H SALEM, OREGON , Ij J p Home and Farm Magazine Section SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. ;'.'i!-':- ;'.-'V.w..w... rv '.i'.-fH A Typo of lUni YrwI In Hie Bettor C'liuui of Koxtprn Oregon nnil Kiwtorn W'Mlilngton I'liimn. A S WATER in being introduced on tlio 1ainH oC Eastern Oregon ami Eastern AVanhin Rtoii, (Iicho lands nro growing more in fuvor with the randier. At liin reooni iircgmi iMaio J" air ni awem, me mosi remane utile feature was tlio splendid (mowing from' eastern counties where agriculture and horticulture- was sup posed to ho undeveloped. This was tlio first fair at which these counties had contributed largo exhibits. This was owing to the method of distributing pri.es. Instead of being compelled to compute- with tlio fertile coast counties for state prizes, tlio Eastern Oregon counties were in a section by themselves for which spceiul prize were offered. , In tho above pieluYo what appears to be a barren pluin in tlio distance Is a magnificent field of grain, sweep, ing to Hi (i litrixon, A coucrcto fountain is seen to tho left of the barn. The photograph was taken in Shcrmuu County, Oregon, f3 k2 I J-'j S3 I 1 Pi I I f 1 1 1