THE SALEM CAPITAL JOPBNAT-, 8AXEM, OREGOy, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 19H nvB SEE OUR GREAT $15 Specials in Men's Suits Commercial Street Window 20 per cent to jQ per cent Discount on Women's and Misses SUITS Strictly Tailored, Semi-tailored and Fancy Suits the sale prices are $7.75 $10 $15 $19.80 $25 "Women's and Misses' Coats 20 to 50 per cent less sale prices $5.00, $6.90, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $25.00, $30.00 known and substantial banks, one of! month the hop market has taken ou which will be the Commercial Bank of j more activity. A number of sales have I'kiah, which will advance money to 'been made in Kugcue during-the past the growers, enaiding them to hold their week, most of llicm around the 10-ceni crops until the. market strengthens. : mark, although some were sold at tl'.-j I The small growers will be taken care i cents and some at lu'ij cents. About! el tn somewhat the same manner s-ouu bales changed hands in the lower the "aitin association takes eare of its I valley Thhursday and the prices paid members. . ; indicated a very steady inailict coudi- Similar organizations will be effected liou. llop values, in tact, have under all over California and in Oregon and j gone no mange in the past three weeus, Washington and it is the aim eventually despite the eiiorts of the shorts to buy to merge them into 0110 central body, : cheaper. which will insure an equitable price cv- The J. W. Seavey Hop company has ery year for the crop. It Is hoped to j bought 100 bales from Siopor n i'atton, have a convention of the hop groweislot independence, at U cents, the Heui at the Panama Pacific International j .ot ft iuu bates, at Independence, at Kxposition next year. lOVu cents, and the Kvans crop and The officers were elected at a meet-! another, aggregating loO bales, at Wil ing ,n I'kiah Tuesday and are P. E. ! verton, at lu cents. ilShtlnck, president; Ueo. Hewlett and The Walker Hios.' crop of about "00 E. I.. Cunningham, vice-presidents; bales, at Independence, was bought by ('has. Crawford, T. K. C.arncr and K. M. Klaber. Wolt & Nettor. The terms were Ford, directors; Chas. Ulalaek, seere-' not given out, but it was reported that Ris: s:ry.i,:';r: a:.1 :.,r;Bs 111 niffffiii The Markets ac CALIFORNIA HOP f Livestock. , 8teers Cows, per cwt 4(i 5c Hogs, fat, per lb 7c Stock hogs, per lb. (tops) 6 Vie Ewes, oer lb Side Wheat was moving at the .Merchants ; Spring lambs, per lb li wul Take Care of Small Growers and j.AcnaiiK" in j ui i nt ii ii ycsieruny. Ail veal, first Class ........... Ho offers were crabbed up nnd the price 1 Pelts. reached tho summit for the year. Club1 Dry, per lb 8C sold at $I.KI and blucstem went to Salted country pelts, each 50(0oe 91.16. : Lamb pelts, each 25c The buying was hugely on account of j California mills. The country sulfa; SEATTLE MARKETS. tary; J. W. Harris, treasurer, i The following compose tho commit tee on bylaws: J. W. Harris, W. I.. Brown, (leo. Hewlett, J. 'Holliday, Geo. Oowun, W. N. Dntton. The directors will go to Santa Rosa tomorrow and effect an organization 'there of the Sonoma county growers. , The meeting is to be held at tho Santa : Rom city hall at 2 o'clock in the after- ! noon. I The following is a copy of the agree ment signed Saturday and the names of -he signers, including all who have .come in since the Saturday meeting: i I'kiuh, California, Oct. 10, 1U14. j V, the nndersigncd, hop growers of i Mendocino county, bind ourselves mu tually together as un organization to be known ns tho Mendocino Comity Jlop Growers' association of California." The object of this association is for the collection and dissemination of use ful :nfonnation concerning (ho growth, i harvest and sale of our hops to the ;bcst advantage and for the mutual pro jtection of its members, i The plan is for a similar organization I exclusively of hop growers to be form ed in every hop growing section on the j Pacific coast lo tho organization ol I which we pledge ourselves to make cv- cry effort. When the percentage of the iioi growing counties secured is I satisfactory to the board of directors. t is the intention lo organize a Pacific Const llop U rowers' association, mem bership in which shall consist only ol tho county associations. The parent as sociation ahull be formed at a mcctinc to be later designated, held at sonic convenient central point to be attended IiKIIWr'fCN IlKdamlH 'v "ichiucs iiui.v c'ecteii ol Hie conn Prevent Slump in Market. (U'r.lah (Cal.) Dispatch-Democrat.) inroiign the efforts of Ceo. Hew Washington. Orcifun mm ainornia. At the organization of the Pacific Hop (.rowers' association no intended by these delegates n priiuipul place ol nusinrss shall lie. selected and agreed upon and ways and means will be de vised fur the proper handling of the nop crop at a tair and just price, all the details of which will be worked ." iuik" o'"vm' iiusiicib y:iniiHiiiK ; venule, nasi)., inov, j, r.ggs , " v'i '"- "en iwiown iioi hands on tho basis of the Portland mar-1 Fresh ranch, 50c; fresh eastern, 35f jNuuel valley; scum, led bv fci. uars continue rirm on tne streiigm ; -iuc ; orientals, JNC Barley is also strong from the 'same 1 Oregon cubes, 32(rr33c. cause. The English apple market sini-j Cheese; I.imburger, llle; Wisconsin, lly iBn't on accoui't of vast supply llle; Swiss (domestic), -4c; Washing from Nova Scotia and other points, ton, 17 '..di1 ISc. Considerable hop business is reported Onions Ureen, '2D(fifie per dozen;' at prevailing prices, around 10 cents. ' eastern Washington, KjiU'iO per lb.; The market is well supplied with pnul- California, K'll'.L'C try, creamery products and vegetables, Potatoes Winter, 15('20 per ton. all excepting eggs, and prices are noin-1 inal. For eggs the demand is still fnrj SAN TKANOISCO MARKETS, ahead of the supply and prices remain San Francisco, Nov, 3. Wheat per high. They are quoted in Portland at ctl. Club, iM.sritfH.NTVir lilueHtein, i! 42 cents for candled. (i 2.05 ; turkev red, l.l.if(i" 2; red Has- In Chicago Immense export sales of sian, $,H2j(i 1.H5; fortylold, $1.K7. wheat are reported, probably the larg-1 Qi l.mi, est ever known. - The price was about Hurley per ctl. Feed, f1,12Vj(H.lo; a cent above the closing Saturday, rang-' shipping nnd brewing, jil.HVilo 1.20. ing from 1.1,1 to tfl.14 3-4. Tho dc: maud from France was the most cnn-; POKTAND MARKETS, spicnous and nil whent centers tell the; Pjrtlnud, Ore., Nov. 3. Wheat Club same story of strong demand and the l.l.'i; bliiesteni, 1.1'U,. grabbing of everything offered. Oats No. 1 white feed, 20c; gray, I Hnrlev llrewinir. S'-M.O: feed. 14. Hay, timothy $12.00 1 Clover, per ton 8.00 Oats and vetch .. 8.50 i Cheat 8.00, Wheat, per bushel Uc(i$l Bran, per ton $2S.50 1 43e. Hogs Ilest live, 45 Prime steers, tl,7!i(a(1.85, Fancy cows, ul. Heit calves, 7( Sc. Sp ing lambs, lie. Hotter City creaeinry, 34'jC. I'SH1 Selected local extras, 42Vj() Bhorts, per ton J30 Oats, per bushel .I.iw te Chittim bark, per lb 44uDftc Potatoes, per cwt 75c(ii$l Butter and Eggs. Bntterfat, per lb 3,'lc 1 1. ins, 13' jc. Hrnilers, PJV'iiC. (leese, lOe. AUSTRIANS CAPTURED, rotrogrnd, Nov. 3. The reduction of '.'i "-"miiicu iiy rne ilia- I patch as jviblicity menium, an or jganization of the Hop men of Men I 'loi-mo county was effected last oBiunuiy which -promises to bring about tt big change for the better at regards the marketing of their crop by growers of this section. .Mr. Hew lett has been working on the plan I'nr .nan.v weeks. The organization is liisliiniied somewhat after that of the ;aion growers association of Fresno 'oitiity. In fact the manager and or ganizer of the Frenno as. ociation, Ja, .lii.ln.on, was here to address the meet ing, and suggestions offered by him were in many cases adopted. Mr. Madison stated that when he took hold of affairs for the raisin gri.weiw, run-ins were selling fr wlml. ever the buyers would give, averaging about cent a pound. Now the crop sells for from five to six and seven cents and the groweis save their com missions. The small growers, who are limbic to wait for the market to strengthen in the fall nre taken care ol iy the association taking over their ernps and paying them enough to tide hem through. Then when the market has strengthened and the raisins are sold (he small rellnw gets the benefit of the advance in lt, price. The scheme prevnts n few small lots being thrown on the murket and making the price for '"" cr oi the crop, and in ml dltioa the growers save the rom m T Sinn, which iimiinnt to more than ! enough to pay the expenses of the lis I sociiition. 'out and settled at that time l,v ikk grower ot I n..,,, .i,,tini. .! it ii...i.,...,.....'i ti.... me i ipai function of this association shall be the sale of the Pacitiu coast nop crop to the best advantage. Ceo. Hewlett, T. (liurv, P. E. Ilia lack, ( has. E. Ilhilack, C. I., daw lord, Mrs. A. (Iinubrel, V. J,. Craw onl, w. i, llrowu, K, ,1. Sanfoid, i.. ! i rawioiil, f. K. (.larner, P. C. Ciuwionl, T. E. Howell, .1. C, Hays N. Iloefer, E. M. & E. A. Ford, II. II. Van Nader, Henderson llrus., F. .1. .loluison,, l'ord ami Wallace, Sum Dun can, F. C. Vim Nader, ,1. I. Holli day, K. Alcdnrvev, W. K. Ford Andrew Sinclair, I). M. Lynch, L. M. rnmretn, .1. w, Harris, f, J, Cox .1. 11. Dm he, Joe Cniiiiingham, II. ll. smith, E. c. Ituddick Estate, W i.. Lawrence, .luhn Hurgess, (Ireen Hurke, K. W. Pickle, Frnsier Hrns. K. A. Spotswond, 1,, ('iiiiningliam ll. lienttle, A. S. Higgs, E. C. Kiggs, r.o. imrn, u, r. .icloon, W. N lintton, J. rteck, Lew Ibuldick, T. II. Ilownid, O. A. Sanford (leo, (lowan I. T. Farrer. LANE HOP GROWERS ORGANIZE Delegates 8enrt to Salem to Attend State Moating. iwo puces were paid, according to grade. H. 1.. Hart bought the Heisler lot of 1SS tales at limes Creek, paying 11 cents. The F. S. Johnson coiupanv purchased over 400 bales, including tho crops of Olson Bros., -,). Johnson and two others, aggregating 108 bales, in tho Silvcrton section; IM bales at Aurora, being tho w. ,i. .miey crop, and two other lots: the H. Boge, Snyder und Michel lots, amounting to 146 bales, at Hillsboro, and a carload at Hanks. HOG3 ARE HIGHER. I AU'OUOL 3 PElt CENT. AVcrjciabicPi-fparjiir;,,,.. sirailaii!i5ilicFoo((an(IRc(!ula linfjllieSiraHcteattdBortol' Portland, Ore., Oct. 3. There was ipiito liberal offerings of swine in the local yards at the opening of tho week s tram touay. fops again commanded i. vthi.o tho run was liberal, it was iess Hum a week ago. j lucre was a somewhat better feelini! in the hog trade at some eastern points today, although -mnlia win weak with l loss ot Sc. Tops at 7.22'(.. ( hlcaggo hog market was stronu. with an advance of 5c. Tops, 7.70. Kansas City hog murker ruled strong, with an advance of .jc. Tops, if'.OO. (eiienil hog market range: it light .' ...if(1.7.'i(!?i7.0(l Medium light H.r0(rV(l.7ii Hood and heavy .23(n ll. 40 Hough mid heavy (i.OO(B.I5 Cattle Run Very Light Very light run of cattle was shown in tho yards at the opening of the week's tiade at North Portland. To tals were but 2-7 head, (leiienil con ditions in the trade lire sternly and the smaller showing of supplies had a fair ly gooii errect upon the buying. At Chicago there was a steudv tone I Colorado in the cnttle trade today. ' ! Idaho Kansas City cattle rket was steady ' Washington ut foiiner prices. ' Idnh't Omaha cattle market ruled steady to New .Mexico strong, Hsiiuiion IVomotes Digestaflttt if rtcss and RestJTonlalns neMw Opium.Morphine norMiaeal yOTKAHCOTIC. Srt&cfoidiJtsiHZLrnuim JkUcSJtt AaSni hVm.W- Arttriert Rnvwdv for Cansllpi Hon . Sour StoKiKK.DIartiioea WorntsjCovulsns.reveris' neasaiulLossoFSLE-P. racSinule Signature of tnz CENTAUH COMPAWti NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature fn'ii i In Use For Over Thirty Years I' : r.w - fin. - m mi ll "T Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI OKMT.UH .OMMMV, UtW TONS OCT. ilai.l.-iiiiliiiiiil-lh understood, carload of Weuatchee Jonathans aiic- A wards on boxed Jonathans at New'tion-M in Chicago last, week, the large Vork and Chicago auctions the past sizes, such as 50 to the box, bringing Iwo days, shipped from the localities only 7(1 cents; whereas tho small ouch indicated, were as follows: runaing 200 to the box, all in the- Kx. Fancy. Fancy. "'" ar, were hid at $1.25. 1 $10,' roiuLoos WBiKer. 101 108 1 Thoie UK1'1" " weaker feeling iiv I IIC )IIIIIlll HHIIC KICIlll. I1IH1IIIH niocs ',., is being freely offered hero by local 1.01 APPLES ARE LOWER. 1.01 Wa Wellington 7(1 1.25 .HI wholesalers at $1 n cental or from 10 to 15c less than the same class of stoch nun ipiiMt-ii it-w lutvn UK". I While in a limited way the trndo is It Bcems incredible that Washington still asking 1.25 a cental for best extra fllllcv .loillllhlllis shnllld beilitnli,i uliu-U .till nvnn III Ilia lul.tnr Telegraphic reports friiiu eastern fruit knocked down at only "it cents per box line there is a tendency generally to auctions this week indicate an erratic , delivered in Chicago while New Mex- shade values to l. 10. ' market. They also prove that Ihe auc- icn .Iminthuns, fnncy, brought 1.25, j Id iho is making a more determined lion is n deceptive index of values un-'and Colorado extra fancy 1.35. Still less conditions of individual sales are more remarkable was the report on a ! (Continued from Prge Six.) j ) TOO MANY SHOES W Creamery butler, per lb.. f.RK" Poultry. Hens, per lb Roosters, per lb Fryers .... .. ". 34c l'l,!l'nl.vsl is progressing, it was official- ; Tho hop growers throughout the dis- s oiiieiiii ,,(.., ,... . i.. , 7 . . .... .. .. .. . ...... . ..ikiii iriiiu .vii'n iriiMiin nn,i i.nii., 'fie ,.nli IV sTnteii here toonv. r our tnousanu ,..,, ,iiu . , . ..... . Aiislriiins werfTi e said to have been cni tured when they attempted a sortie. ..11c The garrison's food supply wns said to 8c be running short anil many of their .. Ho guns were dismounted. f'SjiQl? ijijwh i nw man ' ijli I jlyj igy ipili rz'i'iI i . i i .,t,tmittmm' ' You'll say this maple cake is great Try the rceie IcIowuIno use Log Cabin Syrup on your piHlilintrs and desserts ns well ns with piuiciikcs,. fried mush and its ninny siinilitr uses. TOVVLE'S LOGCABIH CANE AND MAPLE SYRUP WoAes Horn; "SwtH" Horn; InJtiJ la a tliree times a day favorite In millions of homes why not yours? Its purity Is absolute lis flavor without an eqnnl, Always sold In the log-cabin -shaped cnn. Order of your grocer today. TK,Towl Maple Product Company lnt H.ailqiisrtvr. I f Mplo bat IM1(, Cklc-t RriMri S. P-.l, Ml4 Bb Jok-tbarr, Veraml LOG CABIN WALNUT CAKE 81ft. 3 tenspoons hnklnff powder Into 8 nips of flour and mix tlmrmighly. Add 1 eggs will Iwnten, a dciserl-srssin butter, W cup sweet milk and I cup Log Cabin Syrup. Mia thor miKhly and then stir In 1 cup of clinpned minim and I cup of chopped walnuts, IJskolndiicp ounlies, had necn notified bv letter and through the Dispatch and some 3U were- present when the meeting wns called to. order nt Hie nil v hull by Mr. Hewlett as clialiuuiu. Througli li mis lulu in the postoffice miiiiv of the let ters went, to Willits mid were not dis tributed In time to notify nil the grow ers of the meeting, but since Haturdiiv, we 'earn nil but III had , , i,,,,,,'.,! i ' r" nnd there had been not a single rofii-al to join the oiganizntion. Nine- ty fie per t of the Imp crop is now j represented in the membership, I This action of thu growers has been 'niade i ssnry by the stagnation in the hnii'tnniiot of the entire Pacific const, brought on, It Is said by an or gaiiized bear raid on the pint of the buyers. In ,.w ym., n llr nnt f sight nnd the world crop being short, .there is every reason why the price should soar, However, wilii the excep tion of a few sales at from III In U cents, lucre has been no activity on I the Pacific const, In Oregon, rules nt III cenls have jbeen reported. Aecoidlng to tlioie who nre in a position to know, the follow ling scheme has been worked III Menilo lelnn county, The glower was offered 13' j cenls, hut. there was a private eon ! tiact lo the effect Hint he should be given whatever advance In price should ncc"ir when the market opened up. Should this report go out that his hops had sold for IllCj cents, the luforma , t ion would n t as n depressing in linen e on the mnrliet. lo the advantage of the buyers. It is against such j schemes as this that the present or rani Mtinn Is aimed. It is entirely le i gnl, mi opinion liming been remlered lo . effect In the case of the raisin ginwers. That the Inivers are opposed to Mr. Hewlett's netivily in attempting to get an .-ipiitnble price for the growers Is evidenced by the fact that one big firm lias inlled in Its lie, mint willi him, The organisation will be known ns Ihe Mendocino County Hup drawers' Springfield, Ore,, .Nov, 3, Hop grow era representing about o half ol l.ane county met here Saturday after noon and affected a temporary organ lotion, by electing t. K. Morrison chairman nnd J. U C'lnrk secretary. The oigiiiiintimi is nnn political, be ing modeled along the lines of the Fruit drowers' association, (.'lark and Morrison were elected as conduce to represent l.ane county at a meeting to be held In Salem next Saturday for the pmpose of perfecting a state organization. It is the inten tion to liliilinte wilh similar orgiini notions in Washington and California. It is the intention to secure permanent headquarters where Information will be Kiven to the hop growers regarding the market and to 1'lnnnco the small growers, HOPS BHOW MORE ACTIVITY. ( Kugciie llnily liogislcr.) W'lli the npprnndi of the end of the i.l ,--r" I It-.. . ... ' k y - 'lUt . j ... 'S "V Olvwi ft hrHllmil gtony nhln (hut Olv ft hrflllftnl gtotxy nhln that dttf not nib rf or iiiiHt off flint imonln In tho linn -tliftt Lthtl lour tiitiu Ion j mn any othur. Elack Silk Stove Polish li In ii (in hi Ittrlf. It' m'Jia ratffmh mmtnn't nitilo Itoin kUtr tmitttalt. Tit It m fmr tmrtor flinv, vnurpi'i4t nitiva) r fiir tfia i-iififfn. If m ttVxi't flntl It Mr nF(j, jf'ir hrtrlwnr or ulh.r(4iltit'- ft4 jrur mot?, a H 9htnmln ..Nr-., IS Lvmry Urf ' Not Enough Room That's my condition, exactly, right now. When I bought this big lot of shoes I had two stores. Now I have but one store but the shoes are coming in on me and I have no room for them. Every bit of available space is taken and still I have not enough room. The re sult is that I MUST SELL HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF PAIRS MUST GO DUR ING THE NEXT TEN DAYS. IF LOW PRICES AND HIGH QUALITY WILL GET RID OF THEM, THEY WILL GO VERY QUICKLY. Remember, everything offered during this sale is absolutely new stock right up to the minute every pair was ordered for the pres ent season. There is no lack of sizes there is no lack of styles. There are over twenty different styles in Ladies' Button Shoes alone, from A's to EE's. The universal high grade of stock which I have always carried, and the further fact that I live up to every promise made and every state ment advertised, is a guarantee that this is a r. r, Bona Fide Money-Saving, Cut-Price Sale Don't forget thi3 big event starts tomorrow. Jrko DeVOE 314 STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON I association. It will be financed by we r Mr nus in a uioacraie otoq.