Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1914, EXTRA EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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(Continued from page one.) '
; Greater New fork would reach 2-45,000.
Glynn 'i plurality in Greater New York,
it wa estimated, will be not more than
.60,000. Whitman's campaign manag
ers claimed his election by a plurality
of 200,000. '
: New York, Nor. 3. Charles P. Mur
phy, leader of Tammany Hall, in a
statement issued tonight said:
"By their votes the electors of the
state hare signified their choice for
governor. There is nothing more to
be said, further than to wish Mr. Whit--anaa
a successful administration and to
hope that he will fill the great office
'to which he has been elected as con
scientiously and worthily as his effi
cient predccssor, Martin H. Glynn."
Whitman said: "The result of the
election speaks for itself. That is all
I care to say at present."
Ev-Governor William Sulzer auid: "I
elected Whitman. More thsn IISO.OOO
votes were cast for me in the state,
and it was these rotes which assured
.Whitman a plurality."
Denver, Colo., Nor 3 Incomplete
returns from six precincts indicate that
Denver county has gone dry. They give
the wets 471 and the drys 67ft. It was
declared at prohibition headquarters
that if Denver votes dry that the prohi
bition amendment will win by 20,000
rotos. Anti-prohibitlonists, however,
elaim that the state has defeated the
amendment by 15,000 votes.
Incomplete returns from ten scat
tered precincts in Denver give Curlsnn,
republican, for governor, a lead of 500
votes over 1'atterBon, democrat.
Columbus, Ohio, Nov, 3. Returns
from 250 precincts out of 5,400 in the
mute indicate the election of Warren
Harding, republican, ns 1'nited States
aenntor. Attorney General Hognn was
running so fur behind Cox that his de
feat was conceded by the members of
the democratic state committee.
feuttlo, Wash., Nov. 3, Early re
turns from scattered precincts iu Seat
tle cause rejoicing in the camp of ad
rocutos of statewide prohibition. '
. The vote is the residential sections
of the city, where a heavy dry votv
was expected, was unusually heavy.
Careful watching ut the polls and pub
lished Intention of prosecuting all
fraudulent voters hail the effect of cut
ting the vote In the precincts where
fraudulent voting ivus feared, fully 50
per cent.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov, 3. Congress
man Stanley Hoivld, democrat, nppar
ently is defeated ill the First district
by Longworth, whom ho defeated in
3012. William Gordon, is seemingly re
flected in the Twentieth district. Gor
don is a democrat.
New Unven, l on n.( Nov. ,1. Former
President William H. Tnft was greutlv
pleased over the republican landslide
throughout the country, He niudc no
attempt to disguise h'is pleasure over
the reports of tlie progressive party.
"I am very much pleased," said '.Mr.
Tnft, "to hear the good news of the
republican lctory. 1 earnestly hope it
will heli business and tend to restore
confidence. Incidentally, it seems to
relegate the progressive party und its
leaders to Innocuous desuetude, I am
entirely reconciled to the result."
New York, Nov. 3. Chairman Wil
Hsm Osborne of the state democratic
committee tonight expressed astonish
ment of the democratic overthrow In
New York state. He was unnble to
nssign any reason for Governor Glynn's
defeat and refused to discuss the mat-
How To Get Rid of a
Bad Cough
T A lUme.Made Rriard thai Will
Kaatlr Ma
If v.... !...- . L I . . .
.. ....,,,. h H i-iMiHn or eoesi cold
Winch refuses tu icld to ordinary rente
'"'i .C't '"" nv druggist s otincei
el I'mes (.Ml cents wort hi, pour into a
Pint bill He ii ud till the bottle with plan'
granulated sugar simp. Start tukinu
t-)im(nl every hour or two. In H
hours your cough will he eompieivd m
Very nearly so. Even w lioopiiiu eouuli I,
Jtiestly relieved In this war.
'Hi above mixture makes a full pin)
-a family auppl) of I. II net rouuli
rvruri Hint luetic" could buy ui a rust
f only 54 cents, Kusilv prepared lu f
iinules. Full dlriTllou villi I'm,.,,
J Ins I'ltiea ami Suuor Sunn tucim.
rntion dikes riitht bold of a cough and
Stiles almost, iiumciliitlo relief, ft loos
us the dry, hoarse or tight cough in
wav that h leiillv iimui kshle, Also
quickly lieula tho Inflamed in.. mlu ,,,.,
which aoconiimnv a painful enngh, and
slops the formation f phloem M tin
llniial and bronchial tubes, thus ending,
lie persistent Iikw counli. Excellent t.ii
Ironohltm, luisoin.lie mum ami winter
. muiHm, Keeps perfectly and tastes good
I til limn hi n It
ii. 1- . '.!! .... i.i.ii
tn m fi-i-im on nianir concen
trated oompoiind ul irrimine Norway pins
jMtnel, rich lu giiaiucnl, which is so
l.ialniK In I lie ineiiiluniies,
l' avoid dissiipoliitiiieiit, sk voiir
ilruiTirlst lo,- miners of Piuo,"-do
" 7t'i anvtliinr; else. A guarantee
I sl'snhitn atihsfsction, or iiionev uiiuiitit
Iv ri-hiiiiliil goes with tin. preparation
The 1'iim'x r ., It. Wayne, l.id.
ter until all returns are in.
"It is surprising to me," he said,
"because I felt certain that the admin
istration's policy in the Mexican situa
tion and European war counterbalanced
the loss to be expected in an off year.
"I was even more surprised at Ger
ard's defeat." i
Washington, Nov. 3. At 11 o'clock
the defeat of Allen Walsh, democrat,
was conceded at the White Houbc.
Walsh was the candidate for congress
in the president's homo district in New
Jersey. ..
Phoenix. Arir. lCnv 3 rimn ia
believed to. -have defeated the prohibi
tion amendment by at leant 400 votes.
The - democrats, arinnrentlv. have
swept the state. -
Albany, N. Y. Nov. 3. At' 10
o'clock Governor Glynn wired Whitman
as follows:
"I congratulate you on your vic
Son Francisco, Nov. 3. The first 7(1
votes counted in the 26th precinct here
gave the following: Fredericks, 36;
Johnson, 40.
The same 76 voters voted on the pro
hibition amendment as follows: Wet,
40; dry, 36.
Pasadena, Cal., Nov. 3. First com
plete precinct reporting in Pnsndcnn
gives JohnBon, 31; Fredericks, 2fi; Cur
tin, 5. The registration in mis pre
cinct is 2 to I republican.
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. & State
Chairman Marten mudo a statement at
9:30 p. m. that returns chiefly from
republican districts that if Kurds'
gains continue, his election is assured.
Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 3. Hcturns
from 208 preciucts in eleven counties
give: For senator, Hognn, 13,908;
Hording, 20,800.
On tlie basis of those returns, Hard
ing's election appears certain. Hognn
was scratched especially in Hamilton
county, mid ran behind Governor Cox's
vote in nil democratic counties.
Long Beach, Cul., Nov. 3. Incom
plete returns from ten scattering pre
cincts show Johnson leading Fredericks
for governor by a 2 to 1 vote.
l'usndena, Cal., Nov. 3. One precinct
complete: "Dry, 1115; wet, 58."
Johnson, republican, strongly in lead
on scattering returns.
Pasadena, Cal., Nov, 3. Precinct 43
complete: Fredericks, 114; Johnson,
Precinct 18; Johnson, 31 ; Fredericks,
Precinct 35 (incomplete): Freder
icks, 15: Johnson, 43.
Vote ill precinct 13 ou prohibition:
101) for, 88 against.
Topekn, Kans., Nov. .'I. Incomplete
returns in the senatorial fight from 30
out of 105 counties in Kansas gave:
Curtis, republican, 2,047; Neeloy,
democrat, 3,172; uud Murdock, progres
sive, 3,H2(i.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 3. The po
litical editor of tho Kansas City Slur
tonight claimed that both the republi
can ami progressive tickets ran far
ahead of the democratic ticket.
Hniso, Ida,, Nov. 3. Incomplete re
tii'iis lor governor from 17 out of 744
districts in Idaho give ltalnes, repub
lican incumbent, 007; Alexander, demo
crat, 1,'i0l; MoElroy, progressive, 607.
This indlcutos a smuil democratic gain
and a progressive loss,
I.on Pencil, Cal., Nov. 3. Scattering
returns from 12 proclucts show Hub
erts, republican for congress, lending
Hell, progressive, and liandull, demo
crat, by u flood margin in the Nintli
Chicago, Nov, 3. Huger Sullivan
claimed his election ns lulled states
senator by a plurality of 35,1100 nt 0:30
o'clock, lie sold he had carried Conk
county by 115,000. but conceded lac
I down slate had gone to Sherman bv
Chicago, Nov, II. Fragmentary re
turns from 40 out of 101 down stale
counties give Sherman an estiinnteil
plurality of 17,500 over Sullivan. Sul
livan lieadipiarters ridiculed this rlniin.
If Sherman carried down state by Nil,
000, he would carry the stute by "5,000,
Sullivan managers declared Mnhlns
would cut into Sherman a down state
vote by carrying coal mining enmities.
Detroit, Mich,, Nov. 3.-Douineiiitlo
campaign managers nt II o'clock ilniai
ed tho re election of Governor 1'Vriis,
democrat, by a plurality of 40,000. V
tlnglll, progressive, polled a very small
Vote rumoured to that nulled bv the
i progressive guiierniuoiiai eaiullilatii ol
iwo years ago.
lioai. Nov., Nov. ,1. Marly returns
friiii two rntiuttes, very Incomplete, In-
'dlcnteil tlint Sinn lOiitl ! rnntiiiiif mI,..i,.1
I fur I ailed States senator. For gov -
crnor, Km wot t Boyl (democrat) is ap
parently leading.
Clevelund, Ohio, Nov. 3. James M.
Cox was re-elected governor over Frank
Willis, republican. Cox carried Cleve
land by about 18,000 plurality and the
state by at least 50,000, according to
the claim of democratic headquarters
at 11 o'clock.
153 precincts: Cox, democrat, 16,171;
Willis, 10,109.
Cox also was leading in other cities,
except Cincinnati, where Willis drew
a large percentage of the progressive
vote of two years ago. Indications were
that the governor would carry with
him a good portion of the entire demo
cratic ticket.
Hogan, democrat, apparently has
beea defeated by Warren Harding, re
publican, in the senatorial race.
Home rule on the liquor question wae
apparently the only one of the four
proposed constitutional amendments to
carry. The one per cent tax law, wom
an suffrage and prohibition appear to
have been badly beaten.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 3. Returns
from Missouri indicute a falling off of
the progressive vote of at leaBt 25 per
cent. All democratic state candidates
have been elected but the result in
some counties on the congressional can
didates is still in doubt. The demo
crats claim they have carried the First,
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and
Eighth congressional districts.
Stockton, Cal., Nov. 3. Partial re
turns of four precincts give for gov
ernor: Curtin, 28; Fredericks, 52;
Johnson, 50.
l'usndena, Cal., Nor. 3. Twelve pre
cincts, incomplete, give for governor,
Johnson, 671; Fredericks, 422.
Pomona, Cal., Nov. 3. Four scatter
ing precincts give Johnson 17; Freder
icks, 20. Prohibition: For, 20; against,
9. Eight-hour luw: For 3; oguinst,
Stockton, Cul., Nov. 3. Incomplete
returns of seven precincts for gover
nor: Johnson, 85; Fredericks, 115; Cur
tin, 37. For senator: Honey, 46;
Knowlnnd, 40; I'helarl, 58.
El Centre, Cul., Nov. 3. A henvy
vote was cast through Imperial county.
Early returns indicated a big plurality
for Johnson and Eshleman.
Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 3. About half
of the total Tennessee vote gives liye,
democrat for governor, 5,000 over Hoop
er, republican. Democratic gains in
sure Hyo's election by 10,000.
Okluhomn City, Okln., Nov. 3. Early
meagre returns, on state and congres
sional candidates, indicate republican
and socialist gains, particularly in the
southern counties. Indications lire that
Gore is leading J, H. Uuford, republi
can Francisco, Nov. 3. Precinct 231
here, complete, guve the following vote
for the gubernatorial randidates: John
son, J02; Fredericks, 32; Curtin, 31.
I.os Angeles, Cal., Nov, 3. Fourteen
precincts complete give Fredericks
1207; Johnson, 1813,
Pasadena. Cal.. Nov. 3. Precinct 32
gives Johnson 1(1; Fredericks, 7.
I.os Angeles, Nov. .1. Precinct 107
I incomplete) gives Johnson 201; Fred
ericks, 100,
I.os Angeles, Nov. 3. Precinct KU
gives Fredericks 86; Johnson, 1 -10.
Pasadena, Cul., Nov. 3. Incomplete
returns from 22 pieeincts out of 48 nt
II o'clock indicate that Johnson will'
carry the city by 2 to 1. These pre
cincts show: Johnson, 1,047: Freder
icks. 555: Moore, 227; Hichurilson, M;
Curtin, 80.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 3. Ten precincts
complete out of 2M In the eitv give:
Wet, 1.371; dry, 679. Eneh ballot is
being counted complete. The ballots
are very long and tho result will be
l.lttle Hook, Ark., Nov. 13, Hcturns
for senator from 30 out of "5 conutiei
give Myers, republican, U.7.VI; Clarke,
democrat, 17,315.
Cincinnati, Nov. 3, Thirty precincts
Indicate Cox carries Cincinnati by
Kansas City, Mo., Nov, 3, Scattered
returns from country precincts In west
ern Missouti show large progressive
Chicago, Nov. 3.For senator, "63
precincts of 1,700 III Cook county give
Sullivan 72,510; Sherm 4l.il7i; and
Itoblns, 35, Ml.
Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. .1.-- State wide
returns up to 8:30 p. in. Indicated wom
an suffrage and prohibition were over
whelmingly defeated.
Clllcntro. nv. 3 - Valium!.! bu,.l .tu
I returns of 120 out of 2,7S precincts III
Illinois outside of Conk county imlicnt-
en a plummy tor sheinuin. Outside of
Conk county, about 105,000. At Sulli
van hciidipiartcis claims were made Unit
Sullivan carried Cook futility by 80,
Otto, If Sherman gains dow astute he
will curry Illinois by 25,000. Sulllvuu
Ites nt 8:30 p, nt, still claimed the state.
l't,il..t..ti,l,i. v.,.. i '0.
(precincts of ten wards Incomplete Inill
' cnted the republicans making a rlcnn
isweep of the city, Penrose running be
J hind. Fur senator: Penrose, 2,78";
Palmer. I.IM Pluchot. 1050.
For governor: Hriimbitugh, t,8llj
McCorntick, 202.
J Denver, Colo,, Nov, 3. First four
precincts reporting in Denver county
l inenmntetA rm va tha (Tiilm.itn..l
, r.uu (UUVIUDkVHai
candidates the following vote:
varison, TepuDiican, 420; I'atterson,
democrat, 270; Costigan, progressive,
For senator: Thomas, democrat, 306;
Work, republican, 282; Griffith, pro
gressive, til.
Omaha, Nev., Nov. 3. Governor
Morehead, democratic, carried Douglas
county, of which Omaha is the county
seat, by 1,500 votes. The state result,
however, is likely to be extremely close.
The few returns ulrenrtv TvnnriaA in.
dicate the vote on the suffrage amend
ment win oe extremely close.
Washington, Nov. 3. President Wil
son received the election returns over a
special United Press wiro direct into
the executive offices. Copies of the
bulletins were taken to the president
while he dined and later lrnnmitorl n
him at tho office in the White House
iiDrary. .
Boston, Mass., Nov. 3. Complete re
turns in Boston for Governor: McCa.ll,
25,076; Walker, 3,604; Walsh, 50,0118.
This is a republican gain of 11,022;
democratic gain of 3,460; progressive
loss of 15,133.
Baltimore, Nor. 3. Senator Smith,
democrat, was re-elected by a plurality
of at least 15,000. First, Second, Third
and Fourth congressional districts re
turn democrats; Fifth doubtful; Sixth,
probably republican.-
Montpclier, Vt, Nov. 3. Early re
turns indicate the election of the entire
republican state and congressional tick
ets. Senator Dillingham, republican, is
lending Charles Prouty, democratic-progressive,
in the Curly returns and his
election is claimed.
Pittsburg, Pa., Noy. 3. Twenty-nine
districts in Allegheny county (incom
plete), show Penrose 2,6110; Palmer,
1,647; Pinchot, 1,382,
Grand Forks, N. D., Nov. 3. Scat
tering returns from widely separated
precincts in the state show that only
about 8 per cent of the voters expressed
an opinion on tho equal suffrage ques
tion, and a majority of these were
aguinst extending the franchise to wom
en. Early indications were that pro
hibition was defeated.
Topekn, Kuns., Nov. 3. Reports re
ceived show vote of 35 to 50 per
grouter than two years ago. Indica
tions urc thut women's voto is 45 to
60 per cent of total. Count coming in
Memphis, Tcun., Nov, 3. Scattered
local precincts give Thomas Hye, demo
crat, lead over Governor Hooper, re
publican, for governor. Democratic
gains are indicated.
Topekn, Kans., Nov. 3. Tremendous
vote of women believed indicates pro
gressive gains everywhere. Progres
sives declare this may moan landslide
to M unlock for senator und Alien for
Mulwuukoo, Wis,, Nov. 3, Early re
turns indicate reelection Congressman
Burke, democrat, Second district.
Milwaukee, Nuv. 3. Kepnblicuns an
nounce republicans in congrass, First,
Third, Seventh und Eleventh districts
Danville, Ills., Nov, 3. Caniion loads
in his' home county (Vermillion) by u
plurality of 2.500 to 3,000 over O'lluir,
according to figures based on 32 pre
cincts out of 112.
Springfield, Ills., Nov. 3. Senator
Shermnn claimed his re election by 25,
1)00 majority at 0 o'clocx tonight,
St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 3. That all
election returns hud been broken for
the number of votes case wus the cluim
of election clerks when the polls closed
ut I) o'clock.
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 3. The elec
tion of the entire republican state tick
et by a plurality of 50,000 was cluimed
at republican heiidqiturters at 9 o'clock
Boise, Idaho, Nov, 3. Early returns
from Ada county (Incomplete) Indicate
gains by the republican party. James
H, llrndy is running ahead for I'nited
States senator. For governor, Moses
Alexander, democrat, is lending.
Scuttle, Wash., Nov, 3. Twenty
tlnee precincts complete in tho city out
of 2M give: Wet, 2.0."il; dry, 1,822.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 3.- Seven pre
cincts out of 281 In Koettlo give: For
I'nited States senator: Hansen, pro
gressive, 506; Jones, republican, 432,
lllni'k, democrat, 320,
Seattle. Wimli.. v. 3 Thltiu i,,-.,.
finds In Seattle and 10 precincts in
the state outside Seattle, out of a tolal
of 411, give I Wet, 5,042; dry, 3,iK5,
I.os Angeles, Cal,, Nov, II, Returns
from 66 I.os Angeles' precincts, com
plcte, give Johnson 9,013 and Freder
icks, 0,210,
Long Bench, Cal., Nov. 3,-Thirtv-three
precincts In complete, lu Ninth
congressional district: Roberts, repub
lican, 502; llnoilull, democrat, 57V; Poll,
progressive, 712.
Cheyenne, Vyo Nov. 3. - Incomplete
returns from 12 precincts Indicate that
Momlell, republican, is running alirsd
j'lor congress, llldgley. republican, is
li s ili eg the 'gubernatorial cniiilliliitcs,
i Hutte, Mont., Nov, 3.- llelorns from
, 3H of ON precincts In Silver How cottntv
I (Hutte) show s plurality of 151
j against the suffrage amendment. The
suffragists, however, expected to over
come this lend In the rural districts. The
earlv returns Indicate that the demo
eratie congressional candidate mnile big
gains in silver How county. The re
pnblivsns gained at other points.
1 Ogden, I'tnh, Nov. ,1,-Complete re
! i in ns from Voting machine precincts
Here show, fur senator! Smoot, repub
lican, 3. 500; Movie, democrat progres
sive, 2,702. Fur rongresst Howell, re
publican, ,1,624; l arson', democrat-pro-
NOVEMBER 3, 1914.
Sc (C )f( C 3fc 3c )C 3sjc 5$C 3fc )C !)C )C 3C
London, Nov, 3. The admir-
alty tonight issued a statement
that at daybreak today the com-
bined British and French squad-
rons began bombarding the for-
4 tifications commanding the Dar- sk
dcnclles. The forts replied with-
- out effect, according to tho ad-
miralty. An explosion of great
violence occurred at Fort Holies, sjc
indicating that a magazine had
grcssive, 2,838.
Salt Lake City, Nov. 3, Twenty
eight out of 106 precincts here cive:
For senator: Smott, republican, 2,351;
.uoyie, z,383.
San Francisco, Nov. 3. Returns from
25 precincts, incomplete, give Johnson,
232; Fredericks, 106.
Boston, Nov. 3. Latest indications
tonight were that Governor Walsh had
been re-elected by a plurality of 10,000.
Philadelphia, Nov. 3. The Palmer
McCormick league admitted at 11 p. m.
that the republicans had rurried Phila
delphia by a plurality of 90.000 but
would not conccdo tho state to tho rc
publicaas. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 3. Nine pre
cincts in Scuttle give for United States
senator, Honson il4; Jones, republican,
572; Black, democrat, 477.
Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 3. Ten scat
tering precincts hero give Johnson, 04;
Fredericks, 61; Curtin, 5. Senatorial
vote: 1'helan, 26; Honey,. 30; Know
land, 17. Prohibition umendmeiit: For,
20; against, 67.
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 3. Five pre
cincts give: Fifth congressional dis
trict: Dill, democrat, 180; Corkery,
progressive, 113; lioBcnhuupt, republi
can, 85,
Sun Francisco, Nov. 3. Returns from j
200 proeinctB incomplete show for sen
ator, Knowlund, 521; I'helan, 519; mid I
Honey, 362. j
Aberdeen, Wush., Nov. 3. Seven pre
cincts ' in southwestern Washington
give: Fur emigres, Third district;
Johnson, 306; Drury, 281; Waiburton,
Fresno, Cul.. Nov. 3. Twenty-five
precincts, incomplete, give: Fur gov
ernor: Johnson, 188; Fredericks, 74;
Curtin, 81. For senator: Honey, 00,
l'holuu, 02; Knowlund. 37.
Sun Francisco, Nov, 3. Incomplete
returns fimn 112 precincts show: John,
son, 1,291; Fredericks, 070; Curtin, 320.
Pomona, Oil., Nov. 3. Fifteen lire
tin ts incomplete: Johnson, 101; Fred-i
cricks, 184.
I.os Angeles. Nov. .'). The T.os An
geles Herald, which supported Ford for
district nttoNJoy i f I.on Angeles county,
lit 10:45 p. m. coi ceded Woolwins, dem
ocrat, hud woji bv ut least 10,000 major-
Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 3. The entire
democratic state ticket appears to be
elected on the face of meagre returns
received here up to midnight, It. will
require ut least 48 hours to complete
tho count.
Tho stutewiile prohibition amend
nient appears to have carried,
Boise, Idaho, Nov. 3. James II. J
Brady, republican, is apparently elect-j
ed United States senator from Idaho i
bv a uluralitv of from 5,000 to 10,000
Moses Alexander, democrat, is probably1
elected governor by u plurality ot 10,-1
000. In the congressional nice tho elec-
Hon of Addison I, Smith unit Hubert
Mi Criickon, both republicans, is indi
Denver, Colo., Nov. 3. George Carl
son,' republican, has been elected' gov
ernor of Colorado in u republican laud
slide und the rtnte bus gone dry.
The two results were indicated by
rut'irns icceivrd up to midnight from
nil sections of the stute. Villi lo the
returns wore incomplete they were suf- I
indent to remove all doubt of the mil
cumo ol the election,
Tnrnmn, Wash., oNv. 3. With many
precincts In Tueoinn, Incomplete nail un-1
official, heard from showing II close i
vote on the prohibition meusure, u close
vote being reported III Meuttle despite
the earlier concession by the dry forces
that the city would go net 2 to 1, and j
the city of Spnliaiic reporting dry, ut
11 o'clock tonight it appeared that the I
state of Washington would go dry. The I
heaviest vote In the history of the state j
lias been cast and It will tuk" from 12
to 30 hours to complete the count.
Providence. K. I., Nov. 3. 11. Liv
ingston Hcckmun, republican, has been
ilected governor of Rhode Island by a
plurality ot 10,000. Tho republicans
claim that all their congressional can
didates have been elected.
St. l.mils, Mo Nov. 3, Speaker
Chump Clark lias been re-elected to con
gress from the Ninth Missouri district.
St, Paul, Minn,, Nov, 3, Tlie demo
cratic state committee ot iuiilnij:tit was
clniniii g that Hnnimond, di -moetnt, had
boon elected governor in n latul-liile
vote over l ee, lepublbnn.
Boston, Nov. 3. Latest Indications
tonight were that Governor Walsh had
been re elected by n plurality ef 10,000.
The Desi Food-Drink
A void imitations Take No Substitute
Rich Milk, mailed grain, in powder form. Mote healthful than tea or coffee.
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WINS BY 20,000
(Continued from page 1.)
gross: Cleaver, prohibitionist, 6; Ev
ans, democrat, 3; Sinnott, republican,
10. For senator: Booth, 4; Chamber
lain, 8; Hanley, 5.
The Dalles, Or., Nov. 3. Five pre
cincts complete out of 45 in Wasco
county gave: For congress: Cleaver.
21; Evans, 2; Sinnott, 07.
Portland, Or., Nov. 3. Fifty-five pre
cincts incomplete in Portland give us
follows: For senator: Chamberlain,
326; Booth, 186; Hnnley, 70. For gov
ernor: Smith, 250; Withvcombe, 200.
Dry, 266; wet, 271.
Hood Hiver, Nov. 3. Twelve pre
cincts incomplete in Hood River coun
ty give: For congress: Cleaver, pro
hibition, 40; Evans, 60; Sinnott, repub
lican, 130. For senator: Booth, 170;
Chumberlui, 182; Hanley, 20. For
governor: Smith, 136; Withycoinbe,
Modford, Or., Nov. 3. Partial re- The Dulles, Or., Nov. 3. Sevente.-u
turns from eight Modfoid precincts in precincts out of -15 in Wasco county in
the city gave: For congress: Haw- complete give: For senator, Booth,
ley, republican, 61; Hollistcr, 81. Fori 299; Clianiocrlain, 209; Hanley, 18. For
senator: rlootli, .ill; Chamberlain, 115;
rianiey, I.- or governor: Smith, 101
Withycoinbe, 49.
Khimutli Falls, Or., Nov. 3. Six urc
emets, incomplete, in Kluinath county,
give: For senator: Booth, 12; Chiiin-
ooiiniii, ,io; Hanley,
ilcy, 7. For governor:
ycombe, 17. Wot 21
' ' ' '
smith, 2i ; Withvi
dry, 33.
rendloton, Or., Nov. 3. Eight pre
cincts incomplete in 1'mntillu county
give: For senator: Booth 42; Cham
liorlnin. 53' lliml.,v 'l I....
........ Jt fcuvi-iimr;
Smith, 43; Withycoinbe, 61. For con
gress: Cleaver, 14; Evuus, 17; Sin
nott, 38. .
Ashland, Or., Nov. 3. Tho first 75
votes counted hern give: Booth, 39,
Chaiuberlain, 31. For governor: Smith,
12; Withycoinbe, 33.
Jacksonville, Or., Nov. 3. First 54
votes give: For senutor, Chamberlain,
28; Booth, 13; Hanley, 3. For gover
nor: ..Smith, 30; Withycombe, 15. For
congress: iluwlcy, 23; llollister, 15. ,
Talent, Or., Nov. 3. First 17 votes:
For congress: Huwley, 7; llollister,
i;Mours, 1. For governor: Smith, 7;
Withycombe, (I. For senutor: Booth,
3; Chamberlain, 13; Hanley, 1.
Portland, Or., Nov. 3. Incomplete
returns from 115 precincts out of 326
in Aliiltnuiuali county (Portland), give:
For senator: Booth, 584; Chaiuberlain,
98a; Hanley, 247. For govxernor:
Smith, 737: W ithvcombe. H20. V,,. ......
gross: Flogel, 048; l.ufferty, 390; Mo
Arthur, 017: Aloulton, 152. Dry, 824:
wet, 814.
Astoria, Or., Nov. 3 Incomplete re
turns from eight precincts in Astoria
give: For senutor: Hooth, republican,
193; Chamberlain, 183. For governor:
Smith, 113; Withycombe, 220. For con
gross: Huwley, 227; llollister, 105.
I'ortlnnd, Or., Nov. 3. 110 precincts
incomplete in Portland give: For sen
ator: Booth, 524; Chamberlain, pod;
Hanley, 232. For governor: Smith,
o ; w itiiyonmho, M8. For congress:
i-u-gei, uomocrat, su; UitTortv, 300;
Mo Arthur, 559. Dry, 745; wet,'72ll.
Mcdl'md, Or., Nov, 3. Nineteen pre
cincts lu Jackson county, incomplete,
give: Fet congress: Huwley, 215; llol
lister, 215; for senator: Booth, 134
Chamberlain, 434; Hanley, 46. For gov
ernor: Smith, 364; Withuombe, 212.
I'ortlnnd, Or., Nov, 3. tiioomplete
returns from 135 precincts in Multno
mah county und partial returns from 13
other counties in the state are us fob
lows: . For senator: Booth, 1,714;
Chamberlain, 2,3:10; Hanley. 441. Fur
governor: Smith, 1,71"; Withvcombe,
Astoriu, Or,, Nov. 3, Im nmplcte re
turns from 8 precincts In Astoria give:
For senutor: Booth, 155; Chaiuheiliiio,
183. For governor: Smith, 14.1;
Withycombe, 220. For emigres: Haw-
In One Minute Your Stuffy Nose and
Head Clc.irs. Sneering and Nose Run
ning Cease, Dull Headache Goes.
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get II small bottle jinyway, jut tu
try it-Apply a little In the nostrils
and instantly your flogged nose and
stopped-up air passages of the head
i' III iqicn; Von will breathe freely;
dulliiivs and hcmlm he disappear. By
morning! the catarrh, cold in-head or
catnrthul sore throat will be gone.
End such misery now! Get the small
Settle of "Ely's Cream Bnlin" at any
l-,ig store. This sweet, fragrant bnlin
Lunch at F ountafns
m'S J1"" W
Ask For
London, Nov. 3. The admiralty to
night announced that tlie British Sub
marine l)-5 hud been sunk by a German
mine. The submarine with several other
British vessels was pursuing a German
squadron that earlier in the duy at
tacked the gunboat Halcyon, on patrol
duty. Tho submarine was running on
tho surface when it struck tho mine.
Two officers and two men were saved.
When the Halcyon was fired on by the
I German squadron the other British vee-
sels rushed to its aid. The German
ships retreated with the British in pur
suit. The chase lusted until dark. In
the darkness the rearmoi-t German
cruiser flouted several mines. One of
these wus struck by the submarine.
ley, 227; Hollistcr, 105.
Eugeno, Or., Nov. 3. Thiily-six pie
eincts incomplete give, in Lane county;
For senator: Booth, 456; Chuiiiberlaio,
405. For governor: Withycombe, 472,
Smith, 28!). For congress: Hawloy,
208; tlollister, 219.
governor: Smith, 245; Withyeuiulju,
181. For congress: Cleaver, 131; Ev
ans, 43; Sinnott, 402.
Baker, Or,, Nov. 3, Scattering vote
in Baker county at 11:30 is as follows:
For senator: Booth, 69; Chumbcrluin,
i l;,4 Hnnley, 19. ror governor: Smith,
j""' Withycunilie, 108. For congress:
Cleaver, 77; Evuis, 72; Sinnott, 125.
Prineville. Or., Nov. 3. Six nj.
eincts complete ill Crook county give:
For senator: Booth, 36; Chambeiiaiu,
128; llanlov, 17. For governor: Smith,
130; Withycoinbe, 115.
Poitlnnd. Or., Nov. 3. 150 precincts
in .Multnomah county incomplete give:
For senator: Booth. 911; Clininberliiin,
1,485; Hanley. 381. For governoi:
Smith, l.IHj'Withvvonibc, 1,443. For
congress: Flogo.l, democrat. 909; l.nf
forty, independent, 040; MoAithur, re
publican, 090; Moulton, progressive,
95. Dty, 1,201; wet, 1,339.
Condon, Or., Nov 3. Three precincts
incomplete in Gilliam county give: For
governor: Withycombe running 2 to 1.
For senator: Booth and Chumberlum
Eugene, Or., Nov. 3. Forty-one in
complete precincts out of 90 in l.ano
county gave: For senator: Booth, 557;
Chamberlain, 502. For uovcrnur:
Withycoinbe, 579; Smith, 355. For con
gress: Jluwley, 438; llollister, 271.
Corvallls, Or,, Nov. 3. Scattering re
turns from Benton county give: For
congress: Coe, 2; Huwley, 243; llollis
ter, 107; Mears, 8; Richards, 5. For
senator: Booth, 186; Chamberlain, 261;
Hanley, 10. For governor: Smith, 230;
Withycombe, 310.
Grants Pass, Or,, Nov, 3. Incomplete
returns In the city of Grants Pass give:
Booth, 90; I hnnihoi'luin, 190; Hanley,
28; Withycombe iTJ,Smitli, 70.
La Ifine, Or., Nov. 3. Final returns:
Sinnnt 54; Evans 20; Cleaver 14; Booth
25; Chamberlain 61; Hnnley 5; Smith
51; Withycoinbe 44. Town voted wot.
Vule, Or,, Nov. 4,Four products ii,
Malheur county give: For senator:
Booth, 117; Chamberlain, 129; Hnnley,
81; Hill, 32. For governor: C. j.
Smith, 136; Cllon 4; Withvcombe 150.
For congress: Evans 70; Sinnott 90.
Iry 70; wet 02.
WI..TE At the family home, 042
North Cottage street, n't 7 p. m., No
vember 3, 1914. of paralysis, Ashley
White, aged 73.
Deceased leaves besides his wife, two
sons, Charles and Archie, both residents'
of Sun Diego, California.
Mr. White was a member of the G.
A. R., thii Maccabees sad tlie Wind
men of the World. The funeral m
rnngoiuoats will bo ariionuced later,
it' for tale, a
Want Ad will sell it.
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
"penetrates and Ileitis the inflamed,
swollen membrane wlireh linos the noni,
i head und throat; clours the air puss
ages; stops nasty disi.luirgos and n f e I
ting of cleansing, soothing relief comes
I Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
I closed, hawking and blowing. Ciitairli
lor a cold, with its running nose, foul
, mucous dropping Into the throat, nnl
I raw dryness is diitresting but truly
Put yo.ir fnith just once in
."Ely's Cream Balm" aid your cold or
. catarrh will surely dinii'i or.