THE SALEM OAI'iT At, gOUBNAI,. SAUM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. THEEE. SALEM COMMERCIAL CLUB'S SPLENDID EXHIBIT came to her asking for her address, and"1 if she was engaged, and the North Side pastor did the same. i "Ada is to sing nt tne annual it. A. j R, banquet the Uta of November. They j want her to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner, and some other army songs., "Ada is f oo linn more acquainted at i the college and lilies her teachers vtry mucii. President .eigtehl is lovely to her, asks how she is getting along and ',. asks her to come and sing for him. ' We usually attend tne Saturday morn-: ing lectures and concerts. We have , not attended any of the big attractions in the city, but hope to when the opera sea3on opens in November. We intend to see "Madam Hutterfly" mid hope it will be so we can attend most of the others. The Century Opera com pany will opeu an eight-weeks' season November T.'; will give 'Aida,'1 'Madam : Hultorfly,' 'Carmen,' 'William Tell, 'II Trovatore,' ' I'agliiicci' and ' Hansel j nml (iretel.' 'The -Messiah' is to be J given Christmas day by the Apollo club.: "There will be plenty of wonderful: tilings to see and hear an education in itself and I'm sure we shall both enjoy our winter here very much." " I The reuular monthly chiss lecital of, tiie pupils of Miss Winifred Hyrd met at the Hyrd resilience this afternoon ami ' endered a varied program, consist ing r,f compositions ami r.unibers adapt' cd to exhibit technical prnficiensy, These enjoyable gatherings are given principally to assist in aiding the younger muscians in acquiring ease and unconsciousness in playing before nu audience, and are particularly success- tul. Those who took pint this after noon were: Margaret liodgcrs, llorothy 1'earoe, Mabel Smith, lle'en West, Joso- plnne Bnunigartner, Mnrv June Albert, Helen (ioltra and F.dna Stein, of Sil verton The Stratford Millie Quartette is an j ! organization perfected and coached by I Klias Day, head of the School of I)rn- 'matte Art of (. hicugo. As a cninpnny .,i.,,,. ...i.. ..,! n..,i ,lt.nt;in ti...:.. Geographically speaking, Salem is show. , Lumbering, agriculture, horticulture, conies ii fruits a look at those "'i!! WOrk nppenls to the average person in' surrounded by Marion county. It is; The display is for the must part one viticulture, dairying, livestock rnUng, , fei'.ow of all kinds preserved in theeverv audience, being good without be-' the hub about which revolves all inuu-j . . .,,' , .. , , , ' are some of them. And wheat, oats, , , , th , , , :., 'teehiiieiillv uboc him. Thcv hum 1 - I fruit, Iinoa mid hnv nre the tii'iiicmi.l ' 1 .i . ..!.. . o ' . ine strip ami vim or vcuim mm 4'v. i -1 vV'--- k 1 , Li -f. '.'.-ivln H -'.il You Should IVorry If it were difficult to find a safe and reliable remedy for- the ailments due to irregular or defective action of the stomach, liver or boweis. These ailments are likely to attack anyone; likely, too, to lead to worse sickness if not relieved. BeeepanihBiis are famous the worlj over, for their power to correct these trouble? certainly and safely. They cleanse tho system,.) purify the blood and act as a general tonic upon bodv, brain and nerves. Indigestion, biliousness, constipation might, indued, cause y.uu pro longed, suffering end expose you to danger if Beechum's rills Hand Tho Ls-cl S? of Aa7 Medicine In th Worlj. , .ljutcl iverirwnara. In buxit, 10c, ..n,.:i:... :.. :., i.... " "' l"" 'V" mi '""B j. t i.,.. .. ,,J I,,,,. i,,.o tl... ,..:,,.1 ,.cr u iuwi. ,u ,,.,-.. u r . .. ... ......... ,.!,. n f ,1,,.;, :,-,, ,1 fecund soil produces just ationt every-, "i- " crops, i ne re is anout i-,oou acres .... . . thing th. v do, and whether in ensen ble 41..... 1.. 4I-A t ........ 1.. !.., .... I liiQ..w.iU in.. ,..... In lw.i.u ill Miii'ii.i, fi.Mit.ti' I h n 1 i c i ni t u It .ma Ull.l VUl-lntV. I (-Hl'll liCni-M. ' ''"K in iiio "-'"r"" "" """ "i ""i- . ...... ... i , i m. ndvidunl pertoi'iniince. give evi-i from the finest hops to tho best clier- penring peach or pear contains enough : largest acreage in the state mid the apples, prunes, cherries, grapes ninl i)(,m,c ,u, t , ..r,,!,,. 1, T.t.-.p 'mid sineer-l ries. i ah'oliiil to make a shy retiring mouse source of the finest quality hops jjvowu , berries, are all shown and belter still . , , ' . . , ; rhev i-ive n Knt..nllir n "l.n..l.M ' ...... I .... ! l..,.lfl,. n U'liioli w (.ml. ir ..muni in 1 li n irlii-l.t ' u i-rt CTvnU'll ii .1111 III l TC i .1 ll V. . t . i n.uiii.ij i.ii. .1 vvMi.i. , . ... " " . . . ... . ' ... . .. , . ' ... , varied t.roeniin. :l I of wlncll is eci'l-, makes for a prosperous city and with j Hut Salem is dry and the only use for. Dairying and inline industries are. The markets are near, transpcrla. the object of letting tne wide woi know just what is back of Snlem, its commercial club has installed an ex hibit of Marion county products at the Manufacturers' ami Land l'roluMh- lent. ..... 4 ..... 1. ..1 ... .1 1 ..." .i.. ....1 I. ...... ' . ..1,1.1 .!. .-I.., i. ,.,. HMiH. they n. 1...1 , u .i ,1 :.n ...;.... ... .1... t ii.... ; i, M, ,,,itv ,. use ot snxoiihones .tnt... Snlem is the center ,.f the l.ith, innnl. that nnv fl,, nrndne. ! where a family call live on 10 acres ! "' milking II program ot (XCcJ.tlon diistries carried on in the district, iug region, is grown also. When itiimd grow wealthy on 0. In addition to their vocal silcc- ire particularly apt in the i and brass instru- ill strength. They will nppcnr at the (Irand Opera House Tuesday evening,! November 17th, the first number on 1 Adlt'ic Student's Lyceum Course MUClf CCL'l'VlNti the foremost jilnce in things musicnl the coming week will be the sucied concert, "Faith Triumphant," or I'ho ilculiug uf .Vanniau," which will be presented by local talent Jiuder the direction of Dr. II. ('. Kpley at the First Christian Church, Wednesday and Thursday cven ililfs. f.orLred.ii. cnst.imeA have linen n.i. eured and a handsome illiiminutiiiii ef-1 Miss Huth llrown; tenors Fred Met?., . selections of this cabilre. She has had in Ills yard, and said Ada reminded him feet will bo obtained by the use of I Ivan Maitin, Krnest Hniker, F. L. I'or- I'Snitimcrtiine." by Ward-Stephens "; : of that bird, 'ilie ininistor of tho multi-colored electria liirhts. Iter, Mr. Douglas: bass 8. K. Wolfe, I'ossession.'' bv (Ouelinui 11. Clou'gh-i North Side church referred to her In M'rs. R. P. Boise was- hostess "Yor her AI-' until after the hidi.iins will be devoted to fashioning gifts. j..vj.ouj.j.j.j.g.j.j. g, 'Stephen Wolfe. Well-known jiusicians , dated at Chicnao. October 2S. -Mrs. thines for us during the winter. (jt will furnish the scores. Miss Laura Miller's daughter, Miss Ada, is tak- hns been asked to sing in one of the ... t.i-:iiir 11 lift I' I'll 1 u 1 iii rfiiiii w 1 tii-i'sn i ...if ... 1 ...iiu.i'ii win' r in tinir i.iiv .niriMMr .'in rci I'M. in". ..ill ii I ... I I L u MIIVII' . . ...... .!. ' o ,...,! . ., , ..' ' .,. " ':. . ..:?...! . i Tlmrwlnv A f li.riuii.ii Clnl 11 run 111111... .11 1 hm ..ii.rv ncn i I, win ii.nv'iiiir nil- . inrn i'.i.'iii.i inn n'Tii'r in., vi'itr. nil!' in sin. s I u nu uui n - .' - - - contribute violin music. 'Millar Hevier. will be of much interest to her host I La (IrauL'e. and t..ey are pleased with though formed as a card club, the time flutist, and Mr. Swart, clarinetist, will f friends here: ; her, for they want iter to stay. j also assist. , "Ada has settled down to hnrd ."Last week we were taken to a re- OCl LI' VIM, the foremost place in lllc personnel or ir.e cnorus lonows: work," she writes. "N10 puts In two cepnon ami nanquei. a.iii was 011 nie things musicnl the coming week Sopranos Miss Miiric- Malinger, Mrs. houri, a day on vocal study, then with program and hail to respond to a very will he the sue in. I 1'iincerr " l.'nith Mary McKiiiuev. Mrs. II. (.'. Fnlev. Iinrniniiv. cninnosilion. i 1 11 1 ill 11 ami enthusiastic em ore. After her last Mrs. Alice Wenger, Miss Hilda Amsler, working up solos for her Sunday church , number the tonstmnster arose nud said, Mrs. Nettie White, Mrs. Hell Howlaad, work she is kept voiy bony. Mrs. Fox,, 'What music! What wonderful music! Mrs. (Iholson, Miss liny Smith; alto her teacher, has only words of com- and from such a little body. It makes Miss Until Hrown, Mrs. F. L. l'orter, inendatioii and eucourugeneiit for Ada lis wonder where it corjies from I' And Miss llessic Smith, Miss Delia Amsler, ami seems to think her capable of the then he told of the wonderful singing Mrs. Loose, Miss Myrtle Kuowlniid, most difficult work, as she gives her of a beautiful bird that had its home "" -i , ' , I " ' '. if ' ... . 'jiivi.j, ' .' ' H : I , .. . , ..t:-v V I -vv ' ' ::,'':v'.::; ::; --,-y:: I I '' ::. ' , '.' . ' .i:v----':-v-;,v Scene from T.'ie cast is composed of the follow ing: Queen, Miss Marie Holiuger; at tendants, Mrs. H. C. Fpley and Mrs. J. C. I'orryj wife of .Naamnii, Mrs. Alice Wenger; Hebrew Maid, Miss Huth Drown ; 'Iran,' Fred Met.; 4 Nnnmnii, ' Hert Kennedy, Hen Wnlcher, Mr. Doug-; leigliter, ami the French song, 'Kecit an originnl poem, in his response to a las, K. A. Ncwhy, ('. K. Knowlnnd. ,et air do Lin' and the ovatnrio, 'Isnih. '' toast, nud one other called her a night- j t.o luivo had a unmoor of pleasant o-!iiignle, and one 01 the ladies presented Tluough the kindness of a friend, per-jcial affairs given in our honor, mid her with a bouquet of huge yellow mlHsinn ia uive.. fur the in.lilicntion of everywhere neoi.lo aro wild over Ada's chrysanthemums. At the closet uf the ,.,..,.i.i.... . fr..., Mr. iiiinr i ainui iiir. and liuvn nlnniied so ninny I nroji 11111 a church musical eomniitteo A very pretty wedding took place Hiinduy afternoon, "NovemlKr first, nt three o clock nt the home or ,Mr. 11110 , lr C W 1tn.ri.rt ulu.n V.l.ll. I Irwin, sister of Mrs.' Bognrt, was gWeci'dossom, Mrs. Reynolds, first; Mr In iiini'iinirn ti. Mr Willinm T. '.Vnlek I Heed, second. Host (iolden (How. Mrs. llev. It. F. Jameson performed the Peterson, first; Moonlight, M eeri'inonv. beautiful uitt7 initiressive. in lirst the presence of about forty g iests. Th The Lure," shown at th 1 Globe Theater next Wednesday and Thur day. Mrs. .1. K Davis very pleasantly en tertained the Marigold Club the after I'n.itt. 1 noon of Wednesday, November llth, at Francis Cleveland, Mrs. Holee-1 her home on North High street, fho laiiL'h. first: Louie Hoekmer, Airs. Yo-, at linr wns largely attended ami tho benitiful home was tastefully docorut-1 der, first, best bouquet, .Mrs. Willis, , Hostess wns niosi limy asmsieii ny .inns ed for the occasion ' first and second. Judged by Mrs. Oen-1 lla.el Olmsted ami Miss Fern Winciiejl. The bride was becomingly gowned in I titer, Mrs. Deecher, Mrs. Hoschc. " The dub will 11 t with Mrs. Otto pink silk crepe de chine, nnd she car-1 " iShellberg iNovenibor iotli, at which lied a bouquet of jiink roses. Miss ( lec. Salem friends are sending messages tune nil members are requested to be liny attended as bridesmaid. The I of felicitation to Mr. tmd Mrs. Johnson present, bridegroom wus attended by Theodore! of l'ortliind upon the birth of a little j . . Irwin, brother of the bride. Little son who win ue r.nn.-r """ Mnxine Hogart was ring-bearer. After I " Johnson -was rprineriy -miss jviiiii the ceremony and congriitiiliitions, Waldo, daughter LOOKS LIKE NEWLAND. o .Mrs. Chira 11. "FAITH TRIUMPHANT' Or "Healing of Naaman dainty refreshments, were served. Those present were: Dev. and Mrs. Jameson and diiuuhters, llildred and Waldo, Hino, Nov., Nov. II. With official 1, returns from all cotiutles in but one, Littlo Marion Linmons, ll yearold .. . . N,,.v,..,.,, .1,,.,, ' Lola, Dr. and Mrs. Booth, Mr. and Mrs mi'ieni or .miss . oy 1, was ...... . , HftPrnoll hllJ a ,.n, o( :j Stewnrt. Miss Nan Stewart, Mr. nud Mrs. W. I). Brown and daughter, .Mr. a ml Mrs. Thud Sterling, Miss Sterling, .Mr. imd .Mrs. John I. often, Miss Li ........ W l,iU ,.., I. II. Ml II nieetiug last Thursday evening in a- , . , ,,,, NV1(,B sl,lmto,'ial race, coinde of violin solos. With only a ' ' year's study thus far, little -Miss Km I A sacred cantata given by the chorus First Christian Church, assisted by Miss Mary Schultz, Messrs. Bevier and Schwartz, at First Christian Church Wednesday and Thursday, November 18, 19, 7:30 p. m. EACH SOLO AND CHORUS A GEM One More Week Queen ; Miss Marie Bollinger Attendants Mrs. II. C. Epley; Mrs. J. C. Perry Wife of Naaman Mrs. Alice Wenger Hebrew Maid Mrs. Ruth Brown Iran Mr. Fred Metz Naaman Mrs. S. E. Wolf Director Dr. H. C. Epley Pianists. . .Miss Laura Grant; Prof. F. C. Churchill Violin Miss Mary Schultz Clarinet Mr. Swartz Flute ....Mr. Millard Bevier iten, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frit Korelmor, Miss ,l,n' "h"w" exceptional tn eni. nnernreieci i.eorge .,ic uunv, o iKorchner, Mr, and Mrs, Abe Hogart wi" """" b" I'"'"' 1 l,v ,',"'l'"w "'"I1"'?- "V'1 V"p,,"y , land children, Miss Cleo nnd lloberti, . Turner in a recital at the Willamette I'.mery are in the city, having brought liuv. Mr. Lticns drives. Mr. Theodore nniversuy scaooi or music. p. .-.... u, ... Irwin. Mr, nnd Mrs. Moss Irwin, Mrs. F.. Irwin, mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hogart nnd lumily. Many beautiful and useful presents I were received by Mr. nnd -Mrs. Walck, i The happy couple will mnlio their home Jin Lebanon, " " " I I Wednesday ufternnnn the Indies of the llayesvillu conimuiiity held their j minimi ehrysantlimuin exhibit nt the . llryesville church. There wns a large jeolleetlon of the benutifii) flowers on I display, on which the exhibitors were 1 .awarded prizes as follows: Largest cnllcetiun of different vnile- (ties, .Mrs. I'eterson, first; Mrs. Wesley' second. Largest collection nnmed vuri l etl"S, Mrs. rcterson, fiist. Most nrtls-1 tie floral piece. Mis, Keynolds, first.. Largest blossom, Mrs." Heynolds, first; i Miss Ida Denny, second. Prettiest SPECIAL ROSE DECORATIONS' 5 Colors Electric Lights 5 Only 100 reserved seats at 50c. General admission 25c and 15c. Seats selling at Patton's and Commercial book stores. :-: Benefit Church Choir Fund :-: MANY of the ordinary Ills of overy dny Uf ara caused by weak diges tion. The stomnch is iinnbln to do its work and the liver and bowels arc Inactive. Try a bottle of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters J. H. ECHOLS MECITANO THE11APT CHinOPRAOTOB PHYSICIAN ScUntiflo Treatment for all Chronic AJbnouti Booms 25 26 In the New Breynan Bldg. 180 N. COMMERCIAL BT. My special sale of Shoes has been so successful that I have decided to continue it for another week. Never has such bargains in Shoes been offered in Salerm Never has there been so many styles and shapes and sizes to select from not a pair out of date, not a pair off in any way but every one of latest model, finest quality, and all going at HONEST BARGAIN PRICES Hundreds of women from Salem and vicinity, and from Dallas, Woodburn, Independence, Turner and other towns have visited the store during my sale, and they have been delighted to find that every statement I have made in regard to my stock has been absolutely true and that it is A GENUINE SALE Shoes stores have come and shoes stores may go, but this shoe store has not only grown in size, but has grown in popularity and public esteem, for it was founded and nas been and will be maintained on the solid foundation of HONEST GOODS sold at HONEST PRICES in an HONEST WAY-the ON LY WAY in which all legitimate and lasting busi ness has been built. A. C. DeVOE 311 STATE STREET