THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL. S A T.EM. OREGOV 8ATTJBDAT, NOVEMBER 14, 1914. of By -Lawler THEY SIMPLY HAD TO FOOL SOMEBODY. , . OH, THE MEAN 1 f WELLTHEN lT LET'S CALL ON TEE,HEE.HEE!:! REMEMBER,SrtE TRIED TO FOOL US LAST YEAR WITH THAT . YOU SAY, . MARGARET WENT OUT"? WELL, LET HER,STAY f CC Cncriiir-kiV I ' OH, ALLIE'S OUT TOO, IS SHE ? IT'S AWONDEP YES, ALLIE" MAX DEAR AND, THINS, 5HE'3 OUT! LET'S GO DOWN J Ol IT HR A WA K WENT TO AN FLAY A TRICK WITH A MILLIONNAIRE ireJ I HAT O IHfc WORST OF HAVING A BEAU AND TOOL. MARGUERITA APRIL SHOWER, r rsOM SULLIVAN ISHE WOULO'NT PARTY WITH THAT SWEET BOY, MILO STAY IN, ONCE MUSLIN, CIIOCLATfl OUT1!! IN A WHILE ccLAirs r r WHITE LAKE X Sist Eve y m BACHELoaYouikyyvoz i lArX r i 1 N, ' jf rMiss MAY, u (IS OUT! I1 i L , . J . el " rfc I, WE LL (Z GO OVER V3 TO ALLIE'S HOUSE, AND FOOL HER' 1? DEAR. WE" ( SIMPLY HAVE TO FOOL 50ME- 1 1 RiW RFFrtRF ( THE NIGHT'0 OVEry) i - i i . i i nr-i r i r . i s sLwillIawiefv News of Marion County rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTITTT QTf VCDTflN NFW? ' 1 e"' r(,t"rl,e(l to Salem ftor a few days' OlLlLtllUn ItEVliJ I visit hero with his parents this week. Albert Webb and his two children, (Capital Journal Special Service.) UH Me,Vi"' SI""'t Wei1nCB'lay HilvertoD, Or., Nov. 14.-Tueduy lTonn uoet!! snont part of the week in evening of this week was surprised i by; lSllltMll 011 business. party of friends who came to help; Mi KlisBboth spent a few (lays in him celebrate the dith anniversary of ! portinIlli tlig ' 5!" birt?M Am K ,"T PvTint i'' M'- Cm-1'", miprerae organizer of the Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Van Vnlkenburg,, Moo9e loil(,B'i8 'expected to be in Sil Alma Grinde sister of Mrs. Kry,!verton nnt 'wet,k ',, wi, ,,; hare A. O. Anderson and Ole Distad. The f()r - f ww,.8 veiling closed with a sumptuous chick-i , , cn dinner prepared by Mrs. Fiv. i The Silverton lliuh School football : He team meets the Turner team on the local Rrounds Sutiirdny. i WFT AIFM Six candidates were initiated into IlliOl 0ALL1I1 )(c the local chapter of the Kcbeccas last sje He niyht. t5s(t(:t))t!):!):i(:'l Clarence Hulverson, proprietor of t lie 1 , . , llonbonies Confectionerv, has scurcd the' WMH,- u;.( "1',1m visiting with Jrr. and services of an excellent cook and will:Mr"- ' 1,1 '' Albany, open a restnuraut in connection with! Mrs. C.eorRo Nicols has gone to Day his confectionery Saturday of this " to be the honscguest ot her son, w,.Pt(- I Andrew, and wife. Hho will probably Thn local Yenninn lodge will hold nil oxtuiid her visit until after the ;iirist Old Time dance at their hall on Lewis! '" holidays. street. Music will be furnished by, ()" Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. tii- 'v.-'-,.- orchestra, " icorge Kiazier chnperoued a merry Mr. and Mrs. reoble of Lnchinimd!1,0Wl ot young folk at a hard times returned to their home after a short ; party ia tho new feed mill building, visit at the W. II. Folger home lis Uanus were played and dancing en wcek. l.ioye l until a late hour. Miss Myrtle ..oolen returned' this M". and Mis. Harrison have gone to week from a' five weeks' visit at Dufur t'ulil'oinia for the winter, where they and The Hallos. will ue guests of sons located there. Mrs. M. A. Tlooth Is visiting .villi Mr. Will l'inckney, who was badly relatives at Switzerland llns week. i unit by fulling from a loud of hay re cently, has' been removed to his home ia Portland. Mr. I, V, Miller succeeded in bring ing down a wild goose recently as the Hook was circling about the city. Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Hales' homes was the scene of a happy family din ner ;iarty on Sunday, November 8, when 17 of the relatives gathered around the well-laden table. The dinner was in the nature of a farewell, as Mr. and Mrs. Bales leave Hu inlay, the 15th, for Seattle and Taoonia for a lengthy visit with their sons, hdwnrd ami Miner. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. N. (), Hales and eons, Mr. and Mrs. Will r'rederiekson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kdwards and family, Mr, and Mrs. W. M. nchntt: and family, Mr. Hickerson and daughter, Arlie, and Mr. n ml Mib. W. W. Hales. PIONEER OF POLK COUNTY PASSES AWAY (Capital Journal Special Service.) Ibllas, Ore., Nov. 14. M. IX Hub bard, an old and respected citizen of this vicinity, died at his home about two miles west of Pnllns, Tuesday, No vember 10. Mr. Hubbard has been a sufforcr with cancer of the stomach for some time, and it was this that caused his death. He leaves to mourn his denth four children: Charles, of Kails City; Mrs. (.race McNeil, of Wal la Walla, WiiHh,; Mrs. Olive Sellers and .1. D. Hubbard, of this city. Mrs. Hub bard died several years ugo. The de ceased was born in Oregon t.'ity on De cember 21, 1847, but has lived in Tolk county continuously since 18."i2. The funeral services were held from the family residence Thursday morning at 10 o dock, burial 'taking place in the Hubbard cemetery. First Lecture Monday Night. The Dallas Kndeavor Union's winter lvcemn course opens the series of en tertainments with the Struffords male quartet next Monday evening at the ar mory. The sule of season tickets closes Saturday evening, after which time it will be impossible to secure reserved scat tickets. The Struffords come to this city with a reputation for pleasing their audiences, ami it is the desire of the young people who have charge of the course to huve n good crowd out to greet them. The next entertainment on tiie course is Crane, an artist with chalk, who will be in this city Decem ber 8. Company L to See 'Frisco. Co mud Stufrin, captain of Company L, O. N. (I., has received word that tho Third regiment of the Oregon guards will be taken to the I'nnama l'Jicific exposition at San Francisco next summer. The trip will consume I I duys ami will be made on a special train that will leave l'nrt'uuiil June 10, l 1.1. Ten dnys of the time will be spent in cmuping upon the exposition grounds and the rout of the time will be taken up in coming and going to the southern city. Only 30 men to n com pany will be allowed for the trip, and as Company h now has an enlisted si length of Nil men there will have to be a weeding out of some before tho time of departure. Captain Stnfrin will probably wait until some time next spring before undertaking to choose his men, and it is the intention to tnlte only those who attend the weekly drills as it is the desire to make as good a showing for the Dallas company as possible. To Fight Dry Election. Suit has been filed with IHo county lerk of I'olk county hv H. A. Kliks, an attorney from McMinuvllle, repre senting the snlooumcn of Dallas, who seeks to enjoin the county court and other county officials from issuing and enforcing an order declaring that the sale of intoxicating liipiors hIiiiII be pro hibited in this city us the result ot the local option election held on No vember 3. In tne complaint it is al leged that the election was irrcgular and illegal in that the election was held by precincts that do not coincide with the boundaries of the city and that ill consequence some ol' the officials who conducted the election were not resi dents of tho city. That non-iosidcnls of the city were permitted to vote on the question and that others, residents of tho city, were not permitted to vote at all. Tiie matter or Issuing the or der declaring the result of the election will come up in the county court next Monday. City F.ugineer S. II. Taylor lias been airpointcil by the city council city elec tric Inspector in place of l,ee Clements, who tendered his resignation to the council at their Inst -regular meeting. Mrs. Charles Hilyeu and sou, Paul, have returned to their homo in port- land alter a short visit with Ditlhiit relatives. I.eif Finseth was a business visitor in rails City Thursday evening. C J'lessinger, of Salem, is in tho city visiting at tne nome of his sister, .Mrs. D. F. Plaster. .1. i(. i raven lias returned lroiu n business till) to Portland. Mrs. II. Casey is in Monmouth this week visiting her sister, MisH liosii II, I'nrrott. Seth Fawk, of Oak drove, was a business visitor in this city Wednes day. Ilreeze Gibson has returned from a visit with relatives in Kola. Ira Sweeney, of Seattle, is visiting his father, Jim Sweeney, of this city. Mr. Sweeney also visited at tho nome of his cousin, .Mrs. John It. Mills, in Salem, several days this week. C. V. Johnson, postmaster of tho Airlie postoft'ice, which was entered by burglars and robbed several weeks ago, reports tout when he samp box was found near the Stunts farm one day Inst week stumps worth ii.'i.0 'as found in it. Mr. and Mis. Chirciico Veasle, of Portland, were in the citv Wednesday attending the funeral of Mr. Veasie's uncle, 1 1 1 1 it in l,yle. The annual meeting of tiie Polk County Mutual Telephone association will bo held in Pallas, Saturday, No vember II. Walter K. Taylor, mayor of Corvnl lis, was a recent Dallas business vis itor. Mr. and Mis. Charles Westovcr have returned from an outing at the coast. Mr. and Mis. II. Lovelace attended the bind show In I'ortlnnd this week. Mr. nnd Mjs. 11. A. Wood are visit ing in Portland this week, F. F.. Meyer, assessor of Polk county, is in Portland this week niton, line, a mooting of the assessors of the stale of Oregon. Mrs. Kiln .1. Metzger is in MoMinn villo visiting at the home of her par ents, Rev.' anil -Irs. Joseph llobcrg. Andy Tapper, of Independence, was a Dallas visitor Thursday. W. V. Fuller was ia Porllaml, Thurs day, attending the luml show. Lisle liico is visiting friends in Port land this week. Captain McLaughlin, of the United States regular army, inspected the ar mory of Company L of Dallas lust evening. Mrs. Froida Cuasty, of Washington, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Aildio Launer. Mr. and Mrs. M. 13. C! runt were Port land visitors this week. Mr. anil Mrs. Orover McDonald went to Portland, Wednesday, for a short visit with relatives and friends, ' Mrs. Margaret Muscott . is visiting friends in Monmouth this week. W. D. Calkins has returned from 8. visit at tho homo of his daughter in Eugene, Miss Florence Coiithome, of Salem, is visiting Dallas friends this week. Mr, ami Mrs. V. A. Ayros have re turned from a short business trip to Portland. Mrs. C (!. Curtis has arrived home from a trip of several wveks' duration in the interest ot the Christian i'lu deavor' society. Mr. and Mrs. C, (1. Ooad aro in Mon mouth thin week visiting at the homv of Mr. (load's sister, Mrs. (I. H. Stump. W. inn Johnson is moving to his fruit ranch south of town from Se attle, Wash., where he has been resid ing for the past year. The Want pages go to the office and home and are con sulted often and frequently clipped and filed for ready reference. The Journal Wants are valuable that's the reason. Hairbreadth M SLTTyHe Has His Life Insured Drawn by fc W. Kahlc, NO PROFESSIONAL MtftO CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT A LICE AMD ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY. JUST THINK OF it! at any moment YOUg DOOM. 1 $tu SURE!' W IV DT? WONDER NHY WE NEVER THOUGHT On IT BEFORE? A MAN EXPOSED TO CONSTANT DANGER LIKE toUR HERO SHOULD CARRY PLENTY OF LIFE INSURANCE AU RICHT.' I'LL TAKE . FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS WORTH 5 ANYONE EVPOSEOTO SUCH TERRIBLE DANCERS AS YOU ARE SHOULD SEE THAT THOSE NEAR AND DEAR TO' HIM ARE PROVIDED J v Cr-,r, y TO BE SURE HAIRBREADTH HARRY IS A BAD RISK OWINS TO HIS MULTITUDINOUS AND MONUMENTAL HAlRRAISlNd ADVENTURES BUT LET THE INS.CO. WORRY, 5ICN THERE -THEN I'LL GET THE PRESIDENTS SIGNATURE I'LL MAKE IT ALL -v AtlCrCl T7 TLir- BC-AIITI-I 1 IWVUS U MIL UUhU I ! I I ti-i Dn uini iav V I rui, utkinin, mi . j - LHAK1CE: jeM. ; (t BELINDA SHOULD BE PROPERLY PROVIDED FOR IN CASE HA RAY 6ETS MUSSED UP, AND ALTHOUGH ALL'S TURNED OUT WELL SO FAR YOU NEVER CAN TELL. HA! LITTLE DID HE SUSPECT AJH0 I WAS.' NOWTQ CHANGE BELINDA 5 NAME; TO MY OWN, DELIVER THE POLICY BLOW THAT VOUNC yP5TART TO KING DOM COME. COLIEC.1 THE INSURANCE AND MARRY BE LINDA AND THE vorld is Mine! t " 1 1 m 1 1 ik. ;-i .0 ericjn " u. f A' 1 X mm iUMPIN1 JIMMINY TtHOiftPHAT! NfWJ VJMAT ITrYF THINK O'THAT! THAT INSURANCE AGENT TURNS OtlTI IO BE NONE OTHER Tr AN RELENTLESS RM.DCLPMJ THANKS. I'LL PUT rr Away and et YOU THE MONEY P0R.THR PIRST HERE'S THE PObCY, SIGNED j SEALED AND DELIVERED ( 1 rrr crjr rJL Jmmm m M CY( i SNAPS IF WE COULD ONLY TlP OUR HERO kf'lC TM OASTARDLY DECEPTION. BUT IT CAN'T 8d KfH - Vte MUST SEETHIS THRO TO THE RITTEK EN D T I'll BE BACK DIRECTLY J I curses. this bomq is timed to 60 opp at exactly midnight And them m r " IP JiJ ., ( x WITH A HEART AS LIGHT AS A BALE OF THISTLE DOWN THE UNSUSPECTING YOUTH VVENTTO THE CUP BOARpFOR THE FIRST INSTALMENT ON HIS PO (C, AT LAST I SHALL REST SERENELY, KNOWING THAT BELINDA IS, PRO VIDED for, come what MAY. t J 1 IN THE MFANTlMF THF fclFNO IN'ADWft.Tt UAnT. TEN IN HIS DEADLY WORK . ALBEIT HARRY 14 UrTiPiH' IjrN'TH A gA-FREE ANpLUCS6Mlg HEART PLEoNT, THREI? MINUTES TC TWLME ZXf ftUT THI.STHlNft 14 Trtrt MPCAiC DACiim Ta n.-rumr NOW. WE'LL KNOCK OFF UNTIL NEXT WEE.' VM-H N'--fF THE PAINFUL t)UTY OF ASSEMBI S .KAR' iA B.