J. TH3 SALEM CAPIT At .TftTHV nT.1QV WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1914. 1'IVB 1, SEE OUR GREAT $15 Specials in Men's Suits Commercial Street Window The Markets A bid of tl.l2Mi for 1(10,000 bushels of club wheat was made at tho iiimiii tension of the Merchants' Kxchnugc yesterday. Five thousand bushels of club aold lit fl.14, lind for December dolivory there were offerings ut 1.14. The Bales of 5000 bushels of Decem ber bluestem lit $1.20 wns another indi cation of the strength of the market. For May bluestem $1.25 was bid mid tl.28'& was asked. Five thousand bush- els of December fife went at 1.0H. There wus nut much having under , ",u cpieiuucr sialism's, in nun mourn uton temper of the combatants, re way in the country. Fiirme'rs are veryi1 Wl" our exports declined , mun t0 ,e ., Jt should give op strong and inclined to speculate, und , W".000,000 and our imports 3l,ooo,oii(i, ,,0t t-inity for a return to reasiin on all. some of them are known to have bought ,UB ,("" 111 "porta being largely in cut- fci,(,,, jf 10ntinucd indefinitely a grave wheat. No heavy selling movement is t0" ,M" lo!,s 111 '"'I'urts being duel-1,,.,,,,,,,,, crisis w,n ue unavoidable, looked for from now on. ' 1,1 '""''' t rf.l products. Our ex- no tlnancial nud industrial exhaustion Oats and barley were strong Outs trade iliiiing the current mouth, , wj ,e more complctu to all concerned; aold at $.10 on tho local market yester- u'"1 ,"l"-,' ml l.v during tlie past weeli,;,,, it would seem that if passion could day For brewing barley !5 .,u wa:l"'" l""t" ul'" etivo.' The iu-;iw HI,i u,i,e better terms could be oo tid nn the exchange and 20 win nsked !,'r,'"! 1,1 iuW products and wur auppliis taiiu-.l on all sides bv an early truco Flour prices wcro odvnnced 20 cents ha ,"'tl" v,'''-v '"""I"1'""11"- Cotton has d a n,Hort to diplomacy and arbitra- barrel yesterday mi nil domestic I u"l, ""w""l, vul7 I'wly; 'id , tion for inljustinent thiin by continuing Rradea. l'atents'aro now quoted u, 1 1 ' uuiionnccmeiit by (fieat Hntuii. , lhis awful carnage. Justice, and not J5 80 ,,llut l',,tlu Wl11 llut considered con-1 for,.,., wji ,0 ,h,. right. tralmnd, even to (lerniany, insures a, (onuiess is now adjourned and tho JjwOAIi WHOLEaAXB MARKETS. n- tlmntVif 10en rmvuu .11111.11,111, mm mil umu mm: ", e eel lull pl OllllheS 10 lie a qllll't May, timothy l.oo,tu B.,tl,c (0,illn ,i,.,it huluuce aini'....i ..i Lj 1 .1.... tloter, par ton Oata and vetch Cheat Wheat, per bushel Kraa, per ton S lions, per ton Outs, per bushel Calttim bark, per lb. Potatoes, per cwt Butter and Eggs. Hutterfat, per lb Creamery butter, per lb 'U - Poultry. Heat, per lb - Rooster, per lb , l'ryara ., A Livestock. Bteert ................, !ows, per cwt. .. Hogi, fat, per lb Htuck hogs, per lb, (tops) ., wo, per lb ..350 casll ra Z..Z... Be ZZl'llo Spring lambs, per h Veal first class lie i"ltl' ""' ri',iri'",,'"t of 'l"iuiiig house Heeiu to be near a solution of the diffi ' ".............-... .certificates nud einergi y currency . cnltia st thsf center. The muialorium Dry, par lb Salted country jiclts, each Lamb ports, oach ... g ""oiU(i'"fl.'ic " mm 8'"fl PORTLAND MARKETS. Portland, Or,, Nov. 4. Whent lnb, oiocsicu, fi.inv,, ,, niia,:,ln, ., ..Mconrnglng features in the .. . , 1 . , , . ... American uusiiicss situation, Wliien 111 ' ' ' ""'''""' ' " MI very nnsatlsfnrf- fMa,70, .torv iilnl lm..intf tlirouoji . criticn) Iter. iirUv ii.- i -. r.n. r...i ij 7 .... ...... IIU, . .n'i'-K7l ",t 11 v"' ''i'""" "1!'l"'"'istioiMilv upon the dlscoumging side of S;T" fa".(''V ',"". .1:';,,'-""t '"'"'"'liiiraiis; vet it would bo dnugen v ",'r'."f. ' ' 'K"r" nnv unsntisfac- 1 i.tter-t Ity cieamery, .14 '.e. . , ,, i( nk clearing, are still .,tgs-Seleetc,l local ex ras, I2e. ,, 25 per cent below a year ago, uena, larjc, uroiiers, uc; geese, i', SEATTLE MARKETS. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4. Fggs-Fresh nch, 60c 1 fresh eastern, 3'iidlOcj Ori immn, iwr iresn casicrii, ,1.1111 hic on ontals, inc. liittter Local cubes, 3lc bricks, ll.'ii'i Oregon cubes, 32(n 33c. Cheese Lluilungcr, I He; Wisconsin, I tC S Swiss domestic), 2tcl W SsllitlU- lu v"; V ... . . unions urcen, ,""i ..ic per dozen; eastern Washington, l(dn,c per pound; i.aiiiuruia, urn-tic. 1'otatoes Winter, 1 llii IN. BAN FRANC1BCO MARKETS. I trade is now.runniiig less than 511 per Han Francisco, Nov. 4. Wheat, per cent if Its cnpiu itT and prices continue etl. Club, I.N7i,j(ci I.IIO; bluestem, 2weak. The textile Industries were miieh f'i 2.05i Turkey rel, 111.115(1121 red line-j deranged by tiie war and the fall In ian, l.5(ii LHUVj 1 foity fold, I.U2Tj cotton, but arc now showing greater (jfl.M, steadiness and activity, Such Tacts as Harlcr. Her etl. Feed. l.15fii l.lT'i; , Ihe.o are already too familiar. They shipping anil brewing, l.l 1 Vn 1.2'J' j. F.ggs Fxtrss, 52c; pullet., 42lJe;pesn wsr upon the lulled States. ..! California storage, extra., 2'r. Throughout Ike wheat belt iirosper-1 llnttcr Kxtrns. 30c; nrlinc firsts 27c; ity U everywhere in evidence, in spitei first., 2(1c seenmls, 24c, of toe wnr, Optimism reigns supreme Cheese California fancy, He; fiist",llhi ri. The south, moreover, hss now .-. f 1 11 . fin in '!' Hi ". ili nmmssMf h.iim.i 'll't'"';"' ' " 20 per cent to 'jjQ per cent Discount on Women's and Misses' SUITS Strictly Tailored, Semi-tailored and Fancy Suits-rthe' sale prices are $7.75 $10 $15 $19.80 $25 Women's and Misses' Coats 20 to 50 per cent less sale prices $5.00, $6.90, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $25.00, $30.00 12c; seconds, 10c HENRY CLEW'S WEEKLY FINANCIAL LETTER New York, October 31, 11114. The financial situation grows brighter 'al- most daily in spite of tho heavy Kino-! pen, n wur cloud. This week there has been marked progrcsu in clearing up uiu i jrcign excuuiigc summon, una me', restrictions upon credit, loreigu and do- mestic, are being gradually lessened. One of the most striking evidences uf Improvement has been in thd recovery m our lureign irnue, puriicuiiiriy in ex- I""'1".' lri"" "'V'" ' war S"H"U m continued free movement of thia staple, lemmti v Is assured of rest from legisla This of course will materially relieve j tiVIJ Ht(i tn tion for sonic time to come. or course win materially relieve check gold exports, 'fx the south, me soutn, 8.50 'wliien is largely depeiulent 11)1011 foreign :f , railroads (O secure tho advance 8.00".ving f cotton, this movement will j in intcs from (lie interstate commerce Ui'H'fq'fl b" liHrticnliirly welcome, even if cut .i j commission, accoiding to llll accounts, 2M'.fi0 ,,ot'" " m" t very low price. Thej,0 ut prmnii-e vcrv tuccesslully. There (i:i0 propped i'litton loan of I. '15,000,000 un- ire 110 signs iu the nmittee of a 35(0 4(ir ''"' "lanagement of a committee f williiiftneM to make concessions to the . tHCfe'1"6 federal reserve board, has received railroads. If this should be true an im- 75o((il : considerable support, although there arc1 pnrtunt factor of encouragement will some doulits as to its legality. The ; disappear. There has been an increased plan is meeling Willi much favor, pur-1 movement in investments of the better ' ''',c ' lieu In rly in the south, ns a matter of ,.),,, t,ven ura exceedingly low and ""lA ! exlliiliiIHv In n fnnif itniii-ufiii.v I'llei.l 1.. 1....I. e I... 1. a1 i .' - w-'-v -..-..n . - f.,l1 -1M1I'VI liunk. U'ill llllllll llllt.il - - - - v . Itwo weeks hence. Ilus insures ad tional relief nud ease iu the monetary . '"' Ilnrrliig any temporary local : Ktriiifti-tn-y which might ncconipany a n nisi it in is in uiu n'licrui iiisii- tiitions, It Is estimated Hint the ri - ilue - ''un in "'servo requiiements which will "" Tflf"llow Ibis operation will result In tin flic l,'K'"''"i"" ru"',i,ly 300,00(),00 iu oij 1 1" H". This should insure cnnlimieil .... rJO i ttiniiiiv nil, I u-ill liinliiriullv fiu.il. eusc in mniiev, n ml will materially faeil. s i , -- ' lnnii nine HiM-niiv iii-cii snii'irssii ui 1 ' extent. ' "vo cdiiilitlons easier inoiiey, better loreiiin exchniige situation, enriv I ...l. L -i I., i :.:..! ... opening of the federal reserve banks, improvement In our export trade and a good Inn vest ant the flvo brightest : .- - ' " . - ----- 1 lod. It Is not ilesiruble to dwell too hj, , ,,, .,,,,,. ..n.pnin by suspension of the various stock and I cniii iioilltv exchanges. Kniliond earn I ng are uiisstisfaclorv, those reported j fr , K, month of September showing a 1 rr , ,e month of Sclitember s how mil In., rf 7 , cent, whlln for tlm first - (wn TCP,.ks of October the losses have hetn fiom 12 to 15 per cent. Iliiilding operations are running 11 1 Hint one-third 1 lu.lniv tnut vniir lllvliliui.l. tiuv.i liiwiii . ' . . .. . r"1 or I'"""1'! uy an unusually large mm, uf ludiislrials. Tho railroads,!" l,",l,r "y i ciosmg it ,y be tinted with satisfaction, have I niaininiued their regular payments ro I mnrkubly well, There lias been a 'fur- Itlier inercsse ill the number of Idle cms land nlsn Iu business failures, The steel ehielly reflect the slio.' of the l - .uro less to fear from the offei-ts of thnt catastrophe. Several million more bales of cotton have been raised than can bp consumed, but it is quite likely that the foreign takings of cotton will prove considerably larger than at one time expected. w0,., commerce and finances are bit- As tor the war, its etlects upon the ious cuougii. Vet the blow has been lnot j countries with greater forti tilde und success than uiiiii possiuiy i -i i.. i !,Hve (.,. anticipated. As yet there :,. u ,iKm , nn approaching end, and , conviction grows that the struggle wi (, , 01,K ,) f,i,austing one. what the elfecta of a long' contest , tiirongh a disheartening wintei will be , tivn uuititiii 011.1, wit ,P , mulling to duuiichi. . 11 nuihim, to iin.inrM.. Tuo efforts iimiv is iiu un k wi- imiiiu u. ui. 1 l 1 1 1... t l.U I. ...nu iniii'-ii hi iiuii-m n un ri-iiii.T iiumh-,.. I- U'er-t lite lmiil tiycliiitinn nlielieil and value fuiilv tctcd bv th inflict of opinion between buyers nml sellers there would likelv be 'considerable Invest- meat mviutr. well selected invest 1 niititn should bring good prolits at 'very distmit neriod. Strouu efforts arc being mndc foi n reopening of the Stock Mxclungc, but much depends upon the , nctinu of UimIuM, where severul pluus 1 1. 1... ...nu...l ll.n .....i.l.l ilnv iiin.u iiiiiii'i. ui-i-ii jii wm-i-ii iii.li. ,...i.i . . . . ..... ex)llli'S 111 l.olldllll next WeeK and IS IIOl I expected to be renewed, toe situation theni showing daily and persistent Im- I nrnvninniit. Thus fnr Fnronn bus fin- auced the war, which is costing, it is I clnl.iied, at the rate of about ."1(1,000,(1001 , a dnv. without fur Ihe time being nnv ' : apparent serious difficulty, which Is certainly n world's record experience. IIKM'Y ( I. !'.. CATTLE DISEASE HURTS STOCKYARDS Chicago, Nov. 4, New cases of foot Slid mouth disease wnre discovered to day in the Pnlon Slock Yards here,! , Tightening; of the quarantine regain ! "Otis was drdonil st onco. Twelve linn 1 dred head of cattle were ordered sllleil '"' the carcasses destroyed by quick-; """ I Federal and stnto authorities) held conference with representatives of t hoi ......I. 1.... - II .. i t. !.........' 1 V 1 iiV-. ; . V stockyards hers tonight, - nEDADTMliNT CTfH! vu niiiiiiuii uiuiu I CATTIi SHIPMENTS Washington, Nov. 4. The depart-. ment of agriculture this afternoon es 1 tended Its qunrnntitie to shipments of .rattle to New York snd Mnrylnnd be I csnse nf the spread of the font snd - 1 m,lt, ,i,cflse. It wns nnnounced thnt im ,,w PM, ,i (,, flln, j Chicago stnckvsrds, I In telling a man of his faults use a 1 long distance telephone. CALfFORNIA IS FOR G0Vn"Il"; PHELAH SENATOR Johnson Only One Saved . From Wreck of Progres sive Party CARRIES MOST OF ! TICKET WITH HIM Phelan and Knowland Run Close Race for Senate with Heney Third San Francisco, Nov. 4. Hiram John I son, re-elected governor of California I by approximately 70,000 plurality, ap i peared this afternoon the outstanding figure in the wreck of the national i progressive party. His popularity, in contrast to his party leaders in other : states, was striking, and carried with j it every other candidate on the pro gressive ticket with the sole exception ' of Frank ('. Jordan, republican for secretary of stato, whose election I seemed assured. Johnson and Eshleman, for lieuten ant governor, carried almost every conn- ty in the state. James D. I'helan, democrat, anil1 Jos, I R. Knowland, republican, for Uuited States senator, were running a neck and neck race, with Francis J. Heney, progressive, thiril. I The prohibition und universal eight I hour law amendments were overwhelm ingly defeated. The anti-boxing amendment, from the meagre returns available this afternoon, appeared certain to carry, although the vote wns admittedly close. Hlioult this niiieiidinent be adopted, boxing iu California will be limited to four round bouts, subject to local' regulation. Hoyond these outstanding facts, no serious attempt to determine general results of (lie election has been made. Tho enormous size of the ballot, carry- ing -HI statewide and ninny local prnpo- sition, seems to have stnggerrd the election officials, la Sun Francisco several hundrel election clerks threw up their hands in despair, forfeited their salaries and quit. It will be davs before anything apprnxicatiug a com plete table on all amendments anj can didates will be available. . I'helan 's managers claimed his elec tion by 20,000 lnnliiy. Tho vote Ip i,.ii precincts oi tin' state gave rncian 21,117; Knowland Jll.flOH; Honey 12,3(in. In the pool rooms hero even money was wagered on both candidates this afternoon. For chief justice of tho stnto supreme court, indications wcro that Frank M. Aiigelntti has defeated William Conley, Angelotti's big majority in San Fraii etsco was expected to offset Coulcy's sirengin iu inc soutn. William I Lawlur, who presided at! the noted graft trials here several years ago, appeared certain of election as assistant justice of the state supreme court. ' From meagre returns, the following congressional results seemed accurately to forecuse final figures: First district William Kent, inde pendent, lending. Second district John K. Raker, deni orrat, re-elected. Third district Charles F, Curry, re publican, reelected. Fourth district Julius W. Kuhn, re publican, reelected. Fifth district John 1. Noland, pro gressive, reelected. Sixth district Arthur Klslou, pro gressive, leading. Seventh district I), H. Church, dem ocrat, leading. Kighlh district - K. A. Hayes, republi can, probably re-elected. Ninth district Charles W. Hell, pro gressive, probably reelected. Tenth district William I). Stephens, priiuressivp, pronaoiy re-ciected. Kloventh district William Juttnnr, democrat, probably re elected, SWEFT IOWA CLEAN. Des Moines, la., Nov, 4. The rcpulill 11 11s made a clean sweep of Iowa in Tuesday's election liv a majority which today's figures indicated would reach 25.OO0 to 40,0(10. Thny elected their entire state ticket did It congressmen. The progieMsives' snowing was a pour nun. "(lenerally throughout the entire country, ' said nenaior 1 iinnuins, com ne, mug on ,e r-su , 'the repuh lean,, lleve tho returns' show HimI. the ileum ;; 1 rutle silministialioii has been con lemiied. " KANSAS IS COUNTING, Tokepa, Knn Nov. 1. Ileslllts of - ' veslenlav 's election acre still In ilouht - 1 here this forenoon. Only one twentieth of the total vote liud been counted. Arthur Capper, repulillcsn fur gnveinnr, inadn heavy gains and his election was clnlmeri by the state cnnimlttee by 20,000 plurality. Neelv. democrat tnr t'..l...J UI..I ..1 . - . . , . r,,,ln," siioiigi.y. vicior siiiriiucK, progressive senatorial enndidate, however, hud siignt, iea, on early returns. STOCKTON TOR DEMOCRAT. Stockton, f'al., Nov. 4, Sixteen pre cincts complete out of N in the city nnd county showt For governor Johnson, 05M; Ciirtln, 500; Fredericks, lull. For senator Henry, flo.'l; Knowland, (IK2; Phelen, demis rat, 7IH, Prohibition ves, 0M; no, 1157. Light-hour law ves, 7N; nn 12H.1. It onlv costs nickel to board 1 streeti sr, llut you rnn't honrd an auto for that. PAT McARTHUR GETS SEAT IN CONGRESS Portland, Or.T(.'ov. 4. With 111 precincts in Multnomah eonnty heard from, 21 complete and 00 incomplete, indication were at noon today that C. N. McArthirr, republican, was elect ed congressman from the Third Oregon district. Tho returns give McArthur 424(i; A. V. Fleg el, democrat, 3038; A. W. Xaf ferty, independent-government ownership candidate, 2rM8, and A. I. Moulton, progressive, 901. MeArthur's plurality will prob ably be about 5,000. In the First district Willis Hawlcy, republican, was easily re-elected to congress over Fred erick Hollister, democrat and in the second district N. J. Sinnott, republican-progressive was over whelmingly re-elected. DEMOCRATS GAIN SEATS IN SENATE (Continued from page one.) sns, Illinois and Utah were still doubt ful, in the latter state Movie has lead over Reed Srnoot, republican in ciiinhcnt but tho returns are far from complete. , SHERMAN HAS LEAD OVER SULLIVAN Chicago, Nov. 4. Returns from Chi cago complete and from 1,708 down state precincts showed IBwioncc V, Sherman, republican, lending Roger Sullivan, democrat for United States senator, by from 5,0110 to 10,000 votes. These returns gave Sherman Iliil,s3i Sullivan 120, (1H2; Robbins, progressive, 71.184. . Estimates based on this showing gave Sherman the state outside of Cook county by 1)2,000. Sullivan's plurality in Conk county was 34,000. SOCIALIST ELECT ONE CONGRESSMAN New York, Nov. 4. Meyer Loudon, sociulist, the only successful congres sional candidate oi his party, detcated Uepiesentative lioldfogle, democrat, ill the Twelfth New York district, ac cording to today's returns, (iuldfoglo conceded his defeat by 1,500. London's victory was the causo of jubilation on tho lower east sido hero. Three procession marches to his home to congratulate him on his elei-tioii. London has long been prominent iu socialist and labor circles, lie acted as counsel for tho cloaliuiukers union dur ing tho big garment workers' strike here. GAIN TWO IN INDIANA. Indianapolis, Nov. 4. liidiniia's sol id democratic congressional ilcli-gntioii nils broken iu yesterday's election. Returns, while incomplete, showed that the republicans hud guiiied at least two seats, with the result doubtful In some others. I'nitcd Stud's Senator Shivcly, dem ocrat, wus reelected by 20,000, Al- bert J. Hcveridge, his progressive op ponent, was u poor third. GAIN THIRTEEN BEATS. Philadelphia, Nov. 4. Complete re turns from this city showed today that the republicans hud made a clean sweep. ' Incomplete returns from the slate tit huge indicated that the republicans had elected 31 out of the 30 congressmen, n gain of 13 seats, LOOKS LIKE PHELAN. Sua Francisco, Aov. 4. " I'helan l)il I'ui'ed States senator will carry Sun Pratitisco by 20,0110," said Registrar Zeiniinsky today. " Kvery indie utioit is that K un w In ml will ne second and lie ney ihird in this cily." SOCIALISTS BEATEN. Milnuukee, Wis., Nov. !. Praeliiiil ly complete returns from the fourth 1 nil fifth congressional districts slum I'd today that the socialist candidates there, at first thought In have been elected, were defeated by a narrow margin. Victor L, Heiger, socialist, was beaten by William Stafford, re publican, by 3500 votes, Winifred (luyliirs, tho socialist cundiiliite in the sixth district, was running behind Wil hum ('11 ley, republican. REPUBLICANS GAIN 10, Chicago, Nov. 4.- Knrlv returns show. I that the d nils lost N congress mi ll III Illinois, the progressives lost two ,,, republicans g,i HI seals. Ira I C. Copley wns the only progressive con grei'iuien reelected. CLOSE IN ILLINOfS. C'limgn, .ov. I,- llcliiius I' to in lilll in- nets nut of 2iNH down state unvc ! Hlieimsn leiiiilillcnn. for aelilltur. i. i3; Sullivan, deu rat, llo,iii;i; l.rf ins, progressive, 110,23.!, CANNON ELECTED. Dnnvllle, III., Nov. 4. --Cx Speaker l' ' rnniion was elected to congress by 15"n votes. His ins oritv In Danville was v ;,, ii ..nrrlcil the ,,,,,( v. hoir ever, by 1011. NEBRASKA ELECTS DEMOCRAT. Omahs, Neb,, Nov. 4.- Hleetlou re turns received today showed that John II, Mnrehead, democrat, was reelected governor of Nehinska by 5,000 plur- alltv. The woman suffrage amendment probably has been adopted although re 1 tin 11 s are fur from complete, 'Din count 'was tire.. ceiling very slowly. 'I ho re sult in Omaha was still In dniibt early today. For congress. Uibcck, democrat) SliM'hcns. democrat, Kincaide, reioibll- an, and Slnauc, republii an, wore re Two Quarts of Booze, 24 of S Beer Every 20 Days for Each Person Scuttle, Wash., Nov. 4. Tho state of Wai-hington has moved into the prohi bition column. With 100,000 votes in, nut of approximately 300,000 in the Hate, most of them from the cities, where the "wets" kail expected their strongest support, the " Jrys" are 1200 votei aheail. Returns from smaller towns and the country districts are expected to in crease trie dry' lead. There is a controversy over the date wheu the hill will take eftWt. Tllo mic ..,,.. it.nlf n,;. H.. it .kll into effect January 1, 11)16, but the state constitution provides that any in itiative bill shall take effect 30 days after its adoption. Litigation, however, can be depended upon to delay operation of the law un 111 Vf llll ,,, .... fie bill III the time limit specified itself. Tin prohibition bill allows any per- -on, paying 25 cents to the county audi-1 tor for a permit, to have 24 ipiarts of I beer or two qua its of spirituous liquors shipped to him from outside the state every 20 days. The hill puts a doyen large breweries out of business. HELPFUL WORDS From a Salem Citizen. Ts your back lame and painful) Does it ache especially after exer tion) Is there a soreness iu the kidney region! These symptoms suggest weak kid neys. If so there is danger in delay. Weak kidneys get fast weaker. Oiv your trouble prompt attention Bonn's Kidney Pills are for weak kiduevs. Your neighbors use and recommend them. . Rend this Salem testimony, A. W. Lobach, R. V. D. No. 1. Snlem. says: "A strnin weakened my kidneys and I was laid up for two Weeks I tried several remedies, but got no re lief. On a neighbor's advice. I bcunn using Dunn's Kidney Pifls and one hoxj nmm me well enough to go buck to work. Doiiii's Kidney Pills did more to fix me up in good shape than any thing else I ever tried." Price 50e, at all dealers. Don't iiimply ask for a kidney remedy get noun's Kidney Pillsthe same that Mr. Lobnch had. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. V, TUHK QUITS PARIS, Paris, Nov. 4. Rifant PaiJiii, the Turkish ambassmlor to France, ashed fur am! received his passports at Hor deaiix today. elected. In the other district- -the Filth the result was doubtful, MONTAN.i DEMOCRATIC. Ilutte, Mont., Nov. 4. Today 's re turns indicated that woman suffrage in .Molilalia prnhalily was deiealed by a iiinll plurality. F.seepl in two conn ties .Missoula ami (iailatin the eoiinl ligh' amenilmentB is running lieliinir ver where. The result will In treiiiely close. The suffragists refuse iu,.i liuit ilel'ent. For congress, 300 precincts in Moil 'ami give Kvaus. ilenioeiat, 12,1122; Stout, democrat, II.7M; Maddux, repub lican, 0100, and Mi'Coiniick, republican, 10,121. WISCONSIN REPUBLICAN. Mi hum ken, Nov. 4. Karly returns; indicated today that, the cnlire rcimbli can state ticket as well as tho republi can candidate for United Slates senator and republican congressmen, worn elect ed. The ileninerata apparently elected three congressmen. Results 111 two dis tricts remained doubtful, It whs con sidered possible that two socialist can didates for congress might pull through. No. 87, REPORT OF THE CONDITION Or The I .ii.l.l ft Hush Hunkers, ut Snlem, in the Stnto of Oregon, at II10 ilosi i.f business October 31, 1011: Dollars. liKSOl'ltCLS. , Loans und discounts Overdinlts, secured and unsecured Iliinds und wiirraiits stocks and other securities dunking house , Furniture und fixtures Other real estate owned , Hue from banks f not reserve bunks) Due from upprnved reserve hanks Checks and olher cash items Kxehmigcs for clearing house ''ash on lilind KxH-nsrs Other resources Tot 11 1 I.IAIilLITIIs, Cupltnl stock puid In Surplus fund I'ndivlded profits, less expenses nud tuxes puid Dividends unpaid Due to bunks and bunkers Postal savings bunk deposits Individual deposits subject to check Dcinuud certificates of deposit Certified cheeks Cashier cheeks outstanding Time and savings deposits , Notes snd bills rediscount!. i Hills pnviililo for money borrowed , ., Ileservcd for taxes ; Liabilities other tlm 11 those above stilted Total ' ! Slnte of Oregon, County of Miirion, ss, I, Wm. H. Wiitlon, Assistant Cashier of the above tunned blink, do solemnly suciir thnt the above statement Is true to the best of niv knowledge nud belief, WM. S. WALTON, Assistant Cashier. Subscribed and sworn In before me this 4th dsv of November, lull, L, P. AI.PKH II, Notuiy Public. COItltL'CT- Attest; A. N. HI'Sli, ASA1IFL HI'Sli, Directors, 0ther State Officials Sure of Election Are Also All of that Party Portland, Ore., Nov. 4. On account of the length of the ballot, returns on all but the principal offices In the state are very slow, but indications this afternoon were that the following had been elected: State treasurer Thomas B. Kay, republican. Justices of tho supreme court Hen ry J. Bean, republican; Henry I.. Ben son, republican; l.awrenco T. Harris, republican, and Thomas A. McBride, t.l! .. T 1. ...11.. .1.1 .1 rcpuu.ii a . j uuge uillio way icaus urn m"-ra.ii ucaci, uui mil Jim HI erec- Attorney general Georgo jr. Brown, republican. Superintendent of public instruction J. A. Churchill, republican. Stnto engineer John H. Lewis, ro- . ,. publican. ' . ...... .. v.i.iiiiiiinniuiit-r ui luuvi J, I. noil, " 11 1,1 ,, 'n", - I I! commissioner Frank J. HOW TO PRONOUNCE NAMES OF EUROPEAN PLACES WAR HAS BROUGHT TO PUB LIC ATTENTION. German. JlulliaiiHcn .... At nil hous'n Carlsruho Cnrls roohe. Freiberg Fry bearg. Aachen Ah hh'n. Altkirch Ahlt-kirjh. Znhetri '. Tsa-bair'n. Pforzheim Pforts-heiui. Weisbaden Vees bnhd'n. Coblenz Coh -blent. Minna Mynts. Neuss Noire. Magdeburg .... Mahgde-boorg. Stettin Slch teen. Ilndersleben .. llah dehrs-lnib 'n. llreisach Hry ahh. Clm , Oo'lm. llniiKil liah-now, fimunden (iin(iii)nd'n. fioltingen (I(oe)ttlng'n. Leipzig Lieu tsik. Sanrhucken Snhr-br(ui)kn. (lebweiler Clehb-vieler. fa French. .... L(iii)iie ville, ' Luuevillo. Verdun.... Tool I.nngwav. Civet Vnir dohn(g) .... Tool. Lon(gVvce, Zhee-veh' Hoclt row'ah. Rncroy .Maiibeuge Moh boenhe. Moiitinedv Miin(g)-ninl ilee, Vouziers Voo-zee-al. Rein(g)s. . Shah-lon(g). Snhiii-peenyee. Irf'ii roo vilic. Klieiins .... t'hiilons .... Sniupigny lrouville St. Mihiel Suing Me hell, IVint a M nusso Pon ( g) tn-moosson Or) ommnrcy I ominerry. St. Di.ier Suing Dizlal. Piign.v Puh nyee. Naiifchateaii .. N (oe)shah toe. Cliaiiinont Shiiw-moii(g), . 'Pinal K pee nahl, Hesancon Ilch snng son(g). ' Belgian. ..... M (oe)ze. .... N h - in ( ni ) r. Leeiilge. (I'l)ee. Siin(g)-br, (Inn nnh. Mahstoiiye. liau(g). I.oo-vain(g). Tonfg) gr. Oor te. Iliihn nul. Teer leii inoii(g). A inc. Inks. Maik laln(g). Dee-nan (g), Slnh vloh. Ohm boor. Vair vlal. Mouse Nnmiir '-icgo 11 uy Sauibre tlouoy Mnstogne . Cliciil Louvaiir,... 'Pongees ... Ourlhe Mnnniit Tlrlemont. Alsne Llxhe Mechlin Diiiaut Slaveloe..., Kmboiirg ., Vorviers ... Iloltogtie. Hiillohg. Claud I'oiitnne Shnh Feiilnine. (g) pronounced uasul only. 1,507,120.51 15,-1 25.07 3IHl,02M..'IO 1 None, 75,000.50 , None. 1 None, . None. 27H,IK(I.II2 , None. im,iiMi,.,.'i M3.437.JI 1 None. Nunc. .::57,57tl,5l . ,.4257,57ll.5tl Dolluin. 5110,1100.110 1,111111(111 , ., h'2,21111. 5(1 . I. None. ... 227,1.51.011 ... .None, . ., I.0.'l(l,207.l) . .. 207,7127 1 3,710 27 5,137 M ... irill.i'i.iou . , . None. . . . None. 1 1 , None. . . , None. . 1