Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 14, 1914, Image 6

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lii(U'i'iiiU'iir., Or., Nov. 14. llii.V
(Irounil-i. t;""!""'1' 'f ,h(" Hi""'1" Viata
ISclmola last N'i'iir, won the first prizn
of i(il5 offcrd! by tin? W. ('. T. I', tat
th lest csKiiy.mi I lie Hilvnntancs of a
ilry Oregon. His milijeet'.' How Oregon
Dry Will A f feet linlnstrial Hint Keonum
ii nl ( onilitions" nils luunlleil in M viy
able inHiiiiei:.
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Matinco Eaco Meet.
This city "is to have tt liintinee nico
meet on Thalsniviiifr afternomi. Koiir
rare huve been si-heilultiil fcr.. nmuiti
horses ami siiilnlile eush prizes have
been ofl'ereil. It is expecteil that
larjre erow:l will lie jnesent to take', in
the event. A football liiinie between
two tennis from here anil Uallus will
probably be selieilnleil, so this will be. n
l busy ilny in this eity, .;
Airlie Slilpaflrj Complnin.
Shippers from Airlie nre eninplniiiin
of the Railway serviee mnintaineil from
that eity b.v the Inilepeiulenre i Men
iiiinilh b'nllwnv. The Southern I'lieifie
built trni'lis into Airlie u nninlier of
i veins ae.ii, when the line there was it
. iiiirimv finite, nusinews tint dull niul
they ninde a contrni't with the I. & M.
1 to hamlle the truffle. About a year nm
' the S. I', iiaiti put in daily trains with
I'lii-lliiud but it was soon found that
' there was lm enough trafl'ir to warrant
regular service so the I. & M. wus aaia
i railed into service. One ot the shippers
w ho had establish! I a market in Dulln
is nut satisfied uou and so is wanting
In take the mutter up with the Hailieud
('oiniiiission and try and foiee the S. I,
to put trains into that territory auin.
Stamps Loft By Bobber.
Stamps to the amount of $;t.ill weio
found last week in h box lyingr in it,
ditrh, where they bad been thrown, '
prrsiiinably by the men who robbed tin)
Airlie postoffire about two mouths ao.
The box had not Veen opened and most
of the stamps were in ood rendition.
There lias been no rlew to the robbers'
but it is supposed that they were tin!
Mtine men who have been breaking into
a number nl' smiill offices in the valley.
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Air Fleets In a Death Grapple. J
German, French, British and Russian Aeroplanes and
I Dirigibles Battling Among the Clouds.
BATTMCS lu tbe nlrt Aeloplnnea ilartliiK nt illllulbl bnlloom, plurelnu
their thin (MivelnpoH nml explnilliiK llielr kohoIIiic lunkn until HtUuker
niul nttaekeil full to dentil! Miuldeiieil with the war fury, the uvlntor
Is Kind to ille, If ho hi; can but taku with lilm tliu enemy who dispute
with lilm the iniiNlciy of 'he atmosphere.
War In the nlr Ik ii reality, l.ouir the dream of the poet nnil novelist who
"hhw red" In the nhirn of the mm, It linn In the present lOiiropi'nn war fulfilled
all the ilreild iroplicieH that have been nuide nhoiit It. 'l'hu liillltni'.v uvlntor,
clii llnu ever upward mid outward In his Bearili for Ida foe, Iiiim come upon lilm
In the upper renehe of the nlr. There have been Nluirp, lnft Hklnnlshe for
liosltlou, cneh ni'iii Intent upon iiiiIiIIiik Ida own machine nrlitht uial secklni;
lo ileal n tlenthlibiw to the other' aeroplane. Speed up the propeller, feed
the cnnlne to the last ounce of power! There lie In, elrellnu mound nml look
lug for you. And then, lu the last fatal ilnsh, drive tho nose of your machine
Into htm! Your pin nes lock mid tiinitle In n nioitul ciiiliinc-,voii fall, thou
irnnda mid UmuxmiiU olt feet-hut before you land you have the fierce conscious
iicsh of linvttiK dintwed your foe with you lo dentil!
AUcnily we have had tnich ciihch. And wo have lind, ton, tho Morion of thl
Bun nnd tho rllle on Innd lllttil until they pointed almost to the r.enlth,
NotidltiK "hell or bullet Into nemplnues jind the illrltflble balloons mid biliiKlnvt
them down lo the ttnuind with their occupant!! In n lielidm, Kluipelen iiuim.
Men nre llfbtlnK with nuns on land nnd sen mid In the nlr. The lust undo
(licit element bus been made lo nerve the iurpimeii of nliliihter.. Ai'ioplanes
mid dlrlitlble carry kuiiii espeelnlly designed for wnnlnit nerlnl buttles and
liotnlw for di-oppliiu fiiun the holcht on nrinlcH nnd cltlel
All the urent llphllnit powerx of lAnope lire playlnif at the dienilful, deadly
nerlnl tlKhtlui! cuiiie. lireat llrllnlii. Franco nml' llussui neiid their lioie nlort
In iioroplniicK. tlerninny and Anftrlu spread, (heir faith nliroml on the heavens
In monster illrlu'lblo balloon, (if the heavier (him air (I.vIiik machines (Irent
Uiltnlu bus 4IHI, I'ranee 1.UKI nnd l(ilsl Htm. To (Jeriimiiy I credited (ho
i)wiicih1iIi of t,iH". and Austria llunttniy ha nboiit 4(l.
In dlrhrllile Hciinany I richer than any other country, thank to (he
effort of Zeppelin, I'm moral mid others. She ha thirty "battle airship,"
whllo I'linne ha only twenty mnl t irent Hrltaln evcn. Ailstrln Iliintrary
plmiiiud to build lx, but. that wu Iwfore the ttreiif wbi1 hcrmi. Just how fnr
they me toward completion noon kuow but the Aimtrlnn Cenernl stuff. And
IU UU'liiber will hot Wll.
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Presbyterian llastor Called.
Hev, (.irover (', Jtishop has been called
from, the state of Washington to assume
the iHilpit of the Presbyterian church
here, lie arrived here this week ami
will preach his' first sermon next Sun
tluy. Jle is u yuunu mini with a Xuiiiily
and wilt reside in the .Mitnsc.
inny Wot tor having.
Notice of iiSfiusiiJiiiit has been M;iit out
on Hie .' street a'ing unit H is said
that tlieie is a lawyer neie now lookint;
lino the rccoi'd ol proeeediuc,s to sec it
(veiyinin was aiinght. 'lucre wu.i a
bitter lignt between the ones in incur
and those .uuaiust puving this Jat
sprniy. The renioiiriitois were so
MuUy beaten that Ihey did not even
present their rciiiusiiniirc and it is
inoii)jnt tllnl the luoenl move is being
imule liy iarlies wlio arc uiiiu-o I to all
ptililtc iiiitiiu'cme.iiis nmt iuo seeking a
imi.v of gelling out of paying the bill.
.Mrs. S. Ii. Owen entertained tho
Wednesday Afternoon Needlework vlub
lit her iiume on I' street this week. The
afternoon was spent in doing needlu
work and disrussing the past election.
A ladies choral soriety has. been
1 formed in this city under the ouiiie of
the Treble I let' Club. It meets Wednes
! ipi.v afternoons at the .Methodist church,
! -Mrs. llruwn mil .Mrs. (,'ook enter-
Inined the Wednesday afternoon Whist
,1 lub at the home of .Mis. Jlrowu this
I week.
I The Civic Club held their regular
j meeting Tuesday afternoon lit. which
i meeting the matter of future work ivm
In ken up and discussed. At each ineet
'nig olio of the club members rem Is a
paper on some one of the countries
which is now engaged in war.
I .Mr. mid .Mrs. I'. 11, Hrexler enter
, titined the Aiitnwiu club at their
homo on .ltd Avenue Wednesday night.
I .Miss Opal -Mcllevitt spent he last
' neck with her parents in Hullas.
The school house grounds have been
; improvilt by (he building of bniuu
cement, walks on the C street side.
.Mrs. 1). O. Taylor and young son
1 Howard have returned from an extended
visit in Southern Oregon.
I lluller mid Hurley, attorneys of the
S-ity are defending the llunninitta in
' the circuit court at Hallna today. Tho
t lluaiiicutt boys were arrested early in
'the summer lor wholesale stealing trunk
different stoics and warehouse in this
I ''')
.dis. lugall of Kiigene is visiting at
i the home ot her sister, .Mrs. tluy Kniipp, '
j where their father is very ill,
.Mis, y.eobers of i'oitlaiul visited
i with her sister Alia. Mabel Ci rounds,
I Johnson this week.
.Mrs. A. II, Kobinson, ,lr,, wife of the
enmity clerk of this county spent u lew
i lays in the city this week visiting with
her mother and sister.
I .Mis, Geo. Anderson mnl daughter
' Velum are visiting in the city Willi
.Mil Anderson's mother .Mrs. i'. A,
1 Sinn r."
.V II. Kellogg returned tu his homo
I in .Meilford .Monday alter number uf
weeks visit with hi uncle J. S. Jlohiia
! una.
i ,1. H, Cooper spent a few day lust
week in the 1'nget Hound country,
i .Mis, Hal llilnis spent a few day in
Jiallas visiting with her parents,
, Air. and Mis. A. C. Cnssidy of I'eiin
svlvuuin, are visiting with their ilinigli-
: ter .Mr. 1). I. H I.
K, .M. Vouug hus built ii new bunga
low on his rui in below tho city on the
Salem Ibin I where his foreman will live.
Hr, II, I has, I iiiiismom was in IWl-
i lend tho first of the week taking in a
meeting of the Willamette Valley Kx
position A-soriai inn of which body ho
' is secretary. ,
Mr. and .Mrs. I'. M. Kiikluud nru
spending the week in Toi'thiud,
, Improvements have been going on at
I the l'ost Office building the lust, mouth.
I The nl, iron lattice work over the tier
' of boxes lias been removed and window
j have been placed Instead. .New rural
I boxes have lieeii added aii'l it new place
I lor pan els post mail put lu,
If to live on a farm is your
ambition, why not satisfy it
I now at once in this
month through a Journal
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