SIX. THE OT.EM CAPITAL JOUBNAL. SALEM. OREGON THUE8DAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1914. BETORJE, AND AFT 1 iB Sir .ll , 1 BE B.6HT $ Sri ' oA. I nSrl M si 111 JSSl HE. "THE., PUPf Drawn toy Oltar storrett l 1 f J 4 t 1 9 , If BABY IS BORN NEAR . THE FIRING LINE Coein otic, come ull, tn the ki;mmI hull York.) -Anions the iiiis'-eniiueoiiH re liottri received trom the front was mil' tmliiy from the heml of the modiriil Hlnfl' with the lii i limn urniy on the Aisne. It wus wnde just niter the tier minis liuil repulsed u fieree attack by (lie nilies unit wus us follows: "I hnd hardly fiuii-licd curing for the wounded on tiie battlefield when uu !iu,ed French noii'tni n p ji-h iil ttud heed me to iiei oitiiiny hnr to her eotlir.'e nearby, 'l'licre I found nor dniielitcr, wlnii-e hu--haii.l was some where In tliu Kreu-h ranks, nivuio, liirtli to n child. "Within 23 minutes Franco, hud one more soldier, who, lis u 'miller of fuel, sronuil minli surprised lo find himself iilremlv I'.ne to I'm-" with the enemy." MM T NEWS Vrt "WW- BAD PRAIRIE TIRE. Mnmliin, J. !.. Nov. !. llunilreils of lieii'l of entile were bnnieil to ilenlli toilny uiul i-even furriers were rurnler eil hoineli ss us Hie result of u irniiii' fire nenr here, 'rhoiistinils of tuns of huy were destrnyeil. 'the hiss wus es lin'luteil lit L:tMl,'(XJt. Farmer, Read This! Docs your land produce what it should? Wut, cold land will not do it. Why? Docause it needs tiling. Have a talk with J. V. T3ingham, the tile man, and "see what he will tell you about your wet land. Address General Delivery, Salem, or phone care 1172. WOLGAST HAS MM HIS LAST RiNG FIGHT f --- I r ))(; Admits He Is Down and Oul Chip and Clabby Ready for Their Bout L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TOXG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company lias medicine which will cure any known disease. 15:1 South Iliuh Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 281. 1.011011, Nov. 3. (Ireut Hrit uin h.-ih ileelure I1 wiir on Turkey, the' wur off iio here offiriully unnonnriM toilny. It wns expei'teil France, Hns sin, M nut i'ih'KI'o ami Herviii woiilil follow this example iin nieiliiitely mn possilily ,luinn llllil llelilllu. Turkey, Wciluesiluy, witlnlrmv nil ililoinutic reiresentati'e4 from KiiHlninl, Krunce, Kiissinn ami Servia. By IIul ihoriilau. New York, Nov. il Wolast i; lhioiili us 11 piiKilislie ullrai'tion. Mi: lione of reiiliiliiiii Ihe vvorlil 's liiilit weielit title was lilaslcil li.v Ins mccl-j The (llolie liowlers took three inn In n' Willi t liiiinniiiii Kreiflie Welsh. I ntruiulit nuines from the, Printers lust GLOBE BOWLERS GOT THREE STRAIGHT The limit was stoiie,l in Ihe ciuhlh ronnil ai'ler WeNh lia.l 1'iMiinlnl Ihe M ichiuaiuler pi'iicl icnlly into u nlute nl lid i ;! ne.s uiul nl'ler Woluuvt hail ile r hi I'M lie hiil liroken u small liiiue in his 1 1 1 1 1 lu 1 in 1 111 Atler the bout .W oliiast liiiuse millcil tlinl lie was throuH? lie sniil the limes in his liauils were loo liriltle for further linn ii'e, mnl that lie never won I-1 lie seen in uctioii iikiaili. II is to he i 1 1 1 it-1 1 thai lie will make uianl his threat In retiie, lint if he ilocs lie will he mi exceilion In Hie ueneial rule, us prize lighters are nolcil for their I'nlli farewells. W'olast was hopelessly oiitclusM'il liv Welsh, His lict f-lioM iiij was iniiile in Ihe secoiiil vouiiil, lint ecn in thut ses sioil Ihe c in 1 1 ion hail the lieiler of Hie milling. Ail tiieil his ohl tushiui tuc tics in this louiiil, mill while he swnn repealeillv to the Innlv willi nlit uiul lei'l il was evnleiit that his blows hinllvnll losl their vlenin. lie was slow on 1ns leel, his juiluieut 01' ilistiiiice wus poor mnl his 11 ciiperidive poweis mi Hie wnne. liuil Hie Imllle koiic two rouiuls 1 11 1 1 In i' il is certain that Wnluusl woiilil have siitleieil Ihe fiist knockout of his ittreer. Ail knew he hail met his masler in Welsh ami he iniiile no objection when b'eleree Hilly lloclie cnlh'il n hull e.t ihe cinl of the elp.lith ronnil. W hcHicr; Wolyast com lit have whippcil WeMi when in Ins prime is a ipiciilinii thai will have lo no nnanswereil. Welsh, however, slmuls lieail mnl shoiililcrs oer ihe Wolust of tuilay. The lonnei' 'liililhic terrni lias hiit his boll. The only Ihinu he has left Is Ihe rilitiue. heml. His speed, sliiniiua, mill puncli iui! power have ileseiteil him. ninhl ut the Kleetrie alleys in the, city I bmvlinu league. The first (iiinin wus tieil lit the rnil of the tenth frame, each ten 111 with Mill pins to its credit. The (llobe out lucked the Printers in the roll-off of the tie uiul this look the lid ! wind out of the 1'iinters' sails iiml Ihe;- were uniible to pile up n formid able score in Ihe two reiniiininji gumcs. l.iilTktr, of the (llobe. rolled the lug. Ka of IIMI. The Klectiie boulini; team In the Wilkiinelto nlley lluwlini; l.eunue ipies to' Ciiivallis loiiiht to Iry conclu sions with the Corvallis iicigroKiitiuii. The Hleciric tenui will take liie follow iiii( li'iiui to the H.' nt (i 11 county clly In niulil: .Noiid. Wyiniin (capl.), Iluucli, Kay mnl'I'lur. Sleiilsinuii will nc cuaipniiy the teuiu lis chnperiuie. I.asl night's scire wns us follows: Printers, I !! .1 'nn Shke Hill ..' Howell Hurt Tolals Team nvernye. 1 fit I . GlobB.'lar Sniitl McKiniiev Aiiibul Wviiimi 1:1- IMI 1:1:1 IS'.' I Ml 1 urn 1:1.1 ins 11:1 IM II l:i!i I. "in I, 'id III 133 I7:i r:i 7s i 1.1s 133 ma I. Ill Kill :t I sj Hill 1 13 1112 ICI Tolals Team uei'ij;e The ptuudiun It y lenisne is u 30 ACRE SNAP If sold thin week, I will sell lit R ri iiticririco, 110 nere oil Howell I'mlrie, the real c renin of nil Orenun will, rich, deep, black lonm, nil under cultivnliini; nil fenced with woven wire, mime utocU, l.iiplcnienU mill part of tli crop In. Most lieiiullful view. I'rlcn I51) per cro; ternn. CHOICE 5-A. TRACT fl nereii nil under eulllviillon, nenr PHr line nml nehuol. 1'rlee. .P!3 per ncre; (KM) down, liuluiicii U null, MODERN BUNGALOW. Thin up In ilnlo modern n room liun n, 1 low In n Ki"l liK'iillon. PriiO thin week only I3QII, on ensy lernn, (')ioli'O vncunt luU. Flno Hop yard. (I00J pruno much Kino Stock fiirm. lloiiKfl fur Rent. Money to Loan. Wrlto tinnrniu'o. ljropcrtjp li) Eiehnuitu fur wlinl yon Wnnt. For Bitrgitlui Cull On BECIITEL & BYNON, 817 STATE STREET, Chip Clubby Tomorrow, Siii Pniiici'-co, ,Nov. i. - I lot h Jimmy I'lubby mid 1 1 1 1 in 1' I hip, miililleweiuhls, lime eoiiiplele.l their heiivy tuiluiui; for I lien- '.'H i 011 ml bout nt Huly l ily In nionow nichl. Km h boxer was report ed in l ine i mi. In inn. Ileiniy Si'lijj has 1 11 linullv nccepleil us relerce In plnce of dim (Irii'liii, who Is seriously III. I'fiiibv bovi'il si I'iiiiiiiIs yeslerdav ami I hen declnred thut lie was tlii with Hie gloves uulil lie eulers the fin,:. "I never lelt heller in niv lile. siibl rliibhy. " 1 welulit inor Wnlt Hliipps tll.'be Kills Hausets Printers . , , , tli'ncers KM Kill s:l 1 113. of the teams in the follow s: I'loveil. Won. Lost Vet. .SMI .(111? .3311 .III INDIANA DEMOCRATIC. ever did lor 11 buiil. Whnlever liuppeu I will have no excuses to offer. ' t'hlp ulsii 1'iii'died liis work yeslenliiy mid will take lliiiius easv until lie faces In liminpolls, linl., Nov. 3, Willi 'J'J'J luecini'ts mlsrlim, l wus climated this I uflei noini Hull the entire dciiiocrullc ll,., 1 1 ticket was elected by snl'e mujorilie isenulor II, P. Khivclv was re-elected by I3,uiiii pliirnllly. I .'''" 'I"ll' l'"l T- ffMrtltpr -In;... ..!,..,, ,;, FATIMA mttvnKiHtivNa CICARbTTtS It's character is distinctive rlubby, Ai'ler yeslenliiy ' workoiil t hip welched exin tly lot puiinds. Chili by 'uobubly will scnle nboiit 1311, , ll'tlliiit continued today nl even moiiev, BRITISH NURSES WIN GREAT PRAISE Heilln, Oct. III. (Ily mull lo New York.)- Hiillsli nurse nt Hie front linve nwiikeiieil the ndmlinHou even of the (lei urn n, 11 win llbislialed by n report filed today with the nenerul sluff. "T nurses mid nils dimmiiiilcHiioii. " nicy me liiouuled nnd Wear spins mid hebuels nnd n bullle Is hnnlly over before they nre ililvliiir ininlly 1111 to (he field, Hiv ing first aid In Ihe wounded mnl sup eriiitiMidiiiK Ihe triiii-poilnlinii of Die grnver i'se lo Ihe hospltnls, " I'lifurliiniilelv their iiinnber hns been iirenHy dlinlnlslied recenlly, n the Hilllsh hnve fomul It licressmv to re iiiilllnu their horses for Hie cnvnlry." fa Just about time you got yours The limit of going some in the smokings line is to make fire with a match, then hitch it to a j immy pipe or a makin's cigarette packed brimful of Prince Albert I Me-o-myl Get3 you mighty pleased-like, and turns on the sunshine spigot in your system very early in the A. M. Prince Albert wins every man who's game enough to hit the high spot at the cost of a dime. Doesn't make any difference what you think about being able to smoke a pipe or a roll-'em cigarette, you can and you will and get happy on every pull if you'll nuil your flag to the mast of I1M 1 1 1 prik Albert v.v.'.v.v. v ,. ii .. r ,1 iii Myi 1 1 'i Hi m ,n.c. W r , TIW-.) iWfflWI the national joy smoke Men, here's tlaas and quality and flavor and fragrance. Get a whiff or a puff of P. A. out of a pipe or from-a makin's cigarette and you've just got to have more. Tastes so good it's right hard to wait till the next fire-upi Because.. P. A can't bite your tongue I Bite's cut out by a patented process. Paste thai tn your halt You put yourself on the road to contentment. PrlnclAlbirt ft nolttln toppvrttbaeit Set tidy rod tint, lOet attain handsome paund and halt'pound numwor$. It J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem. fhlW1M IflttrT ft. i, HfBttlJi ItM Of. If:sCw''''"Vv.vilvvv'' wi " 1 ' - urof-" :-ov:':-c:-;-:-:':-:-:-:'X.:-:-:-:-:x-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:--orf U-iw.' : 0 ' 1 , ? - fun: " :,' ) V l. Vi' :.:i.v.wXv;v,vyj WORK NOW CUT OUT FOR BRITISH FLEET London, Nov, fi. Honiliurilineiit of Hie Dnrdnnelles fortn by ,thi Annln Krelii'll ' Mcilitci 1 iinenn fleet wns still In priMiiTi'i tniliiv, nccordlnir to lutest CANADIANS FEAR THE GERMAN FLEET Ottiiwn, (Int., Nov, 5.-The protec tion of t'uiiitiliiin Pncifie oonst cities fritui n rnbl lv the tlcrniiiu cruiser SAY 500 DROWNED WHEN CRUISER SANK REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. pi 11 11 wns innde. but It wns linilerslonil 11 close wuteh would be kept on the llermnn vessels nnd Hint enortfVHc steps would be taken to snlYnimril the const If Ad mi nil Yon Hpee showed iiny Inclinntlou to cruise tn the norlhwniil. As soon ns the sic(e of KI110 ('hull resuiicii in me ciipiure 111 ine (iciiiiaii iiinnii Hoers were forces there, It w ns reinniked, n nuiii- revolt. ' her of Hrltish nnd .Tnpniiese wurshlps would be freed to ileal with Hie cue niv on thl side of Hie I'ncil'le, wns mi lit the liukisli ilefenscs were nuthoiltie here toduy sul'feilui! hcnvilv while their Kims'! No iinuoiiuceiuent of any riinuc wns liimf licient to einible them to li 11 r mi Hie Hrllish and French ships, Heports that llui Hrltish cruiser Mi liciv.i Iiml bonibniileil the Turkish Iteil sen port of lilcddiill were nlso con firmed, Lively Interest wns nlso felt III Ihe story Hint 11 Heininii wnrsliip ripiadrun i.. 1 I..,'. .1... ........1 1 .There is n Inr.n nnniber of KKU.h j h ' .-, 7 , -irseswho nre verllnble Aii,a;ons,' . . .... . nml Hie HHtinli fleet In Hie Notlh sen. The pnnihillty wus tnken Into con sldenilion thai Hie (lei limns nii(kt at tempt 11 liiinliiiK on the l.lmlisl list. Thut such nil iiiulerliikliiK could sue ceed, In favor of the thoroughness of the UrtHsli crulscis' pnlrol, wns deem ed more Hi 11 11 unlikely, but troops were nevertheless under nrms nml on the (licit In Ihe vli'liillv of YiirinnuHi to nlvn n wiiroi r,'..i,Hu in ..ll.l., i niloitcil eilunl suffinue, Klie millers, claimed suffnitfe sniciulnieiils Tnrkev's dlploiiintie representnHves 1 ndnpted in Montnim nnd Nevndn iiml either llltendr left or were lenv. I toil I .widen Hordcniu. Petri urnil nnd ' w nrned In tclenmnis not to nccept rnrly s.piiiiroi now 1 ( 11 lenn wu er wiisln,v Wednesdav nlKlit 'n report Hint cruiser Inrrkp hud been liifni iniillnii from the ndinirnllly, Itjslill tinder consbleniHon by the iinvul , l0 '(,,rMM, Warrnnty Dtiedn, K. A. Ian' et 11 x to Paul HmiRcn; ncrcs In Hecllon atl, T. tl M K. I II' . ri: iu 1 .1,, if 1 .1,1 ,, llelln Yoiiuif ct vir In .1. P. Zinmior- '"i t x! Lot a, lllock 2, Driiko'l Aildilion Hilverl'oiij ifltl, M. A. Pint! to Win. II. lliddell et uxi I :i f 11. ics in Scctiiin la, -p. 11 8., sunk bv n mine nenr the mouth of thi'i "' ' ' Itiver Weser nnd had none down, wmIi ' H.'Hel et iix to M, K, Towns Hie loss, It wns believed, of its whole, I""'' ,ll""l ;,;t Nrlh Siilcin; , crew, nboiit nilll lueitt A'urlerihiin, Nov, S. Thoimh cotifir- mntlon from (lermnit sources wns luck Inif, llritish ndvlces repented positively I'r.iiu llcrlln enme Hie nssetllim Hint Ihe Hrilisli lire suppresslim Ihe fuel Hint Ihe llocr rebellion in Hnutli Afrien has 11I1 imi.Iv nssuiued foinililnble pro- porHons nnd Is sprendilitf, At least leclnieil to be in CLAIMS THEM ALL, Another Merlin storv wns lo Hie ef- fis't Hint tli'rmnn prisoners In ciiui'ciitriitloii enmps 11 111 dylna In Inrue numbers from the effects (if the linrd ships lo which t In-v nre exposed, t oni- plnint wns mnde especinlly of Hie cold, lis n result of which it rhlcnurt, Nov. 5. Mrs, Mcdlll Me j l orimcR, inuirinnn in ine nuiinuiiiT pm.m w, erentin,! hnvoe nmiiim lll'K n""" l- H" M,,i,.,),i,r,. . I'AlltiVCS. nilllie nf wholtl MfCfrt t,,.l nfteittoon ', ., i,i.,..,..,.. ..,.,.!.. ti hnppeiied lo be living In In the West, declnred tills thut latest returns Indlcnted that Ne-1 1.. nrnsKn nnii ios.n,iy eoirin i-unoin imn ( Kuhin,l when the wnr broke out nml May Williams In A llcifil,..-li... IHIfa.'i ncres in t'laiin 43, T. 8 H,, H, II. Archibald et ,, n eHeniwller! Ml ncres In T. K S , 1 .. ifKintl. Ktln O. Aiidcr-on et vlr to H. P. liny, wind; pint but la, Hipilul Hume Addi tion; .tii'in, I'. 11. Worileii lo A. Ileucthwiler; two Ihirls Interest in ncres l ('lull,, i-', r. M M It. I k.i lip.'.-,, W. Hlleet ( ,1, M,,,,,,. t, , nm, II, lllock a, linn Hill Trncts: 10, . H.i'siim to ( hns. dohmmuV Lot wns declnrcill ' '," '. ''"' Il ,:l' H,'n,, Mills! KWO. ".'k" lliksi M of an ncres, Hilverlon; u, M, A. Wnlly et vir to ,1,. H. V.. Hi ncres in Nci,.,,. 'i -c ,, ' BRITISH GENERAL DEAD. I. on. Inn, Nov, 3.- Mnjor tlenernl Hubert Kekewleh, fniiious ns Klmberly's dcfetiiler ilitrlmr the Honth Afrienn wnr. who Imd Just been recalled tn tlm I NiU. colors fur n hluh posit Inn In the nnnv on the coiitlnent, died suddenly. In Iny nt hl liotno In leviiusliire, I were nrrestcd on the mere suspicion ",,rl i that they iniuht be irnishing liifonnn I tlitn l. tl,n .,t,i,i.,t- McCornilck said she had been! I reports Hint I fenled. uffr(ie hnd been ile- fii run i ii hunters worn, often look shop- I One man's mieccss often spells fail ure for nnuther. A news Item snyn the Ni?nm of tTv ' derab I tins severnl liundred wives,' Poor (levll, he needs rnniiting mn ' chine to help him keep trnek of his family. . 1 ncres in Niviinn a t 11 u ii .1 11, : tin, " 0 U (,P,,,rk Siip,on Ad! Kv. !.. H.,j , p II. ttocvo, t. ', ', i I'' ,lv"i.l Addition) (It), .lid,,. S. Tailor to ,1. I Tnylor; 2, he. Hon la. T. S., It. ) , ,.' It's n pi.or nrlicle Itself Imitated, tht enn't get