Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1914, Page SIX, Image 6

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: 1
By ILawSff
Sisters -'of
i !
i !l Sffl
I WONDER IF THAT SLAVE ) ywMl f 5?JI a. f1) W 7
L Sj f 1 DREAMT, I WAS v Q ;
JmL '" SWEET f . zzt53gZZ3
Oregon Agricultural Collide, Corvul
lis Or, Nov. . The Chomawa I n.liuri-,
without the services of their fullback
......i .,.,..,,1. "Amv" Maimer, were over
whelmed by the Oregon Agricultural
Collego freshmen eleven yesteruu;
nl'In.nnnH hv fk COT flf 25 fO 0.
The game wn" ,iari1 t'0")?11'' though
rugged, tho Indians holding tno locum
to sue touchdown in the first half. A
forward pass, Wntiron to Miller, re
united in this score.
Early in tho second half Hulburt or
the Honks, gathered in a fumble and
raced 411 ynrds for a touchdown, (lio'e
kicking goal. .
. 1.. tin. third nanrtor a series of on-
tackle bucks carried tho bull over the
.oal, Watnoii getting the touchdown.
With two minutes to play in tho lust
quarter a forward puss to .Miller put.
the hall on the twe-yvJ hue, and
l'hilliiH carried it .moss.
Miller starred for tue freiliiiion, Wat-
Hon, Solph and (Jrnci also sharing
l.miiir Jim nnd Downey shone for
the redskins.
Defeat of Chip Gives Him
Title-May Be Matched
with Gibbons
ti sc Sfc Snjc )Jc jj( sjc )fc (c 5(t 5j( 5C ( Sjt 5
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvul
lis, Nov. H. The first conference cross
country race yesterday, rohlied of its
Hcusatioual features by tho non-appearance
of l'nyne, Huggins, Willianui and
Dement, stars, who were doped to com
pote fore first place, wns won here this
afternoon bv the Oregon Agricultural
College trl(i, consisting of llobgoud,
Lafko and Kinlderly, with a score ot
eight points.
Washington Hlate College took sec-
1 place wilh 21 points. Whitman
and Idaho tied for third, wilh 1W
loin's each, and Oregon University was
last with a score of 3:1.
Women are responsible I'or men's
vanity. 1 ' r
Farmer, Read This!
Does your land produce
what it should 7 wet, com
land will not do it.
Why? Because it needs
Have a talk with J. F.
llmpjiam, the tile man, and
see what he will tell you
about your wet land.
Address General Delivery,
Salem, or phone care Hit
By Hal Sheridan.
New York, Nov. . Jimmy flabby,
of Hammond,' Ind., became the middle
weight champiua of the worlJ by reu
son of his defeat of George Chip, of
Newcastle, l'u., at Daly City, Cnl., lust
Kriduy night. True, Clubby fuiled to
register a knockout, but his victory
was so decisive and clean-cut that his
superiority over Chip wus definitely
settled. Chip, one ot tno squarest ami
fairest fighters the ring hus ever
known, admitted that no nan met nis
master, and took his defeat without a
"Clubby." he said, "is the most
wonderful boxer In the world, lie
whipped me fairly and squarely und I
have no excuses to offer."
Two He Must Moot.
Clubby ' claim will be disputed by
ut least two middleweight In the runner-up
class. They are Jeff Hmith, of
New Jersey, und Mike (libbons, of Ht.
l'aul. Hmith won a questionable de
cision over ('lobby in Australia, but
Australian sport writers claimed Club
by was riddied of the decision. Clabby
has tried repeatedly to get Smith to
agree to a return, but all his efforts so
fur hive been unsuccessrul. Clabby,
however, will have to defeat Uibbon
before his claim to the title is perfect.
lie bus defeated all the other title
IftOO Two games played, each
winning one.
1(107 Hugenei, B; Sulem, 0.
lltOH Kugene, ; Suleui, 0. "
1H0II lOugene, Sj Halem, 0.
1 0 1 1 Eugene, 5; Salem, 11.
1(111 Kugene, (I; Salem, 0.
KIlL' Kugene, Kl; Salem, 0.
llllll liugene, (I; Salem, CI.
Willamette Outplays Pacific
Boys at All Points, Score
19 to 7
j( jC )(( j(c (( c (c 5C )(C )(( 3t
(Kugene Register.)
Next Saturday tho Kugene High
School will invade Salem ut least 2.ril
strong, to defend its present lead of
one game of football over the Salem
ites, the score ns it now stands between
the two schools for number of games
played, giving Kugene High five out
of nine.
A low fare for an excursion has been
secured to Salem for the game and al
ready 25(1 have signed up. As Oregon
stands to O. A. C, Kugene stands to
Salem, It is considered the one game
of the year, when fight is the only
word from the first whistle to the last.
Up until two years ago neither team
had been able to taka a game from the
other on Its home lironnds. The visit
ing team always lost. In tho fall of
(111 'J Kugene broke the spell and nn
nexed the first gnine In seven years on
Salem's campus. The next year Salem
turned the trick, came to Kugene and
In a hard battle did the same thing.
Next Kntnrduv Kugene goes to Salem
nnd with the machine that Conch
Johnston has developed, a' high class ex
hibition of high school football is ns
sored. Although unable to score on
Corvallis a week ago yesterday, the lo
cnl boys put up some football in the
fourth period that would have done
The Willamette university football
team defeated the l'acifie college elev
en on the varsity field Saturday aft
ernoon by the score of 19 to 7. The
izame was closely contested ut times,
three brilliant spurts on the pint of
tho Willamette men netting us many
touchdowns ami winning the game.
In the first quarter nothing but the
old style of tackle bucks and delayed
line-smashes were employed, the de
fenders of the cnrdinul und gold wend
ing their way d wn the field for a
touchdown without apparent trouble.
The fact thut they hud been scored
on seemed to put new life in the New
berg teem and they came buck la the
next periud with a rush und vim that
caused the talk about u big scorn tc
vanish, while the Willamette men did
the hardest playing of the game try
ing to stop the advance of t lie (Junker
backs. Kric Holt, who had been on tin
side lines when the game started, was
introduced at thin period to help mus
ter forces.
Tho Hay Fooled Them.
After a close, hard battle of ome
eight minutes, (Quarterback Booth un
corked Thompson' famous shift play
and unb red a series of forward passes, i Hamlers
The ru"mc laiis were unnlile to solve (,,nrj
found ndvance by line bucking unprof
itable, and onco resorted to the aerial
attack. Again the system was suc
cessful and for the third time a Wil
lamette man wus successful in crossing
the Pacific goal line.
During the fourth quarter with Cap
tain Dunne, who had been so success
ful at the passing game on the side
lines, the team once more resorted to
the old style attack, presenting still
another novelty in the way of back
field formation. This so-cnlled dia
mond formation was successful und
then the same old spirit seemed to stir
t lie (Quakers nnd forced Willamette to
open a punting contest.
Newborg's Tine Play.
Just as tho quarter seemed to be
drugging to a close with the Willam
ette team slowly pounding the ball up
to Pacific's 15-yard line, only to lose
it on downs nnd have Pacific kick to
Northwest Conference Standings.
Oregon S
Oregon Aggies 1
Washington 1
Washington Slate 1
Idaho 0
Whitman 0
Pullman, Wash., Nov. 8. With four
regulars out of tho lineup, the Wash
ington Stnto Collego football team yes
terday defeated Idaho in their annual
football game by a score of 3 to 0.
T'le lone tally came ns the result of
a 0-yard dropkick by Durham, who
was substituted tor uernnrn in me
enter, the Ncwberg boys braced and . a,.,i mmrter. Aa the score indicates,
held the -Methodists' udvance in mid- tle Kanie was hard fought from be-in-field.
Vickery was ordered buck to ninff rn P,il bv both teams. This do
pant nnd reeled off one of his :ii-ynrl ; pHi-ntca the score by which Idaho won
spirals, the ball settling well to the I st y(Mlr, Every man on both teams
side line. Colcord, the Quaker safety, nlawd remarkable football,
caught the ball on the dead run and Jardine got away several tunes for
tore down the side line Borne 80 yards' good gains on passes. Hernard again
for a touchdown, the Willamette backs proved his worth as field general and
making no efforts to stop him, every , broken-field runner, throwing off Idu
one stating his belief thut the runner! ho tacklers again nnd again. It often
wiib out of bounds, ulthough he wns a required half the team to stop the
good three yards within tne boundary. , blon lo heiulcd quarter.
Pluy had inst stnrted again when the
game ended, the final score being HI
to 7 in favor of the local varsity.
The lineup!
Diet., at full, pluyed a hard plunging
game. He punted consistently ground
10 yards and got off a kick of 55
yards. In tho first quarter neither
ten iti nliene.l ill), each trvintf to Solve
Pacific, Position. Willamette, the attack of the pther, ilnly two first
11...... flfitna ' ,IA...... .,fi,l.t in ,hl miarlnr hnth
Miles .7.'.'.rtl'. Pfnff being bv W. S. C. The Pullman team 1 2 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, the 28th.
Keenev nrl Wilson , had the' better of the argument intheiday of November, 1914, to vote an
lidwards r Teeters second quarter, getting the ball close
Dunn Igr Tobieito Idaho's goal twice, the first, time
Benson (captain) . ...Itr Bowers the null being lost on n fumble on the
Crawford 1 -u-y.ird line, tne second rime juruum
The Julians, Corvallis bowling team
boat the Salem Electrics last night at
the Elite alleys in this city. Corvallis
made 7(10, 778 and 700; Salem 813, 736
and fi(K). Doolittle, Bergholz, Eberting,
Stewart and Stokes represented Corval
lis. Lnflar, Pratt, Hymnn, Kauch and
Noud composed the Salem team. Al
bany will bowl here tonight. Corvallis
Team W. L. Pet.
Rainbow (Eugene) 5 1 .83:1
Club (Salem) 2 1 .667
Corvallis 3 3 .500
Alnbnv 2 4 .333
Obaks (Eugene) 1 2 .333
Klcctrics (Salem) 2 4 .333
Notice is hereby given that we, tho
uinlersiiiiied resident taxpayers, repre
senting ten per cent of the resident
seating ten per cent of the resident tax
payers in Road District No. 26, Marion
county, Oregon, hereby give notice to the
taxpayers of said District No. 26, thatl
there will be a meeting of the resident
taxpayers of suid district in Crawford
scIiodIIiouso In said Koad District Ut
.n Booth , innkiug n dropkick which won the
either the tormntion or the system of (J,,,,,,,,, rhl, (captain) Donne I game. Idaho immediately took on new
pussnig, and within three minutes ( np-1 Henslor Ihr Vickery life, and open plays, passes nnd shuts
tain puuuo mid snot tne unit some I Hejdogh f Hegel ; became the new order ot tilings.
yards across ine goui line to uurrer-
back Booth, while the l'acifie backs Referee, Bishop, Umpire, Keene.
were suvngely guarding the Willuniette Hend lincsmua, Clancey, Time of quur
halves und ends. The touchdown fid-j ters, 15 minutes,
lowed u series of passes that totaled I 1 1
some 00 yards. It is easier to learn how to make
In the third period Willuniette again money than how not to get rid of it.
additional tnx for road purposes ns pro
vided by the act of tho legislature of
1H13. ,
w. d. SADismiitY,
The household helpers your
wife needs can be found quick-1 ' '
iL...l. L Uiw' When a mna boasts about being
ly through the Journal Want , . t t
j about the slow part.
cliiimanls except the St, Paul ghost, credit, to a collego team, especially in
nn, I ii Imhii hot ween the nn ir would be i the matter of forward passes. Sheer
worth L'niiiu miles to see. 'I hey shape
up as the two cleverest uiiddleweighls
in the world und it is a tossup between
them as to punching ability.
No More lu California.
Now thut Culil'id'iiia has voted down
the boxing game for at least two years
it .remain for New Orleans promoters
exhaustion In thut guino prevented the
team from marching down the field to
it touchdown.
Kollowers of high school sports may
rest nssured that Coach Johnson and
his assistants are iiultlug the boys
through a course or sprouts this week
that will put them in the best of trim.
: . ,,i , I'li.Utv.iiiii. i for the tnt tune, hngene high has Had
i .'i ..iui. . u ,.iu' yint.i ! tackling duiuniv and a pushing inn
boos bout. Louisiana Is the only state i , , i... ,i, n,,., ti,j,,,t..
in the country now where ill) round
Care of
Chinese Medicine nnJ
Tea Company
lias medicine which
will cure any known
1!W South llijrh Street,
Salem, Ore. l'hone 2S3.
c hi lie to strengthen the line. Johnston
is working his men on tnckllug espec
ially as they did not show up well in
this depart incut a w eek ago.
Salem is reported to have a strong;
aggregation this year also nnd when
these two tenuis meet there will bo,
souiu footbull In sight.
fights are permitted, and the two
scrappers unst settle tho question of
superiority there. A Clabby -(libbons
mutch undoubtedly Is the most uttnic
tice middleweight' card that any pro
mote,' could serve and It would draw
like a porous plusier.
Hecause of the experience lie lias
had lu the L' round game, while tiib
lions' efforts have been coul'iiied most
ly to III round bonis, Clabby most
ill,..!,, umil.l i.iil.'r llie rimr ut te'ist a'
lu to N I'uvorlle over the St. l'aul wi. j
'" ' I Cambridge, Mass., Nov, P. Harvard
crushed Princeton, L'O to 0, vesterdav lu
Welsh a Dr.lgg.trt. I li..it- milion! I'eiitliull oiiiiie.' Ai,li from
I Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. ".--Charlie he surprising weakness of tlio Prince
'While, of Chlcng., will attempt to lift , ton team, the contest was almost I'ea
Proddio Welsh's lightweight crown iiC turelos. Tho Crimson outclassed the
a 10 round bent here tonight. To do Tigers lu eery department - of the
j so he must either knock out Welsh or game. The New Jersey collegluns hud
I win on a foul, as prize fight decisions little offensive or delenslve strength,
lure tint allowed la Wisconsin, ;whi, h made Harvard's tak of rolling
; Both lightweights lire in great shape i UP the bljgest score thai. a Cambridge
; fee (he buttle, Thev meet nt rati It , team has ever registered again!
ueinhtn. WeUli nivb'iblv will enter , I run elon an easy one
i,t a it.. i.... 1.'... ii. ...... n t'.,.,i,i
Tor ellv property. This I O'.e of llie H'' ring ut U"; pound and While at
besl ti.'aere dairy fiirnis in the vullevs U. hi Hghlmg weight,
good building, L' wells, alo spring "I ii It d'-tf c "i,v ben to win
wnler, rein-oil. Orchard and some tl'u- I'"' till'' th pi.i.eU. said While
ber. Located in Hie ceuler of Unwell t...l.i. "IV' a! :vs tell Hint I coul I
Prnlile. Deep, rich, black loam sell.1 whip W. ih. nnd imw lir.t the op) .or
I'm e uailiij terms In suit. W hat lone ; tiiaity h i niiixe.l I wi!l make Hie
5011 o tiade. Iiunsl of it. T.iere will In N -uly of In -
. (ion from start t,i I inish. ' '
MODERN BUNOALOW CHEAP. Welsh prol "."l to believe Unit to-
Modern bungalow, Brooms, bath, tilght "s bout wold be mdhing men
toilet, stlilliinary wash tni.vs, electric tlum a workout for him.
light, sewer, fine Imation, Pricei "While I don't, hold While elio'ip
i .Tn HI j terms to mill . ilv," he said, "I know that I en 11 bout
liim i,t 1'ierv angle ot he gum', audi.
House and & lots Mftt ternn.
choico IO-ncre trsct, all iin lcr runt- 1 . i,.,,. .. i,,iinir le
vnlion, near eleclrlo oar line nn I school. .'I,,, ,,, ,,, ,u iV(, , ,, ,.w
1'iho 12.1 per ncre terms to suit. I my tili uvvv ,,,,, r,,,,,,,!."
I'lie loner's iienret npprom h lo Hie
Crimson goal Hue was iiiade in the
first period, when the Orange ami
Black ebtalni'd the ball on 11 fumble on
HaiMiid ' vard line. Even with the
ball well in their opponent's territory
lit a period of the game when nil the
nDiiihiug plaveis were fresh, Prince
ton a unable to retain this a Ivua
tugc, rellii'piishiiig the ball 011 the first
pluv by a diiitious fiitnl'le.
With danger passed, Harvard linnie
iliulely took coiiio'iind of the sinialion
ami inner I hei caller wa seriooslv
Ihrentonr I.
Plioei'ix, on
11 Barley Davlde!i, wn
We can liade your properly for nlmt,
son want. Cull today.
l'-OH HUNT -Houses.
Money to Loan,
Insurance Written,
Both in Shape.
Nun Ummiscn, Nov. p.- H,.h Billy
Murrnv and Nailer IVtrnskev Were
round'i'g Into form today for their 'J"
Boldo Hi Bess 1'ieml.
I Plioenli, tr., Nov. U. -- T. Hoido
! 17. win hulled here loduv a the tunhir
cycle king of toe Southwest by virtue 1 round buttle here next Prblay night.
I of his soi -.ation.il vi' C.ry uxor a big ; Murray uv he has recovered the form
1 field lu the iciiiiimI Son i'iego l'h"einx j which' carried, him to the I up of his
; 1 nee, ItM'ug an Indian nruhine, the , dims within a few inoiillia, and i con
' youth flaisned yest pr.lny in II hours f i ,,. 11 1 that hi) will knock out Pet res
lil'id I'll minute. Arthur Holmes, of j key, The sailor is lu fine trim himself.
'Sun Diego, riding llailey Davidson, j Kien numey It upected to prevail for
At tht ism old pc 347 Stat Btreet second, mid Hurry ( iiindnii, ut , the match.
Yours for Hargslus.
II wmii 'flJs',.--:
:; ill:.!'' '...xiCPpM h . . WVL') ' "
!!I-Y v jr ' r j 1 : r r -v ' """?
I i sinaMuki:k. in ,,iil-.dil-l('liii."iiMI r'"l ---lIJ -l-W.JriC-W.jii.lstaiW-.-
To blend tobac
cos to a quality
so distinctive is
an art !
.litUlltillll' 'lioiiuwllll. JWHtll 1
..4. I
; - tf rfwys f Wi rtt-