Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1914, Page TWO, Image 2

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Getting Ready for Winter
Winter is the season of large necessities.
Many things have to be provided for the home..
Wardrobes have to be refurnished.
Careful buying means the satisfaction that comes
from good quality and fair price.
The lamp to light the way to sure buying is know
ledge. And the best buyers' guide to be found anywhere
is the advertising in a live newspaper like The Jour
nal. Advertisers meet in open competition.
They present their cases squarely and it is for the
public to choose.
Portland, Or, Nov. 9. That
retail dealers in the middle
west are looking for an in
crease in the demand for build
in? lumber and anticipating
sudden advances in prices i
Indicated today by the placing
of "blanket" orders for lum
ber here.
C. ('. Patrick, sales manager
for the Douglas Fir Sale com
pany, which handles the output
of a number of large Oregon
sawmills, admitted today that
his company had booked aev-
-eral such orders during the past
few days.
A "blanket " order ealls for
a certain quantity of lumber
but does not specify any par
ticular material, the specifica
tions to be furnished' later an
the requirements of the buyers
are definitely determined.
More Than a Thousand From
All Parts of the Valley
Guests of Local Lodge
(Continued from page 1.)
With the largest frnternal parade
ever held in this city about 1000 visit-
j, i ing Artisans and the local lodge met in
the Armory hall Saturday night to pre-
sent the program of the evening and! to
Z put on some of the lodge work -with
j, j Governor Elect Withyeombe candidate.
4 i Mr. Withyeombe i a member of the
Good Buys in
Real Estate J
87-acre farm; "noitso, burn, well; 40
acres under cultivation, balance timber
and pasture; Mi mile to railroad station.
Will consider city residence
$2300 as part payment. Price
Railroads Give Special Rates
and Splendid Exhibit Is
excursion from that city. Twelve car
loads of visitors from all valley points
between Portland and Eugene were
present and numerous auto loads were
hero from the varioua chapters in the
smaller towns near tl)is city. In all it
is estimated that at least 1000 visitors.
! were in the city.
All of the visiting delegates met at
i the Hotel Marion where they formed in
line of parade with the Sulcm degree
team at the head and lad by the Salem
band, inarched down Commercial street
to Court whore they turned and
I marched to the Armory. When the
visitors reached the Armory the hall
was already well filled with visitors
ami members from this city and! the
hall was soon packed full. Supreme
Master Hudson, of Portland, rendered
a short address after the preliminary
exercises were, over and then a short
program was rendered in which the O.
orn have: A. C. onartotte, H. C. Foley's nunr-
Although the total operating reve
nues of the O.-W. It. & N. Co. amount
ed t $17,227,041.52, and the operat
ing expenses amounted to 1 1 .72.1,2:!!'.-
aiioti. : 3i ,vithi t((J 8tat. jt But(ero(i a ,,,
4 ... j loss on outside operations amounting to
i $52.00:1.44 during the fiscal year end-
OS-acre farm, nearly all under culti-1 '' Jun0 aoi liU1 according to the mi
ration; level land; house, barn, well,""l report just received by the Ore-
good road W.I take :(000 .., Hale,,, ;K "' '"Shuw to be held in this city Friday i orch stra took par .
nr Pni-t nrwl rnmdnncH l.l-nnertv. dice i UlllOl.lir, 01 taXCS I.II1IU DV ine COUlllHII . i t-, ., x. , , - , , , ' , , , I
10 500. 'ur "ie yeur was .tl,20.S,S17.4 1 ; operut-
. , , 'ing income, 4,ll31,4(l.:i:i; other in-
120 acres of land m Grant ount.v. j ,.om0) miKMiij4. ,iluctions from in
Washington, tor trude for Sulcm rem- com0i ,(,1,5.57,504.21, leaving a net in
denco proporty. C0II, u( ,i,u,34;i..Sil.
30 acres of good land, 25 acres under' The total number of passengers car
plow, balance good timber; located 7 ! riod over its entire lines of 1,1113.28
Shipments of prize ears of
already begun to arrive for tho Com; tette, Margaret White, and the Artitan
ami Saturday, Novmbor 1H and 14 Bt .Tudizo J. C. Morrow, of the Portland
the Public .Market building. The rail- lodge, gave a short address and the
road conipniiies have offered the reg-! demonstration of the obligation of the
ular exposition rates to this city for lodge was put on. After the program
exhibits, anil from all points in tho the hall was cleared and the floor pro
county hflve allowed a special excursion pared for tho dnnce which followed,
rate for fair visitors. On Thursday The visitors and local members mingled
mi- .ii.i-ig or tne cxiiinirs will nogin in the festive whirl until about mid-
nines trom sniem; price is-luii, joint nines mmim mm outline 01 uregou iisnu, ,t is proposed to have all of the night when tho meeting was closed
down, Daiaiiro 2iiu per year, o per cent -,t.,ui.i mr um year, which, ui on uwarus mane uy f'riiliiy noon so th.rt The visitors expressed themselves
well pleased with their entertainment
interest. j passengers to me cor, wouui require tne prize winners in the 100 ear contest
"To o,.r f,, t,,l f,,r Hi,., ,.!tv 41002 Cttr" to transport, and at eight, may iirepnre their exhibit of .10
, , , , ; icnrs to tn train would renin re olio
property. 12a acres under plow, J1" t trains stretching out over 40(1 miles,
ance timber and pasture. Price Inot counting tho length of locomotives
aore- 1 required to pull them.
Modern Bulem residence property to! It nlsn Iniuled !5,K0d,001 tons of
trade on 40- or 00-ucre improved I'm 111. ' freight during the year, which would
Prio9 lOOO. ; fill 1113,50(1 curs of .'HI tons each mid
. . . comprise u total cf 0510 trains, which, I
cultivntiuii; new,wilumt t,(1 1,1(,,mltiv(,s wmM tn,t,,
out for a distance of over 1111 mill's. I
'1'lie cnnipiinv owns 1500. 1H miles of i
j lino and operated under contract or
1 lease :i25.1(l, making a tidal of 1IH5.2.S
22-acre ranch, Kl acres under ,-ultivu-1 miles owned and operated; cnpitiilicil
tlon, bulimic pustule and timber; II at ftO.OOO.ltdO, nil of which is is-1
acres prunes. All stock, buy, grain and sued and outstanding; bonds to. th
"very larnier. 1 ne tew farm-
I crs who are using hoinegrown, nc
cliinated seed are Browing profitable
j crops every year. The best of these
10 acre tract, all in
li-rooui plastered house; new
chicken-house, wooilshcu, well;
miles from Huleui; good mud,
burn, I ,
I'l ice :
Kxhibits may be sent in to either tho
Saloui Commercial Club or io Luther
.r. Chapin at his office or the Public.
Market. In speaking of the corn grow
ing facilities of this county Mr. (.tropin
"It is quite generally asserted that
corn cannot, be profitably grown in the
VV"ll,....,...tA r,.. ' n . .
.....I- ,niicy, rioiii 10 tne eon-
tnuy will remove one. of tlie. most ser
ious objections farmers of the corn belt
have in moving to this country. This
1'inl the great agricultural benefit to be
derived from tho introduction of corn
as a staple, crop on the farms of Marion
i-...uii .iiisimes tne most earnest
in this city and votei' tho Salem Arti
sans splendid hosts
implements iro wilh nliice. Located III., amount of .Nll.!i21.:i(l(l ore issue. I nii.l . .i"!""'s me mosr earnest e.r
C . , : rort
nines irom piiicui, 1 rice T-nu... , must. inning; iiitcresr on siune ai'crucu
5 crc of Ian.' ail set 1o p,e or-' '''"I'1",. r,'5 ' r ! t"?l,'i
chatd: house, bi. -n. well: V., miles ' .' ";l""m l', r "r "m"
HO),'. .t"7.0."5; .expenditures for n.l.li-
from tialein; price rf I ."00. :inn Juivn
. balance i250 per year, 0 per certt in
lines or etemoons during the yeur.
C acres of land, close to niilrijiid ta- ,;i,27l,iMiii,(.; total cost of road to
tiou and 4 miles from Salem, I'rice ,ii(i ;io, J1II4, ii.0,7:1I,2,n.:I2; per
750; t50 down, l.nliiiice if 10 a month. : iile of line, -( 7,501. IN,
(i-room modern house, close to school I f .I -j T'
and carline. Price 1000, .flno down, J)ALtitl oUUAL
balanco 15 per month. CFRVIfF fFWTFN
20 ai re prime oivhanl In bearing. OEilVlIvL vriillLu
Macadam road. Prico irliniO.
320-acre dairy ranch; 80 acres under; "Each merely docs for wlnionne to
plaw, balanco " grass laud; III 1011111 1 day what ho or she may need Minor-lulus-,
two burns, 50 head of cows; row," is the motto of the Saliin Social
horses. Implements and tuoln. Will take Service Center, which is a "union ot
itinns and betterment,, during the y.ur,j f ,0,,ni ( MPi;,i Ji,.,,;,,,, ..'
l,4l'7,5il,.2l; expenditures for new . Tiff, following prizes me to be nwnr.l.
ed: I'or the best 100 cris of field
corn, any dent variety, the winners of
1st. 2d, 1111,1 5d places will be permitted
to put up nt auction 10 bushels of seed
coin in the ear of the variety exhibited.
l''or the 1st, 2d, mid lid best' exhibits of
10 ems field corn, nnv dent variety,
cash prizes of if2..W. l..-(l, and l.6o
will In. riven. Por tho 1st, 2d, mid .1.1
best exhibits of 10 ems field corn, any
flint vnriotv, cash plizes of l.50, ijri.OO,
nun .10c win lie given.
Washington. Nov. 0. Tho de
partment of agriculture's month
ly crop bulletin was issued
here today. It siiys tho na
tion's corn crop will total
2.705,002,000 bushels. Last'
year's crop was 2,1 lll,0SS,000
bushels. The corn yield per
acre this year was 25. S bushels,
ngniiiHt 211 bushels Inst year.
The average pi ice November 1,
was 00.7 cents, one cent per
bushel less than the average
price at the ame time last
tween Bagdad and Cadiz. ;
Twenty Cars in the Race.
Los Angeles, Cab, Nov. 0. Twenty,
racing mutorcars roared away from Los
Angeles at daybreak today in tho sev- j
enth annual Los Angeles-Phoenix auto-.
mobile race "the cactus derby" '
under tho most unfavorable weather!
conditions in the history of the desert ;
classic. The pilots faced a driving i
rain which promised to continue all
through the day and which made ex
tremely dangerous going.
In spite of the downpour, several
thousand persons thronged the starting
control at Kaotluke Park, and the pow
erful lights of the cars, reflected from
the soaked pavement, showed a double 1
line of spectators on cither side of the
boulevard for more than a mile. I
The start was made without accident. !
Barney Oldfield, driving his second j
deseri race, essayed too much speed at
tho start and skidded dangerously on
the treacherous pavement. Ho was j
compelled to halt and make another'
start. Mechanician Camiuetti of No.
21 found hiniseli unable to ciank his'
engine when his turn came to start,
and Pilot Dubois was compelled to dis- i
mount amid the good-natured jeers of;
the crowd and lend the strength of his
The First Accident.
Los Angeles, t'al., Nov. 1. Thomas
car No. IN, in the Los Angeles-Phoenix
race, went into a ditch 3 miles east of
Los Angeles when the big car skidded
011 the rain soiiked pavement. Pilot II.
.1. Pink was brought to the: racing hos
pital here to bo treated for bruises and
The car was repaired and continued
in the race, driven by Mechanician
Kiev, At San Bernardino he took 011
J. Wilson to act as his mechanician.
"As Pants the Hart"
So "Pants" Mosher
When men wear PANTS it is plural
When they don't, it is SINGULAR.
If you want to make your PANTS last, make
your coat first.
Free Pants at Moshers
Another way is to buy your SUIT of
MOSHER. He will make you TWO PAIR OF
PANTS but charge you for only one.
See our window display of special tailored-to-order
suits at $17.50, $20.00 and $22.50. They
will make your pocketbook feel big.
344 State Street
lid Htutz No. 5 (Oldfield). Angeles-Phoenix rucers througii llni-
A broken axle halted Kisselkar No. 'stow today, llo was followed closely
(I, 25 miles north of San Hermirdino at nnnnit. ; Chevrolet No. 2. and Da
vis ill Simplex No. I.
Preacher Leads in Ford.
San Ticrnnrdino, t'al,, Nov. II. Ford
car No. II, the b'ev. Karl Schiinck pilot,
led the Los Angelcs-l'hoeiiix racers into
San Itcrnnr.lino today.
The miuirtei 's little car was pound
ing bravely through the ruin when it
shot by n cheering crowd that awaited
the racers. It iiad the boulevard to it
self, for it. was several minutes before
the big Chevrolet and Piiigo No. 1
(Hen'iidct) which the Ford had passed,
appeared in order.
Simplex No. 4 (Davis) retained its
starting position to Sim Iicrnardino, as
N:II0 o clock. The car was believed to
lie out of the race.
The other cars passed San Hcinaid-
no in the following order: 0, 10, 17,
0. II. 7. 14. 8. 20. 10. 21, 15, 10, If.
! Alco No. 12 (Taylor) bad not re
ported at the checking station at 0
o 'clock.
I Schnack 's Ford checked in at
; 7:011:21 a. m. His elapsed time was 1
I house 20 minutes and 20 seconds for
01 miles.
j Say Minister Wrecked.
! San lieriiiirdino, Cnl., Nov. P. A re
port was received here shortly after 0
o'clock that Ford No. II (Schnack) had
been wrecked at Ar.linore, near the
enti'ince to the dangerous Cn.jnn Pass.
The report was unconfirmed.
Barney Oldfield Loads,
liarstow, Cal., Nov. 0, Harney Old
field, driving Stutz No. 5, led the Los
Paige No. 1 (Bca.idet) reached Har
stow in fourth place. Maxwell No. 7
(Carbon) wus the Mfth car to arrive.
Chevrolet, the French star, in Chev
rolet No. 20, and Nikrent, in Paige
No. S, weie engage. I ill a terrific bat
tle for sixth position when they whirl
ed through Harstow. According to tel
ephone reports from point this side of
tho Cn.jnn Pass, the fight began when
the two cms left tl o gorge almost to
getlui. They alternated ill tho lead,
Chevrolet, by a burst of speed, taking
the place as they reached here. Nik
rent was but two minutes behind. i
Closely following this pair, Slut. No.
17 (Hums); Colo No. 21 (Dubois), Kin
caid Special No. 10 (Kincaid), and
Mel. No. 0 (Wing), flashed by in or
der. Kn.h appeared to be running
Portbiud, Ore., Nov. 1). A premium
of 175 was offered today by Morris
Hrothcrs of Philadelphia and the Har
ris Tiust and Savings bank, of Clilcii
go, in bidding for the 4250,000 Mult,
nomiih. county bonds, issued for the
purp iso of raising preliminary funds
for the construction of tho interstate
bridge between Portland and Viiucou-
Whilo the Induing will be based In v,'r' Although the bond issue wus of-
I part oa conformation of tho ear, the "'rCl' '" Hm"" denominations so that
s part payment up to ifiiUOO in citv liateiiuil, religious, civic, lii.lustriai , y ": 1 """'K'" ne nascu on rno ,. h, """V" .....n., ......
iooii ,..... ill tf.wi .... ' ..n.n inn no i.r .linn ni'yiirwiiiB iiiiii i.niyi.iis 01 fs .....- ui 1111- i-uri . antrum . .....x. ..... ...
cent intercut. I Salom
en balance at
Price 10,100.
0 per
for mutual aid," which will
meet in the oft ice of Citv School Sn-
I perinlendmit Klliott nt the Salem high
schol building nt 3:1)0 o'clock this af
jtiin.ioii to further the work of the
' orgaiii'.atlon nnd outline a systematic
'plan of procedure for the ipiiet, un
ostentatious and effective bcllVring of
'the conditions of the needy ill Sulcm
and extension of necessary assistance
I of all kinds to worthy citl.ens and
ROBBED POSTOFFICE. ;tir families in their hours of sick-
Mary's, Idaho, Nov. !!. Five ness nr distress. It is expected that a
dollars la registered money large liumbei of representatives of the
fraternal and
If 70a want to Buy, Trade or Sell,
Stss Us.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co,
Room 2, Bush Bank Blda.
'(unity corn growers nre not hotilnir to large.
compete at the present time with anv; ' '
eastern com show in type of ear from That IS lUSt what .ToUl'
- ' r11". ""1 "my to iicninii- 1 j. a 1 j a
strnte that com. valuable for focdino tial Want Ad IS a farm CC't'
stock, can he Brown here.
"- ..... .IVV VJVM
' ft
nail $2M!0 in postage stamps was stub ! different churches and
a farm, but will- get yc one
Xy V i- ltint Inin tz-inn r v A
lAbh OF SUICIDE at a price and on terms that
, i you can meet with case.
rucoti'ii, Wash., Nov, 0. U;liv.( nt
tnst to have been a'iiso uf murder, the
polbn announced this afternoon that
en here early today bv robbers who ; social orgniiir.ations uf the city will be ' death of Sheridan lliinley, 20 years
tuew open the postoltiee sale. A num.-. in attendance and sonio important mat
tier of misiMvts havo been arrested. ters will eonie up for consideration.
The cool,
mornings and
ings should bring to
mind the need of a
new overcoat.
We are prepared to
please you with the
Ix'st assortment of
coats than ever be
fore, and the prices
will please you as
Balmacaan and
loose fitting coats
seem to be tho popu
lar garments for this
foason in gray,
brown and thai,
Pn'cej $10 to $25
. Salem
Woolen Mills
old, at his home on North Aiusworth
avenue was due to lf Inflicted
wound. SJiinloy's body with a bullet
hole in the chest was fuund by his wife
in the hall of their home early today
with (he front door open. Neiirbv lav
a revolver. This gave rise to the theory
that he ha I been shot by a burglar.
Later investigation, however, proved
Don't Stay Or ay I Hore'i a Blmple
Recipe that Anybody can Apply
with a Ualr Ilriish,
iho use of r-ngo nnd Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
oo'or dates hack to griiudmnther'i time.
the satisfaction of the police that ' " t0 k,u'P h" '"'""'"""y
mlev. wonied over fiiiaaciul mattols,1'l"ll K,"""v n1"1 abundant. Whenever
d killed himself after trying lu every hcr h"ir 0,lt or ,,lok oa t,l,,t ,,ull
unci or Mrcused nppcarnnce, tins 11m
ple mixture was applied with wonderful
Hi, 11I,'
mm hiiici Himself alter trving In every
way to create the impression that he
had been attacked from the outside.
Ileilln, via Tho Hague, Nov. 0.
"lu the eastern theatre of war," Ba
sel ted the Herman war of ice this aft
ernoon, "u strong Mussina force has
bee. repulsed heavily north of Uko j hllr ,,,, , splendid MY dandruff, dry
Hut brewing at home la niussy anil
out -of dute. Nowadays, by asking it
any drug store for a 50 cent bol l In of
"Wveth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Kern
ody ', you win pot this famous old
recipe which can be depended noun In
restore natural color and beauty to the
A Handsome Shetland Pony,
Vehicle and Harness
NOW IS THE TIME to enlist the help of your friends,
scribe for
Ask them to sub-
Votes are issued with all paid-in-advance subscriptions, as follows:
"vlur troop captured -lOOO prison
cis and took 10 machine guns."
The war office stated also that the
Herman at 1 11c I; on the allies' line in
the Ypres district, was progressing fa
fan Frani'isco, Nov, It. Alter shoot
ing and killing his fiance, Miss Kutr
Kecniin, at her home here this utter
neon, du.'k Murphy tinned the weapon
on himself and sent a bullet through
nis hciid. Moth U, instmiilv.
feverirh, Itchy scalp and falling hair.
A well -known downtown druggist
says It darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell it has
been applied. Yon simply dampen a
sponge or soft brush with it and draw
this through your hair, taking one
strand at a time, lly morning the gray
It is i r disappears, sad after another ap
plication or two, It becomes beautifully
dark, glossy, soft nnd abundant, l o.nl
agent J. (', Terry.
The boys and girls who have declared themselves as contestants for the priv
ilege of owning thi3 beautiful pony and outfit are:
Hciliii, in The Hague, Nov. 11.
'I'liul ,ln pun bus been trying to piovoke
tli I nil into a declaration of war ry
violating the hitter's neutrality ne
senii-ot ticially stated heic this lifter-noon.
Positively and painlessly removed In
brief timo without the knife or money
Address, Dr. IT. B. Donner, Itoi S3X,
North Viiklii:, Wn., Dept. J.
The Journal Want Ad is
an all-essential factor in the
well-regulated office of the
progressive business man.
Special New Korean
City Restaurant
Spanish Chkken, Hot Tamalea, Chill
Con Came, Chop fluey Noodle
i'M Kerry Street
Weil lltinjer, thiO cioutli Thirteenth sfievt.
Nellie ,'et terseii, MiM North Commercial street.
Harold McKinney, Milt North Church strut,
.lessc Harris, Jt 7 S Helleue.
1 mil Tyler, 2:;l'.') North Wont.
Mii'e Ib'rclinrdt
Hirton MiKlmy, 11:1:1 North Kroi.t,
1 avov H. Thompson, LIS Hellenic.
II, rtliu Hansen, ISO Miller.
Hem. Itl l.oill.l, :i:i Leslie,
Violet Curdy, JI7I North Commc rein),
Arthur Andrcscii, n;o Mill street,
Krr.nk I'ntteison, tll.'i South Winter,
M.i lelinr Del.ong Watson, '.'.1 Miller.
Kail Mfincr, Ninth High.
Heitlu Hnfcid, 111'.! .Mill.
Cluster Hcglcn, 11 11 Mill.
Itiircll Aditnui ."-0 C..i:rt.
Cli.ik l'nctt Walsh, ll0 Terry.
Cecil Mnrvi'i Clow, IM South Kourtcinth.
Ti n.il.l Win-den, 1100 Hroudwav,
Hecky Samuel, ,'IHO Mission,
rrankie linker, 408 North Liberty.
Harry Mauml, Villi South Hummer,
Vernon Percy, 770 North Coinmrrciul,
Grace Hahcock, .',7 South M.t ,th.
Kctta Phillips, W Couth Cottuge,
Mcrl Mntnick, 1047 Noith SiMh,
Cleo Walker. We'll South Commercial.
Pari Higler. Co 1 5 Cnrraiil avenue,
Carroll Poole, K, V. 1, H, '
Thenilote Smith, InVl North Winter.
May Yuho, lis state.
Frances Wnrd, LIS South Cottage.
Lincoln Widder, '.'Ml North High.
Teddy Holt, Mil) North Pourteeutli.
Ftankie Shafcr, ILOil State.
Mike Stcinbiuk, SJI.'I State.
Lawrence Fisher. IM State.
Porothy I'srli, Court House,
.leauette Sykcs, Il'JO Leslie,
Glenn Smith. Mil North High.