Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1914, EXTRA EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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jDircvOTn toy
Olirr Sterrolrt
1 VtxJ fteod. kD.
Good Buys in
Real Estate
87 ucrc fiirnr, house, t ) u, well; -III
nr ins iniilcr cultivation, balance tiuihei
mill pasture; "j vi'i to railroad stu
(ion, Will consider nil.v residence worth
an part paymciit. Prico l,0()l).
D.'i-iiiTO furm, tcurly nil under culti
v.ttion; level lit it c 1 ; huiim1, hum, well.
i;ood road. Will take fM)W in Salem
or I'lirtliiml rciidein'e property. Price
I2'l inn's of lit in I in (limit County,
Washington, fur trade for Salem rear
deuce property.
MM acres of land in Kit Carson Conn
ly, Coloiuilo, to trade for Willniiii'ttv
Valley property. What have you!
IK! tiorcs of good laiul, !!" acres under
plow, balance (joimI tiniher; located '
mil en from Halem; Price iOOH, $."il
iliiwii, hiiliince ir'iUO per year, 0 per cent
S!7'l-ncre farm to tiudc for Sulcin city
nroiieitv. Lift acres under flow, hal
mice tinilier and insture. I'rice $ilU
per acre. .
Minlern Snlcm residence property tu
I null on 4tl. or UO-ncre improved farm
I'ric.i I(HI(.
lO acm tract, nil in cultivation; new
li room plastered homo; new barn,
chicken house, woodshed, well) It1';
i.illes from Halem; good road. Price
2'J acre much, III acres under eultlvn
linn, linlniice pasture ami timber; I!
n i' res prunes. All stock, hay, grain itud
implements go with place. Located il';
in lie from Halem. Price .'iMiiu,
5 acres of land nil net to pr tno or
ehurd; house, Imru, well; il'.'j niiler
from Halem; pricu $151111. :HiO down,
balance $-"0 per year, 0 per cent In
fi acres of Intnl, close to riiilroml sta
lion n ud 4 miles from Halem. Price
'."ill; fit) down, liulance $10 a month.
(I mom modern house, close, to school
mill cnrline. Price 1(10(1, :IU0 down,
lniluuco pec month.
-0-.icro prune orchard. In bearing.
Mncndiim ron 'I. Price .i(IOH,
82tiaero Jnlry ranch; Hi) acres iimlei
plow, balance grass In tu 1 ; 1 0-room
house, two bums, (11) head of cows;
hones, Implements niul luols, will take
us unit payment up to $UmKI In city
property, $11100 cash; 10 years Hum on
linlunce nt il per cent intercut. Prico
I ll. .VHI.
If you want to Buy, Trade ot Boll,
Boa Uh.
W. H. Grabcnliorst & Co;
Room 2, Bush Bnua Bldf.
I mmt
Wolgast Shows Poor Form
and Is Not in the Class
with Champion
When the Wutt Shipps and the L'lks,
the two league lenders in the city bowl
ing league, clashed last night, the side
lines and bleachers wert! lined with red
hot partisans for both sides and the
rooting kept up until the Wntt Shipps
nosed out ulieiid on the lust game by
two pins. The Wutt Hliipps won the
first grime und the Kilts toon the nee
ond. The Klks were ulieud until the
New Vork, Nov. II. Preddie W'..h,
lightweight elininpiou of the world, was
so jubilant toduy over his defeat here
Inst night of Ad Wolgast ut Madison
Square (lurdeii that he predicted he
would knock out Charlie White of ('bi
ngo when they clash lu II ID-round bout
nt Milwaukee next. .Monday night.
The right was stopped at the end of
the eighth round, Iteferen Hilly ISidie
explaining that Wolgast broke a small
(Capital Journal Hpeciul Service.)
Dalian, Ore., Nov, .'). The county
ecntrul committees of the democrutic
anil republican parties hnvo united in
getting the election returns tonight and
have rented the armory as a pluco for
receiving them. Not only will local re
turns be given, but those of the stnte,
arrangements having been mndo with
Portland for frequent bulletins. The
precinct committees in the forty pre
cincts of Polk county will supply ac
curate returns of the vote from time
to time.
Large Audience Greets Booth.
Through the untiring efforts of the
liov. (leorge H. Bennett, of the Metho
dist ehilrch of this city the- citizens of
Dullns and the surrounding territory
hud the opportunity of listening to a
very able address at the armory Sun-
film) count, on the Inst inline, when
Nuuil, of the Wntt Hliipps, finished with . duy evening, deltvr-rcd by Hon. Hubert
three strikes
Nuud rolled the high game of 214
pins und also had the high average of
i MHI. The tlrocers and llnuser Bros
tennis will bowl tonight on the Club nl
i levs. Lust night's game wus rolled on
the Klectric ulleys.
The score;
Watt Sliipp.
105 lsit
hone in his right forearm in the fifth "'mcgoiiii
round by hitting Welsh on the head, j Philps ...
Tli.i ,-li,miiiiin iriii it U ii eimf I hi liiMltl MLT , HIHI
of his life niul Ad was wiMtkening'rnp
idly uhen Hoi he culled u luilt. It was
considered doubt fill if Wolgast could
have withstood Welsh's unmerciful ut
tuck for two rounds morn.
Widens! onlv showed a flush of his
old-time form once niul Hint was in the llussey
second round, i'ightiug from his In-jltiind
in ili.tr uwltwnrd crouch he rushed at
the Welshman and peppered his bodyi
with hard rights nnd lefts. The close
of the round, however, found Welsh
giving better tlilln he received, and
it was obvious to the ringsiders thnt
the former champion hud shot his bolt.
Wi'Ui fought like n real champion last
night itud he made muiiv
as u result of his showing against Wol
A. Jtootlt, republicuit eandidute for
I'nited Htntes senator from Oregon.
Mr. Booth is one of the lending men of
the Methodist (If nnminiition in Oregon
and hits always been prominently iden
tified with church und educational mut
ters throughout the stute. .Mr. Booth
recently guve $100,000 endowment io
Willnutetto university of Hulem. The
address wits entirely non-politicnl, the
subject being "The Higher Citizen
ship." Not only did the Dullns people alone
turn out to heur Mr, Booth speuk, but
the several adjacent towns were well
represented. A. large number of Inde
pendence and Monmouth people com
ing over by special train. The services
were in charge of liev. Bennett, and
'. I special muiii wus i.J tdeied by th l
church i hoir.
The Dallas dancing club lias changed
the nights of their dunces from Thurs-
7IS SOI! 8S2 210(1 Kid "''jr''"y U'ght".
The muclnnery at the Whttaker oil
The League Standing. Wl,( jH Mnf, turil j()Wn atl( B,,,IIMi
Tennis (Innies. Won. Lost. Pet. to Centrnlin, Wushington, where it will
S70 750 SX4
Elks' Club.
' I5S IMS 11(1
115 152 2111
147 105 107
, 1.15 111 loll
mi i5s 2oi
504 1(17
(Continued from Pigo Five.)
effort to unload its potatoes even of
the better class. Kecently shipments
were made right to the heart of the
California river district.
While there continues a fair demand
for selected local stock in California,
still so little of this stock Is avuilabl
nt tins time at a murkctnulc price that
it can scarcely be considered a factor.
California has a big crop of ordinary
potatoes and at tho moment there
seems tb be little insight for this class
ot goods from Oregon points.
Portland, Ore., Nov. 3 What will be
I he price of turkeys for Thanksgiving?
This is a question which interests tho
majority of ntnnlies in the city unit
one on which dealers carry to a consid
erable extent. Home deelure the prices
will not climb as high as a year ago;
others say they will be practically the
same. All things considered, the price
should bo lower, for tho reason that
more turhoVB are to bo had this year
tliun last, but it depends upon how they
are allowed to come into the market.
If receipts are us heavy as they should
bo, the price will be low; if they are
iignt, tho opposite result may bo ex
pected. Oregon is not a leader In turkey min
ing, although thousands of them are
raised bore. These are mainly Bhipped
to tho markets of California, und sup
plies for Portland come from Idaho and
other states. Reports from Idaho uro
to tho effect that while tremendous
quantities of turkeys wore raised there
a year ngo, today there are at least 15
if not 20 per cent more turkeys in that
state than at tho snme season in 1011.
Heavy orders huve allreudy been placed
with Idaho turkey raisers, and about
the 20th of this mouth fine dressed
birds sholtld begin to arrive. Dealers
nO Tor
Not Premium
DON'T look for premiums or
coupons, as the cost of choice
Turkish and domestic tobaccos
blended in Camels prohibits their
use. All the value goes into the
cigarettes you'll, spot the difference
soon as you've whiffed just one
smooth, fragrant Camel. NocteareUy
aftertaste. Get that? Give Camels
a tryout. 20 for 10 cents.
If your Jor can't lupply yow, md 10c
for on packaf or $1.00 for carlo
of Ion pacAaoi (200 cif ((). po(
earn prmpaid, Afttr amoktng on pack
an; if you don't find CAMELS a roprv
ttntod, roturn thm othor nino paekagmt
and wo wilt rofund your mono?
Winston-Salem, N. C.
. !..:........
new friends ' ,,' ' '
imuser mos.
(llollC II
. Il
. (I
(Irocers (I
HStl.bc used for prospecting purposes.
If sold tnin week. 1 will sell nt a real
hitciiflce, .10 acres on Howell Prnlrlo,
tho reul cream of nil Oregon soil, rlih,
deep, black loam, nil under cultivation ;
ill fenced with woven wire, sonui slock,
implements und part of tho crop In.
Most beautiful view. Price 150 per
vro; terms,
ft Itcres nil under eiilllvallon, near
cur line and school. Price tl- P"r
a. re; f'O down, balance lo full.
This up to dale modern 5 room bun
it'iluw In a good localluii. Price I hi"
week only 1500, on easy lerins,
( 'holed vncnnt lots.
Fine Hop yard,
flood Prune ranch
Pine Htuck farm,
IIimkci (or Ileal,
Money lo lionn,
Wrllti Insurance.
IJiopcily lo l'xclinntie for what you
Tot Bavgalui Call Oil
Big Rally at Monmouth.
Monmouth wus the scene of one of
the biggest republican rallies of the
year Saturday afternoon, when some
of the biggest speukers in the state
addressed u large crowd of Polk coun
ty citizens. Although it mined most
of the tiny it in no way intereferred
nith the enthusiasm shown by the peo
ple present. Meverul locul candidates
for countv offices were tiresent nnd nil-
I " ifressed tiie audience.
The sternly downpour of raninnd tin t x,,w York, Nov. .1 llitsebnll on tho The regular fall term of the circuit
still nree.e cm oowii me in icimihim-i-, mcme coast is in n very minMicii eon-:cotirt for Polk county convened toduy
nt the first shoot of the season of the j ,lt lfn. The Han Prancisco club is forji,, the county court house, but hecnuse
i npiiiii uy noo nioi Him rum, ii, mi . pin,,; league itirectors nave luiten me
on tlte dull s r-i'vonieeiiiu sireei
grounds Sunday. The wind gave partic
ular twist to the blueruchs und probably
cut 'town the averages, but it wus said
to be mighty good practice, No phe
nomenal ncores were mndo but the
shooters broke n few of the clay pig
eons bv wtiv of putting their aiming made nnv money. ,1. Cul Kwing nnd
eyes in trim for the bigger shoots that j Trunk Ish, owners, of the Henls, are
lire to come litter lit ine season. iiicnering wita .lames , oirroiu nnu
a cost of per head. Tiieso ewes ar
all dired by registered Rumtinmllct rums
and are out of purebred KamhotiilleC
range ewes, 'Ihey are unusually excel-
Sacramento franchise away from Harry
Wulverton und the McCredies of l"ort
Inml admit they would like to sell the
Delivers und buy the Seuls.
The season just ended wus the poor
est biisebull has known on tho const lit
ten venrs. dot a club in the league
decent profit if they sell at prices un
der those received u year ago.
it is the opinion of some that turkeys
will tost wholesalers lit the vicinity of
I 25 cents a pound und that nt retail the , lent in si.e nnd covering and are sold
hnvo sent broadcast requests that large ' price will be from 1U to 31 cents, to nverugo II pounds of wool next
shipments be doluyrd until the 21d, as j Wholesalers work on ubout 1 per cent ! .lime, Ho fur as we have been able to
it will be necessary to keep most of the Profit and retails nu about 3 cents as i learn this is tho highest price paid for
turkeys sent in before thnt time in thol" general thing. yearling Kninbouillets in recent years,
cooler. -. Tlio Wood Livestock company also
A. II. I,ea, manager of the produce HIGH PRICES PAID TOR EWES. hnvo purchased from breeders in Can
and poultry departments of tho I'nioii n'l the Willumelte valley, Ore-
Meat company, Is ono of those who be-1 (Prom National Wood Grower.) gnu, about 200 head of Lincoln ninn.
lievo prices will be on a pur with lust I September 17 the Wood Livestock The best 40 of these rnms will bo so
year, lie buses his opinion on the in-j company of Spencer, Idaho, purchased lected and bred to the ltumbouillct
creased cost of wheat, which ii used to from the Cunningham Sheep and Land I ewes of the purpose of getting higil
finish the birds off with, and says he j company at Pilot liocli, Oregon, MOD elms half hlood rums to use on tho
does not believe raisers can rcali.o a yearling ltnmbouillet ewes at range ewes owned by his firm.
The following are a few of the scores Snm Merger for the sale of the club
llert Whorle.v
Mark Slddall
C. Parker
(', O. Presnall . ..
VV. K. Anderson .
hot at hit pet.
...I. Ml HO .W
... Iffit lot .nil
... 150 75 .75
...100 M .HI
.... 50 17 .71
.100 HI .
It Is understood that the snn riaii-
clscu club cun be bought for i(225,000,
.lust before the 1011 season opened,
Kwing und Ish turned down n $100,000
cash otter for the cluli. 'lhev wanted
150,000 for the Seals then, but
thev are willing to sell out for i22.',000.
llurry Wolverton niul Lloyd Jacobs'
lost $ III, 000 with the Sacramento club.
tomorrow is election day and nearly
everyone including attorney nnd judge
being Interested in the enmpnign, Judge
Webster Holmes adjourned the session
for one week. This term of court will
undoubtedly be n very short one, as
only a few jury enses will be tried, In
cluding two or three criminal enses held
over from the August term uf court and
two new ones which have come up
since. It Is highly probable that the
grand jury will produce some business
for jury trial before the close of the
W. I.. Too.e, jr., hns returned from
a neck's stay in Portland, where he
H.n. I.....H !.......!..- t t.. 1.., - ..4
HOW "n 11 ivi iiii ing in urn micn-siB oi
tne repulilicitn party.
Walter Nichols, ctishier of the Hank
of Pulls City, wus In Dallas today vis-
Los Angeles, Oil., Nov, il
with stealing sheep, William
IIiisIucsk lu the ciinltiil cltv was nl"'K relatives nnd friends,
poor that thev were forced' lo switch Sliss Itessle (looch, of Corvnllis, Is
their club to Sun Prunciscn, taking the M" Hie eity for a short visit with
inline of the Missions, to finish the friends.
Wolverloii asked tho league 'Jr. A. II, Htlnrbuck nnd lir, V. C,
dlifclois took his franchise nwny front Prank Kcrshihc, of Stiver, a former
ii ' 'directors lo let them establish a second' Stunts attended the llnllas-McMltinvlllo
(inn, a ... ,., ., i. ... I r i... ii ..,, in..
. , . . . , ..... , ... , team in-iiiiiiiiciiiiv tit r-iiu riiincisco inn : ""i nun uniin- tu ,11 1-.11 1 nu 1 1 ue niiuir-
lisiicruuiu, is miner iinesi in-ie iimhii . . , ,, 1....
., , . .. 1.... 1 ... 'ins rot uesi was uirneii oiino, 1 oeii nuv mil
tcnuds to win Ills freedom that hns
i, l f ,l. I An.reles """ """ " "ncn'o ior sine 111 1 1 Minns oiisiness mail, wus 111 1 11 0 City
countv offieiiils Angil.s MWf f( ,itf ,0IIKilt .Mtnriltv greeting old friends.
" ii.'; i,!, it,.',.. u rl.,,,,,,1,1, I. -0.000- J. . Miit'einber, of (Inkdiile, wus
h. , il . 1 1, 7 , Vri 1 ,f"'1"l,, "f '' f,'"Hl,, !"' 'i"l'0l"K I-- UH. city Saturday.
te S . e. ,(U h i n 0 av nf "", v','Hiwestern league Is after the' Wayne llnrhuin. who has beet. .l..v-
' ... . V ,J T II 1 i,y. Sacrnmeuto franchise and If he gels Itling professional .all with the Han
mil i-jiiii.ui.il 11 1 11, nil- 1 i'11'l, H-llgiin . r I'll 11 1 -1 l tl'lllll III tile J'llClfiC toast
club In Seattle. "Happy" llogiut l letigue the past season, has returned to
nlso dickering for the franchise and the home of Ins parents in this cltv. .
Harry Wolverlon nlso admits thst he , ,. Pltisclh and K. J. fond' have
inny yet buy back the franchise nml I try retiirned from n business trip tu New
iinother year as n inagnute. If he fulls .,,.(
10 "r''"' ' l-rel'itble thai he will ; ,, ,,,,, frm ,.
assume he tmittngcment of the Oak-. m, xlit , ,vi,nll pnr , VnmMn
luirsulug officers.
overturned he kicked off his shoes und
swam bravely seaward, almost reaching
Hut hice mile national limit before he
was overhauled. , 1 i
Ho was tinable In tell the officers lias
plans lu the ev ent he had escaped them.
lllessed Is the man who citpcctsj
nothing but advice from Ins relatives,!
lor that Is about all he'll get. I
Cnro of
Chinese Medicine nut!
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
South HiRh Street,
Salem, Ore. I'hone 28:1.
hind club, A committee of three has
been appointed by the directors of the!
league to sell the Sacramento franchise.
Jil.t. where It will go Is nu unknown
ipinntlty and whether Living mil Ish
will retire from buselmll also remains
to be seen.
Pniinnin, Nov. 1. The clearing of the
i n tin 1 slide north of (lull Hill was be
ing rushed with nil dispnteh to, lav and
Colonel tloethitla continued to hope the I penitence, wits t business visitor In the
big ditch would be open lo navigation j city Mondny.
again bv Wednesday, The colonel saidi Mrs. II. H. Patterson, jr., leaves
Mr. niul Mrs, I. N, Woods went to
Portland Saturday for a few days visit
with relatives and friends,
A. O. Hempel, of lliekieall, prohibi
tion candidate for enmity commissioner,
was in the city Sntiiidiiy,
August Itisser nud Walter Young
have returned from n hunting niul fish
ing trip on the Itendwnteis of the La
Creole, H, P. Hwope, nn iiltornev of lnde-
there was nothing to do but to eon
tinue removal of such slides until the
strata Is adjusted to the basic changes
cause I by the digging of the canal.
Wednesday for her homo at Ornys 111
ver, Washington, after an extended vis
it nt the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Lugene llnyter.
"Europe At War"
A New Book Just Out
A complete Atlas of Europe. 'A complete Compendium of all im
portant facts involved in this greatest struggle of history. A com
plete series of brilliant pictures showing the armament on land, on
sea and in the air of jthe fiercely contending European Powers.
jr jr.
The latest and most important publication upon the present terri
ble situation in Europe.
More Than An Atlas
It contains all of the Maps of the European Powers and a great
Map of Europe, all in colors. But it is more than an Atlas. It is a
great collection of famous pictures showing the terrible Armament of
Europe. It shows pictures of England's famous Dreadnaughts of the
Sea. It shows Germany's great dreadnaughts of the Air with which
she is striking from tho clouds. It shows all of the famous Leaders
of Europe who are back of this War. It has other pages of all the im
portant facts pertaining to this War and written by noted men.
Given Free to Subscribers
This handy and useful Atlas will be given free to subscribers (old
or new) of the Daily Capital Journal, who pay for three months' sub
scription at one time at the regular rates, delivered by carrier. Mail
subscribers (old or new) of the Daily Capital Journal who pay one
year's subscription at the special rate of $3.00 will be given a copy of
the Aths free.