Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1914, Page THREE, Image 3

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Social and Personal Notes
As Announced for Thursday, Friday and Saturday
San Francisco, Nov. 4.
"Francis J. Honey's enormous
By Mollie Runcorn
THE board of governors of tho Sa
li'm commercial club unanimously
adopted a resolution endorsing the
musical course offered by Miss Minetta
Aiagers to the people of Salem.
Halem is extremely fortunate in hnv
iuir the opportunity to hear suci a
Sunday, Novemoer 1, at the home of
the bride's parents. They have return
ed from a briei honeymoon, anil alter
November 20 will bo at home to their
f Hernia at 1410 C street.
The Loyal Sons, Loyal Daughters and
eouise and it behooves every citizen and j j0Vlli Hyenas were guests at a de-l
voto in Los Angeles eounty is
probably the biggest cause for
the victory of .lames D. Pho
lan." This wns the statement issued
today-from I'hnian headquar
ters here, which also declared
that their candidate will win by
20,000 votes.-
They declare that he has car
ried four-fifths of the counties
of the stute.
music lover of the town to co-operate
with Miss Mugors in milking the atlair
a financial success. Outside of Port
land not nioro than one valley town can
afford to handle such a course, for it is
only by tho help ot the other towns t.iat
tho concerts can be soll'-Mipportiug.
Last year there wore about Olio out-ot-town
visitors, and this year Miss Ma
gers has already received word that
un excursion of 100 will be brought
from Albany, another of 100 from Dal
las, Independence and other towns in
that vicinity, while Monmouth has re
served 75 seats. Definite information
has iiot yet been received from tho oth
er surrounding points, but probably
therd will be us many visitors this
year as last. This makes Salem the
center of music affairs of this part ot
tho valley.
Not only have these conceits made
Salem tho leader of the state, but they
have also given her a name among the
musical artists ot the United States.
Miss Magers has received ninny letters
from the big managers of New Voik
and Chicago saying that tney iiiim-
hoard very favorable reports from tlieir
artists concerning tlie appreciative ami
iencea of Salem, and that they arc posl
tivo that Salem is really on the map
Jt was really the appreciative audiences
of last year that mnile it possiblo lor
Miss Mugers to bring this high eluss cn
. tertainment here this year, The Cap
ital city is the only town of its size
in the northwest that has given to its
citUjns the opportunity of hearing such
high class and educational entertain
incuts, and it is a laudible fact that the
men! artists such as Hhiimnn ilcinke
light fill ilullowe'en party given by the
Kiidonvors of tlie First Christian ehurcn
Saturday evening, given in the church
A croup of hi 'h school boys and girls
made merry Saturday evening at tho
II. ......... I .n'u;.ln..n Un .runuta nf M Ull
i.ary and Miss Virginia. Everything Vw, Or., Nov. 4.-Lnne county
emphasized the Hallowe'en time in dec-! generally went republican yesterday.
orations and pastimes, the following 1 nt tller w"e wo nottt 1)10 f ''"I10 na'
completing the invitational list: Misses ! J"'e c- democrat, wae re-
(ler rude Fast, l.a Spaulding, Marioric to v'e of "Barl'
'.. .. 1 ?' . I three to one over ( hnstensen. hm re-
Knv, Irene Curtis, nernico (.-ring, ' ... , , n . t
' ., , ' . . ,,..,, publican opponent, and Harry Mown,
Messrs. Alan do nos, Louis Griffith, . . ,'', ,'u. a t . w v
., i ,. t i n t Hi- i, democrat, defeated State Senator W. W.
Ili'M"'9 i t"'Ji Calkin, for county judge by a decisive
"' """ """"I ....... H
We are positively overloaded with HIGH-GRADE UNDERWEAR and we
must turn same over into money at once. REDUCTIONS BELOW COST
Croisiui, Ainu Cm hoi i, George Manning
!Nria Ciitlicrino Carnon la being en
tcrtuinod qh a guctft nt hor sorority
limine, the Oiimmu Phi Beta, in Kugcno.
She whb n'conimm to Kune Friday
l)y Mish Pniilti Linn, Mihh Carolyn Dick
ami Mis Floreni'o Hot'er, who were nfto
ciitci'luiiird by the Guminn Phi Heta girls.
Tho three latter returned home Sunday
ntnlit. Mihts Curtion remaining until tlie
Pendleton, Ore., Nov. 4. Thirty pre
cincts incomplete in Cmntilla give
Withyeombe 1417, Smith 1204, for gov
ernor. For congress, Sinnott has a
small majority.
Corvallis, Ore., iov. 4. Incomplete
rotimis frnin tl'2 nrccincts in (teuton
first of next week. All participated in ; oounrv .; 0or congress, llawlcy ,
Astonishing, but Nevertheless Facts
All $3.00 Union Suits Reduced to . . .
All $4.00 Union Suits Reduced to
All $5.00 Union Suits Reduced to
the large "house dunce" Saturday
night, and various Hallowe'en festivi
(171). Hollistcr For senator, Cham
berlain (hill, Itooth 5S1, llanley 51. Fij
govc nor, Smith 47H, Withyeombe 7Ni.
linncburg, Ore., Nov. 4. Twenty pre
cincts in Douulua countv incomplete
givo llawlcy 050, Hollistcr 37S, Hooth
124, II 'Hen 84, Withycoinlie Bid.
About two dozen friends of the neigh
borhood called unannounced at the A.
M. Crawford home Snturdny night, oc
casioning a most pleasant surprise on ;1MI, ( hninberlain 5S, llnnlcy ,W, Smith
.ur. . aim .Mrs, ;rnwroru. uucsis
brought baskets of old-fashimied Ilul
lowe'en lunches and planned the even-
Vonllv emived their si on at Salem. The '"K enteriainnieni to also lie in Keeping , from outside of .Multnomah county nt
commercial club wishes to help this ex- "ith the date. : 11:15 this morning showed that 'the
imissiou of npprecition by getting an wets were gaining strength mid that
appreciative audience before the artists Mrs. W. It. Eldridge has with her as i the state might repudiate te proposed
of tho resent course that begins next i her house guest, Mrs. Rudolph Prnel, of I prohibition amendment after all. The
Friday. j Portland. raco is very close.
With this 111 view, and realizing that! j :
Mis. Mnueis must have the support of! The n.,1.. R.....r i'(r,t,. I. ,.,..ti,r Tillamook, Or., Nov. 4. Twenty-four
the town financially, the board of gov-lwt, MrH, yt s, tHen this afternoon 1 l,fm-ill,, In Tillamook county
oriiors of tho club urges that every cit-1 nt ,or lnmp nn Belmont street
i.en co-operate with Miss .Magers as
Their friends here learned with re-1 AM , Nov 4Ei(!,lleell
grct of Mr. and Mrs. .lames lloose s , , , , , .,...., eonmleto iiive
i'ur as possible. Not only in the pur
chase of their own tickets lint also in ad
vertising the musicals generally among
their neighbors. Outside of the enter
tainment and educational value of the
program the advertising unil prestige
that it gives to Salem among the other
towns of the northwest would more than
pay for tho support necessary to inaiii
tain it. Mr. (leo. Uodgers, chairinaii of
the ilnb. kiivs: "The excursion from
iplcte, gave Ilnwlev 1108: Hollistcr, 40:1.
i Prohibition, 1,X.'2; against, t00.
. .' i. ... . ...:n .1 t i"1
Aioanyaiune . " "V"'" . ""'''' '. J House has been associated with William
.....KM, ., Ml.. milll' III
I fice. Mrs. lloose is n Rriieinus and lit
other member of thu hoard, says: "Tile
odii.'.itionnl value of such u course can
hardly be estimated.1 Mr. W. M. Ham-ilton.'vicc-chiiirniau,
mys: " Kvery mini,
woman and child should hear this course
if possible." I'. CI. Shipley remarked:
"The best thing that Salem has had
tho opportunity of hearing in years."
.lull ii .1. Roberts suys: "A great thing
to help put Salem on the map. Kvery
eitizen of Salem will surely help sup
Iort It."
The coming course offers tin nnpnral-
loled opportunity for every person inter,-
removnl from Salem. They left the llv,(,v , , Hollist'er, 85.i. Prohibi
first iif the week, .Mrs. House going to ,:,.
Portland to remain during the winter i
with her mother, who hns been n f re- I iioyL.l(l, rtf ( ()r ,ov. 4. Kifti-on pre-l
quent visitor here Mr. House will spend ,.im,ts ln louglas countv comiilcto and'
the winter In Cnlifornin, probably l.osl,,, ii,,,,.,!,.! K,lvt. luwlev 1,451; llol
Angeles, when, he will do nrchitecturnl . UllU,rt ,No 'roliihition, ',W:i; uguinst,'
work. They hnve resided in Hnlem 104
about a year, during which time Mr. I ' " ... . .:.
I Oregon City, Or., Nov. t. Twenty
four precincts in Clnckauias county
;eoinpleto give Ilawley 1,4411; HnlHstcr,
:7il0. Prohibition, 1,-17; against, WIN. j
All $3.00 Union Suits Reduced to . ... $ 1 .75
All $4.00 Union Suits Reduced to
All $5.00 Union Suits Reduced to
All this Underwear is guaranteed to be as represented.
NOTICE Be sure and sec our Underwear Window.
TWO-PIECE SUITS Ganther & Mattern
Shirts and Drawers, Regular Price $1.75, Reduced to $1.00 Each
Shirts and Drawers, Regular Price $2.50, Reduced to $1.50 Each
Shirts and Drawers, Regular Price $3.50, Reduced to $1.75 Each ,
Shirts and Drawers, Regular Price $4.00, Reduced to $2.25 Each
Corner State and Liberty Sts.
tractive womnn, both she and her hus
bund milking ninny friends during their
brief residence here.
Dallas, Or., Nov, 4. Twentv-I'ive pre-
'cincts in Polk county complete give
Announcements are out for an nssein- Ilawley, 1,(105; Hollistcr, 1154, Prohibi-
lily iluiice lo be given at the Salem Dane-, tion, l,IIH7; ngninst, 1107.
ing academy in Moose hull, November 5
Mrs. Flora Powers will conduct the
dancing classes this winter, nnd nlrendy
much Interest Is being evidenced in this
form of iinnisement by the younger con
tingent. Mrs. Powers comes here, from
estod 111 their home town to hear the i Oakland, California, where she was af
best (here is III music und'help boost the
town nt the same tune.
Reserves for senson tickets must be
necured this ween, ns Kvan Williams,
the first artist to appear, comes Friday,
making It absolutely imperative, that
those intending to attend nil -performances
inform the nuiniigenieiit accord
ingly bv Saturday.
Cards nro out announcing the mnr
riug.' of Miss Idllina I). Martin, daugh
ter of Mr, and Mrs. (leorge K, Martin,
to Am II. Cndwell, which took place
M.irshfield, Or., Nov. 4. Latest fig
ures in Coos county give llawlcy
Hollistcr, :W2. Prohibition, 8111;
against, 54.'l,
K'lgene, Or,, Nov. 4. Fifty precincts
itc))!))! county ticket elected, except E. 11.
I.enox, democrat, tor county clerk.
Hamilton, democrat, may yet bent Por
ter, ri puhlicnu, fur representative.
filiated with tho select Rice Dancing ! in Laiio county incomplete give Ilawley
Vsherlng In the Holiday church llnz
nars will probably be tho one given by
the Ladies Aid Societies of tho First
Methodist church Doetunher fourtli and
fifth in their church parlors. Mrs.
f. W. Hockley, president, Mrs. A. O.
Lehman, vice president; Mrs. John
Mills, secretary, and Mrs. fiorrell, treas
urer, ure composing a committee which
is nlieiidy actively engaged in arousing
Interest In the coming event and an
nounce that the departments will be
larger nnd mora varied than over before.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Joseph Ileese left today
ror ran rinnclscn, wlioru Air. Hcese, re
siimes his position with a well-known
moving picture theater. He was with
Ve Liberty theater la Salem ns operator
four years ago, later going to San Fran
cisco, the Reeses' present sojourn fli
Salem being ns a visit to Mis! Reese's
mother, Mis, J, M. Shunt x,
Miss Mabel Hiililelson itus hostess
to tho members of tliK Jollv Stitchers'
('lull nt her home on Lee street Mum
dny evening. The hours were spent
with needlework and conversation, nf
! tr which a very dujnty luncheon was
orre4. 1 .
! Tho members present were; Miss
Llslo White, Miss Margaret Fisher
Miss Ruth Fiignlc, Miss Hnllle (lib
'soil, Miss Lottie l.ally, Miss Louise
1 Humphries, Miss Kvu Fisher niul Miss
1 Kilith Fiignte.
to 1.
llollistor, l.Hni!. Prohibition
Wets Ahead But Indications
Woodburn, Ore., Nov. 4. The drys
yestcrduy elected a complete city ticket
with the exception ot recorder, the
Are the State Will Join
the Drys
Scuttle, Wash., Nov. II. In
'107 precincts complete through
out the stole, including 00 in
Scuttle ami King county, tho
dry vote now lends by morn
than 1200. The vote stands:
For prohibition, 111,780; against,
1 1"", Nov. 4. Admiral Von Spec,
me Herman commander, related in
: Viilpiiialso that the engagement olf
1 the Chilean const lasted only nil hour
11 tul was fought in n hnrrlcaiio, so that
iwncDrwnrwrc wct" ,h" "wi' "f impossible,
INULl LllULlNIL WL1 ,ith the result, sui.l the admiral, ll.nt
there was "terrible loss of life."
I lLiirislung, Pa., Nov. 4. The pluf
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4. After fine- alily of lloics Penrose, republican can-
count today shows. There wero 4K!i . mating nciweeii wvi 11...1 ui.r ... ........ ......
votes liuninst "12 ill fnvor of licensing ! conipiliitions of the returns I'lom over senator, was estimated this nltcinoon
InlonnS. K the state and king county, the count at at 150,000, and that of llruinluiugli for
1 r ! 110011 from 4110 out of l!,05;l precincts in governor nt HKI.OOO.
DEATH NOTICE. thu slntu stood: Wet, ;i.i,:ii,o; dry
(Capital .Tournal Special Service,)
Dallas, Ore., Nov. 4. All tho repub
licans are elected on Pulk enmity ticket
with the exception of county clerk,
Dallas and Independence voted on
local option. Independence went wet
to to one, mid Dallas dry by about
101) votes.
MILLLlt At a local hospital, Noveni l For United States senator, Mi pie
who bakes Is last coming to
recognise ttia many advantage,
of a properly blended flour for
general baking purposes 1
Fisher's Blend Flour
la superior to en ALL-HARD
broad, c.ke end psstty
I Miss Margaret Fisher was a very
TPillPr'Q TlAnrl Plmlr i ''harming hostess to the members of
'l mi l c l.' Mill..,- ,, r,u v....... ' . ;,,,.- .,. .Inn,.. t:i.ll."i7: lllack. ilemo- Chicago, Nov. 4. 0
remains are nt the Cottage nn- criit. S.II5I1; Hanson, prugressive, 7,:i55. late today show thai linger Sullivan's
lertaking parlors, where they will be! For supreme eouit judges, llll pro- lead over Senatur Sherman in look
held awaiting relatives from Ariwinn. : cincts gave Chadwick li,5;fJ; Crow. II,- county is ,iO,.iii. as n result tne mil-
4117; Mills, 5,11(1; llolcolllll, (l.'lll, IIUIII- llvilli nniTlluni m piuuiim mil ui-
phries, il,S54; Pembeiton, 5,1 IS. ( In doubt until llll stale returns urn In.
For congress, First district, l!(l pre-, 1 1
cincts give Humphrey, republican, I U0; nADTI kK Tl EfTO
Moore, ,lciii.n;iiit, l,lo:i; (Iriffith, pru-TUIil LAllLI LLLtlj
Orandma kept hor locks dnik, glossj h ml district, r.s precincts, givo1
and thick with a almpla mixture lodl v, republican, 1,71 j Hosted, d ,
of BiiKO Toa and Sulphur. 1 ,., ' n;1:. Cainnbcll. oiouressive, 51.
- I 'i'!ir, district, 150 precincts, glvel I'orllnnil, Ore,, Nov. 4
The old-llino mixturo of Sago Tea ' Johnson, republican, .i,1Mij l'inr, ocm
nnd Suliilmr fur darkenlnir irrnv. iocrat. Il.55.'t; Willi
ulrenked and faded hair is urn nil- U'JIl.t: Allcr, socinlist, 7(1,
mothor'a trentmcot, nnd folks nrn ( Pourlh dit 1 ict inissing.)
again using it to keep their hnlr n Fifth ilitriel, (15 precincts, give Ho
ound. t'von color, whlcli Is nnltn sen- seuhiiuut. republican; I.H'-'l; t oik cry,
1 iloil, Nov. 4. Hcsldes the D-.'i,
the Hiitish iniiio layers Frateriiul nn, I
Copious were sunk by Gorman mines.
Nino out of ten men on the Copiout
were drowned. Thuso of the l)5's
crew who perished numbered six,
I neither the ,1 ociuts nor tho republi-
'cans could claim a clear majority In
the next house.
" Wo claim," tho statement, "Iho
i election or lil.l republicans, four pru-
gressive, two seclnllstn anil oiio ludc
WaHhlngtou, Nov. 4. llefuslng lo , pendent. The remainder of the seiiln,
coin'cle the democrats on I nil of the L' 15, are filled by democrats."
Sixty Fourth congress, the republican ; This i! mil ion, the statement, ndd.sl,
congressional coiuiiiittcn Issued a sluto- probably would result In nil iiiterentlng
uient this afternoon declaring that fight for tho speakership,
ll a batter flour than on ALL
FLOUR; It makei a bettor lust
ot bread with better flavor, bet
ter texture and o( better color
then an all-hard wheat flour
Fisher's Blend Flour
la a better flour then an ALL
produce mora and latge.'loevea
ol better bread with
y i.lfrcni.t.htt.rctllur
and of better texture
than an alt-aolt wheat
For wit b .11 (rocirt
Manufactured Br
the Pclriun class of the First Metlio
dlst church at her homo ml North
(Church street Friday evening,
j Tlie house mis beautifully decorntcd
wllh festoons of black and yellow nn
t nut n leaves, jack o' luiiteriis 11 ml
I A short business meeting nas held,
nt which time the work of the class
was outlined for the coining year, Mrs
Olive Mel rn If Hand acting as teacher.
1 Hallowe'en gnines enrrlcd out tho gen-
i rrul gaiety of the evening and dainty
refreshments were served, The mem
bers of the class iiresent were: Misses
;(lrace Smith, Klsle White, Orphn Hell
Inlce Hell, Lnurn Yntes, Hnllle (lib
son, Until Fiignte, Kit a White, Ldnn
i Anderson, K.thol Stinton, Christobel
Jewett, F.mily llrnnsnn, I.nYcrn (lib
' son, Nettle tlibson, F.dith Fiignte, tlert
Tilde I.utliy, Alpha Dnnacn, Kvn Dur
net, Inntlie Irvlni', Miss Umlger and
Mra. Hand.
sible, as we nro living In nn ago wnen i progieisive, 1 .! ; Dill, den rat, S,'M.
a yoiilhfiil nppearnuco Is or tho great-1 The following Is the count 011 the
est advantage, Initiative measures!
Nowadays, though we don't huvo tho ; lllue sky law, H5 inclsi For,
truublesouie task of gathering the sage .1,1ml; ngniiit, .
and tho mossy mixing at home. All Abolition of linieaii of Inspection, (IM
drug stores sell tho rendy-to-iise prod- precincts! For, It.J"-( against, Il.iiilH.
net culled "Wycth'a Sngn and Mill-1 prohibiting piiuilo einployiiicnt of-
phur lluir Hcnicily" for nbout 00 f 14:1 precincts'. Fur, N,IH5;
cents u bottle. It Is very nopulnr be-: 1(,nliist, H,.'tl I.
cause nobody can discover It has been J- rut aid limcnilinciit to stnlo Indus
applied, Simply moisten your comb or rlnl Insiiiance law, M piecincts: For,
n soft brush with It nnd draw this n.OMi against, 4,15,
lliruiigli your hnlr, taking one small ynt ennvict labor on rond", 'l pro
strand lit a time; by morning the gray elncts: For, d.i ,i4; against, 5,5VJ,
ti 11 i r disnppenrs, but whut delights the I'nlveisul eight hour law, I1'"
ladles with Wycth'a Sage nnd Sulphur 1 (,,,. i.'nr, l,5o5; agninst, liJUM.
Is that, besides beautifully daiknuitigi Alien land law auienilmi'iil, nil pie-
the It ti 1 r after a fen- applications, It , .duels'. Fur, I,5u5; ngniust, (1,01.
also produces that sort lustra nnil np
..j t - 1. 1.. 1. 1..
itcnrn ii 1-1T 01 itiMiiiuiiiirc nuicii in b.i n' nrec
tractive; bcsiilcs, prevents dandruff,, ii.iim.v Viillcv oroiect, HI picclin ts: 1
itching scalp n ml falling hair. Local 1 j,-,, I ; against, 1. 1 7:1.
ngf III, ,1. v,, 1 crry.
this afternoon were Hint all 12 republi I
Waiburtoii, progiessivu, cans were elected to the slate legisla-.
tore Irion .Miiitnuiniin ciiuiiry, uenrgei
Mcllrlde, republican, was elected Joint t
sciiiitnr from Cliickniuns, Cnlumbiii noil
Multii'iniiili counties. ('. M. Iluilbuit ;
was elected Joint representative from 1
Miilluumiili nnil Clackamas intles, I
although be was repudiated by Hie re- 1
publican committee, j
(Capital .to'irnnl Special Service.)
Albany, Ore, Nov. 4.- Hot 111 lis up to
l::ill o'clock Imliciile the clmlioii of
the straight republican ticket lis to the
county ul'fli'ials In I. Inn county, nl
though the race for surveyor and slier
Iff Is reasonably close,
riCIICD CI fillDlNP Mil I f ft MiM Wlthyeorobe, daughter of
rlMlLIl rLUUlMllVl 1U1LLO W. Il. ,,es Wlthvconibe, has returned to
SEATTLE, WASIL her home In Corvnllls after a tevernl
,luv.' sliiv with the Misses .lories at
"""IUI ("Mini' spin 'iia Meadows. Mis Wltbvcombe
1 .in 1 ' - " - M
Teachers' letircinent, referendom, IIJ If AMC AO C Cf TC
eclnctsi For, l.'Jsli; against, 7,5s;, IHnjiAJ LL1LVI1
NEBRASKA ELECTS ! 'ropekn, Kan., Nov. I.- I.le returns
srnnrr rnnM rril ''"'"X ''"'"' Arthur Capper, repub
THREE FROM EAUI ,n 1 ""'" , r
1 i Kansas by u plurality of :ili,oon. The
' ' " .1, ....(- til. I. HUM. til' Illicit uliiflnil ttiv
Lincoln. Neb.. oV, 4--lii.licatlnn. ''.'"",..;, ,.., ' , .
eg,e, Mi.. June lleed , plnv at the bite today ! i - " r " , ,! Nccly ,
Manufacturers' and Land lo ts nnd tlr' r. .iit.li. . " r 11 ,., , ,., r rt , ,
Show last, night In Portland. She ),s. congress In .vt"' '"' ' ""' , (.Mi , ,,ilng I pmhnhlv would
been plnving nt the Armorc since (he. The vote on the suffrage and nrk ' g k i
opening 'of the .Manufacturers' and men 'a ciupen.ntlon amendments Is.
Land Products Show mid her appear very rinse ami inn ' V" I BF.HULT IN DOUQLAS COUNTY.
Slice lnt night was coinpiimeiitaiy to bo in oouni umu ...e .,..,...., (,ebu.g, Ore., Nov, 4. - llcpuldiciiii
while here was en ntteinlnnt at the
I lav dancing party and also assisted el,
the Women's llc'piibllcnn Hallcy Hat
The Federation of State Societies
You'll get just what you
yourself want if you come,
here and see our line of
Ready Tailored
Suits, Overcoats
$10.00 to $30.00
The iiatterns, style and
the fabrics have been
carefully Felected with
the idea of giving Btyle
and satisfaction to you.
Woolen Mills
$1,00 to .$5.00