Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1914, Home and Farm Magazine Section, Image 15

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Home and Farm Magazine Section
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niXOIiit mit
eiiwp Criuing in WultowA N'tttloiuU luruat.
NOT A SMALL PART of 1hu work bi-iiiR donu by Ibn Furont Sorvico of the Uniled SIhIom Department of
AKriculturc iK for tlio Ijcnofit of lint stock imliwlry. All of llio imtioiml forenU uro conscrvod for trii.iri
purpose whero adapt ed and tliraigh caro and iniprovoineut of I ho grazing lauds tlio Uuvurnment liupea
to confer a IuhUiih benofit upon tlio live stock industry.
In tlio past Ilia Wallowa National Forest lias been overstocked and overgriiod, but, last hciihoii nn appropria
tion of $10.il)U was iiiade for a re.counaiHsanco ntudy of tlio Wallowa Format, with tlio result thai tlio correct
tnpacily of tlio mono h being determined. Scientific management will thru bo possiblo.
Tlio above photograph is of sheep grazing in a ooyoj (. proof piwturu in tlio Wullowa National Forest. Tlio
lambs, it may bo interesting to note, uru ouo half ShropHiiro.