EIGHT. THE 8ALEM CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1914. NEW TODAY FOR UK NT lOrooiu npurtiucnt, 333 Uollevue. A ROUSING SALE OF SILKS PRICES GREATLY REDUCED SUPPLY NEEDS NOW FROM OUR LARGE ASSORTMENTS Tremendous Reductions on . High-Grade Ready-to-Wear Garments Discriminating women who investigate are among our most valued customers. Do you investigate and compare? Then you must know that the latest and most acceptable styles are here represented in variety that equals any else where to be found, and at prices that maintain our reputation for best values. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS UP TO $18.50 Balmacaan, Mackinaws, Arabian Lamb, Broadcloth, Boucle and Plaid Novelty Coats in this lot unusual value giving. SPECIAL AT $12.50 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS UP TO $27.50 This lot includes many new stylish Coats in the popu lar fabrics and colorings. Better see this assortment soon. SPECIAL AT $10.00 FINAL CLEARANCE WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS UP TO $20.00 Desirable garments-revery one a bargain. We've placed the price so low on these that no one in need of a Coat at a low price can afford to pass this offering un heeded. SPECIAL AT $6.95 ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN'S ND MISSES' SUITS PRICES SACRIFICED-REDUCTIONS FROM 20 PER CENT to HALF REGULAR PRICE Nowhere will you find a more desirable stock of high-grade Suits smart styles the most fashion able fabrics. Every Suit characterized by its orig inality of design and perfect tailoring. The entire stock open to selection at the above price reductions no reserve. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SILK AND WOOL DRESSES UP TO $32.50 Many desirable Dresses in this lot neat, well made, smart styles. We must move them; hence this below-cost price. Don't fail to see them. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $9.98 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SILK AND WOOL DRESSES UP TO $25.00 One must see these splendid garments to really appre ciate the unusual values we are offering. Nowhere can you get more value for your money. Every one of these garments is new the present season's models. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $12.98 RACK OF WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES UP TP $48.50 SELLING AT ONE-HALF PRICE Remainder of stock Women's Silk and Wool Dresses. Not a garment escapes the sweeping price reduction. Less 20 per cent. NO. 715 WEDNESDAY SURPRISE SALE TOMORROW AN OFFERING OF WOMEN'S KNITTED PETTICOATS, UNUSUAL VALUE, ONLY 39 CENTS EACH These are the popular short, knitted Petticoats. A warm, comfort able garment that will give entire satisfaction. We procured these on account of their goodness and low price, and we pass them on to our patrons at about what we paid for them, as a special surprise. Form fitting top. We have them in plain blue, black and red or grey with stripe border excellent assortment. . Regularly sold up to Ybe tomorrow 4JgT AQph vvu.a. a. take your choice for. Sale starts at 8::10. See window display. "Meet Meat Meyers" A 11 A 1 rm All Around 1 ow Dr. Mendelsohn, apeclttllat In fitting i t nt.-rl mi the cards, through it typo-' glasses correctly. 11.13. bank building j graphical I'riur. The cards Hint went j 0 mailed bore the dnto November JO and i For n.ilo damngod wtie&s oata and barley, 4U0 7 iliililmnl bldg. Tha Women's Alllanco of the Uni See" it ii ry Monies wns otil i ii'iI to send Dill II correction. At this meeting II number i)f iiiiicnduicnls tending to pro mote u closer eoniioiiitiou between the tiiriiin church will meet with Mrs. .1. V. social uihl .niiiut ion .li.int iiiontH will Cox, of Mi Winter Ktn-ot, Friday lit 'he voted on mill the officers for next Stat) o'clock. Mrs, h. Anderson will year elected. roiiu a paper on Keiigions of Ancient Kgypt." All members urn urged to be jiri'Hi'nt. Tickets to tlia Btwtonta' Lyceum Coui';.i' limy bo secured lit Wills' music store mill i ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 book tt oio. Dr. Otter, doiiu-n, pnona 800, Balem Bank of Comniero building, Attention Gomnlote olection roturna I lit. Patterson ii I ooze llillurd J'iiiIuih j I thin evening. I Today tha dood w.ia slgnod and the lirliclos of iiieorporulinn tiled whii'h 'will give to tho Salem people n I'omilry t'lnb with ii null' course on IIS, 111 acres of lit ml on w lint was formerly known I iim tho Pettyjohn iiIiiio. (loorgo Kihlv, Tho mooting of tlio Willamette Valley ' llf l"rt IiiikI. iiii English professional exposition, which was to have been hold , K"lf player, has arrived in thin city liinl In I'ortliinil tomorrow, linn' boon post- promises to hnvo tlio golf course in iioiiod until next Hntiirilnv. 'IVio ren- ""M"" I'"1' 11 K'"1"' ' two weeks. Mr. resontntivos for tho ammoiutldn lit tin- l-:,l,lv '" Iimlrtii'tor l'anuma I'ni'ifiii fair will bo chown itl 1Vi-1 IiiikI (olf lul. RHalitni'il ut thin mri'tiiig. Kri'd H. Hy-I n non, ol tlim city ; w. A. Taylor, of I MIpb Elma wollor will rorolve puplla 111) of tlio Miiilony, iiml I,. I), IVtlviohn. of Ht. I'niil, will ri'iri'Kint Alurloii county at the inri'tiutf, Attantlon Comiiloto elrxaion roturna In iiiimo on iiml lifter (li'tobcr .11 ut hor htmljo, llll.'i North Liberty htroct, I'hono 1 : i " I . An excurnlon from thla city to Cor Tho board of governors of the com mi'ivinl club of thin city niiiiiiinioiisly cihIoi-hciI tlio iiiiiMicul cotii'HO offcroit by Minn Mini'ttii MnuoiH to tho people of Siilcni. M;ini'rn roporta thill nil "xi'iii'Kion of 1 (10 will Iiii bioiiitlit from Allmny, nnolhor of CM from Hub 1 ii h mill Miiiiiiiinitli, 1 1 i 1 1 -L 1 1 1 1 1 1 o iiml other iiemby tinviis have all olforcil to Hiipport tlio COIIlllO. Home Wet-waali tnuiulry TJndor now mnnnf;oinent; nil work guaranteed; wash days, Mondays, Tuomlnys, V'od nnadnya and 1'ridaya. 1'hoae U171. Family wnahing, CO cents. Max O. Buron brought suit ngahiKt the l'lirifii; Telephoiiv mill Telegrupli c o in j i n ii v in the circuit court yeatordny to ri'.st ruin the tleephuno eoiiipnny from dixcounecting Inn phone. Tho plaintiff alleged in It i h cnmplaint that ho enter ed into n contract with the telephone compnuy to receive the uno of the pliono for ifl per niontli. He cliiinm that the telephone eoiiipnny him tlircntened to iliHconncct hia phone, The pnl of Max Honglnud, young Kel ly, with whom he encuped from the Wnb In Wnlhi jail, n ml another lad mimed Arndt worn brounht back to tho Ore gon Ntate Triiiuing Hcliool today and were left in the sheriff 'a office fur safo keeping for n short time, Arndt in a parole violator, Kelly escaped from the Oregon I ust i tut ion nud was cap tured in Wullii Wiilla but escaped from the jail In that place by sawing through li bar in the window, lliuiglaud is the youth who wus cnpHired with l'nt Uilcy , after a .sensational trip down the vnl- ley from tho Oregon (State Training Ndiuol. POLLS WILL REMAIN OPEN TILL 8 O'CLOCK The pobs nt the election today will renin in open till S p. in. in order thut nil people employed during the day niliv cast their ballots without leaving their work. P.iKficngors on the Shasta Limited southbound through the vulliy will hnvo mi opportunity to sample one of Sa lem's lieiit priyli'"ts in the shape of tho T i i ...i:.... ... u 'e iBii iiii-m,., nm ir I iiiii ii'i. 1. 1 tl'llll, III llll' ,,.111111-111 III. II... AMU Salein l-'iuit I'niou and the Haleni can-; J .uj, ,ii.l-i.iu U...I I.P....U ill.l II ull.l.tilll ll f II II . I nf 'P'I'TT the lirst class product which will be PPRQniVAIC served on the diner iiml on the menu r LKOUlt AL5 will be ,. line stating that tile logan j A (lfr(, T,.BilU.llt f ,liB berry comes trom Hale,,,, it , I'm-l wh() nmy (,(; 'ltv nf . posed by Ins method to secure ""- j taxes in the employ of tho I'. K valuable advertising lor 'the cty ii.nl ti ,, ,., f j ,,,,' , Avenue, with I"! n! n" .w"1''1'" 1;''t head.puirters in I'ortlund, ' to Mn- who go over this line down the coast. I )(,m to wU ,(). L , day. Fredorick H. Monrae, a prominent ('iri.uit j,,,,, inm (!llowny has citizen of Chicago, writing to a friend n,turned from I'ortlund, where he lias in I'oitlunil, has this to say ubmit .1 oh u : ,,,, ,,ing court for the past week. " . v ,, . ', .", . i W. A. 5lorc, formerly of this city, planning to promote Mr. White as u ciin liilnte for the noininnrfoii by the ileiiiucrntic pnrty for governor of Il linois in llllll.", Mr. White speaks at Cnilv church on "The llnsis ol I niver. who is now engaged in business with headquarters in J'urtland, is ill the city to vote ami renew old iicipiuiiitances, O. I l.inthicuin, flr-urgo Hnnton nud Onirics Muxwell will go to I'ortlund to- .,,1 I' il Xiillnnill frOHIiol-ilV."! ""K"' K" ' tniilt'r the auspices of the Men's l.ib- eial cluli. Admission is free, mill t'V ervbodv is Invited. at I'alterson 4i Tonze Hillard I'nrlors vullls on the occasion of the niiniial this evening. ifootbnll giime between the I'niversity n I of Oregon ami O. A, C. on November Ajates polished ana ntouulod. Onni- '.'I limy be run If enough interest in tier & Keene, ;NII Htnte street. j tlio giime Is shown by local football o fans. Tho Salein commercial club will The n'eetlug of the social depart- luke no nll'icinl netion In the matter incuts of the Haleni cotniuereinl club but the big contest will probably lis will be held Tuesday, November 10, In-1 sure enough passengers to justify tho Mead of Tuesday, November ltd, as excursion. KEEP YOUR EYES HEALTHY Btrrdned and overworked eyea soon lose their bril liancy. Tha lustre of health in eyes soon vnulsliea when thoy art wasting their strength. They fust bo coma blood aliot and dull looking, Defective eyes waste tlioir own energy. Correctly fitted glasses save strength. Depend upon It that I will give you correctly fU ted glasses. My nearly 33 yours of practical export euro la of itself an assurance, that you will get the very best in service. My equipment la complota and thornuu-h. Tha olnanea flint I furtitsh mrm fltil ntnl fOIICl manufactured with aklU and care In every detail. T .. .. ... .1 - ,M. ! . .. la-IT.! .- art dangoroua, I guarantee all of my work, and you are Invited to, come where abso lute accuracy In correcting eye defects la placed above avery other con alderation. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn poctok or orTica BIO 211 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING BALEM. OREOON fiL0BE Election Returns Tonight AFTER EACH REEL Last Chance to See Andrew Mack in "The Ragged Earl" JOHN BUNNY, JR. The Blggeat lilt of the Season. COMINO WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY THE WITCH GIRL With Mary Fuller Tha Ever Fopular Star a' gentleman from kentucky To two reels, featuring your old favtirtta Warren Kerrigan ALSO A GOOD COMEDY Next Sunday JACOB P, ALDER, la MICHAEL STROGOFF 5 ACTS Owing to tho great popularity of the ilonrnnl Knibroidery i'uttern Outfits, w.h;,, ( Musicr. only a few of them remain unsold, and ' I as no more nn to lie ordered, now is tho time to take iidvniilago of this great offer, Kcnieiuber that four coupons cut from tho .loiiriia) and lis routs are nil that is rcipilred to obtain a romiileto outfit, that every woinnn will neeil for her winter's fnnev work. election returns in Hurtlum! Mrs. (I. 1'. Christie, who resides nt HI70 North Summer, left this city to day for Mnsicr, where her sister. Mrs. K. K, Ainsden, is reported seriously ill. Mrs. Amsden is superlntciident of city The Careful Auto Buyer Saves Money Here You are not charged (he long profit (bonus) here. You don't pay for looks far more than they're worth here. You pay only for actual .car value. The "other fel low" has paid for the vanity of the "first ride" and now you get the name car, used of course, but not really hurt, at a wnydown price. What you can save in the in vestment by buying a good "used" car will pay for the upkeep of your machine for several years to come. "A Word In the Yic," Suvch Yon Moni'ii. Isi'Hl'IAIj hot chiilieu tumult's at Fred's night lunch. i TWO vacant lots to trade for ft liouso and lot. 1 hone l-uli vi. IJKY WOOI FOU HAI,K Direct from t Ii o timber. I'hono S'.MI). I1 " 1 " " ' OLD I'Al'KKU for carpets; 10 cents , per hundred. Journal ullitt, j DltKPWKI) gont inent for sale tomor- L- ro.v, 4c per lb. I'lione lo70 W, ( FOR BALK Young fresh cow, with I culf. U;i North Twenty-first. TWO more good milch cows for sulo cheap. Just ill. 1417 .Mnrlu't. FOR RUNT 1-room nioilern house, 2'M South Fourteeiilli street. . I FOR RENT Two neatly furnished bedrooms. Inquire DiliJ -N. Church. jFOU rJALIO Fliindi'is roadster auto. Address O. 1'. (liven, Tnrneij Ore. FOR REiNT Two well furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire ut 4!U H. ' Coctage. , WANTED Small i-.ecoiid hand snlo. , Address I'rttt uni Merciintile Co., J "ill -I turn, Or. TWO men wanted to cut oak posts H miles west of Wist Salem, R. F. , Schnett. ! FOR RENT Small throe-room eottaije I in North Salem. I'lione 41!), Oaroy F. Martin. UOAT MEAT First class only, ut .5c I per pound, by a half or n whole. I'lione i;iiiii M. ! SLEEl'JNtl KOO.M FOR KENTTVOU I per niontli. tientleuiaa irel'orreil, i North Chiirch street. FOR RENT Two newly fiirnished I rooms, ground floor, 47:1 Ninth Col tnge. I'lione IH'itl-J, niter .5 p, in. FOR RENT Fur nihil ed housekeeping rooms near city hull, ;S;id North llillh, phi ne 4. FOR RENT Small three-room cot" tngc, in suburbs. Address Rebecca B. Anderson, 087 N. Front street. SALEM' CHIMNEY SWEEI'-l'lii,,,. neys, t'lirniu'es and stoics cleaned mid repaired. Kslulilished 110!). I'liune 1!). LOST Clock I 't-ii I ii 1 ii tit nud key; iibo check lunik, I'leiisc leave ill the nt firi'c of Fanners' Feed I turn nod oblige. 1,. S. Arnold. FOIt SALE l V OWNER -1,5 acres lino land; feiiecil mnl clear; rock romi, I l:i i pi i n if taken soon. I'lione l-l, re.-iiileiire phiine I-. TO WORK FOR PEACE. City School Superintendent Elliott re ported to the board of school directors ut lust night's meeting that the blank forms fur the taking of the city's school census would be prepared in tbeT course of n dny or so and that AmosiT W. Long, who has been selected to take the census this your, will be ready to IT llerne, Switzerland, Nov. II. As a result of urucut demands by sociiilisls in the Swiss par liament, President Huffman tin imiiiii'CiI today thai he would iinilcrtuke to reach mi nuree ui nt with other neutral nations looking toward joint action for intervention in the Europeiin war, In the interests of a restor ation of pence. Reeves' Capital Street Garage DIED. start in upon the work either tninorrow i or nut later than Thursday. It Willi require ut bust ii mouth to cumpletiJ tho census, "No mure loaning of school appara tus or equipment " Is the edict thnt was, pronounced nod cinphiiticiilly Issued by the buiiiil of direeturs of the Siilcui school district, ut last night's meeting when a motion wns unanimously adopt oil which rend: "It Is the sense of the board that the equipment of the Salem schools should nut bp nllowrd to be hired or loaned In the future ex cept for school purposes, and are not to be removed from the school prem ises." This course was ilcc-ldcil upon as a result of the numerous applica tions from ninny sources, foreign to school work or educational purposes, for the borrowing of nil kinds of school equipment, and inrticularly for the tstereoptlcon apparatus, nml as some of the equipment of the mechanical de partment Is very delicate and valuable, the board feels that It cannot afford to tuke nnv chances in loaning anv of I it. . ! )f( )f( )( t )fc )f( )t)t))ll(lfltft)()C )()( BUNK OKKUK BOAT. Copenhagen, Nftf, .1. The sinking by Prltlsh cruisers of a llreck torpedo boat which they were suld tu have mis taken for a Turkish craft wns reported here imof ficinllv today In dispatch from Uerllu, The story was unconfirmed, "THE BASIS OF UNIVERSAL PEACE AND NATIONAL PROSPERITY" lecture by JOHN Z. W1IITB of Chicago, Unity Church Tomorrow Night, 8:00 o'clock ADMISSION FREE Capitol at Union I'lione 971 Motorcycles Also 1 - MOH!lSON-.t the family residence, r i "mi Homo i.iiiertv, ut 4:'.'n Tuesdav morning, November .1, 1HI4, llntlie M. Morrison, daughter of Mr. nail Mrs, Flunk Morrison, nged IN years. Funernl services, private, "III be hold at the house tomorrow, Weducsdiiy, afternoon ut : o'clock. Interment in City View cemetery. FOR SALE Jersey heifer; will fresh en in Jmiuary, Very yentle. I'riin :l-5. E. S. W'ilkins, 'first street en it scroiid house north of Asvlum, FOR H ENT Fiverooin collage, city w.iler, toilet, two lots; clftiu, com fortable; near school; h, I'Jilll Ninth Eighteenth street. Phone IMI.5. A (11)011, STltONll HONEST HOY of ll wants work; must have something to do immediately. I'lione LMfill, or cull room -117, Masonic lliiibliug. FOR KENT Olio five-room modem bungalow and one four room huu-'O with city wuler. (I. W. Laflcr, lilt! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1- 1 building. WHY PAY :illi OK .t.l.5iill for a home mid lot, when you can get two acres, well Improved, for much less, on cm line, by owner ML'il North Liberty. WANTED An elderly (Ionium lady, yet. capable of doing general houtie work, desires a position with a (lir niin family. Aiblicsa, J. M,, cure ol Journal. FOH SALE-;tl1 acres, near Eugene, of gulden IiiiiiI; good buildings, Hii Pa eilic highway. Terms to suit ut ll per cent, J, It, linker, Junction City, Oi'"goii. Al'I TION SALE At 47(1 North Church Thursday, November ,5, IIM I, I p. in. slurp. All of our household goods and ol'liee fiiriiltine. Snlo will lie held iiiuler cnuviis If mining, J. A. ( 'ooper. WANTED Stale agent, exclusive stiitu rights to reliable parties to appoint county nail city ngcnls for the great est aiiloiiiobile snfelv device invented. PJ.liini ll villi- easily earned. Will tnlie t:t"'IMI to hiimlle! Address P. . Ilox Uni!, Snu Diego, ('ii I if. BUTFEHED TERRIBLE LOSSES. Havre, Fiance, Nov. .1. Supplement lug earlier reports of decisive gains bv the allies against the (leriuaus in the ser rcgliin, the llelglnn war nfflcn t. night deelmed that a captured Herman officer admitted that the Oerumns had b'"t .10,01111 In the operations which I culminate I In their present retreat, (if these, he wild lil.lllin were killed. Special New Korean Ci(y Restaurant Spanish Chicken, Hot Tamalea, Chill Con Cnrne, Chop Buoy Noodlet 41!0 Ferry Street CANCER Positively aad painlessly removnl In brief time without tho kn'ifo or money refunded. Address, Dr. IT, Ii. Ibinner, Hx S North Yakima, Wn, Dept. J. J. H. ECHOLS MECUANO THERAPY CHIROPRACTOR niYSlCIAN BolenUflc Treatment for all Chronic Ailii;au Rooms 25 28 In tha Now Breyman Bklg. ISO N. COMMERCIAL ST. Farmer, Read This! Does your land produeo Wh.lf. it. nrimilr)? , land will not do it. Why? Because it needs tiling. I Have a talk with J. P. Bingham, the tile man, and see what he will tell you about your wet land. ' Address General Delivery, Salem, or phone care 1172.