Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1914, Page SIX, Image 6

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(l'uiital .V on rmi 1 Sjioi-iiil Sorvit-o.)
Dallas, Dr., Nov. 7. Some time .luii
lay niylit ImuIuih visitnl several
pii.-e in Dallas ami niinlo. away with
several hrtiirli's but. uothingf of nuirh
value was taken. 'I lie lino Hive storo
was entereil ami a suit of clothes ami
other small articles taken. The uroerry
store of Siniuiitnn & N.-ntt next ilnnr
was also entereil l.ut heyoiol a few
eatables nothing has been misseil. Tin'
New Scott hotel store room was also
broken into ami a iimiiitily of too. 1 -stuffs
taken. One of tiie school buihl
inis was also entereil ami lio-iilns sev
eral clocks some articles l,,'l,mniiin to
severel of tho teachers wore stolen. Tin1
thefts are suiiosei to have been com
mitteil by tntiii.s.
Uglow to Sue City.
Through his attorneys, riibley & Kah
ili, Abel I'glow of this eitv has fileil a
suit in thn circuit court against the city ;
nr lianas ioi nreatuiig a i-iiniiui-i mini,-,
by the city last spring in rcganls to
tho mrchase of u tract of laml in t.ie
pttstorn part of the city for tin; site of,
a septic tank, . The purchase of the
tract was left to a board of arbitrators,!
who named a price, and the city coun
cil thinking it too hTgh turned down (
the offer and purchased another tract
from I.. I), lirown. Dscar flayter has'
been engaged as special council tor Hi" Snmlav school at I'l a. 111. Advanced
city. The city in its answer iiilnntH j stn. v ' -1hh. Id a. m. Service at 11
practically all the allegations of Hi" 0 ,.,'-. (N evening service.) S11I1
plnintiff, hut sets up the defence tlmt j j,.,.t, "Man's llutv Toward Man." ,ill
thii agn "lit to arbitrate was nut , 1 ,.:,., u i 1 ... ... 1 ' ,.,.i;;,, ,,,! ,,f ,,m.
iiinuiiig as 11 was coiiiiuiy 10 uie jim
visions of the citv ehiiiter.
Mm. Taylor Dun li ;is n'tiirneil to her , First Congregational,
homo at J'olk station iti'ter n visit with' Coiimt ul' Ijln-rty ami Center, I'l-ny
relativcM mid fricmU in t.iis city, Kii'il.'i irk Ni-lirm-k, ininister. Mihh:
Waiter WilliitniH, itMi:hiitt citshier of school at H a. in. Mot iiin wot hu 'i p lit
tin1 Ihtllas National lunik, wim opcr- j II a. in, KveniiiK worsliip at 7:;t() p. in.
nted on at tl" Dallas hosjiititl Tliursilny' Mr. S.-limelt will iirali ut Imth km
jnorninii tor iiiMiiii ilin hy Drg. Mull-1 vices, JScnnoji toiucs; Mominn, " Tlit
man and Staats. iFiitinc I'lisHiluliticH ul' 'n riiruu t i nun I-
M ihh Ih'Hsie (luoi-li liiiM rctni ned to ! iNiu in ( Jrcijoii ": tviiiinu. ' ' A Ifnud
Iter liotne in 'ji a 1 1 i h a Her a Hlioit xiwit
with J)alliiH IriemlH,
Mrs. Frank VanNorlwick and diuili
ters have returned to tiiiw city I'rom
Halfiu, where they hav been making
their home Tor the jui-t wveral inoallif.
and nre orriiiviu (lie .1. W. Han is ichi
denee. Mm. A. S. t'ntiijdiell went to Salem
AVedtiesdny to visit In i sifter, who in
ill in a hoHpitnl in Ilic Cnpitnl City, i
MiH, Kniiik MorriHun wiih in Salem '
the tirnt ol' th" week vi-itiun at III.' j
lioine of her dnnuhter, ,r. Arthur
( ioode
Vernoa Smith mid family of' I'm
Jilive i
i rive. I i;i this eitv and will make
it their future home.
Hon, William dullouiiy, inim mas
ter ot the Odd Fellows of Oregon, vis-
Jtetl (He loi-til lodun 1 nesdtiy evening
ami was temiered a Inn reception ut nn Conic and hriii your (rii'ii.ls wilh vou.
open ineetiun hel.l hy the Odd Fellows' Von are web-miie! Spi'. ial in iisii'. linnil
anil Kclii'luin lmliiH. Ivinujn,
A. N. Ilnlli'i'lt ni Mmnnnntli wiih u ! . .
Jiiilliin' IiuhI in-Hi vixiinr Tlinrmlny. j Higlilaud FrlondH.
Mr. mill Mrs, I,. II. Ailimi Imvi' hi-j Cui ni'i' ul lliulilinnl ninl Klin slm'ts.
l to their ln in this rity nl'li'i .--nlil,ii!li m lioul 10. n. in.; Kml J'riiill,
II short visit nl llii' hiiiim nf thi'ir, Hiii'riiili'iili'nl. I'linrhiii);, II h, in,
iliinuhti'i' In Siilfin. ' ii u.i 7:;ill n. in. I'lirinlinn Kn.li'iivnr ut
i in' iniiriMiiiv Aiii'riinuii c'liiii
yi'nlcrilnv hI tni' h nic nl M
tit lui
iIIi'iiiik nn Mill nlri'i't.
Mr, ninl Mr. .1. I,. Whiln ul' Allninv
with MulliiH visitors Tni'Kihi.v, Mr,
Whitn is the inmiiii'r ut' tin) Iri'Hun
I'uw'r I'liniiiuny lit ln Inrincr ii:n-i'.
.Mr. iiml Mis. N. I., liny nri' the priiuil j
I'liri'iiis in ii iiiiuy iii nurii inc lirst in j
llii' i "Ml li. .Mrs. I my wus Inmn'rly Urluiiil nl. II:!.". n. in. Wnlni'silnv nvcii
M iss Minn llni.-hi's of this rill . iK l,.,iiinuninl nii'i'liiiK nt N iiVlock.
Mrs. Clins. liilinu ninl sun 1'iinl uf ' ,j,K ,,,(1111 ul' this I'linn li is lo-
I'uillnnil im in tl:o city fur .1 visit lit 1 ,.,,., in tlm 1 1 uli I111 1 .1 IniihliiiK, Mniti
tui Inline uf Mis. Ililieu's jmri'iits, Mr. ! :w;i, ninl is iiieu even .In v exei'.t Sun
ninl Mrs. Hie l.yneh. iln.vs ninl liuli.luvs, fi,'n llil.-iii. 111. un-
Mis. Klurn MeCnlluii is visilin,! In 1 til ." i. 111. All me welenine tu 11111 serviees
lives nt iniiiine, Wnsli. Phn is exiee
1-11 'iiiiur inn llllirr lillll 01 nils VVCI'K
Airs. h. r. 1 my 11ns lelnrneii mini 11
visit with her inollier it t (Irenon City.
Miss Htellu .lulinsuii, h lins lieeu
telle 1111K iniisie ill tins eilv fur the msl
suverul innnths, lius niveu up her elnsses I
ninl mis rutin- I to her I in Wiisli-;
Miss riiuliuc Snyiler Ims lelnrneii!
fruiu 11 severiil weeks' visit, with rein
tives in Heuttle, Wnsh.
Mis. II. U, I'littersiin, Jr.. tins re
tiiriie, n her liuiue In lliii.vs lllver,
Whsii., utter 1111 eklemleil visit nt the
huniii nl' her piui'iils, Mr. 11 ml Mrs. Kit
(eiiii llnvter, nil Main street,
Mrs. Kreil Zeller his retinue, I tu her
hum,! in I ilu 1-k lluek niter 11 few iluys'
visit with fiiemls in thin eitv.
Mis, Clmeiu'i' Minit. hits reliiineil tu
her huniii in this eity lifter II shuit visit
lit till' home of Irieinls in I'urtliiml.
(t'ni'iliil .luiiriiiil Hpeeinl Herviee.)
Hi I ! 011, III., Nov, Morn to Mr.
mnl Mis, I . 1 1 I Keir of this nty 11
nine iouiii Imliy liny
Mrs, ,1, II. (Ii.vloiil ol' I'uiviillis, who
wus vlsiliiiK Mrs, A. I'', lllinkei hy 11
few ilnys this wueli, retuineil lo her
inline in i oivnins litis uiieiiiuon,
Miss Miiiliileun llii'ilinu, ilnii)jhter ut j
.Mr. .t ml Mis, II, ,l, 1 1 n 1 , 1 1 n, livine,;
llnee miles west of Hilveitou, eiiuiii ,
hniim this week f 1 short visit in
Kiilieue with fiieinls In tue university
tu loepnie to ileimt lor New Voik,
wheie -he will nillt in the lte, Cross,
sen ire in Ihe Kiimi 11 wnr. 1
The Moos,. ImltiK eine u veiv plins
lint iliiuee In their hull in the upoui'll
house huililiuu, 1 p, 1
A new onhi'ti;i Ims lieeu 01 umilreil
In Mllieitoii mnl is ".Ivlnu, 11 ilnme lit I
the V. II. V, hull Sntunliiy ineiiiu;. I
Ii I e nii iiestiii will lie kiiunii us tlie
i'eeiless ulrhestlll.
I'll I'llsn, 'l'eiis, Nnl, II. - No ilel'llille
1 11 I'm unit in 11 lui'l lieeu re. eive.l here In
iluy rnneeiiiiiin the ii'siill of 'I'liiiisilny's
ilnsh lielwi I'nriun.istii mnl Villistn
I'lirees L'll miles Im'Iiiw Abiiiis ulinulcs,
11 wus iiioimnt nneiy, nuwever, tlinl
It w.is linlci'isiu', slme Imth Annus Cu
1 tes mnl I'uelilii 111 1 in liiiii li with the
iiulsilii worhl, 11 ml Iiml either si, I,, nniilwill . Ii Imth iiioiniuu mnl I'veiinitf.
illsliliel ll,l vlililiiee it wouhl linlinil
lisve niiiioiiueeil it. News uf fnilher
lithtiiif wus niiiini'iilnrlly ex,i','leil.
Oiiltliro lins nut ,Vi't
Miiy of I'liiiylnu llio
Imnlli iliiii'asii'ii.
Isi'nx i'l i'ii nny
uur Inli, Hu,
i )fc 9fc 9C 3C 5C 9)C dC 3(t 3f( 3ft 3(C 9)C
: ,HElHmHU 5
c 3C iC c flc 3fC C 3c 3C 3jt 3fC 3jC 3C 3C 3fC
' Swedish Tabernacle.
I I 'oiner South riftccnth ami Mill
streets, Hev. John Ovall, iastor. Ser
vices at ;i p. in. aiul M p. m. All are
most i-unliiilly inviteil to atteml.
First Christian.
Corner Hiyh ami Church, K. T. I'or
ter, minister. H:l"i a. in., Ilible school;
Dr. II. ('. Kpley, ilirector; II a. in., wor
snip anil sermon; subject, "The Mas
ter's Cu. (i.;!0 1 1. in., Christiuii Kn
tleinor. 7:;tll i. in., sermon; subject,
"(In I in the World."
First Methodist Episcopal.
Church ami State streets. At !:"
a. in. tin' Sabbath school meets umler
the suieriiitemlency of Messrs. (jilkey
ami Schramm. If you are not obliateil
elsewhere permit them lo assign you to
a clafs in our m'IioiiI. .Morning sermon
by lr. If. X. Avison at II o'clock. Class
meetings will be In-hl at the close of
t, 0 ,, M.rmou. At :t
Kev. F. T. Porter will speak nt the Old
I'enple's Home. The Kpworth League
will meet at b.-.ill and the evening ser
mon will be by the pastor at "ti'lH, Mid
week service at 7::itl Thursday evening.
Kiclianl Noble Avison, minister.
Corner of beineltotu and Cottage
stieels. Itichnril I1'. Tiscbei-. ininister.
giessie thought are cordially invited
to our services, Music by Miss I, Don
hbnh. Without l-'oinnlal inn. " lirifd iau Kit-
; d favor devotional snvieu nt h:."l(i
W. 0. T. U.
I I'r. Flora A. Itieuter will f
I ' 1 Di me Healing ' ' in t lie W. '.
hall, South Commercial street,
'Sunday at A , m.
al( on
t. r.
United Evangelical.
Ninth Coltaiic, nciir (Vntei; A. A.
Viiitir, iiiiniHler. Ml a. in., Sunday
hcIiooI; Prof. A. L Sehmalle, MijM'tiii
temh - iit. II a. in.. MencliitiL!. "Tlie
'Apostle iVtor'H Fall." ti:;in a. in., K.
L, of C, F. mcetiiiu: I'lcHident nnd vice-
oe-ideut. of the
civ are Icadci s.
itl K'rmon, "1-ovnltv to I'lincinlc "--
tlie lirst of a Her ies of talks especially
adiiph d to youu people, oil ' ' l.ilc
I'riu'thles That Are Worlh While.
II: In i. in. I'niycr nii'i'tii. Tliiirsilny
nt 7:iil . in, Jiisi'jiliiiic lluriicll, hih
tur, iuuni! I Hi.'i,
First Churclk of OliriHt, Scientist.
Niivi'inlicr S, Illl 1: Hi'rvii'cs urn lii'ld
III. Illl I'lll'llll'lll'lll Slll'l't, ul II II, in.
ninl N
in.; snhii-t ul Itilih' Inssun,
ninl Iwilli'ii Aliin." SiiiiiIiiv
" A. lam
hmil invile,!' tu visit, our remliuK room
South Bnle.ui Frionils.
t'uiuer W'liHliiiiutun ninl ruiiiinereinl
streets, II, li, reiuliettnn, iiiistor, .Sun
Illy m'iiiioI, III 11. in.; I'!. New, suiierin-
teiul ut
I '1 .'11 c Ii 1 11 u nt II 11, in. ninl
; ;;iii p.
I'rnyer meetiiifi Ihursiliiy
niiulit ut iiilll
FlrHt rrosliylcrlaii.
llelweeu I 'enter mnl I 'heiiiehetii. In
the iiiuininu, the 'ii-tur will sjienli to
tue iiiulnr I'uiiureunliuii un "(liiersnL
'eni'le" n 11. 1 tu the ii.iult rune,rcu.ii!inii
I hi istiiiu Hvinnieli i . " In the ev
eiiiiej he lieius 11 series of serimuiH 1111
the l'',nlle of .hum's, whieh l.ullier
I'lilleil "A verititliln ejiisth uf stniw."
".Imnes, the Heivmit uf lliul ninl Urn
I her uf llur l.unl," the nntlioi ut' tue
eiiistle, will lie the Milieet uf tie oieu-
inK seiiuun, Mrs, (iiilluwiiy will siux
" llehohl the Miiste- I'nsseth Hy" (liy
1 1 un 1 11 II, In the illumine, 11 mi in the
evening " Flee us 11 Mini" (liy Hiiiin).
Jnson Lm rvieiiiorlnl,
At Ihe eiinier nl .lelfeisun mnl Ninth
Willi, 'i sheets. Sllllilliv srliuul lit IH
11, 111.; I', M. Ilolieits, sii,eriiiteii,leut.
I'li'ii' linn; servii e ut II 11. 111. 11ml ut.
7;ihl i, 111. Sj'erinl iiuisic, Stniuji'i'is
iini'le siieiiullv weli'oiun. ,1, Muiileiiliu
lliown, ustur,
W. C. T. U,
M,., Vein I'mliev will inhhess the
uosiel teinieiiini e etinu 11 1 lliiuii
M eiuoi illl Hull Piiii.Ihv nt I n'elnek, All
m,' wehiiiue,
Ht, Piuil'n Cliuiih, Eiiliiiopiil.
llnliuit M, Hill, te, toi. Ilnlv 1 liur
ist. 7:;io n. m. M nl nn mol n.hliess.
111. l'!eiisoue 11 11. 1 uililiess, 7:!lll
Snmliiv srliuul, 11 : l,'i 11. 111.
I Hetliiiuy Hrf'onnril,
I I'upiliil, 111-11 r Minion. Sinnluy slionl
nl Hi 11. is. tleiuiiiii sen ires nt 1 1 it. in
KnUlMi sci vires nt 7:ilil 0. 111, Uev
I', '. I.ieliluieniper of illllil, Wii-h , will
iiimlui't liuth mm iirs, i'i immIv it
Invili'il In hour Ii 1 111.
- .-
thisllo C'lmpol, United llrntliron.
I'oiuer HeMMileenlh mnl SclniisU
II. , Hoiks, minister. W. V. Hose
iiuiiuh, siipeiliitemleut. Ilihle si'hiiul.
III ,,, m, Mnniin wnrhli. II u. 111
V. ', s, I', Iv, 11:1111 n. 111. Iloinel ser
1 vl.'e. 7:llil n. in. Itev, ,1. II. Allniuht
A I'liiiliul w-eli nine to till.
A wisii iiinii lulu's tin
I'l, Illl, I' lll'llllllllllllll'0.
Intiii'i's nn it
A Inl nf ini'ii ii ti iniiiMi' In rn'i'(;iilzo
(jiinil link when lln'.v meet Hi
Financial, Ecclesiastical
Social Shakings.
'Men's Hearts Failing Them For Fear."
Apprehending Troubles Impending.
Selfishness Blighting Humanity.
Messiah's Throne of Purity and Jus
tice and Love Earth's Only Hope,
Philadelphia, Pa..
Nov. S. i'nstor Rim-
sel prenched today
ni me L.ojonim i nen-
tro from tho text,
"1 saw a Great
White Throne, and
Him that sat on It,
trom whns'S face tlie
thera was found no
place for them."
(Itevelntlon 20 : 1 1.)
The Pastor had a
recjuest for furilier
liifht on a previous they be tn tne sume uifirens ui m pies-,11-rnn
which he ent time, for the world would have had
answered bofore
triMthig toduy's text. Aa it is of peculiar
Interest we give it in full. He had applied ,
Hebrews 2:2l tu our dav. dcclurlnir now
In progress the removing of all things
Hh.ikahle, that only tilings harmonious
with Divine ntnndurds. which cannot be
dinl;eu, may remain. II o held thnt the
i linking heuvenrt represent ed Churcliian
.ti vm.!..Mt..iicUm mui Hia nii;iUinif 1
trth n-prei-entcd suclnl, linanr-bil and po
tlti-nl nffatrs. Ills queHtloner wanted to
huuw what (In.inclal shulUnrs are to bo
expected. Tim renponse fi lows:
Stocks and Bonds to Be Shaken.
PJvervthlhK falno. hocus, luenuitiible.
will bo shaken. Jti ilrmnelal purlunce this ,
Is ('univalent to suyliiK tlnit the "water'
will ho siiigc'vi1 not of ul! the stocks und
bonds. Ily methods ones soir-Uoik-iI, hot
now every whom reprehetiilfil, stocks and
lunula hilVH lieMi Issoeil fur sums fur he-
joml the actual vuluo of t tie properties.
riiean Bluet s nnd lmils have cost their .
present owners vnrylnu soma from noth-
hirr up tu pnr; hut their iiclunl vnlus Is
what Hid properties would cost, plus u
renromilila pcrecnintio of allowamo for
rlKht nf v.'.nv and business "sond will."
In nnllnnry tlim-s thesw hud n ninrki-t
v.iluo I.11IU upon hopo of tliylr future
tirospirlty. Now, luiwevor, tho is-' imth I
politic lins licronut nwnrc "f the rc:i I fltu
,'ttlon nnd Is feiirful to looch nt liny prlci!
lln-iii slinres lie, I h'imis of over-eepiliill.e'l
corny.rilr.s. uml tlm most soniul unit soi-
i.t uf them stiiiro llio polillc distrust.
Now. In tho openluir nf the New nipen-
Riilton. when cverythtniT Is heltiR "shak
en." we lirs to expect lliat all so, h stocks
nn,l lininlu will he sunken In value until
everylhlnif like dtslioriesty nn,l Inequity
shell hnve heen nliriken out,
t'oile vnurs nun M, world's rrent hunk-
ers uml lliinncioa enncludi.d that It would I
hu lo their Inlercst to demonetize silver '
ni:d hsvo onlv n Ko'd Blundard. This
nlli. nncnmnllsh,.,! whill llmv f orMII W I
iind liili'iuled: It curlnlled th world's
monetary supply anil enabled the bsnk. , Ihe meat day or "balim:t. , 10 some ims 'in inn ronirury, inese priiici,-ru mem
ers Hie betlcr to control tho entire situs- will ha com .dcreii a fanalieal pessimism, 'hers ot our raco will be nioro und morn
lion throiKhout the worhl. l!v nn elabg- 'because llio vavt majority of people have l1ruwn loRclher for mutual pr ction--
rate bnnkinK nslem (valuable In soma absolutely no cnnlldcn.-e In tho llib'e. for Ihe preservntlon ot Ihe special prlvl
resiect). It mnilu uncli i"ild dollar chsso 1 Nevertheless, when these thlnus ahull I Vrcs which hnve como Into their posses.
Itself nnd do the work of live dollars or ' oomo to pass In the vury near future, I don. l'en now wa see the prophecy nt
leu dollars, insisted liy bank checks nnd
drafts. 'I'hus tho prollls of the larxer
banks Inereaseil unualnnly by reason of the fact lhat the siiiiiuhk upon 100 on
hluhcr illseount and luturest ehiirKca, 1 tlons-itniinclul, suclnl, iiollllcnl and rell
maklnn ilietn rich nl tho public expen-e. kIoiis-Is or Ihe Lord, nnd nut accidental.
The public, of cotirre. niipiles"cit In Ihe , I'nder normal conditions American busl
i,,. ,1,. 1 .inn .iter nml iniiUiiia unld , 1 1 ess should ho proFperliiK as inner l,c-
ui....i.. uin...l,.,-.1 liur 11,..,. .11.1 It un.
der iiiisiiiirchenslon, a"'cauo llmv be- art et war, end unable to properly attend lint no! The ,ropheey decluros Hint wa ;
lleved tho hankers' tjln-lluit this was ! to their coinuierclal Interi'sls. Likewise, j me In the ilny when tho people, ths ,
retilly the best thing for tho people, and American tecuiilles should he In demand. ; musses, will have foolish Itnaulnatlons -not
merely 11 tnciiMiie In llio Inlerest of Ikcouso nil ncurlilis of forclun coun- 1 shen they will think Hint by their ow.i .
ihe bunker nml nt the cxpeiisn of rtia 1 tries have deiucclated by the war. llul I itrenmh (hey can IniiiiKuriite u relxn of
people It Is pel haps but fair to sae that , Willi tho imld slainjanl and nil Insulllclen- I rlKhteoiisness alon(t the Hues f Soclsl
Icn tl'mn mic-hnlf of tho bunkers under- i cy of hold, tho buslnees of the entire world ism, 0r by nmirchy. Tho people must
Hood tho philosophy of Hie matter; tho
...1 .1...1 i,i., ,i
1.1 ,.in. i.,,-.i,,,i
TI10 result has lienu Kieut iiiollts lo the
ankers uml Kieat power; for without
hem, railroad slocks nnd bonds could
not be handled sucrcssfullv. The bankers the aieel"-lreut II as a eoniniodlly and ; nre taklnit counsel together for the prt-.-took
over laiito Issues uf rallruiid slocks ' not ns money. The 1'rophut then tells i ervutlnn of present Inequities ol tl.a
and bonds, by what Is known as the un- ! how Kohl will become scnico and evenlu- , world, hy whh h they are prolltlnif rn
derwtlllinf prneess. They were capable 1 ally bo eoinpletely withdrawn by the lu- I,md declare Hint In hls they are bnn.l
snU's naents fur the bonds at a gmsl pie hldlnif II as HioukIi It were nn unclean : hut themselves nauiiist Illm nml Ills new-
- n. .i,...i iiilmr ns His Hebrew text Implies "Their 1 Iv-annolnted Klna Messiah. For over 0
money on tho bonds nnd holding them for
palo 10 the public.
Th Day ef Reckoning.
Now wo sea fultlllfd the Scrlplure decla
ration, "Hu tuknlli the wise In their own
crnftlness." (Job 1:11.) How so, do ou
ask 1 reply Hint the grent banks have
Ihelr vaults well tilled with these bonds . irr how sound and well inanaacii t no run
and stock on Which they had hoped to , wuy innv be. Is It soy wonder that ths
mnk large prollts; hut which, on the con-j Iri'p.dai Ion of llio Hnanclal und political
trnry, they aru now unable to sell ut any princes of the earth Is ftrcut, us they look
price. These slocks und bonus reckoned Into tho fuliiin! Their well-grounded
In as part of the bank' assets, shuw tenia were prophesied by our Kavluur us
thrni to b weilllhv, with Immense ur- oils nf Ihe slsns of the present time:
pluses; but now tiie "water" la to b : "Men a liaurla tailing them for fear and
taken out of these stuck and bonds. It for looking aflsr those thlims coming
will show an Immense hrlnkiign In the ro- , utsm the earth "-Ihe sochil oider-nnd he
source of those hunks. They will I, com , cause of the shaking of the heavens, the
suddenly poor without actually losing a eccleHiisilcul systsnia. Luke iiLM.
cant, by reason of Hi market value of Ftp Humnl.y' Ban,
their aecurltle falling. ; . . . . .
ThU fact Is realised by nl hank. They
rcullta Hint If tho Day ot Iteckonlng hna
como, and their holdings their securities
-ure lu be reckoned nl their actual value,
It will lueun that Instead of large re
simrces nnd surpluses, some of the rich
est bahka will brcoma Insolvent and bo
culled upon hy the govot ntiictit, cither to
close their doors or to lluikn good tkelr
shortagii. And rluht 1 1 mi 0 will be Ihrlrdlf
nriiliy; for Ihoilch 11 if the world lun
Ihelr cupltul lineslcl slmllnrly, uud tho
reaction will bo bound lu iiiifiivoinhly af
fect all the hi ml t commercial cnlerprlse
uf Ihe world. As all went well, amusingly
well for Ihe bankers nnd the Weullhy by
reason of Hie demoiu'tlsritlun of silver, so
when the Hay of lleckonlng shall hsv
fully dawned, things will g' especially
hind Willi theso himo people. And, ul
Ihough tlm sloptmuo and the reconstruc
tion will IllMllv tho whole "ml, I, poor
and rich alike, nevertheless In ninny re
peels III Ih h w III feel Hi pressure must.
Rill. l'f,'i. (Ho IM-i'srlU i'liimiK'nn i.r
the liquidating process Had nireiuiy i'
slarlnil. 'I'll llallfiinl nml Nv lluvrn
II. till, ui ,1, 'I'hs I'lilt'suti ninl Hot U lslsiat,
nml otlifis, hsv liri'tl callfit li iifi'innit.
Willi (hrss tlm "Kalt'r siiiri'slni" irou-
rsst'S ut III Iuir linvu tvll llilrulollltiir,
ami mil iitiilniilili'illy iiri'iniiiill'li thi'ir '
Ili.itOHsIl "shiBlhil," llul liltanlltiir, Ills
i.,..i l
nrot't'ssi'S nf llio law
nml (li (.rilliiiirv
Inislnrss, lias ltmii"lit Hi tliiatirliil wnrtil
-i. ..." in.. .. .i..
nf liiiniail I.H.IKN sn.l Innnli s.l nf ml),
lions nf ilnllais Anil It Is nnly l'SBiitl ,""""""'"-
.'lna,liil vnlnis llii.ru mo Bivatly Im-I In )illl svml.olorLy tlir nilli ri.piTsnl
,.llr,, s r Hlso linllintal I'icillls. 'I'll ; wlnt.l.hr.l nvllU0"! His snl. 111. rs.t-
llilnii wsntnl Is Rnli nl n III vrry ls. rtUsnlUrifd mnss.s of Immunity ; i nl
r, this pri rl'Mis n.rtnl Ims pracll'-sllv th inountslns, Unman govoinimnils, fclnn
disanpsinsit III tli i.sllnns nt war, Tli.lr Ooms, which conslllut tli WuKDon ol
horn awiirfiiea will not be xilable for I
.Hash, and grnerat attempt will be mad.
lo Mil American Bei'uilties American i
stock, bonds, etc. But who will buy
lhs, America will tie practically the
only market for thm. a-ml as we hare
already seen.' American hunk and bank- .
ers are loaded down heavllv. !
When we learn the immense amount of :
these American shairs and bonds held In
European hands, we need not wonder
that American banker patent the thought ,
of their beln dumped upon the American '
market, ltdlnlil ilmim-iul minorities de-
Clare mat Europe nas uuoiii nve inou- ,
sand millions of dollars Invested In Amer- ;
lean securities. If but one llfth of these
be sacrificed to lealtze K"ld. It will mean
an avalanche a nnanci.il dt-luue. Amer-
lean banks, already overloaded with these
"securities," cannot purchase all; hence
prices will tumble asd wrecks follow.
in view 01 ineso miillcrs. is 11 any won-
Her that Anu-rlcnn biihlicrn fear to see
the itock Kxchiint;es open fur tnisinoBH?
Hud tl) Kxi'hanK'H not cIobwI promptly
whi'ti they did, wt would hu ve hud the
lioF-t terrihle panic ever Itnouti. Ity the
closinff of the ExHume thnt awful
panic wa temporarily averted. Ily their
losing, tho owiuts of tho utocks nnd
bonds have ten liindered from realizing ,
upon mem; mus tne lace vaiue oi wi;;-':
tork and hor:ds hua beeti preserved,
and thereby the banks and linkers have
been permitted to continue to count thp.e
Bharen und bonds at nVtltioux prices which
nobody would pay for them today.
Et of Silvsr D.monatization.
Hnd tiilver not been demonetized, bank-
ers would not have had as easy a time as .
thy have enjoy hi corncilnK the tinan-
elal market.-Hind. Rettlnif lamo rates f '
Interest nnd premium: but neither would
twice as much money with which to do
its buniness. When wo consldar that the
gold cuin of the world is not Buflldent
for even the pnylnvr of tho intereni of the
deidH, via perceive how tho banking instl- .
tullons have ri.v the people, imuraiivciy,
by the throat, and now arc being choked
, tlicmvelvrw by their own device.
Tho interest upon tho debts cannot be
nald In sold because then; la not enough
or It 10 pay i ue inierefi. iicim-h iu j
thing reiiiainlng to bo done is to issue
more bonds, paynble In roM ulso, and tlie
interest pHvable In i;u!d. Now that no
body will buy the bonds, what is to be
done? Interest on foreign holdings ,,f
Aineriean "secuiltie, esiimaieu ni omy
four per cent per Hiiuiim. means n drain-
nse of two hundred millions of ilollur.i
every .war In Kohl, needed to pay thnt In
terest. Now we seem to he eomltiK to a
dead slop IhroiiKh this war; nnd the
w heels of nmmeu which worked sh favor-
nblv for the bankers In tho post, lire
lurnhnr lii tho opposite direction und luc-
crutlnir them llnunclully.
Apparently our llnancml "house ol
cards" Is llcmhllnK, end nhout to fail,
Varlnus oxpedlcnelis nre belim tried be
the novel nnu nts nnd the nblest (Iniineler
of the worhl. Wo nilKlil Hope mm tueir 01 una worm,-- nnu 01 1110 u iriiniss 01
skill wuold ncconipllsh the end they de- . eltlshness nnd evil nil of which his iintne
she. uml rave llio tiresent Institutions- 'eprerenls', that tho world has not been .
rmuiK'Ifil from belli: "shaken" to pieces 1 under tho dominion of .Messiah, the Hep
Hut, If w e ure rlflht III our tinderstandinit reseniatlvo of Jchovnh and Ills rlBliteous-
of the Scriptures If the (treat Day of ' 'less, nnd love.
Hiltlement has come. Ill which nil the The New l)lspnsntlon which M, '"slab's
shakalile thliiKa uro to ho slialien nnd
mithhiK remain exeeit that which eaoniu
be shaken, then wo liiny ho sure that all
hllinun effort will fall, and that Ihe ureal
ost o( nil clashes of 11 lliuinelal kind thai
have ever happened will take place.
It will be noticed Hint I mil saylna
nolhlni: new-that what I have Just said
has been snld In part nl least, by many,
and published In the. newspapers. I nm
merely brlnnhm loRethcr theso (hlims.
mill SllOWlllK t lid t I elal loiisll i l til the H'S-
, tlmony of 11,0 lilhle. Unit wa uro now In
some may bo helped to nil understuniliiiK
i of the true sllua -to a iccobiiiiioii ui
Tore, bi.cause her culilllielelal competitors
Is Hammled. The worlds needs uml
; tcnniM u,n tin el-cat us eer. but it has tioi
, n,i. ftol.l whri'Wllll to uurchiihe. The de-
, uioneil.aillon of silver seeins tn be re-
f erred lo by ihe I'rupliot Lscklel tViim
, sayliiH, "They shall oast llu'lr sliver Inlo
"ld shall bo removed." Thus neither
silver nor Hold will ho uvnlhible.
Itiillrund lualinnles, nml the bankers
who hold Ihelr socui'llles, perceive that
If It Is dlfnculi tu raise money for the
niccllnx of the Interest 011 the bonds.
It will be more illlllcult lo Issue new
bonds to repine n, aim Ins: ones, so ninl'
1 1 " i"--""
outlined Its ineanlug, and snld:
Hln iiiaile moral cowards of our nice.
b'rom early Itifuncy fear uml apprehension,
especially In respect tu tilings future,
hnve been lilipiesed Upon US. We realise
that wu ure Imperfect, that our Uud Is
peifect, that peireclloti Is the only aluttd
111,1 which He could appiuve, and that
emtio kind ut punishment for sin must he
expected. The Adversary, laklng ndviiu
tuge of uur furefnlhers, mlsreplesented
Ihe Almighty, und has used uur feurs to
nllimale us I, ,1111 Illm und 10 wrrst ami
dl"loit Ills Mrs-,, Its In us In the Hlbie
Ht. I'.uil assures us lh.it this I Ha tans
tlt'l'snil luoce.luie; lluil he puts light fur
ihnhiieei uml darkness for light. Thus It
comes Hint our tent, which Is reully one
of the must lieaiillful und ci'infcilh In
the whme Hlhlu whin utidcrstood, bus to
11, iiny Peci'tmi n l,,h In the hands uf Ihelr
fears.-H rorlulhlnns i t.
Our text Is one uf Hie s uibollsins of ti
ni's peeple,
Ilimk tilled Willi S.WIlh'ils. lie
" l IHs ll"lv Hl'lllt III ilia. ll.n.
nmirri'lalo tlirsn svliilatls. For ninny
of llii'in, Hint ihm Hun' Is iill'i'iiilv I'i'ti'
'llio 'I'll o Is Mi'sslah's; II rrprrs. Ills
Ills Mi'iltiiiiii lal Honiltilon uf rarlli fur s
tlailisan,! surs. Us lliti iu ss svinlnillsrs
(lie 1'iilHv, His Jusllt-r. nf Ills Klniiiloni tf
)llili'Oiisnrss lllalrr Hi wlmls hrairns.
I'll liFiivrti anil sarlli h'fli will nrs
r"-r" ; " ,, '.'.-
win noi i' ins nt'ii'"" i'i " im,,-.,.-,
nor His rarlli wlil. It II lias kIviui Iii His
1 rliliilron nf nisn.
Tlm ltiivns nml rnrth
j P'" ''" cour"' th
prrsent social institution.. The eymbollo I
hivn Mpres.nt .plrltiwl Innuenc.-
cicclesiuiitlclMn, Churehlonlty. lhus In-
terprelwl, our text declares that, when
Mlh estuiriee control of the world, the ;
"""It will be that the social system or .
loilay. as well as present day eccleslasti- ;
"W Pasa out of existence-no place
"" be found for Ihem.
Satan Now the Prince.
s,,,,,, n,ay whmever may be said
of th() four thousand yeara before the
0011111117 of Christ, ninv it not be claimed
(hat ue ,na been reiiriiirii! ever since Ills
ascenslim to the rlk'bt hand of God? We
ansv,.P. if , uedeemer of men hn been
n-iunin na the Klnir of earth for the
past nlnttcen eeiituiles, there should lw j
tomethlnK tu tho Hible to so tench.
On (he contrary tht? Master's own words ,
tell un thnt H: 1 tii 11 In' the Prince of this
Am: that Christ's Kingdom lit not of thifl
world (AKe); that Jle will eoine nifiiin n;id
ivcetve tils foUowura to Himself; thnt He
ivent into a fur country to receive title to
Ills Kingdom and to return lo inm pos- I
(esHion of It: und thnt nt lit Hecond j
Coining Ho will be the went Kinie of j
(ilnry. John 14:10. 30; Matthew J
31 SM; 25:H, 1. I
When we scan the prices of nlstory dur-
(ng the a.t ciijhteen centurio. we lire
convinced thnt Mfxdah lias not been
Kin::. To think of Him ns mic-h, with tiie
. 'jmninotent power we accredit to Hi in.
wou'd bo lo L-hurtfe Hint with responslhil
Ity fur bloody and atrocious perneuilon.H,
1 for wars, famines and pestilences. Sure
ly, tio right-minded person, after mature
.onsidernwon, can rationally accept the
,.,, hil(1 tv, inriouM
M.sfJjanic it0Bn 0f Rihteousnebs fur the
(.jj,!, of illQ whole world, the uplifting
f bumanlty.
Sq Qne (1()n (j(nk lh;t the U(jUn of ,he
i;reat Mediator la In the past. We must
ftmeo with our text that it is in the fu
ture; and that, when established, Its ef
fect upon present institutions political, :
foci:) I, financial, religious will bo such i
that they wlil tlee nway; no place will b-
i'ouud for them. From tills standpoint I
nlono there Is hope for the world.
Toilny wo are living nt the cllmnx ot
clvlll.ution. 'et we Leliold more cteiirly
thiin ever heforo Hint the dct-'Ply-liiKi'ttined
Kclflshncss of Immunity Is u blight urion
nil our blesslnilB. Hcltl3hness Is to lie ;
found everywhere. AllhoiiKh a semblance
ef riylileonsness Is Insisted upon nnd lo- '
tutors of that standard ure styled crimi
nals, nevertheless It seeins Impossible to
equity. Justice. Men's keen In
tellects llnd opportunities for circumvent
ing the laws and committing theft, mur
der, etc., without danger of punishment.
Tho Great White Throno Judgment,
Neither Jehovull God nor His Ilepresent-
alive, Messiah, eon In any sense or de
nrce be n party to Injustice or Ineuulty.
The fact that Injustice has been permit- ,
, ted, lhat Ineuulty has been the role for 1
centuries, Is 10 he uccoontid for by Ihu I
fact that durlnif nil this period tho world
has been under the reixn of Win and
Dentil, the rcixn of baton, "Ihe Prince
Kingdom will usher In Is plclurcl In o'.ir
text. It will bo the world-wide tlionlnloii
-if purity, holiness, rlslhleoosucss. Justice,
truth a Oreut White Throne. No wonder
xo read that tho symbolical heavens and
, urth, representtnK the old order of ihlnK-i
j -social, ccclesliiHtlcul will vanish uwuv!
But let no 0110 think for a moment thnt
;cclcslastlcul princes, hnanclal princes
,'lnd political princes will voluntarily no
! nowleih;e that the hour bus come f"l' 11
. Pull surrender to Messiah nnd to nil Hit?
I grlnelplca of Ills absolute righteousness
he Second psnlm fullllllnif. We nre In
'he very time when the Lord, throncu
-.ho I'rnphot David, culls the (treat onej
of enrth to recoKtilze tho truo sUuulloii
if our wonderful day Hint H.n Pay uf
! Messiah has arrived, nnd that Ho shoul I
be recognized nnd Ills principles of rlghl-
! pousuess Obe'ed,
1 'earn lhat their help is 111 the i.ora ana
not iti their own frull arm. They must
! ice tho force of the words, "Hlessed ate
; ell they thnt put their trust In Messiuli.'"
; On the oilier hand, the money klnm.
i enrthly rulers and eccleclasthsil princes
cenlury liumiin liberty has be inskina;
nrogress, despite every endenvor lo re
strain II. Knrth' potentates perceive the
rising tide of human Intelligence and ot
dnniiiHls fur cuual rights. They perceive
that unless something be done to counter
art this general movement, the speclnl
advantage of th privileged classes will
disappear. Even now they are taking
counsel tngether how to break the re
straints which the people nre putting
upon them, and how to relnauguraln
reign of auiocrncy, such na prevailed
century ugo, but upon n higher plane,
controlled hy brighter wits, holding under
sestralnt more Intelligent masses.
"Be Instructed, Y Judges!"
Would Hint the cultured nnd Influential
princes of earth cctlhl tnke llio proper
view of tho situation mid reall.o the fal
lacy uf their counsels, the linpusslhllity
of averting the great cliuugra which are
upon us by icasoii of the time having
come for Messiah to take unto Himself
Ills great power and rclgnl I'nuttl Hie
w ise ot cm III letllle the situation nnd
Hilly submit themselves lo the Hlvlne re
iiulleineuls of absolute Justice und truth,
what a blerslng it would bo lo the World!
If these pi luces would turn their alien
tloti from tho grasping of power ami
mousy tu the ctiliuhicutnctit nnd uplifting
of the people, they wouhl become minis
ters of tho New lilspensatloll, Which
would he ushered In with relulclng. Hut
the Lord Inrortus us lhat this will not be
the ease; nnd thnt ns n result Misslali s
KIliKiloui will be ushered In by "11 Time
l,f Trouble such ns was not siluo theru
nas a natleii." I'anlel L':l.
Hod Is no icspecler nf persons. Hence,
before Ills Juilumi nt Throne punishments
will ha lnet"il out to small and grent,
when found tn be vlo'alurs of tho priori,
pits of Jo, Hi". Would lhat 1 could mi
I press this upon in.iliy of the lower chts, s
Mint itru ri.tliiK nut niialnst Injuslli'u lu
hlKh I'lai't's. u lilli. I'lin tli Intc sltnl'ar In-
lust s Ilii'insclvt'S. I. it II la rrini'inl"'!'-
nl that Hi Uirat Whlli- .fhronn stirai.s
lili'Sltis nnly In Itii.so who lov 1'IkIiUoiis
ni""S I'tnl linto llilmillv.
'I'hs Matsr salil. "My Wont shall Jii.Iiis
tilt In His I.iisI liny." Tin. If.olis tlinl la
it n,.'iii'il will li the wonls nf Jt'sns, nf
Ills ApnMks nml nf tho Prophets of
Tlirll all shall s'0 III vnriirs nf tho I'l
Vln Missiisit nf rMhlrti,isnrus, ninl fiirll
who wonhl linvst I'vorlasllnit Ht," must
rolifnrni his tlvlHK mnl Ills I lil-ililnir tn
tllOS SlMllllllS HllMt ln t'lltttllllt!.!. At th
mnl n? Mrsolrth's ItflKti. tli.'-s wlin"
nsiin-s will Im a turn wrllim upon th
nn im..: nf l ife will l fonnil worthy of
r-w't'lnillnit llfsl Ihos ulios nninrs sr
not thrrt'ln wrltlsn will 1st ilrslmifl In
Hi tkiund iislh.
AVtgelable Pre paralion forAs
similuliiigilicFoMfanilRfiJiila linjllic Siomatlis amlDwclsol'
Promolcs DifesHonlveerrid
ncss and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Murpliiae norMutraL
MmAm Sua"
ylx Smm e
Claifml Sufr .
nmbiytHn ttar.
AperlM Remedy foiConsIlp
tinn Snnr sminac Ii .0 iartlwea
Worms ,Convulsions,l'cvcrisii-
racSunilc Signacare of
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1 i;..iii.1'T.frrr,rr
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J70lJoc.si.- NlwftSK.
. sniti luonseomi.
Pffrnfls fin1 roMovps fliinhum
ratflips. TtiiHh. Krerkli'S and Vulvar H
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Nn. 11 For eulo by DrugKlat und Kiuu y (Joods j,iiIith.. y
Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop., 37
Special Price
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For Infants and Children.
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nf tlm fleincnlH, Lives a wonil'Tfiillv t
fct'tlv1 ben uly to U10 roiiipli'xlon, Jt In ii
piTfi'-'t nnii-iciiMy Tnlli't Otvuin Mini pori
ittvt'ly will tint niiim1! or t'lifiiiii'dnc tlio
K row l li or luilr whlt'h nil UulU'H jmIiou hi
Klliinl HKlllllHt Wlli'll Kf'IcctlllK 11 toilet pn;-
iiiiiatloii, Wht'ii tlJinclmr, bow II n if or oili
cxi'illonn ln'nt tliu bIiIii, it piuveuta a
g I (.'liny Hpp''nritlH'(.
Gouratid'i Oriental Cream Iuir 1uin
hlchly iccomiiH-iiiU'tl by plivKjciiuis, lU'l-
Ti'Hhph, HlnKftrt ihhI womoii of liishiun for
over half 11 I'fnliiry nml cunnot ht? him
niiHHOfl wlit'ii preparing for dully or evi-n-
nu iittlrp.
uouraua't urteniai cream rnrcn kmi
Rpmnvi'H 'run. I'l mnl n. IlluiklnMitlH. Alolii
IIIOttH, Yt'HOW H fill jMHOliy ISKIIl, rflVPtK
Great Jones Street, New York.
Telephone 1830