L. Perkins, chairman ot
the nays and means committee of the
senate, comprising the outside member
ship of the state emergency body, both
of Portland, attended the meetiug of
that body this noon. They will visit
the teveral state institutions tnis afer-
Home Wet-Wash Laundry Under I noon and return home thiB evening,
new management; all work guaranteed; g
Special fur sale at Moaner's, 344
Congressman W. 0. Hawiey departed
The farmhouse on the old Will place
on-the railroad oetween Aurora und
Itarlow was destroyed by fire Tuesday
night nbout 10 o'clock. It is believed
that it was fired hy hobos as there wns
no one living in the house. Trumps me
known to have slept there recently. The
loss is about $1.U0, with no insurance.
webIi days, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays, i hone 2471 .
Family washing, 60 cents.
Bernard Meier Peterson, of Sllverton,
formerly a citizen of Norway, is now a yesterday evening fo"r Washington, D.
citizen of the United States, and A. J.jC, Congress does not reconvene tor the
Parislcropulos became A. J. Paris, and winter session until December 7, bnt
a citizen of the United Btates, in Judge ' tnere is to be a pre-session meetiug of
Kelly's court yesterday afternoon. Four: the committee on rivers and harbors to
others were examined but failed to ' consider needed .egisiation and appro-
qualify in some instances and in others ! priations for the approaching session,
their cai'es were dismissed for tlieir own and longressnian ilawley is anxious to
reasons. ; be on hand to Iook after the interests
o jof the rivers and harbors in his dis-
To the voters who havo not registered trict.
..this year at the city hall: You will o
uave till Saturday, a o clock p. m., wo-. Deputy Sheriff George McDuffe, now
teinuer cist, 10 register mr ine eunuiug 8hiril feleet of .Morrow county, is in
:eiection new uec.omuer ,tn in tne var-, Ha,., on a short visit. Mr. McDnffce
; ions warna-or tne city, do not put oit thl, otIj,.,.r wr,0 shot ami killed Muun
I registering, out rogister now. j,,., tnc trlliu ru,ber. who attempted to
. , n . , . . rob the passengers on a train lust sum-
The Salem Bod and Gun club will not m(,r- Melmtfee received a wound from
hold its regular weekly practice shoot ,hp ,.0)ber-H gun, but recovered in a
at the club grounds tomorrow but the iVtlaud hospital. The killing of thn
robber frustrated the attempt to hold
There was no change in the wheat
situation at Portland yesterday. Re
ports lroni Chicago showed prices closed
a cent or mora below the opening. He-
perts ot heavy sslcs of Hour by interior
mills are circulating in Portland. Lon
don says the market is dull but Winni
peg reports that all offerings are grab
bed at ouee. Sugar took a 10-ccnt rise
yesterday that was anticipated ou ac
count of the strong condition of the
fasten market It is quoted, for "ber
ry and fruit," .ri,IK), and other grades
all up a eent. Fresh eggs are 42 rests
and "Chinas" lrj to 18. Hops continue
to move well with prices unchango.
$lM6i)l.M; forty-fold, fi(a'lM. j ery, purely vegetable and free from!
Barloy (per ctl.) Feed, 1.20 on Wrapper.
' 1.22-i; shipping and brewing, $).'25(n. Take it as directed ami it will search I
1.2' Hi- : out impure and poisonous matter in the'
Kgs Extras; 4tic; pullets, 36Vit", stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys and j
California storage, extras, 27c. drive it from the system through the!
Better Extras, $.".te; prime firsts, It will penetrate into the joints audi
i!He: firsts, -He; seconds, 24c. natural channels.
Hay, simothy
Clover, per ton
Oats and vetch
Wheat, per bushel
Bran, per bushel
Bran, per ton
Shorts, per ton
Uata, per bushel .
I 8.00
$ 8.00
1 .05(01.10
artai ed
- $27.50
Cheese California fancy, lbV; firsts,
12e; recois, 10c.
muscles, and dissolve tho poisonous ac
cumulations. It will replace all tho
bad blood it drives out, with rich, pure
blood full of vital force. It will fur-
j,, finish you with tho kind of blood that
'1- ! inmauia annrfrv nti.l aniKitin,, Dial
puts the entire body in such perfect!
Seattle Markets.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 14.-
Fresh ranch, 50c; fresh eastern, 3U
) iu..
Butter-Local cubes, 31c; bricks. 35c; ! ClTl"0" thut brai" or ml,wlcs
" - - .
Oregon cubes, 32i .'!Xi
Clieeso Ltmburgcr, l!lc; Wisconsin,
10e; Swiss (domestic) 24c; Washington,
1 7 ',:.((! 1 He.
Onions Green, 20('fl25c per dozen;
eastern Washington, l(n"le per lb.;
i alirorma, Ku i't.
Potatoes Graded Xo. 1,
It will clear the skin; eczema, pim
ples, rash, blotches will dry up andi
disappear; boils, carbuncles and otherj
ovKiences or tainted diooii win pass
away never to appear again.
Get Dr. Rierce's Golden Medical Dis-
! covery at any medicine dealer today,
3rle cash
Chittim bark, per lb 4't(d)Se
Potatoes, per cwt 75c(a$l
Buter and Eggs.
Buttorfat, per lb
Creamery butter, per lb. ....
Hens, per lb
Roosters, -per lb. ..
Cows, per cwt ?.
Stock hogs, per lb.t (tops) ..
Hogs, at, per lb.
Ewes, per lb
Spring lambs, per lb
Vool, first class
Dry, per lb 8e
Salted country pelts, each
Lamb pelts, each 25c
II ns,
Portland Markets.
Portland, Ore., Nov. 14. Wheat
Club, l.i:i; bluestem, $1.10..
Oats No. 1 whito feed, $26.50; gray,
FarleyBrewing, t24; feed, $25.
Hogs Best live, $8.20; prime steers,
$7fi)7.25; fancy cows, $0(06.25; best
calves, $7(a8; spring lunilis, li(m6.;i0.
Hntter ( itv creamery, 34 '
ftl tltl : . . . . . -. . ... -
'"B1" 1" ' i in. cither liquid or tablet form as you
prefer. It 's the one great blood maker
and purifier tnat all weaK or ran down
people ought to start to use at once.
If you want good bloo.i, good health
aud clear skin, get a supply today.
-Selected local extras.
10c; broilers, 10l3c;
.The directors of the local telephone
company met Saturday. Considerable
routine business was transacted. It
Absolutely Pure
Mad from
Grcps Crearj cf Tartar
rm alum
..... e
- ! was ortkred that hereafter on each
mew telephone installed the rent shall!
goeno, , jj0 jnrce mouths in advance. I
Wobb Moulder, 0. A. Ehlc-n and;
i Louis Wobert were appointed a
; mittea of stockholders to revise
appreciation of it
Those present wore;
Mr, and Mrs.
D. A. Keil and family, Mr. and MVh.
Fred Keil, Julius Keil, Mrs. George
White, Miss Alice White, Milton Wnite,
l,u W;i..,r, Mi.. Vfh.,1 Wil.nn Uia,
com-! X!ifi -I- . .. v I uru:..
i. iitu, vtub fcn, nriu VTrj-, re;u Munr,
San rranciaco Markets.
San Francisco, Nov. 14. Wheat (per
ctl.) Club, $l.5(2; bluestem, $2.05(cS
2.10; Turkey red, $2W2.05; red Kussian",
SAn KT.nnn.
" ' " . I "'id Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hurst and
Hatred of the NsUons for One Another, their recoiuiuendntions to the board at ""'"'y- Aliror Observer.
,. . . . 'the Dcember meetiug. MARRIED AT BARLOW."
This l;i'i-opein war has born of He The regular nniinnl meeting of the
hatred "anscl ov earlier war.'u. .- it stockholders will be held on the first i . ,.
will enrf.u.l.r r.ihr war. b,t,,.en lno ;MM,iay in January at 10:30 a. m. 1 n,",, A""'e. " 1 i' '' " '
,., . l. (,i. Th. .m. 1 man Jensen, of Held, Oregon, were unit-
nm trBTnniv niwwpp ' en m niarringe nainraay evening at urn
BIG BIRTHDAY DINNER. .K flf He br.io,g VBr(,nUi Mr. ail,
I Airs. Seibert Eriekson. Only relatives
Celebrating the birthdays of D. A. 'of the bride and groom were present,
Keil and his iluughter, Gladys, the Keil but by the way they were showered
family gave a Sunday dinuor in their ' with rice on- leaving Sunday cveniug
yet unborn will carry this '.ii.i.iel iu
their blood to blue into warfare; w'l-n
the vniik frU(bii by k!u?s o.
SOftiMJe. statesmen wl-.. ii.i' ve: in infancy.
It's In,! Mool ir.t makes vo.ir liver
sluggish and I lie hhiiic Ln l blond
auses vour stomach muscles to lone honor. The feast was an example of ! their limny friends wish them happiness
their elasticity and become f!bbv and the fine cooking uud serving for which through life. They will go to eastern
weak and that means indigestion j Keiln sic noted, and tho guests gave Oregon, where iur. Jensen has a homo-
Dr. rierce's Golden Medical Diseov- ample evhlence of tlieir enjoyment ami stead. Observer.
members will go to Wheatland where
they will shoot for real live turkeys.
up tne train anil the two pals of Mann-
An auto truck will leave Watt HhippV. were ,,,,,, B11(l are nnw ie,villg'
store lit 0 in tne morniiig for Wheat- ,,,.., ; i, .- ,.
land to carry the Salem marksmen to
the kiciio ot the competition.
I Fine fur sets at MoBhors at one-half
j the price charged elsewhere.
Charles Kndicott, of Hiirrisburg, wns
found not guilty by a jury iu the cir
cuit court yesterday of the charge of
obtaining money under false pretenses,
but was arrested immediately after
ward upon a warrant from Snlem ou
the same charge and is now iu the
county jail. An officer will arrive
here today to tuke him to the Cupitnl
City for trial.
Endieot is quite well known in this
part of the valley mid has been en
gaged in raising aiid buying hops, lie
was accused of pussing a number of
worthless checks iu Eugene not long
ago. Ho is nccused of the same thing
in Salem, Eugene Register.
The department of jnuriinlisin nt th"
University of )rcgun lifts estnblHicd u
museum of freak newspapers.
Funeral services over tho remains of
The real, the genuine, old-fashioned
Rio coffee the kind yjmr grand
father nlwnys used, th-esh roasted daily
for only 25 cents per pound. Call or
..!. ' t L-....I.... ,t u....
Ray F. Kichardson and J. H. Fftrar, Z ,, ,..i s. I 1 ' ' - '
ure the competing generals in the mem-! , '
lei'sliip campaign which is to be opened
by tho Salem x. M. t . A. next week.
prospective nienibers uud the local asso- tho faimy r'denee, ,112 North Six
ciation is getting out some literature, on 1 '''M' treet, early yesterday morning,
the subject for distribution. ,"'''!. 48 V'; Wl11 helil nt Kigdon
0 ,, Ifii i.unlsou a iiiidcitnKiug purloin hI I
Knights of Columbus will have spe- 'l("'k t"""lrr",v '"orning, Hey. F. T.
cial cur at Southorn Pacific depot at. .'"';. I';,t:r he rust Christian!
9 a. in. Sunday. Train leaves 9:22. lie "" ' 'l inteniient will
ou time, llermuu W. Barr. Urnnd "f '." ,l,e..( '".KKt cemeteiy north
Jim Willson
528 acre stock farm 50 acres clear
and over Vj cun be cultivated, on main
mad; running miter; 5 miles to good
town. Only $20 per acre; wjll consider
small tract or some city property, for
25 acres all cleur, 8 acres mixed
orchard; 7-room "house, 2 barns. I Vice
including ten in, 4 cows, chickens, farm
tools, etc., $(1,000. Will take some
Portland property.
5 aero tract 4 miles north, 1 acre nf
this land will produce as much us 2
acres of ordinary Iniid. Price $H7.'i,
$100 cash, balance $10 per month.
Jim Willson
Anne Opsund, of SUverton, was com-. """ "'J ,"'
mitted to the Oregon state hospital for'""'.1 Mr"
the insane vesterdoy by County Judge 1 ."".T'"10- ..7he u"0 1
of the city. Hesides the hiiKliuud. the
leceased is snrvivcil by two dniiuhtors
and one son, Alpha, Marie and Viriril.
I'rena Weuver, of
survived liv five
Hnshev. Mrs. Oiisiuul was confined t,, '''""cis. nne wns u member of t.ie
that institution several years S;o for n , I),','c'0 of lInor
short timo, being relensed in 11105. ! 0
o A general invitation is given to iu-
Mny Wing Tye Reutaurant, 439 Forry Hl"'''t the new qm rters of Morse &
street. Everything new and clean; new "'"""dun, dealers in bicycles, sundries
'hop suev. Short orders at ull hours.
Quit Hard Work
and trade your farm and fixtures fin
some splendid income property, iroden:
and up-to-date, in Portland, here is
your chance. Cull on us nt once if yo'i
are interested, ns we can talk to yui:
personally much cheaper than m can
pay for printers' ink, and much inure
Intelligently. We will exeliiiiirfo on the
farm as high as $20,000 in one Inide
and $10,000 Iu nnotlier.
AI.90 RI'LENDID LOT on paved j
street fur snle, 3 blocks fiom car line,
lienutlful location, nsy terms, for $200'
less than it is worth,
HP1.ENP1I) WHEAT FARM for cx-,
Chungs for Snlem property,
ALFALFA FARM from 40 tn HiOj
acres to exchange for good Salem prop
vrly or acreage,
140 ACRE STOCK RANCH to trnde
for Salem property.
Geo. B. Jacob Co.
207 Hubbaid Bldg., Baleni, Ore,
Phone 21J4
Chas. Stevens
"Shore Acres"
Continuous Show Sunday from
2 till 11 p. in.
Wednesday and
Tli picture you have all been
waiting for.
"The Lure"
In 8 Acts
risylng to capacity everywhere,
(Coins early)
innl Kxeelslor motorcycles, at 221 South ;
High street, in the licw Kodgers build-1
ing. j
Eight cooperage plant, valued at
$220,1100, manufactured tubs, tanks, bar-i
rids and wooden pipn in Oregon during!
the pnst year to the aggregate value!
of $57,0(10 sn, einployedU total of 147 j
1coplit in Ihu trade and paid out in I
salaries and wages a total of ! "ill.iJM.
Six semi-cleaning plants gavo employ-j
iiient to 30 people and paid nut in wages
an aggregate totul of $21,1117, according'
to reports received by l.nbor Cuinniis
sioner H of f for use in his bieunlul re
port Beginning with tonight, Captain N.
II. I.oriMi7.en, of the Salvation Army,
will serve hot coffee und rolls after the
meeting on Saturday night. This cus
tom proved so successful lust year that
it has been decided to continue the
same through this coining winter. '
You can secure senson Uckots to tho 1
Students' Lyceum Course next Monday
at Hie box office of the Grand owra
Attorney General Crawford la in As
Ions today signing a ease In I lie circuit
court brought ngninst ths Sorenseu
logging company, which operates a log
ging road In Clatsop county, to operate
as a common currier and haul passen
gers. Several years ago the railroad
commission nulhorUcd this company to
opeinlc as a cniiiiiiou currier hut the
company declined the privilege, con
tending that it hnd thu right tn elect as
to thn chfl'rnctor of the business It would
curry on, aud this suit Is brought to
compel It to comply with tho commis
sion's niilhorlrnliou,
Hoar five entertainments for the
price of two. Students ' Lyceum Course.
P, L. Rsnady, Independent candidate
for '1)11111 y cnuiinissioticr, filed his ex
peine account today, showing that he
had expended $152,1)0 to further his
candidacy, The law limits the expen
diture nf any candidate tn 10 per cent
of the firs) year's salary of the office
sought, or to $100, Hint is, a en ml bin tc
may spend ill lent $lufl for any office,
As the salary fur the office nf county
tfontiiiissioner is computed per diem for
the actual number of days put III and
seldom exceeds $50 per month, or $000
a year, the enmity i lerk holds that the
cntupniiin expenses are nutlde of the
limit. The law further provides Hint
in such eases it Is the duly of the enmi
ty clerk to bring the lustier to the
attention of the district attorney, and
K, R. Rlngn will investigate the ease.
Reservation to the Btudent' Lyceum
t nurse next Monday, November l.
What Does Your Home Need This
What about your nigs? Have you given any thought to the question of curtains? How about a new
chair for the living room, a library table or an extra bureau in the guest room? Now that house-cleaning
season is over, you ought to make sure that these little odds and ends are taken care of. You ought to
make sure that your home is properly equipped with the little things that make it homelike and comfort
able. We have some very attractive pieces at very attractive prices to show you. It will pay you to come
in" and look around.
in Lace Curtains
Here is an opportunity
to brighten up the home
at small expense.
$2.00 Scrim Curtains $1.25
$2.50 Lace Curtains $1.80
$:).00 Lace Curtains $2.25
$:$.f)0 Lace Curtains $2.45
$1.00 Lace Curtains $2.95
$5.00 Lace Curtains $:U0
$8.50 Lace Curtains $6.50
' 1 0 1 iid4yiia
$lfPuts the "White Beauty," the
WhiH Beaut
Make up your mind Hint you can have a Homier Cnbinvt. Wo will
find ii place to put it,
Forty labor-saving conveniences increase your comfort 17 are
entirely new. You can put 100 articles in this new Ifoosier your
whole kitchen at fingers' ends. Here arc a few of lis special features:
The Housekeeper's Tood Quids, the Cook Book Holder, the Metal 60
pound Flour Bin, the Woudorful Shaker Flour Siftor, the Metal Bread
and Cake Drawer, Crystal Glass 8pi.:e Jars. The table top, nf nn
Improved auultiiry metnl, slides out HI Inches beyond the huso, so yo'i
can sit down to work. This talilo will never warp.
There are many other interesting features uliout the Hoosler. Call
and examine one. Mailt entirely of ouk; will last a lifetime,
,;;.''.H tt i'y:x J J
i'':" ''':" ;::A
Open a Bank Account in Your
Corno and sen. us mid we will tell you how to do It, And when you
) Ii will ':- ''"'
' 'A-. izTOX- i'l-rV-i' VrV. - ' 1)1
' , ' , . .y
, '" ' ' ,. ; ... :j " it '. .t : nr
It will show you how easily it may lie done, Tin; Houlli Hend Slnllcalile
dues better work ami burns less fuel than any oilier range made. Horn
are the reusoin whyi lis flues are built nf Patented Keystone Copper
Hearing Aluminum- Fused Mclul. The walls ore three-ply and the oven
Is ulr tight. It Is made of a "uiiiliiliiUiiill of niullenlile lion and steel.
It In hand riveted throughout, rendering It practically indestructible. It.
bus smooth nickel trimmings, Is a perfect baker and a fuel saver, Per
fect baking, economy In the use of fuel, durability and beauty Is a rare
combination, You will find them nil embodied In thn South Bond Mal
leable Kange, Vour old stove tukon In part payment,
Bargains in
Buy now. These
items will make sea
sonable gifts.
75c Smokers Tray 55c
$1.00 Fern Dish.. 75c
$1.00 Flower Vase 75c
$1.00 Smokers Set 75c
$1.50 Jarclincre $1.10
$1.50 Handled Bon
Hon $1.10
$1.50 Umbrella
Stand $2.50
$.!.50 Candlesticks,
Pair $2.60
Timely Sale on Electric Portables
Read and sew in comfort this winter by the aid of a
good Electric Portable Light right where you need it,
on your bonk or on your work, as well as relieving eye
strain and aching head. The following prices should
surely interest you:
$:.50 Wood Portable, one light, now $2.50
$1.50 Wood Portable, two lights, now 5:1.75
$0.00 Wood Portable, two lights, now $5.00
$5.00 Brass Portable, one light, now $4.00
$8.00 Brass Portable, one light, now $0.50
$10.00 Brass Portable, two lights, now $8.00
$12.00 Brass Portable, two lights, now $0.75