THB DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1914. THREE MRS, THOMSON TELLS WOMEN How She Was Helped During Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound. Appoints Councilman and a Many Candidates Show De- Night Policeman in Place i tided Gains, and It Is Any of A. C. Fisher ms mm. Philadelphia, Pa. "Iam iust52years of age and during Change of Life I suf- I lered for six years terribly. I tried sev eral doctors but none seemed to give me any relief. Every month the painswere Intense in both sides, and made me so weak that I had to go to bed. At last a friend recommen ded Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to me and I tried it at once and found much relief. After that I had no pains at all and could do my housework and shopping the sama as always. For years I have praised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for what it has done for me, and shall always recommend it as a wo man's friend. You are at liberty touso my letter in any way." Mrs. Thomson, 649 W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa. Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existenco. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to carry women so successfully through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you want opoclal advice write to Lydia K. Med icine Co. (confidential), Lynn, aiasM. Your U-tter will be tpenca, body's Fight Yet line new comicilinnn mm one new ' " u" uuusuiuiy neiivy voie policeman were elected at the meeting counted today in the Capital Journal i of the city council last night and the 'exposition contest. Pearl Zinn still re- j. charter committee reported that it taincd her hold on first place with a would have the new churter ready fori good margin, Mrs. Kibbler being second 1 fli the vote on fridny night at 7;.'10, when "d iiuth Kugate third. Margaret White, a special meeting will be held. W. h. I Heryl Ncedhnm, Henskn Swart audi)1 Cummings, who has served the people; violet Cory nil made substantial gains, of the Fourth ward since the last elec- j The heavy voting for all the leading' tion, resigned, as he was moving his: candidates is evidence thnt the final; outcome is still a matter of great doubt and that it is still anybody's race. ! The trip to the groat exposition with! its wealth of world wide wonders, will be the event of a lifetime for the fortunate winner, and the Capital isc jfC 36 jC 3t Sc ijt 3C 3(t Sjt 3t 3(t , GERMANS RETREATING : i ; I ' i 1 ; i ! i i Havre, France, Nov. 3. The Germans who have been trying to reach , the northern French coast are retreating eastward, abandoning their dead and wounded, according to aa of ficial statement issued today by the Belgian government which PHYSICAL INSTRUCTION IN GRADE SCHOOLS 1 '; were advancing toward the Yser, On their way they were said to be finding many evidences that the German retreat was a most precipitate one. homo from this wnnl. A. B. Huildelson was chosen to fill the unexpired term. Mr. "Huildelson was elected aa eouncil qiau i'roiu -this ward last night nt the primary election, as ho had no opposi tion on the ticket, and the few names written in received but few votes. A. (J. Fisher, who has been the night policeman at the depot, handed in his resignation last nignt, ami r. A. liar- Journal guarantees thnt no expense will j be spared in making it a pleasant one. I First class railroad fare, the best bfi hotel accommodations, and facilities for wig was chosen to succeed him. F W. j seeing tho great fair at its best will be James, A. King and George Horton provided free of all charge by this were suggested by the chief of police j paper. It will be a prize well worth as suitable officers, llerwig received wormng ror. 8 votes anil James on the first ballot. Mr. Fisher will boou leave for Hpokane, where ho has a farm which requires his attention. He has proven a cnpnble and efficient officer, and his many friends regret his leaving. Newspapers Do It. Tije ordinance bill to regulate the publication of initiative measures, pro posed at the last meeting of the coun cil, was lost by a vote of 7 to 5. TlVi new ordinance provided that the new measures should be distributed among tho voters in pamphlet form instead of by publication in the newspapers, as is now the custom. A report from the street committee rend unl answered by a woman recommending thnt the grading of La- and bold in strict confidence. ause adjacent uronertv mmn positively refuse tn mux, mi The plan adopted by this paper fori through their nronertv tr. n giving the trip does not require the con- children from the Morningside district leawiiit to sen anything. The only thing I to conveniently reach the site ami to necessary, to secure votes being to pa-allow the construction of a board side tronize some of Salem's most popular walk along the north side of same the ttores. The advertisements of these hoard of direcorii of the Hnlem school firms is run in each Friday's Capital district last night decided to abandon Journal. These firms have agreed to i negotiations for tho pun base of wlm i give a Bales check or receipt to every! ""own as tho Voget site in Noiiih K. The inauguration of a complete course in physical culture for all of the pupils of the grade schools in the city bcIiooI system and for the girl students of the high school was decided upon by the board of school directors nt lat night 's now maintains headquarters here. j meeting, when Miss Evelyn Cash, for- The Belgians, it was declared merry ot Twin inns, loano, was elected I physical instructor to relieve -Miss btliel '. Merrium, who has been filling the posi- tion in the grnde schools until a permu- ' nent instructor was engaged. Miss Cash will assume her duties ut the be- ginning of the second semester, in Feb ruary, and her Balary has been fixed at $100 per month. In the past the board of directors have been unable to arrive nt a defin ite decision regnrding the adoption of I a full course in physical culture tor the school children, for several reasons, but mainly because of the uncertainty of funds nvnilablo for the purpose, ami, in the meantime, Miss Mcrrlnm, one ! of the instructors in tho high school, ; has been detained especially to give in-1 ' struction in physical culture to .the uign scnooi gins, unucr ine new nr ! rnngement Miss Mirrinm will be reliev ed of this extra duty and will lie able i to devote all of her time in the school instruction work. Latest System to he Taught, Miss Cash is a graduate of the Emer son (School of Oratory, of Boston, nul present is li ning an uovnnco.i course Jt , moro ,ninortBnt now t,inn ,lllrjnR in physical culture in one o t ie lead-! tl jod f 1 ,,,, .iration, to ing training institutions of Chicago. ' the pore. dean. All cosmetics oitu in inirmiuri nuu mu orris Objection of Property Owners Compels Seeking Another Site for School House i . . .- 1 I li fa ! iff a m Hiifa Makes CIGARETTES Si g ITh w ; pf atinctive j I rnces E i iiuuviauamy i j TO GET RID OF WRINKLES AND BAD COMPLEXIONS Bee purchaser for cash or for monthly bills paid until January 1, 1915. The sales checks or receipts from these firms mav uo oicnaugeu ior votes at tins office Icm tor the proposed new school build ing, which had virtually been decided upon at tho previous meeting, and will consider other feasible sites that have Says He Will Not Recognize the President Appointed By Its Authority El Paso, Texas, Nov. 3. Because of alleged persecutions of the church and fello street from tho west line of Com mercial street to tho east line of First street be left to the property-owners themselves after the city engineer hudi established the guide. The report of the conimitteo on ncrounts and current expenses and the report of tho street commissioner of his regular monthly payroll were both adopted. The report of tho street committee stating that tiio drain tile on Columbia street had been installed was adopted. The conimitteo to which the matter of the billboard at the comer of iloo and High streets was referred reported that they had no power to interfere in the matter. Tim l'nieut Teachers' iis tociution of tho Grant school offered a communication at the last meeting stat ing that the billlboHrd was a nuisance and should be removed. Wan 51(50 for Band. The report of the city attorney nud the ftreet committee to whom was re uho uio lur every u cents or your pur- "ecu oriercii. this makes the selection che- !o( a site and the erection of a new Ihe names and standing of the can-1 school, to relieve congested conditions didates follow: problematical. 1 Pearl Zinn 120,145' ,..Ti'0 Voot " is .situated between nuwi ruguio Ill ,o:i 1 ' omnicrciai streets opposite !l.r),7().T me cemetery and is considered the most Miiein : ..,,; i ...i,n. ti,; i. sicul culture, which embraces full in structions in what is known uh "folk Mrs. Grace Koff Hibblcr .Margaret White Mildred Atherton Beryl Ncedhnm Henalia Hwnrt Violet Cory Mario Bolinger Violot M. Barker Arlino Ohm Luanna Brown ! terferes greatly with eliiniiiation of I waste material, injuring instead of aid- inir t,o nnmli,vinii Orillnnrv Tlinrcol- games" or dances, to develop grnce of , iz0(l wa!C B1,rv(,a tho mir,0IMM) nf movement and poise of the body of tho prpam, powders and rouges, giving far student, with whnt is known as the i,ttpr r0B1,it9. n aetunllv peels off an (Snrgennt modification, the Infest and offensive skin, at the same time tin most approved system of physical eul-; dogging tho pores. Minute, particles turo adopted by all of the principal 0f carf skin come off dav bv day, cities of the United States. ' ,.Bnsinir not the least tin in or discom fort. Gradually the healthy, younger skin beneath peeps out, and in less than a fortnight you have a lovelier com plexion than yon ever dreamed of ac quiring. Mercoli.ed wltx, obtainable nt any drugstore, is spread on nightly like cold cream and washed off mornings. One ounce usually suffices. For removing wrinkles, without, stop. GERMANS ABANDON LEFT JANK OF YSER Fnris, Nov. . The Germans have de- MH;S!'!'b'.,,M,l, oi' ." ''''eil, con-, finitely abandoned all their nositions 3B,H0 ? "lI1"H eonenience to children resid-; tho left bank of the Yser. it was stated ning the Pores with pasty stuff, here's ' i'?v" i f district to be j today in the Bordeaux war office's reg-1 a never-failing formula; 1 oz. powdered ""'"S;l ,.i u ir u '." l' t0 '"uko il nvnil-Uilar nfternoon cominiinicalioii to the ' saxolite, dissolved in Vj pint witch 20,Ono""le sh'6L't lje opened I iris niiblic. linwl. Bathe the face In this daily for 6,702. """"h" south to J'uirview avenue to! Thev were forced from their ti-en,.ie awhile: every line will vanish com- the report explained, by tho inunila-1 pletely. Even tho first application tion which followed the cutting of the gives surprising results 5, 1 neitciimoiluto the children in the Mom 3,773 i'"H"Klc district mid a street opened up 1.(17.1 "long the north side nf Hi,. M,.(!ii..i,.:iA Celia Wilson 1,047 1 premises tn Commercial street. Marguerite Ostrandcr 1,644' Othor Good Sites Offered. Beth Hyan 1,500! Tllis site consists of one nud eight- Myrtlo Herdlcin 1350 1 tontlia acres and the price asked is Eustis Davis 1315 W00U. Other sites are offered, ou tho Lola Do Long lonn north and Bouth, however, with a great- Ocnevieve Frnser 1000 " nint of acreage, 0110 in particu- Oraco Craig 1080 I 'nr offering sufficient ground for an Hazel Johnson 1075 1 athletic field, for less money, and the Beatrice Crawford 1005 , linr.l, rather than be held up on tho Mnblo Brassficld 1047 1 oiulitmiit surrounding the nccentanco 1010 "f fho Voget it,,.wii reopen- nego- Marie Schwab . the clergy, the Catholic residents of f0Prpj the matter of the complaint of vera George Hnzel Cooley 1000; I '"'i with the other bidders tmlnv 1000, rn'o thousand dollars is the limit to Tolucu, Mexico, revolted ngatust thet,0 pi0,e,ty owners on Front street Mildred Cooper inrio . wh i-n the board hns !.,., .,. .1 (nrrniivii irnveriiineiit. at'conllllir to ail- I ut.. l .... , L't.. .! . cu hrn...l. Hf..T i.i: ... .. .1. . . . .. ..... imm P , , " ', tv . .. , i"'""K i" wiiBUM r.ivi uic 1111 ... j.n iinugllllu 1UUU u me pliri'llllse Of II s te. ami lh vices received here today, righting he-1 Kl, encroached upon he property and tween the religious forces nnd Currmi- j IM,ltinn damages in the sum of several zistas under Ucnornl Francisco Murgiu i tbo-.isHii.l dollars, reported that only in has been in progress for three days. three instances were the encroachments The state in which Toluca Is located t0 i,e found and then onlv to a slight is wholly Catholic and practically every extent. Tho petition of 'the property citizen has joined in the revolt against owners was denied. A resolution from the Carrunza government, (leiierul j t;,e prk board asking that the last Margin appealed today to the Aguns I s)100(0 of their appropriation be turned Cnlieiites peace conference for assist- ;0ver was adopt.'d. A petition from John unco in putting down the revolt. J, Roberts nnd 3(1 others asking that The peace conference is now debat-jtho council Include fl.WO In their bull ing the personnel of the cabinet which (!et for the niaiiitniiinucc of a citv band will be selected as pnrt of the govern-', ,is rend nnd referred to the finance ment under Ucnornl (lutierrez to suc ceed Carrunza as provisional presi-, dent. From I'liebln, Mexico, (lenernl Car ruaza wired Consul General Mii7.uiz hero today a message of defiance of the Aguns Calientes conference in naming a successor to him as head of the Mex ican government. "The convention nt Aguns f'nlicn tea," Carrunza wired, "having failed to comply with the conditions 1 fixed for my retirement from t,ho duties I now perforin, I have not taken into consideration their resolution regnrding the naming of the provisional president to substitute for me, and I intend to continue to discharge tho duties of my j office. "This decision has been supported Corns Comes Off as Easy as You Please1 committee. The finance committee nsk ed that the chnirmnn nf each of (ho council committees send in n report stat ing 'lie amount that would be necessary for ihe operation of his department for tho ensuing year ns it was necessary to muko up the new budget by Decem ber 1. Attention was enlled to the condition of the street nt the intersection of Church Slid Mill streets near the end of the bridge. City Heeordcr Elgin was givei permission to destroy the hnl!o'i In ?ity elections nfter they iiad been preserved for a period of two years after tho election. He stilted that the vault wns now full of defunct election ballots and that they were of no use to anyone. The Salem Water company presented two tills for water In the city hvdrnnts under the Inst ruling of the state rail rnad commission. Mayor Steeves was absent nail Councilman Maey was se lected to act as temporary chairman nf the council, Beriiice gauter 1000 ' offered by Julius Voget fulfills all Vivian Jiargrove 1000 rcuuirements. with il... ,.v, ;.... :.. Grnco Taylor jnoo gress nnd egress for the chililr and niagiiaiona TulfU H07 'lth these concessions denied it looks Mary Guyor 800 , as though tho matter of the selection" of Alma Hall 7313 a site will be indeiinitelv deferred, with Vera Martin ... 750 the likelihood that Ihe IllliHiir will iwif cl Irn" 75(1 be settled until too late to make pro Silvia Miller 750 vision for the purchase in the next vino j-B uiny y.,u nuilget, lllllcsi Murie Evans'. 7r.n brnoni,i Tho following is a list of the firms; with the other 1,1,1, L... wnose sales checKB or receipts may be exchanged for votes at tho Capital Jour- iiui ui rice;. Btochton ' dikes by tho Belgians, the allies were said to have occupied their lines us fast us the Gennnns retired from tliem. Tho allied forces wcro in especial strength below lJixmudc CROWN PRINCE NOT KILLED. Gi-neva, Kwitzerlainl, Nov. 3. The German crown prince was not killed, as: Renewed German assaults on Arras has repeatedly been rmunrcit, but wns Monday were Biiid to have been repulsed 1 wounded in action in France, according heavily. 'to arrivals here from Germany. They 1 m , I added that he was convalescent nt the . . . . . , ... ! palace ill Htrassburg. This story, how- A Journal Want Ad Will get nt W11H without official eonfirina. the prune pickers you need. 1 tion. 1 by the governor of this stnto. nf I'uebln, , 1, by General Francisco Cnss, General I'l "Oot-It" Bolng Used by Millions! Mar Snnchez, Alijo Gonznles and nil the It Is tho first, tlmo that a real, sure-! leaders of the northeast division and ...fnt corn mm has nvor been rllrcov- ! also by (lenernl Mnrgln. I don't doubt flKTH.IT" U the new corn-1 that the balniico of the leaders, when tnev learn or my resolution, win sup I port me nnd Ignore the actions nf the i convention." il it negotiations nui be satisfactory conclusion The Toggery Hnlem Electric Co. Hnlem Cigar Factory Imperial Furniture Company. Pnlem Laundry Co. Wiley B. Allen Co. Tho Globe Theatre. Tho Royal Bakery (bread wrappors) A. C. Devoo rhoos Tho Spa llauser Bros, Trover & Wclgnl, rhotogrnpheri Yokohama Crockery & Tea Co. Viek Bros, Onrngo Hnlem Fish and l'oultrv Market Independent Meat Markot C. M. lloberts Grocery Poisal and hhaw Grocery ('. M. Eppley Grocery, The Highland Grocery Heddawoy ' Cash Grocery J. h. llnsick ft Hon Grocerv Dr. Mark Skiff Denial Office .1. E. Hockett, l'lnno Tuner Hnlem lco Co. ' Thinks Frlca Too T.nis The chief oli.iector to the conililiiin. intending the closing of the dent to the Voget site, if was reported at Inst night's meeting, is Win. McGilchrist, Nr., whose property adjoins the propos ed school site on the south, who com plains that the price to bo paid for the tract Is altogether too low and (hut the board Is unreasonable to expect, nny additional concessions in connection with the location, On this a unit, it wns stated, Mr. McGilchrist not only refuses to help in the opening of the required street to give access to the site from Commercial street along his property, but positively declines, It is said, to permit the const ruction ni board sidewalk along his property or nny sidewalk other than a cement' one and that laid to the proper nud official ly established guide. Mr. Voget and inniimnn .Miles of the school board, 1 both talked with Mr. McGilchrist upon 'the subject, but thev state that he s determined In the stand he la's fallen .and will not be moved. ' v :J' : ,;:r On the south and east of Hie Vnuet site is tho Ohiiiart property. To pro- EVAN WILLIAMS, Til K G It EAT WELSH TENoH. "Tenors from Italy, Germany, Krnnce and Ireland have recently innde their appeal for tho esteem of New York's music loving public, but it is doubtful if nnv nun more deserving limn is America's contribution to the list of com- vide melius nf seeess to the site from 'peiltors. He sings not, so much I nuo of tho waiting audience in trout the Morningsidf district It will bn t but rather for the pure joy nf it." The American. Mr. Williams recouiiueniis and uses exclusively tue .wiihiiii milium piuini OUCH! LUMBAGO? Try Mustorolo. Boe How Quickly It Believe. I A man can never judge bv nunenr Home people get, a lot of fun out of essnry to onen and iriinle lliirl, .ir,,i calling bluffs. , through this property.! nnd will use it on his program in Hnlem. j is nil lerstood, do not obec( to the chil-i Vot Halo Only By Diplomacy is the hit of getting what dren passing through their properly toj T1IK WILEY 11. ALLEN CO,, you want withuiit fighting for it. ami from the prop , school, but they Kl -uml Hlrfvlt (. F. 1'olors, Manager. ,!, i,i. ii-niiv 111 open nun graue lligti Salem, Oregon You lust rub Miisterole In hrlikly, land usually tho pain Is gone a delic I Inns, soothing comfort comes to take its place. MI'STEIIOLE Is n clean, white olnl ' ment. miidn with nil of mustard. I'se It ' In-tcnd of mustard plaster, Will not I blister. 1 I Doctors and nurses use MVHTEHOLE i Slid recommend It to their patients. They will glndly tell you what Teller 1 1 ' L, i tt novor successfully Imitated. It make, .. . . . v(Mirnll, ' find tktUdr Who Ui. lK World's ("-'..I ..I nder. based on an entirely new prlncl- rlo. It is a new, different formula, . . , . , .. . 1 . ,. - 1 -t. tr corns snriyei.ana men I Congestion, I'leurlsv, llheumntism Lnni- drops ao tne wors. """'''''' bn go, 1'ains and Aches of tho Hack up juur u.o u..t ...u. ...... - 1 ... - jint. Kprnlns, Sure .Muscles, Hruises, and plasters that press down thr ,.,,,,,,,!; yrmiPt F,.,, (,,,, f the poor corn-no moro flesh-eating salves rh ( f(rn .., pl)ou,llnll), that don't "stay put." no moro hnck A vnur ,,t ' iM n.-, , ,-. ing at corns with Knives or rnznrs, no nn,, RI,.,,. in 1 nr ,,pitl ,,. moro bleeding or dnnger of blood poi-. f()r r j son. No moro limping nround for dnysj ";r'0 vn Rot jjenulno n-S-l with sore corns, no more Corn pains. TEHOLE, Hel'n.e Imltatinns get what' UKTSJ-ll ' IB now 1 IIP lilggest sell ing corn cure In tho world, tso It on nny hard or soft corn, callus or bunion. Tonight's the night. "GETS IT" is sold Ly druggists everywhere, 2!i cents a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence & Co., Chlcr.go. yon sk for, the .Miisterole 1 nnipnny, ( leveliiiul. Ohio, Jant turn bach to the Want Ad Column now and tee tht offering! there. Bow to Fljjlil Tuberculosis In II imnrr rrntl Innf yrnr brfure fhl llrHr f'nlllil flrillcnl Hnvtrir ml imltllihvtl In inrf In the I.iiiiIn Tlllr Mrl li-ni l'riirr." Dr. J, W. Cnrhnrt, f Hnn ntenln, 'lnM, nhynlclnn nhn tins ilfntril much llltir tn till dtlllly nf Inlirreltliislti, nlfll nNlnee limp snlt rnllsttlllte flhrre-fnurthn nf nil tli mineral stih ntiiners nf the httmnn liinlr, thrr must he mittllit In fhp fiMMls nr nniinlrmenfrtl In nilnrrnl rrinrn lliins, nr nntnrnl nfnrtnllun rnNnrs vtlfh tnltrrcnltisln nnrhrekril. Thr nlilrsirrnil nml line heckril slirrnd nf fnlirrenlosln nml nllirr nrrtrntnltle illnrnnrM In ilnr Inriirlr tn Ihr ilr-rnl-lllrtl lllntn Ineklnul rnnillllnnn if ninltllnilrs Ihrnunhnnt Ihr cltlllaril wnrltl." Thus from nnotlier aiithnrltatlv niritlial source emnes Jiisllflnillun for His use of lime In lliu trciuoieiit of tuberculosis. Hliien Ilils Is one nf th Inureill. puts of Krkmmi's Alirrntlve. mii'-h of lltn success nltenilloir Hie wlile Spleml Use o( tills ll'lllf'lv llnlllitli'WS Is due In the eiiinliliintlon of ilils snlt In sin h a way as to render It rusltv nislliilllililr. It Mioses no sliiioiH'll illsllil-lMiliee. end since It riilllllllis liellher oplnles. till lent Irs nor hiihlt-f, 11111U1K ilrllM". II Is safe to trv. I', knisn's Alterfillve has rfTe,-tii rpoiiii knhlr resiilis In nuioerniis CII"'S of pllll'ioll'irv tnliel'i-UliinlS (I'onsumnllonl nnd nllleil rliriinle nf fectlons of Hip tliront nnd Imincliiiil tmssimrs, tn ninny tnntniieis sioh ronilltlnns, nppnr-titl)', hav ylilib'il coiotileiely to II. In esse your i1rilirnUt Is out nf If. nsk him to order, or send direct t" lis. i:rhmna Inliorslnrj, I'Mtaitrlnhla street throiigli In I'airvlew avenue until i 1 they nre prepared In plat and place' 1 their property upon the market In rll.vl lots I ause It necessitates the removal of their barn and destroys their garden pat'di. They nre willing, howevef, to co operate nnd assist in the opening of the street through 1,0 the, south side of i t In- site to Coininerclnl slreet. Mr. Voget was present at the meet jlng (if the hoard last evening nnd lie ! explained the mm , In wlii. li his pro- liosal Is being held up, but stll hns liope nf being able to meet the confH Hons of thr school board, ' , EXHIBIT AT LIBRARY. I The library has on exhibition a iiiiui iber or photographs ol the treij nnd ; shrubs of Oregon, which w ill be Hie sub j Jed nf I'rof. Sweepsel's lllustialed lee ljirent the library next Saturday lit 7:l"i p. 111. Aniong the most, interest ,ing are the red cedar, Incense cedar, I pine, yeiy and Oregrin grape, Coup' ' and see the photographs and get rendv I for the li'i't ore, ! VESUVIUS VIOLENT. i Naples, Nov. fl, Mount Vesuvius' eriiption was becoming more violent In dny. Mighty streams of lava were pouring dun 11 lis slopes. The terrified 1 inhabitants were fleeing from the towns and farms In the mountain's vi cinity. 1 READ THIS OFFER Frantz Premier Electric Carpet Cleaner Will save tho housewife the drudg ery of sweeping, nnd get all the dust, lint, thread, etc, from the carpets. For ths next thirty days wo will take your old hand cleaner In ox- 'change for a Premier, providing your cleaner Is not too hnilly Used. This offer Is only on for thirty days. . Flicna for particulars. Buren & Hamilton COMfLETB HOUSE rURNIIillEES In addition to tiie extremely low prices I give a beautiful premium for each $5.00 worth of tickets. MY GOODS ARE ALL EXTRA STANDARD no cheap goods and my prices are right. Best Hams, lb 19c Nice Breakfast Bacon, lb 20c Pick Nick Hams, lb. 17c Soaoonlng Bacon, lb ...17c No. B Lard 750 No. 10 Lard tlAB Medium Cottoleue 65c Large Cottolena $1.60 No. 5 Compopna 65o No. 10 Compound $1.23 10 bars good Soap 250 5 pkgs. Corn Starcn 25c 1 gal. size Choice Peaches....35t 1 gal. Bize Choice Pears 35c 1 gal. sr,e Choice Pumpkins . ..25o 1 gal, size Choice Squash 25c 4 pkgs, Seeded Raisins 25c 3 caiiB MtUo 25c 3 cans Extra Com' 25c 3 cans Extra Quel. Tomatoes 2Cc 2 cans Saner Kraut 2Gc 2 cans Choice Peas 25o 3 cans String Beans 25c 2 pkgs, Arm & Hammer Soda i!ic 25c K. 0. Baking Powder 20c 1 can Nice MJuced Clains 10c 3 cans Extra Choice Oysters 25c 2 cans Pride of Columbia River Salmon 2!ic Alaska Pink Salmon, can loo Extra Choice Coffee, lb 30c 2 lbs. Brick Codfish 25o Va gallon Syrup 25c 1 gallon Syrup 60o 'a gnllon Kara White Syrup. ,3pc 1 gallon Karo White Syrup....orc 51b, box Macaroni 300 Bost Tillamook Choesa, lb 20c 101b. size Corn Meal 35c Largo size Ooldon Rod Oats. SOo Largo size Golden Rod Whoat 30c 3 pkgs. Post Toastleg 25o 4 Krlnkle Com rinkoa 2f,c Large bottle Vinegar 10c 3 gal. Kerosene (bring your a 650 Extra fine Uncolored Japan Tm- 400 8 cans Clearbrook Posches ... B0o 2 cans CloarbrooOr, Aprlcota....25o 3 lbs, Crackers 25o No. 5 Keg Pickle , No, 0 Best Cream Rolled 0nt 20c 4 lbs. Broken Rice 2n0 3 lbs, Head Rice 2!Vo 3 lbs. Choke Dried Poaches... 25o 4 lbs. Taney Whlto Bonus 25c 0 lbs. FlnX Beam anc Pride of Waldo Hills Flour, sack si on T.UU The Dalles Patent, sack ... Jt.00 Young America Choose, lb 20c Best Tillamook Croam Cheese, lb 2n 1 gal. Best Older Vinegar 250 18 lbs. Onions 2r, uiu 111s, onions nn Potatoes, per bushel BOc Our Beautiful Premiums have WTivcil. Bring in your tlckots. Remember each $5.00 worth of tickets gets a beautiful premium, 1500 pieces to select from. PARCEL POST ORDERS A SPECIALTY Tree Dollvery Anywhere lit Bn-leiu-aiid rcRiniusMo distance In country, PHONE 1107 Corner Morris Ave. and Tair grouuds Road iMsmMtnsH